def launch_zap_scan(target_url, project_id, rescan_id, rescan, scan_id, user): """ The function Launch ZAP Scans. :param target_url: Target URL :param project_id: Project ID :return: """ username = user.username zap_enabled = False random_port = '8091' all_zap = zap_settings_db.objects.filter(username=username) for zap in all_zap: zap_enabled = zap.enabled if zap_enabled is False: print("started local instence") random_port = zap_plugin.zap_local() for i in range(0, 100): while True: try: # Connection Test zap_connect = zap_plugin.zap_connect(random_port, username=username) zap_connect.spider.scan(url=target_url) except Exception as e: print("ZAP Connection Not Found, re-try after 5 sec") time.sleep(5) continue break zap_plugin.zap_spider_thread(count=20, random_port=random_port, username=username) zap_plugin.zap_spider_setOptionMaxDepth(count=5, random_port=random_port, username=username) zap_plugin.zap_scan_thread(count=30, random_port=random_port, username=username) zap_plugin.zap_scan_setOptionHostPerScan(count=3, random_port=random_port, username=username) # Load ZAP Plugin zap = zap_plugin.ZAPScanner(target_url, project_id, rescan_id, rescan, random_port=random_port, username=username) zap.exclude_url() time.sleep(3) zap.cookies() time.sleep(3) date_time = try: save_all_scan = zap_scans_db( username=username, project_id=project_id, scan_url=target_url, scan_scanid=scan_id, date_time=date_time, rescan_id=rescan_id, rescan=rescan, vul_status='0' ) notify.send(user, recipient=user, verb='ZAP Scan URL %s Added' % target_url) except Exception as e: print(e) notify.send(user, recipient=user, verb='ZAP Scan Started') zap.zap_spider_thread(thread_value=30) spider_id = zap.zap_spider() zap.spider_status(spider_id=spider_id) zap.spider_result(spider_id=spider_id) notify.send(user, recipient=user, verb='ZAP Scan Spider Completed') time.sleep(5) """ ZAP Scan trigger on target_url """ zap_scan_id = zap.zap_scan() zap.zap_scan_status( scan_id=zap_scan_id, un_scanid=scan_id ) """ Save Vulnerability in database """ time.sleep(5) all_vuln = zap.zap_scan_result(target_url=target_url) time.sleep(5) save_all_vuln = zap.zap_result_save( all_vuln=all_vuln, project_id=project_id, un_scanid=scan_id, username=username, ) print(save_all_vuln) all_zap_scan = zap_scans_db.objects.filter(username=username) total_vuln = '' total_high = '' total_medium = '' total_low = '' for data in all_zap_scan: total_vuln = data.total_vul total_high = data.high_vul total_medium = data.medium_vul total_low = data.low_vul if zap_enabled is False: zap.zap_shutdown() notify.send(user, recipient=user, verb='ZAP Scan URL %s Completed' % target_url) subject = 'Archery Tool Scan Status - ZAP Scan Completed' message = 'ZAP Scanner has completed the scan ' \ ' %s <br> Total: %s <br>High: %s <br>' \ 'Medium: %s <br>Low %s' % (target_url, total_vuln, total_high, total_medium, total_low) email_notify(user=user, subject=subject, message=message)
def launch_zap_scan(target_url, project_id, rescan_id, rescan, scan_id, user): """ The function Launch ZAP Scans. :param target_url: Target URL :param project_id: Project ID :return: """ zap_enabled = False all_zap = zap_settings_db.objects.all() for zap in all_zap: zap_enabled = zap.enabled if zap_enabled is False: print("started local instence") zap_plugin.zap_local() time.sleep(20) # Connection Test zap_connect = zap_plugin.zap_connect() try: zap_connect.spider.scan(url=target_url) notify.send(user, recipient=user, verb='ZAP Scan Started') except Exception: notify.send(user, recipient=user, verb='ZAP Connection Not Found') subject = 'ZAP Connection Not Found' message = 'ZAP Scanner failed due to setting not found ' email_notify(user=user, subject=subject, message=message) print("ZAP Connection Not Found") return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('zapscanner:zap_scan_list')) zap_plugin.zap_spider_thread(count=20) zap_plugin.zap_spider_setOptionMaxDepth(count=5) zap_plugin.zap_scan_thread(count=30) zap_plugin.zap_scan_setOptionHostPerScan(count=3) # Load ZAP Plugin zap = zap_plugin.ZAPScanner(target_url, project_id, rescan_id, rescan) zap.exclude_url() time.sleep(3) zap.cookies() time.sleep(3) date_time = try: save_all_scan = zap_scans_db(project_id=project_id, scan_url=target_url, scan_scanid=scan_id, date_time=date_time, rescan_id=rescan_id, rescan=rescan, vul_status='0') notify.send(user, recipient=user, verb='ZAP Scan URL %s Added' % target_url) except Exception as e: print(e) zap.zap_spider_thread(thread_value=30) spider_id = zap.zap_spider() zap.spider_status(spider_id=spider_id) zap.spider_result(spider_id=spider_id) notify.send(user, recipient=user, verb='ZAP Scan Spider Completed') time.sleep(5) """ ZAP Scan trigger on target_url """ zap_scan_id = zap.zap_scan() zap.zap_scan_status(scan_id=zap_scan_id, un_scanid=scan_id) """ Save Vulnerability in database """ time.sleep(5) all_vuln = zap.zap_scan_result() time.sleep(5) save_all_vuln = zap.zap_result_save( all_vuln=all_vuln, project_id=project_id, un_scanid=scan_id, ) print(save_all_vuln) all_zap_scan = zap_scans_db.objects.all() total_vuln = '' total_high = '' total_medium = '' total_low = '' for data in all_zap_scan: total_vuln = data.total_vul total_high = data.high_vul total_medium = data.medium_vul total_low = data.low_vul if zap_enabled is False: zap.zap_shutdown() notify.send(user, recipient=user, verb='ZAP Scan URL %s Completed' % target_url) subject = 'Archery Tool Scan Status - ZAP Scan Completed' message = 'ZAP Scanner has completed the scan ' \ ' %s <br> Total: %s <br>High: %s <br>' \ 'Medium: %s <br>Low %s' % (target_url, total_vuln, total_high, total_medium, total_low) email_notify(user=user, subject=subject, message=message)