def addClicked(self, button): fcd = gtk.FileChooserDialog( buttons=( toStr(_('_OK')), gtk.RESPONSE_OK, toStr(_('_Cancel')), gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, ), title=_('Add File'), ) fcd.set_local_only(True) fcd.connect('response', lambda w, e: fcd.hide()) if == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: from shutil import copy fpath = fcd.get_filename() fname = split(fpath)[-1] dstDir = self.event.filesDir ## os.makedirs(dstDir, exist_ok=True)## only on new pythons FIXME try: os.makedirs(dstDir) except: myRaise() copy(fpath, join(dstDir, fname)) self.event.files.append(fname) self.newFiles.append(fname) self.showFile(fname)
def addStartup(): if osName=='win': makeDir(winStartupDir) #fname = APP_NAME + ('-qt' if uiName=='qt' else '') + '.pyw' fname = core.COMMAND + '.pyw' fpath = join(rootDir, fname) #open(winStartupFile, 'w').write('execfile(%r, {"__file__":%r})'%(fpath, fpath)) try: winMakeShortcut(fpath, winStartupFile) except: return False else: return True elif isdir('%s/.config'%homeDir):## osName in ('linux', 'mac') ## maybe Gnome/KDE on Solaris, *BSD, ... text = '''[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=%s %s Icon=%s Exec=%s'''%(core.APP_DESC, core.VERSION, APP_NAME, core.COMMAND)## double quotes needed when the exec path has space makeDir(comDeskDir) try: fp = open(comDesk, 'w') except: core.myRaise(__file__) return False else: fp.write(text) return True elif osName=='mac':## FIXME pass return False
def addStartup(): if osName=='win': from import winMakeShortcut makeDir(winStartupDir) #fname = APP_NAME + ('-qt' if uiName=='qt' else '') + '.pyw' fname = core.COMMAND + '.pyw' fpath = join(rootDir, fname) #open(winStartupFile, 'w').write('execfile(%r, {"__file__":%r})'%(fpath, fpath)) try: winMakeShortcut(fpath, winStartupFile) except: return False else: return True elif isdir('%s/.config'%homeDir):## osName in ('linux', 'mac') ## maybe Gnome/KDE on Solaris, *BSD, ... text = '''[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=%s %s Icon=%s Exec=%s'''%(core.APP_DESC, core.VERSION, APP_NAME, core.COMMAND)## double quotes needed when the exec path has space makeDir(comDeskDir) try: fp = open(comDesk, 'w') except: core.myRaise(__file__) return False else: fp.write(text) return True elif osName=='mac':## FIXME pass return False
def _do_onGroupModify(self, group, groupIter): group.afterModify() try: if == 'universityTerm':## FIXME n = self.trees.iter_n_children(groupIter) for i in range(n): eventIter = self.trees.iter_nth_child(groupIter, i) eid = self.trees.get(eventIter, 0)[0] self.trees.set(eventIter, 2, group[eid].summary) except: myRaise()
def treevCursorChanged(self, treev): if self.activeOptionsWidget: try: self.vbox_l.remove(self.activeOptionsWidget) except: myRaise(__file__) self.activeOptionsWidget = None index_list = treev.get_cursor()[0] if not index_list: return item = self.getItemByPath(index_list) if item.optionsWidget: self.activeOptionsWidget = item.optionsWidget self.vbox_l.pack_start(item.optionsWidget, 0, 0)
def parseDroppedDate(text): part = text.split('/') if len(part)==3: try: part[0] = numDecode(part[0]) part[1] = numDecode(part[1]) part[2] = numDecode(part[2]) except: myRaise(__file__) return None maxPart = max(part) if maxPart > 999: minMax = ((1000, 2100), (1, 12), (1, 31)) formats=( [0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [2, 1, 0], ) for format in formats: for i in range(3): valid = True f = format[i] if not (minMax[f][0] <= part[i] <= minMax[f][1]): valid = False #print('format %s was not valid, part[%s]=%s'%(format, i, part[i])) break if valid: year = part[format.index(0)] ## "format" must be list because of method "index" month = part[format.index(1)] day = part[format.index(2)] break else: valid = 0 <= part[0] <= 99 and 1 <= part[1] <= 12 and 1 <= part[2] <= 31 ### year = 2000 + part[0] ## FIXME month = part[1] day = part[2] if not valid: return None else: return None ##??????????? when drag from a persian GtkCalendar with format %y/%m/%d #if year < 100: # year += 2000 return (year, month, day)
def trayClicked(self, toggle): ##print tuple( if toggle.get_active(): if ui.winX, ui.winY == (-1, -1): try: x0, y0 = self.applet.window.get_origin() ui.winX = x0 + (self.applet.allocation.width-ui.winWidth)/2 ui.winY = y0 + self.applet.allocation.height - 3 except: core.myRaise(__file__) self.move(ui.winX, ui.winY) ## every calling of .hide() and .present(), makes dialog not on top (forgets being on top) act = self.checkAbove.get_active() self.set_keep_above(act) if self.checkSticky.get_active(): self.stick() self.deiconify() self.present()
def statusIconClicked(self, toggle): if toggle.get_active(): if (ui.winX, ui.winY) == (-1, -1): try: x0, y0 = self.applet.get_window().get_origin() width, height = self.applet.size_request() ui.winX = x0 + (width - ui.winWidth) / 2 ui.winY = y0 + height - 3 except: core.myRaise(__file__) self.move(ui.winX, ui.winY) ## every calling of .hide() and .present(), makes dialog not on top (forgets being on top) act = self.checkAbove.get_active() self.set_keep_above(act) if self.checkSticky.get_active(): self.stick() self.deiconify() self.present() else: ui.winX, ui.winY = self.get_position() self.hide()
