def main(): print("""\ /*** THIS FILE IS AUTO-GENERATED BY %s ***/ import { GristObjCode } from "app/plugin/GristData"; // tslint:disable:object-literal-key-quotes export const SCHEMA_VERSION = %d; export const schema = { """ % (__file__, schema.SCHEMA_VERSION)) for table in schema.schema_create_actions(): print(' "%s": {' % table.table_id) for column in table.columns: print(' %-20s: "%s",' % (column['id'], column['type'])) print(' },\n') print("""}; export interface SchemaTypes { """) for table in schema.schema_create_actions(): print(' "%s": {' % table.table_id) for column in table.columns: print(' %s: %s;' % (column['id'], get_ts_type(column['type']))) print(' };\n') print("}")
def test_migrations(self): tdset = table_data_set.TableDataSet() tdset.apply_doc_actions(schema_version0()) migration_actions = migrations.create_migrations(tdset.all_tables) tdset.apply_doc_actions(migration_actions) # Compare schema derived from migrations to the current schema. migrated_schema = tdset.get_schema() current_schema = {a.table_id: {c['id']: c for c in a.columns} for a in schema.schema_create_actions()} # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks if migrated_schema != current_schema: # Figure out the version of new migration to suggest, and whether to update SCHEMA_VERSION. new_version = max(schema.SCHEMA_VERSION, migrations.get_last_migration_version() + 1) # Figure out the missing actions. doc_actions = [] for table_id in sorted(six.viewkeys(current_schema) | six.viewkeys(migrated_schema)): if table_id not in migrated_schema: doc_actions.append(actions.AddTable(table_id, current_schema[table_id].values())) elif table_id not in current_schema: doc_actions.append(actions.RemoveTable(table_id)) else: current_cols = current_schema[table_id] migrated_cols = migrated_schema[table_id] for col_id in sorted(six.viewkeys(current_cols) | six.viewkeys(migrated_cols)): if col_id not in migrated_cols: doc_actions.append(actions.AddColumn(table_id, col_id, current_cols[col_id])) elif col_id not in current_cols: doc_actions.append(actions.RemoveColumn(table_id, col_id)) else: current_info = current_cols[col_id] migrated_info = migrated_cols[col_id] delta = {k: v for k, v in six.iteritems(current_info) if v != migrated_info.get(k)} if delta: doc_actions.append(actions.ModifyColumn(table_id, col_id, delta)) suggested_migration = ( "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n" + "*** ***\n" + "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n" + "@migration(schema_version=%s)\n" % new_version + "def migration%s(tdset):\n" % new_version + " return tdset.apply_doc_actions([\n" + "".join(stringify(a) + ",\n" for a in doc_actions) + " ])\n" ) if new_version != schema.SCHEMA_VERSION: suggested_schema_update = ( "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n" + "*** ***\n" + "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n" + "SCHEMA_VERSION = %s\n" % new_version ) else: suggested_schema_update = """Migrations are incomplete. Suggested migration to add:\n" + suggested_schema_update + suggested_migration)
def main(): print """ /*** THIS FILE IS AUTO-GENERATED BY %s ***/ // tslint:disable:object-literal-key-quotes export const schema = { """ % __file__ for table in schema.schema_create_actions(): print ' "%s": {' % table.table_id for column in table.columns: print ' %-20s: "%s",' % (column['id'], column['type']) print ' },\n' print """}; export interface SchemaTypes { """ for table in schema.schema_create_actions(): print ' "%s": {' % table.table_id for column in table.columns: print ' %s: %s;' % (column['id'], get_ts_type(column['type'])) print ' };\n' print "}"
