def test_equal_duration(self): initial_jobs = [self.job(1, 2), self.job(1, 1), self.job(1, 3)] schedule(initial_jobs) self.assertEqual( initial_jobs, [self.job(1, 3), self.job(1, 2), self.job(1, 1)])
def test_equal_priority(self): initial_jobs = [self.job(3, 1), self.job(2, 1), self.job(1, 1)] schedule(initial_jobs) self.assertEqual( initial_jobs, [self.job(1, 1), self.job(2, 1), self.job(3, 1)])
def simple_avoid_ob(status): left, middle, right = status print(middle) if middle == 0: change_flag_nothing() car.back() scheduler.schedule('avoid_ob', (80, car.rotate_left), (100, change_flag_return), (1, car.go), (250, car.rotate_right), (160, car.go))
def cps_tak (k, x, y, z): if y >= x: schedule (k, z) else: def kf2 (v8): schedule (k, v8) def kf5 (v9): def kf4 (v10): def kf3 (v11): cps_tak (kf2, v9, v10, v11) cps_tak (kf3, z-1, x, y) cps_tak (kf4, y-1, z, x) cps_tak (kf5, x-1, y, z)
def reschedule(self): """ Reschedule all recordings. """ if self.locked: # system busy, call again later kaa.OneShotTimer(self.reschedule).start(0.1) yield False self.locked = True # get current time (UTC) ctime = int(time.time()) # remove old recorderings self.recordings = filter(lambda r: r.start > ctime - 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, self.recordings) # run the scheduler to attach devices to recordings yield scheduler.schedule(self.recordings) # sort by start time self.recordings.sort(lambda l, o: cmp(l.start, o.start)) # save schedule self.save_schedule() self.print_schedule() # Schedule recordings on recorder for the next SCHEDULE_TIMER seconds."schedule recordings") for r in self.recordings: if r.start < ctime + SCHEDULE_TIMER and r.status == SCHEDULED: r.schedule() self.locked = False yield True
def yang(app): t_list = [] for ti in range(len(app.tasks)): response_time = app.tasks[ti].response_time() t_list.append(tasks.SporadicTask(response_time, response_time * 1000)) ts = tasks.TaskSystem(t_list) fp.bound_response_times(1, ts) resources.initialize_resource_model(ts) for ti in range(len(app.tasks)): for cs in app.tasks[ti].cs: ts[ti].resmodel[cs.resource].add_request(cs.duration) for t in ts: t.partition = 0 bounds.assign_fp_preemption_levels(ts) r_but = buttazzo(a) res = bounds.apply_pip_bounds(ts, 1) ret = {} for n in range(len(app.tasks) - 1): # the blocking time of last task is always 0 costH = 0 for h in range(n): costH += ts[h].cost y_Bn = res.get_blocking_term( n) - costH #cost of all the processes with higher priority if y_Bn > r_but[n][0]: feasible = False else: _, feasible, _ = schedule(app, app.tasks[n], r_but[n][1]) ret[n] = (y_Bn, feasible) return ret
def main(): """ Create, fill, and output a schedule """ fix("availability.csv") # shifts = gen_shifts(2015,8,5,True) if argv[4] == 'True': is_dst = True if argv[4] == 'False': is_dst = False shifts = gen_shifts(int(argv[1]),int(argv[2]),int(argv[3]),is_dst) observers = init_observers('availability.csv',shifts) handoff = handoff_dict('handoff.csv') finalize_observers(handoff,observers) sch = schedule(shifts,observers,pacific) sch.schedule() with open('sch.txt','w') as f: print >>f, sch.text() for shift in sorted(sch.keys()): print str(shift), sch[shift].name
def reschedule(self): """ Reschedule all recordings. """ if self.locked: # system busy, call again later kaa.OneShotTimer(self.reschedule).start(0.1) yield False self.locked = True # get current time (UTC) ctime = int(time.time()) # remove old recorderings self.recordings = filter(lambda r: r.start > ctime - 60*60*24*7, self.recordings) # run the scheduler to attach devices to recordings yield scheduler.schedule(self.recordings) # sort by start time self.recordings.sort(lambda l, o: cmp(l.start,o.start)) # save schedule self.save_schedule() self.print_schedule() # Schedule recordings on recorder for the next SCHEDULE_TIMER seconds.'schedule recordings') for r in self.recordings: if r.start < ctime + SCHEDULE_TIMER and r.status == SCHEDULED: r.schedule() self.locked = False yield True