def addClicked(self, button): fcd = gtk.FileChooserDialog( buttons=( toStr(_('_OK')), gtk.RESPONSE_OK, toStr(_('_Cancel')), gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, ), title=_('Add File'), ) fcd.connect('response', lambda w, e: fcd.hide()) if == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: fpath = fcd.get_filename() fname = split(fpath)[-1] dstDir = self.event.filesDir ## os.makedirs(dstDir, exist_ok=True)## only on new pythons FIXME try: os.makedirs(dstDir) except: myRaise() shutil.copy(fpath, join(dstDir, fname)) self.event.files.append(fname) self.newFiles.append(fname) self.showFile(fname)
def onExposeEvent(self, widget=None, event=None): cr = self.getContext() self.drawBg(cr) ### w = self.get_allocation().width h = self.get_allocation().height ### rowH = h/7.0 itemW = w - ui.wcalPadding for i in range(7): c = self.wcal.status[i] iconList = c.getWeekEventIcons() if not iconList: continue n = len(iconList) scaleFact = min( 1.0, h / self.maxPixH, w / (n * self.maxPixW), ) x0 = (w/scaleFact - (n-1)*self.maxPixW) / 2.0 y0 = (2*i + 1) * h / (14.0*scaleFact) if rtl: iconList.reverse()## FIXME for iconIndex, icon in enumerate(iconList): try: pix = gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(icon) except: myRaise(__file__) continue pix_w = pix.get_width() pix_h = pix.get_height() x1 = x0 + iconIndex*self.maxPixW - pix_w/2.0 y1 = y0 - pix_h/2.0 cr.scale(scaleFact, scaleFact) cr.set_source_pixbuf(pix, x1, y1) cr.rectangle(x1, y1, pix_w, pix_h) cr.fill() cr.scale(1.0/scaleFact, 1.0/scaleFact)
def apply(self, widget=None): from scal2.ui_gtk.font_utils import gfontDecode ####### FIXME #print('fontDefault = %s'%ui.fontDefault) ui.fontDefault = gfontDecode(ud.settings.get_property('gtk-font-name')) #print('fontDefault = %s'%ui.fontDefault) ############################################## Updating pref variables for opt in self.getAllPrefItems(): opt.updateVar() ###### DB Manager (Plugin Manager) index = [] for row in self.plugTreestore: plugI = row[0] enable = row[1] show_date = row[2] index.append(plugI) plug = core.allPlugList[plugI] if plug.loaded: try: plug.enable = enable plug.show_date = show_date except: core.myRaise(__file__) print(i, core.plugIndex) else: if enable: plug = plugin_man.loadPlugin(plug.path) assert plug.loaded core.allPlugList[plugI] = plug core.plugIndex = index core.updatePlugins() ###### first = self.comboFirstWD.get_active() if first==7: core.firstWeekDayAuto = True try: core.firstWeekDay = core.getLocaleFirstWeekDay() except: pass else: core.firstWeekDayAuto = False core.firstWeekDay = first ###### mode = self.comboWeekYear.get_active() if mode==8: core.weekNumberModeAuto = True core.weekNumberMode = core.getLocaleweekNumberMode() else: core.weekNumberModeAuto = False core.weekNumberMode = mode ###### ui.cellCache.clear() ## Very important, specially when calTypes.primary will be changed ###### ud.updateFormatsBin() #################################################### Saving Preferences for mod in calTypes: ##################### Saving locale config text = '' for item in self.localePrefItems: text += item.confStr() open(locale_man.localeConfPath, 'w').write(text) ##################### Saving core config text = '' text += 'version=%r\n\n'%core.VERSION text += 'allPlugList=%s\n\n'%core.getAllPlugListRepr() text += 'plugIndex=%r\n'%core.plugIndex for item in self.corePrefItems: text += item.confStr() for key in ( 'firstWeekDayAuto', 'firstWeekDay', 'weekNumberModeAuto', 'weekNumberMode', 'debugMode', ): value = eval('core.'+key) text += '%s=%r\n'%(key, value) open(core.confPath, 'w').write(text) ##################### Saving ui config text = '' for item in self.uiPrefItems: text += item.confStr() for key in ( #'localTzHist',## FIXME 'showYmArrows', ): value = eval('ui.'+key) text += '%s=%r\n'%(key, value) text += 'prefPagesOrder=%s\n'%repr( tuple( [self.notebook.page_num(page) for page in self.prefPages] ) ) open(ui.confPath, 'w').write(text) ##################### Saving here config text = '' for item in self.gtkPrefItems: text += item.confStr() text += 'adjustTimeCmd=%r\n'%ud.adjustTimeCmd ## FIXME open(ud.confPath, 'w').write(text) ################################################### Updating GUI ud.windowList.onConfigChange() if ui.mainWin: """ if ui.bgUseDesk and ui.bgColor[3]==255: msg = gtk.MessageDialog(buttons=gtk.BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL, message_format=_( 'If you want to have a transparent calendar (and see your desktop),'+\ 'change the opacity of calendar background color!')) if self.colorbBg.emit('clicked') msg.destroy() """ if ui.checkNeedRestart(): d = gtk.Dialog(_('Need Restart '+core.APP_DESC), self, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL | gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT | gtk.DIALOG_NO_SEPARATOR, (gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, 0)) d.set_keep_above(True) label = gtk.Label(_('Some preferences need for restart %s to apply.'%core.APP_DESC)) label.set_line_wrap(True) pack(d.vbox, label) resBut = d.add_button(_('_Restart'), 1) resBut.set_image(gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_REFRESH,gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON)) resBut.grab_default() d.vbox.show_all() if core.restart() else: d.destroy()
def apply(self, widget=None): ####### ????????????????? #print 'fontDefault =', ui.fontDefault ui.fontDefault = gfontDecode(ud.settings.get_property('gtk-font-name')) #print 'fontDefault =', ui.fontDefault ############################################## Updating pref variables for opt in self.getAllPrefItems(): opt.updateVar() ###### DB Manager (Plugin Manager) index = [] for row in self.plugTreestore: index.append(row[0]) plug = core.allPlugList[row[0]] try: plug.enable = row[1] plug.show_date = row[2] except: core.myRaise(__file__) print i, core.plugIndex core.plugIndex = index ###### first = self.comboFirstWD.get_active() if first==7: core.firstWeekDayAuto = True try: core.firstWeekDay = core.getLocaleFirstWeekDay() except: pass else: core.firstWeekDayAuto = False core.firstWeekDay = first ###### mode = self.comboWeekYear.get_active() if mode==8: core.weekNumberModeAuto = True core.weekNumberMode = core.getLocaleweekNumberMode() else: core.weekNumberModeAuto = False core.weekNumberMode = mode ###### ui.cellCache.clear() ## Very important, specially when core.primaryMode will be changed ###### ud.updateFormatsBin() #################################################### Saving Preferences for mod in calTypes: ##################### Saving locale config text = '' for item in self.localePrefItems: text += item.confStr() open(locale_man.localeConfPath, 'w').write(text) ##################### Saving core config text = '' text += 'allPlugList=%s\n\n'%core.getAllPlugListRepr() text += 'plugIndex=%r\n'%core.plugIndex for item in self.corePrefItems: text += item.confStr() for key in ( 'firstWeekDayAuto', 'firstWeekDay', 'weekNumberModeAuto', 'weekNumberMode', 'debugMode', ): value = eval('core.'+key) text += '%s=%r\n'%(key, value) open(core.confPath, 'w').write(text) ##################### Saving ui config text = '' for item in self.uiPrefItems: text += item.confStr() text += 'showYmArrows=%r\n'%ui.showYmArrows text += 'prefPagesOrder=%s'%repr(tuple( [self.notebook.page_num(page) for page in self.prefPages])) open(ui.confPath, 'w').write(text) ##################### Saving here config text = '' for item in self.gtkPrefItems: text += item.confStr() text += 'adjustTimeCmd=%r\n'%ud.adjustTimeCmd ## FIXME open(ud.confPath, 'w').write(text) ################################################### Updating GUI ud.windowList.onConfigChange() if ui.mainWin: """ if ui.bgUseDesk and ui.bgColor[3]==255: msg = gtk.MessageDialog(buttons=gtk.BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL, message_format=_( 'If you want to have a transparent calendar (and see your desktop),'+\ 'change the opacity of calendar background color!')) if self.colorbBg.emit('clicked') msg.destroy() """ if ui.checkNeedRestart(): d = gtk.Dialog(_('Need Restart '+APP_DESC), self, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL | gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT | gtk.DIALOG_NO_SEPARATOR, (gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, 0)) d.set_keep_above(True) label = gtk.Label(_('Some preferences need for restart %s to apply.'%APP_DESC)) label.set_line_wrap(True) d.vbox.pack_start(label) resBut = d.add_button(_('_Restart'), 1) resBut.set_image(gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_REFRESH,gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON)) resBut.grab_default() d.vbox.show_all() if core.restart() else: d.destroy()
def __init__(self, trayMode): gtk.Dialog.__init__(self, title=_('Preferences')) self.connect('delete-event', self.onDelete) self.set_has_separator(False) #self.set_skip_taskbar_hint(True) ### dialog_add_button(self, gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, _('_Cancel'), 1, self.cancel) dialog_add_button(self, gtk.STOCK_APPLY, _('_Apply'), 2, self.apply) okB = dialog_add_button(self, gtk.STOCK_OK, _('_OK'), 3, self.ok, tooltip=_('Apply and Close')) okB.grab_default()## FIXME #okB.grab_focus()## FIXME ############################################## self.localePrefItems = [] self.corePrefItems = [] self.uiPrefItems = [] self.gtkPrefItems = [] ## FIXME ##### self.prefPages = [] ################################ Tab 1 (General) ############################################ vbox = gtk.VBox() vbox.label = _('_General') vbox.icon = 'preferences-other.png' self.prefPages.append(vbox) hbox = gtk.HBox(spacing=3) hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(_('Language')), 0, 0) itemLang = LangPrefItem() self.localePrefItems.append(itemLang) ### hbox.pack_start(itemLang.widget, 0, 0) if langSh!='en': hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label('Language'), 0, 0) vbox.pack_start(hbox, 0, 0) ########################## hbox = gtk.HBox() frame = gtk.Frame(_('Calendar Types')) itemCals = AICalsPrefItem() self.corePrefItems.append(itemCals) frame.add(itemCals.widget) hbox.pack_start(frame, 0, 0) hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(''), 1, 1) hbox.set_border_width(5) #frame.set_border_width(5) vbox.pack_start(hbox, 1, 1) ########################## if trayMode!