コード例 #1
    def test_edge_case_schemas(self):
        Test if schemas containing large number of keys
        are handled correctly
        large_schema = MagicMock()
        large_schema.__len__.return_value = 300

        very_large_schema = MagicMock()
        very_large_schema.__len__.return_value = int(math.pow(2, 32) - 1)

        edge_case_schema = MagicMock()
        edge_case_schema.__len__.return_value = sys.maxsize

        except ImproperlyConfigured:
コード例 #2
 def setUp(self):
     self.factory = MessageFactory(self.schema)
コード例 #3
 def setUp(self):
     self.factory = MessageFactory(self.schema)
コード例 #4
class TestMessages(unittest.TestCase):
    Full test suite for message packing/unpacking and error handling

    schema = {
        'FooMessage': {
            'enums': {
                'direction': {
                    'north': 1,
                    'south': 2,
                    'east': 3,
                    'west': 4
            'format': {
                'x': 'uint',
                'y': 'uint',
                'direction': 'enum'
        'BarMessage': {
            'format': {
                'name': 'string',
                'score': 'ushort',
        'VectorMessage': {
            'format': {
                'x': 'float',
                'y': 'float'

    def setUp(self):
        self.factory = MessageFactory(self.schema)

    def get_foo_msg(self, x=1, y=3, direction='south'):
        """" Returns an instance of a FooMessage """
        msg = self.factory.get('FooMessage')()
        msg['x'] = x
        msg['y'] = y
        msg['direction'] = direction
        return msg

    def get_bar_msg(self, name=u'Yoda', score=42):
        """" Returns an instance of BarMessage """
        msg = self.factory.get("BarMessage")()
        msg['name'] = name
        msg['score'] = score
        return msg

    def get_vector_msg(self, x=1, y=7.77):
        """" Returns an instance of VectorMessage """
        msg = self.factory.get("VectorMessage")()
        msg['x'] = x
        msg['y'] = y
        return msg

    def test_message_factory(self):
        """" Test if factory produces correct classes """
        FooMessage = self.factory.get('FooMessage')
        BarMessage = self.factory.get('BarMessage')
        self.assertEqual(FooMessage.__name__, 'FooMessage')
        self.assertEqual(FooMessage.binary_format, '!BBII')
        self.assertEqual(FooMessage.id, 2)

        self.assertEqual(BarMessage.binary_format, '!BI{}sH')
        self.assertEqual(BarMessage.id, 1)

    def test_packing(self):
        """" Test if message is packed correctly into a binary string """
        msg = self.get_foo_msg(x=2, y=4, direction='east')
        packed = pack_message(msg)
        self.assertEqual(len(packed), 1 + 1 + 4 + 4)
        self.assertEqual(packed[0:1], struct.pack('!B', 2))  # msg id
        self.assertEqual(packed[1:2], struct.pack('!B', 3))  # direction
        self.assertEqual(packed[2:6], struct.pack('!I', 2))  # x
        self.assertEqual(packed[6:10], struct.pack('!I', 4))  # y

    def test_packing_with_string(self):
        Test if message containing an unicode string is
        correctly packed into a binary string
        msg = self.get_bar_msg(name=u'Mr ☃')
        string_length = len(bytes(u'Mr ☃', 'utf-8'))
        packed = pack_message(msg)
        self.assertEqual(len(packed), 1 + 2 + 4 + string_length)
        self.assertEqual(packed[0:1], struct.pack('!B', 1))  # msg id
        self.assertEqual(packed[1:5], struct.pack(
            '!I', string_length))  # length of the following string
            packed[5:5 + string_length],
            struct.pack('!{}s'.format(string_length), bytes(u'Mr ☃', 'utf-8')))
        self.assertEqual(packed[5 + string_length:7 + string_length],
                         struct.pack('!H', 42))  # score

    def test_unpacking(self):
        Test if message is correctly unpacked from a binary string
        back into an object

        x = 1
        y = 7.77
        msg = self.get_vector_msg(x=1, y=7.77)
        packed = struct.pack("!B", 3) + \
            struct.pack("!f", 1) + \
            struct.pack("!f", 7.77)

        msg = unpack_message(packed, self.factory)
        self.assertEqual(msg['x'], x)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(msg['y'], y, places=4)