def avg_feas_sched(app,res): count_feasibles = 0 for t in res: _,feasible,_ = schedule(app,t,res[t][1]) if feasible: count_feasibles += 1 return count_feasibles/(len(app.tasks)-1)
def test_schedule_advanced(self): self.assertEqual([TaskBlock(may10_9, may10_17, task6, 2), TaskBlock(may6_9, may6_17, task6, 1), TaskBlock(may10_1715, may10_1915, task5, 3), TaskBlock(may6_1715, may6_1915, task5, 2), TaskBlock(may3_715, may3_915, task5, 1)], schedule([task5, task6], [block_may2_12_may3_7], start, end, zero, fifteen))
def main(): meetingscheduler.initialize() meetingscheduler.reset(100, 10000) start = time.time() num = meetingscheduler.schedule(0, "") end = time.time() print(f"C Extension:\nnum: {num}") print(f"runtime: {end - start}") scheduler.initialize() start = time.time() scheduler.schedule(0, "") end = time.time() print(f"Pure Python:\nnum: {num}") print(f"runtime: {end - start}") scheduler.finalize() meetingscheduler.finalize()
def star_schedule(args): """ The target function for can only take one argument so we make that one argument a tuple of args and expand it with this wrapper function """ from scheduler import schedule return schedule(*args)
def simple_avoid_ob_from_ultrasonic(status): print(status) global avoid_flag if status <= 25 and avoid_flag == 0: scheduler.cancel('avoid_ob') avoid_flag = 1 change_flag_nothing() car.back() print('start avoid') # scheduler.schedule('avoid_ob', (10, car.rotate_left), # (45, car.go), # (1, change_flag_return), # (120, car.rotate_right), # (55, car.go)) scheduler.schedule('avoid_ob', (10, car.rotate_left_90), (0, set_wheel_to_rotate), (0, car.go), (10, change_flag_return))
def cps_tak(k, x, y, z): if y >= x: schedule(k, z) else: def kf2(v8): schedule(k, v8) def kf5(v9): def kf4(v10): def kf3(v11): cps_tak(kf2, v9, v10, v11) cps_tak(kf3, z - 1, x, y) cps_tak(kf4, y - 1, z, x) cps_tak(kf5, x - 1, y, z)
def algorithm_calculation_fun(map_info: MapInfo, step_info: StepInfo, mp_pool: multiprocessing.Pool): """ 算法主函数,接收服务器下达的对战信息,返回StepCommand对象的json。 :param mp_pool: :param map_info: 地图信息 :param step_info: 接收服务器发送的对战信息。 :return: 计算后返回给服务器的下一步指令信息,即StepCommand的json。 """ return schedule(map_info, step_info, mp_pool)
def test_mixed_values_and_duplicates(self): initial_jobs = [ self.job(2, 2), self.job(2, 2), self.job(1, 5), self.job(1, 3), self.job(4, 2), self.job(4, 1) ] schedule(initial_jobs) print initial_jobs self.assertEqual(initial_jobs, [ self.job(1, 5), self.job(1, 3), self.job(2, 2), self.job(2, 2), self.job(4, 2), self.job(4, 1) ])
def runSchedule(): timeSlice = -1 schedulingMethod = getSchedulingMethod() if schedulingMethod != ("FCFS"): timeSlice = getTimeSlice() printEachStep = getPrintEachStep() scheduler.schedule(schedulingMethod, timeSlice, printEachStep) print("\n---------------------------\nFinal:\n" + str(scheduler)) print("Wait times:\n---------------------------\nTotal wait time: " + str(scheduler.totalWaitTime()) + "\nAverage wait time: " + str(scheduler.averageWaitTime()) + "\n---------------------------") print( "Processing times:\n---------------------------\nTotal Processing time: " + str(scheduler.totalProcessingTime()) + "\nAverage Processing time: " + str(scheduler.averageProcessingTime()) + "\n---------------------------")
