def test_mask_poly(self): landsat = LandsatImage(self.dir_name_LT5) shape = landsat.get_tile_geometry() self.assertEqual(shape[0]['coordinates'][0], [(367035.0, 5082585.0), (388845.0, 5082585.0), (388845.0, 5060775.0), (367035.0, 5060775.0), (367035.0, 5082585.0)])
def warp_vrt(directory, delete_extra=False, use_band_map=False, overwrite=False, remove_bqa=True): """ Read in image geometry, resample subsequent images to same grid. The purpose of this function is to snap many Landsat images to one geometry. Use Landsat578 to download and unzip them, then run them through this to get identical geometries for analysis. Files :param use_band_map: :param delete_extra: :param directory: A directory containing sub-directories of Landsat images. :return: None """ if 'resample_meta.txt' in os.listdir(directory) and not overwrite: print('{} has already had component images warped'.format(directory)) return None mapping = {'LC8': Landsat8, 'LE7': Landsat7, 'LT5': Landsat5} vrt_options = {} list_dir = [ x[0] for x in os.walk(directory) if os.path.basename(x[0])[:3] in mapping.keys() ] extras = [ os.path.join(directory, x) for x in os.listdir(directory) if x.endswith('.tif') ] first = True for d in list_dir: sat = LandsatImage(d).satellite paths = extras root = os.path.join(directory, d) if os.path.isdir(root): for x in os.listdir(root): if remove_bqa and x.endswith('BQA.TIF'): try: os.remove(x) except FileNotFoundError: pass elif use_band_map: bands = BandMap().selected for y in bands[sat]: if x.endswith('B{}.TIF'.format(y)): paths.append(os.path.join(directory, d, x)) else: if x.endswith('.TIF') or x.endswith('.tif'): paths.append(os.path.join(directory, d, x)) if x.endswith('MTL.txt'): mtl = os.path.join(directory, d, x) if first: landsat = mapping[sat](os.path.join(directory, d)) dst = landsat.rasterio_geometry vrt_options = { 'resampling': Resampling.nearest, 'dst_crs': dst['crs'], 'dst_transform': dst['transform'], 'dst_height': dst['height'], 'dst_width': dst['width'] } message = """ This directory has been resampled to same grid. Master grid is {}. {} """.format(d, with open(os.path.join(directory, 'resample_meta.txt'), 'w') as f: f.write(message) first = False os.rename(mtl, mtl.replace('.txt', 'copy.txt')) for tif_path in paths: print('warping {}'.format(os.path.basename(tif_path))) with rasopen(tif_path, 'r') as src: with WarpedVRT(src, **vrt_options) as vrt: data = dst_dir, name = os.path.split(tif_path) outfile = os.path.join(dst_dir, name) meta = vrt.meta.copy() meta['driver'] = 'GTiff' with rasopen(outfile, 'w', **meta) as dst: dst.write(data) os.rename(mtl.replace('.txt', 'copy.txt'), mtl) if delete_extra: for x in os.listdir(os.path.join(directory, d)): x_file = os.path.join(directory, d, x) if x_file not in paths: if x[-7:] not in ['ask.tif', 'MTL.txt']: print('removing {}'.format(x_file)) os.remove(x_file)
def ndvi(object): sat = LandsatImage(object).satellite lst_image = MAPPING[sat](object) ndvi = lst_image.ndvi() lst_image.save_array(ndvi, os.path.join(object, 'ndvi.tif')) return None
def fmask(directory): dirs = [os.path.join(directory, x) for x in os.listdir(directory)] for d in dirs: l = LandsatImage(d) f = Fmask(l) pass
def test_date(self): landsat = LandsatImage(self.dir_name_LT5) self.assertEqual(date(2006, 7, 6), landsat.date_acquired)
def test_earth_sun(self): landsat = LandsatImage(self.dir_name_LT5) dist_au = landsat.earth_sun_dist self.assertAlmostEqual(dist_au, 1.01387, delta=0.01)