    def test_unpacking_with_string(self):
        Test if message containing an unicode string is is correctly
        unpacked from a binary string back into an object
        msg = self.get_bar_msg(name=u'Mr ☃')
        string_length = len(bytes(u'Mr ☃', 'utf-8'))
        packed = struct.pack("!B", 1) + \
            struct.pack("!I", string_length) + \
                "!{}s".format(string_length), bytes(u'Mr ☃', 'utf-8')
            ) + \
            struct.pack("!H", 42)

        msg = unpack_message(packed, self.factory)
        self.assertEqual(msg['name'], u'Mr ☃')
        self.assertEqual(msg['score'], 42)

    def test_eating_own_dog_food(self):
        """ Test if message remaines the same after packing/unpacking cycle """
        msg = self.get_foo_msg()
        packed = pack_message(msg)
        unpacked = unpack_message(packed, self.factory)
        self.assertEqual(msg, unpacked)

    def test_unpacking_many(self):
        Test if multiple messages are correctly unpacked
        from a binary string ot an array of objects
        msg = self.get_foo_msg()
        packed = struct.pack("!B", msg.__class__.id) + struct.pack("!B", 2) + \
            struct.pack('!I', 1) + struct.pack('!I', 3)

        msg = self.get_bar_msg()
        string_length = len(bytes(msg['name'], 'utf-8'))
        packed += struct.pack("!B", msg.__class__.id) + \
            struct.pack("!I", string_length) + \
            struct.pack("!{}s".format(string_length), bytes(msg['name'], 'utf-8')) + \
            struct.pack("!H", 42)
        msg = self.get_vector_msg()
        packed += struct.pack("!B", msg.__class__.id) + \
            struct.pack("!f", 1) + \
            struct.pack("!f", 7.77)

        unpacked = unpack_messages(packed, self.factory)
        self.assertEqual(unpacked[0].__class__.__name__, 'FooMessage')
        self.assertEqual(unpacked[1].__class__.__name__, 'BarMessage')
        self.assertEqual(unpacked[2].__class__.__name__, 'VectorMessage')

        self.assertEqual(unpacked[0]['direction'], 'south')
        self.assertEqual(unpacked[0]['x'], 1)
        self.assertEqual(unpacked[0]['y'], 3)

        self.assertEqual(unpacked[1]['name'], u'Yoda')
        self.assertEqual(unpacked[1]['score'], 42)

        self.assertEqual(unpacked[2]['x'], 1)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(unpacked[2]['y'], 7.77, places=2)

    def test_unpacking_many_of_one_type(self):
        Test if multiple messages of one kind are correctly unpacked
        from a binary string ot an array of objects

        packed = b''

        for n in range(10):
            msg = self.get_foo_msg()
            packed += struct.pack("!B", msg.__class__.id) + struct.pack("!B", 2) + \
                struct.pack('!I', 1) + struct.pack('!I', 3)

        unpacked = unpack_messages(packed, self.factory)
        self.assertEqual(unpacked[0].__class__.__name__, 'FooMessage')
        self.assertEqual(unpacked[1].__class__.__name__, 'FooMessage')

        self.assertEqual(unpacked[0]['direction'], 'south')
        self.assertEqual(unpacked[0]['x'], 1)
        self.assertEqual(unpacked[0]['y'], 3)

    def test_packing_many(self):
        Test if an array of messages is correctly packed into a binary string
        messages = []
        msg1 = self.get_foo_msg()
        our_packed = struct.pack("!B", msg1.__class__.id) + \
            struct.pack("!B", 2) + \
            struct.pack('!I', 1) + \
            struct.pack('!I', 3)

        msg2 = self.get_bar_msg()
        string_length = len(bytes(msg2['name'], 'utf-8'))
        our_packed += struct.pack("!B", msg2.__class__.id) + \
            struct.pack("!I", string_length) + \
            struct.pack("!{}s".format(string_length), bytes(msg2['name'], 'utf-8')) + \
            struct.pack("!H", 42)

        msg3 = self.get_vector_msg()
        our_packed += struct.pack("!B", msg3.__class__.id) + \
            struct.pack("!f", 1) + \
            struct.pack("!f", 7.77)

        their_packed = pack_messages(messages)
        self.assertEqual(our_packed, their_packed)

