コード例 #1
img = cv2.imread(name1, 0)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Calculate the average width -----------------------------------------------------------
river = River(img, thresh, math.floor(interval_distance / scale),
              0)  # process the river image
skeleton = Skeleton(river, math.floor(len_dang_arcs / scale),
                    0)  # find the skeleton, junctions and reaches
scan = Scan(river, skeleton,
            l_r_error)  # create a new Scan type object and run Compute() on it

l2_stream = scan.getAllStreamFromReach(
    scan.l_reaches)  # create a list of all the lists of stream points
    math.floor(interval_distance / scale), l2_stream
)  # calculate the average width of the river (section by section also)
final_average_width = scan.average_width_river  # store the average width into the variable - final_average_width

print(final_average_width * scale, " <- Average width of the river")
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Write the details to the text file ----------------------------------------------------
details = '---------- This file contains the details of the river image analysed ----------\n\n\n'
details += 'Threshold value used : ' + str(river.threshold_value) + '\n'
details += 'Scale value used : ' + str(scale) + '\n'
details += 'Interval distance selected : ' + str(interval_distance) + '\n'
details += 'Length of permissible dangling segments : ' + str(
    len_dang_arcs) + '\n'
details += 'Number of junctions : ' + str(len(skeleton.list_Junction) -
                                          2) + '\n'