コード例 #1
    def test_resample(self):
        Compare resampling in Fourier space vs. real space
        i.e. compare resample() with resample_fourier_sp()

        expand_x = 3
        expand_y = 2

        img = np.random.rand(30, 30)
        img_ft = fft.fft2(img)

        img_resampled_rs = tools.duplicate_pix(img, nx=expand_x, ny=expand_y)
        img_resampled_rs_ft = fft.fft2(img_resampled_rs)

        img_resampled_fs = tools.duplicate_pix_ft(img_ft,
        img_resampled_fs_rs = fft.ifft2(img_resampled_fs)

        err_fs = np.abs(img_resampled_fs - img_resampled_rs_ft).max()
        err_rs = np.abs(img_resampled_rs - img_resampled_fs_rs).max()

        self.assertTrue(err_fs < 1e-12)
        self.assertTrue(err_rs < 1e-12)
コード例 #2
def high_pass_filter(image, std, cutoff):
    # 2d gaussian kernel
    kernel = gaussian_kernel(std)
    kernel_2d = kernel * kernel.T

    # pp.imsave('q4_07_highpass_{}.jpg'.format(std), 1 - kernel_2d, cmap='gray')

    # gaussian kernel shifted fft
    kernel_shifted_fft = 1 - (fft.fftshift(
        np.abs(fft.fft2(kernel_2d, image.shape))))

    # pp.imsave('07_highpass_{}_frequency_domain.jpg'.format(std), kernel_shifted_fft, cmap='gray')

    # apply cutoff
    h = kernel_shifted_fft.shape[0]
    w = kernel_shifted_fft.shape[1]
    center_h = h // 2 if is_even(h) else (h + 1) // 2
    center_w = w // 2 if is_even(w) else (w + 1) // 2
    for row in range(h):
        for col in range(w):
            if (row - center_h)**2 + (col - center_w)**2 < cutoff**2:
                kernel_shifted_fft[row, col] = 0

    # pp.imsave('09_highpass_cutoff.jpg', kernel_shifted_fft, cmap='gray')

    # image shifted fft
    image_shifted_fft = (fft.fftshift((fft.fft2((image)))))

    # filtered image shifted fft
    filtered_image_frequency_domain = image_shifted_fft * kernel_shifted_fft

    return filtered_image_frequency_domain
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_numpy.py プロジェクト: Asgardian8740/Django
 def test_fft2(self):
     x = random((30, 20)) + 1j * random((30, 20))
     expect = fft.fft(fft.fft(x, axis=1), axis=0)
     assert_array_almost_equal(expect, fft.fft2(x))
     assert_array_almost_equal(expect, fft.fft2(x, norm="backward"))
     assert_array_almost_equal(expect / np.sqrt(30 * 20),
                               fft.fft2(x, norm="ortho"))
     assert_array_almost_equal(expect / (30 * 20),
                               fft.fft2(x, norm="forward"))
コード例 #4
def power_spec(temp, source):
    Compute power spectrum via fft. Much fast than a convolution
    data_fft = fft2(temp)
    data_fft2 = np.conj(fft2(source))
    x = np.multiply(data_fft, data_fft2)
    x /= np.abs(x)
    return ifft2(x).real
コード例 #5
def kinematicsim(crystal, kx, ky, energy=90):
    Propagate a plane wave through a crystal and compute the resulting
    diffraction pattern, in the kinematic approximation (thin specimen).