    def test_packing_many_of_one_type(self):
        Test if an array of messages is correctly packed into a binary string
        messages = []
        our_packed = b''

        for n in range(10):
            msg = self.get_foo_msg()
            our_packed += struct.pack("!B", msg.__class__.id) + \
                struct.pack("!B", 2) + \
                struct.pack('!I', 1) + \
                struct.pack('!I', 3)

        their_packed = pack_messages_of_single_type(messages)
        self.assertEqual(our_packed, their_packed)

    def test_edge_case_schemas(self):
        Test if schemas containing large number of keys
        are handled correctly
        large_schema = MagicMock()
        large_schema.__len__.return_value = 300

        very_large_schema = MagicMock()
        very_large_schema.__len__.return_value = int(math.pow(2, 32) - 1)

        edge_case_schema = MagicMock()
        edge_case_schema.__len__.return_value = sys.maxsize

        except ImproperlyConfigured:

    def test_bad_schema(self):
        Test if schemas containing too many keys are caught correctly
        Test if schemas containing incorrect value types are caught correctly

        bad_schema = MagicMock()
        bad_schema.__len__.return_value = sys.maxsize + 1

        bad_format_schema = {
            'BadMessage': {
                'format': {
                    'bad_property': 'shibboleth',

        self.assertRaises(ImproperlyConfigured, MessageFactory, bad_schema)
        self.assertRaises(ImproperlyConfigured, MessageFactory,

    def test_bad_enum(self):
        Test if schema with invalid enums is caught correctly

        allthings = MagicMock()
        allthings.__len__.return_value = sys.maxsize + 1

        bad_schema = {
            'BadMessage': {
                'enums': {
                    'allthings': allthings
                'format': {
                    'allthings': 'enum'

        self.assertRaises(ImproperlyConfigured, MessageFactory, bad_schema)

    def test_bad_msg_lookup(self):
        Test if making an invalid message class lookup is caught correctly

        except KeyError:

        self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.factory.get, 'FlyingCars')
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.factory.get, 999)

    def test_bad_enum_lookup(self):
        Test if making an invalid enum lookup is caught correctly

        FooMessage = self.factory.get('FooMessage')

            FooMessage.enum_lookup('direction', 'south')
        except KeyError:

            FooMessage.enum_reverse_lookup('direction', 2)
        except KeyError:

        self.assertRaises(KeyError, FooMessage.enum_lookup, 'direction',
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, FooMessage.enum_lookup, 'shibboleth',
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, FooMessage.enum_reverse_lookup,
                          'direction', 5)
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, FooMessage.enum_reverse_lookup,
                          'shibboleth', 2)
コード例 #5
class TestMessages(unittest.TestCase):
    Full test suite for message packing/unpacking and error handling

    schema = {
        "FooMessage": {
            "enums": {"direction": {"north": 1, "south": 2, "east": 3, "west": 4}},
            "format": {"x": "uint", "y": "uint", "direction": "enum"},
        "BarMessage": {"format": {"name": "string", "score": "ushort"}},
        "VectorMessage": {"format": {"x": "float", "y": "float"}},

    def setUp(self):
        self.factory = MessageFactory(self.schema)

    def get_foo_msg(self, x=1, y=3, direction="south"):
        """" Returns an instance of a FooMessage """
        msg = self.factory.get("FooMessage")()
        msg["x"] = x
        msg["y"] = y
        msg["direction"] = direction
        return msg

    def get_bar_msg(self, name=u"Yoda", score=42):
        """" Returns an instance of BarMessage """
        msg = self.factory.get("BarMessage")()
        msg["name"] = name
        msg["score"] = score
        return msg

    def get_vector_msg(self, x=1, y=7.77):
        """" Returns an instance of VectorMessage """
        msg = self.factory.get("VectorMessage")()
        msg["x"] = x
        msg["y"] = y
        return msg

    def test_message_factory(self):
        """" Test if factory produces correct classes """
        FooMessage = self.factory.get("FooMessage")
        BarMessage = self.factory.get("BarMessage")
        self.assertEqual(FooMessage.__name__, "FooMessage")
        self.assertEqual(FooMessage.binary_format, "!BBII")
        self.assertEqual(FooMessage.id, 2)

        self.assertEqual(BarMessage.binary_format, "!BI{}sH")
        self.assertEqual(BarMessage.id, 1)

