def build_app(self, config={}, **limiter_args): app = Sanic(__name__) for k, v in config.items(): app.config.setdefault(k, v) limiter_args.setdefault('key_func', get_remote_address) limiter = Limiter(app, **limiter_args) mock_handler = mock.Mock() mock_handler.level = logging.INFO limiter.logger.addHandler(mock_handler) return app, limiter
def setup_rate_limiter(app: Sanic): limiter = Limiter( app, global_limits=["1000/hour", "100/second"], key_func=get_remote_address, strategy="moving-window", storage_uri="memory://", ) return limiter
from sanic import Sanic, response, exceptions from sanic_cors import CORS, cross_origin from sanic_limiter import Limiter, get_remote_address import argparse, json, logging, os, sys # Setup app = Sanic() CORS(app) limiter = Limiter(app, key_func=get_remote_address) logger = logging.getLogger() config = {} # Utils def debug(msg): if config['debug'] == True: # Routes @app.route("/1", methods=['GET']) @limiter.limit("") async def test1(request): try: if (request.args["text"]): return response.text("Valid request") except:
if loaded is None: loaded = {} # Replace default options with ones provided in the file config = {**config, **loaded} app.update_config(config)"Config loaded.") jwt = sanic_jwt.Initialize( app, authenticate=auth.authenticate(app), secret=config["AUTH_SECRET"], url_prefix=config["AUTH_URL_PREFIX"], expiration_delta=config["AUTH_EXPIRATION_DELTA"], ) limiter = Limiter(app, global_limits=["120/minute"], key_func=get_remote_address) # TODO: Make this optionally enabled CORS(app) INDEX_PAGE = str(Path.cwd() / "ui" / "build" / "index.html") app.static("/", INDEX_PAGE) app.static("/start-survey/", INDEX_PAGE) app.static("/complete/", INDEX_PAGE) @app.route("/survey/<_n>") async def survey(_request, _n): return await response.file(INDEX_PAGE)
# demo start from sanic import Sanic, Blueprint from sanic.response import text from sanic_limiter import Limiter, get_remote_address app = Sanic(__name__) limiter = Limiter(app, global_limits=['1 per hour', '10 per day'], key_func=get_remote_address) bp = Blueprint('some_bp') limiter.limit("2 per hour")(bp) @bp.route("/bp1") async def bp_t1(request): return text("bp_t1") @app.route("/t1") @limiter.limit("100 per hour;10/minute") async def t1(request): return text("t1") @app.route("/t2") async def t2(request): return text("t2") @app.route("/t3") @limiter.exempt async def t3(request):
from sanic import Sanic from sanic.response import json from sanic_limiter import Limiter, get_remote_address from bs4 import BeautifulSoup async def ratelimit_handler(request, exception): return json({"error": f"Ratelimit exceeded {exception}."}, status=429) app = Sanic() app.error_handler.add(Exception, ratelimit_handler) limiter = Limiter(app, global_limits=["1 per 3 seconds", "50 per hour"], key_func=get_remote_address) @app.route("/") async def main(request): if not (bot := request.args.get("bot")): return json({"error": "Bot query is required. Example: ?bot=atlas"}) soup = BeautifulSoup((response := requests.get(f"{bot}")).content, "html.parser") if (status := response.status_code) not in [200, 204]: return json({ "status": status,
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from sanic_prometheus import monitor from sanic import Sanic, response, Blueprint from sanic_limiter import Limiter, get_remote_address app = Sanic() test_bp = Blueprint('test') limiter = Limiter(app, global_limits=['10 per second', '500 per day'], key_func=get_remote_address) @test_bp.route('/home', methods=['GET']) async def home(request): return response.json({'success': 'you are home'}) if __name__ == '__main__': monitor(app).expose_endpoint() app.blueprint(test_bp)'', port=8000, auto_reload=False, access_log=True, debug=True)
