def plot_LFP_example(self, rds=(95,4,1), scan_number=22, margin=2.0): """Plot example LFP traces showing theta power during a head scan """ data = SessionData.get(rds) scan_table = get_node('/behavior', 'scans') scan = get_unique_row(scan_table, data.session_query + '&(number==%d)'%scan_number) t_scan = { k: data.T_(scan[k]) for k in ScanPoints } window = t_scan['downshift'] - margin, t_scan['upshift'] + margin plt.ioff() f = self.new_figure('scan_LFP_example', 'Scan LFP Example: Rat %d, Day %d, M%d @ t=%.2f'%(rds + (window[0],))) theta_tt = find_theta_tetrode(rds[:2], condn='(EEG==True)&(area=="CA1")')[0] ts, EEG = get_eeg_timeseries(rds, theta_tt) t_EEG = data.T_(ts) data_file = self.get_data_file() session = get_unique_row(data_file.root.sessions, data.session_query) t_theta, x_theta = Theta.timeseries(t_EEG, EEG) ZP_theta = Z(Theta.power(x_theta, filtered=True)) #data_file.getNode('/arrays', session['ZP_theta']) f_theta = data_file.getNode('/arrays', session['f_theta']) traj = data.trajectory t_traj = data.T_(traj.ts) s_traj = time_slice(t_traj, start=window[0], end=window[1]) s_EEG = time_slice(t_EEG, start=window[0], end=window[1]) s_theta = time_slice(t_theta, start=window[0], end=window[1]) y = 0 dy = -2 norm = lambda x: (x - np.mean(x)) / (1.1 * float(np.max(np.abs((x - np.mean(x)))))) ax = f.add_subplot(111) ax.axhline(y, c='k', ls='-', zorder=0) ax.plot(t_traj[s_traj], y + norm(traj.radius[s_traj]), 'b-', lw=2, zorder=1); y += dy ax.plot(t_EEG[s_EEG], y + norm(EEG[s_EEG]), 'k-', lw=1, zorder=1); y += dy ax.plot(t_theta[s_theta], y + norm(x_theta[s_theta]), 'k-', lw=1, zorder=1); y += dy ax.plot(t_theta[s_theta], y + norm(ZP_theta[s_theta]), 'k-', lw=1, zorder=1); y += dy ax.plot(t_theta[s_theta], y + norm(f_theta[s_theta]), 'k-', lw=1, zorder=1); y += dy ax.axvspan(t_scan['downshift'], t_scan['start'], lw=0, fc='g', alpha=0.3, zorder=-2) ax.axvspan(t_scan['start'], t_scan['max'], lw=0, fc='m', alpha=0.3, zorder=-2) ax.axvspan(t_scan['max'], t_scan['return'], lw=0, fc='y', alpha=0.3, zorder=-2) ax.axvspan(t_scan['return'], t_scan['end'], lw=0, fc='m', alpha=0.3, zorder=-2) ax.axvspan(t_scan['end'], t_scan['upshift'], lw=0, fc='g', alpha=0.3, zorder=-2) ax.set_yticks([0, -2, -4, -6, -8]) ax.set_yticklabels(['r', 'EEG', 'theta', 'ZP_theta', 'f_theta']) ax.set_ylim(-8.75, 1.25) ax.set_xlim(*window) ax.tick_params(top=False, right=False) plt.ion()
def plot_scan_example(self, rds=(95,4,1), scan_number=22, margin=1.0): """Plot example scan with relevant behavior variables and scan phases """ data = SessionData.get(rds) scan_table = get_node('/behavior', 'scans') scan = get_unique_row(scan_table, data.session_query + '&(number==%d)'%scan_number) t_scan = { k: data.T_(scan[k]) for k in ScanPoints } window = t_scan['downshift'] - margin, t_scan['upshift'] + margin plt.ioff() f = self.new_figure('scan_example', 'Scan Example: Rat %d, Day %d, M%d @ t=%.2f'%(rds + (window[0],))) traj = data.trajectory t = data.T_(traj.ts) s = time_slice(t, start=window[0], end=window[1]) scan_slice = time_slice(t, start=t_scan['start'], end=t_scan['end']) y = 0 dy = -2 norm = lambda