コード例 #1
ファイル: golay_code.py プロジェクト: yarv/sage
    def __init__(self, base_field, extended=True):

        If ``base_field`` is not ``GF(2)`` or ``GF(3)``, an error is raised::

            sage: C = codes.GolayCode(ZZ, true)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: finite_field must be either GF(2) or GF(3)
        if base_field not in [GF(2), GF(3)]:
            raise ValueError("finite_field must be either GF(2) or GF(3)")
        if extended not in [True, False]:
            raise ValueError("extension must be either True or False")

        if base_field is GF(2):
            length = 23
            self._dimension = 12
            length = 11
            self._dimension = 6
        if extended:
            length += 1
        super(GolayCode, self).__init__(base_field, length, "GeneratorMatrix",
コード例 #2
ファイル: rains.py プロジェクト: defeo/ffisom
def find_gen_with_data(k, r, o, G, use_lucas = True, verbose = False):
    p = k.characteristic()
    n = k.degree()
    q = k.order()
    ro = r*o
    o = ro // ro.gcd(n)
    m = G[0][0].parent().order()
    use_lucas = use_lucas and ((q+1) % m == 0)

    if (use_lucas and o > 2) or (o > 1):
        if verbose:
            print "Using auxiliary extension of degree {}".format(o)
        P = GF(p**o, 'z').polynomial()
        from embed import computeR
        Pext = computeR(k.polynomial(), P)
        kext = GF(p**(n*o), 'zext', modulus=Pext)
        #kext = k.extension(P)

    # Compute the unique (up to Galois action) elements, descended to
    # k, if needed.
    if o == 1:
        u = find_unique_orbit(k, G)
    elif use_lucas and o == 2:
        u = find_unique_orbit_lucas(k, G)
        u = find_unique_orbit(kext, G)
        R = k.polynomial_ring()
        from embed import inverse_embed
        u = k(inverse_embed(R(u), k.polynomial(), R(P), R(kext.polynomial())))

    return u
コード例 #3
ファイル: present.py プロジェクト: swewers/mein_sage
def convert_to_vector(I, L):
    Convert ``I`` to a bit vector of length ``L``.


    - ``I`` -- integer or bit list-like

    - ``L`` -- integer; the desired bit length of the ouput


    - the ``L``-bit vector representation of ``I``


        sage: from sage.crypto.block_cipher.present import convert_to_vector
        sage: convert_to_vector(0x1F, 8)
        (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
        sage: v = vector(GF(2), 4, [1,0,1,0])
        sage: convert_to_vector(v, 4)
        (1, 0, 1, 0)
        state = vector(GF(2), L, ZZ(I).digits(2, padto=L))
        return state
    except TypeError:
        # ignore the error and try list-like types
    state = vector(GF(2), L, ZZ(list(I), 2).digits(2, padto=L))
    return state
コード例 #4
def find_gen_with_data(k, r, o, G, use_lucas=True, verbose=False):
    p = k.characteristic()
    n = k.degree()
    q = k.order()
    ro = r * o
    o = ro // ro.gcd(n)
    m = G[0][0].parent().order()
    use_lucas = use_lucas and ((q + 1) % m == 0)

    if (use_lucas and o > 2) or (o > 1):
        if verbose:
            print "Using auxiliary extension of degree {}".format(o)
        P = GF(p**o, 'z').polynomial()
        from embed import computeR
        Pext = computeR(k.polynomial(), P)
        kext = GF(p**(n * o), 'zext', modulus=Pext)
        #kext = k.extension(P)

    # Compute the unique (up to Galois action) elements, descended to
    # k, if needed.
    if o == 1:
        u = find_unique_orbit(k, G)
    elif use_lucas and o == 2:
        u = find_unique_orbit_lucas(k, G)
        u = find_unique_orbit(kext, G)
        R = k.polynomial_ring()
        from embed import inverse_embed
        u = k(inverse_embed(R(u), k.polynomial(), R(P), R(kext.polynomial())))

    return u
コード例 #5
def walsh_matrix(m0):
    This is the generator matrix of a Walsh code. The matrix of
    codewords correspond to a Hadamard matrix.


        sage: walsh_matrix(2)
        [0 0 1 1]
        [0 1 0 1]
        sage: walsh_matrix(3)
        [0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1]
        [0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1]
        [0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1]
        sage: C = LinearCode(walsh_matrix(4)); C
        [16, 4] linear code over GF(2)
        sage: C.spectrum()
        [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

    This last code has minimum distance 8.


    - :wikipedia:`Hadamard_matrix`
    m = int(m0)
    if m == 1:
        return matrix(GF(2), 1, 2, [ 0, 1])
    if m > 1:
        row2 = [x.list() for x in walsh_matrix(m-1).augment(walsh_matrix(m-1)).rows()]
        return matrix(GF(2), m, 2**m, [[0]*2**(m-1) + [1]*2**(m-1)] + row2)
    raise ValueError("%s must be an integer > 0."%m0)
コード例 #6
    def _pc1(self, key):
        Return Permuted Choice 1 of ``key``.


            sage: from sage.crypto.block_cipher.des import DES_KS
            sage: ks = DES_KS()
            sage: K = vector(GF(2),[0,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,
            ....:                   1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,
            ....:                   1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1])
            sage: C, D = ks._pc1(K)
            sage: C
            (1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0,
             1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1)
            sage: D
            (0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0,
             0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1)
        PC1_C = [
            57, 49, 41, 33, 25, 17, 9, 1, 58, 50, 42, 34, 26, 18, 10, 2, 59,
            51, 43, 35, 27, 19, 11, 3, 60, 52, 44, 36
        PC1_D = [
            63, 55, 47, 39, 31, 23, 15, 7, 62, 54, 46, 38, 30, 22, 14, 6, 61,
            53, 45, 37, 29, 21, 13, 5, 28, 20, 12, 4
        C = vector(GF(2), 28, [key[i - 1] for i in PC1_C])
        D = vector(GF(2), 28, [key[i - 1] for i in PC1_D])
        return C, D
コード例 #7
    def encrypt(self, plaintext, key):
        Return the ciphertext corresponding to ``plaintext``, using DES
        encryption with ``key``.


        - ``plaintext`` -- integer or bit list-like; the plaintext that will be

        - ``key`` -- integer or bit list-like; the key


        - The ciphertext corresponding to ``plaintext``, obtained using
          ``key``. If ``plaintext`` is an integer the output will be too. If
          ``plaintext`` is list-like the output will be a bit vector.


