class MsgDgnssStatus(SBP): """SBP class for message MSG_DGNSS_STATUS (0xFF02). You can have MSG_DGNSS_STATUS inherit its fields directly from an inherited SBP object, or construct it inline using a dict of its fields. This message provides information about the receipt of Differential corrections. It is expected to be sent with each receipt of a complete corrections packet. Parameters ---------- sbp : SBP SBP parent object to inherit from. flags : int Status flags latency : int Latency of observation receipt num_signals : int Number of signals from base station source : string Corrections source string sender : int Optional sender ID, defaults to SENDER_ID (see sbp/ """ _parser = Struct( "MsgDgnssStatus", ULInt8('flags'), ULInt16('latency'), ULInt8('num_signals'), greedy_string('source'), ) __slots__ = [ 'flags', 'latency', 'num_signals', 'source', ] def __init__(self, sbp=None, **kwargs): if sbp: super(MsgDgnssStatus, self).__init__(sbp.msg_type, sbp.sender, sbp.length, sbp.payload, sbp.crc) self.from_binary(sbp.payload) else: super(MsgDgnssStatus, self).__init__() self.msg_type = SBP_MSG_DGNSS_STATUS self.sender = kwargs.pop('sender', SENDER_ID) self.flags = kwargs.pop('flags') self.latency = kwargs.pop('latency') self.num_signals = kwargs.pop('num_signals') self.source = kwargs.pop('source') def __repr__(self): return fmt_repr(self) @staticmethod def from_json(s): """Given a JSON-encoded string s, build a message object. """ d = json.loads(s) return MsgDgnssStatus.from_json_dict(d) @staticmethod def from_json_dict(d): sbp = SBP.from_json_dict(d) return MsgDgnssStatus(sbp, **d) def from_binary(self, d): """Given a binary payload d, update the appropriate payload fields of the message. """ p = MsgDgnssStatus._parser.parse(d) for n in self.__class__.__slots__: setattr(self, n, getattr(p, n)) def to_binary(self): """Produce a framed/packed SBP message. """ c = containerize(exclude_fields(self)) self.payload = return self.pack() def to_json_dict(self): self.to_binary() d = super(MsgDgnssStatus, self).to_json_dict() j = walk_json_dict(exclude_fields(self)) d.update(j) return d
class MsgFileioRemove(SBP): """SBP class for message MSG_FILEIO_REMOVE (0x00AC). You can have MSG_FILEIO_REMOVE inherit its fields directly from an inherited SBP object, or construct it inline using a dict of its fields. The file remove message deletes a file from the file system. If the message is invalid, a followup MSG_PRINT message will print "Invalid fileio remove message". A device will only process this message when it is received from sender ID 0x42. Parameters ---------- sbp : SBP SBP parent object to inherit from. filename : string Name of the file to delete sender : int Optional sender ID, defaults to SENDER_ID (see sbp/ """ _parser = Struct( "MsgFileioRemove", greedy_string('filename'), ) __slots__ = [ 'filename', ] def __init__(self, sbp=None, **kwargs): if sbp: super(MsgFileioRemove, self).__init__(sbp.msg_type, sbp.sender, sbp.length, sbp.payload, sbp.crc) self.from_binary(sbp.payload) else: super(MsgFileioRemove, self).__init__() self.msg_type = SBP_MSG_FILEIO_REMOVE self.sender = kwargs.pop('sender', SENDER_ID) self.filename = kwargs.pop('filename') def __repr__(self): return fmt_repr(self) @staticmethod def from_json(s): """Given a JSON-encoded string s, build a message object. """ d = json.loads(s) return MsgFileioRemove.from_json_dict(d) @staticmethod def from_json_dict(d): sbp = SBP.from_json_dict(d) return MsgFileioRemove(sbp, **d) def from_binary(self, d): """Given a binary payload d, update the appropriate payload fields of the message. """ p = MsgFileioRemove._parser.parse(d) for n in self.__class__.__slots__: setattr(self, n, getattr(p, n)) def to_binary(self): """Produce a framed/packed SBP message. """ c = containerize(exclude_fields(self)) self.payload = return self.pack() def to_json_dict(self): self.to_binary() d = super(MsgFileioRemove, self).to_json_dict() j = walk_json_dict(exclude_fields(self)) d.update(j) return d