x: x / np.max(np.abs(x)) ax = f.add_subplot(111) ax.axhline(y, c='k', ls='-', zorder=0) ax.plot(t[s], y + norm(traj.radius[s]), 'b-', lw=2, zorder=1); y += dy ax.axhline(y, c='k', ls='-', zorder=0) ax.plot(t[s], y + norm(traj.radial_velocity[s]), 'b-', lw=2, zorder=1); y += dy ax.axhline(y, c='k', ls='-', zorder=0) ax.plot(t[s], y + norm(traj.forward_velocity[s]), 'b-', lw=2, zorder=1); y += dy ax.axvspan(t_scan['downshift'], t_scan['start'], lw=0, fc='g', alpha=0.3, zorder=-2) ax.axvspan(t_scan['start'], t_scan['max'], lw=0, fc='m', alpha=0.3, zorder=-2) ax.axvspan(t_scan['max'], t_scan['return'], lw=0, fc='y', alpha=0.3, zorder=-2) ax.axvspan(t_scan['return'], t_scan['end'], lw=0, fc='m', alpha=0.3, zorder=-2) ax.axvspan(t_scan['end'], t_scan['upshift'], lw=0, fc='g', alpha=0.3, zorder=-2) for k in ScanPoints: ax.axvline(t_scan[k], c='k', ls='-', zorder=-1) ax.set_yticks([0, -2, -4]) ax.set_yticklabels(['r', 'rs', 'fwd']) ax.set_ylim(-4.75, 1.25) ax.set_xlim(*window) ax.tick_params(top=False, right=False) f = self.new_figure('scan_example_space', 'Scan Example', (4,4)) ax = f.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(traj.x[s], traj.y[s], 'k-', alpha=0.6) ax.plot(traj.x[scan_slice], traj.y[scan_slice], 'r-', lw=2) ax.axis('equal') ax.set_axis_off() plot_track_underlay(ax=ax, ls='dotted') plt.ion()
def collect_data(self, datasets=None): """Get head scan table and print out reports Keyword arguments: datasets -- restrict report to particular datasets specified as a list of (rat, day) tuples """ pause_table = get_node('/behavior', 'pauses') self.out('Reporting pauses found in %s...' % pause_table._v_pathname) fmt = dict(lw=SCAN_LW, solid_capstyle='round', alpha=0.7) for rds, lap, ax in self.get_plot(datasets=datasets, timing_issue=True, missing_HD=True): ts, x, y, hd = get_tracking(*rds) lapslice = time_slice(ts, start=lap[0], end=lap[1]) ax.plot(x[lapslice], y[lapslice], '-', c='0.4', lw=TRAJ_LW) plot_track_underlay(ax, lw=0.5, ls='dotted') for pause in pause_table.where( '(rat==%d)&(day==%d)&(session==%d)' % rds): if not (lap[0] <= pause['start'] <= lap[1]): continue tslice = slice(*pause['slice']) ax.plot(x[tslice], y[tslice], 'r-', zorder=5, **fmt) ax.axis([-50, 50, -48, 48]) # ax.axis('equal') ax.axis('off')
class HeadScanLapReport(BaseLapReport): """ Print a complete by-lap report of head scan events """ label = 'head scan laps' def collect_data(self, datasets=None, phasing=True): """Get head scan table and print out reports Keyword arguments: datasets -- restrict report to particular datasets specified as a list of (rat, day) tuples """ kfile = get_kdata_file() bpath = get_group_path(tree='behavior') table_name = CfgData['scan_table'] try: scan_table = kfile.getNode(bpath, table_name) except NodeError, e: raise e, 'could not find valid scan table' self.out('Reporting scans found in %s...' % scan_table._v_pathname) colors = dict(prefix=('g', 0), outbound=('r', 2), dwell=('y', 0), inbound=('m', 1), postfix=('g', 0)) phase_names = colors.keys() fmt = dict(lw=SCAN_LW, solid_capstyle='round', alpha=0.7) for rds, lap, ax in