=1: hbox = gtk.HBox(spacing=3) item = CheckStartupPrefItem() self.uiPrefItems.append(item) hbox.pack_start(item.widget, 1, 1) vbox.pack_start(hbox, 0, 0) ######################## item = CheckPrefItem(ui, 'showMain', _('Show main window on start')) self.uiPrefItems.append(item) vbox.pack_start(item.widget, 0, 0) ########################## item = CheckPrefItem(ui, 'winTaskbar', _('Window in Taskbar')) self.uiPrefItems.append(item) hbox = gtk.HBox(spacing=3) hbox.pack_start(item.widget, 0, 0) hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(''), 1, 1) ########### vbox.pack_start(hbox, 0, 0) ########################## try: import appindicator except ImportError: pass else: item = CheckPrefItem(ui, 'useAppIndicator', _('Use AppIndicator')) self.uiPrefItems.append(item) hbox = gtk.HBox(spacing=3) hbox.pack_start(item.widget, 0, 0) hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(''), 1, 1) vbox.pack_start(hbox, 0, 0) ########################## hbox = gtk.HBox(spacing=3) hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(_('Show Digital Clock:')), 0, 0) hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(''), 1, 1) #item = CheckPrefItem(ui, 'showDigClockTb', _('On Toolbar'))## FIXME #self.uiPrefItems.append(item) #hbox.pack_start(item.widget, 0, 0) hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(''), 1, 1) if trayMode==1: item = CheckPrefItem(ui, 'showDigClockTr', _('On Applet'), 'Panel Applet') else: item = CheckPrefItem(ui, 'showDigClockTr', _('On Tray'), 'Notification Area') self.uiPrefItems.append(item) hbox.pack_start(item.widget, 0, 0) hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(''), 1, 1) vbox.pack_start(hbox, 0, 0) ################################ Tab 2 (Appearance) ########################################### vbox = gtk.VBox() vbox.label = _('A_ppearance') vbox.icon = 'preferences-desktop-theme.png' self.prefPages.append(vbox) ######## hbox = gtk.HBox(spacing=2) ### customCheckItem = CheckPrefItem(ui, 'fontCustomEnable', _('Application font')) self.uiPrefItems.append(customCheckItem) hbox.pack_start(customCheckItem.widget, 0, 0) ### customItem = FontPrefItem(ui, 'fontCustom', self) self.uiPrefItems.append(customItem) hbox.pack_start(customItem.widget, 0, 0) hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(''), 1, 1) customItem.widget.set_sensitive(ui.fontCustomEnable) #customItem.widget.connect('clicked', self.checkbFontClicked) customCheckItem.widget.connect('clicked', lambda w: customItem.widget.set_sensitive(w.get_active()))## FIXME vbox.pack_start(hbox, 0, 0) ########################### Theme ##################### hbox = gtk.HBox(spacing=3) item = CheckPrefItem(ui, 'bgUseDesk', _('Use Desktop Background')) self.uiPrefItems.append(item) hbox.pack_start(item.widget, 0, 0) hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(''), 1, 1) vbox.pack_start(hbox, 0, 0) ##################### hbox = gtk.HBox(spacing=3) lab = gtk.Label('<b>%s:</b> '%_('Colors')) lab.set_use_markup(True) hbox.pack_start(lab, 0, 0) hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(''), 1, 1) ### hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(_('Background')), 0, 0) item = ColorPrefItem(ui, 'bgColor', True) self.uiPrefItems.append(item) self.colorbBg = item.widget ## FIXME hbox.pack_start(item.widget, 0, 0) hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(''), 1, 1) ### hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(_('Border')), 0, 0) item = ColorPrefItem(ui, 'borderColor', True) self.uiPrefItems.append(item) hbox.pack_start(item.widget, 0, 0) hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(''), 1, 1) ### hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(_('Cursor')), 0, 0) item = ColorPrefItem(ui, 'cursorOutColor', False) self.uiPrefItems.append(item) hbox.pack_start(item.widget, 0, 0) hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(''), 1, 1) ### hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(_('Cursor BG')), 0, 0) item = ColorPrefItem(ui, 'cursorBgColor', True) self.uiPrefItems.append(item) hbox.pack_start(item.widget, 0, 0) hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(''), 1, 1) ### hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(_('Today')), 0, 0) item = ColorPrefItem(ui, 'todayCellColor', True) self.uiPrefItems.append(item) hbox.pack_start(item.widget, 0, 0) hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(''), 1, 1) ### vbox.pack_start(hbox, 0, 0) #################### hbox = gtk.HBox(spacing=3) lab = gtk.Label('<b>%s:</b> '%_('Font Colors')) lab.set_use_markup(True) hbox.pack_start(lab, 0, 0) hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(''), 1, 1) #### hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(_('Normal')), 0, 0) item = ColorPrefItem(ui, 'textColor', False) self.uiPrefItems.append(item) hbox.pack_start(item.widget, 0, 0) hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(''), 1, 1) ### hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(_('Holiday')), 0, 0) item = ColorPrefItem(ui, 'holidayColor', False) self.uiPrefItems.append(item) hbox.pack_start(item.widget, 0, 0) hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(''), 1, 1) ### hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(_('Inactive Day')), 0, 0) item = ColorPrefItem(ui, 'inactiveColor', True) self.uiPrefItems.append(item) hbox.pack_start(item.widget, 0, 0) hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(''), 1, 1) #### hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(_('Border')), 0, 0) item = ColorPrefItem(ui, 'borderTextColor', False) self.uiPrefItems.append(item) hbox.pack_start(item.widget, 0, 0) hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(''), 1, 1) #### vbox.pack_start(hbox, 0, 0) ################### hbox = gtk.HBox(spacing=1) label = gtk.Label('<b>%s</b>:'%_('Cursor')) label.set_use_markup(True) hbox.pack_start(label, 0, 0) hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(''), 1, 1) hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(_('Diameter Factor')), 