コード例 #1

# Build a vectorizer / classifier pipeline using the previous analyzer
clf = Pipeline([
    ('vec', CountVectorizer(analyzer=analyzer)),
    ('tfidf', TfidfTransformer(use_idf=False)),
    ('clf', LinearSVC(loss='l2', penalty='l1', dual=False, C=100)),

# Fit the pipeline on the training set
clf.fit(docs_train, y_train)

# Predict the outcome on the testing set
y_predicted = clf.predict(docs_test)

# Print the classification report
print metrics.classification_report(y_test, y_predicted,

# Plot the confusion matrix
cm = metrics.confusion_matrix(y_test, y_predicted)
print cm

# import pylab as pl

# Predict the result on some short new sentences:
sentences = [
コード例 #2
Pipeline Anova SVM

Simple usage of Pipeline that runs successively a univariate
feature selection with anova and then a C-SVM of the selected features.
print __doc__

from scikits.learn import svm
from scikits.learn.datasets import samples_generator
from scikits.learn.feature_selection import SelectKBest, f_regression
from scikits.learn.pipeline import Pipeline

# import some data to play with
X, y = samples_generator.make_classification(
	n_features=20, n_informative=3, n_redundant=0, 
	n_classes=4, n_clusters_per_class=2)

# 1) anova filter, take 3 best ranked features
anova_filter = SelectKBest(f_regression, k=3)
# 2) svm
clf = svm.SVC(kernel='linear')

anova_svm = Pipeline([('anova', anova_filter), ('svm', clf)])
anova_svm.fit(X, y)

コード例 #3
    def XValidate(self, nPermutations):
        # Make sure all data is available in the training set
        if not self.classifier.UpdateTrainingSet():

        # Initialize process dialog
        def cb(frac):
            cont, skip = dlg.Update(int(frac * 100.), '%d%% Complete'%(frac * 100.))
            if not cont: # Cancel was pressed
                raise StopCalculating()

        dlg = wx.ProgressDialog('Performing grid search for optimal parameters...', '0% Complete', 100,
                                self.classifier, wx.PD_ELAPSED_TIME | wx.PD_ESTIMATED_TIME | 
                                wx.PD_REMAINING_TIME | wx.PD_CAN_ABORT)

        # Define cross validation parameters
        totalGroups = 5
        trainingGroups = 4

        # Convert the training set into SVM format and search for optimal parameters
        # C and gamma using 5-fold cross-validation
        logging.info('Performing grid search for parameters C and gamma on entire training set...')
        C, gamma = self.ParameterGridSearch(callback=cb)
        logging.info('Grid search completed. Found optimal C=%d and gamma=%f.' % (C, gamma))

        # Create the classifier and initialize misclassification storage
        classifier = Pipeline([('anova', feature_selection.SelectPercentile(feature_selection.f_classif,
                               ('svc', SVC(kernel='rbf', C=C, gamma=gamma, eps=0.1))])
        nObjects = self.classifier.trainingSet.label_matrix.shape[0]
        subsetSize = np.ceil(nObjects / float(totalGroups))
        indices = np.arange(nObjects)
        misclassifications = [[] for i in range(nObjects)]

        # Create group combinations and arrays of all labels and values
        dt = ','.join('i'*trainingGroups)
        trainingTotalGroups = list(np.fromiter(combinations(range(totalGroups),trainingGroups), dtype=dt, count=-1))
        #trainingTotalGroups = list(combinations(range(totalGroups), trainingGroups))
        allLabels = np.array(self.svm_train_labels)
        allValues = np.array(self.svm_train_values)

        # For all permutations of the subsets train the classifier on 4 totalGroups and
        # classify the remaining group for a number of random subsets
        logging.info('Calculating average classification accuracy %d times over a ' \
                     '%0.1f%%/%0.1f%% cross-validation process' % \
                     (nPermutations, trainingGroups/float(totalGroups)*100, \
        dlg = wx.ProgressDialog('Calculating average cross-validation accuracy...', '0% Complete', 100,
                                self.classifier, wx.PD_ELAPSED_TIME | wx.PD_ESTIMATED_TIME | 
                                wx.PD_REMAINING_TIME | wx.PD_CAN_ABORT)
        nTrainingTotalGroups = len(trainingTotalGroups)
        nOperations = float(nPermutations * nTrainingTotalGroups)
        for per in range(nPermutations):
            # Split the training set into subsets
            lastGroupStart = (totalGroups-1)*subsetSize
            subsets = np.hsplit(indices[0:lastGroupStart], (totalGroups-1))

            for index, group in enumerate(trainingTotalGroups):
                # Retrieve indices of all objects in the training set
                trainingSet = np.hstack([subsets[i] for i in range(totalGroups) if i in group])

                # Train a classifier on the subset
                classifier.fit(allValues[trainingSet], allLabels[trainingSet])

                # Predict the test set using the trained classifier
                testSet = np.hstack([subsets[i] for i in range(totalGroups) if i not in group])
                testLabels = classifier.predict(allValues[testSet])

                # Store all misclassifications
                [misclassifications[testSet[i]].append(testLabels[i]) \
                    for i in range(len(testLabels)) \
                    if testLabels[i] != allLabels[testSet][i]]