    def test_packing(self):
        """" Test if message is packed correctly into a binary string """
        msg = self.get_foo_msg(x=2, y=4, direction="east")
        packed = pack_message(msg)
        self.assertEqual(len(packed), 1 + 1 + 4 + 4)
        self.assertEqual(packed[0:1], struct.pack("!B", 2))  # msg id
        self.assertEqual(packed[1:2], struct.pack("!B", 3))  # direction
        self.assertEqual(packed[2:6], struct.pack("!I", 2))  # x
        self.assertEqual(packed[6:10], struct.pack("!I", 4))  # y

    def test_packing_with_string(self):
        Test if message containing an unicode string is
        correctly packed into a binary string
        msg = self.get_bar_msg(name=u"Mr ☃")
        string_length = len(bytes(u"Mr ☃", "utf-8"))
        packed = pack_message(msg)
        self.assertEqual(len(packed), 1 + 2 + 4 + string_length)
        self.assertEqual(packed[0:1], struct.pack("!B", 1))  # msg id
        self.assertEqual(packed[1:5], struct.pack("!I", string_length))  # length of the following string
            packed[5 : 5 + string_length], struct.pack("!{}s".format(string_length), bytes(u"Mr ☃", "utf-8"))
        self.assertEqual(packed[5 + string_length : 7 + string_length], struct.pack("!H", 42))  # score

    def test_unpacking(self):
        Test if message is correctly unpacked from a binary string
        back into an object

        x = 1
        y = 7.77
        msg = self.get_vector_msg(x=1, y=7.77)
        packed = struct.pack("!B", 3) + struct.pack("!f", 1) + struct.pack("!f", 7.77)

        msg = unpack_message(packed, self.factory)
        self.assertEqual(msg["x"], x)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(msg["y"], y, places=4)

    def test_unpacking_with_string(self):
        Test if message containing an unicode string is is correctly
        unpacked from a binary string back into an object
        msg = self.get_bar_msg(name=u"Mr ☃")
        string_length = len(bytes(u"Mr ☃", "utf-8"))
        packed = (
            struct.pack("!B", 1)
            + struct.pack("!I", string_length)
            + struct.pack("!{}s".format(string_length), bytes(u"Mr ☃", "utf-8"))
            + struct.pack("!H", 42)

        msg = unpack_message(packed, self.factory)
        self.assertEqual(msg["name"], u"Mr ☃")
        self.assertEqual(msg["score"], 42)

    def test_eating_own_dog_food(self):
        """ Test if message remaines the same after packing/unpacking cycle """
        msg = self.get_foo_msg()
        packed = pack_message(msg)
        unpacked = unpack_message(packed, self.factory)
        self.assertEqual(msg, unpacked)

    def test_unpacking_many(self):
        Test if multiple messages are correctly unpacked
        from a binary string ot an array of objects
        msg = self.get_foo_msg()
        packed = (
            struct.pack("!B", msg.__class__.id) + struct.pack("!B", 2) + struct.pack("!I", 1) + struct.pack("!I", 3)

        msg = self.get_bar_msg()
        string_length = len(bytes(msg["name"], "utf-8"))
        packed += (
            struct.pack("!B", msg.__class__.id)
            + struct.pack("!I", string_length)
            + struct.pack("!{}s".format(string_length), bytes(msg["name"], "utf-8"))
            + struct.pack("!H", 42)
        msg = self.get_vector_msg()
        packed += struct.pack("!B", msg.__class__.id) + struct.pack("!f", 1) + struct.pack("!f", 7.77)

        unpacked = unpack_messages(packed, self.factory)
        self.assertEqual(unpacked[0].__class__.__name__, "FooMessage")
        self.assertEqual(unpacked[1].__class__.__name__, "BarMessage")
        self.assertEqual(unpacked[2].__class__.__name__, "VectorMessage")

        self.assertEqual(unpacked[0]["direction"], "south")
        self.assertEqual(unpacked[0]["x"], 1)
        self.assertEqual(unpacked[0]["y"], 3)

        self.assertEqual(unpacked[1]["name"], u"Yoda")
        self.assertEqual(unpacked[1]["score"], 42)

        self.assertEqual(unpacked[2]["x"], 1)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(unpacked[2]["y"], 7.77, places=2)

    def test_unpacking_many_of_one_type(self):
        Test if multiple messages of one kind are correctly unpacked
        from a binary string ot an array of objects

        packed = b""

        for n in range(10):
            msg = self.get_foo_msg()
            packed += (
                struct.pack("!B", msg.__class__.id) + struct.pack("!B", 2) + struct.pack("!I", 1) + struct.pack("!I", 3)

        unpacked = unpack_messages(packed, self.factory)
        self.assertEqual(unpacked[0].__class__.__name__, "FooMessage")
        self.assertEqual(unpacked[1].__class__.__name__, "FooMessage")

        self.assertEqual(unpacked[0]["direction"], "south")
        self.assertEqual(unpacked[0]["x"], 1)
        self.assertEqual(unpacked[0]["y"], 3)

    def test_packing_many(self):
        Test if an array of messages is correctly packed into a binary string
        messages = []
        msg1 = self.get_foo_msg()
        our_packed = (
            struct.pack("!B", msg1.__class__.id) + struct.pack("!B", 2) + struct.pack("!I", 1) + struct.pack("!I", 3)

        msg2 = self.get_bar_msg()
        string_length = len(bytes(msg2["name"], "utf-8"))
        our_packed += (
            struct.pack("!B", msg2.__class__.id)
            + struct.pack("!I", string_length)
            + struct.pack("!{}s".format(string_length), bytes(msg2["name"], "utf-8"))
            + struct.pack("!H", 42)

        msg3 = self.get_vector_msg()
        our_packed += struct.pack("!B", msg3.__class__.id) + struct.pack("!f", 1) + struct.pack("!f", 7.77)

        their_packed = pack_messages(messages)
        self.assertEqual(our_packed, their_packed)

    def test_packing_many_of_one_type(self):
        Test if an array of messages is correctly packed into a binary string
        messages = []
        our_packed = b""

        for n in range(10):
            msg = self.get_foo_msg()
            our_packed += (
                struct.pack("!B", msg.__class__.id) + struct.pack("!B", 2) + struct.pack("!I", 1) + struct.pack("!I", 3)

        their_packed = pack_messages_of_single_type(messages)
        self.assertEqual(our_packed, their_packed)

    def test_edge_case_schemas(self):
        Test if schemas containing large number of keys
        are handled correctly
        large_schema = MagicMock()
        large_schema.__len__.return_value = 300

        very_large_schema = MagicMock()
        very_large_schema.__len__.return_value = int(math.pow(2, 32) - 1)

        edge_case_schema = MagicMock()
        edge_case_schema.__len__.return_value = sys.maxsize

        except ImproperlyConfigured:

    def test_bad_schema(self):
        Test if schemas containing too many keys are caught correctly
        Test if schemas containing incorrect value types are caught correctly

        bad_schema = MagicMock()
        bad_schema.__len__.return_value = sys.maxsize + 1

        bad_format_schema = {"BadMessage": {"format": {"bad_property": "shibboleth"}}}

        self.assertRaises(ImproperlyConfigured, MessageFactory, bad_schema)
        self.assertRaises(ImproperlyConfigured, MessageFactory, bad_format_schema)

    def test_bad_enum(self):
        Test if schema with invalid enums is caught correctly

        allthings = MagicMock()
        allthings.__len__.return_value = sys.maxsize + 1

        bad_schema = {"BadMessage": {"enums": {"allthings": allthings}, "format": {"allthings": "enum"}}}

        self.assertRaises(ImproperlyConfigured, MessageFactory, bad_schema)

    def test_bad_msg_lookup(self):
        Test if making an invalid message class lookup is caught correctly

        except KeyError:

        self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.factory.get, "FlyingCars")
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.factory.get, 999)

    def test_bad_enum_lookup(self):
        Test if making an invalid enum lookup is caught correctly

        FooMessage = self.factory.get("FooMessage")

            FooMessage.enum_lookup("direction", "south")
        except KeyError:

            FooMessage.enum_reverse_lookup("direction", 2)
        except KeyError:

        self.assertRaises(KeyError, FooMessage.enum_lookup, "direction", "shibboleth")
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, FooMessage.enum_lookup, "shibboleth", "south")
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, FooMessage.enum_reverse_lookup, "direction", 5)
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, FooMessage.enum_reverse_lookup, "shibboleth", 2)