        Encrypt a message::

            sage: from sage.crypto.block_cipher.des import DES
            sage: des = DES()
            sage: K64 = 0x133457799BBCDFF1
            sage: P = 0x0123456789ABCDEF
            sage: C = des.encrypt(P, K64); C.hex()

        You can also use 56 bit keys i.e. you can leave out the parity bits::

            sage: K56 = 0x12695BC9B7B7F8
            sage: des = DES(keySize=56)
            sage: des.encrypt(P, K56) == C
        if isinstance(plaintext, (list, tuple, Vector_mod2_dense)):
            inputType = 'vector'
        elif isinstance(plaintext, (Integer, int)):
            inputType = 'integer'
        state = convert_to_vector(plaintext, self._blocksize)
        key = convert_to_vector(key, self._keySize)
        if self._keySize == 56:
            # insert 'parity' bits
            key = list(key)
            for i in range(7, 64, 8):
                key.insert(i, 0)
            key = vector(GF(2), 64, key)
        roundKeys = self.keySchedule(key)
        state = self._ip(state)
        for k in roundKeys[:self._rounds]:
            state = self.round(state, k)
        if self._doFinalRound:
            state = vector(GF(2), 64, list(state[32:64]) + list(state[0:32]))
            state = self._inv_ip(state)
        return state if inputType == 'vector' else ZZ(list(state)[::-1], 2)
コード例 #8
def reduction(E: EllipticCurve_number_field, p: NumberFieldFractionalIdeal):
    if not E.has_good_reduction(p):
        raise ValueError(f"The curve must have good reduction at the place.")
    Ep = E.local_data(p).minimal_model()
    K = E.base_ring()
    Fp = K.residue_field(p)
    Fp2 = GF(Fp.order(), "abar", modulus=Fp.modulus())
    iso = Fp.hom([Fp2.gen(0)], Fp2)
    Ebar = EllipticCurve([iso(Fp(ai)) for ai in Ep.ainvs()])
    return Ebar
コード例 #9
ファイル: curve.py プロジェクト: zackdarpinian/RandomProjects
 def __init__(self, f, n, N, a, ext):
     self.f = f
     self.n = n
     self.N = N
     self.p = 2**n*N*f - 1
     self.Fp = GF(self.p)
     self.Fpx = self.Fp['x']; x = self.Fpx.gen()
     self.Fp2 = self.Fp.extension(x**2+ext, 'u')
     self.a = self.Fp2(a)
     self.cof_P = (self.p+1)//self.N
コード例 #10
ファイル: present.py プロジェクト: sagemath/sagetrac-mirror
    def __call__(self, K):
        Return all round keys in a list.


        - ``K`` -- integer or bit list-like; the key


        - A list containing ``rounds + 1`` round keys. Since addRoundkey takes
          place in every round and after the last round there must be
          ``rounds + 1`` round keys.  If ``K`` is an integer the elements of
          the output list will be too. If ``K`` is list-like the element of the
          output list will be  bit vectors.


            sage: from sage.crypto.block_cipher.present import PRESENT_KS
            sage: ks = PRESENT_KS()
            sage: ks(0)[31] == 0x6dab31744f41d700

        .. NOTE::

            If you want to use a PRESENT_KS object as an iterable you have to
            pass a ``master_key`` value on initialisation. Otherwise you can
            omit ``master_key`` and pass a key when you call the object.
        if isinstance(K, (list, tuple, Vector_mod2_dense)):
            inputType = 'vector'
        elif isinstance(K, (Integer, int)):
            inputType = 'integer'
        K = convert_to_vector(K, self._keysize)
        roundKeys = []
        if self._keysize == 80:
            for i in range(1, self._rounds + 1):
                K[0:] = list(K[19:]) + list(K[:19])
                K[76:] = self.sbox(K[76:][::-1])[::-1]
                rc = vector(GF(2), ZZ(i).digits(2, padto=5))
                K[15:20] = K[15:20] + rc
        elif self._keysize == 128:
            for i in range(1, self._rounds + 1):
                K[0:] = list(K[67:]) + list(K[:67])
                K[124:] = self.sbox(K[124:][::-1])[::-1]
                K[120:124] = self.sbox(K[120:124][::-1])[::-1]
                rc = vector(GF(2), ZZ(i).digits(2, padto=5))
                K[62:67] = K[62:67] + rc
        return roundKeys if inputType == 'vector' else [
            ZZ(list(k), 2) for k in roundKeys
コード例 #11
    def decrypt(self, ciphertext, key):
        Return the plaintext corresponding to ``ciphertext``, using DES
        decryption with ``key``.


        - ``ciphertext`` -- integer or bit list-like; the ciphertext that will
          be decrypted

        - ``key`` -- integer or bit list-like; the key


        - The plaintext corresponding to ``ciphertext``, obtained using
          ``key``. If ``ciphertext`` is an integer the output will be too. If
          ``ciphertext`` is list-like the output will be a bit vector.


        Decrypt a message::

            sage: from sage.crypto.block_cipher.des import DES
            sage: des = DES()
            sage: K64 = 0x7CA110454A1A6E57
            sage: C = 0x690F5B0D9A26939B
            sage: P = des.decrypt(C, K64).hex(); P

        You can also use 56 bit keys i.e. you can leave out the parity bits::

            sage: K56 = 0x7D404224A35BAB
            sage: des = DES(keySize=56)
            sage: des.decrypt(C, K56).hex() == P
        if isinstance(ciphertext, (list, tuple, Vector_mod2_dense)):
            inputType = 'vector'
        elif isinstance(ciphertext, (Integer, int)):
            inputType = 'integer'
        state = convert_to_vector(ciphertext, 64)
        key = convert_to_vector(key, self._keySize)
        if self._keySize == 56:
            # insert 'parity' bits
            key = list(key)
            for i in range(7, 64, 8):
                key.insert(i, 0)
            key = vector(GF(2), 64, key)
        roundKeys = self.keySchedule(key)
        state = self._ip(state)
        for k in roundKeys[:self._rounds][::-1]:
            state = self.round(state, k)
        state = vector(GF(2), 64, list(state[32:64]) + list(state[0:32]))
        state = self._inv_ip(state)
        return state if inputType == 'vector' else ZZ(list(state)[::-1], 2)
コード例 #12
def p_saturation(A, p, proof=True):

    - A -- a matrix over ZZ
    - p -- a prime
    - proof -- bool (default: True)


    The p-saturation of the matrix A, i.e., a new matrix in Hermite form
    whose row span a ZZ-module that is p-saturated.


        sage: from sage.matrix.matrix_integer_dense_saturation import p_saturation
        sage: A = matrix(ZZ, 2, 2, [3,2,3,4]); B = matrix(ZZ, 2,3,[1,2,3,4,5,6])
        sage: A.det()
        sage: C = A*B; C
        [11 16 21]
        [19 26 33]
        sage: C2 = p_saturation(C, 2); C2
        [ 1  8 15]
        [ 0  9 18]
        sage: C2.index_in_saturation()
        sage: C3 = p_saturation(C, 3); C3
        [ 1  0 -1]
        [ 0  2  4]
        sage: C3.index_in_saturation()
    tm = verbose("%s-saturating a %sx%s matrix" % (p, A.nrows(), A.ncols()))
    H = A.hermite_form(include_zero_rows=False, proof=proof)
    while True:
        if p == 2:
            A = H.change_ring(GF(p))
                # Faster than change_ring
                A = H._reduce(p)
            except OverflowError:
                # fall back to generic GF(p) matrices
                A = H.change_ring(GF(p))
        assert A.nrows() <= A.ncols()
        K = A.kernel()
        if K.dimension() == 0:
            verbose("done saturating", tm)
            return H
        B = K.basis_matrix().lift()
        C = ((B * H) / p).change_ring(ZZ)
        H = H.stack(C).hermite_form(include_zero_rows=False, proof=proof)
    verbose("done saturating", tm)
コード例 #13
    def test_homological_dimension(self):
        from sage.rings.finite_rings.finite_field_constructor import GF

        g = self._get_random_cylinder_diagram()
        C = g.to_ribbon_graph().chain_complex(GF(2))
        Z1 = C.cycle_space(1)
        B1 = C.boundary_space(1)
        V = Z1.submodule(g.circumferences_of_cylinders(GF(2)))

        assert g.homological_dimension_of_cylinders(
        ) == V.rank() - V.intersection(B1).rank()
コード例 #14
    def __init__(self, prime, exponents, maxn=None):

            sage: from yacop.utils.admissible_matrices import AdmissibleMatrices
            sage: X = AdmissibleMatrices(3, (4,0,3)) ; X
            admissible matrices for prime 3, exponents [4, 0, 3]
            sage: for (cf,x,colsums,diagsums) in X:
            ....:    print("-- cf=%d, colsums=%s, diagsums=%s"%(cf,colsums,diagsums))
            ....:    print(x.str(zero='.'))
            -- cf=1, colsums=[1, 2], diagsums=[1, 1, 0, 1]
            [1 1]
            [. .]
            [. 1]
            -- cf=1, colsums=[4, 1], diagsums=[4, 0, 0, 1]
            [4 .]
            [. .]
            [. 1]
            -- cf=1, colsums=[4, 1], diagsums=[1, 1, 3, 0]
            [1 1]
            [. .]
            [3 .]
            -- cf=1, colsums=[7, 0], diagsums=[4, 0, 3, 0]
            [4 .]
            [. .]
            [3 .]

        self.p = prime
        self.one = GF(self.p).one()
        self.exp = list(exponents)
        self.maxn = 99999 if maxn is None else maxn
        me = max([
        ] + self.exp)
        self.powers = [
        pow = self.p
        i = 0
        while pow <= me:
            pow *= self.p
            i += 1
            if i > self.maxn:
        self.ncols = len(self.powers)
        self.nrows = len(exponents)
        self.max = matrix(GF(self.p), self.nrows, self.ncols)
        for i in range(self.nrows):
            for j in range(self.ncols):
                self.max[i, j] = self.exp[i] // self.powers[j]
        Parent.__init__(self, category=FiniteEnumeratedSets())
コード例 #15
 def __init__(self, f, n, N, a, ext, Delta, strategy):
     self.f = f
     self.n = n
     self.N = N
     self.p = 2**n * N * f - 1
     self.Fp = GF(self.p)
     self.Fpx = self.Fp['x']
     x = self.Fpx.gen()
     self.Fp2 = self.Fp.extension(x**2 + ext, 'u')
     self.a = self.Fp2(a)
     self.Delta = Delta
     self.cof_P = (self.p + 1) // self.N
     self.strategy = strategy
コード例 #16
def szekeres_difference_set_pair(m, check=True):
    Construct Szekeres `(2m+1,m,1)`-cyclic difference family

    Let `4m+3` be a prime power. Theorem 3 in [Sz69]_ contains a construction of a pair
    of *complementary difference sets* `A`, `B` in the subgroup `G` of the quadratic
    residues in `F_{4m+3}^*`. Namely `|A|=|B|=m`, `a\in A` whenever `a-1\in G`, `b\in B`
    whenever `b+1 \in G`. See also Theorem 2.6 in [SWW72]_ (there the formula for `B` is
    correct, as opposed to (4.2) in [Sz69]_, where the sign before `1` is wrong.

    In modern terminology, for `m>1` the sets `A` and `B` form a
    :func:`difference family<sage.combinat.designs.difference_family>` with parameters `(2m+1,m,1)`.
    I.e. each non-identity `g \in G` can be expressed uniquely as `xy^{-1}` for `x,y \in A` or `x,y \in B`.
    Other, specific to this construction, properties of `A` and `B` are: for `a` in `A` one has
    `a^{-1}` not in `A`, whereas for `b` in `B` one has `b^{-1}` in `B`.


    - ``m`` (integer) -- dimension of the matrix

    - ``check`` (default: ``True``) -- whether to check `A` and `B` for correctness


        sage: from sage.combinat.matrices.hadamard_matrix import szekeres_difference_set_pair
        sage: G,A,B=szekeres_difference_set_pair(6)
        sage: G,A,B=szekeres_difference_set_pair(7)


    .. [Sz69] \G. Szekeres,
      Tournaments and Hadamard matrices,
      Enseignement Math. (2) 15(1969), 269-278
    from sage.rings.finite_rings.finite_field_constructor import GF
    F = GF(4 * m + 3)
    t = F.multiplicative_generator()**2
    G = F.cyclotomic_cosets(t, cosets=[F.one()])[0]
    sG = set(G)
    A = [a for a in G if a - F.one() in sG]
    B = [b for b in G if b + F.one() in sG]
    if check:
        from itertools import product, chain
        assert (len(A) == len(B) == m)
        if m > 1:
            assert (sG == set(
                [xy[0] / xy[1] for xy in chain(product(A, A), product(B, B))]))
        assert (all(F.one() / b + F.one() in sG for b in B))
        assert (not any(F.one() / a - F.one() in sG for a in A))
    return G, A, B
コード例 #17
    def __init__(self, p, a=0, b=0):
        Assumes p is prime.

        Gives an error if p ≠ 3 mod 4.
        assert p % 4 == 3

        # Internally, we represent our element as a Sage field element.
        # Rewrite your own implementation, of GF(p²) on top of Python integers
        I = SageGF(p)['I'].gen()
        base = SageGF(p**2, 'i', modulus=I**2 + 1)
        i = base.gen()
        self.elt = a + b * i
コード例 #18
def find_traces(k, r, l, rl = None):
    Compute traces such that the charpoly of the Frobenius has a root of order n
    modulo l.


    - ``k`` -- the base field.

    - ``r`` -- the degree of the extension.

    - ``l`` -- a prime number.


        sage: from ellrains import find_traces
        sage: r = 281
        sage: l = 3373
        sage: k = GF(1747)
        sage: find_traces(k, r, l)
        [4, 14, 18, 43, 57, 3325, 3337, 3348, 3354, 3357, 3364]
    L = GF(l)
    q = L(k.order())
    bound = 4*k.characteristic()

    if rl is None:
        rl = ZZ((l-1)/r)

    # Primitive root of unity of order r
    zeta = L.multiplicative_generator()**rl
    # Candidate eigenvalue
    lmbd = L(1)
    # Traces
    T = []
    for i in xrange(1, r):
        lmbd *= zeta
        # Ensure that the order is r
        if r.gcd(i) != 1:
        if not lmbd.multiplicative_order() == r:
             print l, r, i
        trc = lmbd + q/lmbd
        # Check Hasse bound
        if trc.lift_centered()**2 < bound:

    return T
コード例 #19
ファイル: benchmark.py プロジェクト: timgates42/sage
def rank2_GF(n=500, p=16411, system='sage'):
    Rank over GF(p): Given a (n + 10) x n matrix over GF(p) with
    random entries, compute the rank.


    - ``n`` - matrix dimension (default: 300)
    - ``p`` - prime number (default: ``16411``)
    - ``system`` - either 'magma' or 'sage' (default: 'sage')


        sage: import sage.matrix.benchmark as b
        sage: ts = b.rank2_GF(500)
        sage: tm = b.rank2_GF(500, system='magma')  # optional - magma
    if system == 'sage':
        A = random_matrix(GF(p), n+10, n)
        t = cputime()
        v = A.rank()
        return cputime(t)
    elif system == 'magma':
        code = """
n := %s;
A := Random(MatrixAlgebra(GF(%s), n));
t := Cputime();
K := Rank(A);
s := Cputime(t);
        if verbose: print(code)
        return float(magma.eval('s'))
        raise ValueError('unknown system "%s"'%system)
コード例 #20
ファイル: benchmark.py プロジェクト: timgates42/sage
def charpoly_GF(n=100, p=16411, system='sage'):
    Given a n x n matrix over GF with random entries, compute the


    - ``n`` - matrix dimension (default: 100)
    - ``p`` - prime number (default: ``16411``)
    - ``system`` - either 'magma' or 'sage' (default: 'sage')


        sage: import sage.matrix.benchmark as b
        sage: ts = b.charpoly_GF(100)
        sage: tm = b.charpoly_GF(100, system='magma')  # optional - magma
    if system == 'sage':
        A = random_matrix(GF(p), n, n)
        t = cputime()
        v = A.charpoly()
        return cputime(t)
    elif system == 'magma':
        code = """
n := %s;
A := Random(MatrixAlgebra(GF(%s), n));
t := Cputime();
K := CharacteristicPolynomial(A);
s := Cputime(t);
        if verbose: print(code)
        return magma.eval('s')
        raise ValueError('unknown system "%s"'%system)
コード例 #21
ファイル: benchmark.py プロジェクト: timgates42/sage
def nullspace_GF(n=300, p=16411, system='sage'):
    Given a n+1 x n  matrix over GF(p) with random
    entries, compute the nullspace.


    - ``n`` - matrix dimension (default: 300)
    - ``p`` - prime number (default: ``16411``)
    - ``system`` - either 'magma' or 'sage' (default: 'sage')


        sage: import sage.matrix.benchmark as b
        sage: ts = b.nullspace_GF(300)
        sage: tm = b.nullspace_GF(300, system='magma')  # optional - magma
    if system == 'sage':
        A = random_matrix(GF(p), n, n+1)
        t = cputime()
        v = A.kernel()
        return cputime(t)
    elif system == 'magma':
        code = """
n := %s;
A := Random(RMatrixSpace(GF(%s), n, n+1));
t := Cputime();
K := Kernel(A);
s := Cputime(t);
        if verbose: print(code)
        return magma.eval('s')
        raise ValueError('unknown system "%s"'%system)
コード例 #22
    def __init__(self, order, num_of_var):

        If the order given is greater than the number of variables an error is raised::

            sage: C = codes.BinaryReedMullerCode(5, 4)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: The order must be less than or equal to 4

        The order and the number of variable must be integers::

            sage: C = codes.BinaryReedMullerCode(1.1,4)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: The order of the code must be an integer
        # input sanitization
        if not (isinstance(order, (Integer, int))):
            raise ValueError("The order of the code must be an integer")
        if not (isinstance(num_of_var, (Integer, int))):
            raise ValueError("The number of variables must be an integer")
        if (num_of_var < order):
            raise ValueError("The order must be less than or equal to %s" %

              self).__init__(GF(2), 2**num_of_var, "EvaluationVector",
        self._order = order
        self._num_of_var = num_of_var
        self._dimension = _binomial_sum(num_of_var, order)
コード例 #23
ファイル: bench.py プロジェクト: defeo/ff_compositum
def test_python(p, i1, i2, number=0, repeat=3):
    import compositum as c
    K = GF(p)
    P = K.extension(i1, 'x')
    R, phi, phinv = c.ffext(P, i2)
    a = P.random_element()
    c = R.random_element()
    d = R.random_element()
    context = globals()
    tembed = sage_timeit('phi(a)', context, number=number, repeat=repeat, seconds=True)
    tproject = sage_timeit('phinv(c)', context, number=number, repeat=repeat, seconds=True)
    tmul = sage_timeit('c*d', context, number=number, repeat=repeat, seconds=True)

    return tembed, tproject, tmul
コード例 #24
ファイル: channel.py プロジェクト: battyone/DistanceRegular
    def __init__(self, space, number_errors, number_erasures):


        If the sum of number of errors and number of erasures
        exceeds (or may exceed, in the case of tuples) the dimension of the input space,
        it will return an error::

            sage: n_err, n_era = 21, 21
            sage: Chan = channels.ErrorErasureChannel(GF(59)^40, n_err, n_era)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: The total number of errors and erasures can not exceed the dimension of the input space
        if isinstance(number_errors, (Integer, int)):
            number_errors = (number_errors, number_errors)
        if not isinstance(number_errors, (tuple, list)):
            raise ValueError("number_errors must be a tuple, a list, an Integer or a Python int")

        if isinstance(number_erasures, (Integer, int)):
            number_erasures = (number_erasures, number_erasures)
        if not isinstance(number_erasures, (tuple, list)):
            raise ValueError("number_erasures must be a tuple, a list, an Integer or a Python int")

        output_space = cartesian_product([space, VectorSpace(GF(2), space.dimension())])
        super(ErrorErasureChannel, self).__init__(space, output_space)
        if number_errors[1] + number_erasures[1] > space.dimension():
            raise ValueError("The total number of errors and erasures can not exceed the dimension of the input space")
        self._number_errors = number_errors
        self._number_erasures = number_erasures
コード例 #25
def DuadicCodeOddPair(F, S1, S2):
    Constructs the "odd pair" of duadic codes associated to the
    "splitting" S1, S2 of n.

    .. warning::

       Maybe the splitting should be associated to a sum of
       q-cyclotomic cosets mod n, where q is a *prime*.


        sage: from sage.coding.code_constructions import _is_a_splitting
        sage: n = 11; q = 3
        sage: C = Zmod(n).cyclotomic_cosets(q); C
        [[0], [1, 3, 4, 5, 9], [2, 6, 7, 8, 10]]
        sage: S1 = C[1]
        sage: S2 = C[2]
        sage: _is_a_splitting(S1,S2,11)
        sage: codes.DuadicCodeOddPair(GF(q),S1,S2)
        ([11, 6] Cyclic Code over GF(3),
         [11, 6] Cyclic Code over GF(3))

    This is consistent with Theorem 6.1.3 in [HP2003]_.
    from sage.misc.stopgap import stopgap
        "The function DuadicCodeOddPair has several issues which may cause wrong results",

    from .cyclic_code import CyclicCode
    n = len(S1) + len(S2) + 1
    if not _is_a_splitting(S1, S2, n):
        raise TypeError("%s, %s must be a splitting of %s." % (S1, S2, n))
    q = F.order()
    k = Mod(q, n).multiplicative_order()
    FF = GF(q**k, "z")
    z = FF.gen()
    zeta = z**((q**k - 1) / n)
    P1 = PolynomialRing(FF, "x")
    x = P1.gen()
    g1 = prod([x - zeta**i for i in S1 + [0]])
    g2 = prod([x - zeta**i for i in S2 + [0]])
    j = sum([x**i / n for i in range(n)])
    P2 = PolynomialRing(F, "x")
    x = P2.gen()
    coeffs1 = [
        _lift2smallest_field(c)[0] for c in (g1 + j).coefficients(sparse=False)
    coeffs2 = [
        _lift2smallest_field(c)[0] for c in (g2 + j).coefficients(sparse=False)
    gg1 = P2(coeffs1)
    gg2 = P2(coeffs2)
    gg1 = gcd(gg1, x**n - 1)
    gg2 = gcd(gg2, x**n - 1)
    C1 = CyclicCode(length=n, generator_pol=gg1)
    C2 = CyclicCode(length=n, generator_pol=gg2)
    return C1, C2
コード例 #26
ファイル: hgm.py プロジェクト: edgarcosta/amortizedHGM
 def padic_H_values(self, t):
     res = self.amortized_padic_H_values(t)
     is_tame = self.is_tame_prime(t)
     for p in prime_range(self._pbound + 1):
         if not is_tame(p):
             res[p] = GF(p)(self.padic_H_value(p=p, f=1, t=t))
     return res
コード例 #27
ファイル: dickson.py プロジェクト: cnassau/yacop-sage
    def dicksons(self):

            sage: from yacop.modules.dickson import PetersonPolynomials
            sage: P=PetersonPolynomials(2,3)
            sage: for p in P.dicksons():
            ....:     print(p)
            x1^4*x2^2*x3 + x1^2*x2^4*x3 + x1^4*x2*x3^2 + x1*x2^4*x3^2 + x1^2*x2*x3^4 + x1*x2^2*x3^4
            x1^4*x2^2 + x1^2*x2^4 + x1^4*x2*x3 + x1*x2^4*x3 + x1^4*x3^2 + x1^2*x2^2*x3^2 + x2^4*x3^2 + x1^2*x3^4 + x1*x2*x3^4 + x2^2*x3^4
            x1^4 + x1^2*x2^2 + x2^4 + x1^2*x2*x3 + x1*x2^2*x3 + x1^2*x3^2 + x1*x2*x3^2 + x2^2*x3^2 + x3^4
            sage: P=PetersonPolynomials(5,2)
            sage: for p in P.dicksons():
            ....:     print(p)
            x1^20*x2^4 + x1^16*x2^8 + x1^12*x2^12 + x1^8*x2^16 + x1^4*x2^20
            x1^20 + x1^16*x2^4 + x1^12*x2^8 + x1^8*x2^12 + x1^4*x2^16 + x2^20

        xi = self.Q.gens()[:-1]
        t = self.Q.gens()[self.n]
        pol = self.Q.prod(t + self.Q.sum(a * x for (a, x) in zip(cf, xi))
                          for cf in GF(self.p)**self.n)
        return [
            pol.coefficient(t**(self.p**i)) * (-1)**(self.n - i)
            for i in range(self.n)
コード例 #28
def _lift2smallest_field(a):
    INPUT: a is an element of a finite field GF(q)

    OUTPUT: the element b of the smallest subfield F of GF(q) for
    which F(b)=a.


        sage: from sage.coding.code_constructions import _lift2smallest_field
        sage: FF.<z> = GF(3^4,"z")
        sage: a = z^10
        sage: _lift2smallest_field(a)
        (2*z + 1, Finite Field in z of size 3^2)
        sage: a = z^40
        sage: _lift2smallest_field(a)
        (2, Finite Field of size 3)


    - John Cremona
    FF = a.parent()
    k = FF.degree()
    if k == 1:
        return a, FF
    pol = a.minimal_polynomial()
    d = pol.degree()
    if d == k:
        return a, FF
    p = FF.characteristic()
    F = GF(p**d, "z")
    b = pol.roots(F, multiplicities=False)[0]
    return b, F
コード例 #29
    def zeta(self, n=None):
        Returns a generator of the group of roots of unity.


        - ``self`` -- a `p`-adic ring

        - ``n`` -- an integer or ``None`` (default: ``None``)


        - ``element`` -- a generator of the `n^{th}` roots of unity,
          or a generator of the full group of roots of unity if ``n``
          is ``None``


            sage: R = Zp(37,5)
            sage: R.zeta(12)
            8 + 24*37 + 37^2 + 29*37^3 + 23*37^4 + O(37^5)
        if (self.prime() == 2):
            if (n is None) or (n == 2):
                return self(-1)
            if n == 1:
                return self(1)
                raise ValueError("No, %sth root of unity in self" % n)
            from sage.rings.finite_rings.finite_field_constructor import GF
            return self.teichmuller(GF(self.prime()).zeta(n).lift())
コード例 #30
ファイル: dickson.py プロジェクト: cnassau/yacop-sage
    def __init__(self, p, n):

            sage: from yacop.modules.dickson import PetersonPolynomials
            sage: P=PetersonPolynomials(3,2) ; P
            Peterson element factory for prime 3, index 2
            sage: for idx in range(20):
            ....:     print("%-3d : %s" % (idx,P.omega(idx)))
            0   : 1
            1   : x1^2 + x2^2
            2   : x1^4 + x1^2*x2^2 + x2^4
            3   : x1^6 + x1^4*x2^2 + x1^2*x2^4 + x2^6
            4   : x1^6*x2^2 + x1^4*x2^4 + x1^2*x2^6
            5   : -x1^10 + x1^6*x2^4 + x1^4*x2^6 - x2^10
            6   : x1^12 - x1^10*x2^2 + x1^6*x2^6 - x1^2*x2^10 + x2^12
            7   : x1^12*x2^2 - x1^10*x2^4 - x1^4*x2^10 + x1^2*x2^12
            8   : x1^12*x2^4 - x1^10*x2^6 - x1^6*x2^10 + x1^4*x2^12
            9   : x1^18 + x1^12*x2^6 + x1^6*x2^12 + x2^18
            10  : x1^18*x2^2 + x1^10*x2^10 + x1^2*x2^18
            11  : x1^18*x2^4 - x1^12*x2^10 - x1^10*x2^12 + x1^4*x2^18
            12  : x1^18*x2^6 + x1^12*x2^12 + x1^6*x2^18
            13  : 0
            14  : x1^28 - x1^18*x2^10 - x1^10*x2^18 + x2^28
            15  : -x1^30 + x1^28*x2^2 + x1^18*x2^12 + x1^12*x2^18 + x1^2*x2^28 - x2^30
            16  : -x1^30*x2^2 + x1^28*x2^4 + x1^4*x2^28 - x1^2*x2^30
            17  : -x1^30*x2^4 + x1^28*x2^6 + x1^6*x2^28 - x1^4*x2^30
            18  : x1^36 - x1^30*x2^6 + x1^18*x2^18 - x1^6*x2^30 + x2^36
            19  : x1^36*x2^2 - x1^28*x2^10 - x1^10*x2^28 + x1^2*x2^36

