コード例 #1
    def test_landing_page_is_missing_jsonld(self):
        SCENARIO:  A landing page does not have a JSON-LD <SCRIPT> element.

        EXPECTED RESULT:  A SkipError is raised.  Many CUAHSI documents
        don't have JSON-LD, and we don't want that counting against the
        failure count.
        package = 'tests.data.cuahsi.81e947faccf04de59392dddaac77bc75'
        contents = ir.read_text(package, 'landing_page.no_json_ld.html')
        doc = lxml.etree.HTML(contents)

        obj = CUAHSIHarvester()

        with self.assertLogs(logger=obj.logger, level='DEBUG'):
            with self.assertRaises(JsonLdError):
コード例 #2
    def test_landing_page_jsonld(self):
        SCENARIO:  A landing page does have a JSON-LD <SCRIPT> element.

        EXPECTED RESULT:  The JSON-LD is loaded.
        package = 'tests.data.cuahsi.81e947faccf04de59392dddaac77bc75'
        contents = ir.read_text(package, 'landing_page.html')
        doc = lxml.etree.HTML(contents)

        obj = CUAHSIHarvester()

        with self.assertLogs(logger=obj.logger, level='DEBUG'):
            j = obj.get_jsonld(doc)

        # To make sure we have JSON, feed it to something that expects it.