def draw(self): if self.ds: dn, dx = self.ds z = self.zoom if True: for x in range(-dn, dn + 1): for y in range(-dn, dn + 1): if (x, y) in self.content: t = self.content[x, y] scdr.fill(self.types[t][1]) else: scdr.fill(self.bgr[1]) xr = dx + z * (dn + x) yr = dx + z * (dn + y) scdr.rect(xr, yr, z, z) elif self.redraw: x, y = self.redraw if (x, y) in self.content: t = self.content[x, y] scdr.fill(self.types[t][1]) else: scdr.fill(self.bgr[1]) xr = dx + z * (dn + x) yr = dx + z * (dn + y) scdr.rect(xr, yr, z, z)
def draw(self): if draw_hit_boxes: scene_drawing.stroke_weight(2) scene_drawing.no_fill() scene_drawing.stroke(255,0,0) scene_drawing.rect(* scene_drawing.stroke(0,0,255) scene_drawing.rect(*self.sq.frame)
def draw(self): if debug: scene_drawing.stroke(255, 0, 0) scene_drawing.stroke_weight(2) scene_drawing.no_fill() scene_drawing.rect(*self.flapo.get_hitbox())
def update(self): if self.state == 'setup': if not self.ghostps or self.realps: cd = self.cdict Gx, Gy, npart, vmu, sigvmu, thmu, sigthmu = cd['Gx'], cd[ 'Gy'], cd['npart'], cd['vmu'], cd['sigvmu'], cd[ 'thmu'] * pi / 180, cd['sigthmu'] * pi / 180 self.ghostps = [] for i in range(npart): V = random.gauss(vmu, sigvmu) if thmu < 0: th = 2 * pi * random.random() else: th = random.gauss(thmu, sigthmu) v = vectd(V * cos(th), V * sin(th)) c = hsv2rgb(360 * random.random(), min(100, random.gauss(100, 15)), min(100, random.gauss(100, 25))) self.ghostps.append(particle(vectd(Gx, Gy), v, c)) self.realps = [] elif self.state == 'running': # TS=time.time() # DT=TS-self.timestamp DT = 1 / 60 self.deltat += DT # self.timestamp=TS ghlen = len(self.ghostps) resk = self.cdict['resk'] for j in range(ghlen + len(self.realps)): if j >= ghlen: i = self.realps[j - ghlen] else: i = self.ghostps[j] if self.boundson: COR = self.cdict['cor'] nx = i.p.x + i.v.x * 100 * DT if nx < 0: i.p.x = 0 i.v.x *= -COR i.v.y *= COR elif nx > 723: i.p.x = 723 i.v.x *= -COR i.v.y *= COR else: i.p.x = nx ny = i.p.y + i.v.y * 100 * DT if ny < 0: i.p.y = 0 i.v.x *= COR i.v.y *= -COR elif ny > 703: i.p.y = 703 i.v.x *= COR i.v.y *= -COR else: i.p.y = ny nx = i.p.x + i.v.x * 100 * DT if nx < 0: i.p.x = 0 i.v.x *= -COR i.v.y *= COR elif nx > 723: i.p.x = 723 i.v.x *= -COR i.v.y *= COR else: i.p += i.v * (100 * DT) if self.reson: i.v -= i.v.norm() * ( * resk) i.v += self.g * DT for i in self.ghostps + self.realps: scdr.fill(i.c) scdr.rect(i.p.x - 2, i.p.y - 2, 4, 4) if self.mainview: self.mainview['timelabel'].text = 'T = ' + str(self.deltat)
