def invoke_common_options(f): """ Common CLI options shared by "local invoke" and "local start-api" commands :param f: Callback passed by Click """ invoke_options = [ template_click_option(), click.option('--env-vars', '-n', type=click.Path(exists=True), help="JSON file containing values for Lambda function's environment variables."), parameter_override_click_option(), click.option('--debug-port', '-d', help="When specified, Lambda function container will start in debug mode and will expose this " "port on localhost.", envvar="SAM_DEBUG_PORT"), click.option('--debugger-path', help="Host path to a debugger that will be mounted into the Lambda container."), click.option('--debug-args', help="Additional arguments to be passed to the debugger.", envvar="DEBUGGER_ARGS"), click.option('--docker-volume-basedir', '-v', envvar="SAM_DOCKER_VOLUME_BASEDIR", help="Specifies the location basedir where the SAM file exists. If the Docker is running on " "a remote machine, you must mount the path where the SAM file exists on the docker machine " "and modify this value to match the remote machine."), click.option('--log-file', '-l', help="logfile to send runtime logs to."), click.option('--layer-cache-basedir', type=click.Path(exists=False, file_okay=False), envvar="SAM_LAYER_CACHE_BASEDIR", help="Specifies the location basedir where the Layers your template uses will be downloaded to.", default=get_default_layer_cache_dir()), ] + docker_click_options() + [ click.option('--force-image-build', is_flag=True, help='Specify whether CLI should rebuild the image used for invoking functions with layers.', envvar='SAM_FORCE_IMAGE_BUILD', default=False), ] # Reverse the list to maintain ordering of options in help text printed with --help for option in reversed(invoke_options): option(f) return f
def invoke_common_options(f): """ Common CLI options shared by "local invoke" and "local start-api" commands :param f: Callback passed by Click """ invoke_options = [ template_click_option(), click.option('--env-vars', '-n', type=click.Path(exists=True), help="JSON file containing values for Lambda function's environment variables."), parameter_override_click_option(), click.option('--debug-port', '-d', help="When specified, Lambda function container will start in debug mode and will expose this " "port on localhost.", envvar="SAM_DEBUG_PORT"), click.option('--debugger-path', help="Host path to a debugger that will be mounted into the Lambda container."), click.option('--debug-args', help="Additional arguments to be passed to the debugger.", envvar="DEBUGGER_ARGS"), click.option('--docker-volume-basedir', '-v', envvar="SAM_DOCKER_VOLUME_BASEDIR", help="Specifies the location basedir where the SAM file exists. If the Docker is running on " "a remote machine, you must mount the path where the SAM file exists on the docker machine " "and modify this value to match the remote machine."), click.option('--log-file', '-l', help="logfile to send runtime logs to."), ] + docker_click_options() + [ click.option('--profile', help="Specify which AWS credentials profile to use."), click.option('--region', help="Specify which AWS region to use."), ] # Reverse the list to maintain ordering of options in help text printed with --help for option in reversed(invoke_options): option(f) return f