                # Update progress dialog
                cb((nTrainingTotalGroups * per + index) / nOperations)

        # Calculate average classification accuracy
        logging.info('Average Classification Accuracy: %f%%' % \
                     ((1-len([item for sublist in misclassifications for item in sublist]) /\
                     float(nObjects * nPermutations))*100))

        return misclassifications
コード例 #4

# Build a vectorizer / classifier pipeline using the previous analyzer
clf = Pipeline([
    ('vec', CountVectorizer(analyzer=analyzer)),
    ('tfidf', TfidfTransformer()),
    ('clf', LinearSVC(loss='l2', penalty='l1', dual=False, C=100)),

# Fit the pipeline on the training set
clf.fit(docs_train, y_train)

# Predict the outcome on the testing set
y_predicted = clf.predict(docs_test)

# Print the classification report
print metrics.classification_report(y_test,

# Plot the confusion matrix
cm = metrics.confusion_matrix(y_test, y_predicted)
print cm

# import pylab as pl

# Predict the result on some short new sentences:
コード例 #5
Pipeline Anova SVM

Simple usage of Pipeline that runs successively a univariate
feature selection with anova and then a C-SVM of the selected features.
print __doc__

from scikits.learn import svm
from scikits.learn.datasets import samples_generator
from scikits.learn.feature_selection import SelectKBest, f_regression
from scikits.learn.pipeline import Pipeline

# import some data to play with
X, y = samples_generator.test_dataset_classif(k=5)

# 1) anova filter, take 5 best ranked features
anova_filter = SelectKBest(f_regression, k=5)
# 2) svm
clf = svm.SVC(kernel='linear')

anova_svm = Pipeline([('anova', anova_filter), ('svm', clf)])
anova_svm.fit(X, y)

コード例 #6
    def XValidate(self, nPermutations):
        # Make sure all data is available in the training set
        if not self.classifier.UpdateTrainingSet():

        # Initialize process dialog
        def cb(frac):
            cont, skip = dlg.Update(int(frac * 100.),
                                    '%d%% Complete' % (frac * 100.))
            if not cont:  # Cancel was pressed
                raise StopCalculating()

        dlg = wx.ProgressDialog(
            'Performing grid search for optimal parameters...', '0% Complete',
            100, self.classifier, wx.PD_ELAPSED_TIME | wx.PD_ESTIMATED_TIME
            | wx.PD_REMAINING_TIME | wx.PD_CAN_ABORT)

        # Define cross validation parameters
        totalGroups = 5
        trainingGroups = 4

        # Convert the training set into SVM format and search for optimal parameters
        # C and gamma using 5-fold cross-validation
            'Performing grid search for parameters C and gamma on entire training set...'
        C, gamma = self.ParameterGridSearch(callback=cb)
            'Grid search completed. Found optimal C=%d and gamma=%f.' %
            (C, gamma))

        # Create the classifier and initialize misclassification storage
        classifier = Pipeline([
            ('svc', SVC(kernel='rbf', C=C, gamma=gamma, eps=0.1))
        nObjects = self.classifier.trainingSet.label_matrix.shape[0]
        subsetSize = np.ceil(nObjects / float(totalGroups))
        indices = np.arange(nObjects)
        misclassifications = [[] for i in range(nObjects)]

        # Create group combinations and arrays of all labels and values
        dt = ','.join('i' * trainingGroups)
        trainingTotalGroups = list(
            np.fromiter(combinations(range(totalGroups), trainingGroups),
        #trainingTotalGroups = list(combinations(range(totalGroups), trainingGroups))
        allLabels = np.array(self.svm_train_labels)
        allValues = np.array(self.svm_train_values)

        # For all permutations of the subsets train the classifier on 4 totalGroups and
        # classify the remaining group for a number of random subsets
        logging.info('Calculating average classification accuracy %d times over a ' \
                     '%0.1f%%/%0.1f%% cross-validation process' % \
                     (nPermutations, trainingGroups/float(totalGroups)*100, \
        dlg = wx.ProgressDialog(
            'Calculating average cross-validation accuracy...', '0% Complete',
            100, self.classifier, wx.PD_ELAPSED_TIME | wx.PD_ESTIMATED_TIME
            | wx.PD_REMAINING_TIME | wx.PD_CAN_ABORT)
        nTrainingTotalGroups = len(trainingTotalGroups)
        nOperations = float(nPermutations * nTrainingTotalGroups)
        for per in range(nPermutations):
            # Split the training set into subsets
            lastGroupStart = (totalGroups - 1) * subsetSize
            subsets = np.hsplit(indices[0:lastGroupStart], (totalGroups - 1))
            subsets.append(indices[lastGroupStart:], )

            for index, group in enumerate(trainingTotalGroups):
                # Retrieve indices of all objects in the training set
                trainingSet = np.hstack(
                    [subsets[i] for i in range(totalGroups) if i in group])

                # Train a classifier on the subset
                classifier.fit(allValues[trainingSet], allLabels[trainingSet])

                # Predict the test set using the trained classifier
                testSet = np.hstack(
                    [subsets[i] for i in range(totalGroups) if i not in group])
                testLabels = classifier.predict(allValues[testSet])

                # Store all misclassifications
                [misclassifications[testSet[i]].append(testLabels[i]) \
                    for i in range(len(testLabels)) \
                    if testLabels[i] != allLabels[testSet][i]]

                # Update progress dialog
                cb((nTrainingTotalGroups * per + index) / nOperations)

        # Calculate average classification accuracy
        logging.info('Average Classification Accuracy: %f%%' % \
                     ((1-len([item for sublist in misclassifications for item in sublist]) /\
                     float(nObjects * nPermutations))*100))

        return misclassifications