    .. versionadded:: 2.0.5

    crystal : crystals.Crystal
        Crystal from which to scatter.
    kx, ky :  `~numpy.ndarray`, shape (N,M)
        Momenta mesh where to calculate the diffraction pattern [:math:`Å^{-1}`]
    energy : float, optional
        Electron energy [keV]

    diff_pattern : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Scattered intensity.
    shape = tuple(map(fft.next_fast_len, kx.shape))
    period_x, period_y, period_z = crystal.periodicity

    # We create the grid ourselves so that we minimize Fourier artifacts as much as possible.
    # It is much easier to interpolate to the requested grid than to prevent artifact formation.
    extent = 8 * period_x * period_y
    extent_x = np.linspace(0, extent, num=shape[0])
    extent_y = np.linspace(0, extent, num=shape[1])

    xx, yy = np.meshgrid(
    kx_, ky_ = fft2freq(xx, yy, indexing="xy")
    k = np.hypot(kx_, ky_)

    potential = pelectrostatic(crystal, xx, yy)
    transmission_function = np.exp(1j * interaction_parameter(energy) * potential)

    exit_wave = fft.ifft2(
        fft.fft2(np.ones_like(xx, dtype=complex) * transmission_function)
    intensity = fft.fftshift(np.abs(fft.fft2(exit_wave)) ** 2)

    kx_ = fft.fftshift(kx_)
    ky_ = fft.fftshift(ky_)

    # Note that the definition of 'frequency' in fftfreq & friends necessitates dividing by 2pi
    twopi = 2 * np.pi
    return RegularGridInterpolator(
        points=(kx_[0, :], ky_[:, 0]),
    ).__call__(xi=(kx / twopi, ky / twopi))
コード例 #6
def forward_U(w, beta):
    # u-component for grounded ice
    w_ft = fft2(w)
    beta_ft = fft2(beta)
    h_ft = forward_w(w) + forward_beta(beta)

    S_ft = -Ub_ * (nu * beta_ft + tau * sg_fwd(w)) - 1j * (2 * np.pi * kx) * (
        lamda * Uh_ * h_ft + Uw_ * w_ft)

    return S_ft
コード例 #7
def forward_V(w, beta):
    # v-component for grounded ice
    w_ft = fft2(w)
    beta_ft = fft2(beta)
    h_ft = forward_w(w) + forward_beta(beta)

    S_ft = -Vb_ * (nu * beta_ft + tau * sg_fwd(w)) - 1j * (2 * np.pi * ky) * (
        lamda * Vh_ * h_ft + Vw_ * w_ft)

    return S_ft
コード例 #8
def filter_bank(M, N, J, L=8):
        Builds in Fourier the Morlet filters used for the scattering transform.
        Each single filter is provided as a dictionary with the following keys:
        * 'j' : scale
        * 'theta' : angle used
        M, N : int
            spatial support of the input
        J : int
            logscale of the scattering
        L : int, optional
            number of angles used for the wavelet transform
        filters : list
            A two list of dictionary containing respectively the low-pass and
             wavelet filters.
        The design of the filters is optimized for the value L = 8.
    filters = {}
    filters['psi'] = []

    for j in range(J):
        for theta in range(L):
            psi = {}
            psi['j'] = j
            psi['theta'] = theta
            psi_signal = morlet_2d(M, N, 0.8 * 2**j,
                                   (int(L - L / 2 - 1) - theta) * np.pi / L,
                                   3.0 / 4.0 * np.pi / 2**j, 4.0 / L)
            psi_signal_fourier = fft2(psi_signal)
            # drop the imaginary part, it is zero anyway
            psi_signal_fourier = np.real(psi_signal_fourier)
            for res in range(min(j + 1, max(J - 1, 1))):
                psi_signal_fourier_res = periodize_filter_fft(
                    psi_signal_fourier, res)
                psi[res] = psi_signal_fourier_res

    filters['phi'] = {}
    phi_signal = gabor_2d(M, N, 0.8 * 2**(J - 1), 0, 0)
    phi_signal_fourier = fft2(phi_signal)
    # drop the imaginary part, it is zero anyway
    phi_signal_fourier = np.real(phi_signal_fourier)
    filters['phi']['j'] = J
    for res in range(J):
        phi_signal_fourier_res = periodize_filter_fft(phi_signal_fourier, res)
        filters['phi'][res] = phi_signal_fourier_res

    return filters
コード例 #9
def ourconv(image, filt):
    # pad
    padded_size = np.array(image.shape) + np.array(filt.shape)
    pad_img = pad_RHS(image, padded_size, padval=0.5)
    pad_filt = pad_RHS(filt, padded_size, padval=0)

