コード例 #1
ファイル: times_module.py プロジェクト: bmarcote/sched
def times(lst, start, stop, day, year):
    # the parameter LST is both a boolean flag (implemented by floats) 
    # and a string for the LST station
    use_lst = True
    if isinstance(lst, (float, int)):
        if lst == 0:
            lst = "VLA"
            use_lst = False
    elif isinstance(lst, str):
        lst = lst.upper()
    if use_lst:
        indices = np.argwhere(s.schcst.station == util.resize_string(
            lst, s.schcst.station.itemsize, "lst").encode())
        if len(indices) == 0:
            s.errlog("TIMES: LST specified but station not in catalog")

        s.schn1.lststa = indices[0] + 1
        s.schn1.lst = True
        s.schn1.lst = False

    for index in range(s.schn1.nscans):
        s.schn2a.duronly[index] = 0
        if s.schn2b.dur[index] > 0:
            s.schn2a.duronly[index] += 1
        if start[index] != parameter.unset:
            s.schn2a.duronly[index] += 2
        if stop[index] != parameter.unset:
            s.schn2a.duronly[index] += 4
        s.sattim(index+1, start[index], stop[index], day[index], year[index])

    s.schn1.iatutc = s.sla_dat(s.schn2c.startj[0])
コード例 #2
ファイル: gintent_module.py プロジェクト: bmarcote/sched
def gintent(intents, entries, scan_index):
    entry = entries[scan_index]
    if len(intents) > 0:
        entry.nscint = len(intents)
        for intent_index, intent in enumerate(intents):
            # find in stored intents
            padded = util.resize_string(intent, s.schc2c.intent.itemsize,
            stored_indices = np.argwhere(
                s.schc2c.intent[:s.schn2a.nintent] == padded.encode())
            if len(stored_indices) == 0:
                if s.schn2a.nintent >= len(s.schc2c.intent):
                    s.errlog("GINTENT: Too many distinct intents. "
                             "Max {}  Report need for more.".format(
                s.schc2c.intent[s.schn2a.nintent] = padded
                s.schn2a.nintent += 1
                entry.iscint[intent_index] = s.schn2a.nintent
                entry.iscint[intent_index] = stored_indices[0] + 1

        if "NONE" in (intent.upper() for intent in intents):
            if len(intents) > 1:
                s.errlog("GINTENT:  Please do not mix 'NONE' with "
                         "other INTENTs")
            entry.iscint[0] = 0
            entry.nscint = 0

        if scan_index + 1 > s.schn1.scan1:
            prev = entries[scan_index - 1]
            entry.nscint, entry.iscint = prev.nscint, prev.iscint
コード例 #3
def ifdbbc(dbbc_version, e_firmware):
    if s.schcon.debug:
        s.wlog(1, "IFDBBC: Starting")
    max_bbc = 16
    max_if = 4
    ifbbc = np.zeros((max_bbc, max_if))
    if dbbc_version == "ASTRO":
        mif = 4
        for if_ in range(mif):
            ifbbc[if_ * 4:(if_ + 1) * 4, if_] = 1
    elif dbbc_version == "GEO":
        mif = 2
        for if_ in range(mif):
            ifbbc[if_ * 8:(if_ + 1) * 8, if_] = 1
    elif dbbc_version == "HYBRID":
        mif = 3
        ifbbc[0:4, 0] = 1
        ifbbc[4:8, 1] = 1
        ifbbc[8:16, 2] = 1
        s.wlog(1, "IFDBBC: DBBCVER not recognised: {}".format(dbbc_version))
        s.errlog("catalog error")

    if e_firmware:
        # 32 MHz (only in E) DDC mode can only do odd (count starting at 1) BBCs
        ifbbc[1::2, :] = 0
    return ifbbc, mif
コード例 #4
ファイル: schrep_module.py プロジェクト: bmarcote/sched
def schrep(values, entries, index, marker, start, stop, day, year):
    global group, repeat
    if s.schcon.debug:
        s.wlog(0, "SCHREP starting.")
    # if we get a repeat request, store it such that we can execute it when
    # the requested number of scan (group) has been parsed
    if marker == -1:
        repeat = int(values["repeat"])
        group = int(values["group"])
        if repeat != 0:
            marker = index
    elif values["repeat"] > 1:
        s.errlog("SCHREP: Cannot do nested or overlapping loops.")

    if s.schcon.debug:
            0, "SCHREP: Scan - {}  Repeat and group: {} {}".format(
                index + 1, repeat, group))

    if (marker != -1) and (index + 1 >= group + marker):
        for r in range(repeat - 1):
            for g in range(group):
                index += 1
                scndup(index, marker, False, "SCHREP", use_direct_access=False)
                start[index] = parameter.unset
                stop[index] = parameter.unset
                day[index] = day[marker]
                year[index] = year[marker]

                marker += 1

        marker = -1

    return index, marker
コード例 #5
def infdb(values, present, entries, index):
    entry = entries[index]

    if s.schcon.debug and (index < 2):
        s.wlog(0, "INFDB: Starting")

    if ((entry.crdch1 != 0) or (entry.crdsetch[0] != 0)) and \
       (entry.crdnch == 0):
        s.errlog("'INFDB:  If CRDCH1 or CRDSETCH is set, "
                 "CRDNCH must also be set.")
    if (entry.crdch1 != 0) and (entry.crdsetch[0] != 0):
        s.errlog("INFDB:  Do not use both CRDCH1 and CRDSETCH!")
    maxcrd = s.schn2a.crdsetch.shape[0]
    if entry.crdnch > maxcrd:
        s.errlog("INFDB:  CRDNCH set too high.  Maximum is {}.  It is {} "
                 "in input scan {}".format(maxcrd, entry.crdnch, index + 1))
    if entry.crdch1 != 0:
        entry.crdsetch = [entry.crdch1 + i for i in range(entry.crdnch)]

    default = False
    if index > 0:
        default = entries[index - 1].crddop
    entry.crddop = toggle(values, present, "crddop", "crdnodop", default)
    entry.gotcrd = entry.crddop or any(freq > 0 for freq in entry.crdfreq)

    if ((entry.crdnch < 1) or (entry.crdnch > maxcrd)) and \
        s.wlog(1, "INFDB: CRDNCH is required and must be between 1 and {}".\
        s.wlog(1, "       when CRDFREQ or CRDDOP is specified.")
        s.errlog("       CRDNCH is {} on scan {}".format(
            entry.crdnch, index + 1))

    if entry.crddop and (entry.crdsetch[0] < 1):
        s.errlog("INFDB:  If invoking DOPCRD, please also set CRDCH1 or "

    if entry.dopsrc == "":
        entry.dopsrc = entry.scnsrc

    if entry.dopcal:
        s.wlog(1, "INFREQ: Use DOPPLER, not DOPCAL.")
        default = False
        if index > 0:
            default = entries[index - 1].dopcal
        entry.dopcal = toggle(values, present, "doppler", "nodop", default)

    # dopincr's scan index dimension is the first, instead of the last,
    # so it doesn't fit into the catalog logic, write into the common block
    # manually here
    s.schn2b.dopincr[index, :] = values["dopincr"]

    if (index != 0) and (entry.freq[0] != 0) and \
       (entry.setnum != entries[index-1].setnum) and \
       (entry.freq[0] == entries[index-1].freq[0]):
        s.wlog(1, "INFDB: Setup changed and specified frequency didn't. ")
        s.wlog(1, " Is this really what you wanted? ")
        s.wlog(1, " Use FREQ=0 to get the new setup default.")
コード例 #6
def toggle(values, present, key1, key2, default):
    if (key1 in present) and (key2 in present):
        s.errlog("TOGGLE: You can't set both {} and {}!".format(key1, key2))
    elif (key1 not in present) and (key2 not in present):
        return default
    elif key1 in present:
        return values[key1]
        return not values[key2]
コード例 #7
 def check(value, allowed, not_supported, station, element_type):
     if value not in allowed:
         s.errlog("STREAD: Invalid {} type {} for {}".format(
             element_type, value, station))
     if value in not_supported:
         s.errlog("STREAD: {} type {} no longer supported by "
                  "SCHED.  Station: {}".format(
                      element_type[0].upper() + element_type[1:], value,
コード例 #8
def opthiel(last_scan_index, k_scan, scan_index):
    global skip, missed

    done = False
    keep = True
    adjust = True

    stations = StationCatalog().used(use_direct_access=True)
    scans = ScanCatalog().direct_access_entries

    if k_scan > s.schn1.nscans:
        done = True
        return k_scan, adjust, keep, done

    scan = scans[k_scan - 1]
    scan.higroup = max(scan.higroup, 1)
    if k_scan + scan.higroup - 1 > s.schn1.nscans:
        s.errlog("OPTHIEL: HIGROUP in last scan too large.")

    if scan.higroup == 1:
        scndup(scan_index - 1, k_scan - 1, True, "OPTHIEL")
        return k_scan, adjust, keep, done

    approx_time = s.schn1.tfirst
    for i, station in enumerate(stations):
        use_station = np.any(station.stascn[k_scan - 1:k_scan - 1 +
        if use_station and (last_scan_index[i] != 0):
            approx_time = max(
                approx_time, scans[last_scan_index[i] - 1].stopj +
                scans[scan_index - 1].gap)

    group_max_low_el = -100
    for j in range(scan.higroup):
        j_k_scan = k_scan - 1 + j
        j_scan_index = scan_index - 1 + j
        scndup(j_scan_index, j_k_scan, True, "OPTHIEL")
        scan_low_el = 100
        for i, station in enumerate(stations):
            if station.stascn[j_scan_index]:
                s.stageo(j_scan_index + 1, i + 1, approx_time,
                         last_scan_index[i], "OPTHIEL")
                average_el = (station.el1[j_scan_index] +
                              station.el2[j_scan_index]) / 2
                scan_low_el = min(scan_low_el, average_el)

        if scan_low_el > group_max_low_el:
            group_max_low_el = scan_low_el
            max_scan = j_scan_index

    scndup(scan_index - 1, max_scan, True, "OPTHIEL")

    k_scan += scan.higroup - 1

    return k_scan, adjust, keep, done
コード例 #9
ファイル: setexpnd_module.py プロジェクト: bmarcote/sched
def setexpnd():
    if s.schcon.debug:
        s.wlog(0, "SETEXPND: Starting.")

    for i in range(s.setn1.nset):

    catalog = SetupCatalog()
    setup_entries = catalog.scheduled()
    copy_to = len(setup_entries)
    for setup_entry in setup_entries:
        for station in setup_entry.setsta[setup_entry.setsta != ""]:
            if copy_to >= len(catalog.entries):
                s.wlog(1, "SETEXPND: There are too many setup groups after "
                       "creating new ones")
                s.wlog(1, "          for each station in the input setups.")
                s.wlog(1, "          Maximum is {} which is setups times "
                s.errlog("SETEXPND: You need fewer setups or a bigger MSET in "
            dest = catalog.entries[copy_to]
            dest.setsta[0] = station
            copy_to += 1

    if copy_to == len(setup_entries):
        s.errlog("SETEXPND: None of the specified setups are used.")