def subscribe(schedule_script, scheduled): # takes script to schedule as parameter # clear previous subscriptions # asks user which country to subscribe # type of data to subscribe # create a file containing subscription details # schedule given script country = input("Country to subscribe: ") menu.clear() print("Type of Subscription:") print("1. Get status by Country") print("2. Difference between Latest state and previous one by country") type_subscription = int(input("Choose> ")) menu.clear() subscription_data = {'country': country.lower(), 'type': type_subscription} with open(constant.SUBSCRIPTION, 'a') as subscription_file: subscription_file.writelines(str(subscription_data) + "\n") if (isScheduled(scheduled) == 0): scheduler.schedule(schedule_script, scheduled)
def cps_tak(k, x, y, z): v31 = y v32 = x v6 = v31 >= v32 if v6: v7 = z schedule(k, v7) else: def kf2(v8): schedule(k, v8) def kf5(v9): def kf4(v10): def kf3(v11): v12 = cps_tak v12(kf2, v9, v10, v11) v17 = z v18 = 1 v13 = v17 - v18 v14 = x v15 = y v16 = cps_tak v16(kf3, v13, v14, v15) v23 = y v24 = 1 v19 = v23 - v24 v20 = z v21 = x v22 = cps_tak v22(kf4, v19, v20, v21) v29 = x v30 = 1 v25 = v29 - v30 v26 = y v27 = z v28 = cps_tak v28(kf5, v25, v26, v27)
def cps_fib (k, n): v17 = n v18 = 2 v4 = v17 < v18 if v4: v5 = n schedule (k, v5) else: def kf3 (v7): def kf2 (v8): v6 = v7 + v8 schedule (k, v6) v11 = n v12 = 2 v9 = v11 - v12 v10 = cps_fib v10 (kf2, v9) v15 = n v16 = 1 v13 = v15 - v16 v14 = cps_fib v14 (kf3, v13)
def schedule(): start = time.time() results = {} params = request.json auth_code = params['auth_code'] min_delta = 60 max_total = 100 token = auth.get_fresh_token(auth_code) if not token: print 'WARNING: bad auth token', auth_code results['status'] = 'error' results['message'] = 'not authorized' else: user = token['user_id'] pid = params['pid'] when = params['when'] delta = params['delta'] total = params['total'] ok = True print 'delta', delta, 'when', when, 'total', total if delta != 0 and delta < min_delta: results['status'] = 'error' results['message'] = "Too frequent a schedule" ok = False if total > max_total: results['status'] = 'error' results['message'] = "Too many runs scheduled" ok = False if ok: if delta > 0 and total > 0: if scheduler.schedule(auth_code, user, pid, when, delta, total): results['status'] = 'ok' else: results['status'] = 'error' results['message'] = "Can't schedule that job" else: if scheduler.cancel(user, pid): results['status'] = 'ok' else: results['status'] = 'error' results['message'] = "Can't cancel that job" results['time'] = time.time() - start return jsonify(results)
def schedule(): start = time.time() results = {} params = request.json auth_code = params["auth_code"] min_delta = 60 max_total = 100 token = auth.get_fresh_token(auth_code) if not token: print "WARNING: bad auth token", auth_code results["status"] = "error" results["message"] = "not authorized" else: user = token["user_id"] pid = params["pid"] when = params["when"] delta = params["delta"] total = params["total"] ok = True print "delta", delta, "when", when, "total", total if delta != 0 and delta < min_delta: results["status"] = "error" results["message"] = "Too frequent a schedule" ok = False if total > max_total: results["status"] = "error" results["message"] = "Too many runs scheduled" ok = False if ok: if delta > 0 and total > 0: if scheduler.schedule(auth_code, user, pid, when, delta, total): results["status"] = "ok" else: results["status"] = "error" results["message"] = "Can't schedule that job" else: if scheduler.cancel(user, pid): results["status"] = "ok" else: results["status"] = "error" results["message"] = "Can't cancel that job" results["time"] = time.time() - start return jsonify(results)
def do_POST(self): content_length = int( self.headers['Content-Length']) # <--- Gets the size of data post_data = content_length) # <--- Gets the data itself"POST request,\nPath: %s\nHeaders:\n%s\n\nBody:\n%s\n", str(self.path), str(self.headers), post_data.decode('utf-8')) self._set_response() self.wfile.write("POST request for {}".format( self.path).encode('utf-8')) received = post_data.decode('utf-8') self._last_request = scheduler.schedule(received)
