コード例 #1
ファイル: veneer.py プロジェクト: yuul/Scenic
def RelativeHeading(X, Y=None):
	X = toHeading(X, '"relative heading of X from Y" with X not a heading')
	if Y is None:
		Y = ego().heading
		Y = toHeading(Y, '"relative heading of X from Y" with Y not a heading')
	return normalizeAngle(X - Y)
コード例 #2
def RelativeHeading(X, Y=None):
    """The 'relative heading of <heading> [from <heading>]' operator.

	If the 'from <heading>' is omitted, the heading of ego is used.
    X = toHeading(X, '"relative heading of X from Y" with X not a heading')
    if Y is None:
        Y = ego().heading
        Y = toHeading(Y, '"relative heading of X from Y" with Y not a heading')
    return normalizeAngle(X - Y)
コード例 #3
ファイル: veneer.py プロジェクト: yuul/Scenic
def ApparentlyFacing(heading, fromPt=None):
	heading = toHeading(heading, 'specifier "apparently facing X" with X not a heading')
	if fromPt is None:
		fromPt = ego()
	fromPt = toVector(fromPt, 'specifier "apparently facing X from Y" with Y not a vector')
	value = lambda self: fromPt.angleTo(self.position) + heading
	return Specifier('heading', DelayedArgument({'position'}, value))
コード例 #4
ファイル: veneer.py プロジェクト: yuul/Scenic
def Facing(heading):
	if isinstance(heading, VectorField):
		return Specifier('heading', DelayedArgument({'position'},
		                                            lambda self: heading[self.position]))
		heading = toHeading(heading, 'specifier "facing X" with X not a heading or vector field')
		return Specifier('heading', heading)
コード例 #5
ファイル: veneer.py プロジェクト: yuul/Scenic
def OffsetAlong(X, H, Y):
	X = toVector(X, '"X offset along H by Y" with X not a vector')
	Y = toVector(Y, '"X offset along H by Y" with Y not a vector')
	if isinstance(H, VectorField):
		H = H[X]
	H = toHeading(H, '"X offset along H by Y" with H not a heading or vector field')
	return X.offsetRotated(H, Y)
コード例 #6
ファイル: object_types.py プロジェクト: t27/Scenic
    def _specify(self, prop, value):
        assert prop not in self.properties

        # Normalize types of some built-in properties
        if prop == 'position':
            value = toVector(value, f'"position" of {self} not a vector')
        elif prop == 'heading':
            value = toHeading(value, f'"heading" of {self} not a heading')

        object.__setattr__(self, prop, value)
コード例 #7
def ApparentlyFacing(heading, fromPt=None):
	"""The 'apparently facing <heading> [from <vector>]' specifier.

	Specifies 'heading', depending on 'position'.

	If the 'from <vector>' is omitted, the position of ego is used.
	heading = toHeading(heading, 'specifier "apparently facing X" with X not a heading')
	if fromPt is None:
		fromPt = ego()
	fromPt = toVector(fromPt, 'specifier "apparently facing X from Y" with Y not a vector')
	value = lambda self: fromPt.angleTo(self.position) + heading
	return Specifier('heading', DelayedArgument({'position'}, value))
コード例 #8
def Facing(heading):
	"""The 'facing X' polymorphic specifier.

	Specifies 'heading', with dependencies depending on the form:
		facing <number> -- no dependencies;
		facing <field> -- depends on 'position'.
	if isinstance(heading, VectorField):
		return Specifier('heading', DelayedArgument({'position'},
													lambda self: heading[self.position]))
		heading = toHeading(heading, 'specifier "facing X" with X not a heading or vector field')
		return Specifier('heading', heading)
コード例 #9
def OffsetAlong(X, H, Y):
	"""The 'X offset along H by Y' polymorphic operator.

	Allowed forms:
		<vector> offset along <heading> by <vector>
		<vector> offset along <field> by <vector>
	X = toVector(X, '"X offset along H by Y" with X not a vector')
	Y = toVector(Y, '"X offset along H by Y" with Y not a vector')
	if isinstance(H, VectorField):
		H = H[X]
	H = toHeading(H, '"X offset along H by Y" with H not a heading or vector field')
	return X.offsetRotated(H, Y)