コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, workflow, resource_manager, estimator):

        self.counter = 0
        self.workflow = workflow

        ##interface Estimator

        self.estimator = estimator
        self.resource_manager = resource_manager

        nodes = resource_manager.get_nodes(
        )  #list(HeftHelper.to_nodes(resource_manager.get_resources()))
        ranking = HeftHelper.build_ranking_func(
            nodes, lambda job, agent: estimator.estimate_runtime(job, agent),
            lambda ni, nj, A, B: estimator.estimate_transfer_time(
                A, B, ni, nj))
        sorted_tasks = ranking(self.workflow)

        self.nodes = nodes
        self.sorted_tasks = sorted_tasks
        self.workflow_size = len(sorted_tasks)

        self.task_map = {task.id: task for task in sorted_tasks}
        self.node_map = {node.name: node for node in nodes}

        self.initializing_alg = SimpleRandomizedHeuristic(
            self.workflow, self.nodes, self.estimator)

        self.initial_chromosome = None  ##GAFunctions.schedule_to_chromosome(initial_schedule)
コード例 #2
def generate(wf, rm, estimator, n):
    pop = []
    for i in range(n):
        sched = SimpleRandomizedHeuristic(wf, rm.get_nodes(), estimator).schedule()
        particle = schedule_to_position(sched)
        particle.velocity = MappingParticle.Velocity({})
    return pop
コード例 #3
def generate(n):
    schedules = [SimpleRandomizedHeuristic(_wf, rm.get_nodes(), estimator).schedule() for _ in range(n)]
    mapping_positions = [schedule_to_position(s).entity for s in schedules]
    ordering_individuals = [ordering_from_schedule(s) for s in schedules]
    pop = []
    for mp, os in zip(mapping_positions, ordering_individuals):
        p = ParticleIndividual(Position(mp))
        p.ordering = os
    return pop
コード例 #4
def generate(wf, rm, estimator, schedule=None, fixed_schedule_part=None, current_time=0.0):
    sched = schedule if schedule is not None else SimpleRandomizedHeuristic(wf, rm.get_nodes(), estimator).schedule(fixed_schedule_part, current_time)

    if fixed_schedule_part is not None:
        un_tasks = unmoveable_tasks(fixed_schedule_part)
        clean_sched = Schedule({node: [item for item in items if item.job.id not in un_tasks and item.state != ScheduleItem.FAILED]
                          for node, items in sched.mapping.items()})
        clean_sched = sched

    mapping, ordering = ord_and_map(clean_sched)
    ordering_numseq = ordering_to_numseq(ordering)
    ordering_map = {task_id: val for task_id, val in zip(ordering, ordering_numseq)}
    ord_p, map_p = OrderingParticle(ordering_map), MappingParticle(mapping)
    ord_p.velocity = OrderingParticle.Velocity({})
    map_p.velocity = MappingParticle.Velocity({})

    result = CompoundParticle(map_p, ord_p)
    if schedule is None and not validate_mapping_with_alive_nodes(result.mapping.entity, rm):
        raise Exception("found invalid solution in generated array")
    return result
コード例 #5
def generate(wf, rm, estimator):
    sched = SimpleRandomizedHeuristic(wf, rm.get_nodes(), estimator).schedule()
    return schedule_to_position(sched)
コード例 #6
class GAFunctions2:
    ## A chromosome representation
    ## node_name: task1.id, task2.id, ... #(order of tasks is important)
    ## ...
    def __init__(self, workflow, resource_manager, estimator):

        self.counter = 0
        self.workflow = workflow

        ##interface Estimator

        self.estimator = estimator
        self.resource_manager = resource_manager

        nodes = resource_manager.get_nodes(
        )  #list(HeftHelper.to_nodes(resource_manager.get_resources()))
        ranking = HeftHelper.build_ranking_func(
            nodes, lambda job, agent: estimator.estimate_runtime(job, agent),
            lambda ni, nj, A, B: estimator.estimate_transfer_time(
                A, B, ni, nj))
        sorted_tasks = ranking(self.workflow)

        self.nodes = nodes
        self.sorted_tasks = sorted_tasks
        self.workflow_size = len(sorted_tasks)