        from sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_ring_constructor import PolynomialRing
        from yacop.modules.classifying_spaces import BZpGeneric
        from sage.categories.tensor import tensor

        self.p = p
        self.n = n
        self.B = BZpGeneric(p)
        factors = tuple([
        ] * n)
        self.BT = tensor(factors)
        self.tc = self.BT.tensor_constructor(factors)
        deg = -1
        fac = 2  # if p>2 else 1
        self.b = self.B.monomial(fac * deg)
        self.binv = self.B.monomial(-fac * deg)
        self.bt = tensor([
        ] * n)
        self.bti = tensor([
        ] * n)
        self.P = SteenrodAlgebra(p, generic=True).P
        self.Q = PolynomialRing(
            ["x%d" % (i + 1) for i in range(n)] + [
コード例 #31
    def __init__(self, poly, prec, print_mode, names, element_class):
        Initializes self


            - poly -- Polynomial defining this extension.
            - prec -- The precision cap
            - print_mode -- a dictionary with print options
            - names -- a 4-tuple, (variable_name, residue_name,
              unramified_subextension_variable_name, uniformizer_name)
            - element_class -- the class for elements of this unramified extension.


            sage: R.<a> = Zq(27) #indirect doctest
        #base = poly.base_ring()
        #if base.is_field():
        #    self._PQR = pqr.PolynomialQuotientRing_field(poly.parent(), poly, name = names)
        #    self._PQR = pqr.PolynomialQuotientRing_domain(poly.parent(), poly, name = names)
        pAdicExtensionGeneric.__init__(self, poly, prec, print_mode, names,
        self._res_field = GF(self.prime_pow.pow_Integer_Integer(poly.degree()),
コード例 #32
ファイル: present.py プロジェクト: swewers/mein_sage
 def present_llayer(n, x):
     dim = 4*n
     y = [0]*dim
     for i in range(dim-1):
         y[i] = x[(n * i) % (dim - 1)]
     y[dim-1] = x[dim-1]
     return vector(GF(2), y)
コード例 #33
ファイル: ellrains.py プロジェクト: defeo/ffisom
def test_ellrains(pbound = 2**62, nbound = 100):
    import sys
    from sage.sets.primes import Primes
    for p in Primes():
        if p < 4:
        if p > pbound:
        for n in xrange(2, nbound):
            k = GF(p**n, name='z')
            K = FiniteField_flint_fq_nmod(p, k.modulus(), name='z')
                a, b = find_gens(K, K)
                print "Testing p = {} and n = {}".format(p, n)
                print "Computing minpol...",
                f = a.minpoly()
                assert f.degree() == n
                g = b.minpoly()
                assert f == g
                print "done"
            except RuntimeError:
コード例 #34
ファイル: benchmark.py プロジェクト: defeo/ffisom
def benchmark(pbound = [3, 2**10], nbound = [3, 2**8], cbound = [1, Infinity], obound = [1, Infinity], loops = 10, tloop = Infinity, tmax = Infinity, prime = False, even = False, check = False, fname = None, write = False, overwrite = False, verbose = True, skip_pari = False, skip_magma = False, skip_rains = False, skip_kummer = False):
    if write:
        mode = 'w' if overwrite else 'a'
        f = open(fname, mode, 0)
        f = sys.stdout
    pmin, pmax = pbound
    nmin, nmax = nbound
    omin, omax = obound
    cmin, cmax = cbound
    M = Magma()
    for p in xrange(pmin, pmax):
        p = ZZ(p)
        if not p.is_prime():
        for n in xrange(nmin, nmax):
            n = ZZ(n)
            if (prime == 1 and not is_prime(n)) or (prime == 2 and not is_prime_power(n)):
            if n < 2:
            if n % p == 0:
            if (not even) and (n % 2 == 0):
            o, G = find_root_order(p, [n, n], n, verbose=False)
            m = G[0][0].parent().order()
            c = Mod(p,n).multiplicative_order()
            if verbose:
                sys.stdout.write("\r"+" "*79)
                print("\rp = {}, n = {}, (o = {}, c = {})".format(p, n, o, c))
            if verbose:
                t = mytime()
                sys.stdout.write("Constructing fields ({})".format(time.strftime("%c")))
            q = p**n
            k = GF(q, name='z')
            k_rand = GF(q, modulus='random', name='z')
            k_flint = GF_flint(p, k.modulus(), name='z')
            if verbose > 1:
                sys.stdout.write("\ntotal: {}s\n".format(mytime(t)))
            # Magma
            if verbose:
                sys.stdout.write("\r"+" "*79)
                sys.stdout.write("\rMagma ({})".format(time.strftime("%c")))
            tloops = 0
            for l in xrange(loops):
                if skip_magma:
                if (o > omax) or (o == p):
                # let's assume that launching a new Magma instance is cheaper
                # than computing random irreducible polynomials
                except OSError as err:
                    # but it can also cause fork issues...
                    # let's accept this
                    # and fail as the situation will only worsen
                    # unless it is "just" a memory issue
                    # which should be mitigated by COW but is not
                    if err.errno == errno.ENOMEM:
                    k_magma = M(k)
                    k_rand_magma = M(k_rand)
                    if tloop is not Infinity:
                    t = mytime()
                    k_magma.Embed(k_rand_magma, nvals=0)
                    #M._eval_line("Embed(k_magma, k_rand_magma);", wait_for_prompt=False)
                    tloops += mytime(t)
                except TypeError:
                    # sage/magma interface sometimes gets confused
                except (KeyboardInterrupt, AlarmInterrupt):
                    # sage interface eats KeyboardInterrupt
                    # and AlarmInterrupt derives from it
                    tloops = 0
                    if tloop is not Infinity:
                    # sage pexpect interface leaves zombies around
                        while os.waitpid(-1, os.WNOHANG)[0]:
                    # but sometimes every child is already buried
                    # and we get an ECHILD error...
                    except OSError:
                if tloops > tmax:
            tmagma = tloops / (l+1)
            if verbose > 1:
                sys.stdout.write("\ntotal: {}s, per loop: {}s\n".format(tloops, tloops/(l+1)))
            # Rains algorithms
            if verbose:
                sys.stdout.write("\r"+" "*79)
                sys.stdout.write("\rCyclotomic Rains ({})".format(time.strftime("%c")))
            trains = []
            tloops = 0
            for l in xrange(loops):
                if skip_rains:
                if (o > omax) or (o == p):
                    if tloop is not Infinity:
                    t = mytime()
                    a, b = find_gens_cyclorains(k_flint, k_flint, use_lucas = False)
                    tloops += mytime(t)
                except (KeyboardInterrupt, AlarmInterrupt):
                    tloops = 0
                    if tloop is not Infinity:
                if check and (l == 0 or check > 1):
                    g = a.minpoly()
                    if g.degree() != n:
                        raise RuntimeError("wrong degree")
                    if g != b.minpoly():
                        raise RuntimeError("different minpolys")
                if tloops > tmax:
            trains.append(tloops / (l+1))
            if verbose > 1:
                sys.stdout.write("\ntotal: {}s, per loop: {}s\n".format(tloops, tloops/(l+1)))
            # Conic Rains
            if verbose:
                sys.stdout.write("\r"+" "*79)
                sys.stdout.write("\rConic Rains ({})".format(time.strftime("%c")))
            tloops = 0
            for l in xrange(loops):
                if skip_rains:
                if (o != 2) or (o > omax) or (o == p):
                    if tloop is not Infinity:
                    t = mytime()
                    a, b = find_gens_cyclorains(k_flint, k_flint, use_lucas = True)
                    tloops += mytime(t)
                except (KeyboardInterrupt, AlarmInterrupt):
                    tloops = 0
                    if tloop is not Infinity:
                if check and (l == 0 or check > 1):
                    g = a.minpoly()
                    if g.degree() != n:
                        raise RuntimeError("wrong degree")
                    if g != b.minpoly():
                        raise RuntimeError("different minpolys")
                if tloops > tmax:
            trains.append(tloops / (l+1))
            if verbose > 1:
                sys.stdout.write("\ntotal: {}s, per loop: {}s\n".format(tloops, tloops/(l+1)))
            # Elliptic Rains
            if verbose:
                sys.stdout.write("\r"+" "*79)
                sys.stdout.write("\rElliptic Rains ({})".format(time.strftime("%c")))
            tloops = 0
            for l in xrange(loops):
                if skip_rains:
                    if tloop is not Infinity:
                    t = mytime()
                    a, b = find_gens_ellrains(k_flint, k_flint)
                    tloops += mytime(t)
                except RuntimeError:
                    # sometimes no suitable elliptic curve exists
                except (KeyboardInterrupt, AlarmInterrupt):
                    tloops = 0
                    if tloop is not Infinity:
                if check and (l == 0 or check > 1):
                    g = a.minpoly()
                    if g.degree() != n:
                        raise RuntimeError("wrong degree")
                    if g != b.minpoly():
                        raise RuntimeError("different minpolys")
                if tloops > tmax:
            trains.append(tloops / (l+1))
            if verbose > 1:
                sys.stdout.write("\ntotal: {}s, per loop: {}s\n".format(tloops, tloops/(l+1)))
            # PARI/GP
            if verbose:
                sys.stdout.write("\r"+" "*79)
                sys.stdout.write("\rPARI/GP ({})".format(time.strftime("%c")))
            tloops = 0
            for l in xrange(loops):
                if skip_pari:
                if c < cmin or c > cmax:
                    if tloop is not Infinity:
                    t = mytime()
                    a, b = find_gens_pari(k, k)
                    tloops += mytime(t)
                except (KeyboardInterrupt, AlarmInterrupt):
                    tloops = 0
                    if tloop is not Infinity:
                if check and (l == 0 or check > 1):
                    g = a.minpoly()
                    if g.degree() != n:
                        raise RuntimeError("wrong degree")
                    if g != b.minpoly():
                        raise RuntimeError("different minpolys")
                if tloops > tmax:
            tpari = tloops / (l+1)
            # Kummer algorithms
            tkummer = []
            # only linalg and modcomp implemented for c==1
            for i, algo in enumerate(kummer_algolist[2*(c==1):-2*(c==1)-1]):
                if verbose:
                    sys.stdout.write("\r"+" "*79)
                    sys.stdout.write("\rKummer {} ({})".format(kummer_namelist[2*(c==1)+i], time.strftime("%c")))
                tloops = 0
                for l in xrange(loops):
                    if skip_kummer:
                    if c < cmin or c > cmax:
                        if tloop is not Infinity:
                        t = mytime()
                        a, b = find_gens_kummer(k_flint, k_flint, n, algo)
                        tloops += mytime(t)
                    except (KeyboardInterrupt, AlarmInterrupt):
                        tloops = 0
                        if tloop is not Infinity:
                    if check and (l == 0 or check > 1):
                        g = a.minpoly()
                        if g.degree() != n:
                            raise RuntimeError("wrong degree")
                        if g != b.minpoly():
                            raise RuntimeError("different minpolys")
                    if tloops > tmax:
                tkummer.append(tloops / (l+1))
                if verbose > 1:
                    sys.stdout.write("\ntotal: {}s, per loop: {}s\n".format(tloops, tloops/(l+1)))
            tkummer = 2*(c == 1)*[0] + tkummer + 2*(c == 1)*[0]
            if verbose:
            f.write(("{} {} ({}, {})" + " {}" + " {}"*len(trains) + " {}" + " {}"*len(tkummer)+"\n").format(p, n, o, c, *([tmagma] + trains + [tpari] + tkummer)))
    if write:
コード例 #35
    def H_value(self, p, f, t, ring=None):
        Return the trace of the Frobenius, computed in terms of Gauss sums
        using the hypergeometric trace formula.


