コード例 #1
def test_dict_constructor():
    regular_dict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
    d = sanest.dict(regular_dict)
    assert d == regular_dict
    d = sanest.dict(regular_dict, c=3)
    regular_dict['c'] = 3
    assert d == regular_dict
コード例 #2
def test_dict_get_with_path():
    d = sanest.dict()
    d['a'] = sanest.dict()
    d['a']['b'] = 123
    assert d.get(('a', 'b')) == 123
    assert d.get(['a', 'c']) is None
    assert d.get(['b', 'c'], 456) == 456
コード例 #3
def test_dict_validate():
    d = sanest.dict({'a': 1, 'b': 2})
    d = sanest.dict({'a': [1, 2]})
    with pytest.raises(sanest.InvalidValueError) as excinfo:
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "expected str, got list at path ['a']: [1, 2]"
コード例 #4
def test_dict_items_view_iteration():
    d = sanest.dict({'a': 1})
    assert list(d.items()) == [('a', 1)]
    d = sanest.dict({'a': {'b': 2}})
    items_view = d.items(type={str: int})
    assert list(items_view) == [('a', {'b': 2})]
    with pytest.raises(sanest.InvalidValueError) as excinfo:
    assert str(
        excinfo.value) == ("expected bool, got dict at path ['a']: {'b': 2}")
コード例 #5
def test_dict_validate_assigned_values():
    d = sanest.dict()
    with pytest.raises(sanest.InvalidValueError) as excinfo:
        d['a'] = MyClass()
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "invalid value of type MyClass: <MyClass>"

    d = sanest.dict()
    with pytest.raises(sanest.InvalidValueError) as excinfo:
        d['a', 'b'] = MyClass()
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "invalid value of type MyClass: <MyClass>"
コード例 #6
def test_dict_comparison():
    d1 = sanest.dict({'a': 1})
    d2 = sanest.dict({'a': 1})
    d3 = {'a': 1}
    d4 = sanest.dict({'b': 2})
    assert d1 == d2
    assert d1 == d3
    assert d1 == d1
    assert d4 != d1
    assert d4 != d3
    assert d1 != object()
コード例 #7
def test_dict_getitem_with_path_and_type():
    d = sanest.dict()
    d['a'] = sanest.dict()
    d['a']['b'] = 123
    assert d['a', 'b':int] == 123
    path = ['a', 'b']
    assert d[path:int] == 123
    assert d['a':dict]
    path = ['a']
    assert d[path:dict]

    with pytest.raises(KeyError) as excinfo:
        d['x', 'y']
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "['x']"
コード例 #8
def test_dict_values_view_iteration():
    d = sanest.dict({'a': 'b'})
    assert list(d.values()) == ['b']
    d = sanest.dict({'a': [1, 2]})
    values_view = d.values(type=[int])
    values = list(values_view)
    assert len(values) == 1
    value = values[0]
    assert value == [1, 2]
    assert isinstance(value, sanest.list)
    with pytest.raises(sanest.InvalidValueError) as excinfo:
    assert str(
        excinfo.value) == ("expected bool, got list at path ['a']: [1, 2]")
コード例 #9
def test_dict_items_view_contains():
    d = sanest.dict({'a': {'b': 2}})
    items_view = d.items()
    key = 'a'
    value = {'b': 2}
    assert (key, value) in items_view
    key = 'a'
    value = sanest.dict({'b': 2})
    assert (key, value) in items_view
    key = ['a', 'b']
    value = 2
    assert (key, value) in items_view
    key = ['a', 'x']
    value = 123
    assert not (key, value) in items_view
コード例 #10
def test_dict_setdefault():
    d = sanest.dict()
    d['a'] = 1
    assert d.setdefault('a', 2) == 1
    assert d.setdefault(['b', 'c'], 'foo', type=str) == 'foo'
    assert d['a'] == 1
    assert d['b', 'c'] == 'foo'
    assert d['d'] is None
    d.setdefault('e', None)
    assert d['e'] is None

    with pytest.raises(sanest.InvalidValueError) as excinfo:
        d.setdefault(['b', 'c'], 'not an int', type=int)
    assert str(
        excinfo.value) == ("expected int, got str at path ['b', 'c']: 'foo'")

    with pytest.raises(sanest.InvalidValueError) as excinfo:
        d.setdefault('x', 'not an int', type=int)
    assert str(excinfo.value) == ("expected int, got str: 'not an int'")
    assert 'x' not in d

