def query_scholarly(self, author = None, keyword = None, pub = None): import scholarly; RESULTS = {} if author is not None and keyword is not None and pub is not None: RESULTS['author'] = scholarly.search_author(author); RESULTS['keyword'] = scholarly.search_keyword(keyword); RESULTS['pub'] = scholarly.search_pubs_query(pub); return RESULTS; elif author is not None: return scholarly.search_author(author); elif keyword is not None: return scholarly.search_keyword(keyword); elif pub is not None: return scholarly.search_pubs_query(pub);
def search(self, keyword): keyword.lower() query = scholarly.search_keyword(keyword) d = {} for i in range(20): try: result = next(query) author = interests = result.interests for item in interests: formItem = item.title() if formItem.lower() == keyword.lower(): continue elif formItem in d: if author in formItem: d[formItem][author] += 1 else: d[formItem][author] = 1 else: d[formItem] = {author: 1} except: print() fileName = 'SearchData/' + keyword + '.txt' with open(fileName, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(d, outfile)
def searchAndSave(keyword, depth=0): if depth <= 1: query = scholarly.search_keyword(keyword) d = {} for i in range(40): try: result = next(query) except: print("Excepting", keyword) author = interests = result.interests for item in interests: formItem = item.title() if formItem == keyword or formItem == keyword.lower(): continue elif formItem in d: if author in formItem: d[formItem][author] += 1 else: d[formItem][author] = 1 else: d[formItem] = {author: 1} fileName = keyword + '.txt' with open(fileName, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(d, outfile)
def recommendation(request): try: temp = request.GET['data'] result = scholarly.search_keyword(temp) my_list = [] for i in range(1,20): temp= next(result) for i in temp.interests: my_list.append(i.lower()) counts = Counter(my_list) recommendation = [] counter = 0 a1_sorted_keys = sorted(counts, key=counts.get, reverse=True) for r in a1_sorted_keys: if(counter<6): print(r, counts[r]) recommendation.append(r) else: break counter = counter+1 x = {"data" : recommendation} return Response(x) except: print("Something went wrong")
def test_empty_keyword(self): ''' As of 2020-04-30, there are 6 individuals that match the name 'label' ''' # TODO this seems like undesirable functionality for # scholarly.search_keyword() with empty string. Surely, no authors # should be returned. Consider modifying the method itself. authors = [a for a in scholarly.search_keyword('')] self.assertEqual(len(authors), 6)
def interests(request): try: temp = request.GET["data"] result = scholarly.search_keyword(temp) json_content = [] for i in range(1,20): temp = next(result) x = { "id" :, "name" :, "affiliation" : temp.affiliation, "citedby" : temp.citedby, "email" :, "interests" : temp.interests, "url" : temp.url_picture } json_content.append(x) except: print("Something went wrong") return Response(json_content)
def test_empty_keyword(self): ''' Returns 5 individuals with the name 'label' ''' authors = [a for a in scholarly.search_keyword('')] self.assertEqual(len(authors), 4)
def test_keyword(self): authors = [ for a in scholarly.search_keyword('3d_shape')] self.assertIsNot(len(authors), 0) self.assertIn(u'Steven A. Cholewiak', authors)
def scholarly_data(request): if request.method == 'POST': form2 = QueryForm(request.POST) if form2.is_valid(): # query = input('Enter the query to be searched: ') query2 = form2.cleaned_data.get("enterUrl") #parameter_values_list = [1, 10, '9ipXPomYaSrHLAIuONZfzUGk3t57RcBD'] #response = requests.get(edited_search_coreAPI(query, parameter_values_list)) # response = requests.get(edited_search_coreAPI(form.enterUrl, parameter_values_list)) #content = response.json() # print(content) # search_query = scholarly.search_keyword(query2) #print(next(search_query)) #content = search_query.json() #lst = [] for i in search_query: em_author = auth_id = auth_name = print( cr = Crossref() x = = query2,filter = {'has_full_text': True}) print(len(x['message']['items'])) url_list = [] crossref_list = [] lists_urls = x['message']['items'] # for i in x['message']['items']: # crossref_list.append(paper_details(i['doi'], i['title'])) #url_list.append(i['link'][0]['URL']) # for i in crossref_list: # if() temp =[] for i in x['message']['items']: temp.append(i['title']) temp_urls = [] for i in x['message']['items']: temp_urls.append(i['URL']) context = { 'form2': form2, 'search_query': search_query, #'content': content } #dois = ['10.1186/s13643-018-0740-7'] # x ={"doi": ['10.1186/s13643-018-0740-7']}) # # ,'has_full_text': True # for y in x['message']['items']: # auth_URL = y['URL'] # print(y['URL']) # search_query = scholarly.search_pubs_query('guidelines for snowballing') # print(next(search_query)) messages.success(request, f'Your Url has been generated') #return render_to_response(request, {"day_list": ['sunday', 'monday', 'tuesday']}) # return redirect(request,'users/query.html',{'content' : content}) zip_lists = list(zip(temp,temp_urls)) return render(request, 'users/database.html', {'content': zip_lists}) #return render(request, 'users/query.html',{"content" : content}) #return render(json.dumps(search_query,sort_keys=True, indent=4),'users/query.html', content_type="application/json") #query_serialized = serializers.serialize('json', search_query) #return JsonResponse(query_serialized, safe=False) #return (HttpResponse(json.dumps(search_query,sort_keys=True, indent=4), content_type="application/json")) #return render(request, 'users/scholar.html', {"data": data, "country_list": country_list}) #return (HttpResponse((search_query), content_type="application/json")) else: #messages.error(request, f'Wrong Url') return render(request, 'users/database.html', {'form2': form2}) else: form2 = QueryForm() return render(request, 'users/database.html', {'form2': form2})
