def create_gamepad(self, enabled, poller): """ Parses gamepad configuration and creates apropriate unput device """ if not enabled or "SCC_NOGAMEPAD" in os.environ: # Completly undocumented and for debuging purposes only. # If set, no gamepad is emulated self.gamepad = Dummy() return cfg = Config() keys = ALL_BUTTONS[0:cfg["output"]["buttons"]] vendor = int(cfg["output"]["vendor"], 16) product = int(cfg["output"]["product"], 16) version = int(cfg["output"]["version"], 16) name = cfg["output"]["name"] rumble = cfg["output"]["rumble"] and poller != None axes = [] i = 0 for min, max in cfg["output"]["axes"]: fuzz, flat = 0, 0 if abs(max - min) > 32768: fuzz, flat = 16, 128 try: axes.append(( ALL_AXES[i], min, max, fuzz, flat )) except IndexError: # Out of axes break i += 1 ui = UInput(vendor=vendor, product=product, version=version, name=name, keys=keys, axes=axes, rels=[], rumble=rumble) if poller and rumble: poller.register(ui.getDescriptor(), poller.POLLIN, self._rumble_ready) return ui
def __init__(self, *a, **b): Dummy.__init__(self, *a, **b) self.pressed = set([]) self.mouse_x = 0 self.mouse_y = 0 self.scroll_x = 0 self.scroll_y = 0 self.axes = {}
def __init__(self, profile, keyboard=b"SCController Keyboard", mouse=b"SCController Mouse", gamepad=b"Microsoft X-Box 360 pad"): """ If any of keyboard, mouse or gamepad is set to None, that device will not be emulated. """ self.profile = profile self.controller = None self.xdisplay = None # Create virtual devices log.debug("Creating virtual devices") self.keyboard = Keyboard(name=keyboard) if keyboard else Dummy() log.debug("Keyboard: %s" % (self.keyboard, )) self.mouse = Mouse(name=mouse) if mouse else Dummy() log.debug("Mouse: %s" % (self.mouse, )) self.gamepad = Gamepad(name=gamepad) if gamepad else Dummy() log.debug("Gamepad: %s" % (self.gamepad, )) self.mouse.updateParams(friction=Mouse.DEFAULT_FRICTION, xscale=Mouse.DEFAULT_XSCALE, yscale=Mouse.DEFAULT_YSCALE) self.mouse.updateScrollParams( friction=0.1, # Mouse.DEFAULT_SCR_FRICTION xscale=Mouse.DEFAULT_SCR_XSCALE, yscale=Mouse.DEFAULT_SCR_XSCALE) # Set by SCCDaemon instance; Used to handle actions # from scc.special_actions self._sa_handler = None # Setup emulation self.keypress_list = [] self.keyrelease_list = [] self.mouse_dq = [ deque(maxlen=8), deque(maxlen=8), deque(maxlen=8), deque(maxlen=8) ] # x, y, wheel, hwheel self.mouse_tb = [False, False] # trackball mode for mouse / wheel self.mouse_feedback = [None, None] # for mouse / wheel self.travelled = [ 0, 0 ] # for mouse / wheel, used when generating "rolling ball" feedback self.syn_list = set() self.scheduled_tasks = [] self.buttons, self.old_buttons = 0, 0 self.state, self.old_state = SCI_NULL, SCI_NULL self.mouse_movements = [None, None, None, None] self.force_event = set()
def __init__(self, profile, scheduler, keyboard=b"SCController Keyboard", mouse=b"SCController Mouse", gamepad=True, poller=None): """ If any of keyboard, mouse or gamepad is set to None, that device will not be emulated. Emulated gamepad will have rumble enabled only if poller is set to instance and configuration allows it. """ self.profile = profile self.controller = None self.xdisplay = None self.scheduler = scheduler # Create virtual devices log.debug("Creating virtual devices") self.keyboard = self.create_keyboard(keyboard) if keyboard else Dummy() log.debug("Keyboard: %s" % (self.keyboard, )) self.mouse = self.create_mouse(mouse) if mouse else Dummy() log.debug("Mouse: %s" % (self.mouse, )) self.gamepad = self.create_gamepad(gamepad, poller) if gamepad else Dummy() log.debug("Gamepad: %s" % (self.gamepad, )) # Set by SCCDaemon instance; Used to handle actions # from scc.special_actions self._sa_handler = None # Setup emulation self.keypress_list = [] self.keyrelease_list = [] self.mouse_movements = [0, 0, 0, 0] # mouse x, y, wheel vertical, horisontal self.feedbacks = [None, None] # left, right self.pressed = { } # for ButtonAction, holds number of times virtual button was pressed without releasing it first self.syn_list = set() self.buttons, self.old_buttons = 0, 0 self.lpad_touched = False self.state, self.old_state = None, None self.force_event = set()
def __init__(self, profile, keyboard=b"SCController Keyboard", mouse=b"SCController Mouse", gamepad=b"Microsoft X-Box 360 pad"): """ If any of keyboard, mouse or gamepad is set to None, that device will not be emulated. """ self.profile = profile self.controller = None self.xdisplay = None # Create virtual devices log.debug("Creating virtual devices") self.keyboard = Keyboard(name=keyboard) if keyboard else Dummy() log.debug("Keyboard: %s" % (self.keyboard, )) self.mouse = Mouse(name=mouse) if mouse else Dummy() log.debug("Mouse: %s" % (self.mouse, )) self.gamepad = Gamepad(name=gamepad) if gamepad else Dummy() log.debug("Gamepad: %s" % (self.gamepad, )) # Set by SCCDaemon instance; Used to handle actions # from scc.special_actions self._sa_handler = None # Setup emulation self.keypress_list = [] self.keyrelease_list = [] self.mouse_movements = [0, 0, 0, 0] # mouse x, y, wheel vertical, horisontal self.feedbacks = [None, None] # left, right self.pressed = { } # for ButtonAction, holds number of times virtual button was pressed without releasing it first self.syn_list = set() self.scheduled_tasks = [] self.buttons, self.old_buttons = 0, 0 self.state, self.old_state = SCI_NULL, SCI_NULL self.force_event = set()
class Mapper(object): DEBUG = False def __init__(self, profile, keyboard=b"SCController Keyboard", mouse=b"SCController Mouse", gamepad=True, poller=None): """ If any of keyboard, mouse or gamepad is set to None, that device will not be emulated. Emulated gamepad will have rumble enabled only if poller is set to instance and configuration allows it. """ self.profile = profile self.controller = None self.xdisplay = None # Create virtual devices log.debug("Creating virtual devices") self.keyboard = Keyboard(name=keyboard) if keyboard else Dummy() log.debug("Keyboard: %s" % (self.keyboard, )) self.mouse = Mouse(name=mouse) if mouse else Dummy() log.debug("Mouse: %s" % (self.mouse, )) self.gamepad = self._create_gamepad(gamepad, poller) if gamepad else Dummy() log.debug("Gamepad: %s" % (self.gamepad, )) # Set by SCCDaemon instance; Used to handle actions # from scc.special_actions self._sa_handler = None # Setup emulation self.keypress_list = [] self.keyrelease_list = [] self.mouse_movements = [0, 0, 0, 0] # mouse x, y, wheel vertical, horisontal self.feedbacks = [None, None] # left, right self.pressed = { } # for ButtonAction, holds number of times virtual button was pressed without releasing it first self.syn_list = set() self.scheduled_tasks = [] self.buttons, self.old_buttons = 0, 0 self.lpad_touched = False self.state, self.old_state = None, None self.force_event = set() def _create_gamepad(self, enabled, poller): """ Parses gamepad configuration and creates apropriate unput device """ if not enabled or "SCC_NOGAMEPAD" in os.environ: # Completly undocumented and for debuging purposes only. # If set, no gamepad is emulated self.gamepad = Dummy() return cfg = Config() keys = ALL_BUTTONS[0:cfg["output"]["buttons"]] vendor = int(cfg["output"]["vendor"], 16) product = int(cfg["output"]["product"], 16) version = int(cfg["output"]["version"], 16) name = cfg["output"]["name"] rumble = cfg["output"]["rumble"] and poller != None axes = [] i = 0 for min, max in cfg["output"]["axes"]: fuzz, flat = 0, 0 if abs(max - min) > 32768: fuzz, flat = 16, 128 try: axes.append((ALL_AXES[i], min, max, fuzz, flat)) except IndexError: # Out of axes break i += 1 ui = UInput(vendor=vendor, product=product, version=version, name=name, keys=keys, axes=axes, rels=[], rumble=rumble) if