class MsgFileioWriteReq(SBP): """SBP class for message MSG_FILEIO_WRITE_REQ (0x00AD). You can have MSG_FILEIO_WRITE_REQ inherit its fields directly from an inherited SBP object, or construct it inline using a dict of its fields. The file write message writes a certain length (up to 255 bytes) of data to a file at a given offset. Returns a copy of the original MSG_FILEIO_WRITE_RESP message to check integrity of the write. The sequence number in the request will be returned in the response. If message is invalid, a followup MSG_PRINT message will print "Invalid fileio write message". A device will only process this message when it is received from sender ID 0x42. Parameters ---------- sbp : SBP SBP parent object to inherit from. sequence : int Write sequence number offset : int Offset into the file at which to start writing in bytes filename : string Name of the file to write to data : array Variable-length array of data to write sender : int Optional sender ID, defaults to SENDER_ID (see sbp/ """ _parser = Struct( "MsgFileioWriteReq", ULInt32('sequence'), ULInt32('offset'), greedy_string('filename'), OptionalGreedyRange(ULInt8('data')), ) __slots__ = [ 'sequence', 'offset', 'filename', 'data', ] def __init__(self, sbp=None, **kwargs): if sbp: super(MsgFileioWriteReq, self).__init__(sbp.msg_type, sbp.sender, sbp.length, sbp.payload, sbp.crc) self.from_binary(sbp.payload) else: super(MsgFileioWriteReq, self).__init__() self.msg_type = SBP_MSG_FILEIO_WRITE_REQ self.sender = kwargs.pop('sender', SENDER_ID) self.sequence = kwargs.pop('sequence') self.offset = kwargs.pop('offset') self.filename = kwargs.pop('filename') = kwargs.pop('data') def __repr__(self): return fmt_repr(self) @staticmethod def from_json(s): """Given a JSON-encoded string s, build a message object. """ d = json.loads(s) return MsgFileioWriteReq.from_json_dict(d) @staticmethod def from_json_dict(d): sbp = SBP.from_json_dict(d) return MsgFileioWriteReq(sbp, **d) def from_binary(self, d): """Given a binary payload d, update the appropriate payload fields of the message. """ p = MsgFileioWriteReq._parser.parse(d) for n in self.__class__.__slots__: setattr(self, n, getattr(p, n)) def to_binary(self): """Produce a framed/packed SBP message. """ c = containerize(exclude_fields(self)) self.payload = return self.pack() def to_json_dict(self): self.to_binary() d = super(MsgFileioWriteReq, self).to_json_dict() j = walk_json_dict(exclude_fields(self)) d.update(j) return d
class MsgFileioReadDirReq(SBP): """SBP class for message MSG_FILEIO_READ_DIR_REQ (0x00A9). You can have MSG_FILEIO_READ_DIR_REQ inherit its fields directly from an inherited SBP object, or construct it inline using a dict of its fields. The read directory message lists the files in a directory on the device's onboard flash file system. The offset parameter can be used to skip the first n elements of the file list. Returns a MSG_FILEIO_READ_DIR_RESP message containing the directory listings as a NULL delimited list. The listing is chunked over multiple SBP packets. The sequence number in the request will be returned in the response. If message is invalid, a followup MSG_PRINT message will print "Invalid fileio read message". A device will only respond to this message when it is received from sender ID 0x42. Parameters ---------- sbp : SBP SBP parent object to inherit from. sequence : int Read sequence number offset : int The offset to skip the first n elements of the file list dirname : string Name of the directory to list sender : int Optional sender ID, defaults to SENDER_ID (see sbp/ """ _parser = Struct( "MsgFileioReadDirReq", ULInt32('sequence'), ULInt32('offset'), greedy_string('dirname'), ) __slots__ = [ 'sequence', 'offset', 'dirname', ] def __init__(self, sbp=None, **kwargs): if sbp: super(MsgFileioReadDirReq, self).__init__(sbp.msg_type, sbp.sender, sbp.length, sbp.payload, sbp.crc) self.from_binary(sbp.payload) else: super(MsgFileioReadDirReq, self).__init__() self.msg_type = SBP_MSG_FILEIO_READ_DIR_REQ self.sender = kwargs.pop('sender', SENDER_ID) self.sequence = kwargs.pop('sequence') self.offset = kwargs.pop('offset') self.dirname = kwargs.pop('dirname') def __repr__(self): return fmt_repr(self) @staticmethod def from_json(s): """Given a JSON-encoded string s, build a message object. """ d = json.loads(s) return MsgFileioReadDirReq.from_json_dict(d) @staticmethod def from_json_dict(d): sbp = SBP.from_json_dict(d) return MsgFileioReadDirReq(sbp, **d) def from_binary(self, d): """Given a binary payload d, update the appropriate payload fields of the message. """ p = MsgFileioReadDirReq._parser.parse(d) for n in self.__class__.__slots__: setattr(self, n, getattr(p, n)) def to_binary(self): """Produce a framed/packed SBP message. """ c = containerize(exclude_fields(self)) self.payload = return self.pack() def to_json_dict(self): self.to_binary() d = super(MsgFileioReadDirReq, self).to_json_dict() j = walk_json_dict(exclude_fields(self)) d.update(j) return d
class MsgFileioReadReq(SBP): """SBP class for message MSG_FILEIO_READ_REQ (0x00A8). You can have MSG_FILEIO_READ_REQ inherit its fields directly from an inherited SBP object, or construct it inline using a dict of its fields. The file read message reads a certain length (up to 255 bytes) from a given offset into a file, and returns the data in a MSG_FILEIO_READ_RESP message where the message length field indicates how many bytes were succesfully read.The sequence number in the request will be returned in the response. If the message is invalid, a followup MSG_PRINT message will print "Invalid fileio read message". A device will only respond to this message when it is received from sender ID 0x42. Parameters ---------- sbp : SBP SBP parent object to inherit from. sequence : int Read sequence number offset : int File offset chunk_size : int Chunk size to read filename : string Name of the file to read from sender : int Optional sender ID, defaults to SENDER_ID (see sbp/ """ _parser = Struct( "MsgFileioReadReq", ULInt32('sequence'), ULInt32('offset'), ULInt8('chunk_size'), greedy_string('filename'), ) __slots__ = [ 'sequence', 'offset', 'chunk_size', 'filename', ] def __init__(self, sbp=None, **kwargs): if sbp: super(MsgFileioReadReq, self).__init__(sbp.msg_type, sbp.sender, sbp.length, sbp.payload, sbp.crc) self.from_binary(sbp.payload) else: super(MsgFileioReadReq, self).__init__() self.msg_type = SBP_MSG_FILEIO_READ_REQ self.sender = kwargs.pop('sender', SENDER_ID) self.sequence = kwargs.pop('sequence') self.offset = kwargs.pop('offset') self.chunk_size = kwargs.pop('chunk_size') self.filename = kwargs.pop('filename') def __repr__(self): return fmt_repr(self) @staticmethod def from_json(s): """Given a JSON-encoded string s, build a message object. """ d = json.loads(s) return MsgFileioReadReq.from_json_dict(d) @staticmethod def from_json_dict(d): sbp = SBP.from_json_dict(d) return MsgFileioReadReq(sbp, **d) def from_binary(self, d): """Given a binary payload d, update the appropriate payload fields of the message. """ p = MsgFileioReadReq._parser.parse(d) for n in self.__class__.__slots__: setattr(self, n, getattr(p, n)) def to_binary(self): """Produce a framed/packed SBP message. """ c = containerize(exclude_fields(self)) self.payload = return self.pack() def to_json_dict(self): self.to_binary() d = super(MsgFileioReadReq, self).to_json_dict() j = walk_json_dict(exclude_fields(self)) d.update(j) return d
class MsgSettingsReadByIndexResp(SBP): """SBP class for message MSG_SETTINGS_READ_BY_INDEX_RESP (0x00A7). You can have MSG_SETTINGS_READ_BY_INDEX_RESP inherit its fields directly from an inherited SBP object, or construct it inline using a dict of its fields. The settings message for iterating through the settings values. It will read the setting at an index, returning a NULL-terminated and delimited string with contents [SECTION_SETTING, SETTING, VALUE]. Parameters ---------- sbp : SBP SBP parent object to inherit from. index : int An index into the device settings, with values ranging from 0 to length(settings) setting : string A NULL-terminated and delimited string with contents [SECTION_SETTING, SETTING, VALUE]. sender : int Optional sender ID, defaults to SENDER_ID (see sbp/ """ _parser = Struct("MsgSettingsReadByIndexResp", ULInt16('index'), greedy_string('setting'),) __slots__ = [ 'index', 'setting', ] def __init__(self, sbp=None, **kwargs): if sbp: super( MsgSettingsReadByIndexResp, self).__init__(sbp.msg_type, sbp.sender, sbp.length, sbp.payload, sbp.crc) self.from_binary(sbp.payload) else: super( MsgSettingsReadByIndexResp, self).__init__() self.msg_type = SBP_MSG_SETTINGS_READ_BY_INDEX_RESP self.sender = kwargs.pop('sender', SENDER_ID) self.index = kwargs.pop('index') self.setting = kwargs.pop('setting') def __repr__(self): return fmt_repr(self) @staticmethod def from_json(s): """Given a JSON-encoded string s, build a message object. """ d = json.loads(s) return MsgSettingsReadByIndexResp.from_json_dict(d) @staticmethod def from_json_dict(d): sbp = SBP.from_json_dict(d) return MsgSettingsReadByIndexResp(sbp, **d) def from_binary(self, d): """Given a binary payload d, update the appropriate payload fields of the message. """ p = MsgSettingsReadByIndexResp._parser.parse(d) for n in self.__class__.__slots__: setattr(self, n, getattr(p, n)) def to_binary(self): """Produce a framed/packed SBP message. """ c = containerize(exclude_fields(self)) self.payload = return self.pack() def to_json_dict(self): self.to_binary() d = super( MsgSettingsReadByIndexResp, self).to_json_dict() j = walk_json_dict(exclude_fields(self)) d.update(j) return d
class MsgSettingsWrite(SBP): """SBP class for message MSG_SETTINGS_WRITE (0x00A0). You can have MSG_SETTINGS_WRITE inherit its fields directly from an inherited SBP object, or construct it inline using a dict of its fields. The setting message writes the device configuration. Parameters ---------- sbp : SBP SBP parent object to inherit from. setting : string A NULL-terminated and delimited string with contents [SECTION_SETTING, SETTING, VALUE]. A device will only process to this message when it is received from sender ID 0x42. sender : int Optional sender ID, defaults to SENDER_ID (see sbp/ """ _parser = Struct("MsgSettingsWrite", greedy_string('setting'),) __slots__ = [ 'setting', ] def __init__(self, sbp=None, **kwargs): if sbp: super( MsgSettingsWrite, self).__init__(sbp.msg_type, sbp.sender, sbp.length, sbp.payload, sbp.crc) self.from_binary(sbp.payload) else: super( MsgSettingsWrite, self).__init__() self.msg_type = SBP_MSG_SETTINGS_WRITE self.sender = kwargs.pop('sender', SENDER_ID) self.setting = kwargs.pop('setting') def __repr__(self): return fmt_repr(self) @staticmethod def from_json(s): """Given a JSON-encoded string s, build a message object. """ d = json.loads(s) return MsgSettingsWrite.from_json_dict(d) @staticmethod def from_json_dict(d): sbp = SBP.from_json_dict(d) return MsgSettingsWrite(sbp, **d) def from_binary(self, d): """Given a binary payload d, update the appropriate payload fields of the message. """ p = MsgSettingsWrite._parser.parse(d) for n in self.__class__.__slots__: setattr(self, n, getattr(p, n)) def to_binary(self): """Produce a framed/packed SBP message. """ c = containerize(exclude_fields(self)) self.payload = return self.pack() def to_json_dict(self): self.to_binary() d = super( MsgSettingsWrite, self).to_json_dict() j = walk_json_dict(exclude_fields(self)) d.update(j) return d
class MsgCommandReq(SBP): """SBP class for message MSG_COMMAND_REQ (0x00B8). You can have MSG_COMMAND_REQ inherit its fields directly from an inherited SBP object, or construct it inline using a dict of its fields. Request the recipient to execute an command. Output will be sent in MSG_LOG messages, and the exit code will be returned with MSG_COMMAND_RESP. Parameters ---------- sbp : SBP SBP parent object to inherit from. sequence : int Sequence number command : string Command line to execute sender : int Optional sender ID, defaults to SENDER_ID (see sbp/ """ _parser = Struct( "MsgCommandReq", ULInt32('sequence'), greedy_string('command'), ) __slots__ = [ 'sequence', 'command', ] def __init__(self, sbp=None, **kwargs): if sbp: super(MsgCommandReq, self).__init__(sbp.msg_type, sbp.sender, sbp.length, sbp.payload, sbp.crc) self.from_binary(sbp.payload) else: super(MsgCommandReq, self).