0, 0) item = SpinPrefItem(ui, 'cursorDiaFactor', 0, 1, 2) self.uiPrefItems.append(item) hbox.pack_start(item.widget, 0, 0) ### hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(''), 1, 1) hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(_('Rounding Factor')), 0, 0) item = SpinPrefItem(ui, 'cursorRoundingFactor', 0, 1, 2) self.uiPrefItems.append(item) hbox.pack_start(item.widget, 0, 0) hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(''), 1, 1) ### vbox.pack_start(hbox, 0, 0) ################################ Tab 3 (Advanced) ########################################### vbox = gtk.VBox() vbox.label = _('A_dvanced') vbox.icon = 'applications-system.png' self.prefPages.append(vbox) ###### sgroup = gtk.SizeGroup(gtk.SIZE_GROUP_HORIZONTAL) ###### hbox = gtk.HBox(spacing=5) label = gtk.Label(_('Date Format')) label.set_alignment(0, 0.5) hbox.pack_start(label, 0, 0) sgroup.add_widget(label) #hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(''), 1, 1) item = ComboEntryTextPrefItem(ud, 'dateFormat', ( '%Y/%m/%d', '%Y-%m-%d', '%y/%m/%d', '%y-%m-%d', '%OY/%Om/%Od', '%OY-%Om-%Od', '%m/%d', '%m/%d/%Y', )) self.gtkPrefItems.append(item) hbox.pack_start(item.widget, 1, 1) vbox.pack_start(hbox, 0, 0) ### hbox = gtk.HBox(spacing=5) #hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(''), 1, 1) label = gtk.Label(_('Digital Clock Format')) label.set_alignment(0, 0.5) hbox.pack_start(label, 0, 0) sgroup.add_widget(label) item = ComboEntryTextPrefItem(ud, 'clockFormat', ( '%T', '%X', '%Y/%m/%d - %T', '%OY/%Om/%Od - %X', '<i>%Y/%m/%d</i> - %T', '<b>%T</b>', '<b>%X</b>', '%H:%M', '<b>%H:%M</b>', '<span size="smaller">%OY/%Om/%Od</span>,%X' '%OY/%Om/%Od,<span color="#ff0000">%X</span>', '<span font="bold">%X</span>', '%OH:%OM', '<b>%OH:%OM</b>', )) self.gtkPrefItems.append(item) hbox.pack_start(item.widget, 1, 1) vbox.pack_start(hbox, 0, 0) ###### hbox = gtk.HBox(spacing=5) label = gtk.Label(_('Days maximum cache size')) label.set_alignment(0, 0.5) hbox.pack_start(label, 0, 0) ##sgroup.add_widget(label) item = SpinPrefItem(ui, 'maxDayCacheSize', 100, 9999, 0) self.uiPrefItems.append(item) hbox.pack_start(item.widget, 0, 0) vbox.pack_start(hbox, 0, 0) vbox4 = vbox ######## hbox = gtk.HBox(spacing=3) hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(_('First day of week')), 0, 0) ##item = ComboTextPrefItem( ##????????? self.comboFirstWD = gtk.combo_box_new_text() for item in core.weekDayName: self.comboFirstWD.append_text(item) self.comboFirstWD.append_text(_('Automatic')) self.comboFirstWD.connect('changed', self.comboFirstWDChanged) hbox.pack_start(self.comboFirstWD, 0, 0) vbox.pack_start(hbox, 0, 0) ######### hbox0 = gtk.HBox(spacing=0) hbox0.pack_start(gtk.Label(_('Holidays')+' '), 0, 0) item = WeekDayCheckListPrefItem(core, 'holidayWeekDays') self.corePrefItems.append(item) self.holiWDItem = item ## Holiday Week Days Item hbox0.pack_start(item.widget, 1, 1) vbox.pack_start(hbox0, 0, 0) ######### hbox = gtk.HBox(spacing=3) hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(_('First week of year containts')), 0, 0) combo = gtk.combo_box_new_text() texts = [_('First %s of year')%name for name in core.weekDayName]+[_('First day of year')] texts[4] += ' (ISO 8601)' ##?????? for text in texts: combo.append_text(text) #combo.append_text(_('Automatic'))## (as Locale)#????????????????? hbox.pack_start(combo, 0, 0) hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(''), 1, 1) vbox.pack_start(hbox, 0, 0) self.comboWeekYear = combo ######### hbox = gtk.HBox(spacing=3) item = CheckPrefItem(locale_man, 'enableNumLocale', _('Numbers Localization')) self.localePrefItems.append(item) hbox.pack_start(item.widget, 0, 0) hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(''), 1, 1) vbox.pack_start(hbox, 0, 0) ################################################## ################################ options = [] for mod in calTypes: for opt in mod.options: if opt[0]=='button': try: optl = ModuleOptionButton(opt[1:]) except: myRaise() continue else: optl = ModuleOptionItem(mod, opt) options.append(optl) vbox.pack_start(optl.widget, 0, 0) self.moduleOptions = options ################################ Tab 4 (Plugins) ############################################ vbox = gtk.VBox() vbox.label = _('_Plugins') vbox.icon = 'preferences-plugin.png' self.prefPages.append(vbox) ##### ##pluginsTextTray: hbox = gtk.HBox() if trayMode==1: item = CheckPrefItem(ui, 'pluginsTextTray', _('Show in applet (for today)')) else: item = CheckPrefItem(ui, 'pluginsTextTray', _('Show in tray (for today)')) self.uiPrefItems.append(item) hbox.pack_start(item.widget, 0, 0) hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(''), 1, 1) vbox.pack_start(hbox, 0, 0) ##### treev = gtk.TreeView() treev.set_headers_clickable(True) trees = gtk.ListStore(int, bool, bool, str) treev.set_model(trees) treev.enable_model_drag_source(gdk.BUTTON1_MASK, [('row', gtk.TARGET_SAME_WIDGET, 0)], gdk.ACTION_MOVE) treev.enable_model_drag_dest([('row', gtk.TARGET_SAME_WIDGET, 0)], gdk.ACTION_MOVE) treev.connect('drag_data_received', self.plugTreevDragReceived) treev.connect('cursor-changed', self.plugTreevCursorChanged) treev.connect('row-activated', self.plugTreevRActivate) treev.connect('button-press-event', self.plugTreevButtonPress) ### #treev.drag_source_set_icon_stock(gtk.STOCK_CLOSE) #treev.drag_source_add_text_targets() #treev.drag_source_add_uri_targets() #treev.drag_source_unset() ### swin = gtk.ScrolledWindow() swin.add(treev) swin.