    # Paul's slightly corrected version
    temp = np.real(fft.ifft2(fft.fft2(pad_img) * fft.fft2(pad_filt)))

    # extract the appropriate portion of the filtered image
    filtered = unpad_RHS(temp, image.shape)

    return filtered
コード例 #10
def _fresnel_old_dfft(cmode_to_propagate, wavelength, nx, ny, xstart, ystart,
                      xend, yend, rx, ry, distance):

    # Warning! The fft2 of impulse function and ic should be done together with
    # numpy fft fft2. Or some speckle will apear.
    Double FFT Fresnel propagation of coherent mode.
    Args: cmode_to_propagate - the coherent mode to propagate.
          cmode_mask         - the mask of coherent mode.
          wavelength         - the wavelength of light field.
          nx                 - the dim of aixs x.
          ny                 - the dim of axis y.
          xstart             - location of start along axis x.
          ystart             - location of start along axis y.
          xend               - location of end along axis x.
          yend               - lcoation of end along axis y.
          rx                 - the range of x.
          ry                 - the range of y.
          distance           - the distance of the propagation.
    Return: propagated coherent mode.

    # cmode_to_propagate = cmode_to_propagate

    # wave number k

    wave_num = 2 * np.pi / wavelength

    # the axis in frequency space

    x0 = np.linspace(xstart, xend, nx)
    y0 = np.linspace(ystart, yend, ny)

    mesh_x, mesh_y = np.meshgrid(x0, y0)

    # propagation function

    impulse = (np.exp(1j * wave_num * distance) *
               np.exp(-1j * wave_num * (mesh_x**2 + mesh_y**2) /
                      (2 * distance)) / (1j * wavelength * distance))

    # the multiply of coherent mode and propagation function

    propagated_cmode = fft.ifftshift(
        fft.ifft2(fft.fft2(cmode_to_propagate) * fft.fft2(impulse)))

    return propagated_cmode
コード例 #11
    def test_translate_ft(self):
        Test translate_ft() function

        img = np.random.rand(100, 100)
        img_ft = fft.fftshift(fft.fft2(fft.ifftshift(img)))
        dx = 0.065

        fx = tools.get_fft_frqs(img.shape[1], dx)
        fy = tools.get_fft_frqs(img.shape[0], dx)
        df = fx[1] - fx[0]

        # x-shifting
        for n in range(1, 20):
            img_ft_shifted = tools.translate_ft(img_ft, [n * df, 0], dx)
            max_err = np.abs(img_ft_shifted[:, :-n] - img_ft[:, n:]).max()
            self.assertTrue(max_err < 1e-7)

        # y-shifting
        for n in range(1, 20):
            img_ft_shifted = tools.translate_ft(img_ft, [0, n * df], dx)
            max_err = np.abs(img_ft_shifted[:-n, :] - img_ft[n:, :]).max()
            self.assertTrue(max_err < 1e-7)

        # x+y shifting
        for n in range(1, 20):
            img_ft_shifted = tools.translate_ft(img_ft, [n * df, n * df], dx)
            max_err = np.abs(img_ft_shifted[:-n, :-n] - img_ft[n:, n:]).max()
            self.assertTrue(max_err < 1e-7)
コード例 #12
    def test_estimate_phase(self):
        Test estimate_phase() function, which guesses phase from value of image FT
        # set parameters
        dx = 0.065
        nx = 2048
        f = 1 / 0.25
        angle = 30 * np.pi / 180
        frqs = [f * np.cos(angle), f * np.sin(angle)]
        phi = 0.2377747474

        # create sample image with origin in center
        x_center = tools.get_fft_pos(nx, dx)
        y_center = x_center
        xx_center, yy_center = np.meshgrid(x_center, y_center)
        m_center = 1 + 0.2 * np.cos(
            2 * np.pi * (frqs[0] * xx_center + frqs[1] * yy_center) + phi)

        m_center_ft = fft.fftshift(fft.fft2(fft.ifftshift(m_center)))

        phase_guess_center = sim.get_phase_ft(m_center_ft, frqs, dx)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(phi, float(phase_guess_center), places=5)
コード例 #13
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: brandondube/praise
    def step(self):
        """Advance the algorithm one iteration."""
        G = fft.fft2(self.g)
        mseF = np.sum((abs(G) - self.absF)**2) / G.size
        phs_G = np.angle(G)
        Gprime = self.absF * np.exp(1j * phs_G)
        gprime = fft.ifft2(Gprime)

        msef = np.sum((abs(gprime) - self.absg)**2) / G.size
        gprimeprime = gprime
        # update g'' where the constraints are violated
        mask = abs(gprime) < 0
        mask |= self.supportmask

        gprimeprime[~mask] = self.g[~mask]
        gprimeprime[mask] = self.g[mask] - self.beta * gprime[mask]

        # finally, apply the object domain constraint
        # phs_gprime = np.angle(gprimeprime)
        # gprimeprime = self.absg * np.exp(1j*phs_gprime)

        self.iter += 1
        self.g = gprimeprime
        return gprimeprime
コード例 #14
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: brandondube/praise
    def step(self):
        """Advance the algorithm one iteration."""
        G = fft.fft2(self.g)
        mse = _mean_square_error(abs(G), self.absF, self.mse_denom)

        phs_G = np.angle(G)
        Gprime = self.absF * np.exp(1j * phs_G)
        gprime = fft.ifft2(Gprime)

        # steepest descent is the same as GS until the time to form
        # g'' ...
        #  g'' - g = -1/4 partial_g B = 1/2 (g' - g)
        # move g out of the LHS
        # -> g'' = 1/2 (g' - g) + g
        # if doublestep g'' = (g' - g) + g => g'' = g'
        if self.doublestep:
            gprimeprime = gprime
            gprimeprime = 0.5 * (gprime - self.g) + self.g

        # finally, apply the object domain constraint
        phs_gprime = np.angle(gprime)
        gprimeprime = self.absg * np.exp(1j * phs_gprime)

        self.iter += 1
        self.g = gprimeprime
        return gprimeprime
コード例 #15
def filter():
    file = Image.open('fourierPeriodic.JPEG')
    image = np.asarray(file)
    per = Image.open('periodic.JPEG')
    imagep = np.asarray(per)
    selectedFilter = request.json['filter']
    nx = int(request.json['nx'])
    ny = int(request.json['ny'])
    newImage = []
    inv = []
    f = fft.fftshift(fft.fft2(imagep))
    imager, imagei = getMagAndPhase(f)
    if selectedFilter == 'band':
        newImage = saveArrayImage('band', np.asarray(bandReject(image, nx,
        inv = inverse(np.asarray(bandReject(imager, nx, ny)), imagei)
    elif selectedFilter == 'notch':
        newImage = saveArrayImage('notch',
                                  np.asarray(notchFilter(image, nx, ny)))
        inv = inverse(np.asarray(notchFilter(imager, nx, ny)), imagei)
        newImage = saveArrayImage('fourierPeriodic', image)
        inv = inverse(imager, imagei)
    invF = fft.ifft2(inv)
    newImageInv = saveArrayImage('inverse', np.abs(invF))
    return jsonify({'img': newImage, 'inv': newImageInv})
コード例 #16
def fft_forward_xy(phixy):
    Forward Fourier transform phi[y,x]->phi[ky,kx]

        phixy[2*nyw,2*nxw] : Numpy array, dtype=np.float64
            phi[y,x] in real space

        phikxky[global_ny+1,2*nx+1] : Numpy array, dtype=np.complex128
            phi[ky,kx] in wavenumber space

    import numpy as np
    from scipy import fft
    from diag_geom import nx, global_ny