__init__() self.msg_type = SBP_MSG_COMMAND_REQ self.sender = kwargs.pop('sender', SENDER_ID) self.sequence = kwargs.pop('sequence') self.command = kwargs.pop('command') def __repr__(self): return fmt_repr(self) @staticmethod def from_json(s): """Given a JSON-encoded string s, build a message object. """ d = json.loads(s) return MsgCommandReq.from_json_dict(d) @staticmethod def from_json_dict(d): sbp = SBP.from_json_dict(d) return MsgCommandReq(sbp, **d) def from_binary(self, d): """Given a binary payload d, update the appropriate payload fields of the message. """ p = MsgCommandReq._parser.parse(d) for n in self.__class__.__slots__: setattr(self, n, getattr(p, n)) def to_binary(self): """Produce a framed/packed SBP message. """ c = containerize(exclude_fields(self)) self.payload = return self.pack() def to_json_dict(self): self.to_binary() d = super(MsgCommandReq, self).to_json_dict() j = walk_json_dict(exclude_fields(self)) d.update(j) return d
class MsgLog(SBP): """SBP class for message MSG_LOG (0x0401). You can have MSG_LOG inherit its fields directly from an inherited SBP object, or construct it inline using a dict of its fields. This message contains a human-readable payload string from the device containing errors, warnings and informational messages at ERROR, WARNING, DEBUG, INFO logging levels. Parameters ---------- sbp : SBP SBP parent object to inherit from. level : int Logging level text : string Human-readable string sender : int Optional sender ID, defaults to SENDER_ID (see sbp/ """ _parser = Struct( "MsgLog", ULInt8('level'), greedy_string('text'), ) __slots__ = [ 'level', 'text', ] def __init__(self, sbp=None, **kwargs): if sbp: super(MsgLog, self).__init__(sbp.msg_type, sbp.sender, sbp.length, sbp.payload, sbp.crc) self.from_binary(sbp.payload) else: super(MsgLog, self).__init__() self.msg_type = SBP_MSG_LOG self.sender = kwargs.pop('sender', SENDER_ID) self.level = kwargs.pop('level') self.text = kwargs.pop('text') def __repr__(self): return fmt_repr(self) @staticmethod def from_json(s): """Given a JSON-encoded string s, build a message object. """ d = json.loads(s) return MsgLog.from_json_dict(d) @staticmethod def from_json_dict(d): sbp = SBP.from_json_dict(d) return MsgLog(sbp, **d) def from_binary(self, d): """Given a binary payload d, update the appropriate payload fields of the message. """ p = MsgLog._parser.parse(d) for n in self.__class__.__slots__: setattr(self, n, getattr(p, n)) def to_binary(self): """Produce a framed/packed SBP message. """ c = containerize(exclude_fields(self)) self.payload = return self.pack() def to_json_dict(self): self.to_binary() d = super(MsgLog, self).to_json_dict() j = walk_json_dict(exclude_fields(self)) d.update(j) return d
class MsgPrintDep(SBP): """SBP class for message MSG_PRINT_DEP (0x0010). You can have MSG_PRINT_DEP inherit its fields directly from an inherited SBP object, or construct it inline using a dict of its fields. Deprecated. Parameters ---------- sbp : SBP SBP parent object to inherit from. text : string Human-readable string sender : int Optional sender ID, defaults to SENDER_ID (see sbp/ """ _parser = Struct( "MsgPrintDep", greedy_string('text'), ) __slots__ = [ 'text', ] def __init__(self, sbp=None, **kwargs): if sbp: super(MsgPrintDep, self).__init__(sbp.msg_type, sbp.sender, sbp.length, sbp.payload, sbp.crc) self.from_binary(sbp.payload) else: super(MsgPrintDep, self).__init__() self.msg_type = SBP_MSG_PRINT_DEP self.sender = kwargs.pop('sender', SENDER_ID) self.text = kwargs.pop('text') def __repr__(self): return fmt_repr(self) @staticmethod def from_json(s): """Given a JSON-encoded string s, build a message object. """ d = json.loads(s) return MsgPrintDep.from_json_dict(d) @staticmethod def from_json_dict(d): sbp = SBP.from_json_dict(d) return MsgPrintDep(sbp, **d) def from_binary(self, d): """Given a binary payload d, update the appropriate payload fields of the message. """ p = MsgPrintDep._parser.parse(d) for n in self.__class__.__slots__: setattr(self, n, getattr(p, n)) def to_binary(self): """Produce a framed/packed SBP message. """ c = containerize(exclude_fields(self)) self.payload = return self.pack() def to_json_dict(self): self.to_binary() d = super(MsgPrintDep, self).to_json_dict() j = walk_json_dict(exclude_fields(self)) d.update(j) return d
