コード例 #1
    def test_unstagger(self):

        wf = get_demo_file('wrf_cropped.nc')
        with netCDF4.Dataset(wf) as nc:

            ref = nc['PH'][:]
            ref = 0.5 * (ref[:, :-1, ...] + ref[:, 1:, ...])

            # Own constructor
            v = wrftools.Unstaggerer(nc['PH'])
            assert_allclose(v[:], ref)
            assert_allclose(v[0:2, 2:12, ...], ref[0:2, 2:12, ...])
            assert_allclose(v[:, 2:12, ...], ref[:, 2:12, ...])
            assert_allclose(v[0:2, 2:12, 5:10, 15:17], ref[0:2, 2:12, 5:10,
            assert_allclose(v[1:2, 2:, 5:10, 15:17], ref[1:2, 2:, 5:10, 15:17])
            assert_allclose(v[1:2, :-2, 5:10, 15:17], ref[1:2, :-2, 5:10,
            assert_allclose(v[1:2, 2:-4, 5:10, 15:17], ref[1:2, 2:-4, 5:10,
            assert_allclose(v[[0, 2], ...], ref[[0, 2], ...])
            assert_allclose(v[..., [0, 2]], ref[..., [0, 2]])
            assert_allclose(v[0, ...], ref[0, ...])

            # Under WRF
            nc = WRF(wf)
            assert_allclose(nc.get_vardata('PH'), ref)
            nc.set_period(1, 2)
            assert_allclose(nc.get_vardata('PH'), ref[1:3, ...])
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self, file, grid=None, time=None):

        GeoNetcdf.__init__(self, file, grid=grid, time=time)

        # Change staggered variables to unstaggered ones
        for vn, v in self.variables.items():
            if wrftools.Unstaggerer.can_do(v):
                self.variables[vn] = wrftools.Unstaggerer(v)

        # Check if we can add diagnostic variables to the pot
        for vn in wrftools.var_classes:
            cl = getattr(wrftools, vn)
            if cl.can_do(self._nc):
                self.variables[vn] = cl(self._nc)
コード例 #3
def open_wrf_dataset(file, **kwargs):
    """Wrapper around xarray's open_dataset to make WRF files a bit better.

    This is needed because variables often have not enough georef attrs
    to be understood alone, and datasets tend to loose their attrs with

    file : str
        the path to the WRF file
    **kwargs : optional
        Additional arguments passed on to ``xarray.open_dataset``.

    an xarray Dataset

    nc = netCDF4.Dataset(file)

    # Change staggered variables to unstaggered ones
    for vn, v in nc.variables.items():
        if wrftools.Unstaggerer.can_do(v):
            nc.variables[vn] = wrftools.Unstaggerer(v)

    # Check if we can add diagnostic variables to the pot
    for vn in wrftools.var_classes:
        cl = getattr(wrftools, vn)
        if vn not in nc.variables and cl.can_do(nc):
            nc.variables[vn] = cl(nc)

    # trick xarray with our custom netcdf
    ds = xr.open_dataset(NetCDF4DataStore(nc), **kwargs)

    # remove time dimension to lon lat
    for vn in ['XLONG', 'XLAT']:
            v = ds[vn].isel(Time=0)
            ds[vn] = xr.DataArray(v.values, dims=['south_north', 'west_east'])
        except (ValueError, KeyError):

    # Convert time (if necessary)
    if 'Time' in ds.dims:
        time = netcdf_time(ds)
        if time is not None:
            ds['Time'] = time
        ds = ds.rename({'Time': 'time'})
    tr = {'Time': 'time', 'XLAT': 'lat', 'XLONG': 'lon', 'XTIME': 'xtime'}
    tr = {k: tr[k] for k in tr.keys() if k in ds.variables}
    ds = ds.rename(tr)

    # drop ugly vars
    vns = ['Times', 'XLAT_V', 'XLAT_U', 'XLONG_U', 'XLONG_V']
    vns = [vn for vn in vns if vn in ds.variables]
        ds = ds.drop_vars(vns)
    except AttributeError:
        ds = ds.drop(vns)

    # add cartesian coords
    ds['west_east'] = ds.salem.grid.x_coord
    ds['south_north'] = ds.salem.grid.y_coord

    # add pyproj string everywhere
    ds.attrs['pyproj_srs'] = ds.salem.grid.proj.srs
    for v in ds.data_vars:
        ds[v].attrs['pyproj_srs'] = ds.salem.grid.proj.srs

    return ds