    # 2次元フーリエ変換 phi[y,x] -> phi[ky,kx]
    phikxky_base = fft.fft2(phixy) / (phixy.shape[0] * phixy.shape[1]
                                      )  # フーリエ変換(次元はphixyと同一)
    phikxky = np.zeros(
        [global_ny + 1, 2 * nx + 1],
        dtype=np.complex128)  # [global_nyy+1, 2*nx+1]サイズの要素を切り出す準備
    phikxky[0:global_ny + 1,
            nx:2 * nx + 1] = phikxky_base[0:global_ny + 1,
                                          0:nx + 1]  # 第1象限の次元サイズ変換
    phikxky[0:global_ny + 1, 0:nx] = phikxky_base[0:global_ny + 1,
                                                  -nx:]  # 第2象限の次元サイズ変換

    return phikxky
コード例 #17
def PhaseKai2opt(k2fa, fS1aTnoisy, OTFo):
    w = np.shape(fS1aTnoisy)[0]
    wo = np.int(w / 2)

    # Clean up for noise reduction.
    fS1aTnoisy = fS1aTnoisy * (1 - 1 * OTFo**10)
    fS1aT = fS1aTnoisy * np.conj(OTFo)
    Kotf = OTFedgeF(OTFo)

    # If the FFT is too large relative to the size of the array then this will rehouse it to a doubled array.
    if (2 * Kotf > wo):
        t = 2 * w

        fS1aT_temp = np.zeros((t, t),dtype=complex)
        fS1aT_temp[wo : w + wo, wo : w + wo] = fS1aT
        fS1aT = fS1aT_temp
        t = w

    to = np.int(t / 2)
    u = np.linspace(0, t - 1, t)
    v = np.linspace(0, t - 1, t)
    [U, V] = np.meshgrid(u, v)

    # Generates the line map in real space and multiplies it by the edited real image.
    # This thus amplifies the waveforms present. A better match = better resonance.
    S1aT = np.exp(-1j * 2 * np.pi * (k2fa[1] / t * (U - to)) + (k2fa[0] / t * (V - to))) * fft.ifft2(fS1aT)
    fS1aT0 = fft.fft2(S1aT)

    # Correlation values.
    mA = np.sum(fS1aT * np.conj(fS1aT0))    # This is the correlation value
    mA = mA / (np.sum(fS1aT0 * np.conj(fS1aT0)))     # Normalise.
    CCop = -abs(mA)     # Correlation value normalised and negativised so we can easily minimise.

コード例 #18
ファイル: fft.py プロジェクト: IJSComplexMatter/dtmm
def mfft2(a, overwrite_x = False):
    """Computes matrix fft2 on a matrix of shape (..., n,n,4,4).
    This is identical to np.fft2(a, axes = (-4,-3))
    a : array_like
        Input array (must be complex).
    overwrite_x : bool
        Specifies whether original array can be destroyed (for inplace transform)
    out : complex ndarray
        Result of the transformation along the (-4,-3) axes.    
    a = np.asarray(a, dtype = CDTYPE)      
    libname = DTMMConfig["fftlib"]    
    if libname == "mkl_fft":
        return mkl_fft.fft2(a, axes = (-4,-3), overwrite_x = overwrite_x)
    elif libname == "scipy":
        return spfft.fft2(a, axes = (-4,-3), overwrite_x = overwrite_x)
    elif libname == "numpy":
        return npfft.fft2(a, axes = (-4,-3))
    elif libname == "pyfftw":
        return pyfftw.interfaces.scipy_fft.fft2(a, axes = (-4,-3), overwrite_x = overwrite_x)
    else: #default implementation is numpy
        return npfft.fft2(a, axes = (-4,-3))
コード例 #19
def PhaseKai2opt(k2fa, fS1aTnoisy, OTFo):
    w = np.shape(fS1aTnoisy)[0]  # The size of the image along one side
    wo = w / 2  # Not required

    fS1aTnoisy = fS1aTnoisy * (
                1 - 1 * OTFo ** 10)  # FFT of the original image is muliplied by 1-the OTF^10 (why is this? variable seems to suggest denoising?)
    fS1aT = fS1aTnoisy * np.conj(
        OTFo)  # The new image is multiplied byt the conj of the OTF to give the final image (what is the purpose of this?)
    # Is the above to not change the phase by multiplying the conjugate and the original by variable amounts?

