def test_runs_on_us_east(self): options = SauceOptions() options.platform_name = 'Linux' session = SauceSession(options) session.data_center = 'us-east' session.start() assert session.driver.session_id assert "us-east-1" in session.remote_url
def test_setting_capabilities(self): file_location = r'./tests/options.yml' # file_location = r'../options.yml' # If running locally with open(file_location) as file: yml = yaml.safe_load(file) prerun = {'executable': '', 'args': ['--silent', '-a', '-q'], 'background': False, 'timeout': 120} custom_data = {'foo': 'foo', 'bar': 'bar'} tags = ['foo', 'bar', 'foobar'] timeouts = {'implicit': 1, 'pageLoad': 59, 'script': 29} options = SauceOptions() options.merge_capabilities(yml.get("exampleValues")) assert options.browser_name == 'firefox' assert options.browser_version == '68' assert options.platform_name == 'macOS 10.13' assert options.accept_insecure_certs is True assert options.page_load_strategy == 'eager' assert options.set_window_rect is True assert options.unhandled_prompt_behavior == 'accept' assert options.strict_file_interactability is True assert options.timeouts == timeouts assert options.avoid_proxy is True assert == 'Sample Build Name' assert options.capture_performance is True assert options.chromedriver_version == '71' assert options.command_timeout == 2 assert options.custom_data == custom_data assert options.extended_debugging is True assert options.idle_timeout == 3 assert options.iedriver_version == '3.141.0' assert options.max_duration == 300 assert == 'Sample Test Name' assert options.parent_tunnel == 'Mommy' assert options.prerun == prerun assert options.priority == 0 assert options.public == 'team' assert options.record_logs is False assert options.record_screenshots is False assert options.record_video is False assert options.screen_resolution == '10x10' assert options.selenium_version == '3.141.59' assert options.tags == tags assert options.time_zone == 'San Francisco' assert options.tunnel_identifier == 'tunnelname' assert options.video_upload_on_pass is False
def driver(request): opts = SauceOptions(request.param) = sauce = SauceSession(options=opts) sauce.start() yield sauce.driver # report results # use the test result to send the pass/fail status to Sauce Labs result = not request.node.rep_call.failed sauce.stop(result)
def test_accepts_sauce_values_with_dict(self): options = {'avoidProxy': True, 'build': 'bar', 'capturePerformance': True, 'chromedriverVersion': "71", 'commandTimeout': 2, 'customData': {'foo': 'foo', 'bar': 'bar'}, 'extendedDebugging': True, 'idleTimeout': 3, 'iedriverVersion': '3.141.0', 'maxDuration': 1, 'name': 'foo', 'parentTunnel': 'bar', 'prerun': {'executable': '', 'args': ['--silent', '-a', '-q'], 'background': False, 'timeout': 120}, 'priority': 0, 'public': 'team', 'recordLogs': False, 'recordScreenshots': False, 'recordVideo': False, 'screenResolution': '10x10', 'seleniumVersion': '3.141.59', 'tags': ['foo', 'bar'], 'timeZone': 'Foo', 'tunnelIdentifier': 'foobar', 'videoUploadOnPass': False} sauce = SauceOptions(**options) assert sauce.avoid_proxy is True assert == 'bar' assert sauce.capture_performance is True assert sauce.chromedriver_version == '71' assert sauce.command_timeout == 2 assert sauce.custom_data == {'foo': 'foo', 'bar': 'bar'} assert sauce.extended_debugging is True assert sauce.idle_timeout == 3 assert sauce.iedriver_version == '3.141.0' assert sauce.max_duration == 1 assert == 'foo' assert sauce.parent_tunnel == 'bar' assert sauce.prerun == {'executable': '', 'args': ['--silent', '-a', '-q'], 'background': False, 'timeout': 120} assert sauce.priority == 0 assert sauce.public == 'team' assert sauce.record_logs is False assert sauce.record_screenshots is False assert sauce.record_video is False assert sauce.screen_resolution == '10x10' assert sauce.selenium_version == '3.141.59' assert sauce.tags == ['foo', 'bar'] assert sauce.time_zone == 'Foo' assert sauce.tunnel_identifier == 'foobar' assert sauce.video_upload_on_pass is False