def track_detector_callback(status): global avoid_flag # plan A left, middle, right = status global last_rotate if track_flag == 1: if left == 1: last_rotate = 1 # car.set_global_speed(1) car.rotate_left() elif right == 1: last_rotate = 2 # car.set_global_speed(1) car.rotate_right() elif middle == 1: if last_rotate == 1: scheduler.schedule('buchang', (0, car.rotate_right), (5, car.go)) if last_rotate == 2: scheduler.schedule('buchang', (0, car.rotate_left), (5, car.go)) last_rotate = 0 car.set_global_speed(10) car.go() elif track_flag == 3: pass else: if middle == 1: scheduler.cancel('avoid_ob') avoid_flag = 0 change_flag_normal() recover_wheel_to_normal() car.rotate_left() print('refind road')
def addAssignment(): events = session['events'] name = request.form['name'] deadline = datetime.strptime(request.form['deadline'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M') start = datetime.strptime(request.form['start'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M') priority = int(request.form['priority']) blocks = int(request.form['blocks']) hours = int(request.form['hours']) start_time = datetime.strptime(str(session['start_day']) + ":00", '%H:%M').time() end_time = datetime.strptime(str(session['end_day']) + ":00", '%H:%M').time() leeway = timedelta(hours=session['finish_hours']) breaks = timedelta(minutes=session['break']) busy_blocks = populateBusyBlocks() task = Task(name, deadline, timedelta(hours=hours), blocks, priority, start) task_blocks = schedule([task], busy_blocks, start_time, end_time, leeway, breaks) new_events = addTaskToEvent(task_blocks, session['events']) dates = getStartEndDates() new_assign = { "name": name, "blocks": blocks, "priority": priority, "deadline": deadline, "hours": hours } assignments.append(new_assign) assignment_names.append(name) print(assignment_names) print(new_assign['name']) print(new_assign['name'] in assignment_names) session['events'] = new_events index = session['index'] return render_template('index.html', start_hour=session['start_day'], end_hour=session['end_day'], events=new_events, dates=dates, index=index, assignments=assignments, assignment_names=assignment_names)
def my_form_post(): text_list = [] amount_of_courses = int(request.cookies.get('course_amount')) for i in range(1, amount_of_courses + 1): form_num = 'text' + str(i) text_list.append(request.form[form_num]) final_list = [] for text in text_list: if not text == "": final_list.append(text) course_list = "" for course in final_list[:-1]: course_list += (str(course) + ',') course_list += str(final_list[-1]) course_list = course_list.upper() #my_url = '/sched' real_course_list = course_list.split(',') my_combos = scheduler.schedule(real_course_list) resp = make_response(redirect('/sched')) resp.set_cookie('course_combos', json.dumps(my_combos)) return resp
def cps_print(k, v): print(v) schedule(k)
def test_mixed_values_and_duplicates(self): initial_jobs = [self.job(2,2), self.job(2,2), self.job(1,5), self.job(1,3), self.job(4,2), self.job(4,1)] schedule(initial_jobs) print initial_jobs self.assertEqual(initial_jobs, [self.job(1,5), self.job(1,3), self.job(2,2), self.job(2,2), self.job(4,2), self.job(4,1)])
def processWeather(self): self.w = GetWeather() scheduler.schedule(self)
def kf2(v8): schedule(k, v8)
def on_load(connection): # Updates the bot every n seconds scheduler.schedule(connection, 21600, auto, once=True)
def start_schedule(self): matrix = self.get_matrix() scheduler.schedule(*matrix, cpus=3)
def schedule(apps, num_frozen_list, model_desc): return scheduler.schedule(apps, num_frozen_list, model_desc)
