コード例 #1
def push_order(sender, order=None, **kwargs):
    """ Push the order back to Slash2. """
    assert order, 'Order should not be none.'
    logger.debug('Pushing order %s to Slash2.', order)
    s = get_slash2()

    # Compose order rules
    order_rules = []
    for item in order.orderitem_set.all():
        product = item.product
        order_line = {
            'sku': product.sku,
            'qty': str(item.quantity)

    # Concatenate the first and the second line in the address
    address = order.bill_street1
    if order.bill_street2:
        address += "\n%s" % order.bill_street2
    # See if we can find the country 
    country = countries.get(order.bill_country, None)
    # Separate the customers' first and last name
    # The last word in the name is generally the last name
    # Everything before that will become the first name
    # (as this is mainly used for searching anyways)
    name_split = order.bill_addressee.split()
    first_name = ' '.join(name_split[:-1])
    last_name = name_split[-1]
    order_dict = {
        'order_id'                      : str(order.pk),
        'customer_firstname'            : first_name,
        'customer_lastname'             : last_name,
        # We're not using the addition
        # 'customer_addition'             : '',
        'customer_update'               : 'update',
        'customer_email'                : order.contact.email,
        'customer_address_street'       : address,
        # This is not nicely defined in Satchmo so we won't use it
        #'customer_address_number'       : '',
        'customer_address_zipcode'      : order.bill_postal_code,
        'customer_address_city'         : order.bill_city,
        #'customer_points'               : '0',
        'customer_address_country'      : country,
        # This is not in the Satchmo order
        # 'customer_telephone'            : '',
        # 'customer_fax'                  : '',
        # Date defaults to now, which makes sense for now
        #'order_date'                    : "25-12-2011 12:12:12",
        'delivery'                      : 
            {'cost' : float(order.shipping_cost), 
             'text' : order.shipping_description or ''},
        'order_rules'                   : order_rules,
        # Continue, even when SKU's are not matching
        'continue_order'                : SLASH2_CONTINUE_ORDER,
        'calculate_tax_auto'            : SLASH2_CALCULATE_TAX_AUTO,
        'tax_percent'                   : SLASH2_TAX_PERCENT,
    logger.debug('Sending order to Slash2: %s', order_dict)
    from suds import WebFault
        if SLASH2_DEBUG_MODE:
            logger.info('Not writing order to Slash2 - debug mode.')
            # Push order
        # Check if we have success
        result = s.checkOrderExists(order.pk)
        if result:
            logger.info('Succesfully pushed order %s to Slash2.', order,
                        extra={'data': dict(order_dict=order_dict)},)
            logger.error('Error pushing order %s back to Slash2.', order,
                         extra={'data': dict(order_dict=order_dict)},
        logger.debug('Result of pushing: %s', result)
    except WebFault, e:
        logger.exception('Error pushing to Slash2:')

コード例 #2
 def __init__(self, slash2=None):
     if slash2:
         self.slash2 = slash2
         self.slash2 = get_slash2()