    Kotf = OTFedgeF(OTFo)  # Find the high-frequency envelope of the OTF; THIS IS NOT USED, WHY IS IT HERE?

    # The below section to S1aT is basically making a pattern as is defined in the functions outside. With a few added extras.
    t = w  # Why redefine?
    to = t / 2  # ^^

    # Build a 2D linear meshgrid
    u = np.linspace(0, t - 1, t)
    v = np.linspace(0, t - 1, t)
    [U, V] = np.meshgrid(u, v)

    # What is j?  Can't find an equation like this in the paper and not sure what the variables are, so can't work out what this is doing
    # e ^ (-j* 2pi (k2fa[y]/width * (position_Y- halfwidth) + ktfa[x]/width * (position_X - halfwidth)) * inverse FFT of (FFT of the file multiplied by the conjugated base OTF)
    S1aT = np.exp(-1j * 2 * np.pi * (k2fa[1] / t * (U - to) + k2fa[0] / t * (V - to))) * fft.ifft2(fS1aT)

    fS1aT0 = fft.fft2(S1aT)

    mA = np.sum(fS1aT * np.conj(fS1aT0))

    mA = mA / np.sum(fS1aT0 * np.conj(fS1aT0))

    return (-1 * np.abs(mA))  # Specifically what does this mean in context and what are we aiming for it to be?
コード例 #20
def Uzk(u0=None, z=50, lam=lam):
    A = fft2(U0)
    dx = np.diff(g)[0]
    kg = 2 * np.pi * fftfreq(n=len(g), d=dx)
    kx, ky = np.meshgrid(kg, kg)
    k = 1e6 * 2 * np.pi / lam
    return np.abs(ifft2(A * np.exp(-1j * z * np.sqrt(k**2 - kx**2 - ky**2))))
コード例 #21
def fft_forward_xyz(phixyz):
    Forward Fourier transform phi[z,y,x]->phi[z,ky,kx]

        phixyz[:,2*nyw,2*nxw] : Numpy array, dtype=np.float64
            phi[z,y,x] in real space

        phikxky[:,global_ny+1,2*nx+1] : Numpy array, dtype=np.complex128
            phi[z,ky,kx] in wavenumber space and z

    import numpy as np
    from scipy import fft
    from diag_geom import nx, global_ny

    len_z = phixyz.shape[0]

    # 2次元フーリエ変換 phi[z,y,x] -> phi[z,ky,kx]
    phikxkyz_base = fft.fft2(phixyz, axes=(-2, -1)) / (
        phixyz.shape[1] * phixyz.shape[2])  # フーリエ変換(次元はphixyと同一)
    phikxkyz = np.zeros(
        [len_z, global_ny + 1, 2 * nx + 1],
        dtype=np.complex128)  # [:, global_nyy+1, 2*nx+1]サイズの要素を切り出す準備
    phikxkyz[:, 0:global_ny + 1,
             nx:2 * nx + 1] = phikxkyz_base[:, 0:global_ny + 1,
                                            0:nx + 1]  # 第1象限の次元サイズ変換
    phikxkyz[:, 0:global_ny + 1, 0:nx] = phikxkyz_base[:, 0:global_ny + 1,
                                                       -nx:]  # 第2象限の次元サイズ変換

    return phikxkyz
コード例 #22
def test_masked_registration_random_masks_non_equal_sizes():
    """masked_register_translation should be able to register
    translations between images that are not the same size even
    with random masks."""
    # See random number generator for reproducible results

    reference_image = camera()
    shift = (-7, 12)
    shifted = np.real(fft.ifft2(fourier_shift(
        fft.fft2(reference_image), shift)))

