def get_file(uuid, file_uuid_or_name): storage_dir = storage_dir_from_uuid(uuid) if saq.CONFIG['service_engine']['work_dir'] and not os.path.isdir(storage_dir): storage_dir = workload_storage_dir(uuid) root = RootAnalysis(storage_dir=storage_dir) root.load() # is this a UUID? try: validate_uuid(file_uuid_or_name) file_observable = root.get_observable(file_uuid_or_name) if file_observable is None: abort(Response("invalid file_uuid {}".format(file_uuid_or_name), 400)) except ValueError: file_observable = root.find_observable(lambda o: o.type == F_FILE and o.value == file_uuid_or_name) if file_observable is None: abort(Response("invalid file name {}".format(file_uuid_or_name), 400)) # NOTE we use an absolute path here because if we don't then # send_from_directory makes it relavive from the app root path # which is (/opt/ace/aceapi) target_path = os.path.join(saq.SAQ_HOME, root.storage_dir, file_observable.value) if not os.path.exists(target_path): abort(Response("file path {} does not exist".format(target_path), 400)) # XXX revisit how we save (name) files return send_from_directory(os.path.dirname(target_path), os.path.basename(target_path), as_attachment=True, attachment_filename=os.path.basename(target_path).encode().decode('latin-1', errors='ignore'))
def clear(uuid, lock_uuid, db, c): validate_uuid(uuid) validate_uuid(lock_uuid) # make sure this uuid is locked with with the given lock_uuid # this is less a security feature than it is a mistake-blocker :-) c.execute("SELECT uuid FROM locks WHERE uuid = %s AND lock_uuid = %s", (uuid, lock_uuid)) row = c.fetchone() if row is None: logging.warning("request to clear uuid {} with invalid lock uuid {}".format(uuid, lock_uuid)) abort(Response("nope", 400)) target_dir = storage_dir_from_uuid(uuid) if saq.CONFIG['engine']['work_dir'] and not os.path.isdir(target_dir): target_dir = workload_storage_dir(uuid) if not os.path.isdir(target_dir): logging.error("request to clear unknown target {}".format(target_dir)) abort(Response("unknown target {}".format(target_dir)))"received request to clear {} from {}".format(uuid, request.remote_addr)) try: shutil.rmtree(target_dir) except Exception as e: logging.error("unable to clear {}: {}".format(target_dir, e)) report_exception() abort(Response("clear failed")) # looks like it worked return json_result({'result': True})
def download(uuid): validate_uuid(uuid) target_dir = storage_dir_from_uuid(uuid) if not os.path.isdir(target_dir): logging.error( "request to download unknown target {}".format(target_dir)) abort(make_response("unknown target {}".format(target_dir), 400)) #abort(Response("unknown target {}".format(target_dir)))"received request to download {} to {}".format( uuid, request.remote_addr)) # create the tar file we're going to send back fp, path = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="download_{}".format(uuid), suffix='.tar', dir=saq.TEMP_DIR) try: tar =, 'wb'), mode='w|') tar.add(target_dir, '.') tar.close() os.lseek(fp, 0, os.SEEK_SET) def _iter_send(): while True: data =, io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE) if data == b'': raise StopIteration() yield data return Response(_iter_send(), mimetype='application/octet-stream') finally: try: os.remove(path) except: pass
