コード例 #1
def test_skip_operations_with_recursive_references(schema_with_recursive_references):
    # When the test schema contains recursive references
    schema = oas_loaders.from_dict(schema_with_recursive_references)
    *_, after, finished = from_schema(schema).execute()
    # Then it causes an error with a proper error message
    assert after.status == Status.error
    assert RECURSIVE_REFERENCE_ERROR_MESSAGE in after.result.errors[0].exception
コード例 #2
def test_graphql(graphql_url):
    schema = gql_loaders.from_url(graphql_url)
    initialized, *others, finished = list(
        from_schema(schema, hypothesis_settings=hypothesis.settings(max_examples=5, deadline=None)).execute()
    assert initialized.operations_count == 2
    assert finished.passed_count == 2
コード例 #3
def test_reproduce_code_with_overridden_headers(any_app_schema, base_url):
    # Note, headers are essentially the same, but keys are ordered differently due to implementation details of
    # real vs wsgi apps. It is the simplest solution, but not the most flexible one, though.
    if isinstance(any_app_schema.app, Flask):
        headers = {
            "User-Agent": USER_AGENT,
            "X-Token": "test",
            "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate",
            "Accept": "*/*",
            "Connection": "keep-alive",
        expected = f"requests.get('http://localhost/api/failure', headers={headers})"
        headers = {
            "User-Agent": USER_AGENT,
            "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate",
            "Accept": "*/*",
            "Connection": "keep-alive",
            "X-Token": "test",
        expected = f"requests.get('{base_url}/failure', headers={headers})"

    *_, after, finished = from_schema(
    assert finished.has_failures
    assert after.result.checks[1].example.requests_code == expected
コード例 #4
def test_encoding_octet_stream(empty_open_api_3_schema, openapi3_base_url):
    # See: GH-1134
    # When the operation contains the `application/octet-stream` media type
    # And has no `format: binary` in its schema
    empty_open_api_3_schema["paths"] = {
        "/data": {
            "post": {
                "requestBody": {
                    "required": True,
                    "content": {
                        "application/octet-stream": {
                            "schema": {
                                "type": "string",
                "responses": {"200": {"description": "OK"}},
    schema = oas_loaders.from_dict(empty_open_api_3_schema, base_url=openapi3_base_url)
    initialized, before, after, finished = from_schema(schema).execute()
    # Then the test outcomes should not contain errors
    # And it should not lead to encoding errors
    assert after.status == Status.success
    assert not finished.has_failures
    assert not finished.has_errors
コード例 #5
def test_response_conformance_invalid(any_app_schema):
    # When API operation returns a response that doesn't conform to the schema
    # And "response_schema_conformance" is specified
    init, *others, finished = from_schema(
        hypothesis_settings=hypothesis.settings(max_examples=1, deadline=None),
    # Then there should be a failure
    assert finished.has_failures
    check = others[1].result.checks[-1]
    lines = check.message.split("\n")
    assert lines[0] == "The received response does not conform to the defined schema!"
    assert lines[2] == "Details: "
    validation_message = "'success' is a required property"
    assert lines[4] == validation_message
    assert check.context.instance == {"random": "key"}
    assert check.context.instance_path == []
    assert check.context.schema == {
        "properties": {"success": {"type": "boolean"}},
        "required": ["success"],
        "type": "object",
    assert check.context.schema_path == ["required"]
    assert check.context.validation_message == validation_message
コード例 #6
def test_serialize_interrupted(mocker, schema_url):
    schema = schemathesis.from_uri(schema_url)
    events = from_schema(schema).execute()
    assert serialize_event(next(events)) == {"Interrupted": None}
コード例 #7
def test_interrupted_in_test(openapi3_schema):
    # When an interrupt happens within a test body (check is called within a test body)
    def check(response, case):
        raise KeyboardInterrupt

    *_, event, finished = from_schema(openapi3_schema, checks=(check,)).execute()
    # Then the `Interrupted` event should be emitted
    assert isinstance(event, events.Interrupted)
コード例 #8
def test_missing_path_parameter(any_app_schema):
    # When a path parameter is missing
    init, *others, finished = from_schema(
        any_app_schema, hypothesis_settings=hypothesis.settings(max_examples=3, deadline=None)
    # Then it leads to an error
    assert finished.has_errors
    assert "InvalidSchema: Path parameter 'id' is not defined" in others[1].result.errors[0].exception