from sanic import Sanic from sanic import response from aiocache import cached from aiohttp import ClientSession, ClientConnectorError from sanic_limiter import Limiter, get_remote_address app = Sanic('cyesec') limiter = Limiter(app) async def fetch_data_from_remote_server(session, url): try: async with session.get(url) as result: return await result.json() except ClientConnectorError as e: return ('Connection Error', str(e)) @cached(ttl=3600) async def expensive_request_should_use_cache(get_remote_address): url = "" async with ClientSession() as session: result = await fetch_data_from_remote_server(session, url) return response.json(result) @app.route("/") @limiter.limit("1000 per day;10/minute", key_func=get_remote_address) async def handle_request(request): return await expensive_request_should_use_cache(get_remote_address)
app.config.update(settings.SANIC_REDIS_CONFIG) app.config.LOGO = settings.LOGO.format(', Y.c') # app.config.LOGO = None app.blueprint(openapi_blueprint) app.blueprint(swagger_blueprint) redis = SanicRedis(app) CORS(app, automatic_options=True) app.blueprint(crud_bp) # 接口访问限制 # app.config.RATELIMIT_STORAGE_URL = 'redis://' limiter = Limiter(app, global_limits=['10000 per hour', '100000 per day'], key_func=get_remote_address, # storage_uri='redis://localhost:6379/1' ) limiter.init_app(app) limiter.limit("1000 per hour")(crud_bp) # limiter.exempt(crud_bp) # JWT 配置 # jwt 返回jwt 获取token的键设置,将改变默认键 access_token app.config.SANIC_JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN_NAME = 'sanic-token' # app.config.SANIC_JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN_NAME = 'jwt' # 设置过期时间, 默认30分钟 # app.config['JWT_EXPIRATION_DELTA'] = datetime.timedelta(days=10) app.config['JWT_EXPIRATION_DELTA'] = datetime.timedelta(seconds=60)
def getLimiter(app): return Limiter(app, global_limits=['5 per minute'], key_func=get_remote_address)
app = Sanic('Ember For Test Automation') app.blueprint(swagger_blueprint) app.config.from_object(get_config()) bcrypt = Bcrypt(app) if development: # CORS(app) # app.config['CORS_SUPPORTS_CREDENTIALS'] = True sio = socketio.AsyncServer(async_mode='sanic', cors_allowed_origins='*') else: sio = socketio.AsyncServer(async_mode='sanic') sio.attach(app) limits = ['20000 per hour', '200000 per day' ] if development else ['200 per hour', '2000 per day'] limiter = Limiter(app, global_limits=limits, key_func=get_remote_address) event_task = None heartbeat_task = None rpc_server = None db_client = None @app.listener('before_server_start') async def setup_connection(app, loop): global event_task, heartbeat_task, rpc_server, db_client db_client = motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorClient( f"{app.config['MONGODB_URL']}:{app.config['MONGODB_PORT']}") app.config.db = db_client[app.config['MONGODB_DATABASE']] from task_runner.runner import initialize_runner, start_event_thread, start_heartbeat_thread, start_xmlrpc_server
from sanic import Sanic, Blueprint from referral.blueprints.user import user_bp from sanic.response import json from sanic_cors import CORS, cross_origin from sanic_limiter import Limiter, get_remote_address # from refer_file import add_user_with_filters, go_through_network from sanic.response import text from sanic.exceptions import NotFound, SanicException import sys app = Sanic(__name__) CORS(app, automatic_options=True) limiter = Limiter(app, global_limits=['100 per hour', '40 per minute']) # app.static('/', './referral/static') # app.static('/', './referral/static/index.html') app.blueprint(user_bp) @app.exception(NotFound) async def ignore_404s(request, exception): return text("Yep, I totally found the page: {}".format(request.url)) @app.exception(SanicException) async def sanic_except(request, exception): return text("HAHAHAHAH: {}".format(request.url))