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) ###### cell = gtk.CellRendererToggle() #cell.set_property('activatable', True) cell.connect('toggled', self.plugTreeviewCellToggled) col = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Enable'), cell) col.add_attribute(cell, 'active', 1) #cell.set_active(False) col.set_resizable(True) treev.append_column(col) ###### cell = gtk.CellRendererToggle() #cell.set_property('activatable', True) cell.connect('toggled', self.plugTreeviewCellToggled2) col = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Show Date'), cell) col.add_attribute(cell, 'active', 2) #cell.set_active(False) col.set_resizable(True) treev.append_column(col) ###### #cell = gtk.CellRendererText() #col = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('File Name'), cell, text=2) #col.set_resizable(True) #treev.append_column(col) #treev.set_search_column(1) ###### cell = gtk.CellRendererText() #cell.set_property('wrap-mode', gtk.WRAP_WORD) #cell.set_property('editable', True) #cell.set_property('wrap-width', 200) col = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Description'), cell, text=3) #treev.connect('expose-event', self.plugTreevExpose) #self.plugDescCell = cell #self.plugDescCol = col #col.set_resizable(True)## No need! treev.append_column(col) ###### #for i in xrange(len(core.plugIndex)): # x = core.plugIndex[i] # trees.append([x[0], x[1], x[2], core.allPlugList[x[0]].desc]) ###### self.plugTreeview = treev self.plugTreestore = trees ####################### hbox = gtk.HBox() vboxPlug = gtk.VBox() vboxPlug.pack_start(swin, 1, 1) hbox.pack_start(vboxPlug, 1, 1) ### hboxBut = gtk.HBox() ### button = gtk.Button(_('_About Plugin')) button.set_image(gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_ABOUT, gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON)) button.set_sensitive(False) button.connect('clicked', self.plugAboutClicked) self.plugButtonAbout = button hboxBut.pack_start(button, 0, 0) hboxBut.pack_start(gtk.Label(''), 1, 1) ### button = gtk.Button(_('C_onfigure Plugin')) button.set_image(gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_PREFERENCES, gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON)) button.set_sensitive(False) button.connect('clicked', self.plugConfClicked) self.plugButtonConf = button hboxBut.pack_start(button, 0, 0) hboxBut.pack_start(gtk.Label(''), 1, 1) ### vboxPlug.pack_start(hboxBut, 0, 0) ### toolbar = gtk.Toolbar() toolbar.set_orientation(gtk.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL) #try:## DeprecationWarning #????????????? #toolbar.set_icon_size(gtk.ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR) ### no different (argument to set_icon_size does not affect) ????????? #except: # pass size = gtk.ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR ##no different(argument2 to image_new_from_stock does not affect) ????????? ######## gtk.ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR or gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU tb = toolButtonFromStock(gtk.STOCK_GOTO_TOP, size) set_tooltip(tb, _('Move to top')) tb.connect('clicked', self.plugTreeviewTop) toolbar.insert(tb, -1) ######## tb = toolButtonFromStock(gtk.STOCK_GO_UP, size) set_tooltip(tb, _('Move up')) tb.connect('clicked', self.plugTreeviewUp) toolbar.insert(tb, -1) ######### tb = toolButtonFromStock(gtk.STOCK_GO_DOWN, size) set_tooltip(tb, _('Move down')) tb.connect('clicked', self.plugTreeviewDown) toolbar.insert(tb, -1) ######## tb = toolButtonFromStock(gtk.STOCK_GOTO_BOTTOM, size) set_tooltip(tb, _('Move to bottom')) tb.connect('clicked', self.plugTreeviewBottom) toolbar.insert(tb, -1) ########## tb = toolButtonFromStock(gtk.STOCK_ADD, size) set_tooltip(tb, _('Add')) #tb.connect('clicked', lambda obj: tb.connect('clicked', self.plugAddClicked) #if len(self.plugAddItems)==0: # tb.set_sensitive(False) toolbar.insert(tb, -1) self.plugButtonAdd = tb ########### tb = toolButtonFromStock(gtk.STOCK_DELETE, size) set_tooltip(tb, _('Delete')) tb.connect('clicked', self.plugTreeviewDel) toolbar.insert(tb, -1) ########### hbox.pack_start(toolbar, 0, 0) ##### ''' vpan = gtk.VPaned() vpan.add1(hbox) vbox2 = gtk.VBox() vbox2.pack_start(gtk.Label('Test Label')) vpan.add2(vbox2) vpan.set_position(100) vbox.pack_start(vpan) ''' vbox.pack_start(hbox, 1, 1) ########################## d = gtk.Dialog() d.set_transient_for(self) ## dialog.set_transient_for(parent) makes the window on top of parent and at the center point of parent ## but if you call or dialog.present(), the parent is still active(clickabel widgets) before closing child "dialog" ## you may call to realy make it transient for parent d.set_has_separator(False) d.connect('delete-event', self.plugAddDialogClose) d.set_title(_('Add Plugin')) ### dialog_add_button(d, gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, _('_Cancel'), 1, self.plugAddDialogClose) dialog_add_button(d, gtk.STOCK_OK, _('_OK'), 2, self.plugAddDialogOK) ### treev = gtk.TreeView() trees = gtk.ListStore(str) treev.set_model(trees) #treev.enable_model_drag_source(gdk.BUTTON1_MASK, [('', 0, 0)], gdk.ACTION_MOVE)#????? #treev.enable_model_drag_dest([('', 0, 0)], gdk.ACTION_MOVE)#????? treev.connect('drag_data_received', self.plugTreevDragReceived) treev.connect('row-activated', self.plugAddTreevRActivate) #### cell = gtk.CellRendererText() col = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Description'), cell, text=0) #col.set_resizable(True)# no need when have only one column! treev.append_column(col) #### swin = gtk.ScrolledWindow() swin.add(treev) swin.