from sys import argv import scheduler input_file = argv[1] output_file = argv[2] # Read text file with open(input_file) as f: lines = f.readlines() ints_list = [] for line in lines: ints_list.append(map(int, line.split(' '))) runs = [] for ints in ints_list: ps = scheduler.purse(ints) runs.append(ps) scheduling_results = [] for run in runs: scheduling_results.append(scheduler.schedule(run)) out_f = open(output_file, 'w') for turnarounds in scheduling_results:, turnarounds) out_f.write('\n') out_f.close()
def kf2 (v8): schedule (k, v8)
47 : [6, 7, 0], 48 : [7, 0, 1], 49 : [0, 1, 2], 50 : [1, 2, 3], 51 : [2, 3, 4], 52 : [3, 4, 5], 53 : [4, 5, 6], 54 : [5, 6, 7], 55 : [6, 7, 0], 56 : [7, 0, 1], 57 : [0, 1, 2], 58 : [1, 2, 3], 59 : [2, 3, 4], 60 : [3, 4, 5], 61 : [4, 5, 6], 62 : [5, 6, 7], 63 : [6, 7, 0], 64 : [7, 0, 1], 65 : [0, 1, 2], 66 : [1, 2, 3], 67 : [2, 3, 4] } schedule(SLOTS, CHUNKS) print("Scheduling the following chunks:\n\n{}\n".format(CHUNKS.keys())) print("\nLogical block dist:\n") for key in SLOTS: print("SLOT {} -> {}".format(key, list(reversed(SLOTS[key]))))
import argparse import scheduler parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('caption', type=str, help='Caption the image should be published with.') parser.add_argument('--path', type=str, help='Path to the image file.') parser.add_argument('--url', type=str, help='Url to the image file.') parser.add_argument( '--tags', type=str, help= 'Append the tags in the settings.json file to the caption. Separated by a comma', default='') args = parser.parse_args() scheduler.schedule( url=f"file:///{args.path}" if args.path is not None else args.url, caption=args.caption, tags=args.tags)
def kf2 (v8): v6 = v7 + v8 schedule (k, v6)
(sb.duration * interval)), (i * spacing) + (spacing / self.margin) + self.margin) rect = Rectangle(bl, ur) rect_color = color_rgb(int(255 * sb.execution_speed), int(255 * (1 - sb.execution_speed)), 0) rect.setFill(rect_color) rect.draw(self.window) l = Line(Point(self.margin, i * spacing + self.margin), Point(self.max_x - 1, i * spacing + self.margin)) l.draw(self.window) x_axis.draw(self.window) y_axis.draw(self.window) self.window.getMouse() if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Simulation of a low power scheduling algorithm.") parser.add_argument('filename', type=str, help='Name of input file') args = parser.parse_args() tasks, num_tasks = load_tasks(args.filename) a, b = task_set_interval(tasks) s = schedule(tasks) for t in s: print("Schedule task {0} at time {1:.2f} for {2:.2f}" " time units with {3:.2f}% processing speed".format(, t.start, t.duration, t.execution_speed * 100)) plotter = SchedulePlotter(s, num_tasks) plotter.draw_schedule()
def test_equal_duration(self): initial_jobs = [self.job(1,2), self.job(1,1), self.job(1,3)] schedule(initial_jobs) self.assertEqual(initial_jobs, [self.job(1,3), self.job(1,2), self.job(1,1)])
def test_equal_priority(self): initial_jobs = [self.job(3,1), self.job(2,1), self.job(1,1)] schedule(initial_jobs) self.assertEqual(initial_jobs, [self.job(1,1), self.job(2,1), self.job(3,1)])
weights = [1.0, 100.0, 300.0, 1.0] # TODO need to define which variable is considered ("harvest") # and when rx is changed, check the adjacent stands for each time period # penalize/avoid if they have overlapping harvests. adjacency = [None for x in range(stand_data.shape[0])] adjacency[4] = (3, 2, 4) # avoid cutting stand 4 when 1,2,3 have harvests? # restrict managment options for certain stands # valid_mgmts = [None for x in range(stand_data.shape[0])] # valid_mgmts[0] = (0, 1, 2) # valid_mgmts[1] = (0, 1, 2) # valid_mgmts[2] = (0, 1, 2) best, optimal_stand_rxs = schedule( stand_data, strategies, weights, variable_names, adjacency, valid_mgmts, temp_min=.1, temp_max=5000.0, steps=50000, report_interval=10000 ) print best for osrx in optimal_stand_rxs: print axis_map['mgmt'][osrx]