    # move the new entries to the front and invalidate the others
    catalog.entries = catalog.entries[len(setup_entries):] + \
    s.setn1.nset = copy_to - len(setup_entries)

    station_catalog = StationCatalog()
    stations = station_catalog.used()
    for ks, setup_entry in enumerate(catalog.scheduled(), 1):
        setup_entry.listks = ks
        station_index = next(s.schn1.stanum[station.ischsta-1] 
                             for station in stations
                             if station.station == setup_entry.setsta[0])
        if station_index is None:
            s.wlog(1, "SETEXPND: Did not get station number. "
                   "Programming problem.")
            s.wlog(1, "          Station: {}".format(setup_entry.setsta[0]))
        setup_entry.isetsta = station_index


    for lsta in range(s.schn1.nsta):
        for iscn in range(s.schn1.nscans):
            s.schn2a.nsetup[iscn, lsta] = s.gnset(iscn+1, lsta+1)
コード例 #10
ファイル: stmsg_module.py プロジェクト: bmarcote/sched
def stmsg():
    s.schcon.readlog = False
    logfile = "sched.runlog"
    s.schsco.logfile = util.resize_string(logfile, s.schsco.logfile.itemsize,
    open_stat = "OLD" if os.path.exists(logfile) else "NEW"
    error_msg, error_code = s.openwrap(parameter.ilog, logfile, "TEXT",
    if error_code != 1:
        s.wlog(1, f"STMSG: CANNOT OPEN LOG FILE {logfile}")
        s.wlog(1, f"       Error text: {error_msg}")
        s.error(" Check why log file cannot be opened")

    s.wlog(1, " ")
    s.wlog(1, f"    Welcome to pySCHED version {pysched_version} " "based on ")
        1, f"    SCHED version: {s.vern.vernum:.6} "
    s.wlog(1, " ")
        1, "The manual is at http://www.aoc.nrao.edu/software/sched/"
        1, "Bug reports, feature requests and other discussions can be "
        "posted on the GitHub page:")
    s.wlog(1, "    https://github.com/jive-vlbi/sched")
        1, f"pySCHED will use the catalogs under {checkout_dir} unless "
        "$SCHED is set.")
    s.wlog(1, f"Most run time messages will be in {logfile}")

    s.schsco.freqver = util.resize_string("None used",
                                          s.schsco.freqver.itemsize, "freqver")

    s.wlog(1, " ")
    s.wlog(1, f"Check 'sched.py -h' for command line paramters.")
    s.wlog(1, "Some useful commands to give now if running interactively:")
    s.wlog(1, "   SCHedule=<filename>    :  Specify input file.")
        1, "   PLOT                   :  Invokes uv, xy, rd, and uptime "
        1, "   FREQLIST=lowF,highF    :  Make frequency list (MHz).  "
        "Then exit.")
    s.wlog(1, "   EXIT                   :  Leave program.")
        1, "   /                      :  End of inputs - run program "
        "(or EXIT).")
    s.wlog(1, " ")

    if s.rdcatn.srcvel.shape[0] < s.schn2b.freq.shape[0]:
        s.errlog("STMSG: Programming error.  MVEL .LT. MAXCHN")
コード例 #11
def satini(input_iterator):
    global record_defaults, state_defaults
    input_iterator.set_defaults(record_defaults, state_defaults)

    if s.schcon.debug:
        s.wlog(0, "SATINI: starting.")

    catalog = SatelliteCatalog()
    attribute_to_key = dict(zip(catalog.attributes, catalog.attributes))

    start = int(s.schsat.nsat)
    index = start
    for record in input_iterator:
        values, present = util.merge_record_with_defaults(
            record, record_defaults, state_defaults)
        if "endsat" in present:
        entry = catalog.entries[index]
        entry.set_keyin_values(values, attribute_to_key)
        index += 1
            0, "SATINI: Satellite {} {} {}".format(index, entry.satname,
        for attribute in ["kerfile", "satfile", "tlefile"]:
                0, "'        {}: {}".format(attribute.upper(),
                                            getattr(entry, attribute)))

        error = False
        if ("satfile" in present) and ("tlefile" in present):
                1, "A satellite can only have a SATFILE or a TLEFILE, "
                "not both.")
            error = True

        if ("satfile" not in present) and ("tlefile" not in present):
                   "'SATINI:  A satellite must have a SATFILE or a TLEFILE.")
            error = True

        if error:
                1, "  The problem occurred with satellite {} {}".format(
                    index, entry.satname))
            s.wlog(1, "'     SATFILE:   {}".format(entry.satfile))
            s.wlog(1, "'     TLEFILE:   {}".format(entry.tlefile))
            s.errlog(" Exactly one of the file names should be specified.")

    s.schsat.nsat = index
    catalog.write(range(start, index))
コード例 #12
 def extend_with(cls, filename, error_message):
     Write a new catalog entry directly into the common blocks
     and return the (Fortran based) index of the entry
     catalog = cls()
     # create an entry for the setup file if it is new
     index = next((index for index, entry in enumerate(catalog.scheduled())
                   if entry.setfile == filename), None)
     if (index is None) and (s.schsf.nsetf < catalog.max_setup_files):
         index = int(s.schsf.nsetf)
         catalog.entries[index].setfile = filename
         s.schsf.nsetf += 1
         catalog.write(range(index, int(s.schsf.nsetf)))
     elif (index is None):
     return index + 1
コード例 #13
def invla(values, present, entries, index, case):
    warn = True
    if s.schcon.debug and ((index < 2) or (case != 1)):
        s.wlog(0, "INVLA: Starting with case: {}".format(case))

    if case == 1:
        entry = entries[index]

        default = False
        if index > 0:
            default = (entries[index - 1].vlatsys == "T")
        entry.vlatsys = "T" if toggle(values, present, "vlantsys", "vlatsys",
                                      default) \
                        else " "

        if entry.vlaphs == "":
            entry.vlaphs = entry.scnsrc

        if warn and (("vlabw" in present) or ("vlaband" in present)):
                1, "INVLA: -- WARNING -- VLABW or VLABAND  specified in "
                "main schedule.")
            s.wlog(1, "INVLA:               They will be ignored.")
            s.wlog(1, "INVLA:               Specify them in the setup files.")
            warn = False

    elif case == 2:
        s.schc3.vlatype = util.resize_string(values["vlatype"],
        s.schn3.vlausern = values["vlausern"]
        s.schn1.iatutc = values["iatutc"]

        if not s.schcon.noset:
            if [station[:3] for station in s.schc1.staname[:s.schn1.nsta]].\
               count(b"VLA") >= 2:
                s.wrtmsg(1, "INVLA", "multipleVLA")
        s.errlog("INVLA: Bad case.")

    s.schn3.vlarfant = values["vlarfant"]
コード例 #14
def rfreq(input_iterator):
    if s.schcon.debug:
        s.wlog(0, "RFREQ:  Starting to read line frequencies")
    maxlch = s.schlin.restfreq.shape[0]

    record_defaults = {
        "lineset": ["", util.upper],
        "restfreq": [[0.], util.extend_to(maxlch)],
        "endlines": [None, util.noop],
    input_iterator.set_defaults(record_defaults, {})

    attribute_to_key = {
        "linename": "lineset",
        "restfreq": "restfreq",
    catalog = LineRestFrequencyCatalog()
    start = int(s.schlin.nlgp)
    index = start

    found_end = False
    for record in input_iterator:
        values, present = util.merge_record_with_defaults(
            record, record_defaults, {})
        if "endlines" in present:
            found_end = True
        if index >= catalog.maxlgp:
            s.errlog(" SCHED only set up to use {} rest frequency groups.".\
        entry = catalog.entries[index]
        entry.set_keyin_values(values, attribute_to_key)
        index += 1

    if not found_end:
        s.errlog("RFREQ: Input data ended while reading spectral line rest "

    catalog.write(range(start, index))

    s.schlin.nlgp = index
コード例 #15
def apply_tape_offset(scans, scan_offset, stations, setups):
    for scan_index, scan in enumerate(scans, scan_offset):
        stations_in_scan = [
            station for station in stations if station.stascn[scan_index]
        tape_starts = {
            for station in stations_in_scan
        if len(tape_starts) == 0:
        if len(tape_starts) > 1:
            # -1 and +1: from FORTRAN index <-> python index
            min_pause = max(station.tpstart[scan_index] /
                            setup[station.nsetup[scan_index] - 1].speedup
                            for station in stations_in_scan)
            s.prtscn(scan_index + 1, "VXSCHK")
            s.errlog("Station tape starts differ, set MINPAUSE to {}s to "
                     "produce VEX file!".format(round(min_pause * secpday)))

        tape_start = tape_starts.pop()
        scan.startj -= tape_start
コード例 #16
ファイル: rdpeak_module.py プロジェクト: bmarcote/sched
def rdpeak_open(stdin):
    if (s.schcon.debug):
        s.wlog(0, "RDPEAK starting")

    s.schpeakn.dopoint = s.schcon.autopeak or \
                         (s.schn2a.point[:s.schn1.nscans] >= 0).any()
    peakfile = bytes(s.schsco.peakfile).decode().strip()
    if (peakfile.upper() == "NONE") or not s.schpeakn.dopoint:
        f = open(peakfile, "r")
    except Exception as e:
        s.wlog(1, str(e))
        s.wlog(1, "RDPEAK: Automatic insertion and/or conversion of scans "
               "was requested.")
        s.wlog(1, "        PEAKFILE needed, but could not be opened.")
        s.wlog(1, "        Problem is with file: ")
        s.wlog(1, peakfile)
        s.wlog(1, "        Note that file peak.cmd could be used")
        s.wlog(1, "        It is with the standard catalogs.")
        s.errlog(" Fix PEAKFILE or do not invoke AUTOPEAK or POINT.")
    with f:
        rdpeak_implementation(key.KeyfileIterator(f), stdin)
コード例 #17
def getset():
    if s.schcon.debug:
        s.wlog(0, "GETSET: Starting.")

