async def plan_function(self, class_="9f", day=1): print(type(day)) print(day) if day == 1: url = config["plan"]["day1URL"] elif day == 2: url = config["plan"]["day2URL"] else: return _("Day must be either 1 or 2") plan, date, week = iserv.get_untis_substitution_plan(url) text = _(":newspaper: **Substitution Plan** | ") text = text + f":family: {class_} | " \ f":calendar: {week} | " \ f":calendar_spiral: {date}\n\n" if class_ in plan.keys(): for item in plan[class_]: time_emoji = time_to_emoji( f"{random.randint(1, 12)}:{random.randint(0, 60)}") text = text + f"> {time_emoji} **{_('Lesson')} {item['time']}**\n" \ f"> :abc: {item['subject']}\n" \ f"> :green_square: {item['room']}\n" \ f"> :{random.choice(['man', 'woman'])}_teacher: {item['teacher']}\n" \ f"> :family: {item['course']}\n\n" else: text = text + "Nothing found." return text
async def check_tests(self): iserv.login() current_tests = iserv.get_next_tests() last_tests = tests_collection.find() last_tests_formatted = [{ 'date': i['date'], 'time': i['time'], 'class': i['class'], 'subject': i['subject'] } for i in last_tests] for test in current_tests: if test not in last_tests_formatted: print("new!") subject = test["subject"] date = test["date"] time = test["time"] time_emoji = time_to_emoji(time) course = test["class"] localized_announce = _('New test announced!') text = f"> **:pencil: {localized_announce} :pencil:**\n" \ f"> :abc: {subject}\n" \ f"> :calendar: {date}\n" \ f"> {time_emoji} {time}\n" \ f"> :family: {course}\n" await["autoTests"]["channel"] ).send(text) tests_collection.insert_one(test) for test in last_tests_formatted: if test not in current_tests: tests_collection.delete_one(test) print("deleted!")
async def get_tests(self, ctx): iserv.login() tests = iserv.get_next_tests() text = _(":newspaper: **Tests**\n\n") for test in tests: text = text + f"**{test['date']}**\n:point_right: {test['subject']},\n" await ctx.send(text)
async def iserv_speedtest(self, ctx): message = await ctx.send("Testing login speed....") start_time = iserv.login() duration = - start_time await message.edit(content=_( "Logging into iserv took {seconds}.{microseconds} seconds." ).format(seconds=duration.seconds, microseconds=duration.microseconds))
async def on_command_error(self, ctx, error): err = getattr(error, "original", error) if isinstance(err, commands.CommandNotFound): await ctx.send(get_pre_mention(ctx, "dieses Kommando existiert nicht!"), delete_after=5) elif isinstance(err, commands.CommandOnCooldown): await ctx.send( 'Dieses Kommando hat einen Cooldown. Versuche es nochmal in {:.2f} Sekunden!' .format(error.retry_after)) elif isinstance(err, commands.NoPrivateMessage): await ctx.send(get_pre_mention( ctx, _("command can not be used in DMs")), delete_after=5) elif isinstance(err, commands.errors.MissingRequiredArgument): await ctx.send( get_pre_mention( ctx, _("the argument {0} is missing").format( err.args[0].split(" ")[0]))) elif isinstance(err, commands.errors.MissingPermissions): await ctx.send( get_pre_mention( ctx, _("you are missing these permissions: {0}").format( ", ".join(err.missing_perms)))) elif isinstance(err, commands.errors.MissingRole): await ctx.send( get_pre_mention( ctx, _("you are missing these permissions: {0}").format( err.missing_role))) elif isinstance(err, commands.errors.BadArgument): await ctx.send( get_pre_mention( ctx, _("the argument {0} must be of type {1}").format( err.args[0].split(" ")[-1][:-1], err.args[0].split(" ")[2]))) else: await ctx.send(_("an error occurred")) raise error
async def ping(self, ctx): await ctx.send(_("Pong!"))