class MsgFwd(SBP): """SBP class for message MSG_FWD (0x0402). You can have MSG_FWD inherit its fields directly from an inherited SBP object, or construct it inline using a dict of its fields. This message provides the ability to forward messages over SBP. This may take the form of wrapping up SBP messages received by Piksi for logging purposes or wrapping another protocol with SBP. The source identifier indicates from what interface a forwarded stream derived. The protocol identifier identifies what the expected protocol the forwarded msg contains. Protocol 0 represents SBP and the remaining values are implementation defined. Parameters ---------- sbp : SBP SBP parent object to inherit from. source : int source identifier protocol : int protocol identifier fwd_payload : string variable length wrapped binary message sender : int Optional sender ID, defaults to SENDER_ID (see sbp/ """ _parser = Struct( "MsgFwd", ULInt8('source'), ULInt8('protocol'), greedy_string('fwd_payload'), ) __slots__ = [ 'source', 'protocol', 'fwd_payload', ] def __init__(self, sbp=None, **kwargs): if sbp: super(MsgFwd, self).__init__(sbp.msg_type, sbp.sender, sbp.length, sbp.payload, sbp.crc) self.from_binary(sbp.payload) else: super(MsgFwd, self).__init__() self.msg_type = SBP_MSG_FWD self.sender = kwargs.pop('sender', SENDER_ID) self.source = kwargs.pop('source') self.protocol = kwargs.pop('protocol') self.fwd_payload = kwargs.pop('fwd_payload') def __repr__(self): return fmt_repr(self) @staticmethod def from_json(s): """Given a JSON-encoded string s, build a message object. """ d = json.loads(s) return MsgFwd.from_json_dict(d) @staticmethod def from_json_dict(d): sbp = SBP.from_json_dict(d) return MsgFwd(sbp, **d) def from_binary(self, d): """Given a binary payload d, update the appropriate payload fields of the message. """ p = MsgFwd._parser.parse(d) for n in self.__class__.__slots__: setattr(self, n, getattr(p, n)) def to_binary(self): """Produce a framed/packed SBP message. """ c = containerize(exclude_fields(self)) self.payload = return self.pack() def to_json_dict(self): self.to_binary() d = super(MsgFwd, self).to_json_dict() j = walk_json_dict(exclude_fields(self)) d.update(j) return d
class MsgBootloaderHandshakeResp(SBP): """SBP class for message MSG_BOOTLOADER_HANDSHAKE_RESP (0x00B4). You can have MSG_BOOTLOADER_HANDSHAKE_RESP inherit its fields directly from an inherited SBP object, or construct it inline using a dict of its fields. The handshake message response from the device establishes a handshake between the device bootloader and the host. The request from the host is MSG_BOOTLOADER_HANDSHAKE_REQ. The payload contains the bootloader version number and the SBP protocol version number. Parameters ---------- sbp : SBP SBP parent object to inherit from. flags : int Bootloader flags version : string Bootloader version number sender : int Optional sender ID, defaults to SENDER_ID (see sbp/ """ _parser = Struct( "MsgBootloaderHandshakeResp", ULInt32('flags'), greedy_string('version'), ) __slots__ = [ 'flags', 'version', ] def __init__(self, sbp=None, **kwargs): if sbp: super(MsgBootloaderHandshakeResp, self).__init__(sbp.msg_type, sbp.sender, sbp.length, sbp.payload, sbp.crc) self.from_binary(sbp.payload) else: super(MsgBootloaderHandshakeResp, self).__init__() self.msg_type = SBP_MSG_BOOTLOADER_HANDSHAKE_RESP self.sender = kwargs.pop('sender', SENDER_ID) self.flags = kwargs.pop('flags') self.version = kwargs.pop('version') def __repr__(self): return fmt_repr(self) @staticmethod def from_json(s): """Given a JSON-encoded string s, build a message object. """ d = json.loads(s) return MsgBootloaderHandshakeResp.from_json_dict(d) @staticmethod def from_json_dict(d): sbp = SBP.from_json_dict(d) return MsgBootloaderHandshakeResp(sbp, **d) def from_binary(self, d): """Given a binary payload d, update the appropriate payload fields of the message. """ p = MsgBootloaderHandshakeResp._parser.parse(d) for n in self.__class__.__slots__: setattr(self, n, getattr(p, n)) def to_binary(self): """Produce a framed/packed SBP message. """ c = containerize(exclude_fields(self)) self.payload = return self.pack() def to_json_dict(self): self.to_binary() d = super(MsgBootloaderHandshakeResp, self).to_json_dict() j = walk_json_dict(exclude_fields(self)) d.update(j) return d