def test_run_model_ExB_files(self): """Test to ensure that the ExB files are copied properly """ sami2py.run_model(tag='test', lon=0, year=2012, day=211, test=True, fmtout=self.format, fejer=False, ExB_drifts=np.zeros((10, 2))) assert os.stat(os.path.join(self.model_path, 'exb.inp'))
def test_run_model_ExB_wrong_size(self): """Test to ensure that the ExB has proper shape """ with pytest.raises(Exception): sami2py.run_model(year=2012, day=211, test=True, fmtout=self.format, fejer=False, ExB_drifts=np.zeros((1, 2)))
def test_run_model_namelist(self): """The test to ensure that the namelist file is generated properly """ sami2py.run_model(year=2012, day=211, test=True, fmtout=self.format) namelist_file = self.model_path + 'sami2py-1.00.namelist' ref_namelist = os.path.join(test_data_dir, self.ref_file) assert filecmp.cmp(namelist_file, ref_namelist)
def test_run_model_namelist_w_invalid_hwm(self): """The test to ensure that the invalid hwm reverts to 14 """ sami2py.run_model(tag='test', lon=0, year=2012, day=211, test=True, fmtout=self.format, hwm_model=15) namelist_file = os.path.join(self.model_path, 'sami2py-1.00.namelist') ref_namelist = os.path.join(test_data_dir, self.ref_file) assert cmp_lines(namelist_file, ref_namelist)
def test_run_model_namelist(self): """The test to ensure that the namelist file is generated properly """ sami2py.run_model(tag='test', lon=0, year=2012, day=211, test=True, fmtout=self.format) namelist_file = os.path.join(self.model_path, 'sami2py-1.00.namelist') ref_namelist = os.path.join(test_data_dir, self.ref_file) assert cmp_lines(namelist_file, ref_namelist)
def test_input_format(self): """Test for error output upon incorrect input format file.write should throw the error when using string formatting to create the file name. Will happen for any variable in the namelist set with the wrong type """ with pytest.raises(ValueError): sami2py.run_model(tag='test', year='2012', day='211', test=True, fmtout=self.format)
def test_run_model_dat_files(self): """Test to ensure that the dat files are copied properly """ sami2py.run_model(year=2012, day=211, test=True, fmtout=self.format) if self.format: fname = 'glonf.dat' else: fname = 'glonu.dat' assert os.stat(self.model_path + fname)
def test_run_model_dat_files(self): """Test to ensure that the dat files are copied properly """ sami2py.run_model(tag='test', lon=0, year=2012, day=211, test=True, fmtout=self.format, outn=True) if self.format: fname = 'glonf.dat' else: fname = 'glonu.dat' assert os.stat(os.path.join(self.model_path, fname))
def test_fortran_executable(self): """Short run of fortran executable to ensure the code compiles and runs """ tmp_archive_dir = sami2py.archive_dir sami2py.utils.set_archive_dir(path=test_data_dir) sami2py.run_model(tag='test', year=2012, day=211, fmtout=self.format, dthr=0.05, hrinit=0.0, hrpr=0.0, hrmax=.11) if os.path.isdir(tmp_archive_dir): sami2py.utils.set_archive_dir(path=tmp_archive_dir) else: with open(sami2py.archive_path, 'w') as archive_file: archive_file.write('') sami2py.archive_dir = ''
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2017, JK & JH # Full license can be found in # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ sami2py ----------- Functions --------------------------------------------------------------------------- run_model(year, day, lat=0, lon=0, alt=300, f107=120, f107a=120, ap=0, rmin=100, rmax=2000, gams=3, gamp=3, altmin=85., dthr=0.25, hrinit=0., hrpr=24., hrmax=48., dt0=30., maxstep=100000000, denmin=1.e-6, nion1=1, nion2=7, mmass=48, h_scale=1, o_scale=1, no_scale=1, o2_scale=1, he_scale=1, n2_scale=1, n_scale=1, Tinf_scale=1, Tn_scale=1., euv_scale=1, wind_scale=1, hwm_model=14, fejer=True, ExB_drifts=np.zeros((10,2)), ve01=0., exb_scale=1, alt_crit=150., cqe=7.e-14, tag='test', clean=False, test=False) Initializes a run of the SAMI2 model and archives the data. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Classes --------------------------------------------------------------------------- model