コード例 #9
def test_empty_string_response_interaction(any_app_schema):
    # When there is a response that returns payload of length 0
    init, *others, finished = from_schema(any_app_schema, store_interactions=True).execute()
    interactions = [event for event in others if isinstance(event, events.AfterExecution)][0].result.interactions
    for interaction in interactions:  # There could be multiple calls
        # Then the stored response body should be an empty string
        assert interaction.response.body == ""
        assert interaction.response.encoding == "utf-8"
コード例 #10
def test_invalid_path_parameter(schema_url):
    # When a path parameter is marked as not required
    # And schema validation is disabled
    schema = oas_loaders.from_uri(schema_url, validate_schema=False)
    init, *others, finished = from_schema(schema, hypothesis_settings=hypothesis.settings(max_examples=3)).execute()
    # Then Schemathesis enforces all path parameters to be required
    # And there should be no errors
    assert not finished.has_errors
コード例 #11
def test_known_content_type(any_app_schema):
    # When API operation returns a response with a proper content type
    # And "content_type_conformance" is specified
    *_, finished = from_schema(
        any_app_schema, checks=(content_type_conformance,), hypothesis_settings=hypothesis.settings(max_examples=1)
    # Then there should be no a failures
    assert not finished.has_failures
コード例 #12
def test_interactions(request, any_app_schema, workers):
    init, *others, finished = from_schema(any_app_schema, workers_num=workers, store_interactions=True).execute()
    base_url = (
        if isinstance(any_app_schema.app, Flask)
        else request.getfixturevalue("openapi3_base_url")

    # failure
    interactions = [
        event for event in others if isinstance(event, events.AfterExecution) and event.status == Status.failure
    assert len(interactions) == 2
    failure = interactions[0]
    assert attr.asdict(failure.request) == {
        "uri": f"{base_url}/failure",
        "method": "GET",
        "body": None,
        "headers": {
            "Accept": ["*/*"],
            "Accept-Encoding": ["gzip, deflate"],
            "Connection": ["keep-alive"],
            "User-Agent": [USER_AGENT],
    assert failure.response.status_code == 500
    assert failure.response.message == "Internal Server Error"
    if isinstance(any_app_schema.app, Flask):
        assert failure.response.headers == {"Content-Type": ["text/html; charset=utf-8"], "Content-Length": ["290"]}
        assert failure.response.headers["Content-Type"] == ["text/plain; charset=utf-8"]
        assert failure.response.headers["Content-Length"] == ["26"]
    # success
    interactions = [
        event for event in others if isinstance(event, events.AfterExecution) and event.status == Status.success
    assert len(interactions) == 1
    success = interactions[0]
    assert attr.asdict(success.request) == {
        "uri": f"{base_url}/success",
        "method": "GET",
        "body": None,
        "headers": {
            "Accept": ["*/*"],
            "Accept-Encoding": ["gzip, deflate"],
            "Connection": ["keep-alive"],
            "User-Agent": [USER_AGENT],
    assert success.response.status_code == 200
    assert success.response.message == "OK"
    assert json.loads(base64.b64decode(success.response.body)) == {"success": True}
    assert success.response.encoding == "utf-8"
    if isinstance(any_app_schema.app, Flask):
        assert success.response.headers == {"Content-Type": ["application/json"], "Content-Length": ["17"]}
        assert success.response.headers["Content-Type"] == ["application/json; charset=utf-8"]
コード例 #13
def test_empty_response_interaction(any_app_schema):
    # When there is a GET request and a response that doesn't return content (e.g. 204)
    init, *others, finished = from_schema(any_app_schema, store_interactions=True).execute()
    interactions = [event for event in others if isinstance(event, events.AfterExecution)][0].result.interactions
    for interaction in interactions:  # There could be multiple calls
        # Then the stored request has no body
        assert interaction.request.body is None
        # And its response as well
        assert interaction.response.body is None
        # And response encoding is missing
        assert interaction.response.encoding is None
コード例 #14
def test_interrupted_outside_test(mocker, openapi3_schema):
    # See GH-1325
    # When an interrupt happens outside of a test body
    mocker.patch("schemathesis.runner.events.AfterExecution.from_result", side_effect=KeyboardInterrupt)

        *_, event, finished = from_schema(openapi3_schema).execute()
        # Then the `Interrupted` event should be emitted
        assert isinstance(event, events.Interrupted)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        pytest.fail("KeyboardInterrupt should be handled")
コード例 #15
def test_unknown_content_type(any_app_schema):
    # When API operation returns a response with content type, not specified in "produces"
    # And "content_type_conformance" is specified
    init, *others, finished = from_schema(
        any_app_schema, checks=(content_type_conformance,), hypothesis_settings=hypothesis.settings(max_examples=1)
    # Then there should be a failure
    assert finished.has_failures
    check = others[1].result.checks[0]
    assert check.name == "content_type_conformance"
    assert check.value == Status.failure
コード例 #16
def test_unknown_response_code_with_default(any_app_schema):
    # When API operation returns a status code, that is not listed in "responses", but there is a "default" response
    # And "status_code_conformance" is specified
    init, *others, finished = from_schema(
        any_app_schema, checks=(status_code_conformance,), hypothesis_settings=hypothesis.settings(max_examples=1)
    # Then there should be no failure
    assert not finished.has_failures
    check = others[1].result.checks[0]
    assert check.name == "status_code_conformance"
    assert check.value == Status.success
コード例 #17
def test_response_conformance_invalid(any_app_schema):
    # When API operation returns a response that doesn't conform to the schema
    # And "response_schema_conformance" is specified
    init, *others, finished = from_schema(
        any_app_schema, checks=(response_schema_conformance,), hypothesis_settings=hypothesis.settings(max_examples=1)
    # Then there should be a failure
    assert finished.has_failures
    lines = others[1].result.checks[-1].message.split("\n")
    assert lines[0] == "The received response does not conform to the defined schema!"
    assert lines[2] == "Details: "
    assert lines[4] == "'success' is a required property"
コード例 #18
def test_serialize_event(schema_url):
    schema = schemathesis.from_uri(schema_url)
    events = from_schema(schema).execute()
    event = serialize_event(next(events))
    assert "interactions" not in event["AfterExecution"]["result"]
    assert "logs" not in event["AfterExecution"]["result"]
    assert event["AfterExecution"]["result"]["checks"][0]["example"][
        "query"] == {
            "id": ["0"]
コード例 #19
def test_url_joining(request, server, get_schema_path, schema_path):
    if schema_path == "petstore_v2.yaml":
        base_url = request.getfixturevalue("openapi2_base_url")
        base_url = request.getfixturevalue("openapi3_base_url")
    path = get_schema_path(schema_path)
    schema = oas_loaders.from_path(path, base_url=f"{base_url}/v3", endpoint="/pet/findByStatus")
    *_, after_execution, _ = from_schema(schema, hypothesis_settings=hypothesis.settings(max_examples=1)).execute()
    assert after_execution.result.path == "/api/v3/pet/findByStatus"
    assert (
        in after_execution.result.checks[0].example.requests_code
コード例 #20
def test_response_conformance_malformed_json(any_app_schema):
    # When API operation returns a response that contains a malformed JSON, but has a valid content type header
    # And "response_schema_conformance" is specified
    init, *others, finished = from_schema(
        any_app_schema, checks=(response_schema_conformance,), hypothesis_settings=hypothesis.settings(max_examples=1)
    # Then there should be a failure
    assert finished.has_failures
    assert not finished.has_errors
    message = others[1].result.checks[-1].message
    assert "The received response is not valid JSON:" in message
    assert "{malformed}" in message
    assert "Expecting property name enclosed in double quotes: line 1 column 2 (char 1)" in message
コード例 #21
def test_internal_exceptions(any_app_schema, mocker):
    # GH: #236
    # When there is an exception during the test
    # And Hypothesis consider this test as a flaky one
    mocker.patch("schemathesis.Case.call", side_effect=ValueError)
    mocker.patch("schemathesis.Case.call_wsgi", side_effect=ValueError)
    init, *others, finished = from_schema(
        any_app_schema, hypothesis_settings=hypothesis.settings(max_examples=3, deadline=None)
    # Then the execution result should indicate errors
    assert finished.has_errors
    # And an error from the buggy code should be collected
    exceptions = [i.exception.strip() for i in others[1].result.errors]
    assert "ValueError" in exceptions
    assert len(exceptions) == 1
コード例 #22
def test_unknown_response_code(any_app_schema):
    # When API operation returns a status code, that is not listed in "responses"
    # And "status_code_conformance" is specified
    init, *others, finished = from_schema(
        hypothesis_settings=hypothesis.settings(max_examples=1, deadline=None),
    # Then there should be a failure
    assert finished.has_failures
    check = others[1].result.checks[0]
    assert check.name == "status_code_conformance"
    assert check.value == Status.failure
    assert check.context.status_code == 418
    assert check.context.allowed_status_codes == [200]
    assert check.context.defined_status_codes == ["200"]
コード例 #23
def test_headers_override(any_app_schema):
    def check_headers(response, case):
        if isinstance(any_app_schema.app, Flask):
            data = response.json
            data = response.json()
        assert data["X-Token"] == "test"

    init, *others, finished = from_schema(
        headers={"X-Token": "test"},
        hypothesis_settings=hypothesis.settings(max_examples=1, deadline=None),
    assert not finished.has_failures
    assert not finished.has_errors
コード例 #24
def test_hypothesis_errors_propagation(empty_open_api_3_schema, openapi3_base_url):
    # See: GH-1046
    # When the operation contains a media type, that Schemathesis can't serialize
    # And there is still a supported media type
    empty_open_api_3_schema["paths"] = {
        "/data": {
            "post": {
                "requestBody": {
                    "required": True,
                    "content": {
                        # This one is known
                        "application/json": {
                            "schema": {
                                "type": "array",
                        # This one is not
                        "application/xml": {
                            "schema": {
                                "type": "array",
                "responses": {"200": {"description": "OK"}},

    max_examples = 10
    schema = oas_loaders.from_dict(empty_open_api_3_schema, base_url=openapi3_base_url)
    initialized, before, after, finished = from_schema(
        schema, hypothesis_settings=hypothesis.settings(max_examples=max_examples, deadline=None)
    # Then the test outcomes should not contain errors
    assert after.status == Status.success
    # And there should be requested amount of test examples
    assert len(after.result.checks) == max_examples
    assert not finished.has_failures
    assert not finished.has_errors
コード例 #25
def test_unsatisfiable_example(empty_open_api_3_schema):
    # See GH-904
    # When filling missing properties during examples generation leads to unsatisfiable schemas
    empty_open_api_3_schema["paths"] = {
        "/success": {
            "post": {
                "parameters": [
                    # This parameter is not satisfiable
                        "name": "key",
                        "in": "query",
                        "required": True,
                        "schema": {"type": "integer", "minimum": 5, "maximum": 4},
                "requestBody": {
                    "content": {
                        "application/json": {
                            "schema": {
                                "type": "object",
                                "properties": {
                                    "foo": {"type": "string", "example": "foo example string"},
                "responses": {"200": {"description": "OK"}},
    # Then the testing process should not raise an internal error
    schema = oas_loaders.from_dict(empty_open_api_3_schema)
    *_, after, finished = from_schema(
        schema, hypothesis_settings=hypothesis.settings(max_examples=1, deadline=None)
    # And the tests are failing because of the unsatisfiable schema
    assert finished.has_errors
    assert "Unable to satisfy schema parameters for this API operation" in after.result.errors[0].exception
コード例 #26
def test_asgi_interactions(fastapi_app):
    schema = oas_loaders.from_asgi("/openapi.json", fastapi_app)
    init, *ev, finished = from_schema(schema, store_interactions=True).execute()
    interaction = ev[1].result.interactions[0]
    assert interaction.status == Status.success
    assert interaction.request.uri == "http://testserver/users"
コード例 #27
def test_count_operations(real_app_schema):
    # When `count_operations` is set to `False`
    event = next(from_schema(real_app_schema, count_operations=False).execute())
    # Then the total number of operations is not calculated in the `Initialized` event
    assert event.operations_count is None
コード例 #28
def test_exit_first(any_app_schema):
    results = list(from_schema(any_app_schema, exit_first=True).execute())
    assert results[-1].has_failures is True
    assert results[-1].failed_count == 1
コード例 #29
def test_exceptions(schema_url, app, loader_options, from_schema_options):
    schema = oas_loaders.from_uri(schema_url, **loader_options)
    results = from_schema(schema, **from_schema_options).execute()
    assert any([event.status == Status.error for event in results if isinstance(event, events.AfterExecution)])
コード例 #30
def execute(schema, **options) -> events.Finished:
    *_, last = from_schema(schema, **options).execute()
    return last