コード例 #1
    def set_roi(self, shape=None, geometry=None, crs=wgs84, grid=None,
                corners=None, noerase=False):
        """Set a region of interest for the dataset.
        If set succesfully, a ROI is simply a mask of the same size as the
        dataset's grid, obtained with the .roi attribute.
        I haven't decided yet if the data should be masekd out when a ROI
        has been set.
        shape: path to a shapefile
        geometry: a shapely geometry
        crs: the crs of the geometry
        grid: a Grid object
        corners: a ((x0, y0), (x1, y1)) tuple of the corners of the square
        to subset the dataset to. The coordinates are not expressed in
        wgs84, set the crs keyword
        noerase: set to true in order to add the new ROI to the previous one

        # The rois are always defined on the original grids, but of course
        # we take that into account when a subset is set (see roi
        # decorator below)
        ogrid = self._ogrid

        # Initial mask
        if noerase and (self.roi is not None):
            mask = self.roi
            mask = np.zeros((ogrid.ny, ogrid.nx), dtype=np.int16)

        # Several cases
        if shape is not None:
            gdf = sio.read_shapefile(shape)
            gis.transform_geopandas(gdf, to_crs=ogrid.corner_grid,
            if rasterio is None:
                raise ImportError('This feature needs rasterio')
            from rasterio.features import rasterize
            with rasterio.Env():
                mask = rasterize(gdf.geometry, out=mask)
        if geometry is not None:
            geom = gis.transform_geometry(geometry, crs=crs,
            if rasterio is None:
                raise ImportError('This feature needs rasterio')
            from rasterio.features import rasterize
            with rasterio.Env():
                mask = rasterize(np.atleast_1d(geom), out=mask)
        if grid is not None:
            _tmp = np.ones((grid.ny, grid.nx), dtype=np.int16)
            mask = ogrid.map_gridded_data(_tmp, grid, out=mask).filled(0)
        if corners is not None:
            cgrid = self._ogrid.center_grid
            xy0, xy1 = corners
            x0, y0 = cgrid.transform(*xy0, crs=crs, nearest=True)
            x1, y1 = cgrid.transform(*xy1, crs=crs, nearest=True)
            mask[np.min([y0, y1]):np.max([y0, y1])+1,
                 np.min([x0, x1]):np.max([x0, x1])+1] = 1

        self.roi = mask
コード例 #2
ファイル: datasets.py プロジェクト: fmaussion/salem
    def set_roi(self, shape=None, geometry=None, crs=wgs84, grid=None,
                corners=None, noerase=False):
        """Set a region of interest for the dataset.
        If set succesfully, a ROI is simply a mask of the same size as the
        dataset's grid, obtained with the .roi attribute.
        I haven't decided yet if the data should be masekd out when a ROI
        has been set.
        shape: path to a shapefile
        geometry: a shapely geometry
        crs: the crs of the geometry
        grid: a Grid object
        corners: a ((x0, y0), (x1, y1)) tuple of the corners of the square
        to subset the dataset to. The coordinates are not expressed in
        wgs84, set the crs keyword
        noerase: set to true in order to add the new ROI to the previous one

        # The rois are always defined on the original grids, but of course
        # we take that into account when a subset is set (see roi
        # decorator below)
        ogrid = self._ogrid

        # Initial mask
        if noerase and (self.roi is not None):
            mask = self.roi
            mask = np.zeros((ogrid.ny, ogrid.nx), dtype=np.int16)

        # Several cases
        if shape is not None:
            gdf = sio.read_shapefile(shape)
            gis.transform_geopandas(gdf, to_crs=ogrid.corner_grid,
            with rasterio.Env():
                mask = features.rasterize(gdf.geometry, out=mask)
        if geometry is not None:
            geom = gis.transform_geometry(geometry, crs=crs,
            with rasterio.Env():
                mask = features.rasterize(np.atleast_1d(geom), out=mask)
        if grid is not None:
            _tmp = np.ones((grid.ny, grid.nx), dtype=np.int16)
            mask = ogrid.map_gridded_data(_tmp, grid, out=mask).filled(0)
        if corners is not None:
            cgrid = self._ogrid.center_grid
            xy0, xy1 = corners
            x0, y0 = cgrid.transform(*xy0, crs=crs, nearest=True)
            x1, y1 = cgrid.transform(*xy1, crs=crs, nearest=True)
            mask[np.min([y0, y1]):np.max([y0, y1])+1,
                 np.min([x0, x1]):np.max([x0, x1])+1] = 1

        self.roi = mask
コード例 #3
    def region_of_interest(self, shape=None, geometry=None, grid=None,
                           corners=None, crs=wgs84, roi=None,
        """Computes a region of interest (ROI).