def update(self): if self.state == 'setup': if not self.ghostps or self.realps: cd = self.cdict Gx, Gy, npart, vmu, sigvmu, thmu, sigthmu = cd['Gx'], cd[ 'Gy'], cd['npart'], cd['vmu'], cd['sigvmu'], cd[ 'thmu'] * pi / 180, cd['sigthmu'] * pi / 180 self.ghostps = [] for i in range(npart): V = random.gauss(vmu, sigvmu) if thmu < 0: th = 2 * pi * random.random() else: th = random.gauss(thmu, sigthmu) v = vectd(V * cos(th), V * sin(th)) c = hsv2rgb(360 * random.random(), min(100, random.gauss(100, 15)), min(100, random.gauss(100, 25))) self.ghostps.append(particle(vectd(Gx, Gy), v, c)) self.realps = [] elif self.state == 'running': # TS=time.time() # DT=TS-self.timestamp DT = 1 / 60 self.deltat += DT # self.timestamp=TS rlen = len(self.realps) resk = self.cdict['resk'] if self.ghostps: reloc = [] COR = self.cdict['cor'] for j in range(rlen + len(self.ghostps)): if j >= rlen: i = self.ghostps[j - rlen] else: i = self.realps[j] for q in self.realps[:j] + self.realps[j + 1:]: if abs(q.p - i.p) < 4: c = (q.p - i.p).norm() nc = vectd(-c.y, c.x) vic, vqc =, vin, vqn =, vcmu = (vic + vqc) / 2 i.p -= c * 2 q.p += c * 2 i.v = c * (vcmu - vic * COR) + nc * vin q.v = c * (vcmu - vqc * COR) + nc * vqn if self.boundson: nx = i.p.x + i.v.x * 100 * DT if nx < 0: i.p.x = 0 i.v.x *= -COR elif nx > 723: i.p.x = 723 i.v.x *= -COR else: i.p.x = nx ny = i.p.y + i.v.y * 100 * DT if ny < 0: i.p.y = 0 i.v.y *= -COR elif ny > 703: i.p.y = 703 i.v.y *= -COR else: i.p.y = ny nx = i.p.x + i.v.x * 100 * DT if nx < 0: i.p.x = 0 i.v.x *= -COR elif nx > 723: i.p.x = 723 i.v.x *= -COR else: i.p += i.v * (100 * DT) if j >= rlen: if not sum( map( lambda x: abs(x.p - i.p) < 4, self.ghostps[:j - rlen] + self.ghostps[j + 1 - rlen:] + self.realps)): reloc.append(j - rlen) if self.reson: i.v -= i.v.norm() * ( * resk) i.v += self.g * DT if self.ghostps and reloc: for i in reloc: self.realps.append(self.ghostps[i]) for i in sorted(reloc, key=int.__neg__): del self.ghostps[i] for i in self.ghostps + self.realps: scdr.fill(i.c) scdr.rect(i.p.x - 2, i.p.y - 2, 4, 4) if self.mainview: self.mainview['timelabel'].text = 'T = ' + str(self.deltat)
def update(self): if self.state=='setup': if not self.ghostps or self.realps: cd=self.cdict Gx,Gy,npart,vmu,sigvmu,thmu,sigthmu= cd['Gx'],cd['Gy'],cd['npart'],cd['vmu'],cd['sigvmu'], cd['thmu']*pi/180,cd['sigthmu']*pi/180 self.ghostps=[] for i in range(npart): V=random.gauss(vmu,sigvmu) if thmu<0: th=2*pi*random.random() else: th=random.gauss(thmu,sigthmu) v=vectd(V*cos(th),V*sin(th)) c=hsv2rgb(360*random.random(), min(100,random.gauss(100,15)),min(100, random.gauss(100,25))) self.ghostps.append(particle(vectd(Gx,Gy),v,c)) self.realps=[] elif self.state=='running': # TS=time.time() # DT=TS-self.timestamp DT=1/60 self.deltat+=DT # self.timestamp=TS