コード例 #1
def is_test_coord_passed(x,m,coordX,coordY,coordZ):
    terms, E, H = fieldnlay(x, m, coordX,coordY,coordZ)
    Er = np.absolute(E)
    Eabs = np.sqrt(Er[0, :, 0]**2 + Er[0, :, 1]**2 + Er[0, :, 2]**2)
    analytic_E = (3/(m[0,0]**2+2)).real
    for value in Eabs:
        #print(value, value-analytic_E)
        if ( value-analytic_E > 10e-7 ):
            print(bcolors.FAIL+"Test failed: value="+str(value)+" for m="+str(m[0,0])
                   +" instead of analytic Eabs="+str(analytic_E))
            return False
    return True
コード例 #2
def GetField(crossplane, npts, factor, x, m, pl):
    crossplane: XZ, YZ, XY
    npts: number of point in each direction
    factor: ratio of plotting size to outer size of the particle
    x: size parameters for particle layers
    m: relative index values for particle layers
    scan = np.linspace(-factor * x[-1], factor * x[-1], npts)
    zero = np.zeros(npts * npts, dtype=np.float64)
    if crossplane == 'XZ':
        coordX, coordZ = np.meshgrid(scan, scan)
        coordX.resize(npts * npts)
        coordZ.resize(npts * npts)
        coordY = zero
        coordPlot1 = coordX
        coordPlot2 = coordZ
    elif crossplane == 'YZ':
        coordY, coordZ = np.meshgrid(scan, scan)
        coordY.resize(npts * npts)
        coordZ.resize(npts * npts)
        coordX = zero
        coordPlot1 = coordY
        coordPlot2 = coordZ
    elif crossplane == 'XY':
        coordX, coordY = np.meshgrid(scan, scan)
        coordX.resize(npts * npts)
        coordY.resize(npts * npts)
        coordZ = zero
        coordPlot1 = coordY
        coordPlot2 = coordX

    coord = np.vstack((coordX, coordY, coordZ)).transpose()
    terms, E, H = fieldnlay(np.array([x]), np.array([m]), coord, pl=pl)
    Ec = E[0, :, :]
    Hc = H[0, :, :]
    P = []
    P = np.array(map(lambda n: np.linalg.norm(np.cross(Ec[n], Hc[n])).real,
                     range(0, len(E[0]))))

    # for n in range(0, len(E[0])):
    #     P.append(np.linalg.norm( np.cross(Ec[n], np.conjugate(Hc[n]) ).real/2 ))
    return Ec, Hc, P, coordPlot1, coordPlot2
コード例 #3
ファイル: fieldplot.py プロジェクト: dianashakirova/scattnlay
def GetField(crossplane, npts, factor, x, m, pl):
    crossplane: XZ, YZ, XY, or XYZ (half is XZ, half is YZ)
    npts: number of point in each direction
    factor: ratio of plotting size to outer size of the particle
    x: size parameters for particle layers
    m: relative index values for particle layers
    coordX, coordY, coordZ, scan = GetCoords(crossplane, npts, factor, x)

    terms, E, H = fieldnlay(x, m, coordX, coordY, coordZ, pl=pl)
    if len(E.shape) > 2:
        E = E[0, :, :]
        H = H[0, :, :]

    S = np.cross(E, np.conjugate(H)).real

    if crossplane=='XZ':
        Sx = np.resize(S[:, 2], (npts, npts)).T
        Sy = np.resize(S[:, 0], (npts, npts)).T
    elif crossplane == 'YZ':
        Sx = np.resize(S[:, 2], (npts, npts)).T
        Sy = np.resize(S[:, 1], (npts, npts)).T
    elif crossplane == 'XY':
        Sx = np.resize(S[:, 1], (npts, npts)).T
        Sy = np.resize(S[:, 0], (npts, npts)).T
    elif crossplane=='XYZ': # Upper half: XZ; Lower half: YZ
        Sx = np.resize(S[:, 2], (npts, npts)).T
        Sy = np.resize(S[:, 0], (npts, npts)).T
        Sy[scan<0] = np.resize(S[:, 1], (npts, npts)).T[scan<0]
        print("Unknown crossplane")
        import sys

    return E, H, S, scan, Sx, Sy
コード例 #4
def GetFlow3D(x0, y0, z0, max_length, max_angle, x, m, pl):
    # Initial position
    flow_x = [x0]
    flow_y = [y0]
    flow_z = [z0]
    max_step = x[-1] / 3
    min_step = x[0] / 2000
#    max_step = min_step
    step = min_step * 2.0
    if max_step < min_step:
        max_step = min_step
    coord = np.vstack(([flow_x[-1]], [flow_y[-1]], [flow_z[-1]])).transpose()
    terms, E, H = fieldnlay(np.array([x]), np.array([m]), coord, pl=pl)
    Ec, Hc = E[0, 0, :], H[0, 0, :]
    S = np.cross(Ec, Hc.conjugate()).real
    Snorm_prev = S / np.linalg.norm(S)
    Sprev = S
    length = 0
    dpos = step
    count = 0
    while length < max_length:
        count = count + 1
        if (count > 4000):  # Limit length of the absorbed power streamlines
        if step < max_step:
            step = step * 2.0
        r = np.sqrt(flow_x[-1]**2 + flow_y[-1]**2 + flow_z[-1]**2)
        while step > min_step:
            # Evaluate displacement from previous poynting vector
            dpos = step
            dx = dpos * Snorm_prev[0]
            dy = dpos * Snorm_prev[1]
            dz = dpos * Snorm_prev[2]
            # Test the next position not to turn\chang size for more than
            # max_angle
            coord = np.vstack(([flow_x[-1] + dx], [flow_y[-1] + dy],
                               [flow_z[-1] + dz])).transpose()
            terms, E, H = fieldnlay(np.array([x]), np.array([m]), coord, pl=pl)
            Ec, Hc = E[0, 0, :], H[0, 0, :]
            Eth = max(np.absolute(Ec)) / 1e10
            Hth = max(np.absolute(Hc)) / 1e10
            for i in range(0, len(Ec)):
                if abs(Ec[i]) < Eth:
                    Ec[i] = 0 + 0j
                if abs(Hc[i]) < Hth:
                    Hc[i] = 0 + 0j
            S = np.cross(Ec, Hc.conjugate()).real
            if not np.isfinite(S).all():
            Snorm = S / np.linalg.norm(S)
            diff = (S - Sprev) / max(np.linalg.norm(S), np.linalg.norm(Sprev))
            if np.linalg.norm(diff) < max_angle:
                # angle = angle_between(Snorm, Snorm_prev)
                # if abs(angle) < max_angle:
            step = step / 2.0
        # 3. Save result
        Sprev = S
        Snorm_prev = Snorm
        dx = dpos * Snorm_prev[0]
        dy = dpos * Snorm_prev[1]
        dz = dpos * Snorm_prev[2]
        length = length + step
        flow_x.append(flow_x[-1] + dx)
        flow_y.append(flow_y[-1] + dy)
        flow_z.append(flow_z[-1] + dz)
    return np.array(flow_x), np.array(flow_y), np.array(flow_z)
コード例 #5
ファイル: field-SiAgSi.py プロジェクト: xj361685640/scattnlay
print "m =", m

npts = 281

factor = 2.5
scan = np.linspace(-factor * x[0, 2], factor * x[0, 2], npts)

coordX, coordZ = np.meshgrid(scan, scan)
coordX.resize(npts * npts)
coordZ.resize(npts * npts)
coordY = np.zeros(npts * npts, dtype=np.float64)

coord = np.vstack((coordX, coordY, coordZ)).transpose()

terms, Qext, Qsca, Qabs, Qbk, Qpr, g, Albedo, S1, S2 = scattnlay(x, m)
terms, E, H = fieldnlay(x, m, coord)
print("Qabs = " + str(Qabs))
Er = np.absolute(E)
Hr = np.absolute(H)

# |E|/|Eo|
Eabs = np.sqrt(Er[0, :, 0]**2 + Er[0, :, 1]**2 + Er[0, :, 2]**2)
Eangle = np.angle(E[0, :, 0]) / np.pi * 180

Habs = np.sqrt(Hr[0, :, 0]**2 + Hr[0, :, 1]**2 + Hr[0, :, 2]**2)
Hangle = np.angle(H[0, :, 1]) / np.pi * 180

result = np.vstack((coordX, coordY, coordZ, Eabs)).transpose()
result2 = np.vstack((coordX, coordY, coordZ, Eangle)).transpose()

コード例 #6
ファイル: fieldplot.py プロジェクト: xiaoyu-student/scattnlay
def GetField(crossplane, npts, factor, x, m, pl):
    crossplane: XZ, YZ, XY, or XYZ (half is XZ, half is YZ)
    npts: number of point in each direction
    factor: ratio of plotting size to outer size of the particle
    x: size parameters for particle layers
    m: relative index values for particle layers
    scan = np.linspace(-factor * x[-1], factor * x[-1], npts)
    zero = np.zeros(npts * npts, dtype=np.float64)

    if crossplane == 'XZ':
        coordX, coordZ = np.meshgrid(scan, scan)
        coordX.resize(npts * npts)
        coordZ.resize(npts * npts)
        coordY = zero
        coordPlot1 = coordX
        coordPlot2 = coordZ
    elif crossplane == 'YZ':
        coordY, coordZ = np.meshgrid(scan, scan)
        coordY.resize(npts * npts)
        coordZ.resize(npts * npts)
        coordX = zero
        coordPlot1 = coordY
        coordPlot2 = coordZ
    elif crossplane == 'XY':
        coordX, coordY = np.meshgrid(scan, scan)
        coordX.resize(npts * npts)
        coordY.resize(npts * npts)
        coordZ = zero
        coordPlot1 = coordY
        coordPlot2 = coordX
    elif crossplane == 'XYZ':
        coordX, coordZ = np.meshgrid(scan, scan)
        coordY, coordZ = np.meshgrid(scan, scan)
        coordPlot1, coordPlot2 = np.meshgrid(scan, scan)
        coordPlot1.resize(npts * npts)
        coordPlot2.resize(npts * npts)
        half = npts // 2
        # coordX = np.copy(coordX)
        # coordY = np.copy(coordY)
        coordX[:, :half] = 0
        coordY[:, half:] = 0
        coordX.resize(npts * npts)
        coordY.resize(npts * npts)
        coordZ.resize(npts * npts)
        print("Unknown crossplane")
        import sys

    terms, E, H = fieldnlay(np.array([x]),
    Ec = E[0, :, :]
    Hc = H[0, :, :]
    P = np.array(
                lambda n: np.linalg.norm(
                             # Hc[n]
                range(0, len(E[0])))))
    # for n in range(0, len(E[0])):
    #     P.append(np.linalg.norm( np.cross(Ec[n], np.conjugate(Hc[n]) ).real/2 ))
    return Ec, Hc, P, coordPlot1, coordPlot2
コード例 #7
print "x =", x
print "m =", m

npts = 281

factor = 2.5
scan = np.linspace(-factor * x[2], factor * x[2], npts)

coordX, coordZ = np.meshgrid(scan, scan)
coordX.resize(npts * npts)
coordZ.resize(npts * npts)
coordY = np.zeros(npts * npts, dtype=np.float64)

terms, Qext, Qsca, Qabs, Qbk, Qpr, g, Albedo, S1, S2 = scattnlay(x, m)
terms, E, H = fieldnlay(x, m, coordX, coordY, coordZ)
print("Qabs = " + str(Qabs))
Er = np.absolute(E)
Hr = np.absolute(H)

# |E|/|Eo|
Eabs = np.sqrt(Er[:, 0]**2 + Er[:, 1]**2 + Er[:, 2]**2)
Eangle = np.angle(E[:, 0]) / np.pi * 180

Habs = np.sqrt(Hr[:, 0]**2 + Hr[:, 1]**2 + Hr[:, 2]**2)
Hangle = np.angle(H[:, 1]) / np.pi * 180

result = np.vstack((coordX, coordY, coordZ, Eabs)).transpose()
result2 = np.vstack((coordX, coordY, coordZ, Eangle)).transpose()

コード例 #8
print "m =", m

npts = 501

scan = np.linspace(-4.0*x[0, 0], 4.0*x[0, 0], npts)

coordX, coordY = np.meshgrid(scan, scan)
coordZ = np.zeros(npts*npts, dtype = np.float64)

coord = np.vstack((coordX, coordY, coordZ)).transpose()

start_time = time.time()

terms, E, H = fieldnlay(x, m, coord)

elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
print "Time: ", elapsed_time

Er = np.absolute(E)

# |E|/|Eo|
Eh = np.sqrt(Er[0, :, 0]**2 + Er[0, :, 1]**2 + Er[0, :, 2]**2)

result = np.vstack((coordX, coordY, coordZ, Eh)).transpose()

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from matplotlib import cm
    from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
コード例 #9
ファイル: field-silica.py プロジェクト: ovidiopr/scattnlay
m = np.ones((1, 1), dtype = np.complex128)
m[0, 0] = n1/nm

print "x =", x
print "m =", m

npts = 1001

scan = np.linspace(-3.0*x[0, -1], 3.0*x[0, -1], npts)

coordX, coordZ = np.meshgrid(scan, scan)
coordY = np.zeros(npts*npts, dtype = np.float64)

terms, E, H = fieldnlay(x, m, coordX, coordY, coordZ)

Er = np.absolute(E)

# |E|/|Eo|
Eh = np.sqrt(Er[0, :, 0]**2 + Er[0, :, 1]**2 + Er[0, :, 2]**2)

result = np.vstack((coordX, coordY, coordZ, Eh)).transpose()

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from matplotlib import cm
    from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm

    min_tick = 0.5
    max_tick = 1.0
コード例 #10
ファイル: fieldplot.py プロジェクト: paulmueller/scattnlay
def GetFlow3D(x0, y0, z0, max_length, max_angle, x, m, pl):
    # Initial position
    flow_x = [x0]
    flow_y = [y0]
    flow_z = [z0]
    max_step = x[-1] / 3
    min_step = x[0] / 2000
#    max_step = min_step
    step = min_step * 2.0
    if max_step < min_step:
        max_step = min_step
    coord = np.vstack(([flow_x[-1]], [flow_y[-1]], [flow_z[-1]])).transpose()
    terms, E, H = fieldnlay(np.array([x]), np.array([m]), coord, pl=pl)
    Ec, Hc = E[0, 0, :], H[0, 0, :]
    S = np.cross(Ec, Hc.conjugate()).real
    Snorm_prev = S / np.linalg.norm(S)
    Sprev = S
    length = 0
    dpos = step
    count = 0
    while length < max_length:
        count = count + 1
        if (count > 4000):  # Limit length of the absorbed power streamlines
        if step < max_step:
            step = step * 2.0
        r = np.sqrt(flow_x[-1]**2 + flow_y[-1]**2 + flow_z[-1]**2)
        while step > min_step:
            # Evaluate displacement from previous poynting vector
            dpos = step
            dx = dpos * Snorm_prev[0]
            dy = dpos * Snorm_prev[1]
            dz = dpos * Snorm_prev[2]
            # Test the next position not to turn\chang size for more than
            # max_angle
            coord = np.vstack(([flow_x[-1] + dx], [flow_y[-1] + dy],
                               [flow_z[-1] + dz])).transpose()
            terms, E, H = fieldnlay(np.array([x]), np.array([m]), coord, pl=pl)
            Ec, Hc = E[0, 0, :], H[0, 0, :]
            Eth = max(np.absolute(Ec)) / 1e10
            Hth = max(np.absolute(Hc)) / 1e10
            for i in xrange(0, len(Ec)):
                if abs(Ec[i]) < Eth:
                    Ec[i] = 0 + 0j
                if abs(Hc[i]) < Hth:
                    Hc[i] = 0 + 0j
            S = np.cross(Ec, Hc.conjugate()).real
            if not np.isfinite(S).all():
            Snorm = S / np.linalg.norm(S)
            diff = (S - Sprev) / max(np.linalg.norm(S), np.linalg.norm(Sprev))
            if np.linalg.norm(diff) < max_angle:
                # angle = angle_between(Snorm, Snorm_prev)
                # if abs(angle) < max_angle:
            step = step / 2.0
        # 3. Save result
        Sprev = S
        Snorm_prev = Snorm
        dx = dpos * Snorm_prev[0]
        dy = dpos * Snorm_prev[1]
        dz = dpos * Snorm_prev[2]
        length = length + step
        flow_x.append(flow_x[-1] + dx)
        flow_y.append(flow_y[-1] + dy)
        flow_z.append(flow_z[-1] + dz)
    return np.array(flow_x), np.array(flow_y), np.array(flow_z)
コード例 #11
m = np.ones((1, 1), dtype=np.complex128)
m[0, 0] = n1 / nm

nptsx = np.int32(extent * resolution)
nptsy = np.int32(extent * resolution)

scanx = np.linspace(-extent / 2, extent / 2, nptsx, endpoint=True) * twopi
scany = np.linspace(-extent / 2, extent / 2, nptsy, endpoint=True) * twopi

coordX, coordY = np.meshgrid(scanx, scany)
coordX.resize(nptsx * nptsy)
coordY.resize(nptsx * nptsy)
coordZ = np.ones(nptsx * nptsy, dtype=np.float64) * distance * twopi

coord = np.vstack((coordX, coordY, coordZ)).transpose()

terms, E, H = scattnlay.fieldnlay(x, m, coord)

# take the x-component of the electric field
Ex = E[:, :, 0].reshape(nptsx, nptsy)

# normalize by the background field (free space propagation)
Ex /= np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * distance * nm)

# plot the phase (np.angle) of the x-component of the electric field
ax = plt.subplot(111)
mapper = plt.imshow(np.angle(Ex))
plt.colorbar(mapper, ax=ax, label="phase [rad]")
plt.title("phase retardation introduced by a dielectric sphere")
コード例 #12
m = np.ones((1, 1), dtype = np.complex128)
m[0, 0] = n1/nm

nptsx = extent*resolution
nptsy = extent*resolution

scanx = np.linspace(-extent/2, extent/2, nptsx, endpoint=True)*twopi
scany = np.linspace(-extent/2, extent/2, nptsy, endpoint=True)*twopi

coordX, coordY = np.meshgrid(scanx, scany)
coordZ = np.ones(nptsx*nptsy, dtype=np.float64)*distance*twopi

coord = np.vstack((coordX, coordY, coordZ)).transpose()

terms, E, H = scattnlay.fieldnlay(x, m, coord)

# take the x-component of the electric field
Ex = E[:,:,0].reshape(nptsx, nptsy)

# normalize by the background field (free space propagation)
Ex /= np.exp(1j*2*np.pi*distance*nm)

# plot the phase (np.angle) of the x-component of the electric field
ax = plt.subplot(111)
mapper = plt.imshow(np.angle(Ex))
plt.colorbar(mapper, ax=ax, label="phase [rad]")
plt.title("phase retardation introduced by a dielectric sphere")
コード例 #13
print("   Qsca = " + str(Qsca)+" terms = "+str(terms))
terms, Qext, Qsca, Qabs, Qbk, Qpr, g, Albedo, S1, S2 = scattnlay(
    np.array([x]), np.array([m]), mp=True)
print("mp Qsca = " + str(Qsca)+" terms = "+str(terms))

scan = np.linspace(-factor*x[-1], factor*x[-1], npts)
zero = np.zeros(npts*npts, dtype = np.float64)

coordX, coordZ = np.meshgrid(scan, scan)
coordX.resize(npts * npts)
coordZ.resize(npts * npts)
coordY = zero

terms, E, H = fieldnlay(
    np.array([x]), np.array([m]),
    coordX, coordY, coordZ,
Ec = E[0, :, :]
Er = np.absolute(Ec)
Eabs2 = (Er[:, 0]**2 + Er[:, 1]**2 + Er[:, 2]**2)
Eabs_data = np.resize(Eabs2, (npts, npts))
label = r'$|E|^2$'
pos = plt.imshow(Eabs_data.T,
                 # cmap='jet',
           vmin=0., vmax=14

print(np.min(Eabs_data), np.max(Eabs_data)," terms = "+str(terms), ' size=', Eabs_data.size)
コード例 #14
x = np.array([radius * twopi], dtype=np.float64)

# Set the refractive index of the sphere, normalized to that of the medium
m = np.array([n1 / nm], dtype=np.complex128)

nptsx = int(extent * resolution)
nptsy = int(extent * resolution)

scanx = np.linspace(-extent / 2, extent / 2, nptsx, endpoint=True) * twopi
scany = np.linspace(-extent / 2, extent / 2, nptsy, endpoint=True) * twopi

coordX, coordY = np.meshgrid(scanx, scany)
coordX.resize(nptsx * nptsy)
coordY.resize(nptsx * nptsy)
coordZ = np.ones(nptsx * nptsy, dtype=np.float64) * distance * twopi

terms, E, H = scattnlay.fieldnlay(x, m, coordX, coordY, coordZ)

# take the x-component of the electric field
Ex = E[:, 0].reshape(nptsx, nptsy)

# normalize by the background field (free space propagation)
Ex /= np.exp(2j * np.pi * distance * nm)

# plot the phase (np.angle) of the x-component of the electric field
ax = plt.subplot(111)
mapper = plt.imshow(np.angle(Ex))
plt.colorbar(mapper, ax=ax, label="phase [rad]")
plt.title("phase retardation introduced by a dielectric sphere")
コード例 #15
ファイル: fig1.py プロジェクト: xiaoyu-student/scattnlay
    np.array([x]), np.array([m]))
print("Qsca = " + str(Qsca))
terms, Qext, Qsca, Qabs, Qbk, Qpr, g, Albedo, S1, S2 = scattnlay(np.array([x]),
print("mp Qsca = " + str(Qsca))

scan = np.linspace(-factor * x[-1], factor * x[-1], npts)
zero = np.zeros(npts * npts, dtype=np.float64)

coordX, coordZ = np.meshgrid(scan, scan)
coordX.resize(npts * npts)
coordZ.resize(npts * npts)
coordY = zero

terms, E, H = fieldnlay(np.array([x]),
Ec = E[0, :, :]
Er = np.absolute(Ec)
Eabs2 = (Er[:, 0]**2 + Er[:, 1]**2 + Er[:, 2]**2)
Eabs_data = np.resize(Eabs2, (npts, npts))
label = r'$|E|^2$'
plt.imshow(Eabs_data, cmap='jet', vmin=0., vmax=14)
print(np.min(Eabs_data), np.max(Eabs_data))
plt.savefig("R" + str(total_r) + "mkm_mp.jpg")
# plt.show()
コード例 #16
x = np.array([radius*twopi], dtype = np.float64)

# Set the refractive index of the sphere, normalized to that of the medium
m = np.array([n1/nm], dtype = np.complex128)

nptsx = int(extent*resolution)
nptsy = int(extent*resolution)

scanx = np.linspace(-extent/2, extent/2, nptsx, endpoint=True)*twopi
scany = np.linspace(-extent/2, extent/2, nptsy, endpoint=True)*twopi

coordX, coordY = np.meshgrid(scanx, scany)
coordZ = np.ones(nptsx*nptsy, dtype=np.float64)*distance*twopi

terms, E, H = scattnlay.fieldnlay(x, m, coordX, coordY, coordZ)

# take the x-component of the electric field
Ex = E[:,0].reshape(nptsx, nptsy)

# normalize by the background field (free space propagation)
Ex /= np.exp(2j*np.pi*distance*nm)

# plot the phase (np.angle) of the x-component of the electric field
ax = plt.subplot(111)
mapper = plt.imshow(np.angle(Ex))
plt.colorbar(mapper, ax=ax, label="phase [rad]")
plt.title("phase retardation introduced by a dielectric sphere")