コード例 #1
def test_1258(fake_open_dataset):
    """Save true_color from abi with radiance doesn't need two resamplings."""
    from satpy import Scene
    fake_open_dataset.side_effect = generate_fake_abi_xr_dataset

    scene = Scene(abi_file_list, reader='abi_l1b')
    scene.load(['true_color_nocorr', 'C04'], calibration='radiance')
    resampled_scene = scene.resample(scene.min_area(), resampler='native')
    assert len(resampled_scene.keys()) == 2
コード例 #2
def main(argv=sys.argv[1:]):
    global LOG
    from satpy import Scene
    from satpy.resample import get_area_def
    from satpy.writers import compute_writer_results
    from dask.diagnostics import ProgressBar
    from polar2grid.core.script_utils import (
        setup_logging, rename_log_file, create_exc_handler)
    import argparse
    prog = os.getenv('PROG_NAME', sys.argv[0])
    # "usage: " will be printed at the top of this:
    usage = """
    %(prog)s -h
see available products:
    %(prog)s -r <reader> -w <writer> --list-products -f file1 [file2 ...]
basic processing:
    %(prog)s -r <reader> -w <writer> [options] -f file1 [file2 ...]
basic processing with limited products:
    %(prog)s -r <reader> -w <writer> [options] -p prod1 prod2 -f file1 [file2 ...]
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=prog, usage=usage,
                                     description="Load, composite, resample, and save datasets.")
    parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbosity', action="count", default=0,
                        help='each occurrence increases verbosity 1 level through ERROR-WARNING-INFO-DEBUG (default INFO)')
    parser.add_argument('-l', '--log', dest="log_fn", default=None,
                        help="specify the log filename")
    parser.add_argument('--progress', action='store_true',
                        help="show processing progress bar (not recommended for logged output)")
    parser.add_argument('--num-workers', type=int, default=4,
                        help="specify number of worker threads to use (default: 4)")
    parser.add_argument('--match-resolution', dest='preserve_resolution', action='store_false',
                        help="When using the 'native' resampler for composites, don't save data "
                             "at its native resolution, use the resolution used to create the "
    parser.add_argument('-w', '--writers', nargs='+',
                        help='writers to save datasets with')
    parser.add_argument("--list-products", dest="list_products", action="store_true",
                        help="List available reader products and exit")
    subgroups = add_scene_argument_groups(parser)
    subgroups += add_resample_argument_groups(parser)

    argv_without_help = [x for x in argv if x not in ["-h", "--help"]]
    args, remaining_args = parser.parse_known_args(argv_without_help)

    # get the logger if we know the readers and writers that will be used
    if args.reader is not None and args.writers is not None:
        glue_name = args.reader + "_" + "-".join(args.writers or [])
        LOG = logging.getLogger(glue_name)
    # add writer arguments
    if args.writers is not None:
        for writer in (args.writers or []):
            parser_func = WRITER_PARSER_FUNCTIONS.get(writer)
            if parser_func is None:
            subgroups += parser_func(parser)
    args = parser.parse_args(argv)

    if args.reader is None:
        parser.exit(1, "\nERROR: Reader must be provided (-r flag).\n"
                       "Supported readers:\n\t{}\n".format('\n\t'.join(['abi_l1b', 'ahi_hsd', 'hrit_ahi'])))
    if args.writers is None:
        parser.exit(1, "\nERROR: Writer must be provided (-w flag) with one or more writer.\n"
                       "Supported writers:\n\t{}\n".format('\n\t'.join(['geotiff'])))

    def _args_to_dict(group_actions):
        return {ga.dest: getattr(args, ga.dest) for ga in group_actions if hasattr(args, ga.dest)}
    scene_args = _args_to_dict(subgroups[0]._group_actions)
    load_args = _args_to_dict(subgroups[1]._group_actions)
    resample_args = _args_to_dict(subgroups[2]._group_actions)
    writer_args = {}
    for idx, writer in enumerate(args.writers):
        sgrp1, sgrp2 = subgroups[3 + idx * 2: 5 + idx * 2]
        wargs = _args_to_dict(sgrp1._group_actions)
        if sgrp2 is not None:
        writer_args[writer] = wargs
        # get default output filename
        if 'filename' in wargs and wargs['filename'] is None:
            wargs['filename'] = get_default_output_filename(args.reader, writer)

    if not args.filenames:
        parser.exit(1, "\nERROR: No data files provided (-f flag)\n")

    # Prepare logging
    rename_log = False
    if args.log_fn is None:
        rename_log = True
        args.log_fn = glue_name + "_fail.log"
    levels = [logging.ERROR, logging.WARN, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG]
    setup_logging(console_level=levels[min(3, args.verbosity)], log_filename=args.log_fn)
    logging.getLogger('rasterio').setLevel(levels[min(2, args.verbosity)])
    sys.excepthook = create_exc_handler(LOG.name)
    if levels[min(3, args.verbosity)] > logging.DEBUG:
        import warnings
    LOG.debug("Starting script with arguments: %s", " ".join(sys.argv))

    # Set up dask and the number of workers
    if args.num_workers:
        from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool

    # Parse provided files and search for files if provided directories
    scene_args['filenames'] = get_input_files(scene_args['filenames'])
    # Create a Scene, analyze the provided files
    LOG.info("Sorting and reading input files...")
        scn = Scene(**scene_args)
    except ValueError as e:
        LOG.error("{} | Enable debug message (-vvv) or see log file for details.".format(str(e)))
        LOG.debug("Further error information: ", exc_info=True)
        return -1
    except OSError:
        LOG.error("Could not open files. Enable debug message (-vvv) or see log file for details.")
        LOG.debug("Further error information: ", exc_info=True)
        return -1

    if args.list_products:
        return 0

    # Rename the log file
    if rename_log:
        rename_log_file(glue_name + scn.attrs['start_time'].strftime("_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.log"))

    # Load the actual data arrays and metadata (lazy loaded as dask arrays)
    if load_args['products'] is None:
            reader_mod = importlib.import_module('polar2grid.readers.' + scene_args['reader'])
            load_args['products'] = reader_mod.DEFAULT_PRODUCTS
            LOG.info("Using default product list: {}".format(load_args['products']))
        except (ImportError, AttributeError):
            LOG.error("No default products list set, please specify with `--products`.")
            return -1

    LOG.info("Loading product metadata from files...")

    resample_kwargs = resample_args.copy()
    areas_to_resample = resample_kwargs.pop('grids')
    grid_configs = resample_kwargs.pop('grid_configs')
    resampler = resample_kwargs.pop('resampler')

    if areas_to_resample is None and resampler in [None, 'native']:
        # no areas specified
        areas_to_resample = ['MAX']
    elif areas_to_resample is None:
        raise ValueError("Resampling method specified (--method) without any destination grid/area (-g flag).")
    elif not areas_to_resample:
        # they don't want any resampling (they used '-g' with no args)
        areas_to_resample = [None]

    has_custom_grid = any(g not in ['MIN', 'MAX', None] for g in areas_to_resample)
    if has_custom_grid and resampler == 'native':
        LOG.error("Resampling method 'native' can only be used with 'MIN' or 'MAX' grids "
                  "(use 'nearest' method instead).")
        return -1

    p2g_grid_configs = [x for x in grid_configs if x.endswith('.conf')]
    pyresample_area_configs = [x for x in grid_configs if not x.endswith('.conf')]
    if not grid_configs or p2g_grid_configs:
        # if we were given p2g grid configs or we weren't given any to choose from
        from polar2grid.grids import GridManager
        grid_manager = GridManager(*p2g_grid_configs)
        grid_manager = {}

    if pyresample_area_configs:
        from pyresample.utils import parse_area_file
        custom_areas = parse_area_file(pyresample_area_configs)
        custom_areas = {x.area_id: x for x in custom_areas}
        custom_areas = {}

    ll_bbox = resample_kwargs.pop('ll_bbox')
    if ll_bbox:
        scn = scn.crop(ll_bbox=ll_bbox)

    wishlist = scn.wishlist.copy()
    preserve_resolution = get_preserve_resolution(args, resampler, areas_to_resample)
    if preserve_resolution:
        preserved_products = set(wishlist) & set(scn.datasets.keys())
        resampled_products = set(wishlist) - preserved_products

        # original native scene
        to_save = write_scene(scn, args.writers, writer_args, preserved_products)
        preserved_products = set()
        resampled_products = set(wishlist)
        to_save = []

    LOG.debug("Products to preserve resolution for: {}".format(preserved_products))
    LOG.debug("Products to use new resolution for: {}".format(resampled_products))
    for area_name in areas_to_resample:
        if area_name is None:
            # no resampling
            area_def = None
        elif area_name == 'MAX':
            area_def = scn.max_area()
        elif area_name == 'MIN':
            area_def = scn.min_area()
        elif area_name in custom_areas:
            area_def = custom_areas[area_name]
        elif area_name in grid_manager:
            from pyresample.geometry import DynamicAreaDefinition
            p2g_def = grid_manager[area_name]
            area_def = p2g_def.to_satpy_area()
            if isinstance(area_def, DynamicAreaDefinition) and p2g_def['cell_width'] is not None:
                area_def = area_def.freeze(scn.max_area(),
                                           resolution=(abs(p2g_def['cell_width']), abs(p2g_def['cell_height'])))
            area_def = get_area_def(area_name)

        if resampler is None and area_def is not None:
            rs = 'native' if area_name in ['MIN', 'MAX'] else 'nearest'
            LOG.debug("Setting default resampling to '{}' for grid '{}'".format(rs, area_name))
            rs = resampler

        if area_def is not None:
            LOG.info("Resampling data to '%s'", area_name)
            new_scn = scn.resample(area_def, resampler=rs, **resample_kwargs)
        elif not preserve_resolution:
            # the user didn't want to resample to any areas
            # the user also requested that we don't preserve resolution
            # which means we have to save this Scene's datasets
            # because they won't be saved
            new_scn = scn

        to_save = write_scene(new_scn, args.writers, writer_args, resampled_products, to_save=to_save)

    if args.progress:
        pbar = ProgressBar()

    LOG.info("Computing products and saving data to writers...")
    return 0