class rubics(db.Document): Indicator = db.StringField() Beginning = db.StringField() Developing = db.StringField() Accomplished = db.StringField() Exemplary = db.StringField() def uploadnew(): #deleting all the previous data data = rubics.objects() data.delete() #db.DeleteMany({}) ru = pd.read_excel('sapp/static/docs/rubicsMetrix.xlsx') ru.reset_index(inplace=False) rub = ru.to_dict("records") for r in rub: #print(r['Indicator']) Indicator = r['Indicator'] Beginning = r['Level 1: Beginning'] Developing = r['Level 2: Developing'] Accomplished = r['Level 3: Accomplished'] Exemplary = r['Level 4: Exemplary'] s = rubics(Indicator=Indicator, Beginning=Beginning, Developing=Developing, Accomplished=Accomplished, Exemplary=Exemplary) print("uploaded the new rubics to the database")
class projects(db.Document): groupNo = db.IntField() title = db.StringField(max_length=200) supervisor = db.StringField(max_length=200) coSupervisor = db.StringField(max_length=200) userId = db.IntField(unique=True, required=True) lastName = db.StringField(max_length=50) firstName = db.StringField(max_length=50) assessmentStatus = db.IntField() def pupload(): #deleting all the previous data data = projects.objects() data.delete() # reading the file from the uploaded location pf = pd.read_excel('sapp/static/docs/projectDetails.xlsx') pf = pf.fillna(method='ffill') pf.groupNo = pf.groupNo.astype(int) pf.userId = pf.userId.astype(int) pf.assessmentStatus = pf.assessmentStatus.astype(int) pf.coSupervisor = pf.coSupervisor.astype(object) #print(pf.dtypes) # removing the duplication enteries and creating a new dataframe df pf = pf.drop_duplicates() #print(pf.columns) pf.reset_index(inplace=False) pf = pf.to_dict("records") #print(pf) for p in pf: groupNo = p['groupNo'] title = p['title'] supervisor = p['supervisor'] coSupervisor = str(p['coSupervisor']) userId = p['userId'] lastName = p['lastName'] firstName = p['firstName'] assessmentStatus = p['assessmentStatus'] s = projects(groupNo=groupNo, title=title, supervisor=supervisor, coSupervisor=coSupervisor, userId=userId, lastName=lastName, firstName=firstName, assessmentStatus=assessmentStatus) print("uploaded the new projects data to the database")
class User(db.Document): # user authentication information userId = db.IntField(unique=True) # same as student id email = db.StringField(max_length=50, unique=True) firstName = db.StringField(max_length=50) lastName = db.StringField(max_length=50) def userUpload(): # check if the role is student or admin print("hello from the user upload function ") ro = role.objects() #data = User.objects() # resetting the access for students for r in ro: if (r.rname == 'student'): data = User.objects(userId=r.userId) r.delete() data.delete() print("reading the excel file ") # adding the user details to the database ur = pd.read_excel('sapp/static/docs/userDetails.xlsx') ur.reset_index(inplace=False) usr = ur.to_dict("records") print(usr) #flash("can't read the file headers", "danger") for u in usr: userId = u['userId'] firstName = u['firstName'] lastName = u['lastName'] email = u['email'] email = email.lower() s = User(userId=userId, firstName=firstName, lastName=lastName, email=email) ro = role(userId=userId) #print("uploaded the new user {} to the database".format(userId)) print("added the users to the database") '''
class faculty(db.Document): lastName = db.StringField(unique=True) firstName = db.StringField() email = db.StringField(max_length=30, unique=True) def newf(): #deleting all the previous data data = faculty.objects() data.delete() #db.DeleteMany({}) fu = pd.read_excel('sapp/static/docs/facultyDetails.xlsx') fu.reset_index(inplace=False) fa = fu.to_dict("records") print(fa) for r in fa: lastName = r['lastName'] firstName = r['firstName'] email = r['email'] s = faculty(lastName=lastName, firstName=firstName, email=email)
class role(db.Document): userId = db.IntField(unique=True) rname = db.StringField(max_length=30, default='student')
class feedback(db.Document): userId = db.IntField(unique=True) name = db.StringField() comment = db.StringField()
class emailtemplate(db.Document): #userId = db.IntField(unique=True, required=True) in future there will be multiple admins so multiple templates sender = db.StringField(default='*****@*****.**') subject = db.StringField(default='self assessment portal') message = db.StringField(default='please submit your assessment ')
class samatrix(db.Document): sid = db.IntField() fsid = db.IntField() fsname = db.StringField() Indicator = db.StringField() value = db.IntField() #### defining a fuction eval def eval(): # doing the export the result first pro = projects.objects(assessmentStatus=1) # reading all the projects who have filled the assessment ru = rubics.objects.all() result = [] for p in pro: rin = dict([('StudentId/GA', p.userId), ('LastName', p.lastName), ('FirstName', p.firstName)]) for r in ru: res = samatrix.objects(fsid=p.userId, Indicator=r.Indicator) res = res.to_json() res = json.loads(res) df = pd.DataFrame(res) vavg = df[['value']].mean() vavg = int(vavg) #print(vavg) rinl = dict([(r.Indicator, vavg)]) rin.update(rinl) result.append(rin) # adding the projects where students havent given assessment pro = projects.objects(assessmentStatus=0) # reading all the projects who have filled the assessment ru = rubics.objects.all() eresult = [] for p in pro: rin = dict([('StudentId/GA', p.userId), ('LastName', p.lastName), ('FirstName', p.firstName)]) for r in ru: vavg = 'NA' #print(vavg) rinl = dict([(r.Indicator, vavg)]) rin.update(rinl) eresult.append(rin) cresult = result + eresult #print(cresult) df = pd.DataFrame(cresult) try: df = df.rename( columns={ '6.1 Personal and group time management': 'GA 6.1', '6.2 Group culture, group dynamics': 'GA 6.2', '6.3 Leadership: initiative and mentoring, areas of expertise, and interdisciplinary teams': 'GA 6.3' }) print(df) except: print("can't change the coloums") ''' dru = pd.read_excel('sapp/static/docs/rubicsMetrix.xlsx') dru = dru.set_index('Indicator') dru.to_excel("result.xlsx") dfres = pd.DataFrame(cresult) dfres = dfres.sort_values(by=['userId']) dfres['name'] = dfres['firstName'].astype(str) + " " + dfres['lastName'].astype(str) dfres = dfres.drop(columns=['firstName','lastName','userId']) dfres = dfres[["name", "6.1 Personal and group time management", "6.2 Group culture, group dynamics", "6.3 Leadership: initiative and mentoring, areas of expertise, and interdisciplinary teams"]] dfres_t = dfres.set_index('name').transpose() dfres_t.to_excel("tresult.xlsx") res = pd.concat([dru,dfres_t],axis=1,sort=False) #print(res) ''' filename = 'assessmentresult.xlsx' df.to_excel(filename, index=False) print(" save the xls file")