    for index, entry in enumerate(SetupFileCatalog().read()):
        setfilename = entry.setfile
        if setfilename in {"DUMMY", "DEFAULT"}:
            s.errlog(" SETUP file required. ")
            if setfilename not in \
               (entry.setname for entry in SetupCatalog().read()):
                    f = open(setfilename, "r")
                except Exception as e:
                    s.wlog(1, str(e))
                    s.errlog("RDSET: Problem opening setup file")
                with f:
                    input_iterator = key.KeyfileLister(f)
                    rdset(setfilename, input_iterator, index + 1)

    s.setn2a.fifmin[:, :s.setn1.nset].setfield(0., dtype=s.setn2a.fifmin.dtype)
    s.setn2a.fifmax[:, :s.setn1.nset].setfield(1e15,
    s.setn2a.corinv[:, :s.setn1.nset].setfield(0., dtype=s.setn2a.corinv.dtype)
コード例 #18
ファイル: getsta_module.py プロジェクト: bmarcote/sched
def getsta(stdin, values, index, gotvex, mjd1):
    global last_station_file

    maxsta = StationCatalog.maxcat

    if s.schcon.debug and (index < 2):
        s.wlog(1, "GETSTA: starting.")
    if index == 0:
        last_station_file = ""

    station_file = util.expand_file_name(values["stafile"])
    s.schcst.stafile = util.resize_string(station_file,
                                          s.schcst.stafile.itemsize, "stafile")
    s.schcst.locafile = util.resize_string(
        util.expand_file_name(values["locfile"]), s.schcst.locafile.itemsize,
    if (station_file.upper() != "NONE") and (station_file !=
            f = open(station_file, "r")
        except Exception as e:
            s.error("Station catalog: {} not opened".format(station_file))
            with f:
                input_iterator = key.KeyfileLister(f)
                stread(input_iterator, stdin, mjd1)

    last_station_file = station_file

    if (index == 0) and (len(values["stations"]) == 0):
        s.errlog("GETSTA: No stations specified!")
    elif len(values["stations"]) == 0:
        s.schn2a.stascn[index] = s.schn2a.stascn[index - 1]
        s.schn2a.stascn[index] = False
        for station in values["stations"]:
            ksta, ista, doit = s.stano(station)
            if doit:
                if ksta == 0:
                    s.wlog(1, "GETSTA: Station {} not found in catalogs".\
                    s.errlog("GETSTA: Note -- specify station catalog "
                             "before end of first scan input")

                if ista == 0:
                    s.schn1.nsta += 1
                    if s.schn1.nsta > maxsta:
                        s.errlog("'SCHIN: Too many stations!")
                    ista = s.schn1.nsta
                    s.schc1.staname[ista - 1] = s.schcst.station[ksta - 1]

                    s.schn1.stanum[ista - 1] = ksta
                    s.schsta.ischsta[ksta - 1] = ista

                    control = bytes(s.schcst.control[s.schn1.stanum[ista-1]]).\
                    if control == "VEX ":
                        gotvex = True

                    if control == "VSOP":
                        s.schcon.dovsop = True

                    if s.schc1.staname[ista - 1][:4] != b"VLBA":
                        s.schn5.allvlba = False
                        s.schn1.gotvlba = True

                s.schn2a.stascn[index][ista - 1] = True

    return gotvex
コード例 #19
ファイル: rdpeak_module.py プロジェクト: bmarcote/sched
def rdpeak_implementation(input_iterator, stdin):
    global first_call
    if first_call:
        s.schpeakn.npkgrp = 0

    first_call = False

    input_name = "Program input" if input_iterator.input_ is stdin \
                 else input_iterator.input_.name
    state_defaults = {
        "srcfile":  [schdefs("refpointing"),          
        "setup":    ["",   util.expand_file_name],
        "setupl":   ["",   util.expand_file_name],
        "minfreq":  [60e3, util.noop],
        "minel":    [30.,  util.noop],
        "dwell":    [60.,  util.multiply_by(1 / 86400.)],
        "linename": ["",   util.upper],
        "vlamode":  ["",   util.upper],
    record_defaults = {
        "stations": [[],   util.foreach(util.upper)],
        "sources":  [[],   util.foreach(util.upper)],
        "lineinit": [None, util.noop],
        "endpeak":  [None, util.noop],
    input_iterator.set_defaults(record_defaults, state_defaults)
    # map from catalog entry attributes to keyin keywords
    attribute_to_key = {
        "pklines": "linename",
        "pvlamode": "vlamode",
        "pkdwell": "dwell",
        "pkminfq": "minfreq",
        "pkminel": "minel",
        "psetfile": "setup",
        "plsetfil": "setupl",
        "pksta": "stations",
        "pksrc": "sources",

    catalog = PeakCatalog()
    start = int(s.schpeakn.npkgrp)
    index = start
    for record in input_iterator:
        values, present = util.merge_record_with_defaults(
            record, record_defaults, state_defaults)
        if "endpeak" in present:
        if "lineinit" in present:

        if index >= catalog.maxpeak:
            s.errlog("RDPEAK:  Too many reference pointing groups (Max {}) "
                     "in: {}".format(catalog.maxpeak, input_name))

        entry = catalog.entries[index]
        entry.set_keyin_values(values, attribute_to_key)

        if entry.plsetfil == "":
            entry.plsetfil = entry.psetfile
            s.wlog(1, "RDPEAK:  WARNING:  Your peak command file does not "
                   "have a separate setup file")
            s.wlog(1, "         for spectral line (narrow band) sources.  "
                   "You may encounter errors" )
            s.wlog(1, "         because the digital backends require "
                   "sample rate = 2 times bandwidth ")
            s.wlog(1, "         and the sample rate can only be changed "
                   "with a new setup file.")

        def check_pointing_setup(filename):
            return SetupFileCatalog.extend_with(
                "RDPEAK: Exceeded limit on number of setup files while adding "
                "ones needed for reference pointing.")
        entry.pklset = check_pointing_setup(entry.psetfile)
        entry.pklsetl = check_pointing_setup(entry.plsetfil)
        if (len(entry.pksta) == 0) and index > 0:
            entry.pksta = catalog.entries[index-1].pksta
        elif len(entry.pksta) == 0:
            s.errlog("RDPEAK:  First peak group has no stations.")

        if (len(entry.pksrc) == 0) and index > 0:
            entry.pksrc = catalog.entries[index-1].pksrc
        elif len(entry.pksrc) == 0:
            s.errlog("RDPEAK:  First peak group has no sources.")

        index += 1

    if index == 0:
        s.wlog(0, "RDPEAK:  No pointing instruction groups found in ")
        s.wlog(0, input_name)

    s.schpeakn.npkgrp = index

    s.schpeakc.psrcfile = util.resize_string(util.expand_file_name(
        state_defaults["srcfile"][0]), s.schpeakc.psrcfile.itemsize, "srcfile")

    catalog.write(range(start, index))
コード例 #20
ファイル: getfreq_module.py プロジェクト: bmarcote/sched
def getfreq():
    freqfile = bytes(s.schsco.freqfile).decode().strip()

    s.wlog(0, "GETFREQ: Reading frequency file:  {}".format(freqfile))

        f = open(freqfile, "r")
    except Exception as e:
        s.wlog(1, str(e))
        s.errlog("GETFREQ: Problem opening frequency file")
        with f:
            keyin_data = read_keyfile(f)

    catalog = FrequencyCatalog()

    if len(keyin_data) > catalog.maxfreq:
        s.errlog("GETFREQ: Too many frequency groups. ")

    maxsta = s.frqc.fstnam.shape[0]
    state_defaults = {"version": ["", util.noop]}
    record_defaults = {
        "station": [[""] * maxsta, util.foreach(util.upper)],
        "name": ["", util.noop],
        "note": ["", util.noop],
        "priority": [0., util.noop],
        "ifname": [[], util.noop],
        "altifn": [[], util.noop],
        "fe": [[], util.foreach(util.lower)],
        "pol": [[], util.foreach(util.upper)],
        "rf1": [[], util.noop],
        "rf2": [[], util.noop],
        "lo1": [[], util.noop],
        "ch1rf1": [[], util.noop],
        "ch1rf2": [[], util.noop],
        "dualx": [1., util.to_bool],
        "syn": [[0., 0., 0.], util.noop],
        "lcp50cm": ["NARROW", util.upper],
        "rcp50cm": ["NARROW", util.upper],
        "vlabw": [None, util.noop],  # not used
        "vlaband": [None, util.noop],  # not used
        "flukea": [None, util.noop],  # not used
        "flukeb": [None, util.noop],  # not used
        "vlafeab": [None, util.noop],  # not used
        "vlafecd": [None, util.noop],  # not used
        "vlasyna": [None, util.noop],  # not used
        "vlasynb": [None, util.noop],  # not used
        "fefilter": [None, util.noop],  # not used
        "tscal": [None, lambda x: x if x is None else x.upper()]

    # map from frequency catalog entry attributes to keyin keywords
    attribute_to_key = {
        "frname": "name",
        "frnote": "note",
        "fstnam": "station",
        "prio": "priority",
        "fifnam": "ifname",
        "faltif": "altifn",
        "tscal": "tscal"
    # above are the exceptions to the rule: remove first 'f' to go from
    # attribute to key
        attribute: attribute[1:]
        for attribute in catalog.attributes
        if attribute not in attribute_to_key.keys()

    for index, record in enumerate(keyin_data):
        values, present = util.merge_record_with_defaults(
            record, record_defaults, state_defaults)

        # copy all values to the common block placeholder
        entry = catalog.entries[index]
        entry.set_keyin_values(values, attribute_to_key)
        if entry.tscal not in (None, "CONT", "GAP"):
            raise RuntimeError("Unknown TSCAL in frequency catalog for {} "
                               "entry {}:  {}".format(entry.station,
                                                      entry.name, entry.tscal))


    s.frqn.nfreq = len(keyin_data)
    s.schsco.freqver = util.resize_string(state_defaults["version"][0],
                                          s.schsco.freqver.itemsize, "version")

コード例 #21
def gettim(values, entries, index, start, stop, day, year, mjd1):
    day[index] = values["day"]
    month = values["month"]
    year[index] = values["year"]
    if year[index] < 100 and year[index] != 0:
        s.errlog("GETTIM:  Don''t use 2 digit year!")

    if (day[index] != 0) and (month > 1):
        year[index], day[index], error = s.sla_calyd(
            year[index], month, day[index])
        if error == 2:
            s.errlog("GETTIM: Bad month ")
        if error == -1:
            s.errlog("GETTIM: Unlikely year ")

    start[index] = values["start"] / 86400. \
                   if values["start"] != parameter.unset else parameter.unset
    stop[index] = values["stop"] / 86400. \
                  if values["stop"] != parameter.unset else parameter.unset

    entry = entries[index]

    if index == 0:
        if day[index] > 366:
            myear, mday, mut = s.lst2ut(0., day[index], 0.)
            mjd1, error = s.sla_cldj(myear, 1, mday)
            if error not in [0, 3]:
                s.errlog("GETTIM: Problem converting day to MJD")
            mjd1, error = s.sla_cldj(year[index], 1, day[index])
            if error not in [0, 3]:
                s.errlog("GETTIM: Problem getting MJD of first scan before "
                         "station catalog read.")

    if (values["dwell"][0] != parameter.unset) and \
       (values["duration"] != parameter.unset):
        s.errlog("GETTIM: Don''t specify both DUR and DWELL!  Input scan: {}".\
    elif values["dwell"][0] != parameter.unset:
        entry.dwell = True
        entry.dur = values["dwell"][0] / 86400.
        entry.nowait = values["dwell"][1] 
        entry.mindw = values["dwell"][2] / 86400.
    elif values["duration"] != parameter.unset:
        entry.dwell = False
        entry.dur = values["duration"] / 86400.
        entry.nowait, entry.mindw = (0, 0.)
        if index == 0:
            entry.dwell = False
            entry.dur, entry.nowait, entry.mindw = (0., 0, 0.)
            prev = entries[index - 1]
            entry.dwell, entry.dur, entry.nowait, entry.mindw = \
                prev.dwell, prev.dur, prev.nowait, prev.mindw

    s.schn1.dwells |= entry.dwell
    return mjd1
コード例 #22
def gmkscn(last_scan_index, scan_index, j_scan, source_index, source_name,
           approx_time, min_elevation, keep_station, scan_stascn, g_mode):
    if s.schcon.debug:
        s.wlog(0, "GMKSCN starting.")