        self.task_map = {task.id: task for task in sorted_tasks}
        self.node_map = {node.name: node for node in nodes}

        self.initializing_alg = SimpleRandomizedHeuristic(
            self.workflow, self.nodes, self.estimator)

        self.initial_chromosome = None  ##GAFunctions.schedule_to_chromosome(initial_schedule)

    def schedule_to_chromosome(schedule, fixed_schedule_part=None):
        if schedule is None:
            return None

        def ids(items):
            return [
                item.job.id for item in items
                if item.state != ScheduleItem.FAILED

        chromosome = {
            node.name: ids(items)
            for (node, items) in schedule.mapping.items()
        if fixed_schedule_part is None:
            return chromosome

        fixed_chromosome = {
            node.name: ids(items)
            for (node, items) in fixed_schedule_part.mapping.items()

        for node, tasks in fixed_chromosome.items():
            for t in tasks:

        count = 0
        for node, tasks in chromosome.items():
            count += len(tasks)
        if count == 0:
            return None

        return chromosome

    def build_initial(self, fixed_schedule_part, current_time):
        def initial():
            return self.random_chromo(fixed_schedule_part, current_time)

        return initial

    def random_chromo(self, fixed_schedule_part, current_time):

        res = random.random()
        # # # TODO:
        if res > 1.00 and self.initial_chromosome is not None:
            return self.initial_chromosome

        ##return [self.random_chromo() for j in range(self.size)]
        sched = self.initializing_alg.schedule(fixed_schedule_part,
        #TODO: remove it later
        # mark_finished(sched)
        # seq_time_validaty = Utility.validateNodesSeq(sched)
        # dependency_validaty = Utility.validateParentsAndChildren(sched, self.workflow)

        ## TODO: Urgent! Need to remove failed Tasks
        chromo = GAFunctions2.schedule_to_chromosome(sched)
        if fixed_schedule_part is not None:
            # remove fixed_schedule_part from chromosome
            # def is_last_version_of_task_executing(item):
            #     return item.state == ScheduleItem.EXECUTING or item.state == ScheduleItem.FINISHED or item.state == ScheduleItem.UNSTARTED
            # # there is only finished, executing and unstarted tasks planned by Heft, perhaps it should have been called unplanned tasks
            # finished_tasks = [item.job.id for (node, items) in fixed_schedule_part.mapping.items() for item in items if is_last_version_of_task_executing(item)]
            finished_tasks = unmoveable_tasks(fixed_schedule_part)

            # TODO: make common utility function with ScheduleBuilder and SimpleRandomizedHeuristic
            chromo = {
                node_name: [id for id in ids if not (id in finished_tasks)]
                for (node_name, ids) in chromo.items()

        return chromo

    def build_fitness(self, fixed_schedule_part, current_time):
        # builder = ScheduleBuilder(self.workflow, self.resource_manager, self.estimator, self.task_map, self.node_map, fixed_schedule_part)
        builder = NewScheduleBuilder(self.workflow, self.resource_manager,
                                     self.estimator, self.task_map,
                                     self.node_map, fixed_schedule_part)

        def fitness(chromo):

            ## TODO: remove it later.
            # t_ident = str(threading.current_thread().ident)
            # t_name = str(threading.current_thread().name)
            # print("Time: " + str(current_time) + " Running ga in isolated thread " + t_name + " " + t_ident)

            ## value of fitness function is the last time point in the schedule
            ## built from the chromo
            ## chromo is {Task:Node},{Task:Node},... - fixed length

            schedule = builder(chromo, current_time)
            time = Utility.makespan(schedule)

            # time = 1
            # ## TODO: remove it later.
            # k = 0
            # for i in range(100000):
            #     k += i

            return (1 / time, )

        ## TODO: redesign it later
        return fitness

    def build_schedule(self, chromo, fixed_schedule_part, current_time):
        # builder = ScheduleBuilder(self.workflow, self.resource_manager, self.estimator, self.task_map, self.node_map, fixed_schedule_part)
        builder = NewScheduleBuilder(self.workflow, self.resource_manager,
                                     self.estimator, self.task_map,
                                     self.node_map, fixed_schedule_part)
        schedule = builder(chromo, current_time)
        return schedule

    def crossover(self, child1, child2):

        ## TODO: only for debug. remove it later.

        #estimate size of a chromosome

        alive_nodes = [node for node in self.nodes if node.state != Node.Down]
        if len(alive_nodes) == 0:
            raise Exception(" There are only dead nodes!!!!!!!!!!!!!")