poller: poller.register(ui.getDescriptor(), poller.POLLIN, self._rumble_ready) return ui def _rumble_ready(self, fd, event): ef = self.gamepad.ff_read() if ef: # tale of... self.send_feedback( HapticData(HapticPos.BOTH, period=32760, amplitude=ef.level, count=min(0x7FFF, ef.duration * ef.repetitions / 30))) def get_gamepad_name(self): """ Returns name of emulated gamepad (as displayed by jstest & co) or None if Dummy is assigned. """ if isinstance(self.gamepad, Dummy): return None return def sync(self): """ Syncs generated events """ if len(self.syn_list): for dev in self.syn_list: dev.synEvent() self.syn_list = set() def set_controller(self, c): """ Sets controller device, used by some (one so far) actions """ self.controller = c def get_controller(self): """ Returns assigned controller device or None if no controller is set """ return self.controller def set_special_actions_handler(self, sa): self._sa_handler = sa def get_special_actions_handler(self): return self._sa_handler def set_xdisplay(self, x): self.xdisplay = x def get_xdisplay(self): return self.xdisplay def get_current_window(self): """ Returns window id of current window or None if xdisplay is not set """ if self.xdisplay: return X.get_current_window(self.xdisplay) return None def schedule(self, delay, cb): """ Schedules callback to be ran no sooner than after delay. Delay is float number in seconds. Callback is called with mapper as only argument. """ when = time.time() + delay self.scheduled_tasks.append((when, cb)) self.scheduled_tasks.sort(key=lambda a: a[0]) def remove_scheduled(self, cb): """ Removes scheduled task by callback. """ self.scheduled_tasks = [(w, c) for (w, c) in self.scheduled_tasks if cb != c] def mouse_move(self, dx, dy): """ Schedules mouse movement to be done at end of processing callback. Called from actions while callback is being processed. """ self.mouse_movements[0] += dx self.mouse_movements[1] += dy def mouse_wheel(self, wx, wy): """ Schedules mouse wheel movement to be done at end of processing callback. Called from actions while callback is being processed. """ self.mouse_movements[2] += wx self.mouse_movements[3] += wy def send_feedback(self, hapticdata): """ Schedules haptic feedback to be sent at end of processing callback. Called from actions while callback is being processed. """ if hapticdata.get_position() == HapticPos.BOTH: # HapticPos.BOTH is special case as controller doesn't # really support doing that by itself. self.feedbacks[0] = hapticdata.with_position(HapticPos.LEFT) self.feedbacks[1] = hapticdata.with_position(HapticPos.RIGHT) else: self.feedbacks[hapticdata.get_position()] = hapticdata def is_touched(self, what): """ Returns True if specified pad is being touched. May randomly return False for aphephobic pads. 'what' should be LEFT or RIGHT (from scc.constants) """ if what == LEFT: return self.buttons & SCButtons.LPADTOUCH elif what == RIGHT: return self.buttons & SCButtons.RPADTOUCH else: return False def was_touched(self, what): """ As is_touched, but returns True if pad *was* touched in previous known state. This is used as: is_touched() and not was_touched() -> pad was just pressed not is_touched() and was_touched() -> pad was just released """ if what == LEFT: return self.old_buttons & SCButtons.LPADTOUCH elif what == RIGHT: return self.old_buttons & SCButtons.RPADTOUCH else: return False def is_pressed(self, button): """ Returns True if button is pressed """ return self.buttons & button def was_pressed(self, button): """ Returns True if button was pressed in previous known state """ return self.old_buttons & button def get_pressed_button(self): """ Gets button that was pressed by very last handled event or None, if last event doesn't involved button pressing. """ for x in SCButtons: if x & self.buttons & ~self.old_buttons: return x return None def set_button(self, button, state): """ Sets button state on input. Set value will stay only for durration of one event loop iteration. Used _temporarely_ by RingAction to emulate finger lifting from pad. """ if button == LEFT: button = SCButtons.LPADTOUCH elif button == RIGHT: button = SCButtons.RPADTOUCH if state: self.buttons |= button else: self.buttons &= ~button def set_was_pressed(self, button, state): """ As set_button, but changes value remembered from loop iteration before current. Used _temporarely_ by RingAction to emulate finger lifting from pad. """ if button == LEFT: button = SCButtons.LPADTOUCH elif button == RIGHT: button = SCButtons.RPADTOUCH if state: self.old_buttons |= button else: self.old_buttons &= ~button def release_virtual_buttons(self): """ Called when daemon is killed or USB dongle is disconnected. Sends button release event for every virtual button that is still being pressed. """ to_release, self.pressed = self.pressed, {} for x in to_release: ButtonAction._button_release(self, x, True) def reset_gyros(self): for a in self.profile.get_actions(): if isinstance(a, GyroAbsAction): a.reset() def input(self, controller, now, old_state, state): # Store states self.old_state = old_state self.old_buttons = self.buttons self.state = state self.buttons = state.buttons if self.buttons & SCButtons.LPAD and not self.buttons & SCButtons.LPADTOUCH: self.buttons = (self.buttons & ~SCButtons.LPAD) | SCButtons.STICK fe = self.force_event self.force_event = set() # Check buttons xor = self.old_buttons ^ self.buttons btn_rem = xor & self.old_buttons btn_add = xor & self.buttons try: if btn_add or btn_rem: # At least one button was pressed for x in self.profile.buttons: if x & btn_add: self.profile.buttons[x].button_press(self) elif x & btn_rem: self.profile.buttons[x].button_release(self) # Check stick if not self.buttons & SCButtons.LPADTOUCH: if FE_STICK in fe or self.old_state.lpad_x != state.lpad_x or self.old_state.lpad_y != state.lpad_y: self.profile.stick.whole(self, state.lpad_x, state.lpad_y, STICK) # Check gyro if controller.get_gyro_enabled(): self.profile.gyro.gyro(self, state.gpitch, state.gyaw, state.groll, state.q1, state.q2, state.q3, state.q4) # Check triggers if FE_TRIGGER in fe or state.ltrig != self.old_state.ltrig: if LEFT in self.profile.triggers: self.profile.triggers[LEFT].trigger( self, state.ltrig, self.old_state.ltrig) if FE_TRIGGER in fe or state.rtrig != self.old_state.rtrig: if RIGHT in self.profile.triggers: self.profile.triggers[RIGHT].trigger( self, state.rtrig, self.old_state.rtrig) # Check pads # RPAD if FE_PAD in fe or self.buttons & SCButtons.RPADTOUCH or SCButtons.RPADTOUCH & btn_rem: self.profile.pads[RIGHT].whole(self, state.rpad_x, state.rpad_y, RIGHT) # LPAD if self.buttons & SCButtons.LPADTOUCH: # Pad is being touched now if not self.lpad_touched: self.lpad_touched = True self.profile.pads[LEFT].whole(self, state.lpad_x, state.lpad_y, LEFT) elif not self.buttons & STICK_TILT: # Pad is not being touched if self.lpad_touched: self.lpad_touched = False self.profile.pads[LEFT].whole(self, 0, 0, LEFT) except Exception, e: # Log error but don't crash here, it breaks too many things at once log.error("Error while processing controller event") log.error(traceback.format_exc()) self.run_scheduled(now) self.generate_events() self.generate_feedback()