def test_accepts_sauce_values_as_params(self): custom_data = {'foo': 'foo', 'bar': 'bar'} prerun = {'executable': '', 'args': ['--silent', '-a', '-q'], 'background': False, 'timeout': 120} sauce = SauceOptions(avoidProxy=True, build='bar', capturePerformance=True, chromedriverVersion='71', commandTimeout=2, customData=custom_data, extendedDebugging=True, idleTimeout=3, iedriverVersion='3.141.0', maxDuration=1, name='foo', parentTunnel='bar', prerun=prerun, priority=0, public='team', recordLogs=False, recordScreenshots=False, recordVideo=False, screenResolution='10x10', seleniumVersion='3.141.59', tags=['foo', 'bar'], timeZone='Foo', tunnelIdentifier='foobar', videoUploadOnPass=False) assert sauce.avoid_proxy is True assert == 'bar' assert sauce.capture_performance is True assert sauce.chromedriver_version == '71' assert sauce.command_timeout == 2 assert sauce.custom_data == {'foo': 'foo', 'bar': 'bar'} assert sauce.extended_debugging is True assert sauce.idle_timeout == 3 assert sauce.iedriver_version == '3.141.0' assert sauce.max_duration == 1 assert == 'foo' assert sauce.parent_tunnel == 'bar' assert sauce.prerun == {'executable': '', 'args': ['--silent', '-a', '-q'], 'background': False, 'timeout': 120} assert sauce.priority == 0 assert sauce.public == 'team' assert sauce.record_logs is False assert sauce.record_screenshots is False assert sauce.record_video is False assert sauce.screen_resolution == '10x10' assert sauce.selenium_version == '3.141.59' assert sauce.tags == ['foo', 'bar'] assert sauce.time_zone == 'Foo' assert sauce.tunnel_identifier == 'foobar' assert sauce.video_upload_on_pass is False
def test_accepts_provided_options_instance(self): options = SauceOptions() session = SauceSession(options) assert session.options.browser_name == 'chrome' assert session.options.browser_version == 'latest' assert session.options.platform_name == 'Windows 10'
def test_capabilities_for_selenium(self): browser_options = FirefoxOptions() browser_options.add_argument('--foo') browser_options.set_preference('foo', 'bar') options = SauceOptions(seleniumOptions=browser_options) = 'Sample Build Name' expected_capabilities = {'acceptInsecureCerts': True, 'browserName': 'firefox', 'browserVersion': 'latest', 'platformName': 'Windows 10', 'marionette': True, 'moz:firefoxOptions': {'args': ['--foo'], 'prefs': {'foo': 'bar'}}, 'sauce:options': {'build': 'Sample Build Name'}} assert options.to_capabilities() == expected_capabilities
def test_accepts_selenium_browser_options_instance(self): options = FirefoxOptions() options.add_argument('--foo') options.set_preference('foo', 'bar') sauce = SauceOptions(seleniumOptions=options) assert sauce.browser_name == 'firefox' assert sauce.selenium_options['moz:firefoxOptions'] == {'args': ['--foo'], 'prefs': {'foo': 'bar'}}
def test_default_build_name(self): os.environ['BUILD_TAG'] = ' ' os.environ['BUILD_NAME'] = 'BUILD NAME' os.environ['BUILD_NUMBER'] = '123' sauce = SauceOptions() assert == 'BUILD NAME: 123' os.environ.pop("BUILD_TAG") os.environ.pop("BUILD_NAME") os.environ.pop("BUILD_NUMBER")
def test_creates_session(self): # 1. Create a SauceOptions instance with Sauce Labs Specific Options sauceOptions = SauceOptions(extendedDebugging=True, idleTimeout=100, timeZone='Alaska') # 2. Create Session object with SauceOptions object instance session = SauceSession(sauceOptions) # 3. Start Session to get the Driver driver = session.start() # 4. Use the driver in your tests just like normal driver.get('') # 5. Stop the Session with whether the test passed or failed session.stop(True)
def test_creates_session(self): # 1. Create a SauceOptions instance with the 3 primary parameters sauceOptions = SauceOptions(browserName='firefox', browserVersion='73.0', platformName='Windows 8') # 2. Create Session object with SauceOptions object instance session = SauceSession(sauceOptions) # 3. Start Session to get the Driver driver = session.start() # 4. Use the driver in your tests just like normal driver.get('') # 5. Stop the Session with whether the test passed or failed session.stop(True)
def test_accepts_w3c_values_as_params(self): timeouts = {'implicit': 1, 'pageLoad': 59, 'script': 29} sauce = SauceOptions(acceptInsecureCerts=True, pageLoadStrategy='eager', setWindowRect=True, unhandledPromptBehavior='accept', strictFileInteractability=True, timeouts=timeouts) assert sauce.accept_insecure_certs is True assert sauce.page_load_strategy == 'eager' assert sauce.set_window_rect is True assert sauce.unhandled_prompt_behavior == 'accept' assert sauce.strict_file_interactability is True assert sauce.timeouts == timeouts