    # Crop the shifted image
    shifted = shifted[64:-64, 64:-64]

    # Random masks with 75% of pixels being valid
    ref_mask = np.random.choice(
        [True, False], reference_image.shape, p=[3 / 4, 1 / 4])
    shifted_mask = np.random.choice(
        [True, False], shifted.shape, p=[3 / 4, 1 / 4])

    measured_shift = masked_register_translation(
    assert_equal(measured_shift, -np.array(shift))
コード例 #23
def fourier():
    file = Image.open('original.JPEG')
    image = np.asarray(file)
    fourier = fft.fftshift(fft.fft2(image))
    fourierReal, imag, real = convertToRealWithScale(fourier)
    newImage = saveArrayImage('fourier', fourierReal)
    return jsonify({'img': newImage})
コード例 #24
def defocus(pupil, defocus_distance, r, wavelenght):
    Takes the image and created the FT at some distance


    pupil : numpy ndarray
        The image of the aperture to transform

    defocus_distance : float
        The distance of the defocus in mm in range(-2.5,2.5)

    r : numpy ndarray
        The radial variable on the pupil

    wavelenght : float
        The center wavelength in mm


    image : numpy ndarray
        The FT of the pupil at defocus_distance from the focus plane, AKA the PSF
    phaseAngle = 1j*defocus_distance*10*np.sqrt((2*np.pi/wavelenght)**2-r**2+0j) #unnecessary 0j but keeping it for complex reasons
    kernel = np.exp(phaseAngle)
    defocusPupil = pupil * kernel
    defocusPSFA = fft.fftshift(fft.fft2(defocusPupil))
    image = np.abs(defocusPSFA)
    return image
コード例 #25
def mask():
    click = request.json['click']
    if click == 0:
        file = Image.open('fourierPeriodic.JPEG')
        fileOrg = Image.open('periodic.JPEG')
    elif click == 1:
        file = Image.open('mask.JPEG')
        fileOrg = Image.open('maskOrg.JPEG')
    width, height = file.size
    x = request.json['x']
    y = request.json['y']
    h = request.json['height']
    w = request.json['width']
    fx = math.floor(x / (w / width))
    fy = math.floor(y / (h / height))
    image = np.asarray(file)
    imageOrg = np.asarray(fileOrg)
    f = fft.fftshift(fft.fft2(imageOrg))
    imager, imagei = getMagAndPhase(f)
    editedImage = image.copy()
    editedImage[fy, fx] = 0
    editedImageOrg = imager.copy()
    editedImageOrg[fy, fx] = 0
    editedImageFinal = saveArrayImage('mask', editedImage)
    inv = inverse(np.asarray(editedImageOrg), imagei)
    invF = fft.ifft2(inv)
    newImageInv = saveArrayImage('maskOrg', np.abs(invF))

    return jsonify({'img': editedImageFinal, 'inv': newImageInv})
コード例 #26
def Defocusor(imgSize, wavelenght, structure):  #creates the defocused psf
    pupil = structure[0]  #it use the data of the pupil
    KX = structure[1]
    KY = structure[2]
    dk = structure[3]
    defocusDistance = np.arange(-2.75, 0.1,
                                0.25)  # Creates an arry of test distances
    defocusPSF = np.zeros(
        (imgSize, imgSize,
         defocusDistance.size))  #creates an array of defocused psf

    # Classic Integration through Fourier Transformation
    for ctr, z in enumerate(
            defocusDistance):  #a control number and the actual distance
        phaseAngle = 1j * z * np.sqrt(
            (2 * np.pi / wavelength)**2 - KX**2 - KY**2 + 0j
        )  #unnecessary 0j but keeps it to make sure sqrt knows is a complex
        kernel = np.exp(phaseAngle)
        defocusPupil = pupil * kernel  #bind the amplitude with the phase
        defocusPSFA = fft.fftshift(
            fft.fft2(defocusPupil)) * dk**2  #creates the psf
        defocusPSF[:, :, ctr] = np.abs(
            defocusPSFA)  #adds the psf at the array of psfs

    vmax = np.max(
        defocusPSF[:, :, 10]
    )  #find the maximum in PSF (in focus) to scale the others (can be eliminated)

    return defocusDistance, defocusPSF, vmax
コード例 #27
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: brandondube/praise
    def step(self):
        """Advance the algorithm one iteration."""
        G = fft.fft2(self.g)
        mse = _mean_square_error(abs(G), self.absF, self.mse_denom)
        Bk = mse
        phs_G = np.angle(G)
        Gprime = self.absF * np.exp(1j * phs_G)
        gprime = fft.ifft2(Gprime)

