コード例 #1
    def test_scan_invalid(self):
        # This is needed for dirb binary to be added to the path
        original_pathvar = os.environ['PATH']
        os.environ['PATH'] = uppath(os.path.realpath(__file__), 2)  \
            + '/vendor/dirb/' + ':' \
            + original_pathvar

        host_name = "infosec.mozilla.org"
        # Wordlist does not matter here, but we want to give it
        # an invalid command line option (e.g '-b')
        scanner = DirectoryEnumScanner(arguments_list=['-b'])
        return_code, result = scanner.scan(host_name)
        assert not return_code == 0
        assert 'host' in result
        assert 'illegal' in result['errors']
コード例 #2
    def test_scan_timeout(self):
        # This is needed for dirb binary to be added to the path
        original_pathvar = os.environ['PATH']
        os.environ['PATH'] = uppath(os.path.realpath(__file__), 2)  \
            + '/vendor/dirb/' + ':' \
            + original_pathvar

        host_name = "infosec.mozilla.org"
        # Give it a long wordlist to guarantee time out
        scanner = DirectoryEnumScanner(wordlist='long')
        return_code, result = scanner.scan(host_name)
        assert not return_code == 0
        assert 'host' in result
        assert 'output' in result
        assert 'TIMEDOUT' in result['errors']

        # Set PATH to original value
        os.environ['PATH'] = original_pathvar
コード例 #3
def runScanFromQ(event, context):

    # This is needed for nmap static library and
    # dirb to be added to the path
    _environ = dict(os.environ)
    nmap_path = os.environ['LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT'] + '/vendor/nmap-standalone/'
    dirb_path = os.environ['LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT'] + '/vendor/dirb/'
        os.environ.update({'PATH': os.environ['PATH'] + ':' + nmap_path + ':' + dirb_path})
        # Read the queue
        for record, keys in event.items():
            for item in keys:
                if "body" in item:
                    message = item['body']
                    scan_type, target, uuid = message.split('|')
                    if scan_type == "httpobservatory":
                        scanner = HTTPObservatoryScanner(logger=logger)
                        scan_result = scanner.scan(target)
                        send_to_s3(target + "_httpobservatory", scan_result, client=S3_CLIENT, bucket=S3_BUCKET)
                    elif scan_type == "sshobservatory":
                        scanner = SSHObservatoryScanner(logger=logger)
                        scan_result = scanner.scan(target)
                        send_to_s3(target + "_sshobservatory", scan_result, client=S3_CLIENT, bucket=S3_BUCKET)
                    elif scan_type == "tlsobservatory":
                        scanner = TLSObservatoryScanner(logger=logger)
                        scan_result = scanner.scan(target)
                        send_to_s3(target + "_tlsobservatory", scan_result, client=S3_CLIENT, bucket=S3_BUCKET)
                    elif scan_type == "portscan":
                        scanner = PortScanner(target, logger=logger)
                        nmap_scanner = scanner.scanTCP()
                        while nmap_scanner.still_scanning():
                            # Wait for 1 second after the end of the scan
                    elif scan_type == "tenableio":
                        scanner = TIOScanner(logger=logger)
                        nessus_scanner = scanner.scan(target)
                    elif scan_type == "websearch":
                        searcher = WebSearcher(logger=logger)
                        search_results = searcher.search(target)
                        send_to_s3(target + "_websearch", search_results, client=S3_CLIENT, bucket=S3_BUCKET)
                    elif scan_type == "direnumscan":
                        scanner = DirectoryEnumScanner(logger=logger)
                        return_code, direnum_result = scanner.scan(target)
                        send_to_s3(target + "_direnum", direnum_result, client=S3_CLIENT, bucket=S3_BUCKET)
                        # Manually invoked, just log the message
                        logger.info("Message in queue: {}".format(message))
                    logger.error("Unrecognized message in queue: {}".format(message))

    except Exception as e:
        logger.error("Exception occurred while running scans from the queue: {}".format(e))
        # Restore environment variables to their original values
コード例 #4
    def test_scan_no_timeout(self):
        # This is needed for dirb binary to be added to the path
        original_pathvar = os.environ['PATH']
        os.environ['PATH'] = uppath(os.path.realpath(__file__), 2)  \
            + '/vendor/dirb/' + ':' \
            + original_pathvar

        host_name = "infosec.mozilla.org"
        # By default this will use the short wordlist
        scanner = DirectoryEnumScanner(wordlist='short')
        return_code, result = scanner.scan(host_name)
        assert return_code == 0
        assert 'host' in result
        assert 'output' in result
        assert len(result['errors']) == 0
        assert len(result['output']) > 0

        # Set PATH to original value
        os.environ['PATH'] = original_pathvar
コード例 #5
 def test_invalid_wordlist(self):
     with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
         # We are expecting a failure here with an assertion error
         assert DirectoryEnumScanner(wordlist='invalid')
コード例 #6
 def test_defaults(self):
     scanner = DirectoryEnumScanner()
     assert scanner.tool == 'dirb'
     assert scanner.arguments == ['-f', '-w', '-S', '-r']
     assert scanner.wordlist == 'short'
コード例 #7
 def test_invalid_wordlist(self):
     # We are expecting a failure here with an assertion error