def scheduleMsg(request): param = 0 if(request.method == "GET"): param = request.GET elif (request.method == "POST"): param = request.POST hour = int(param.__getitem__("hour")) day = int(param.__getitem__("day")) if (hour == 0): hour = 24 day -= 1 hour -= 1 timeToSend = datetime (int(param.__getitem__("year")), int(param.__getitem__("month")), day, hour, int(param.__getitem__("minute")), 0, 1, timezone('America/New_York')) recepient = param.__getitem__("sendto") content = param.__getitem__("body") print ("Scheduled reminder for "+ timeToSend) msg.apply_async((recepient, content), eta = timeToSend) return HttpResponse("Great Success!")
def scheduleMsg(request): param = 0 if (request.method == "GET"): param = request.GET elif (request.method == "POST"): param = request.POST hour = int(param.__getitem__("hour")) day = int(param.__getitem__("day")) if (hour == 0): hour = 24 day -= 1 hour -= 1 timeToSend = datetime(int(param.__getitem__("year")), int(param.__getitem__("month")), day, hour, int(param.__getitem__("minute")), 0, 1, timezone('America/New_York')) recepient = param.__getitem__("sendto") content = param.__getitem__("body") print("Scheduled reminder for " + timeToSend) msg.apply_async((recepient, content), eta=timeToSend) return HttpResponse("Great Success!")
def process (request): params = 0 if(request.method == "GET"): params = request.GET elif (request.method == "POST"): params = request.POST outgoingPhone = params.__getitem__("sendTo") pid = params.__getitem__("pid") connect = urllib2.urlopen(""+pid+"/events?key=AIzaSyD0lg0dtSNdKV1Ap8OIySXOGtozrzhnuRo") mapsinput = json.load(connect) events = (mapsinput ["items"]) lastEvent = "" scheduledCoffee = False scheduledLunch = False for event in events: if (lastEvent == ""): nextStart = event["start"]["dateTime"][:-5] if(nextStart [-1] == "-"): nextStart = nextStart[:-1] nextStart = datetime.strptime(nextStart, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') timeToSend = datetime (nextStart.year, nextStart.month,, nextStart.hour-2, nextStart.minute, 0, 1, timezone('America/New_York')) msg.apply_async((outgoingPhone, "Your first appointment of the day is in less than an hour"), eta = timeToSend) lastEvent = event continue lastEnd = lastEvent["end"]["dateTime"][:-5] nextStart = event["start"]["dateTime"][:-5] if(lastEnd [-1] == "-"): lastEnd = lastEnd[:-1] if(nextStart [-1] == "-"): nextStart = nextStart[:-1] lastEnd = datetime.strptime(lastEnd, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') nextStart = datetime.strptime(nextStart, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') maxTravelTime = nextStart - lastEnd maxTravelTime = maxTravelTime.total_seconds() requestUrl = ""+lastEvent["location"]+"&destination="+event["location"]+"&sensor=false" requestUrl = requestUrl.replace(" ", "%20") googleMapRoute = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(requestUrl)) routeLegs = (googleMapRoute ["routes"][0]["legs"]) time = 0 for leg in routeLegs: time += leg["duration"]["value"] if(maxTravelTime < time): print ("Notifying user of conflict") account_sid = "AC03701871ae569b1ec0facf7b8ad41e19" auth_token = "9908bfe073c98b4ac3fc0afce32ff77f" client = TwilioRestClient(account_sid, auth_token) message = client.sms.messages.create(body="You will not have enough time to reach "+event["summary"]+" at "+event["location"]+".", to=outgoingPhone, from_="+12024996660") else: nextStart = nextStart - timedelta(seconds = time + 600) timeToSend = datetime (nextStart.year, nextStart.month,, nextStart.hour-2, nextStart.minute, 0, 1, timezone('America/New_York')) print ("Creating reminder for "+str(timeToSend)) msg.apply_async((outgoingPhone, "You must leave within 10 minutes to make "+event["summary"]+" at "+event["location"]+"."), eta = timeToSend) if(maxTravelTime - time > 45 * 60): if(nextStart.hour <11 and (lastEnd.hour<10 or lastEnd.minute <= 30) and not scheduledCoffee): client = TwilioRestClient(account_sid, auth_token) message = client.sms.messages.create(body="You have time for coffee at " + str(lastEnd) + ".", to=outgoingPhone, from_="+12024996660") scheduledCoffee = True elif (not scheduledLunch): message = client.sms.messages.create(body="You have time for coffee at " +str(lastEnd) +". Making reservations", to=outgoingPhone, from_="+12024996660") scheduledLunch = True lastEvent = event return HttpResponse("Success")
def process(request): params = 0 if (request.method == "GET"): params = request.GET elif (request.method == "POST"): params = request.POST outgoingPhone = params.__getitem__("sendTo") pid = params.__getitem__("pid") connect = urllib2.urlopen( "" + pid + "/events?key=AIzaSyD0lg0dtSNdKV1Ap8OIySXOGtozrzhnuRo") mapsinput = json.load(connect) events = (mapsinput["items"]) lastEvent = "" scheduledCoffee = False scheduledLunch = False for event in events: if (lastEvent == ""): nextStart = event["start"]["dateTime"][:-5] if (nextStart[-1] == "-"): nextStart = nextStart[:-1] nextStart = datetime.strptime(nextStart, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') timeToSend = datetime(nextStart.year, nextStart.month,, nextStart.hour - 2, nextStart.minute, 0, 1, timezone('America/New_York')) msg.apply_async( (outgoingPhone, "Your first appointment of the day is in less than an hour"), eta=timeToSend) lastEvent = event continue lastEnd = lastEvent["end"]["dateTime"][:-5] nextStart = event["start"]["dateTime"][:-5] if (lastEnd[-1] == "-"): lastEnd = lastEnd[:-1] if (nextStart[-1] == "-"): nextStart = nextStart[:-1] lastEnd = datetime.strptime(lastEnd, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') nextStart = datetime.strptime(nextStart, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') maxTravelTime = nextStart - lastEnd maxTravelTime = maxTravelTime.total_seconds() requestUrl = "" + lastEvent[ "location"] + "&destination=" + event["location"] + "&sensor=false" requestUrl = requestUrl.replace(" ", "%20") googleMapRoute = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(requestUrl)) routeLegs = (googleMapRoute["routes"][0]["legs"]) time = 0 for leg in routeLegs: time += leg["duration"]["value"] if (maxTravelTime < time): print("Notifying user of conflict") account_sid = "AC03701871ae569b1ec0facf7b8ad41e19" auth_token = "9908bfe073c98b4ac3fc0afce32ff77f" client = TwilioRestClient(account_sid, auth_token) message = client.sms.messages.create( body="You will not have enough time to reach " + event["summary"] + " at " + event["location"] + ".", to=outgoingPhone, from_="+12024996660") else: nextStart = nextStart - timedelta(seconds=time + 600) timeToSend = datetime(nextStart.year, nextStart.month,, nextStart.hour - 2, nextStart.minute, 0, 1, timezone('America/New_York')) print("Creating reminder for " + str(timeToSend)) msg.apply_async( (outgoingPhone, "You must leave within 10 minutes to make " + event["summary"] + " at " + event["location"] + "."), eta=timeToSend) if (maxTravelTime - time > 45 * 60): if (nextStart.hour < 11 and (lastEnd.hour < 10 or lastEnd.minute <= 30) and not scheduledCoffee): client = TwilioRestClient(account_sid, auth_token) message = client.sms.messages.create( body="You have time for coffee at " + str(lastEnd) + ".", to=outgoingPhone, from_="+12024996660") scheduledCoffee = True elif (not scheduledLunch): message = client.sms.messages.create( body="You have time for coffee at " + str(lastEnd) + ". Making reservations", to=outgoingPhone, from_="+12024996660") scheduledLunch = True lastEvent = event return HttpResponse("Success")