    scan_catalog = ScanCatalog()
    station_catalog = StationCatalog()

    scans = scan_catalog.direct_access_entries
    stations = station_catalog.used(use_direct_access=True)

    n_good = 0

    # go to python/zero indexing for scan index
    scan_index -= 1
    j_scan -= 1

    scndup(scan_index, j_scan, False, "GMKSCN")

    scan = scans[scan_index]

    scan.srcnum = source_index
    scan.scnsrc = source_name

    ok_sta = np.empty(dtype=bool, shape=(len(stations), ))
    if g_mode == "SET":
        for i, station in enumerate(stations):
            ok_sta[i] = False
            if station.stascn[j_scan]:
                last_time, available_time = s.stageo(scan_index + 1, i + 1,
                if (f2str(station.up1[scan_index]) == "") and \
                   (f2str(station.up2[scan_index]) == "") and \
                   (station.el1[scan_index] > min_elevation) and \
                   (station.el2[scan_index] > min_elevation):
                    ok_sta[i] = True
                    n_good += 1

        for i, station in enumerate(stations):
            station.stascn[scan_index] = station.stascn[j_scan] and ok_sta[i]

        if n_good >= 1:
            scan.startj = approx_time
            s.opttim(last_scan_index, last_scan_index, scan_index + 1, True,
                     False, False)
            n_good = s.scngeo(last_scan_index, scan_index + 1)

        if (n_good >= scans[j_scan].opmian) and (scan_index + 1 >
            in_scan = [s for s in stations if s.stascn[scan_index]]
            in_scan.sort(key=lambda s: -s.tonsrc[scan_index])
            if len(in_scan) > 0:
                t_med = in_scan[min(2, len(in_scan) - 1)].tonsrc[scan_index]
                s.errlog("GMKSCN: INSCN zero.  Programming error")

            for i, station in enumerate(stations):
                if station.stascn[scan_index] and \
                   (i + 1 != keep_station) and \
                   (last_scan_index[i] != 0) and \
                   (station.tonsrc[scan_index] >
                    t_med + s.schsou.geoslow / secpday):
                    if station.el1[scan_index] < s.schsou.geolowel:
                        n_good = 0
                        if s.schsou.geoprt >= 2:
                                0, "**gmkscn: Dropping scan - low el for "
                                "slow ant {} {}  {} {}".format(
                                    i + 1, scan_index + 1, source_name,
                        n_good = max(n_good - 1, 0)
                        station.stascn[scan_index] = False
                        ok_sta[i] = False
                        if s.schsou.geoprt >= 2:
                                0, "++gmkscn: Dropping station {}  Scan {} {}"
                                "  Geosrc: {} for long slew.".format(
                                    i + 1, scan_index + 1, s.schn1.scan1,

        scan_stascn[:] = [s.stascn[scan_index] for s in stations]

    elif g_mode == "FORCE":
        for i, station in enumerate(stations):
            station.stascn[scan_index] = scan_stascn[i]
        ok_sta[:] = scan_stascn[:ok_sta.shape[0]]
        n_good = np.count_nonzero(ok_sta)

        if n_good >= 1:
            scan.startj = approx_time
            s.opttim(last_scan_index, last_scan_index, scan_index + 1, True,
                     False, False)
            n_good = s.scngeo(last_scan_index, scan_index + 1)
        s.errlog("GMKSCN: Bad GMODE.  Programming error.")

    return n_good, ok_sta, scan_stascn
コード例 #23
ファイル: rdset_module.py プロジェクト: bmarcote/sched
def rdset(setreq, input_iterator, isetf):
    s.setn1.sdebug = s.schcon.debug
    if s.setn1.sdebug:
        print("RDSET SDEBUG=", s.setn1.sdebug)

    if s.schcon.debug:
        s.wlog(0, "RDSET: Reading setup {} {}".format(isetf, setreq))
    catalog = SetupCatalog()

    start = int(s.setn1.nset)
    index = start
    if next((entry for entry in catalog.entries[:index] \
             if entry.setname == setreq), 
            None) is not None:
        s.wlog(1, "RDSET: Duplicate setup file name? ")
        s.wlog(1, "RDSET:{}".format(setreq))
        s.errlog("Check setup file names")
    s.wlog(0, "RDSET:   Reading setup file:      {}".format(setreq))
    mchan = s.setn2a.freqref.shape[0]
    maxpc = s.setc2.pcalx1.shape[0]
    state_defaults = {
        "logging":  ["STANDARD",        util.noop],
        "noisefrq": ["VLBA",            util.upper],
        "fe":       [["omit"] * 4,      util.foreach(util.lower)],
        "noise":    [["low-s"] * 4,     util.noop],
        "ifdist":   [[0] * 4,           util.foreach(
            lambda x: x.lower() if isinstance(x, str) else str(int(x)))],
        "azcolim":  [0.,                util.noop],
        "elcolim":  [0.,                util.noop],
        "ptincr":   [0.,                util.noop],
        "ptoff":    [0.,                util.noop],
        "period":   [1,                 util.noop],
        "level":    [-1,                util.noop],
        "samprate": [0.,                util.noop],
        "dualx":    [1.,                util.to_bool],
        "synth":    [[0.] * 3,          util.noop],
        "frswitch": [1.,                util.to_bool],
        "tpmode":   [0.,                util.noop],
        "format":   ["",                util.upper],
        "modetest": [1.,                util.to_bool],
        "dbe":      ["",                util.upper],
        "swtchdur": [15.,               util.noop],
        "firmfile": ["",                util.noop],
        "barrel":   ["not_set",         util.lower],
        "tpspeedh": [0.,                util.noop],
        "tpspeedl": [0.,                util.noop],
        "tpspeed":  [0.,                util.noop],
        "lcp50cm":  ["DEF",             util.upper],
        "rcp50cm":  ["DEF",             util.upper],
        "rchan":    ["",                util.upper],
        "lchan":    ["",                util.upper],
        "nchan":    [0,                 int],
        "band":     ["",                util.lower],
        "firstlo":  [[parameter.unset], util.extend_to(mchan)],
        "bbsyn":    [[0.] * mchan,      util.noop],
        "bbsyn2":   [[0.] * mchan,      util.noop],
        "bbfilter": [[0.],              util.extend_to(mchan)],
        "sideband": [[" "],             util.chain(util.foreach(util.upper), 
        "netside":  [[" "],             util.chain(util.foreach(util.upper), 
        "ifchan":   [[""] * mchan,      util.foreach(util.upper)],
        "bits":     [[1],               util.extend_to(mchan)],
        "bbc":      [[0.] * mchan,      util.noop],
        "freqoff":  [[0.] * mchan,      util.noop],
        "freqref":  [[0.],              util.extend_to(mchan)],
        "pol":      [[""],              util.chain(util.foreach(util.upper), 
        "track1":   [[0.] * mchan,      util.noop],
        "track2":   [[0.] * mchan,      util.noop],
        "track3":   [[0.] * mchan,      util.noop],
        "track4":   [[0.] * mchan,      util.noop],
        "track5":   [[0.] * mchan,      util.noop],
        "track6":   [[0.] * mchan,      util.noop],
        "track7":   [[0.] * mchan,      util.noop],
        "track8":   [[0.] * mchan,      util.noop],
        "string1":  ["",                util.noop],
        "string2":  ["",                util.noop],
        "string3":  ["",                util.noop],
        "string4":  ["",                util.noop],
        "pcal":     ["1MHZ",            util.upper],
        "pcalxb1":  [[""] * maxpc,      util.foreach(util.upper)],
        "pcalxb2":  [[""] * maxpc,      util.foreach(util.upper)],
        "pcalfr1":  [[0.] * maxpc,      util.noop],
        "pcalfr2":  [[0.] * maxpc,      util.noop],
        "m4patch":  ["astro",           util.upper],
        "dbbcfw":   ["",                util.chain(
            lambda x: str(x).rstrip("0").rstrip(".") 
            if type(x) == float else x, 
    record_defaults = {
        "station": [[""] * s.setc2.setsta.shape[0], util.foreach(util.upper)],
        "endset":  [None,                           util.noop],
    input_iterator.set_defaults(record_defaults, state_defaults)

    old_vla_parameters = {"flukeset", "flukea", "flukeb", "vlafeab", "vlafecd", 
                          "vlasyna", "vlasynb", "fefilter", "vlaif", "vlarot", 
                          "vlaband", "vlabw"}
        {key: [None, util.noop] for key in old_vla_parameters})

    attribute_to_key = {
        "setsta": "station",
        "speedh": "tpspeedh",
        "speedl": "tpspeedl",
        "sidebd": "sideband",
        "pcalx1": "pcalxb1",
        "pcalx2": "pcalxb2",
        "bbfilt": "bbfilter",
        "spcal": "pcal",
    # update with default identity mapping, 
    # skip keys not stored directly
    attribute_names = set(itertools.chain(state_defaults.keys(), 
                                          record_defaults.keys())) - \
        } - \
    attribute_to_key.update({attribute: attribute 
                             for attribute in attribute_names
                             if attribute not in attribute_to_key.values()})

    for record in input_iterator:
        values, present = util.merge_record_with_defaults(
            record, record_defaults, state_defaults)
        if "endset" in present:

        if index >= catalog.maxsetup:
            s.errlog("RDSET: Too many setup groups ")
        entry = catalog.entries[index]
        entry.set_keyin_values(values, attribute_to_key)

        entry.setname = setreq
        entry.isetnum = isetf
        if entry.ptoff <= 0.:
            entry.ptoff = 6. * entry.ptincr
        if (entry.speedl == 0.) and (values["tpspeed"] != 0.):
            entry.speedl = values["tpspeed"]
        if entry.nchan > mchan:
            s.errlog("RDSET: Too many  channels in {}".format(setreq))
        justvla = all(station[:3] in ("VLA", "") for station in entry.setsta) \
                  and (entry.format == "NONE") and (entry.nchan == 0)
        if not justvla:
            if entry.nchan < 1:
                s.errlog("RDSET: NCHAN must be greater than 0.")

            entry.freqref = [entry.freqref[i] + values["freqoff"][i]
                             for i in range(entry.nchan)]

            for ichan in range(entry.nchan):
                pol_map = {"R": "RCP",
                           "L": "LCP"}
                if entry.pol[ichan] in pol_map.keys():
                    entry.pol[ichan] = pol_map[entry.pol[ichan]]
                elif (entry.ifchan[ichan] in pol_map.keys()) and \
                     (entry.pol[ichan] == ""):
                    entry.pol[ichan] = pol_map[entry.ifchan[ichan]]
                if entry.ifchan[ichan] == "R":
                    entry.ifchan[ichan] = entry.rchan
                if entry.ifchan[ichan] == "L":
                    entry.ifchan[ichan] = entry.lchan

            entry.track = [values["track" + n] for n in "12345678"]
        #enf of if not justvla
        entry.string_bn = [values["string" + n] for n in "1234"]
        if any(values[key] is not None for key in old_vla_parameters):
            s.wlog(1, "RDSET - WARNING: Old VLA parameters used in input "
                   "setup: {}".format(index + 1))
            s.wlog(1, "                 They are no longer used and will be "
                   "removed soon. ")

        pcal_map = {
            "OFF": "off",
            "1MHZ": "1MHz",
            "5MHZ": "5MHz"
        if entry.spcal in pcal_map.keys():
            entry.spcal = pcal_map[entry.spcal]
            s.errlog("CHKSET: Invalid PCAL specification: {}".format(

        if (entry.dbbcfw not in ("", "104", "105", "105E", "105F", "106E", 
                                 "106F", "107")) and \
            (entry.dbbcfw not in dbbc_firmware_warnings):
            s.wlog(1, "RDSET - WARNING: {} is not a known DBBC firmware "
            s.wlog(1, "                 Heuristics might still work, but check "
                   "schedule carefully.")
        index += 1

    s.setn1.nset = index
    catalog.write(range(start, index))
コード例 #24
def chkset(ks):
    global itout, warn2cm
    setup_entry = SetupCatalog().read()[ks - 1]
    station_catalog = StationCatalog()
    station_entry = station_catalog.entries[setup_entry.isetsta - 1]
    if s.schcon.debug:
        s.wlog(0, "CHKSET: Starting on {} in:".format(setup_entry.setsta[0]))
        s.wlog(0, "        {}".format(setup_entry.setname))

    errs = False
    sampwarn = True

    if s.schn1.notape and (setup_entry.format != "NONE"):
        obstype = f2str(s.schsco.obstyp)
            itout, "CHKSET: *** WARNING - OBSTYPE={} but setup has "
            "FORMAT={}".format(obstype, setup_entry.format))
        s.wlog(itout, "        No tapes will be recorded with this OBSTYPE.")
        if obstype == "NONE":
                itout, "        NONE is the default OBSTYPE. "
                "Did you forget to specify it?")
            s.wlog(itout, "        Was this intended?")
        itout = 0

    if not s.schn1.vlaonly:
        if s.schn1.mark2 and (setup_entry.format != "MARKII"):
                1, "CHKSET: For OBSTYP=MKII, FORMAT must be MARKII, not: "
            errs = True
        if (s.schcon.dovex or s.schcon.dovsop) and setup_entry.frswitch:
                   "CHKSET:  Cannot frequency switch with VEX or VSOP file.")