def load_sample(self, sample): """ Load _table_data_set with given sample data. The sample is a dict with keys "SCHEMA" and "DATA", each a dictionary mapping table names to actions.TableData objects. "SCHEMA" contains "_grist_Tables" and "_grist_Tables_column" tables. """ self._table_data_set = table_data_set.TableDataSet() for a in schema.schema_create_actions(): if a.table_id not in self._table_data_set.all_tables: self._table_data_set.apply_doc_action(a) for a in six.itervalues(sample["SCHEMA"]): self._table_data_set.BulkAddRecord(*a) # Create AddTable actions for each table described in the metadata. meta_tables = self._table_data_set.all_tables['_grist_Tables'] meta_columns = self._table_data_set.all_tables['_grist_Tables_column'] add_tables = { } # maps the row_id of the table to the schema object for the table. for rec in actions.transpose_bulk_action(meta_tables): add_tables[] = actions.AddTable(rec.tableId, []) # Go through all columns, adding them to the appropriate tables. for rec in actions.transpose_bulk_action(meta_columns): add_tables[rec.parentId].columns.append({ "id": rec.colId, "type": rec.type, "widgetOptions": rec.widgetOptions, "isFormula": rec.isFormula, "formula": rec.formula, "label": rec.label, "parentPos": rec.parentPos, }) # Sort the columns in the schema according to the parentPos field from the column records. for action in six.itervalues(add_tables): action.columns.sort(key=lambda r: r["parentPos"]) self._table_data_set.AddTable(*action) for a in six.itervalues(sample["DATA"]): self._table_data_set.ReplaceTableData(*a)
def create_migrations(all_tables, metadata_only=False): """ Creates and returns a list of DocActions needed to bring this document to schema.SCHEMA_VERSION. all_tables: all tables or just the metadata tables (those named with _grist_ prefix) as a dictionary mapping table name to TableData. metadata_only: should be set if only metadata tables are passed in. If ALL tables are required to process migrations, this method will raise a "need all tables..." exception. """ try: doc_version = all_tables['_grist_DocInfo'].columns["schemaVersion"][0] except Exception: doc_version = 0 # We create a TableDataSet, and populate it with the subset of the current schema that matches # all_tables. For missing items, we make up tables and incomplete columns, which should be OK # since we would not be adding new records to deprecated columns. # Note that this approach makes it NOT OK to change column types. tdset = table_data_set.TableDataSet() # For each table in the provided metadata tables, create an AddTable action. user_schema = schema.build_schema(all_tables['_grist_Tables'], all_tables['_grist_Tables_column'], include_builtin=False) for t in six.itervalues(user_schema): tdset.apply_doc_action( actions.AddTable(t.tableId, schema.cols_to_dict_list(t.columns))) # For each old table/column, construct an AddTable action using the current schema. new_schema = {a.table_id: a for a in schema.schema_create_actions()} for table_id, data in sorted(six.iteritems(all_tables)): # User tables should already be in tdset; the rest must be metadata tables. # (If metadata_only is true, there is simply nothing to skip here.) if table_id not in tdset.all_tables: new_col_info = {} if table_id in new_schema: new_col_info = { c['id']: c for c in new_schema[table_id].columns } # Use an incomplete default for unknown (i.e. deprecated) columns; some uses of the column # would be invalid, such as adding a new record with missing values. col_info = sorted([ new_col_info.get(col_id, {'id': col_id}) for col_id in data.columns ], key=lambda c: list(six.iteritems(c))) tdset.apply_doc_action(actions.AddTable(table_id, col_info)) # And load in the original data, interpreting the TableData object as BulkAddRecord action. tdset.apply_doc_action(actions.BulkAddRecord(*data)) migration_actions = [] for version in xrange(doc_version + 1, schema.SCHEMA_VERSION + 1): migration_func = all_migrations.get(version, noop_migration) if migration_func.need_all_tables and metadata_only: raise Exception("need all tables for migration to %s" % version) migration_actions.extend( all_migrations.get(version, noop_migration)(tdset)) # Note that if we are downgrading versions (i.e. doc_version is higher), then the following is # the only action we include into the migration. migration_actions.append( actions.UpdateRecord('_grist_DocInfo', 1, {'schemaVersion': schema.SCHEMA_VERSION})) return migration_actions