        - `p` -- a prime number

        - `f` -- an integer such that `q = p^f`

        - `t` -- a rational parameter

        - ``ring`` -- optional (default ``UniversalCyclotomicfield``)

        The ring could be also ``ComplexField(n)`` or ``QQbar``.


        an integer

        .. WARNING::

            This is apparently working correctly as can be tested
            using ComplexField(70) as value ring.

            Using instead UniversalCyclotomicfield, this is much
            slower than the `p`-adic version :meth:`padic_H_value`.


        With values in the UniversalCyclotomicField (slow)::

            sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
            sage: H = Hyp(alpha_beta=([1/2]*4,[0]*4))
            sage: [H.H_value(3,i,-1) for i in range(1,3)]
            [0, -12]
            sage: [H.H_value(5,i,-1) for i in range(1,3)]
            [-4, 276]
            sage: [H.H_value(7,i,-1) for i in range(1,3)]  # not tested
            [0, -476]
            sage: [H.H_value(11,i,-1) for i in range(1,3)]  # not tested
            [0, -4972]
            sage: [H.H_value(13,i,-1) for i in range(1,3)]  # not tested
            [-84, -1420]

        With values in ComplexField::

            sage: [H.H_value(5,i,-1, ComplexField(60)) for i in range(1,3)]
            [-4, 276]


        - [BeCoMe]_ (Theorem 1.3)
        - [Benasque2009]_
        alpha = self._alpha
        beta = self._beta
        if 0 in alpha:
            H = self.swap_alpha_beta()
            return(H.H_value(p, f, ~t, ring))
        if ring is None:
            ring = UniversalCyclotomicField()
        t = QQ(t)
        gamma = self.gamma_array()
        q = p ** f

        m = {r: beta.count(QQ((r, q - 1))) for r in range(q - 1)}
        D = -min(self.zigzag(x, flip_beta=True) for x in alpha + beta)
        # also: D = (self.weight() + 1 - m[0]) // 2
        M = self.M_value()

