コード例 #1
ファイル: targetid.py プロジェクト: rhoerbe/pefim-proxy
    def __init__(self, e_alg=None, key=None, h_alg=None, iv=None):

        if e_alg is None:
            self.e_alg = self.AES_ALG[0]
            self.e_alg = e_alg
        assert self.e_alg in self.AES_ALG, "The encryption alg %s do not exist. Use one of the follwing encryption " \
                                            "alg: %s" % (self.alg, self.AES_ALG)
        typ, bits, cmode = self.e_alg.split("_")
        if key is None:
            self.key = os.urandom(int(bits) >> 3)
            self.key = key
        assert len(self.key) == int(bits) >> 3, "The key must consist of %d bytes." % int(bits) >> 3
        if h_alg is None:
            self.h_alg = "sha256"
            self.h_alg = h_alg
        if iv is None:
            self.iv = Random.new().read(AES.block_size)
            self.iv = iv
        assert len(self.iv) == AES.block_size, "The initialization vector must be %d size." % AES.block_size
        h_alg_ok = False
        approved_hash_alg = ""
        for tmp_h_alg in hashlib.algorithms:
            if self.h_alg == tmp_h_alg:
                h_alg_ok = True
            approved_hash_alg += tmp_h_alg + ","
        assert h_alg_ok, "The hash alg %s do not exist. Use one of the following alg: %s" % (self.h_alg,
        self.aes = AESCipher(key=self.key, iv=self.iv)
コード例 #2
ファイル: authn.py プロジェクト: wing2fly/pysaml2
 def __init__(self, srv, mako_template, template_lookup, pwd, return_to):
     :param srv: The server instance
     :param mako_template: Which Mako template to use
     :param pwd: Username/password dictionary like database
     :param return_to: Where to send the user after authentication
     UserAuthnMethod.__init__(self, srv)
     self.mako_template = mako_template
     self.template_lookup = template_lookup
     self.passwd = pwd
     self.return_to = return_to
     self.active = {}
     self.query_param = "upm_answer"
     self.aes = AESCipher(self.srv.symkey.encode(), srv.iv)
コード例 #3
ファイル: authn.py プロジェクト: 5monkeys/pysaml2
 def __init__(self, srv, mako_template, template_lookup, pwd, return_to):
     :param srv: The server instance
     :param mako_template: Which Mako template to use
     :param pwd: Username/password dictionary like database
     :param return_to: Where to send the user after authentication
     UserAuthnMethod.__init__(self, srv)
     self.mako_template = mako_template
     self.template_lookup = template_lookup
     self.passwd = pwd
     self.return_to = return_to
     self.active = {}
     self.query_param = "upm_answer"
     self.aes = AESCipher(self.srv.symkey, srv.iv)
コード例 #4
ファイル: authn.py プロジェクト: 5monkeys/pysaml2
class UsernamePasswordMako(UserAuthnMethod):
    """Do user authentication using the normal username password form
    using Mako as template system"""
    cookie_name = "userpassmako"

    def __init__(self, srv, mako_template, template_lookup, pwd, return_to):
        :param srv: The server instance
        :param mako_template: Which Mako template to use
        :param pwd: Username/password dictionary like database
        :param return_to: Where to send the user after authentication
        UserAuthnMethod.__init__(self, srv)
        self.mako_template = mako_template
        self.template_lookup = template_lookup
        self.passwd = pwd
        self.return_to = return_to
        self.active = {}
        self.query_param = "upm_answer"
        self.aes = AESCipher(self.srv.symkey, srv.iv)

    def __call__(self, cookie=None, policy_url=None, logo_url=None,
                 query="", **kwargs):
        Put up the login form
        if cookie:
            headers = [cookie]
            headers = []

        resp = Response(headers=headers)

        argv = {"login": "",
                "password": "",
                "action": "verify",
                "policy_url": policy_url,
                "logo_url": logo_url,
                "query": query}
        logger.info("do_authentication argv: %s" % argv)
        mte = self.template_lookup.get_template(self.mako_template)
        resp.message = mte.render(**argv)
        return resp

    def _verify(self, pwd, user):
        assert pwd == self.passwd[user]

    def verify(self, request, **kwargs):
        Verifies that the given username and password was correct
        :param request: Either the query part of a URL a urlencoded
            body of a HTTP message or a parse such.
        :param kwargs: Catch whatever else is sent.
        :return: redirect back to where ever the base applications
            wants the user after authentication.