rlen=len(self.realps) resk=self.cdict['resk'] if self.ghostps: reloc=[] COR=self.cdict['cor'] for j in range(rlen+len(self.ghostps)): if j>=rlen: i=self.ghostps[j-rlen] else: i=self.realps[j] for q in self.realps[:j]+self.realps[j+1:]: if abs(q.p-i.p)<4: c=(q.p-i.p).norm() nc=vectd(-c.y,c.x) vic,, vin,, vcmu=(vic+vqc)/2 i.p-=c*2 q.p+=c*2 i.v=c*(vcmu-vic*COR)+nc*vin q.v=c*(vcmu-vqc*COR)+nc*vqn if self.boundson: nx=i.p.x+i.v.x*100*DT if nx<0: i.p.x=0 i.v.x*=-COR elif nx>723: i.p.x=723 i.v.x*=-COR else: i.p.x=nx ny=i.p.y+i.v.y*100*DT if ny<0: i.p.y=0 i.v.y*=-COR elif ny>703: i.p.y=703 i.v.y*=-COR else: i.p.y=ny nx=i.p.x+i.v.x*100*DT if nx<0: i.p.x=0 i.v.x*=-COR elif nx>723: i.p.x=723 i.v.x*=-COR else: i.p+=i.v*(100*DT) if j>=rlen: if not sum(map(lambda x:abs(x.p-i.p)<4, self.ghostps[:j-rlen]+self.ghostps[j+1-rlen:] +self.realps)): reloc.append(j-rlen) if self.reson: i.v-=i.v.norm()*(*resk) i.v+=self.g*DT if self.ghostps and reloc: for i in reloc: self.realps.append(self.ghostps[i]) for i in sorted(reloc,key=int.__neg__): del self.ghostps[i] for i in self.ghostps+self.realps: scdr.fill(i.c) scdr.rect(i.p.x-2,i.p.y-2,4,4) if self.mainview: self.mainview['timelabel'].text='T = '+str(self.deltat)
def update(self): if self.state=='setup': if not self.ghostps or self.realps: cd=self.cdict Gx,Gy,npart,vmu,sigvmu,thmu,sigthmu= cd['Gx'],cd['Gy'],cd['npart'],cd['vmu'],cd['sigvmu'], cd['thmu']*pi/180,cd['sigthmu']*pi/180 self.ghostps=[] for i in range(npart): V=random.gauss(vmu,sigvmu) if thmu<0: th=2*pi*random.random() else: th=random.gauss(thmu,sigthmu) v=vectd(V*cos(th),V*sin(th)) c=hsv2rgb(360*random.random(), min(100,random.gauss(100,15)),min(100, random.gauss(100,25))) self.ghostps.append(particle(vectd(Gx,Gy),v,c)) self.realps=[] elif self.state=='running': # TS=time.time() # DT=TS-self.timestamp DT=1/60 self.deltat+=DT # self.timestamp=TS ghlen=len(self.ghostps) resk=self.cdict['resk'] for j in range(ghlen+len(self.realps)): if j>=ghlen: i=self.realps[j-ghlen] else: i=self.ghostps[j] if self.boundson: COR=self.cdict['cor'] nx=i.p.x+i.v.x*100*DT if nx<0: i.p.x=0 i.v.x*=-COR i.v.y*=COR elif nx>723: i.p.x=723 i.v.x*=-COR i.v.y*=COR else: i.p.x=nx ny=i.p.y+i.v.y*100*DT if ny<0: i.p.y=0 i.v.x*=COR i.v.y*=-COR elif ny>703: i.p.y=703 i.v.x*=COR i.v.y*=-COR else: i.p.y=ny nx=i.p.x+i.v.x*100*DT if nx<0: i.p.x=0 i.v.x*=-COR i.v.y*=COR elif nx>723: i.p.x=723 i.v.x*=-COR i.v.y*=COR else: i.p+=i.v*(100*DT) if self.reson: i.v-=i.v.norm()*(*resk) i.v+=self.g*DT for i in self.ghostps+self.realps: scdr.fill(i.c) scdr.rect(i.p.x-2,i.p.y-2,4,4) if self.mainview: self.mainview['timelabel'].text='T = '+str(self.deltat)