#prints dates,titles,links of all articles searched. for post in feed.entries: date = "(%d/%02d/%02d)" % (post.published_parsed.tm_year,\ post.published_parsed.tm_mon, \ post.published_parsed.tm_mday) print("post date: " + date) print("post title: " + post.title) print("post link: " + #Search for an author by name and return a generator of Author objects. search_query = scholarly.search_author('Marty Banks, Berkeley') print(next(search_query)) #Search by keyword and return a generator of Author objects. search_query = scholarly.search_keyword('Haptics') print(next(search_query)) # Search for articles/publications and return generator of Publication objects. search_query = scholarly.search_pubs_query( 'Perception of physical stability and center of mass of 3D objects') print(next(search_query)) # Retrieve the author's data, fill-in, and print search_query = scholarly.search_author('Steven A Cholewiak') author = next(search_query).fill() print(author) # Print the titles of the author's publications print([pub.bib['title'] for pub in author.publications])
def query_for_authors(query_phrase): return scholarly.search_keyword(query_phrase)
def test_empty_keyword(self): ''' Returns 5 individuals with the name 'label' ''' authors = [a for a in scholarly.search_keyword('')] self.assertEqual(len(authors), 5)
######## Google Scholar import scholarly search_query_2 = scholarly.search_keyword('thermodynamics') keyword = next(search_query_2).fill() title2 = [pub.bib['title'] for pub in keyword.publications] title3 = [pub for pub in keyword.publications] ################################################################################ import gscholar gscholar.query("thermodynamics")
''' Opens up a connection to a sqlite database, iterates through the scholarly generator and extracts the information for each author. ''' conn = sqlite3.connect('./kolDB.db') # Connect to the database # c = conn.cursor() for i in gen: var_extract(i.fill()) # conn.commit() # Commits the SQL queries specified by functions to the sqlite datebase. conn.close() ################################################################# ################################################################# keysearch = input("Enter keyword for network map: ") conn = sqlite3.connect('./kolDB.db') # Connect to the database c = conn.cursor() # Create database cursor # Creates a Scholarly generator object comprised of individual Author objects cb_search = scholarly.search_keyword(keysearch) #("air_quality") # Iterate through the generator and extract information from each author generator_db(cb_search)
import scholarly import unicodecsv as csv search_query = scholarly.search_keyword('digital_humanities') step = 0 with open('authors.csv', 'wb') as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerow(['Name', 'Interests']) if search_query != []: for i in search_query: writer.writerow([, i.interests]) step += 1 print (step,, '\n', i.interests)
import scholarly author = 'Steven A. Cholewiak' print("Search author: ", author) result = next(scholarly.search_author(author)).fill() print(result) print() # Print the titles of the author's publications print([pub.bib['title'] for pub in result.publications]) # Take a closer look at the first publication pub = result.publications[0].fill() print(pub) # Which papers cited that publication? print([citation.bib['title'] for citation in pub.get_citedby()]) keyword = 'Haptics' print("Search keyword: ", keyword) print(next(scholarly.search_keyword(keyword))) print() search = 'Perception of physical stability and center of mass of 3D objects' print("Search: ", search) search_query = scholarly.search_pubs_query(search) print(next(search_query)) print()
client = ElsClient("688f324bf0bbe4273de2fd6ef18593b3") keywords = 'SFA + DEA' def get_search(keywords, client): doc_srch = ElsSearch(keywords, 'scopus') doc_srch.execute(client, get_all=True) print("doc_srch has", len(doc_srch.results), "results.") df = doc_srch.results_df return (df) df = get_search(keywords, client) search_query = scholarly.search_keyword('SFA') def get_citated_by_list(df): pub = [] for i in range(len(df)): search_query = scholarly.search_author(df['dc:creator'][i]) author = next(search_query).fill() pub.append(author.publications[author.publications == df['dc:title'] [i]].fill()) return (pub) citations = get_citated_by_list(df) search_query = scholarly.search_pubs_query(df['dc:title'][0])
import scholarly def hello(): search_query = scholarly.search_author('Steven A Cholewiak') author = next(search_query).fill() print(author) # Print the titles of the author's publications print([pub.bib['title'] for pub in author.publications]) # Take a closer look at the first publication pub = author.publications[0].fill() print(pub) # Which papers cited that publication? print([citation.bib['title'] for citation in pub.get_citedby()]) search_query = scholarly.search_keyword('geology') print(next(search_query))
def test_empty_keyword(self): ''' Returns 6 individuals with 'label' in their name or affiliation ''' authors = [a for a in scholarly.search_keyword('')] self.assertEqual(len(authors), 6)