        A ROI is simply a mask of the same size as the grid.

        shape : str
            path to a shapefile
        geometry : geometry
            a shapely geometry (don't forget the crs keyword)
        grid : Grid
            a Grid object which extent will form the ROI
        corners : tuple
            a ((x0, y0), (x1, y1)) tuple of the corners of the square
            to subset the dataset to  (don't forget the crs keyword)
        crs : crs, default wgs84
            coordinate reference system of the geometry and corners
        roi : ndarray
            add the new region_of_interest to a previous one (useful for
            multiple geometries for example)
        all_touched : boolean
            pass-through argument for rasterio.features.rasterize, indicating
            that all grid cells which are  clipped by the shapefile defining
            the region of interest should be included (default=False)

        # Initial mask
        if roi is not None:
            mask = np.array(roi, dtype=np.int16)
            mask = np.zeros((self.ny, self.nx), dtype=np.int16)

        # Collect keyword arguments, overriding anything the user
        # inadvertently added
        rasterize_kws = dict(out=mask, all_touched=all_touched)

        # Several cases
        if shape is not None:
            import pandas as pd
            inplace = False
            if not isinstance(shape, pd.DataFrame):
                from salem.sio import read_shapefile
                shape = read_shapefile(shape)
                inplace = True
            # corner grid is needed for rasterio
            shape = transform_geopandas(shape, to_crs=self.corner_grid,
            import rasterio
            with rasterio.Env():
                mask = rasterio.features.rasterize(shape.geometry,
        if geometry is not None:
            import rasterio
            # corner grid is needed for rasterio
            geom = transform_geometry(geometry, crs=crs,
            with rasterio.Env():
                mask = rasterio.features.rasterize(np.atleast_1d(geom),
        if grid is not None:
            _tmp = np.ones((grid.ny, grid.nx), dtype=np.int16)
            mask = self.map_gridded_data(_tmp, grid, out=mask).filled(0)
        if corners is not None:
            cgrid = self.center_grid
            xy0, xy1 = corners
            x0, y0 = cgrid.transform(*xy0, crs=crs, nearest=True)
            x1, y1 = cgrid.transform(*xy1, crs=crs, nearest=True)
            mask[np.min([y0, y1]):np.max([y0, y1]) + 1,
            np.min([x0, x1]):np.max([x0, x1]) + 1] = 1

        return mask
コード例 #4
ファイル: gis.py プロジェクト: fmaussion/salem
    def region_of_interest(self, shape=None, geometry=None, grid=None,
                           corners=None, crs=wgs84, roi=None):
        """Computes a region of interest (ROI).

        A ROI is simply a mask of the same size as the grid.

        shape : str
            path to a shapefile
        geometry : geometry
            a shapely geometry (don't forget the crs keyword)
        grid : Grid
            a Grid object which extent will form the ROI
        corners : tuple
            a ((x0, y0), (x1, y1)) tuple of the corners of the square
            to subset the dataset to  (don't forget the crs keyword)
        crs : crs, default wgs84
            coordinate reference system of the geometry and corners
        roi : ndarray
            add the new region_of_interest to a previous one (useful for
            multiple geometries for example)

        # Initial mask
        if roi is not None:
            mask = np.array(roi, dtype=np.int16)
            mask = np.zeros((self.ny, self.nx), dtype=np.int16)

        # Several cases
        if shape is not None:
            import pandas as pd
            inplace = False
            if not isinstance(shape, pd.DataFrame):
                from salem.sio import read_shapefile
                shape = read_shapefile(shape)
                inplace = True
            # corner grid is needed for rasterio
            shape = transform_geopandas(shape, to_crs=self.corner_grid,
            import rasterio
            with rasterio.Env():
                mask = rasterio.features.rasterize(shape.geometry, out=mask)
        if geometry is not None:
            import rasterio
            # corner grid is needed for rasterio
            geom = transform_geometry(geometry, crs=crs,
            with rasterio.Env():
                mask = rasterio.features.rasterize(np.atleast_1d(geom),
        if grid is not None:
            _tmp = np.ones((grid.ny, grid.nx), dtype=np.int16)
            mask = self.map_gridded_data(_tmp, grid, out=mask).filled(0)
        if corners is not None:
            cgrid = self.center_grid
            xy0, xy1 = corners
            x0, y0 = cgrid.transform(*xy0, crs=crs, nearest=True)
            x1, y1 = cgrid.transform(*xy1, crs=crs, nearest=True)
            mask[np.min([y0, y1]):np.max([y0, y1]) + 1,
            np.min([x0, x1]):np.max([x0, x1]) + 1] = 1

        return mask