self.get_plot(datasets=datasets, missing_HD=True): ts, x, y, hd = get_tracking(*rds) lapslice = time_slice(ts, start=lap[0], end=lap[1]) ax.plot(x[lapslice], y[lapslice], '-', c='0.4', lw=TRAJ_LW, zorder=-1) plot_track_underlay(ax, lw=0.5, ls='dotted') for scan in scan_table.where('(rat==%d)&(day==%d)&(session==%d)' % rds): if not (lap[0] <= scan['start'] <= lap[1]): continue # Plot the scan on top of trajectory if phasing: for phase in phase_names: start, end = ScanPhasePoints[phase] tslice = time_slice(ts, start=scan[start], end=scan[end]) col, zord = colors[phase] ax.plot(x[tslice], y[tslice], c=col, zorder=zord, **fmt) else: tslice = slice(*scan['slice']) ax.plot(x[tslice], y[tslice], 'r-', zorder=5, **fmt) ax.axis([-50, 50, -48, 48]) # ax.axis('equal') ax.axis('off')
def collect_data(self, dataset=(57, 1), lag=0.25): """Detect all ripples in dataset and plot EEG, ripple-band, and power signals along with detected event boundaries """ ripple_table = get_node('/physiology', 'ripples') tetrode_query = '(area=="CA1")&(EEG==True)' dataset_query = '(rat==%d)&(day==%d)' % dataset pyr_tetrodes = find_pyramidale_tetrodes(dataset, verbose=False) rat, day = dataset # Initialize accumulators time_slices = [] EEG_slices = [] power_slices = [] events = [] timestamps = [] Ripple = RippleFilter() # Loop through sessions, detecting and storing ripple slices for rds in unique_sessions(ripple_table, condn=dataset_query): data = SessionData.get(rds) self.out('Loading data for rat%03d-%02d-m%d...' % rds) ts = None EEG = None P = None for tt in pyr_tetrodes: X = get_eeg_timeseries(rds, tt) if X is None: continue if ts is None: ts = X[0] if EEG is None: EEG = X[1] else: EEG = np.vstack((EEG, X[1])) if P is None: P = Ripple.power(X[1]) else: P = np.vstack((P, Ripple.power(X[1]))) if P.ndim == 2: P = np.mean(P, axis=0) ts_ripples = [(rec['start'], rec['peak'], rec['end']) for rec in ripple_table.where(data.session_query)] t = data.T_(ts) for timing in ts_ripples: start, peak, end = data.T_(timing) chunk = time_slice(t, peak - lag, peak + lag) time_slices.append(t[chunk] - peak) EEG_slices.append(EEG[..., chunk]) power_slices.append(P[chunk]) events.append((start - peak, end - peak)) timestamps.append(timing[1]) self.out('Plotting EEG traces of ripple events...') LW = 0.4 norm = lambda x: x.astype('d') / float(CLIP) for i, ax in self.get_plot(range(len(time_slices))): t_chunk = time_slices[i] traces = EEG_slices[i] if traces.ndim == 1: ax.plot(t_chunk, norm(traces), 'k-', lw=1.5 * LW, alpha=1, zorder=0) else: ax.plot(t_chunk, norm(traces).T, 'k-', lw=LW, alpha=0.5, zorder=-1) ax.plot(t_chunk, norm(np.mean(traces, axis=0)), 'k-', lw=LW, alpha=1, zorder=0) ax.plot(t_chunk, power_slices[i] / power_slices[i].max(), 'b-', lw=1.5 * LW, alpha=1, zorder=1) ax.axhline(0, ls='-', c='k', lw=LW, zorder=0) ax.axvline(events[i][0], ls='-', c='k', lw=LW, zorder=2) ax.axvline(0, ls=':', c='k', lw=LW, zorder=2, alpha=0.5) ax.axvline(events[i][1], ls='-', c='k', lw=LW, zorder=2) ax.set_xlim(-lag, lag) ax.set_ylim(-1, 1) ax.set_axis_off() quicktitle(ax, '%d' % timestamps[i], size='xx-small') self.out.printf('.') self.out.printf('\n')