    with pytest.raises(sanest.InvalidValueError) as excinfo:
        d.setdefault('a', 'not an int', type=int)
    assert str(excinfo.value) == ("expected int, got str: 'not an int'")

    d2 = d.setdefault('xy', {'x': 'y'})
    assert isinstance(d2, sanest.dict)
    assert d2 == {'x': 'y'}
コード例 #11
def test_dict_pop_with_path():
    d = sanest.dict({
        'a': {
            'b': 2,
            'c': 3,
        'd': {
            'e': {
                'f': {
                    'g': 'hello',
    assert d.pop(['a', 'b']) == 2
    assert ['a', 'b'] not in d
    assert d.pop(['a', 'c'], 33) == 3
    assert ['a', 'c'] not in d
    assert d['a'] == {}
    assert d.pop(['a', 'x'], 99, type=str) == 99
    with pytest.raises(KeyError) as excinfo:
        d.pop(['a', 'x'])
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "['a', 'x']"
    assert excinfo.value.__cause__ is None
    assert excinfo.value.__suppress_context__
    with pytest.raises(KeyError) as excinfo:
        d.pop(['d', 'e', 'x', 'y', 'z'])
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "['d', 'e', 'x']"
    assert d.pop(['d', 'e', 'x', 'y', 'z'], 'hi') == 'hi'
    d.pop(['d', 'e', 'f']) == {'g': 'hello'}
コード例 #12
def test_slots():
    d = sanest.dict()
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        d.foo = 123
    ll = sanest.list()
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        ll.foo = 123
コード例 #13
def test_dict_deep_copy():
    d1 = sanest.dict({'a': 1, 'b': {'b1': 21, 'b2': 22}})
    d2 = sanest.dict({'a': 1, 'b': {'b1': 21, 'b2': 22}})
    copies = [
        (d1, d1.copy(deep=True)),
        (d2, copy.deepcopy(d2)),
    for original, other in copies:
        assert other == original
        assert other is not original
        # change shallow field: original is unchanged
        other['a'] = 111
        assert original['a'] == 1
        # change nested field: copy is unchanged change
        original['b', 'b2'] = 2222
        assert other['b', 'b2'] == 22
コード例 #14
def test_list_index():
    ll = sanest.list([
        'a',  # 0
            'b': 'c'
        },  # 1
        None,  # 2
        None,  # 3
        'a',  # 4
        None,  # 5
        None,  # 6
    assert ll.index('a') == 0
    assert ll.index('a', type=str) == 0
    assert ll.index('a', 2) == 4
    assert ll.index('a', 2, type=str) == 4
    assert ll.index('a', 2, 6) == 4
    assert ll.index(None, 2) == 2
    assert ll.index(None, 4) == 5
    assert ll.index({'b': 'c'}) == 1
    assert ll.index(sanest.dict({'b': 'c'})) == 1
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        ll.index('a', 5)
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "'a' is not in list"
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        ll.index('a', 2, 3)
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "'a' is not in list"
    with pytest.raises(sanest.InvalidValueError) as excinfo:
        ll.index(2, type=str)
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "expected str, got int: 2"
コード例 #15
def test_dict_setitem_with_path():
    d = sanest.dict()
    d['a', 'b'] = 123
    assert d['a', 'b'] == 123
    path = ['a', 'b']
    d[path] = 456
    assert d[path] == 456
コード例 #16
def test_dict_pop_with_type():
    d = sanest.dict({'a': 1, 'b': 2})

    # existing key, correct type
    assert d.pop('a', type=int) == 1

    # existing key, wrong type
    with pytest.raises(sanest.InvalidValueError) as excinfo:
        d.pop('b', type=str)
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "expected str, got int at path ['b']: 2"
    assert d['b'] == 2

    # existing key, with default arg, wrong type
    with pytest.raises(sanest.InvalidValueError) as excinfo:
        assert d.pop('b', 22, type=str)
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "expected str, got int at path ['b']: 2"
    assert d['b'] == 2

    # existing key, with default arg, correct type
    assert d.pop('b', 22, type=int) == 2

    # missing key
    with pytest.raises(KeyError) as excinfo:
        d.pop('x', type=str)
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "['x']"
    assert excinfo.value.__cause__ is None
    assert excinfo.value.__suppress_context__

    # missing key, with default arg: not type checked, just like .get()
    assert d.pop('x', 99, type=int) == 99
    assert d.pop('x', 'not an int', type=int) == 'not an int'

    assert not d
コード例 #17
def test_dict_delitem_with_path():
    d = sanest.dict({'a': {'b': 2}})
    with pytest.raises(KeyError) as excinfo:
        del d['a', 'x']
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "['a', 'x']"
    del d['a', 'b']
    assert d['a'] == {}
コード例 #18
def test_dict_clear():
    d = sanest.dict()
    d['a'] = 1
    assert len(d) == 1
    assert 'a' not in d
    assert len(d) == 0
    assert not d
コード例 #19
def test_dict_basics():
    d = sanest.dict()
    d['a'] = 1
    assert d['a'] == 1
    d['a'] = 2
    d['b'] = 3
    assert d['a'] == 2
    assert d['b'] == 3
コード例 #20
def test_dict_contains_with_path_and_type():
    d = sanest.dict()
    d['a', 'b'] = 123
    assert ['a', 'b', int] in d
    assert ('a', 'b', int) in d
    assert ('a', 'b', str) not in d
    assert ('a', 'b', 'c') not in d
    assert ('a', 'b', 'c', int) not in d
コード例 #21
def test_dict_contains_with_path():
    d = sanest.dict()
    d['a', 'b'] = 123
    assert ('a', 'b') in d  # tuple
    assert ['a', 'b'] in d  # list
    assert ['c', 'd'] not in d
    with pytest.raises(sanest.InvalidPathError):
        ['a', None] in d
コード例 #22
def test_dict_contains_with_type():
    d = sanest.dict()
    d['a'] = 123
    d['b'] = [1, 2, 3]
    assert ['a', int] in d
    assert ['a', str] not in d
    assert ['b', [int]] in d
    assert not ['b', [str]] in d
コード例 #23
def test_dict_delitem_with_type():
    d = sanest.dict({'a': 1, 'b': 2})
    del d['a':int]
    assert 'a' not in d
    with pytest.raises(sanest.InvalidValueError) as excinfo:
        del d['b':str]
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "expected str, got int at path ['b']: 2"
    assert d['b'] == 2
コード例 #24
def test_dict_pop_with_path_and_type():
    d = sanest.dict({'a': {'b': 2}})
    with pytest.raises(sanest.InvalidValueError) as excinfo:
        assert d.pop(['a', 'b'], type=str)
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "expected str, got int at path ['a', 'b']: 2"
    assert d.pop(['a', 'b'], 22, type=int) == 2
    assert d == {'a': {}}
    assert d.pop(['a', 'x'], 99, type=str) == 99
コード例 #25
def test_list_count():
    ll = sanest.list([1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, {'a': 'b'}])
    assert ll.count(1) == 3
    assert ll.count(1, type=int) == 3
    with pytest.raises(sanest.InvalidValueError) as excinfo:
        ll.count(1, type=str)
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "expected str, got int: 1"
    assert ll.count({'a': 'b'}) == 1
    assert ll.count(sanest.dict({'a': 'b'})) == 1
コード例 #26
def test_dict_list_contains():
    d = sanest.dict({
        'a': ['b', 'c'],
    assert ['a'] in d
    assert ['a', 0] in d
    assert ['a', 0, 'x'] not in d
    assert ['a', 'x'] not in d
    assert ['a', 3] not in d
コード例 #27
def test_dict_value_atomic_type():
    d1 = sanest.dict()
    d2 = {}
    for d in [d1, d2]:
        d['a'] = 1
        d['b'] = 1.23
        d['c'] = "foo"
        d['d'] = True
    assert d1 == d2
コード例 #28
def test_dict_delitem_with_path_and_type():
    original = {'a': {'b': 2}}
    d = sanest.dict(original)
    with pytest.raises(sanest.InvalidValueError) as excinfo:
        del d['a', 'b':str]
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "expected str, got int at path ['a', 'b']: 2"
    assert d == original
    del d['a', 'b':int]
    assert d['a'] == {}
コード例 #29
def test_wrong_path_for_container_type():
    d = sanest.dict()
    ll = sanest.list()
    with pytest.raises(sanest.InvalidPathError) as excinfo:
        d[2, 'a']
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "dict path must start with str: [2, 'a']"
    with pytest.raises(sanest.InvalidPathError) as excinfo:
        ll['a', 2]
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "list path must start with int: ['a', 2]"
コード例 #30
def test_dict_getitem():
    d = sanest.dict()

    d['a'] = 1
    assert d['a'] == 1

    with pytest.raises(KeyError) as excinfo:
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "['x']"