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) d.vbox.pack_start(swin) d.vbox.show_all() self.plugAddDialog = d self.plugAddTreeview = treev self.plugAddTreestore = trees ############# ##treev.set_resize_mode(gtk.RESIZE_IMMEDIATE) ##self.plugAddItems = [] ####################################### Tab 5 (Accounts) vbox = gtk.VBox() vbox.label = _('Accounts') vbox.icon = 'web-settings.png' self.prefPages.append(vbox) ##### treev = gtk.TreeView() treev.set_headers_clickable(True) trees = gtk.ListStore(int, bool, str)## id (hidden), enable, title treev.set_model(trees) treev.enable_model_drag_source(gdk.BUTTON1_MASK, [('row', gtk.TARGET_SAME_WIDGET, 0)], gdk.ACTION_MOVE) treev.enable_model_drag_dest([('row', gtk.TARGET_SAME_WIDGET, 0)], gdk.ACTION_MOVE) treev.connect('row-activated', self.accountsTreevRActivate) treev.connect('button-press-event', self.accountsTreevButtonPress) ### swin = gtk.ScrolledWindow() swin.add(treev) swin.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) ###### cell = gtk.CellRendererToggle() #cell.set_property('activatable', True) cell.connect('toggled', self.accountsTreeviewCellToggled) col = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Enable'), cell) col.add_attribute(cell, 'active', 1) #cell.set_active(False) col.set_resizable(True) treev.append_column(col) ###### cell = gtk.CellRendererText() col = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Title'), cell, text=2) #col.set_resizable(True)## No need! treev.append_column(col) ###### self.accountsTreeview = treev self.accountsTreestore = trees ####################### hbox = gtk.HBox() vboxPlug = gtk.VBox() vboxPlug.pack_start(swin, 1, 1) hbox.pack_start(vboxPlug, 1, 1) ### toolbar = gtk.Toolbar() toolbar.set_orientation(gtk.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL) #try:## DeprecationWarning #????????????? #toolbar.set_icon_size(gtk.ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR) ### no different (argument to set_icon_size does not affect) ????????? #except: # pass size = gtk.ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR ##no different(argument2 to image_new_from_stock does not affect) ????????? ######## gtk.ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR or gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU tb = toolButtonFromStock(gtk.STOCK_EDIT, size) set_tooltip(tb, _('Edit')) tb.connect('clicked', self.accountsEditClicked) toolbar.insert(tb, -1) ########### tb = toolButtonFromStock(gtk.STOCK_ADD, size) set_tooltip(tb, _('Add')) tb.connect('clicked', self.accountsAddClicked) toolbar.insert(tb, -1) ########### tb = toolButtonFromStock(gtk.STOCK_DELETE, size) set_tooltip(tb, _('Delete')) tb.connect('clicked', self.accountsDelClicked) toolbar.insert(tb, -1) ########## tb = toolButtonFromStock(gtk.STOCK_GO_UP, size) set_tooltip(tb, _('Move up')) tb.connect('clicked', self.accountsUpClicked) toolbar.insert(tb, -1) ######### tb = toolButtonFromStock(gtk.STOCK_GO_DOWN, size) set_tooltip(tb, _('Move down')) tb.connect('clicked', self.accountsDownClicked) toolbar.insert(tb, -1) ########### hbox.pack_start(toolbar, 0, 0) vbox.pack_start(hbox, 1, 1) ################################################################################################### notebook = gtk.Notebook() self.notebook = notebook ##################################### for vbox in self.prefPages: l = gtk.Label(vbox.label) l.set_use_underline(True) vb = gtk.VBox(spacing=3) vb.pack_start(imageFromFile(vbox.icon)) vb.pack_start(l) vb.show_all() notebook.append_page(vbox, vb) try: notebook.set_tab_reorderable(vbox, True) except AttributeError: pass ####################### notebook.set_property('homogeneous', True) notebook.set_property('tab-border', 5) notebook.set_property('tab-hborder', 15) self.vbox.pack_start(notebook) self.vbox.show_all() for i in ui.prefPagesOrder: try: j = ui.prefPagesOrder[i] except IndexError: continue notebook.reorder_child(self.prefPages[i], j)
saveLiveConfDelay = 0.5 ## seconds timeout_initial = 200 timeout_repeat = 50 def updateFocusTime(*args): global focusTime focusTime = time() sysConfPath = join(sysConfDir, 'ui.conf') ## also includes LIVE config if os.path.isfile(sysConfPath): try: exec(open(sysConfPath).read()) except: myRaise(__file__) confPath = join(confDir, 'ui.conf') if os.path.isfile(confPath): try: exec(open(confPath).read()) except: myRaise(__file__) confPathLive = join(confDir, 'ui-live.conf') if os.path.isfile(confPathLive): try: exec(open(confPathLive).read()) except: myRaise(__file__) ################################