class Mapper(object): DEBUG = False def __init__(self, profile, scheduler, keyboard=b"SCController Keyboard", mouse=b"SCController Mouse", gamepad=True, poller=None): """ If any of keyboard, mouse or gamepad is set to None, that device will not be emulated. Emulated gamepad will have rumble enabled only if poller is set to instance and configuration allows it. """ self.profile = profile self.controller = None self.xdisplay = None self.scheduler = scheduler # Create virtual devices log.debug("Creating virtual devices") self.keyboard = self.create_keyboard(keyboard) if keyboard else Dummy() log.debug("Keyboard: %s" % (self.keyboard, )) self.mouse = self.create_mouse(mouse) if mouse else Dummy() log.debug("Mouse: %s" % (self.mouse, )) self.gamepad = self.create_gamepad(gamepad, poller) if gamepad else Dummy() log.debug("Gamepad: %s" % (self.gamepad, )) # Set by SCCDaemon instance; Used to handle actions # from scc.special_actions self._sa_handler = None # Setup emulation self.keypress_list = [] self.keyrelease_list = [] self.mouse_movements = [0, 0, 0, 0] # mouse x, y, wheel vertical, horisontal self.feedbacks = [ None, None ] # left, right self.pressed = {} # for ButtonAction, holds number of times virtual button was pressed without releasing it first self.syn_list = set() self.buttons, self.old_buttons = 0, 0 self.lpad_touched = False self.state, self.old_state = None, None self.force_event = set() def create_gamepad(self, enabled, poller): """ Parses gamepad configuration and creates apropriate unput device """ if not enabled or "SCC_NOGAMEPAD" in os.environ: # Completly undocumented and for debuging purposes only. # If set, no gamepad is emulated self.gamepad = Dummy() return cfg = Config() keys = ALL_BUTTONS[0:cfg["output"]["buttons"]] vendor = int(cfg["output"]["vendor"], 16) product = int(cfg["output"]["product"], 16) version = int(cfg["output"]["version"], 16) name = cfg["output"]["name"] rumble = cfg["output"]["rumble"] and poller != None axes = [] i = 0 for min, max in cfg["output"]["axes"]: fuzz, flat = 0, 0 if abs(max - min) > 32768: fuzz, flat = 16, 128 try: axes.append(( ALL_AXES[i], min, max, fuzz, flat )) except IndexError: # Out of axes break i += 1 ui = UInput(vendor=vendor, product=product, version=version, name=name, keys=keys, axes=axes, rels=[], rumble=rumble) if poller and rumble: poller.register(ui.getDescriptor(), poller.POLLIN, self._rumble_ready) return ui def create_keyboard(self, name): return Keyboard(name=name) def create_mouse(self, name): return Mouse(name=name) def _rumble_ready(self, fd, event): ef = self.gamepad.ff_read() if ef: # tale of... self.send_feedback(HapticData( HapticPos.BOTH, period = 32760, amplitude = max(0, ef.level), count = min(0x7FFF, ef.duration * ef.repetitions / 30) )) def get_gamepad_name(self): """ Returns name of emulated gamepad (as displayed by jstest & co) or None if Dummy is assigned. """ if isinstance(self.gamepad, Dummy): return None return def sync(self): """ Syncs generated events """ if len(self.syn_list): for dev in self.syn_list: dev.synEvent() self.syn_list = set() def set_controller(self, c): """ Sets controller device, used by some (one so far) actions """ self.controller = c def get_controller(self): """ Returns assigned controller device or None if no controller is set """ return self.controller def set_special_actions_handler(self, sa): self._sa_handler = sa def get_special_actions_handler(self): return self._sa_handler def set_xdisplay(self, x): self.xdisplay = x def get_xdisplay(self): return self.xdisplay def get_current_window(self): """ Returns window id of current window or None if xdisplay is not set """ if self.xdisplay: return X.get_current_window(self.xdisplay) return None def schedule(self, delay, cb): """ Schedules callback to be ran no sooner than after delay. Delay is float number in seconds. Callback is called with mapper as only argument. """ return self.scheduler.schedule(delay, cb, self) def cancel_task(self, task): """ Removes scheduled task. """ return self.scheduler.cancel_task(task) def mouse_move(self, dx, dy): """ Schedules mouse movement to be done at end of processing callback. Called from actions while callback is being processed. """ self.mouse_movements[0] += dx self.mouse_movements[1] += dy def mouse_wheel(self, wx, wy): """ Schedules mouse wheel movement to be done at end of processing callback. Called from actions while callback is being processed. """ self.mouse_movements[2] += wx self.mouse_movements[3] += wy def send_feedback(self, hapticdata): """ Schedules haptic feedback to be sent at end of processing callback. Called from actions while callback is being processed. """ if hapticdata.get_position() == HapticPos.BOTH: # HapticPos.BOTH is special case as controller doesn't # really support doing that by itself. self.feedbacks[0] = hapticdata.with_position(HapticPos.LEFT) self.feedbacks[1] = hapticdata.with_position(HapticPos.RIGHT) else: self.feedbacks[hapticdata.get_position()] = hapticdata def controller_flags(self): """ Returns controller flags or, if there is no controller set to this mapper, sc_by_cable driver matching defaults. """ return 0 if self.controller is None else self.controller.flags def is_touched(self, what): """ Returns True if specified pad is being touched. May randomly return False for aphephobic pads. 'what' should be LEFT or RIGHT (from scc.constants) """ if what == LEFT: return self.buttons & SCButtons.LPADTOUCH elif what == RIGHT: return self.buttons & SCButtons.RPADTOUCH elif what == CPAD: return self.buttons & SCButtons.CPADTOUCH else: return False def was_touched(self, what): """ As is_touched, but returns True if pad *was* touched in previous known state. This is used as: is_touched() and not was_touched() -> pad was just pressed not is_touched() and was_touched() -> pad was just released """ if what == LEFT: return self.old_buttons & SCButtons.LPADTOUCH elif what == RIGHT: return self.old_buttons & SCButtons.RPADTOUCH elif what == CPAD: return self.old_buttons & SCButtons.CPADTOUCH else: return False def is_pressed(self, button): """ Returns True if button is pressed """ if button == LEFT: button = SCButtons.LPAD elif button == RIGHT: button = SCButtons.RPAD return self.buttons & button def was_pressed(self, button): """ Returns True if button was pressed in previous known state """ if button == LEFT: button = SCButtons.LPAD elif button == RIGHT: button = SCButtons.RPAD return self.old_buttons & button def get_pressed_button(self): """ Gets button that was pressed by very last handled event or None, if last event doesn't involved button pressing. """ for x in SCButtons: if x & self.buttons & ~self.old_buttons: return x return None def set_button(self, button, state): """ Sets button state on input. Set value will stay only for durration of one event loop iteration. Used _temporarely_ by RingAction to emulate finger lifting from pad. """ if button == LEFT: button = SCButtons.LPADTOUCH elif button == RIGHT: button = SCButtons.RPADTOUCH if state: self.buttons |= button else: self.buttons &= ~button def set_was_pressed(self, button, state): """ As set_button, but changes value remembered from loop iteration before current. Used _temporarely_ by RingAction to emulate finger lifting from pad. """ if button == LEFT: button = SCButtons.LPADTOUCH elif button == RIGHT: button = SCButtons.RPADTOUCH if state: self.old_buttons |= button else: self.old_buttons &= ~button def release_virtual_buttons(self): """ Called when daemon is killed or USB dongle is disconnected. Sends button release event for every virtual button that is still being pressed. """ to_release, self.pressed = self.pressed, {} for x in to_release: ButtonAction._button_release(self, x, True) def cancel_all(self): """ Called when profile is changed to let all actions to cancel long-running effects they may have created """ for a in self.profile.get_actions(): a.cancel(self) def reset_gyros(self): for a in self.profile.get_all_actions(): if isinstance(a, GyroAbsAction): a.reset() def input(self, controller, old_state, state): # Store states self.old_state = old_state self.old_buttons = self.buttons self.state = state self.buttons = state.buttons if self.buttons & SCButtons.LPAD and not self.buttons & SCButtons.LPADTOUCH: self.buttons = (self.buttons & ~SCButtons.LPAD) | SCButtons.STICKPRESS fe = self.force_event self.force_event = set() # Check buttons xor = self.old_buttons ^ self.buttons btn_rem = xor & self.old_buttons btn_add = xor & self.buttons try: if btn_add or btn_rem: # At least one button was pressed for x in self.profile.buttons: if x & btn_add: self.profile.buttons[x].button_press(self) elif x & btn_rem: self.profile.buttons[x].button_release(self) # Check stick if self.controller.flags & ControllerFlags.SEPARATE_STICK: if FE_STICK in fe or self.old_state.stick_x != state.stick_x or self.old_state.stick_y != state.stick_y: self.profile.stick.whole(self, state.stick_x, state.stick_y, STICK) elif not self.buttons & SCButtons.LPADTOUCH: if FE_STICK in fe or self.old_state.lpad_x != state.lpad_x or self.old_state.lpad_y != state.lpad_y: self.profile.stick.whole(self, state.lpad_x, state.lpad_y, STICK) # Check gyro if controller.get_gyro_enabled(): self.profile.gyro.gyro(self, state.gpitch, state.gyaw, state.groll, state.q1, state.q2, state.q3, state.q4) # Check triggers if FE_TRIGGER in fe or state.ltrig != self.old_state.ltrig: if LEFT in self.profile.triggers: self.profile.triggers[LEFT].trigger(self, state.ltrig, self.old_state.ltrig) if FE_TRIGGER in fe or state.rtrig != self.old_state.rtrig: if RIGHT in self.profile.triggers: self.profile.triggers[RIGHT].trigger(self, state.rtrig, self.old_state.rtrig) # Check pads # RPAD if controller.flags & ControllerFlags.HAS_RSTICK: if FE_PAD in fe or self.old_state.rpad_x != state.rpad_x or self.old_state.rpad_y != state.rpad_y: self.profile.pads[RIGHT].whole(self, state.rpad_x, state.rpad_y, RIGHT) elif FE_PAD in fe or self.buttons & SCButtons.RPADTOUCH or SCButtons.RPADTOUCH & btn_rem: self.profile.pads[RIGHT].whole(self, state.rpad_x, state.rpad_y, RIGHT) # LPAD if self.controller.flags & ControllerFlags.SEPARATE_STICK: if FE_PAD in fe or self.old_state.lpad_x != state.lpad_x or self.old_state.lpad_y != state.lpad_y: self.profile.pads[LEFT].whole(self, state.lpad_x, state.lpad_y, LEFT) else: if self.buttons & SCButtons.LPADTOUCH: # Pad is being touched now if not self.lpad_touched: self.lpad_touched = True self.profile.pads[LEFT].whole(self, state.lpad_x, state.lpad_y, LEFT) elif not self.buttons & STICKTILT: # Pad is not being touched if self.lpad_touched: self.lpad_touched = False self.profile.pads[LEFT].whole(self, 0, 0, LEFT) # CPAD (touchpad on DS4 controller) if controller.flags & ControllerFlags.HAS_CPAD: if FE_PAD in fe or self.old_state.cpad_x != state.cpad_x or self.old_state.cpad_y != state.cpad_y: self.profile.pads[CPAD].whole(self, state.cpad_x, state.cpad_y, CPAD) except Exception: # Log error but don't crash here, it breaks too many things at once if hasattr(self, "_testing"): raise log.error("Error while processing controller event") log.error(traceback.format_exc()) # TODO: Is it important to run scheduled stuff before generate_events? self.generate_events() self.generate_feedback() def generate_events(self): # Generate events - keys if len(self.keypress_list): self.keyboard.pressEvent(self.keypress_list) self.keypress_list = [] if len(self.keyrelease_list): self.keyboard.releaseEvent(self.keyrelease_list) self.keyrelease_list = [] # Generate events - mouse mx, my, wx, wy = self.mouse_movements if mx != 0 or my != 0: self.mouse.moveEvent(mx, my * -1) self.syn_list.add(self.mouse) if wx != 0 or wy != 0: self.mouse.scrollEvent(wx, wy) self.syn_list.add(self.mouse) self.mouse_movements = [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ] self.sync() def generate_feedback(self): if self.controller: for x in (0, 1): if self.feedbacks[x]:[x]) self.feedbacks[x] = None