        if len(setup_entry.channel) < 1:
                1, "CHKSET: Setup file must have at least 1 channel unless "
            s.errlog("CHKSET: The error is in {}".format(setup_entry.setname))

        overwarn = False
        for ich, channel in enumerate(setup_entry.channel):
            if channel.sidebd not in ("U", "L"):
                    1, "CHKSET: Sideband not U or L in {}".format(
                errs = True
            if channel.pol[:3] not in ("RCP", "LCP", "X", "Y"):
                s.wlog(1, "CHKSET: In setup {} polarization of chan {} "
                       "not given or deduced (should be RCP, LCP, X or Y).".\
                       format(setup_entry.setname, ich+1))
                errs = True

            for jch, other in enumerate(setup_entry.channel[ich + 1:],
                                        ich + 1):
                if (channel.pol != other.pol) and \
                   (channel.ifchan == other.ifchan):
                        1, "CHKSET:  In setup {} IF channel {} is "
                        "assigned to {} in chan {} and to {} in chan {} "
                        "Not possible.".format(setup_entry.setname,
                                               channel.ifchan, channel.pol,
                                               ich + 1, channel.pol, jch + 1))
                    errs = True

            if s.schn1.vlbitp:
                if channel.bbfilt > 0.5001 * setup_entry.samprate:
                           "CHKSET: Bandwidth more than half of sample rate")
                    errs = True
                if (channel.bbfilt < 0.4999 * setup_entry.samprate) \
                   and sampwarn:
                    s.wlog(0, "CHKSET note: Oversampling specified.")
                    sampwarn = False

            if ich > 0:
                freq_i = freq_range(channel)
                for jch, other in enumerate(setup_entry.channel[:ich - 1]):
                    if channel.pol == other.pol:
                        freq_j = freq_range(other)
                        if (freq_j[0] <= freq_i[0] < freq_j[1]) or \
                           (freq_j[0] < freq_i[1] <= freq_j[1]):
                            overwarn = True
        # end of channel loop
        if overwarn:
                1, "CHKSET: Setup file: {} Has overlapping channels.  "

        if station_entry.dar.startswith("RDBE"):
            errs = s.chkrdbe(ks, errs)
        if station_entry.dar.startswith("DBBC"):
            errs = chkdbbc(ks, setup_entry, station_entry) or errs
        if station_entry.dar == "eMERL":
            errs = check_emerlin(setup_entry, station_entry) or errs
        if station_entry.dar == "WIDAR":
            errs = s.chkwidar(ks, errs)
        if station_entry.dar in ("VLBA", "VLBAG", "VLBA4"):
            errs = s.chkvdar(ks, station_entry.nbbc, errs)
        if station_entry.dar == "VLBA4":
            errs = s.chkv4dar(ks, errs)
        if station_entry.dar == "VLBAG":
            errs = s.chkgdar(ks, errs)
        if station_entry.dar == "MKIV":
            errs = s.chk4dar(ks, station_entry.nbbc, errs)
        if station_entry.dar == "CDAS":
            errs = s.chkcdas(ks, errs)

        if s.schn1.vlbitp:
            if station_entry.usedisk:
                errs = s.chkdisk(ks, errs)

            if station_entry.recorder in ("VLBA", "MKIV", "VLBA4") and \
               (setup_entry.format != "NONE"):
                errs = s.chkspd(ks, errs)

            if len(np.unique(setup_entry.bits)) > 1:
                    1, "CHKSET: All channels must use the same number of "
                errs = True

    # end of if not vlaonly

    if warn2cm and (15100 < setup_entry.channel[0].freqref < 15500) and \
       setup_entry.setsta[0].startswith("VLBA") and (setup_entry.totbps < 1000):
        s.wlog(1, " ")
            1, "CHKSET:  See sched.runlog for information on 2cm "
        s.wrtmsg(0, "CHKSET", "warn2cm")
        warn2cm = False

    if setup_entry.setsta[0].startswith("VLBA"):
        errs = s.chkvlba(ks, errs)
    if setup_entry.setsta[0].startswith("VLA"):
        errs = s.chkvla(ks, errs)

    if errs:
        s.wlog(1, "CHKSET:  Freq groups used or checked:")
        frequencies = FrequencyCatalog().read()
        for ich, channel in enumerate(setup_entry.channel):
            if channel.ifreqnum > 0:
                    1, " Channel: {}  Frequency Group: {}".format(
                        ich + 1, frequencies[channel.ifreqnum - 1].frname))

コード例 #25
ファイル: optupt_module.py プロジェクト: bmarcote/sched
def optupt(last_scan_index, k_scan, scan_index):
    global in_scan

    done = False
    keep = True
    adjust = False

    stations = StationCatalog().used(use_direct_access=True)
    scans = ScanCatalog().direct_access_entries

    if k_scan == 1:
            0, "OPTUPT:  OPTMODE=UPTIME was specified.  Station files "
            "(sch, crd, ")
        s.wlog(0, "         vex, and drudg) will not be written.")

        in_scan = 1
        scans[scan_index - 1].startj = scans[0].startj
        if s.schcon.opdur <= 0:
            s.errlog(" OPTCUPT: For OPTMODE=UPTIME, OPDUR must be given.")

            0, "         There are {} input scans with sources: ".format(
        sources = set()
        for j_scan, scan in enumerate(scans[:s.schn1.nscans]):
            s.wlog(0, "     {:>5d}: {}".format(j_scan + 1,

        if len(sources) < s.schn1.nscans:
            s.wlog(1, "       There were duplicate sources. ")
                1, "       This is probably not what you wanted for "
        scans[scan_index - 1].startj = scans[scan_index - 2].stopj + \
                                       scans[in_scan - 1].gap

    scans[scan_index - 1].stopj = scans[scan_index - 1].startj + \
                                  scans[in_scan - 1].dur
    if scans[scan_index - 1].stopj > scans[0].startj + s.schcon.opdur:
        if in_scan >= s.schn1.nscans:
            done = True
            keep = False
            in_scan += 1
            scans[scan_index - 1].startj = scans[0].startj
            scans[scan_index - 1].stopj = scans[scan_index - 1].startj + \
                                          scans[in_scan - 1].dur

    if not done:
        scndup(scan_index - 1, in_scan - 1, False, "OPTUPT")

        for i, station in enumerate(stations):
            if station.stascn[scan_index - 1]:
                s.stageo(scan_index, i + 1, scans[scan_index - 1].startj, 0,
                station.stascn[scan_index - 1] = \
                    (f2str(station.up1[scan_index - 1]) == "") and \
                    (f2str(station.up2[scan_index - 1]) == "") and \
                    ((station.el1[scan_index - 1] +
                      station.el2[scan_index - 1]) / 2
                     > scans[scan_index - 1].opminel)

    return last_scan_index, adjust, keep, done
コード例 #26
ファイル: schin_module.py プロジェクト: bmarcote/sched
def schin(stdin):
    global record_defaults, state_defaults

    catalog = ScanCatalog()

    year = np.zeros(shape=(catalog.maxscan, ), dtype="int32")
    day = np.zeros(shape=(catalog.maxscan, ), dtype="int32")
    stop = np.zeros(shape=(catalog.maxscan, ), dtype="double")
    start = np.zeros(shape=(catalog.maxscan, ), dtype="double")
    mjd1 = 0
    if state_defaults["schedule"][0] == "":
        input_ = stdin
            input_ = open(util.expand_file_name(state_defaults["schedule"][0]),
        except Exception as e:
            s.wlog(1, str(e))
            s.errlog("SCHFILES: Problem opening schedule file {}".format(
    # the iterator might change, from file/stdin to (another) file,
    input_iterator = key.KeyfileIterator(input_, record_defaults,

    s.schn1.nsta = 0
    s.schsat.nsat = 0
    marker = -1
    s.schsta.msta = 0
    s.schsou.msrc = 0
    s.schsf.nsetf = 0
    s.schn1.scan1 = 1
    s.schsou.ngeo = 0
    gotsat = False
    doinit = True
    s.schn1.dwells = False
    dostwarn = True
    s.schcon.dovex = True
    gotvex = False
    s.schcon.coverlet = False
    s.schn5.allvlba = True
    s.schsou.anygeo = False
    s.schn1.fuzzy = False
    s.schn1.gotvlba = False
    s.schn1.gotpreem = False


    s.schcsc.csused.fill(b' ')

    s.schn2a.nintent = 0
    s.schc2c.intent.fill(b' ' * s.schc2c.intent.itemsize)

    restart = False

    index = 0
    while True:
            record = next(input_iterator)
            # a weird one, only dwell[0]'s default does not carry over
            state_defaults["dwell"][0][0] = parameter.unset
            # make a new scanexps overwrite the old list,
            # instead of the default behaviour of slicing into it
            old_scanexps = state_defaults["scanexps"][0]
            state_defaults["scanexps"][0] = []
            if restart:
                old_values, old_present = values, present
                values, present = util.merge_record_with_defaults(
                    record, record_defaults, state_defaults)
                    k: old_values[k]
                    for k in keep_for_next if k not in present
                present.update(old_present & keep_for_next)
                restart = False
                values, present = util.merge_record_with_defaults(
                    record, record_defaults, state_defaults)
            if "scanexps" not in present:
                state_defaults["scanexps"][0] = old_scanexps
                values["scanexps"] = old_scanexps

            if "exit" in present:
                if index == 0:
                    s.wlog(1, "SCHIN:  EXIT requested.  Shutting down.")

            s.schcon.debug = values["debug"]
            s.schcon.overwrit = values["overwrite"]
            s.schcon.override = values["override"]

            s.schsco.msgfile = util.resize_string(
                s.schsco.msgfile.itemsize, "msgfile")

            if s.schcon.debug and (index < 3):
                s.wlog(0, "DIVERT: Starting")

            s.schcon.freqlist = values["freqlist"]
            if "freqlist" in present:
                s.schsco.freqfile = util.resize_string(
                    s.schsco.freqfile.itemsize, "freqfile")
                s.wlog(1, "DIVERT:   Frequency table written.  Stopping.")

            s.schcon.noset = values["nosetup"]
            s.schcon.plot = values["plot"]
            s.schcon.pubplot = values["pubplot"]

            schedule = util.expand_file_name(values["schedule"])
            if (schedule != "") and \
               ((input_iterator.input_ is stdin) or
                (input_iterator.input_.name != schedule)):
                if s.schcon.debug:
                    s.wlog(0, "SCHFILES:  About to open {}".format(schedule))
                if input_iterator.input_ is not stdin:
                    input_ = open(schedule, "r")
                    input_iterator = key.KeyfileIterator(
                        input_, record_defaults, state_defaults)
                    restart = True
                    continue  # read next record from new iterator
                except Exception as e:
                    s.wlog(1, str(e))
                    s.errlog("SCHFILES: Problem opening schedule file {}".\
            gotsat, restart = schfiles(input_iterator, stdin, values, present,
            input_iterator.set_defaults(record_defaults, state_defaults)
            if restart:

            if index > catalog.maxscan:
                s.errlog("SCHIN: Too many scans, maximum {}".format(
            entry = catalog.entries[index]

            s.schsco.dosta = util.resize_string(values["dosta"],
            if (values["dosta"] != "ALL") and dostwarn:
                       "SCHIN:  DOSTA specified as {}".format(values["dosta"]))
                s.wlog(0, "        Some stations may be skipped.")
                dostwarn = False

            # nopeak overwrites peak and its default
            if "nopeak" in present:
                state_defaults["peak"][0] = values["peak"] = -1.

            if ("scanexps" in present) and \
               ("NONE" in (v.upper() for v in values["scanexps"])):
                state_defaults["scanexps"][0] = values["scanexps"] = []

            entry.set_keyin_values(values, attribute_to_key)

            mjd1 = gettim(values, catalog.entries, index, start, stop, day,
                          year, mjd1)
            gotvex = getsta(stdin, values, index, gotvex, mjd1)

            if entry.scnsrc == "":
                s.errlog("SCHIN: Need source name - blank specified.")

            if entry.geolen > 0:
                s.schsou.anygeo = True
                entry.geoiscn = index + 1

            pcal_map = {"OFF": "off", "1MHZ": "1MHz", "5MHZ": "5MHz"}
            if entry.pcal in pcal_map.keys():
                entry.pcal = pcal_map[entry.pcal]
            elif entry.pcal != "":
                s.errlog("SCHIN: Invalid PCAL ({}) specified in scan {}".\
                         format(entry.pcal, index+1))
            if entry.preempt == "EXTRA":
                s.schn1.fuzzy = True
            elif entry.preempt == "--":
                if entry.geolen > 0.:
                    entry.preempt = "NO"
                    entry.preempt = "OK"
            if entry.preempt != "OK":
                s.schn1.gotpreem = True

            gintent(values["intents"], catalog.entries, index)

            # toggle pairs
            if index == 0:
                get_default = lambda attribute: False
                prev_entry = catalog.entries[index - 1]
                get_default = lambda attribute: getattr(prev_entry, attribute)
            for attribute, key1, key2 in (("notsys", "notsys", "tsys"),
                                          ("norec", "norecord", "record"),
                                          ("pntvlba", "ptvlba", "noptvlba"),
                                          ("tanvlba", "tavlba", "notavlba"),
                                          ("dopn3db", "pn3db", "nopn3db")):
                    entry, attribute,
                    toggle(values, present, key1, key2,

            s.schcon.autopeak = values["autopeak"]
            s.schcon.pkwatch = values["pkwatch"]
            s.schsco.peakfile = util.resize_string(
                s.schsco.peakfile.itemsize, "peakfile")

            entry.setnum = SetupFileCatalog.extend_with(
                " SCHIN: Too many setup files. ")

            infdb(values, present, catalog.entries, index)
            invla(values, present, catalog.entries, index, 1)

            index, marker = schrep(values, catalog.entries, index, marker,
                                   start, stop, day, year)

            if "nchan" in present:
                s.wlog(1, "SCHIN: NCHAN in main schedule now ignored.")

            if s.schcon.debug:
                s.wlog(0, "SCHIN: Finished reading scan: {}".format(index + 1))

            index += 1
        except StopIteration:
    # end of scan reading loop

    if input_iterator.input_ is not stdin:

    s.schn1.nscans = index
    s.schn1.scanl = s.schn1.nscans
    if index <= 0:
        s.errlog("SCHIN: No input scans")

    s.schn1.wrap24 = values["wrap24"]
    if s.schn1.wrap24:
        for from_ in range(s.schn1.scanl):
            if from_ > 0:
                if (start[from_] != parameter.unset) or \
                   (stop[from_] != parameter.unset):
                    s.errlog("SCHIN: Do not use START or STOP times "
                             "after scan 1 with WRAP24. See scan: {}".\
            to = from_ + s.schn1.nscans
            scndup(to, from_, False, "SCHIN", use_direct_access=False)
            catalog.entries[to].annot = catalog.entries[from_].annot
            start[to] = parameter.unset
            stop[to] = parameter.unset
            day[to] = day[from_]
            year[to] = year[from_]
        s.schn1.scanl = 2 * s.schn1.nscans
        s.schn1.nscans = s.schn1.scanl
        index *= 2

    s.schc1.expt = util.resize_string(values["expt"], s.schc1.expt.itemsize,
    s.schc1.expcode = util.resize_string(values["expcode"],
                                         s.schc1.expcode.itemsize, "expcode")
    s.schcon.linepg = values["linepg"]
    s.schn5.tpref = values["tpref"]
    s.schn4.ptdur = values["ptdur"]
    s.schcon.precdate = values["precdate"]

    s.schcon.dovex = (values["dovex"] or gotvex)
    s.schcon.vextest = values["vextest"]

    s.schcon.domka = values["domka"]

    s.schsco.ephfile = util.resize_string(
        util.expand_file_name(values["ephfile"]), s.schsco.ephfile.itemsize,


    obstype = values["obstype"]
    if obstype[:4] == "MARK":
        obstype = "MK" + obstype[4:]
    s.schsco.obstyp = util.resize_string(obstype, s.schsco.obstyp.itemsize,
    s.schn1.mark2 = (obstype == "MKII")
    s.schn1.vlbitp = (obstype in ("VLBA", "MKIII", "VLBI", "MKIV"))
    s.schn1.vlaonly = (obstype == "VLA")
    s.schn1.notape = (obstype in ("VLA", "NONE", "PTVLBA", "CONFIG"))
    s.schn1.config = (obstype == "CONFIG")
    if not (s.schn1.mark2 or s.schn1.vlbitp or s.schn1.vlaonly
            or obstype in ("NONE", "PTVLBA", "CONFIG")):
        s.wlog(1, " SCHIN: Invalid OBSTYPE: {}".format(obstype))
        s.errlog(" SCHIN: OBSTYPE must be MKII, MKIII, VLBA, MKIV, "
                 "VLBI, VLA, NONE, or CONFIG")

    s.schn1.doscans = values["doscans"]
    if ((s.schn1.doscans[0] == 0) != (s.schn1.doscans[1] == 0)):
        s.errlog("If using DOSCANS, specify both!")

    s.schsco.optmode = util.resize_string(values["optmode"],
                                          s.schsco.optmode.itemsize, "optmode")
    s.schcon.opdur = values["opdur"]
    s.schcon.opnosub = values["opnosub"]
    s.schcon.opskip = values["opskip"]
    s.schcon.optslew = values["optslew"]
    s.schcon.optlowt = values["optlowt"]
    s.schsco.ophasta = util.resize_string(values["ophasta"],
                                          s.schsco.ophasta.itemsize, "ophasta")
    s.schcon.tapesync = values["tapesync"]
    s.schcon.opprtlev = values["opprtlev"]

    s.schcon.opelprio = values["opelprio"]
    s.schcon.maplim = values["maplim"]

    s.schcon.gridnr = values["gridnr"]
    s.schcon.gridnt = values["gridnt"]
    s.schcon.gridmin = values["gridmin"]
    s.schcon.gridmax = values["gridmax"]
    s.schcon.gridw0 = values["gridw0"]
    s.schcon.gridstep = values["gridstep"]
    s.schsco.gridmeas = util.resize_string(values["gridmeas"],
    s.schcon.gridvla = values["gridvla"]
    s.schcon.gridused = False
    s.schcon.nmfs = values["uvmfs"][0]
    s.schcon.mfsrat = values["uvmfs"][1]

    mgeo = s.schsou.geosrci.shape[0]
    geosrcs = [
        util.resize_string(src, s.schcsc.geosrc.itemsize, "geosrcs")
        for src in values["geosrcs"]
    s.schsou.ngeo = len(geosrcs[:mgeo])
    for i, src in enumerate(geosrcs):
        s.schcsc.geosrc[i] = src

    if s.schsou.anygeo and s.schsou.ngeo == 0:
        s.errlog("Geodetic segments requested, but no GEOSRCS given.")

    if s.schsou.anygeo:
        for entry in catalog.entries:
            if entry.scnsrc == "GEOSEG":
                entry.scnsrc = geosrcs[0]

    s.schsou.geoprt = values["geoprt"]
    s.schsou.geotries = values["geotries"]
    s.schsou.geoback = values["geoback"]
    s.schsou.geoslew = values["geoslew"]
    s.schsou.geoslow = values["geoslow"]
    s.schsou.geosrep = values["geosrep"]
    s.schsou.geohiel = values["geohiel"]
    s.schsou.geolowel = values["geolowel"]


    s.schn4.rotpat = values["rotpat"]
    s.schn4.foc = values["focoff"]
    s.schn4.rot = values["rotoff"]

    if "tapefile" in present:
        s.errlog("TAPEFILE given but tape initialization no longer "
                 "supported by SCHED")

    for i, sumitem in enumerate(values["sumitem"]):
        s.schsco.sumitem[i] = util.resize_string(sumitem,
    if values["sumitem"][0] == "":
        s.schsco.sumitem[0] = "ELA".ljust(s.schsco.sumitem.itemsize)
        s.schsco.sumitem[1] = "DWELL".ljust(s.schsco.sumitem.itemsize)

    invla(values, set(), catalog.entries, index, 2)  # index is dummy in case 2

    if s.schcon.debug:
        s.wlog(0, "SCHIN: About to read catalogs.")


    times(values["lst"], start, stop, day, year)

    s.schcsc.srcfile = util.resize_string(
        util.expand_file_name(values["srcfile"]), s.schcsc.srcfile.itemsize,
    s.schcsc.srcfile2 = util.resize_string(
        util.expand_file_name(values["srcfile2"]), s.schcsc.srcfile2.itemsize,

    sttant(values["tantsta1"], values["tantsta2"])

    s.schsco.freqfile = util.resize_string(
        util.expand_file_name(values["freqfile"]), s.schsco.freqfile.itemsize,
    s.schcon.freqlist = values["freqlist"]

    if "autotape" in present:
        s.wlog(1, "SCHIN:  Obsolete parameter AUTOTAPE given.  Ignored.")
    if "tape" in present:
        s.wlog(1, "'SCHIN:  Obsolete parameter TAPE given.  Ignored.")
    if "fastfor" in present:
        s.wlog(1, "SCHIN:  Obsolete parameter FASTFOR given.  Ignored.")
    if "reverse" in present:
        s.wlog(1, "SCHIN:  Obsolete parameter REVERSE given.  Ignored.")
コード例 #27
ファイル: scndup_module.py プロジェクト: bmarcote/sched
def scndup(to, from_, copyall, caller, use_direct_access=True):
    if s.schcon.debug:
        s.wlog(0, "SCNDUP: Duplicating scan {} to scan {}.  Called by: {} "
               "copyall = {}".format(from_+1, to+1, caller, copyall))
        s.wlog(0, "SCNDUP: ANNOT: {}".format(f2str(s.schc2a.annot[from_])))
    if to >= ScanCatalog.maxscan:
        s.errlog("SCHDUP: Output scan number {} too big for arrays of "
                 "dimension: {}".format(to+1, ScanCatalog.maxscan))

    # copy the scan
    if use_direct_access:
        for block, items in scan_catalog.block_items.items():
            for attr in items:
                if copyall or (attr not in copyall_attributes):
                    array = getattr(block, attr)
                    array[..., to] = array[..., from_]
        entries = scan_catalog.entries
        for attr in scan_catalog.extended_attributes:
            setattr(entries[to], attr, 
                    copy.deepcopy(getattr(entries[from_], attr)))
        entries = scan_catalog.entries
        if not copyall:
            original = {k: getattr(entries[to], k) for k in copyall_attributes}
        # copy entry dict so the all references to entry are updated
        entries[to].__dict__ = copy.deepcopy(entries[from_].__dict__)
        if not copyall:
            for k, v in original.items():
                setattr(entries[to], k, v)
    s.schn2a.nsetup[to, :] = s.schn2a.nsetup[from_, :]
    s.schn2a.fseti[to, :] = s.schn2a.fseti[from_, :]
    s.schn2a.stascn[to, :] = s.schn2a.stascn[from_, :]
    s.schn2b.dopincr[to, :] = s.schn2b.dopincr[from_, :]
    if not copyall:
        # reset some entries
        if use_direct_access:
            s.schn2a.duronly[to] = 1
            s.schc2a.annot[to] = "".ljust(s.schc2a.annot.itemsize)
            entries[to].duronly = 1
            entries[to].annot = ""
        # copy station entries
        s.schn5.tpstart[to, :] = s.schn5.tpstart[from_, :]
        s.schn5.tcorr[to, :] = s.schn5.tcorr[from_, :]
        s.schn5.gbytes[to, :] = s.schn5.gbytes[from_, :]
        s.schn6.lst1[to, :] = s.schn6.lst1[from_, :]
        s.schn6.lst2[to, :] = s.schn6.lst2[from_, :]
        s.schn6.tonsrc[to, :] = s.schn6.tonsrc[from_, :]
        s.schn6.tslew[to, :] = s.schn6.tslew[from_, :]
        s.schn6.el1[to, :] = s.schn6.el1[from_, :]
        s.schn6.az1[to, :] = s.schn6.az1[from_, :]
        s.schn6.ha1[to, :] = s.schn6.ha1[from_, :]
        s.schn6.pa1[to, :] = s.schn6.pa1[from_, :]
        s.schc6.up1[to, :] = s.schc6.up1[from_, :]
        s.schn6.el2[to, :] = s.schn6.el2[from_, :]
        s.schn6.az2[to, :] = s.schn6.az2[from_, :]
        s.schn6.ha2[to, :] = s.schn6.ha2[from_, :]
        s.schn6.pa2[to, :] = s.schn6.pa2[from_, :]
        s.schc6.up2[to, :] = s.schc6.up2[from_, :]

    if not use_direct_access:
        # update the scan related attributes of stations in the catalog
コード例 #28
def stread(input_iterator, stdin, mjd1):

    if input_iterator.input_ is stdin:
        infile = "Program_input"
        locfile = "NOLOC"
        infile = input_iterator.input_.name
        locfile = util.f2str(s.schcst.locafile)

    # 100 - 25: magic number copied from stread.f
           "STREAD:  Reading station catalog: {}".format(infile[-(100 - 25):]))
    s.wlog(0, "STREAD:  Reading locations file:  {}".format(locfile))

    if locfile.upper not in ("NONE", "NOLOC"):
            f = open(locfile, "r")
        except Exception as e:
            noloc = True
            with f:
                location_keyin_data = key.read_keyfile(f)
            noloc = False
        noloc = True

    mdb = s.rdcatn.dbx.shape[0]
    if (not noloc) and (len(location_keyin_data) > mdb):
            "RDLOC: Too many stations in location file. Max: {}".format(mdb))

    station_state_defaults = {
        "version": ["", util.noop],
    station_record_defaults = {
        "station": ["NONAME", util.upper],
        "stcode": ["XX", util.noop],
        "dbname": ["", util.noop],
        "dbcode": ["", util.noop],
        "frame": ["XX", util.noop],
        "elev": [0., util.noop],
        "lat": [0., util.multiply_by(parameter.raddeg / 3600.)],
        "long": [0., util.multiply_by(parameter.raddeg / 3600.)],
        "zalim": [None, util.noop],
        "x": [0., util.noop],
        "y": [0., util.noop],
        "z": [0., util.noop],
        "dxdt": [0., util.noop],
        "dydt": [0., util.noop],
        "dzdt": [0., util.noop],
        "epoch": [0., util.noop],
        "descrip": ["", util.noop],
        "control": ["NONE", util.upper],
        "dar": ["NONE", util.noop],
        "recorder": ["NONE", util.noop],
        "ndrives": [2., util.noop],
        "nheads": [1., util.noop],
        "disk": ["", util.noop],
        # two spellings, disk has preference over disc
        "disc": ["NONE", util.noop],
        "disk": ["NONE", util.noop],
        "mediadef": ["NONE", util.noop],
        "nbbc": [8., util.noop],
        "dbbcver": ["ASTRO", util.noop],
        "hor_az": [[], util.noop],
        "hor_el": [[], util.noop],
        "ax1lim": [[-90., 450.], util.noop],
        "ax2lim": [[2., 90.], util.noop],
        "ax1rate": [1000., util.noop],
        "ax2rate": [1000., util.noop],
        "ax1acc": [[1000., 0], util.noop],
        "ax2acc": [[1000., 0], util.noop],
        "mount": ["ALTAZ", util.noop],
        "axistype": [0., util.noop],
        "axisoff": [0., util.noop],
        "tsettle": [0., util.noop],
        "minsetup": [0., util.noop],
        "tscal": ["GAP", util.upper],
        "maxsrchr": [1e6, util.noop],
        "tlevset": [0., util.noop],
        "endcat": [0., util.noop],

    location_state_defaults = {
        "version": ["Not known", util.noop],

    location_record_defaults = {
        "dbname": ["", util.noop],
        "dbcode": ["", util.noop],
        "frame": ["", util.noop],
        "axistype": ["", util.noop],
        "axisoff": [0., util.noop],
        "x": [0., util.noop],
        "y": [0., util.noop],
        "z": [0., util.noop],
        "dxdt": [0., util.noop],
        "dydt": [0., util.noop],
        "dzdt": [0., util.noop],
        "epoch": [0., util.noop],
        "begin": [0., util.noop],
        "end": [1e5, util.noop],

    locations = collections.defaultdict(list)
    if not noloc:
        for loc in location_keyin_data:
            values, present = util.merge_record_with_defaults(
                loc, location_record_defaults, location_state_defaults)

    # warn about location close together with time overlap
    # don't warn about known cases
    compare_locations = [
        loc for loc in sum(locations.values(), []) if loc["dbname"] not in (
            "MIAMI20", "SINTOTU") and not loc["dbname"].startswith("VLA")
    for loc_a, loc_b in itertools.combinations(compare_locations, 2):
        separation = math.sqrt(sum([(loc_a[d] - loc_b[d])**2 for d in "xyz"]))
        time_overlap = (min(loc_a["end"], loc_b["end"]) > max(
            loc_a["begin"], loc_b["begin"]))
        if (separation < 10.) and time_overlap:
                0, "RDLOC:  Locations.dat stations {}   and {}   appear to "
                "be the same (time and position).  Sep (m):{:10.2f}".format(
                    loc_a["dbname"], loc_b["dbname"], separation))

    # update the station values with station and location file catalog values
    station_catalog = StationCatalog()

    warnxyz = True
    locwarn = True
    # map from station catalog entry attributes to keyin keywords
    attribute_to_key = dict(
        zip(station_catalog.attributes, station_catalog.attributes))
        "long_bn": "long",
        "horaz": "hor_az",
        "horel": "hor_el",
        "xpos": "x",
        "ypos": "y",
        "zpos": "z",
        "dxpos": "dxdt",
        "dypos": "dydt",
        "dzpos": "dzdt",
        "mjdrate": "epoch",
        "axoff": "axisoff",
        "stndriv": "ndrives"

    start = int(s.schsta.msta)
    index = start
    seen = set(entry.station for entry in station_catalog.entries[:index])
    for record in input_iterator:
        station_values, present = util.merge_record_with_defaults(
            record, station_record_defaults, station_state_defaults)
        if "endcat" in present:

        if index >= len(station_catalog.entries):
            s.errlog(" STREAD: Too many stations in catalog, max {} "
                     " Last station: {}".format(

        if station_values["station"] in seen:
            s.wlog(0, "STREAD:  Ignoring extra station catalog entry for {}".\

        # disc/disk confusion cases
        if "disk" not in present:
            station_values["disk"] = station_values["disc"]
        if station_values["mediadef"] == "DISC":
            station_values["mediadef"] = "DISK"

        # copy all values to the common block placeholder
        entry = station_catalog.entries[index]
        entry.set_keyin_values(station_values, attribute_to_key)

        entry.stcodeu = entry.stcode.upper()

        # fill in x, y, z from elev, lat, long (or reverse)
        gotxyz = ((entry.xpos, entry.ypos, entry.zpos) != (0., 0., 0.))
        gotllh = ((entry.elev, entry.lat, entry.long_bn) != (0., 0., 0.))
        if gotxyz and gotllh and warnxyz:
            s.putout("RDSTA: Both XYZ and Lat/Long coordinates given for some "
            s.putout("       There is nothing to insure they agree.")
            warnxyz = False

        conversion_mode = None  # 0: llh -> xyz, 1: xyz -> llh
        if gotxyz and (not gotllh or (entry.elev > 1e6)):
            conversion_mode = 1
        elif gotllh and not gotxyz:
            conversion_mode = 0
        elif not gotllh and not gotxyz:
            if noloc or (len(locations) == 0):
                if locwarn:
                    if locfile.upper() == "NOLOC":
                        s.putout("RDSTA: **Cannot use locations catalog with "
                                 "in-line stations catalog.")
                    elif locfile.upper() != "NONE":
                        s.putout("RDSTA:  Could not open locations catalog: "
                    locwarn = False
                s.putout("RDSTA:   No coordinates for {}".format(
                # get xyz from locations catalog
                station_locations = locations.get(station_values["dbname"])
                if station_locations is not None:
                    for location in station_locations:
                        if location["begin"] <= mjd1 < location["end"]:
                            for attribute in [
                                    "xpos", "ypos", "zpos", "dxpos", "dypos",
                                    "dzpos", "mjdrate", "axoff"
                                setattr(entry, attribute,
                            conversion_mode = 1
                if conversion_mode is None:
                    s.putout("RDSTA: No coordinates in stations or locations "
                             "file for {} dbname: {}".format(
                    s.putout("RDSTA: Check date range in addition to names.")

        if conversion_mode is not None:
            (entry.long_bn, entry.lat, entry.elev,
             entry.xpos, entry.ypos, entry.zpos, ier) = \
                         entry.long_bn, entry.lat, entry.elev,
                         entry.xpos, entry.ypos, entry.zpos)
            if ier != 0:
                s.putout("RDSTA: Problem with coordinate conversions for {}".\

        if entry.ax1acc[1] == 0:
            entry.ax1acc[1] = entry.ax1acc[0]
        if entry.ax2acc[1] == 0:
            entry.ax2acc[1] = entry.ax2acc[0]

        entry.naxlim = min(len(entry.ax1lim), len(entry.ax2lim)) // 2

        if "zalim" not in present:
            if entry.mount == "ALTAZ":
                entry.zalim = 90. - entry.ax2lim[0]
                entry.zalim = 90.

        control = station_values["control"]
        entry.vlbadar = ((len(control) >= 5) and (control[4] == 'V'))

        dar = station_values["dar"]
        entry.useonsrc = ((dar.startswith("RDBE")
                           and control.startswith("VLBA"))
                          or ((dar == "WIDAR") and (control == "VEX")))

        def check(value, allowed, not_supported, station, element_type):
            if value not in allowed:
                s.errlog("STREAD: Invalid {} type {} for {}".format(
                    element_type, value, station))
            if value in not_supported:
                s.errlog("STREAD: {} type {} no longer supported by "
                         "SCHED.  Station: {}".format(
                             element_type[0].upper() + element_type[1:], value,

        check(entry.control, ("VLA", "VLBA", "NRAO", "NRAOV", "SNAP", "VEX",
                              "SN50", "VSOP", "NONE"), ("SNAP", "SN50"),
              entry.station, "control")
        if entry.control.startswith("VLA"):
            s.errlog("STREAD: Control type VLA (old system card images) no "
                     "longer supported.  Use VEX.")

              ("VLBA", "RDBE", "RDBE2", "DBBC", "DBBC3", "VLBAG", "MKIV",
               "MKIII", "S2", "K4", "K5", "VERA", "VSOP", "VLBA4", "LBA",
               "R1002", "WIDAR", "CDAS", "eMERL", "NONE"), ("MKIII", "S2"),
              entry.station, "DAR")

              ("VLBA", "MKIV", "VLBA4", "MKIII", "S2", "K4", "K5", "VERA",
               "VSOP", "MARK5A", "MARK5B", "MARK5C", "NONE"), ("MKIII", "S2"),
              entry.station, "recorder")

        check(entry.disk, ("MARK5A", "MARK5B", "MARK5C", "LBADR", "NONE"),
              tuple(), entry.station, "DISK")

        check(entry.mediadef, ("TAPE", "DISK", "NONE"), tuple(), entry.station,

        if (entry.xpos, entry.ypos, entry.zpos) == (0., 0., 0.):
            s.errlog("STREAD: Location required for {}: infile={}, locfile={}".\
                     format(entry.station, infile, locfile))

        if entry.tscal not in ("CONT", "GAP"):
            s.errlog("STREAD: Unknown TSCAL for {}:  {}".format(
                entry.station, entry.tscal))

        index += 1

    s.schsta.msta = index

    s.schcst.stver = util.resize_string(station_state_defaults["version"][0],
                                        s.schcst.stver.itemsize, "version")
    s.schcst.locaver = util.resize_string(
        location_state_defaults["version"][0], s.schcst.locaver.itemsize,

    station_catalog.write(range(start, index))
コード例 #29
def getcov(values):
    s.schco.schver = values["version"]
    for attribute in [
            "piname", "phone", "email", "fax", "obsphone", "obsmode"
            s.schsco, attribute,
                               getattr(s.schsco, attribute).itemsize,
    for i in range(4):
        address = "address" + str(i + 1)
        s.schsco.address[i] = util.resize_string(values[address],
        note = "note" + str(i + 1)
        s.schsco.note[i] = util.resize_string(values[note],
                                              s.schsco.note.itemsize, note)

    if s.schcon.debug:
        s.wlog(0, "GETCOV: Checking cover information.")

    missing = False
    if s.schco.schver == 0.:
        s.wlog(1, "     Schedule version is missing. ")
        missing = True
    if values["piname"] == "":
        s.wlog(1, "     No PINAME given. ")
        missing = True
    if values["address1"] == "":
        s.wlog(1, "     No address specified.")
        missing = True
    if values["phone"] == "":
        s.wlog(1, "     No PI phone number specified.")
        missing = True
    if (values["email"] == "") and (values["fax"] == ""):
        s.wlog(1, "     No email address or fax number specified.")
        missing = True

    if missing:
        s.wlog(1, "GETCOV:  Cover information incomplete or missing.")
        if not s.schn1.notape and not s.schcon.plot:
            s.errlog("GETCOV: Cover information is required for VLBI "
        if s.schcon.plot:
                1, "GETCOV: Sched will plot, but not write telescope "
                "control files.")

    text = [
        "Schedule Version: {:10.2f}".format(float(s.schco.schver)),
        "Processed by SCHED version: {:6.2f}  {}".format(
            bytes(s.verc.version).decode()), "PI:       {}".format(
                values["piname"]), "Address:  {}".format(values["address1"]),
        "          {}".format(values["address2"]), "          {}".format(
            values["address3"]), "          {}".format(values["address4"]),
        "Phone:    {}".format(values["phone"]), "EMAIL:    {}".format(
            values["email"]), "Fax:      {}".format(values["fax"]),
        "Phone during observation: {}".format(values["obsphone"]),
        "Observing mode: {}".format(values["obsmode"]), "Notes:    {}".format(
            values["note1"]), "          {}".format(values["note2"]),
        "          {}".format(values["note3"]),
        "          {}".format(values["note4"])
    line = next((line for line in text if line.find("!") != -1), None)
    if line is not None:
            1, "GETCOV: Please do not use exclamation marks in the cover "
            1, "        They mess up the parsing of the CRD files at the "
            "VLBA stations.")
        s.wlog(1, "        One was found in the line: ")
        s.wlog(1, line)
        s.errlog("SCHIN: Remove exclamation marks.")

    for index, line in enumerate(text):
        s.schsco.cover[index] = util.resize_string(line,
コード例 #30
def geochk(j_scan, scan_index, start_time, end_time):
    ok_geo = np.empty(shape=s.schsou.geosrci.shape, dtype=bool)
    use_geo = np.empty(shape=s.schsou.geosrci.shape, dtype=int)

    scans = scan_catalog.direct_access_entries
    stations = station_catalog.used(use_direct_access=True)
    sources = source_catalog.entries

    seg_elevation = np.empty(dtype=float, shape=(len(stations), s.schsou.ngeo))

    use_time = True
    last_scan_index = np.zeros(shape=(StationCatalog.maxsta, ))
    approx_time = (start_time + end_time) / 2
    n_reject = 0

    if len(stations) > 20:
        s.wlog(1, "GEOCHK:  Printing only first 20 stations information")
        ms_print = 20
        ms_print = len(stations)

    s.wlog(1, "             --------------------- ")
    year, day, time_rad = s.timej(approx_time)
    c_time = f2str(s.tformwrp(time_rad, "T", 0, 2, 2, "::@"))
        1, "Building geodetic segment centered at {} {} {}".format(
            year, day, c_time))
        1, "   Using GEOPRT={:>4}     GEOTRIES={:>4}    GEOBACK={:>3}     "
        "GEOSREP={:>3}".format(s.schsou.geoprt, s.schsou.geotries,
                               s.schsou.geoback, s.schsou.geosrep))
        1, "         GEOSLEW={:>6.2f}  GEOSLOW={:>7.1f}  GELOWEL={:>6.2f}  "
        "GEOHIEL={:>6.2f}".format(s.schsou.geoslew, s.schsou.geoslow,
                                  s.schsou.geolowel, s.schsou.geohiel))
    s.wlog(1, "         See sched.runlog for details of the build process.")

    if s.schsou.geoprt >= 0:
            0, "       Note in fit, SecZ < 4 treated as 4 to avoid favoring "
            "extreme low elevations.")
        s.wlog(0, "Elevations at center for sources considered are: ")
            0, "                  Prio " + "   ".join(s.stcode
                                                      for s in stations[:20]))

    elevation_tolerance = 0

    sun_coord = SkyCoord(*s.sunpos(approx_time), unit="rad")
    t_freq = sf_catalog.entries[scans[j_scan - 1].setnum - 1].sffreq[0] / 1000
    required_separation = 60 * (t_freq**-0.6)

    for geo_index in range(s.schsou.ngeo):
        l_scan = scan_index + 1
        n_good = makescn(last_scan_index, l_scan, j_scan,
                         f2str(s.schcsc.geosrc[geo_index]), approx_time,
                         scans[j_scan - 1].opminel - elevation_tolerance,

        for i, station in enumerate(stations):
            seg_elevation[i, geo_index] = (station.el1[l_scan - 1] +
                                           station.el2[l_scan - 1]) / 2

        ok_geo[geo_index] = (n_good >= scans[j_scan - 1].opmian)

        source = sources[s.schsou.geosrci[geo_index] - 1]
        source_coord = SkyCoord(source.rap, source.decp, unit="rad")
        source_separation = sun_coord.separation(source_coord).deg

        ok_geo[geo_index] = ok_geo[geo_index] and \
                            (source_separation > required_separation)

        if not ok_geo[geo_index]:
            n_reject += 1
            use_geo[geo_index] = 9

        if ok_geo[geo_index]:
            use_geo[geo_index] = 5
            for i, station in enumerate(stations):
                if station.stascn[l_scan - 1]:
                    if (seg_elevation[i, geo_index] <= s.schsou.geolowel + 10):
                        use_geo[geo_index] = 4
            for i, station in enumerate(stations):
                if station.stascn[l_scan - 1]:
                    if (seg_elevation[i, geo_index] <= s.schsou.geolowel):
                        use_geo[geo_index] = 3

            n_low = 0
            n_high = 0
            for i, station in enumerate(stations):
                if station.stascn[l_scan - 1] and \
                   (seg_elevation[i, geo_index] >
                    (scans[j_scan - 1].opminel - elevation_tolerance)) and \
                   (seg_elevation[i, geo_index] <= s.schsou.geolowel):
                    n_low += 1
                if station.stascn[l_scan - 1] and \
                   (seg_elevation[i, geo_index] >= s.schsou.geohiel):
                    n_high += 1

            if ((n_low >= 1) and (n_high >= 3)) or (n_low >= 3):
                use_geo[geo_index] = 2
            if (n_low >= 2) and (n_high >= 2):
                use_geo[geo_index] = 1

        if s.schsou.geoprt >= 0:
            msg = "{:>5d} {:<8} {:>5d}".format(
                geo_index + 1, f2str(s.schcsc.geosrc[geo_index]),
            msg += "".join(
                "{:5.0f}".format(el) if el > (scans[l_scan - 1].opminel -
                                              elevation_tolerance) else "   --"
                for el in seg_elevation[:, geo_index])
            if source_separation <= required_separation:
                msg += "   Too near sun: {:5.0f} deg.".format(
            s.wlog(0, msg)

    if n_reject == s.schsou.ngeo:
        s.errlog("GEOCHK:  None of the sources specified for a geodetic "
                 "segment are up at OPMINANT antennas.")

    return ok_geo, use_geo, seg_elevation