def drawAll(self, widget=None, event=None, cr=None, cursor=True): #?????? Must enhance (only draw few cells, not all cells) #print time(), 'drawAll'#, tuple(event.area), tuple(self.allocation) if event: (xu, yu, wu, hu) = tuple(event.area) #print 'expose-event area:', xu, yu, wu, hu self.calcCoord() x, y, w, h = self.allocation if not cr: cr = self.window.cairo_create() #cr.set_line_width(0)#?????????????? #cr.scale(0.5, 0.5) """ wx = ui.winX wy = ui.winY if ui.bgUseDesk:## FIXME ### ????????????????? Need for mainWin !!!!! coord = self.translate_coordinates(self, wx, wy) if len(coord)==2: (x0, y0) = coord try: bg = desktop.get_wallpaper(x0, y0, w, h) except: print 'Could not get wallpaper!' myRaise(__file__) os.popen('gnome-settings-daemon') ui.bgUseDesk = False ##?????????????????? #self.prefDialog.checkDeskBg.set_active(False)##?????????????????? else: cr.set_source_pixbuf(bg, 0, 0) cr.paint() else: print coord """ cr.rectangle(0, 0, w, h) fillColor(cr, ui.bgColor) status = getCurrentMonthStatus() #################################### Drawing Border if ui.mcalTopMargin>0: ##### Drawing border top background ##menuBgColor == borderColor ##??????????????? cr.rectangle(0, 0, w, ui.mcalTopMargin) fillColor(cr, ui.borderColor) ######## Drawing weekDays names setColor(cr, ui.borderTextColor) dx = 0 wdayAb = (self.wdaysWidth > w) for i in xrange(7): wday = newTextLayout(self, core.getWeekDayAuto(i, wdayAb)) try: (fontw, fonth) = wday.get_pixel_size() except: myRaise(__file__) (fontw, fonth) = wday.get_pixel_size() cr.move_to([i]-fontw/2.0, (ui.mcalTopMargin-fonth)/2.0-1, ) cr.show_layout(wday) ######## Drawing "Menu" label setColor(cr, ui.menuTextColor) text = newTextLayout(self, _('Menu')) (fontw, fonth) = text.get_pixel_size() if rtl: cr.move_to( w-(ui.mcalLeftMargin+fontw)/2.0 - 3, (ui.mcalTopMargin-fonth)/2.0 - 1, ) else: cr.move_to( (ui.mcalLeftMargin-fontw)/2.0, (ui.mcalTopMargin-fonth)/2.0 - 1, ) cr.show_layout(text) if ui.mcalLeftMargin>0: ##### Drawing border left background if rtl: cr.rectangle(w-ui.mcalLeftMargin, ui.mcalTopMargin, ui.mcalLeftMargin, h-ui.mcalTopMargin) else: cr.rectangle(0, ui.mcalTopMargin, ui.mcalLeftMargin, h-ui.mcalTopMargin) fillColor(cr, ui.borderColor) ##### Drawing week numbers setColor(cr, ui.borderTextColor) for i in xrange(6): lay = newTextLayout(self, _(status.weekNum[i])) fontw, fonth = lay.get_pixel_size() if rtl: cr.move_to( w-(ui.mcalLeftMargin+fontw)/2.0,[i]-fonth/2.0+2, ) else: cr.move_to( (ui.mcalLeftMargin-fontw)/2.0,[i]-fonth/2.0+2, ) cr.show_layout(lay) selectedCellPos = ui.cell.monthPos shown = self.shownCals if ui.todayCell.inSameMonth(ui.cell): (tx, ty) = ui.todayCell.monthPos ## today x and y x0 =[tx] - self.dx/2.0 y0 =[ty] - self.dy/2.0 cr.rectangle(x0, y0, self.dx, self.dy) fillColor(cr, ui.todayCellColor) for yPos in xrange(6): for xPos in xrange(7): c = status[yPos][xPos] x0 =[xPos] y0 =[yPos] cellInactive = (c.month != ui.cell.month) cellHasCursor = (cursor and (xPos, yPos) == selectedCellPos) if cellHasCursor: ##### Drawing Cursor cx0 = x0-self.dx/2.0+1 cy0 = y0-self.dy/2.0+1 cw = self.dx-1 ch = self.dy-1 ######### Circular Rounded drawCursorBg(cr, cx0, cy0, cw, ch) fillColor(cr, ui.cursorBgColor) ######## end of Drawing Cursor if not cellInactive: iconList = c.getEventIcons() if iconList: iconsN = len(iconList) scaleFact = 1.0 / sqrt(iconsN) fromRight = 0 for index, icon in enumerate(iconList): ## if len(iconList) > 1 ## FIXME try: pix = gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(icon) except: myRaise(__file__) continue pix_w = pix.get_width() pix_h = pix.get_height() ## right buttom corner ????????????????????? x1 = ([xPos] + self.dx/2.0)/scaleFact - fromRight - pix_w # right side y1 = ([yPos] + self.dy/2.0)/scaleFact - pix_h # buttom side cr.scale(scaleFact, scaleFact) cr.set_source_pixbuf(pix, x1, y1) cr.rectangle(x1, y1, pix_w, pix_h) cr.fill() cr.scale(1.0/scaleFact, 1.0/scaleFact) fromRight += pix_w #### Drawing numbers inside every cell #cr.rectangle( # x0-self.dx/2.0+1, # y0-self.dy/2.0+1, # self.dx-1, # self.dy-1, #) if shown[0]['enable']: mode = shown[0]['mode'] daynum = newTextLayout(self, _(c.dates[mode][2], mode), shown[0]['font']) (fontw, fonth) = daynum.get_pixel_size() if cellInactive: setColor(cr, ui.inactiveColor) elif setColor(cr, ui.holidayColor) else: setColor(cr, shown[0]['color']) cr.move_to( x0 - fontw/2.0 + shown[0]['x'], y0 - fonth/2.0 + shown[0]['y'], ) cr.show_layout(daynum) if not cellInactive: for item in shown[1:]: if item['enable']: mode = item['mode'] daynum = newTextLayout(self, _(c.dates[mode][2], mode), item['font']) (fontw, fonth) = daynum.get_pixel_size() setColor(cr, item['color']) cr.move_to( x0 - fontw/2.0 + item['x'], y0 - fonth/2.0 + item['y'], ) cr.show_layout(daynum) if cellHasCursor: ##### Drawing Cursor Outline cx0 = x0-self.dx/2.0+1 cy0 = y0-self.dy/2.0+1 cw = self.dx-1 ch = self.dy-1 ######### Circular Rounded drawCursorOutline(cr, cx0, cy0, cw, ch) fillColor(cr, ui.cursorOutColor) ##### end of Drawing Cursor Outline ################ end of drawing cells ##### drawGrid if ui.mcalGrid: setColor(cr, ui.gridColor) for i in xrange(7): cr.rectangle([i]+rtlSgn()*self.dx/2.0, 0, 1, h) cr.fill() for i in xrange(6): cr.rectangle(0,[i]-self.dy/2.0, w, 1) cr.fill() return False
widget.updateWidget()## FIXME return widget else: return None ############################################################################## modPrefix = 'scal2.ui_gtk.event.' for cls in event_lib.classes.event: try: module = __import__(modPrefix +, fromlist=['EventWidget']) cls.WidgetClass = module.EventWidget except: myRaise() for cls in event_lib.classes.rule: try: module = __import__(modPrefix + 'rules.' +, fromlist=['RuleWidget']) except: #if not'ex_'): myRaise() continue try: cls.WidgetClass = module.RuleWidget except AttributeError: print('no class RuleWidget defined in module "%s"' for cls in event_lib.classes.notifier: try: