コード例 #1
    def setUp(self):

        # too lazy to re create 'scheduler.json', so put in the
        # future semesters we need
        for i in range(13, 33):
            for sem in ['A', 'B']:
                semester = "%s%s" % (i, sem)
                s = DSSSemester(semester = semester)
コード例 #2
    def setUp(self):

        # too lazy to re create 'scheduler.json', so put in the
        # future semesters we need
        for i in range(13, 33):
            for sem in ['A', 'B']:
                semester = "%s%s" % (i, sem)
                s = DSSSemester(semester = semester)
        # I'm too lazy to fix the scheduler.json - missing commissioning
        c = Observing_Type.objects.get_or_create(type = 'commissioning')
        self.sponsor = DSSSponsor(name = "WVU", abbreviation = "WVU")

        # get the one proposal and it's one session
        self.proposal = Proposal.objects.all()[0]
        s = self.proposal.session_set.all()[0]

        # give it some values so it will show up 
        s.grade = SessionGrade.objects.get(grade = 'A')
        s.target.min_lst = 0.0
        s.target.max_lst = hr2rad(12.5)
        time = 6.5 # hrs
        s.allotment.allocated_time = time # hrs
        s.allotment.allocated_repeats = 1 
        self.session = s
コード例 #3
        def genProposalInfo(conflictedPcode):
            conflict     = [c for c in self.conflicts[pcode]['conflicts'] if c['searchedProp'].pcode == conflictedPcode][0]
            searched     = conflict['searchedProp']
            complete     = ''
            thisSemester = 'V' if DssSemester.getCurrentSemester().semester == searched.semester.semester else 'S'
            if searched.dss_project is not None and searched.dss_project.complete:
                complete = 'C' 

            lastObsDate = conflict['lastObsDate'].strftime('%m/%d/%Y') if conflict['lastObsDate']is not None else ''
            grades = ', '.join(set([s.grade.grade if s.grade is not None else '?' for s in searched.session_set.all()]))
            return [Paragraph(searched.pcode, self.styleSheet)
                  , Paragraph(lastObsDate, self.styleSheet)
                  , Paragraph(grades, self.styleSheet)
                  , Paragraph(searched.title, self.styleSheet)
                  , Paragraph(searched.pi.getLastFirstName(), self.styleSheet)
                  , Paragraph(thisSemester, self.styleSheet)
                  , Paragraph(complete, self.styleSheet)
                  , Paragraph(searched.spectral_line or '', self.styleSheet)