# number of samples for training and testing meta-models #number of samples in each climate zone = num_sample * number of sensitive model inputs num_sample = 6 # parameters' library # list the entire sets of some inputs ############################################################################### # 0.change the idf file to 15 minute format import scheduleChange as schedule ## 0.1.get schedule information(15 min intervel) exclude design day schedule for cz in climate: schedule.schedule('./sourceFolder/' + cz + '.idf', cz) ## 0.2.change the schedule to 15min interval for cz in climate: schedule.modify('./sourceFolder/' + cz + '.idf', './results/scheduleInformation/' + cz + 'schedule.csv', cz) ###################################################################################### #1.sampleing: get different value of model input (LHM) import sampleMeta as samp for cz in climate: data_set, param_values = samp.sampleMeta(num_sample, cz) # data_set contains variables name, min value, max value in climate zone cz #param_values is the sample which contain the vaiables' value ## record the data in the folder './results/samples' ## store the information of data_set with open('./results/samples/data_set.csv', 'wb') as csvfile: for row in data_set: data = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',') data.writerow(row)
y_best_post = [40.60,40.60,39.72,41.48,39.72,36.19,45.01,40.60,41.48,47.66,43.25,52.96,47.66,56.49,75.02] y_best_pre = [44.16,44.16,43.20,45.12,43.20,39.36,48.96,44.16,45.12,51.84,47.04,57.60,51.84,61.44,81.61] # number of samples num_sample = 4 pathway = os.getcwd() ############################################################################### # 0.change the idf file to 15 minute format import scheduleChange as schedule os.chdir(pathway) ## 0.1.get schedule information(15 min intervel) exclude design day schedule schedule.schedule ('./sourceFolder_pre/1A.idf','pre') schedule.schedule ('./sourceFolder_post/1A.idf','post') ## 0.2.change the schedule to 15min interval for cz in climate: schedule.modify('./sourceFolder_pre/'+cz+'.idf','./results/scheduleInformation/pre_schedule.csv',cz,'pre') schedule.modify('./sourceFolder_post/'+cz+'.idf','./results/scheduleInformation/post_schedule.csv',cz,'post') ###################################################################################### #1.sampleing: get different value of model input (LHM) import sampleMeta as samp os.chdir(pathway) data_set,param_values = samp.sampleMeta(num_sample,'1A','pre') with open('./results/samples/data_set.csv', 'wb') as csvfile: for row in data_set: data = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',') data.writerow(row) ## store the information of param_values with open('./results/samples/param_values.csv', 'wb') as csvfile: