def ecp(self): # The ECP interface"--- ECP SSO ---") resp = None try: authz_info = self.environ["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"] if authz_info.startswith("Basic "): try: _info = base64.b64decode(authz_info[6:]) except TypeError: resp = Unauthorized() else: logger.debug("Authz_info: %s", _info) try: (user, passwd) = _info.split(":") if is_equal(PASSWD[user], passwd): resp = Unauthorized() self.user = user except (ValueError, TypeError): resp = Unauthorized() else: resp = Unauthorized() except KeyError: resp = Unauthorized() if resp: return resp(self.environ, self.start_response) _dict = self.unpack_soap() self.response_bindings = [BINDING_PAOS] # Basic auth ?! return self.operation(_dict, BINDING_SOAP)
def verify(self, request, **kwargs): """ Verifies that the given username and password was correct :param request: Either the query part of a URL a urlencoded body of a HTTP message or a parse such. :param kwargs: Catch whatever else is sent. :return: redirect back to where ever the base applications wants the user after authentication. """ #logger.debug("verify(%s)" % request) if isinstance(request, six.string_types): _dict = parse_qs(request) elif isinstance(request, dict): _dict = request else: raise ValueError("Wrong type of input") # verify username and password try: self._verify(_dict["password"][0], _dict["login"][0]) timestamp = str(int(time.mktime(time.gmtime()))) msg = "::".join([_dict["login"][0], timestamp]) info = self.symmetric.encrypt(msg.encode())[info] = timestamp cookie = make_cookie(self.cookie_name, info, self.srv.seed) return_to = create_return_url(self.return_to, _dict["query"][0], **{self.query_param: "true"}) resp = Redirect(return_to, headers=[cookie]) except (ValueError, KeyError): resp = Unauthorized("Unknown user or wrong password") return resp
def do_verify(environ, start_response, _): query_str = get_post(environ) if not isinstance(query_str, six.string_types): query_str = query_str.decode("ascii") query = parse_qs(query_str) logger.debug("do_verify: %s", query) try: _ok, user = verify_username_and_password(query) except KeyError: _ok = False user = None if not _ok: resp = Unauthorized("Unknown user or wrong password") else: uid = rndstr(24) IDP.cache.uid2user[uid] = user IDP.cache.user2uid[user] = uid logger.debug("Register %s under '%s'", user, uid) kaka = set_cookie("idpauthn", "/", uid, query["authn_reference"][0]) lox = "%s?id=%s&key=%s" % (query["redirect_uri"][0], uid, query["key"][0]) logger.debug("Redirect => %s", lox) resp = Redirect(lox, headers=[kaka], content="text/html") return resp(environ, start_response)
def do(self, response, binding, relay_state="", mtype="response"): """ :param response: The SAML response, transport encoded :param binding: Which binding the query came in over """ # tmp_outstanding_queries = dict(self.outstanding_queries) if not response:"Missing Response") resp = Unauthorized("Unknown user") return resp(self.environ, self.start_response) try: conv_info = { "remote_addr": self.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"], "request_uri": self.environ["REQUEST_URI"], "entity_id": self.sp.config.entityid, "endpoints": self.sp.config.getattr("endpoints", "sp"), } self.response = self.sp.parse_authn_request_response( response, binding, self.outstanding_queries, self.cache.outstanding_certs, conv_info=conv_info, ) except UnknownPrincipal as excp: logger.error("UnknownPrincipal: %s", excp) resp = ServiceError("UnknownPrincipal: %s" % (excp, )) return resp(self.environ, self.start_response) except UnsupportedBinding as excp: logger.error("UnsupportedBinding: %s", excp) resp = ServiceError("UnsupportedBinding: %s" % (excp, )) return resp(self.environ, self.start_response) except VerificationError as err: resp = ServiceError("Verification error: %s" % (err, )) return resp(self.environ, self.start_response) except SignatureError as err: resp = ServiceError("Signature error: %s" % (err, )) return resp(self.environ, self.start_response) except Exception as err: resp = ServiceError("Other error: %s" % (err, )) return resp(self.environ, self.start_response)"AVA: %s", self.response.ava) user = User(self.response.name_id, self.response.ava, self.response) cookie = self.cache.set_cookie(user) resp = Redirect("/", headers=[cookie]) return resp(self.environ, self.start_response)
def ecp(self): # The ECP interface"--- ECP SSO ---") resp = None try: authz_info = self.environ["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"] if authz_info.startswith("Basic "): try: _info = base64.b64decode(authz_info[6:]) except TypeError: resp = Unauthorized() else: try: (user, passwd) = _info.split(":") if is_equal(PASSWD[user], passwd): resp = Unauthorized() self.user = user self.environ["idp.authn"] = AUTHN_BROKER.get_authn_by_accr( PASSWORD ) except ValueError: resp = Unauthorized() else: resp = Unauthorized() except KeyError: resp = Unauthorized() if resp: return resp(self.environ, self.start_response) _dict = self.unpack_soap() self.response_bindings = [BINDING_PAOS] # Basic auth ?! self.op_type = "ecp" return self.operation(_dict, BINDING_SOAP)
def do_authentication(environ, start_response, authn_context, key, redirect_uri): """ Display the login form """ logger.debug("Do authentication") auth_info = AUTHN_BROKER.pick(authn_context) if len(auth_info): method, reference = auth_info[0] logger.debug("Authn chosen: %s (ref=%s)", method, reference) return method(environ, start_response, reference, key, redirect_uri) else: resp = Unauthorized("No usable authentication method") return resp(environ, start_response)
def staticfile(environ, start_response): try: path = args.path[:] if path is None or len(path) == 0: path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) if path[-1] != "/": path += "/" path += environ.get("PATH_INFO", "").lstrip("/") path = os.path.realpath(path) if not path.startswith(args.path): resp = Unauthorized() return resp(environ, start_response) start_response("200 OK", [("Content-Type", "text/xml")]) return open(path, "r").read() except Exception as ex: logger.error("An error occured while creating metadata: %s", ex.message) return not_found(environ, start_response)
def verify_request(self, query, binding): """ :param query: The SAML query, transport encoded :param binding: Which binding the query came in over """ resp_args = {} if not query:"Missing QUERY") resp = Unauthorized('Unknown user') return resp_args, resp(self.environ, self.start_response) if not self.req_info: self.req_info = IDP.parse_authn_request(query, binding)"parsed OK") _authn_req = self.req_info.message logger.debug("%s", _authn_req) try: self.binding_out, self.destination = IDP.pick_binding( "assertion_consumer_service", bindings=self.response_bindings, entity_id=_authn_req.issuer.text) except Exception as err: logger.error("Couldn't find receiver endpoint: %s", err) raise logger.debug("Binding: %s, destination: %s", self.binding_out, self.destination) resp_args = {} try: resp_args = IDP.response_args(_authn_req) _resp = None except UnknownPrincipal as excp: _resp = IDP.create_error_response(, self.destination, excp) except UnsupportedBinding as excp: _resp = IDP.create_error_response(, self.destination, excp) return resp_args, _resp
def not_authn(self): resp = Unauthorized("Unknown user") return resp(self.environ, self.start_response)
def not_authn(environ, start_response): resp = Unauthorized('Unknown user') return resp(environ, start_response)