def get_status(uuid): try: validate_uuid(uuid) except ValueError as e: abort(Response(str(e), 400)) storage_dir = storage_dir_from_uuid(uuid) if saq.CONFIG['engine']['work_dir'] and not os.path.isdir(storage_dir): storage_dir = workload_storage_dir(uuid) if not os.path.exists(storage_dir): abort(Response("invalid uuid {}".format(uuid), 400)) result = { 'workload': None, 'delayed_analysis': [], 'locks': None, 'alert': None } with get_db_connection() as db: c = db.cursor() # is this still in the workload? c.execute( """ SELECT id, uuid, node_id, analysis_mode, insert_date FROM workload WHERE uuid = %s """, (uuid, )) row = c.fetchone() if row is not None: result['workload'] = { 'id': row[0], 'uuid': row[1], 'node_id': row[2], 'analysis_mode': row[3], 'insert_date': row[4] } # is this an alert? c.execute( """ SELECT id, uuid, location, insert_date, storage_dir, disposition, disposition_time, detection_count FROM alerts WHERE uuid = %s """, (uuid, )) row = c.fetchone() if row is not None: result['alert'] = { 'id': row[0], 'uuid': row[1], 'location': row[2], 'insert_date': row[3], 'storage_dir': row[4], 'disposition': row[5], 'disposition_time': row[6], 'detection_count': row[7] } # is there any delayed analysis scheduled for it? c.execute( """ SELECT id, uuid, observable_uuid, analysis_module, insert_date, delayed_until, node_id FROM delayed_analysis WHERE uuid = %s ORDER BY delayed_until """, (uuid, )) for row in c: result['delayed_analysis'].append({ 'id': row[0], 'uuid': row[1], 'observable_uuid': row[2], 'analysis_module': row[3], 'insert_date': row[4], 'delayed_until': row[5], 'node_id': row[6] }) # are there any locks on it? c.execute( """ SELECT uuid, lock_uuid, lock_time, lock_owner FROM locks WHERE uuid = %s """, (uuid, )) row = c.fetchone() if row is not None: result['locks'] = { 'uuid': row[0], 'lock_uuid': row[1], 'lock_time': row[2], 'lock_owner': row[3] } return json_result({'result': result})
def upload(uuid): validate_uuid(uuid) if KEY_UPLOAD_MODIFIERS not in request.values: abort(Response("missing key {} in request".format(KEY_UPLOAD_MODIFIERS), 400)) if KEY_ARCHIVE not in request.files: abort(Response("missing files key {}".format(KEY_ARCHIVE), 400)) upload_modifiers = json.loads(request.values[KEY_UPLOAD_MODIFIERS]) if not isinstance(upload_modifiers, dict): abort(Response("{} should be a dict".format(KEY_UPLOAD_MODIFIERS), 400)) overwrite = False if KEY_OVERWRITE in upload_modifiers: overwrite = upload_modifiers[KEY_OVERWRITE] if not isinstance(overwrite, bool): abort(Response("{} should be a boolean".format(KEY_OVERWRITE), 400)) sync = False if KEY_SYNC in upload_modifiers: sync = upload_modifiers[KEY_SYNC] if not isinstance(sync, bool): abort(Response("{} should be a boolean".format(KEY_SYNC), 400))"requested upload for {}".format(uuid)) # does the target directory already exist? target_dir = storage_dir_from_uuid(uuid) if os.path.exists(target_dir): # are we over-writing it? if not overwrite: abort(Response("{} already exists (specify overwrite modifier to replace the data)".format(target_dir), 400)) # if we are overwriting the entry then we need to completely clear the # TODO implement this try: os.makedirs(target_dir) except Exception as e: logging.error("unable to create directory {}: {}".format(target_dir, e)) report_exception() abort(Response("unable to create directory {}: {}".format(target_dir, e), 400)) logging.debug("target directory for {} is {}".format(uuid, target_dir)) # save the tar file so we can extract it fp, tar_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.tar', prefix='upload_{}'.format(uuid), dir=saq.TEMP_DIR) os.close(fp) try: request.files[KEY_ARCHIVE].save(tar_path) t =, 'r|') t.extractall(path=target_dir) logging.debug("extracted {} to {}".format(uuid, target_dir)) # update the root analysis to indicate it's new location root = RootAnalysis(storage_dir=target_dir) root.load() root.location = saq.SAQ_NODE root.company_id = saq.COMPANY_ID root.company_name = saq.COMPANY_NAME if sync: root.schedule() # looks like it worked return json_result({'result': True}) except Exception as e: logging.error("unable to upload {}: {}".format(uuid, e)) report_exception() abort(Response("unable to upload {}: {}".format(uuid, e))) finally: try: os.remove(tar_path) except Exception as e: logging.error("unable to remove {}: {}".format(tar_path,e ))