def test_accepts_w3c_values_with_dict(self): timeouts = {'implicit': 1, 'pageLoad': 59, 'script': 29} options = {'acceptInsecureCerts': True, 'pageLoadStrategy': 'eager', 'setWindowRect': True, 'unhandledPromptBehavior': 'accept', 'strictFileInteractability': True, 'timeouts': timeouts} sauce = SauceOptions(**options) assert sauce.accept_insecure_certs is True assert sauce.page_load_strategy == 'eager' assert sauce.set_window_rect is True assert sauce.unhandled_prompt_behavior == 'accept' assert sauce.strict_file_interactability is True assert sauce.timeouts == timeouts
def test_accepts_w3c_sauce_options_capabilities(self): browser_options = FirefoxOptions() browser_options.add_argument('--foo') browser_options.set_preference('foo', 'bar') options = {'maxDuration': 1, 'commandTimeout': 2} w3c_options = {'acceptInsecureCerts': True, 'pageLoadStrategy': 'eager'} options.update(w3c_options) sauce = SauceOptions(seleniumOptions=browser_options, **options) assert sauce.browser_name == 'firefox' assert sauce.accept_insecure_certs is True assert sauce.page_load_strategy == 'eager' assert sauce.max_duration == 1 assert sauce.command_timeout == 2 assert sauce.selenium_options['moz:firefoxOptions'] == {'args': ['--foo'], 'prefs': {'foo': 'bar'}}
def test_creates_session(self): # 1. Create Selenium Browser Options instance browserOptions = FirefoxOptions() browserOptions.add_argument('--foo') # 2. Create Sauce Options object with the Browser Options object instance sauceOptions = SauceOptions(seleniumOptions=browserOptions) # 3. Create Session object with SauceOptions object instance session = SauceSession(sauceOptions) # 4. Start Session to get the Driver driver = session.start() # 5. Use the driver in your tests just like normal driver.get('') # 6. Stop the Session with whether the test passed or failed session.stop(True)
def test_defaults(self): sauce = SauceOptions('MicrosoftEdge') assert sauce.browser_name == 'MicrosoftEdge' assert sauce.browser_version == 'latest' assert sauce.platform_name == 'Windows 10'
def test_defaults(self): sauce = SauceOptions('safari', platformName='macOS 10.14') assert sauce.browser_name == 'safari' assert sauce.browser_version == 'latest' assert sauce.platform_name == 'macOS 10.14'
def test_argument_error_as_param(self): with pytest.raises(AttributeError): SauceOptions(foo='Bar')
def test_defaults(self): sauce = SauceOptions('internet explorer') assert sauce.browser_name == 'internet explorer' assert sauce.browser_version == 'latest' assert sauce.platform_name == 'Windows 10'
def test_sauce_options(self): prerun = {'executable': '', 'args': ['--silent', '-a', '-q'], 'background': False, 'timeout': 120} custom_data = {'foo': 'foo', 'bar': 'bar'} tags = ['foo', 'bar'] options = SauceOptions() options.avoid_proxy = True = 'Sample Build Name' options.capture_performance = True options.chromedriver_version = '71' options.command_timeout = 2 options.custom_data = custom_data options.extended_debugging = True options.idle_timeout = 3 options.iedriver_version = '3.141.0' options.max_duration = 300 = 'Sample Test Name' options.parent_tunnel = 'Mommy' options.prerun = prerun options.priority = 0 options.public = 'team' options.record_logs = False options.record_screenshots = False options.record_video = False options.screen_resolution = '10x10' options.selenium_version = '3.141.59' options.tags = tags options.time_zone = 'San Francisco' options.tunnel_identifier = 'tunnelname' options.video_upload_on_pass = False assert options.avoid_proxy is True assert == 'Sample Build Name' assert options.capture_performance is True assert options.chromedriver_version == '71' assert options.command_timeout == 2 assert options.custom_data == custom_data assert options.extended_debugging is True assert options.idle_timeout == 3 assert options.iedriver_version == '3.141.0' assert options.max_duration == 300 assert == 'Sample Test Name' assert options.parent_tunnel == 'Mommy' assert options.prerun == prerun assert options.priority == 0 assert options.public == 'team' assert options.record_logs is False assert options.record_screenshots is False assert options.record_video is False assert options.screen_resolution == '10x10' assert options.selenium_version == '3.141.59' assert options.tags == tags assert options.time_zone == 'San Francisco' assert options.tunnel_identifier == 'tunnelname' assert options.video_upload_on_pass is False
def test_w3c_options(self): timeouts = {'implicit': 1, 'pageLoad': 59, 'script': 29} options = SauceOptions() options.browser_name = 'firefox' options.browser_version = '7' options.platform_name = 'macOS 10.14' options.accept_insecure_certs = True options.page_load_strategy = 'eager' options.set_window_rect = True options.unhandled_prompt_behavior = 'accept' options.strict_file_interactability = True options.timeouts = timeouts assert options.browser_name == 'firefox' assert options.browser_version == '7' assert options.platform_name == 'macOS 10.14' assert options.accept_insecure_certs is True assert options.page_load_strategy == 'eager' assert options.set_window_rect is True assert options.unhandled_prompt_behavior == 'accept' assert options.strict_file_interactability is True assert options.timeouts == timeouts
def test_capabilities_for_sauce(self): prerun = {'executable': '', 'args': ['--silent', '-a', '-q'], 'background': False, 'timeout': 120} custom_data = {'foo': 'foo', 'bar': 'bar'} tags = ['foo', 'bar'] options = SauceOptions() options.avoid_proxy = True = 'Sample Build Name' options.capture_performance = True options.chromedriver_version = '71' options.command_timeout = 2 options.custom_data = custom_data options.extended_debugging = True options.idle_timeout = 3 options.iedriver_version = '3.141.0' options.max_duration = 300 = 'Sample Test Name' options.parent_tunnel = 'Mommy' options.prerun = prerun options.priority = 0 options.public = 'team' options.record_logs = False options.record_screenshots = False options.record_video = False options.screen_resolution = '10x10' options.selenium_version = '3.141.59' options.tags = tags options.time_zone = 'San Francisco' options.tunnel_identifier = 'tunnelname' options.video_upload_on_pass = False expected_capabilities = {'browserName': 'chrome', 'browserVersion': 'latest', 'platformName': 'Windows 10', 'sauce:options': {'build': 'Sample Build Name', 'avoidProxy': True, 'capturePerformance': True, 'chromedriverVersion': '71', 'commandTimeout': 2, 'customData': {'foo': 'foo', 'bar': 'bar'}, 'extendedDebugging': True, 'idleTimeout': 3, 'iedriverVersion': '3.141.0', 'maxDuration': 300, 'name': 'Sample Test Name', 'parentTunnel': 'Mommy', 'prerun': prerun, 'priority': 0, 'public': 'team', 'recordLogs': False, 'recordScreenshots': False, 'recordVideo': False, 'screenResolution': '10x10', 'seleniumVersion': '3.141.59', 'tags': ['foo', 'bar'], 'timeZone': 'San Francisco', 'tunnelIdentifier': 'tunnelname', 'videoUploadOnPass': False}} assert options.to_capabilities() == expected_capabilities
def test_capabilities_for_w3c(self): options = SauceOptions() options.browser_name = 'firefox' options.browser_version = '7' options.platform_name = 'macOS 10.14' options.accept_insecure_certs = True options.page_load_strategy = 'eager' options.set_window_rect = True options.unhandled_prompt_behavior = 'accept' options.strict_file_interactability = True options.timeouts = {'implicit': 1, 'pageLoad': 59, 'script': 29} = "Build Name" expected_capabilities = {'browserName': 'firefox', 'browserVersion': '7', 'platformName': 'macOS 10.14', 'acceptInsecureCerts': True, 'pageLoadStrategy': 'eager', 'setWindowRect': True, 'unhandledPromptBehavior': 'accept', 'strictFileInteractability': True, 'timeouts': {'implicit': 1, 'pageLoad': 59, 'script': 29}, 'sauce:options': {'build': 'Build Name'}} assert options.to_capabilities() == expected_capabilities
def test_defaults_to_win10_chrome_latest(self): sauce = SauceOptions() assert sauce.browser_name == 'chrome' assert sauce.browser_version == 'latest' assert sauce.platform_name == 'Windows 10'
def test_accepts_browser_name(self): sauce = SauceOptions('firefox') assert sauce.browser_name == 'firefox' assert sauce.browser_version == 'latest' assert sauce.platform_name == 'Windows 10'
def test_argument_error_from_dict(self): options = {'foo': 'Bar'} with pytest.raises(AttributeError): SauceOptions(**options)
def test_accepts_browser_version_platform_name(self): sauce = SauceOptions(browserName='firefox', browserVersion='75.0', platformName='macOS 10.13') assert sauce.browser_name == 'firefox' assert sauce.browser_version == '75.0' assert sauce.platform_name == 'macOS 10.13'