        Fq = GF(q)
        gen = Fq.multiplicative_generator()
        zeta_q = ring.zeta(q - 1)

        tM = Fq(M / t)
        for k in range(q - 1):
            if gen ** k == tM:
                teich = zeta_q ** k

        gauss_table = [gauss_sum(zeta_q ** r, Fq) for r in range(q - 1)]

        sigma = sum(q**(D + m[0] - m[r]) *
                    prod(gauss_table[(-v * r) % (q - 1)] ** gv
                         for v, gv in gamma.items()) *
                    teich ** r
                    for r in range(q - 1))
        resu = ZZ(-1) ** m[0] / (1 - q) * sigma
        if not ring.is_exact():
            resu = resu.real_part().round()
        return resu
コード例 #36
ファイル: expsum.py プロジェクト: jpflori/expsums
POWM2M2D3 = ZZ((2**m2-2)/3)
POWM2P1D3 = ZZ((2**m2+1)/3)
K1MASK = 2**m1 - 1
K1HIGHBIT = 2**(m1-1)
K0MASK = 2**m0 - 1
K0HIGHBIT = 2**(m0-1)
NECKLACES = 1/m1*sum(euler_phi(d)*2**(ZZ(m1/d)) for d in m1.divisors())
# 9*2*2*2 > 64
if m2 > 8:
    USE_DWORD = 1
    USE_DWORD = 0

GF2 = GF(2)
x = polygen(GF2)
K2 = GF(2**m2, name='g2', modulus=modulus)
g2 = K2.gen()
z2 = K2.multiplicative_generator()
K1 = GF(2**m1, name='g1', modulus=modulus)
g1 = K1.gen()
z1 = K1.multiplicative_generator()
Z1 = z1.polynomial().change_ring(ZZ)(2)
K0 = GF(2**m0, name='g0', modulus=modulus)
g0 = K0.gen()
z0 = K0.multiplicative_generator()
L = [K0, K1, K2]
moduli = [k.modulus() for k in L]
F = [f.change_ring(ZZ)(2) for f in moduli]
weights = [f.hamming_weight()-2 for f in moduli]
degrees = [(f-x**f.degree()-1).exponents() for f in moduli]
FWEIGHTS = weights
コード例 #37
ファイル: block_design.py プロジェクト: robertwb/sage
def ProjectiveGeometryDesign(n, d, F, algorithm=None, point_coordinates=True, check=True):
    Return a projective geometry design.

    The projective geometry design `PG_d(n,q)` has for points the lines of
    `\GF{q}^{n+1}`, and for blocks the `d+1`-dimensional subspaces of
    `\GF{q}^{n+1}`, each of which contains `\frac {|\GF{q}|^{d+1}-1} {|\GF{q}|-1}` lines.
    It is a `2`-design with parameters

    .. MATH::

        v = \binom{n+1}{1}_q,\ k = \binom{d+1}{1}_q,\ \lambda =

    where the `q`-binomial coefficient `\binom{m}{r}_q` is defined by

    .. MATH::

        \binom{m}{r}_q = \frac{(q^m - 1)(q^{m-1} - 1) \cdots (q^{m-r+1}-1)}
              {(q^r-1)(q^{r-1}-1)\cdots (q-1)}

    .. SEEALSO::



    - ``n`` is the projective dimension

    - ``d`` is the dimension of the subspaces which make up the blocks.

    - ``F`` -- a finite field or a prime power.

    - ``algorithm`` -- set to ``None`` by default, which results in using Sage's
      own implementation. In order to use GAP's implementation instead (i.e. its
      ``PGPointFlatBlockDesign`` function) set ``algorithm="gap"``. Note that
      GAP's "design" package must be available in this case, and that it can be
      installed with the ``gap_packages`` spkg.

    - ``point_coordinates`` -- ``True`` by default. Ignored and assumed to be ``False`` if
      ``algorithm="gap"``. If ``True``, the ground set is indexed by coordinates
      in `\GF{q}^{n+1}`.  Otherwise the ground set is indexed by integers.

    - ``check`` -- (optional, default to ``True``) whether to check the output.


    The set of `d`-dimensional subspaces in a `n`-dimensional projective space
    forms `2`-designs (or balanced incomplete block designs)::

        sage: PG = designs.ProjectiveGeometryDesign(4, 2, GF(2))
        sage: PG
        Incidence structure with 31 points and 155 blocks
        sage: PG.is_t_design(return_parameters=True)
        (True, (2, 31, 7, 7))

        sage: PG = designs.ProjectiveGeometryDesign(3, 1, GF(4))
        sage: PG.is_t_design(return_parameters=True)
        (True, (2, 85, 5, 1))

    Check with ``F`` being a prime power::

        sage: PG = designs.ProjectiveGeometryDesign(3, 2, 4)
        sage: PG
        Incidence structure with 85 points and 85 blocks

    Use coordinates::

        sage: PG = designs.ProjectiveGeometryDesign(2, 1, GF(3))
        sage: PG.blocks()[0]
        [(1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 1), (1, 0, 2), (0, 0, 1)]

    Use indexing by integers::

        sage: PG = designs.ProjectiveGeometryDesign(2,1,GF(3),point_coordinates=0)
        sage: PG.blocks()[0]
        [0, 1, 2, 12]

    Check that the constructor using gap also works::

        sage: BD = designs.ProjectiveGeometryDesign(2, 1, GF(2), algorithm="gap") # optional - gap_packages (design package)
        sage: BD.is_t_design(return_parameters=True)                              # optional - gap_packages (design package)
        (True, (2, 7, 3, 1))
        q = int(F)
    except TypeError:
        q = F.cardinality()
        from sage.rings.finite_rings.finite_field_constructor import GF
        F = GF(q)

    if algorithm is None:
        from sage.matrix.echelon_matrix import reduced_echelon_matrix_iterator

        points = {p:i for i,p in enumerate(reduced_echelon_matrix_iterator(F,1,n+1,copy=True,set_immutable=True))}
        blocks = []
        for m1 in reduced_echelon_matrix_iterator(F,d+1,n+1,copy=False):
            b = []
            for m2 in reduced_echelon_matrix_iterator(F,1,d+1,copy=False):
                m = m2*m1
        B = BlockDesign(len(points), blocks, name="ProjectiveGeometryDesign", check=check)
        if point_coordinates:
            B.relabel({i:p[0] for p,i in points.iteritems()})

    elif algorithm == "gap":   # Requires GAP's Design
        from sage.interfaces.gap import gap
        gap.eval("D := PGPointFlatBlockDesign( %s, %s, %d )"%(n,F.order(),d))
        v = eval(gap.eval("D.v"))
        gblcks = eval(gap.eval("D.blocks"))
        gB = []
        for b in gblcks:
            gB.append([x-1 for x in b])
        B = BlockDesign(v, gB, name="ProjectiveGeometryDesign", check=check)

    if check:
        from sage.combinat.q_analogues import q_binomial
        q = F.cardinality()
        if not B.is_t_design(t=2, v=q_binomial(n+1,1,q),
                                  l=q_binomial(n-1, d-1, q)):
            raise RuntimeError("error in ProjectiveGeometryDesign "
                    "construction. Please e-mail [email protected]")
    return B