        # TODO: corner case when fixed schedule is complete. need to resolve this kind of case early.
        size = len(
            [item for (node_name, items) in child1.items() for item in items])
        if size == 0:
            raise Exception("Chromosome is empty")
        # return None
        i1 = random.randint(0, size - 1)
        i2 = random.randint(0, size - 1)
        index1 = min(i1, i2)
        index2 = max(i1, i2)

        def chromo_to_seq(chromo):
            result = []
            for (nd_name, items) in chromo.items():
                result += [(nd_name, item) for item in items]
            return result

        def fill_chromo(chromo, seq):
            for node in self.nodes:
                chromo[node.name] = []
            for (nd_name, tsk_id) in seq:

        ch1 = chromo_to_seq(child1)
        ch2 = chromo_to_seq(child2)

        if len(ch1) != size or len(ch2) != size:
            print("Ch1: {0}".format(len(ch1)))
            print("Ch2: {0}".format(len(ch2)))
            raise Exception("Transformed chromosome is broken")

        window = dict()
        for i in range(index1, index2):
            tsk_id = ch1[i][1]
            window[ch1[i][1]] = i

        for i in range(size):
            tsk_id = ch2[i][1]
            if tsk_id in window:
                buf = ch1[window[tsk_id]]
                ch1[window[tsk_id]] = ch2[i]
                ch2[i] = buf

        fill_chromo(child1, ch1)
        fill_chromo(child2, ch2)
        return child1, child2

    # def swap_mutation(self, chromo):
    #     node_index = random.randint(0, len(self.nodes) - 1)
    #     node_seq = chromo[self.nodes[node_index].name]
    #     while True:

    def mutation(self, chromosome):
        ## TODO: only for debug. remove it later.
        #return chromosome
        # simply change one node of task mapping
        #TODO: make checking for all nodes are dead.(It's a very rare situation so it is not consider for now)
        alive_nodes = [node for node in self.nodes if node.state != Node.Down]
        node1 = alive_nodes[random.randint(0, len(alive_nodes) - 1)]
        node2 = alive_nodes[random.randint(0, len(alive_nodes) - 1)]

        ch = chromosome[node1.name]
        if len(chromosome[node1.name]) > 0:
            length = len(chromosome[node1.name])
            ind = random.randint(0, length - 1)
            dna = chromosome[node1.name][ind]
            del chromosome[node1.name][ind]
        return chromosome

    def sweep_mutation(self, chromosome):
        ## TODO: only for debug. remove it later.
        #return chromosome

        def is_dependent(tsk1, tsk2):
            for p in tsk1.parents:
                if tsk1.id == tsk2.id:
                    return True
                    return is_dependent(p, tsk2)
            return False

        #return chromosome
        #TODO: make checking for all nodes are dead.(It's a very rare situation so it is not considered for now)
        alive_nodes = [node for node in self.nodes if node.state != Node.Down]
        node = alive_nodes[random.randint(0, len(alive_nodes) - 1)]

        ch = chromosome[node.name]
        if len(chromosome[node.name]) > 0:
            length = len(chromosome[node.name])
            ind = random.randint(0, length - 1)
            tsk1 = self.task_map[chromosome[node.name][ind]]
            dna = chromosome[node.name][ind]

            count = 0
            while count < 5:
                ind1 = random.randint(0, length - 1)

                tsk2 = self.task_map[chromosome[node.name][ind1]]
                if (not is_dependent(tsk1, tsk2)) and (not is_dependent(
                        tsk2, tsk1)):
                    chromosome[node.name][ind] = chromosome[node.name][ind1]
                    chromosome[node.name][ind1] = dna
                    count += 1

        return chromosome