        # this is the update described in Fienup1982 Eq. 36
        # if self.iter == 0:
        #     D = gprime - self.g
        # else:
        #     D = (gprime - self.g) + (Bk/self.Bkm1) * self.Dkm1

        # gprimeprime = self.g + self.hk * D

        gprimeprime = gprime + self.hk * (gprime - self.gprimekm1)

        # finally, apply the object domain constraint
        phs_gprime = np.angle(gprimeprime)
        gprimeprime = self.absg * np.exp(1j * phs_gprime)

        self.iter += 1
        self.Bkm1 = Bk  # bkm1 = "B_{k-1}"; B for iter k-1
        # self.Dkm1 = D
        self.gprimekm1 = gprime
        self.g = gprimeprime
        return gprimeprime
コード例 #28
def PupilStructure(wavelength, NA, pixelSize, imgSize):
    # Working with FFT a new set of variables is created
    kMax = 2 * np.pi / pixelSize  # Value of k at the maximum extent of the pupil function
    kNA = 2 * np.pi * NA / wavelength
    dk = 2 * np.pi / (imgSize * pixelSize)

    kx = np.arange((-kMax + dk) / 2, (kMax + dk) / 2, dk)
    ky = np.arange((-kMax + dk) / 2, (kMax + dk) / 2, dk)
    KX, KY = np.meshgrid(kx, ky)  # Coordinate system for the pupil function

    maskRadius = kNA / dk  # Radius of amplitude mask for defining the pupil
    maskCenter = np.floor(imgSize / 2)
    W, H = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, imgSize), np.arange(0, imgSize))
    mask = np.sqrt(
        (W - maskCenter)**2 +
        (H - maskCenter)**2) < maskRadius  #create the figure of a circular dot

    plt.imshow(mask, extent=(kx.min(), kx.max(), ky.min(), ky.max()))

    amp = np.ones((imgSize, imgSize)) * mask  #creates the amplitude
    phase = 2j * np.pi * np.ones((imgSize, imgSize))  #creates the phase angle
    pupil = amp * np.exp(
        phase)  #Bind the amplitude with the phase in order to obtain the pupil
    structure = [pupil, KX, KY, dk]  #the structural parameter of the pupil
    psfA_Unaberrated = fft.fftshift(
        fft.fft2(pupil)) * dk**2  #the psf of the pipul
    psf = np.abs(psfA_Unaberrated)  #the absolute value of the psf
    return psf, structure
コード例 #29
    def test_fit_modulation_frq(self):
        Test fit_modulation_frq() function

        # set parameters
        options = {'pixel_size': 0.065, 'wavelength': 0.5, 'na': 1.3}
        fmax = 1 / (0.5 * options["wavelength"] / options["na"])
        nx = 512
        f = 1 / 0.25
        angle = 30 * np.pi / 180
        frqs = [f * np.cos(angle), f * np.sin(angle)]
        phi = 0.2377747474

        # create sample image
        x = options['pixel_size'] * np.arange(nx)
        y = x
        xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y)
        m = 1 + 0.5 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * (frqs[0] * xx + frqs[1] * yy) + phi)

        mft = fft.fftshift(fft.fft2(fft.ifftshift(m)))
        frq_extracted, mask, = sim.fit_modulation_frq(mft,

コード例 #30
ファイル: transform.py プロジェクト: AntonyBazin/FFT
 def transform(self):
     """The main method of the class, performs the FFT of the current image"""
     self._data = fft.fft2(
     )  # may also use real fft here, but it will only give a half of the image
     self._plotting = np.abs(self._data)
     return self