        logger.debug("verify(%s)" % request)
        if isinstance(request, basestring):
            _dict = parse_qs(request)
        elif isinstance(request, dict):
            _dict = request
            raise ValueError("Wrong type of input")

        logger.debug("dict: %s" % _dict)
        logger.debug("passwd: %s" % self.passwd)
        # verify username and password
            self._verify(_dict["password"][0], _dict["login"][0])
            timestamp = str(int(time.mktime(time.gmtime())))
            info = self.aes.encrypt("::".join([_dict["login"][0], timestamp]))
            self.active[info] = timestamp
            cookie = make_cookie(self.cookie_name, info, self.srv.seed)
            return_to = create_return_url(self.return_to, _dict["query"][0],
                                          **{self.query_param: "true"})
            resp = Redirect(return_to, headers=[cookie])
        except (AssertionError, KeyError):
            resp = Unauthorized("Unknown user or wrong password")

        return resp

    def authenticated_as(self, cookie=None, **kwargs):
        if cookie is None:
            return None
            logger.debug("kwargs: %s" % kwargs)
                info, timestamp = parse_cookie(self.cookie_name,
                                               self.srv.seed, cookie)
                if self.active[info] == timestamp:
                    uid, _ts = self.aes.decrypt(info).split("::")
                    if timestamp == _ts:
                        return {"uid": uid}
            except Exception:

        return None

    def done(self, areq):
            _ = areq[self.query_param]
            return False
        except KeyError:
            return True
コード例 #5
ファイル: targetid.py プロジェクト: rhoerbe/pefim-proxy
class TargetIdHandler(object):
    AES_ALG = ["aes_128_cbc", "aes_128_cfb", "aes_128_ecb",
               "aes_192_cbc", "aes_192_cfb", "aes_192_ecb",
               "aes_256_cbc", "aes_256_cfb", "aes_256_ecb"]

    def __init__(self, e_alg=None, key=None, h_alg=None, iv=None):

        if e_alg is None:
            self.e_alg = self.AES_ALG[0]
            self.e_alg = e_alg
        assert self.e_alg in self.AES_ALG, "The encryption alg %s do not exist. Use one of the follwing encryption " \
                                            "alg: %s" % (self.alg, self.AES_ALG)
        typ, bits, cmode = self.e_alg.split("_")
        if key is None:
            self.key = os.urandom(int(bits) >> 3)
            self.key = key
        assert len(self.key) == int(bits) >> 3, "The key must consist of %d bytes." % int(bits) >> 3
        if h_alg is None:
            self.h_alg = "sha256"
            self.h_alg = h_alg
        if iv is None:
            self.iv = Random.new().read(AES.block_size)
            self.iv = iv
        assert len(self.iv) == AES.block_size, "The initialization vector must be %d size." % AES.block_size
        h_alg_ok = False
        approved_hash_alg = ""
        for tmp_h_alg in hashlib.algorithms:
            if self.h_alg == tmp_h_alg:
                h_alg_ok = True
            approved_hash_alg += tmp_h_alg + ","
        assert h_alg_ok, "The hash alg %s do not exist. Use one of the following alg: %s" % (self.h_alg,
        self.aes = AESCipher(key=self.key, iv=self.iv)

    def get_new_iv(self):
        return Random.new().read(AES.block_size)

    def tid2_json(self, tid1, sp_entityid):
        tid2_dict = {
            "tid1": tid1,
            "sp_entityid": sp_entityid,
            "uuid": uuid4().urn
        return json.dumps(tid2_dict)

    def tid2_dict(self, tid2_json):
        return json.loads(tid2_json)

    def tid2_encrypt(self, tid1, sp_entityid, iv=None):
        tid2 = self.tid2_json(tid1, sp_entityid)
        tid2_encrypt = self.aes.encrypt(msg=tid2, alg=self.e_alg, iv=None)
        return tid2_encrypt

    def tid2_decrypt(self, tid2_encrypted, iv=None):
        tid2_json = self.aes.decrypt(tid2_encrypted, alg=self.e_alg, iv=None)
        return self.tid2_dict(tid2_json)

    def tid2_hash(self, tid1, sp_entityid):
        tid2 = self.tid2_json(tid1, sp_entityid)
        hash_func = getattr(hashlib, self.h_alg)
        return hash_func(tid2).hexdigest()

    def uid_hash(self, tid1):
        hash_func = getattr(hashlib, self.h_alg)
        return hash_func(tid1).hexdigest()
コード例 #6
ファイル: authn.py プロジェクト: wing2fly/pysaml2
class UsernamePasswordMako(UserAuthnMethod):
    """Do user authentication using the normal username password form
    using Mako as template system"""
    cookie_name = "userpassmako"

    def __init__(self, srv, mako_template, template_lookup, pwd, return_to):
        :param srv: The server instance
        :param mako_template: Which Mako template to use
        :param pwd: Username/password dictionary like database
        :param return_to: Where to send the user after authentication
        UserAuthnMethod.__init__(self, srv)
        self.mako_template = mako_template
        self.template_lookup = template_lookup
        self.passwd = pwd
        self.return_to = return_to
        self.active = {}
        self.query_param = "upm_answer"
        self.aes = AESCipher(self.srv.symkey.encode(), srv.iv)

    def __call__(self,
        Put up the login form
        if cookie:
            headers = [cookie]
            headers = []

        resp = Response(headers=headers)

        argv = {
            "login": "",
            "password": "",
            "action": "verify",
            "policy_url": policy_url,
            "logo_url": logo_url,
            "query": query
        logger.info("do_authentication argv: %s" % argv)
        mte = self.template_lookup.get_template(self.mako_template)
        resp.message = mte.render(**argv)
        return resp

    def _verify(self, pwd, user):
        if not is_equal(pwd, self.passwd[user]):
            raise ValueError("Wrong password")

    def verify(self, request, **kwargs):
        Verifies that the given username and password was correct
        :param request: Either the query part of a URL a urlencoded
            body of a HTTP message or a parse such.
        :param kwargs: Catch whatever else is sent.
        :return: redirect back to where ever the base applications
            wants the user after authentication.

        #logger.debug("verify(%s)" % request)
        if isinstance(request, six.string_types):
            _dict = parse_qs(request)
        elif isinstance(request, dict):
            _dict = request
            raise ValueError("Wrong type of input")

        # verify username and password
            self._verify(_dict["password"][0], _dict["login"][0])
            timestamp = str(int(time.mktime(time.gmtime())))
            msg = "::".join([_dict["login"][0], timestamp])
            info = self.aes.encrypt(msg.encode())
            self.active[info] = timestamp
            cookie = make_cookie(self.cookie_name, info, self.srv.seed)
            return_to = create_return_url(self.return_to, _dict["query"][0],
                                          **{self.query_param: "true"})
            resp = Redirect(return_to, headers=[cookie])
        except (ValueError, KeyError):
            resp = Unauthorized("Unknown user or wrong password")

        return resp

    def authenticated_as(self, cookie=None, **kwargs):
        if cookie is None:
            return None
            logger.debug("kwargs: %s" % kwargs)
                info, timestamp = parse_cookie(self.cookie_name, self.srv.seed,
                if self.active[info] == timestamp:
                    msg = self.aes.decrypt(info).decode()
                    uid, _ts = msg.split("::")
                    if timestamp == _ts:
                        return {"uid": uid}
            except Exception:

        return None

    def done(self, areq):
            _ = areq[self.query_param]
            return False
        except KeyError:
            return True