コード例 #1
ファイル: skysim.py プロジェクト: tanderson23/cora
def clarray(aps, lmax, zarray, zromb=3, zwidth=None):
    """Calculate an array of C_l(z, z').

    aps : function
        The angular power spectrum to calculate.
    lmax : integer
        Maximum l to calculate up to.
    zarray : array_like
        Array of z's to calculate at.
    zromb : integer
        The Romberg order for integrating over frequency samples.
    zwidth : scalar, optional
        Width of frequency channel to integrate over. If None (default),
        calculate from the separation of the first two bins.

    aps : np.ndarray[lmax+1, len(zarray), len(zarray)]
        Array of the C_l(z,z') values.

    if zromb == 0:
        return aps(
            np.arange(lmax + 1)[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis],
            zarray[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis],
            zarray[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :],

        zsort = np.sort(zarray)
        zhalf = np.abs(zsort[1] - zsort[0]) / 2.0 if zwidth is None else zwidth / 2.0
        zlen = zarray.size
        zint = 2 ** zromb + 1
        zspace = 2.0 * zhalf / 2 ** zromb

        za = (
            zarray[:, np.newaxis] + np.linspace(-zhalf, zhalf, zint)[np.newaxis, :]

        lsections = np.array_split(np.arange(lmax + 1), lmax // 5)

        cla = np.zeros((lmax + 1, zlen, zlen), dtype=np.float64)

        for lsec in lsections:
            clt = aps(
                lsec[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis],
                za[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis],
                za[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :],

            clt = clt.reshape(-1, zlen, zint, zlen, zint)

            clt = si.romb(clt, dx=zspace, axis=4)
            clt = si.romb(clt, dx=zspace, axis=2)

            cla[lsec] = clt / (2 * zhalf) ** 2  # Normalise

        return cla
コード例 #2
    def internalInductance1(self, npoints=300):
        """Calculates li1 plasma internal inductance

        # Produce array of Bpol^2 in (R,Z)
        B_polvals_2 = self.Bz(self.R, self.Z)**2 + self.Br(R, Z)**2

        R = self.R
        Z = self.Z
        dR = R[1, 0] - R[0, 0]
        dZ = Z[0, 1] - Z[0, 0]
        dV = 2. * np.pi * R * dR * dZ

        if self.mask is not None:  # Only include points in the core
            dV *= self.mask

        Ip = self.plasmaCurrent()
        R_geo = self.Rgeometric(npoints=npoints)
        elon = self.geometricElongation(npoints=npoints)
        effective_elon = self.effectiveElongation(npoints=npoints)

        integral = romb(romb(B_polvals_2 * dV))
        return ((2 * integral) /
                ((mu0 * Ip)**2 * R_geo)) * ((1 + elon * elon) /
                                            (2. * effective_elon))
コード例 #3
def coupled_entropy(dist, kappa, alpha, d, root, integration): # x, xmin, xmax):
    if root == False:
        dist_temp = coupled_probability(dist, kappa, alpha, d, integration)
        coupled_logarithm_values = []
        for i in dist:
            coupled_logarithm_values.append(coupled_logarithm(i**(-alpha), kappa, d))

        pre_integration = [x*y*(-1/alpha) for x,y in zip(dist_temp, coupled_logarithm_values)]
        # looks like this next line is replaced by the if statement and can be removed
        final_integration = -1*np.trapz(pre_integration)
        if integration == 'trapz':
            final_integration = -1*np.trapz(pre_integration)
        elif integration == 'simpsons':
            final_integration = -1*integrate.simps(pre_integration)
        #elif integration == 'quad':
            #final_integration, error = -1*integrate.quad(pre_integration[x], 0, len(new_dist_temp))
        elif integration == 'romberg':
            final_integration = -1*integrate.romb(pre_integration)
        dist_temp = coupled_probability(dist, kappa, alpha, d, integration)
        coupled_logarithm_values = []
        for i in dist:
            coupled_logarithm_values.append(coupled_logarithm(i**(-alpha), kappa, d)**(1/alpha))

        pre_integration = [x * y for x, y in zip(dist_temp, coupled_logarithm_values)]
        if integration == 'trapz':
                final_integration = np.trapz(pre_integration)
        elif integration == 'simpsons':
                final_integration = integrate.simps(pre_integration)
        #elif integration == 'quad':
            #final_integration, error = integrate.quad(pre_integration, 0, len(new_dist_temp))
        elif integration == 'romberg':
                final_integration = integrate.romb(pre_integration)

    return final_integration
コード例 #4
    def toroidalBeta(self):
        """Calculate plasma toroidal beta by integrating the thermal pressure
        and toroidal magnetic field pressure over the plasma volume.


        R = self.R
        Z = self.Z

        # Produce array of Btor in (R,Z)
        B_torvals_2 = self.Btor(R, Z)**2

        dR = R[1, 0] - R[0, 0]
        dZ = Z[0, 1] - Z[0, 0]
        dV = 2. * np.pi * R * dR * dZ

        # Normalised psi
        psi_norm = (self.psi() - self.psi_axis) / (self.psi_bndry -

        # Plasma pressure
        pressure = self.pressure(psi_norm)

        if self.mask is not None:  # Only include points in the core
            dV *= self.mask

        pressure_integral = romb(romb(pressure * dV))

        # Correct for errors in Btor and core masking
        np.nan_to_num(B_torvals_2, copy=False)

        field_integral_tor = romb(romb(B_torvals_2 * dV))
        return 2 * mu0 * pressure_integral / field_integral_tor
コード例 #5
ファイル: vega.py プロジェクト: galacticusorg/analysis-python
    def computeFluxes(self, filterWavelength, filterTransmission):
        computeFluxes: Compute the AB and Vega fluxes for specified tranmission curve.
        USAGE: fluxAB,fluxVega = Vega().computeFluxes(wavelength,transmission)
                 wavelength   -- Wavelengths for filter transmission curve.
                 transmission -- Transmission for filter transmission curve.

                 fluxAB   -- AB flux for this filter transmission.
                 fluxVega -- Vega flux for this filter transmission.

        # Interpolate spectrum and transmission data
        TRANSMISSION = interp1d(filterWavelength,filterTransmission,\
        kRomberg = 8
        wavelength = np.linspace(filterWavelength.min(),
                                 filterWavelength.max(), 2**kRomberg + 1)
        deltaWavelength = wavelength[1] - wavelength[0]
        FLUX = interp1d(self.spectrum.wavelength,self.spectrum.flux,\
        # Get AB spectrum
        spectrumAB = 1.0 / wavelength**2
        # Get the filtered spectrum
        filteredSpectrum = TRANSMISSION(wavelength) * FLUX(wavelength)
        filteredSpectrumAB = TRANSMISSION(wavelength) * spectrumAB
        # Compute the integrated flux.
        fluxVega = romb(filteredSpectrum, dx=deltaWavelength)
        fluxAB = romb(filteredSpectrumAB, dx=deltaWavelength)
        return fluxAB, fluxVega
コード例 #6
    def poloidalBeta2(self):
        """Calculate plasma poloidal beta by integrating the thermal pressure
        and poloidal magnetic field pressure over the plasma volume.


        R = self.R
        Z = self.Z

        # Produce array of Bpol in (R,Z)
        B_polvals_2 = self.Br(R, Z)**2 + self.Bz(R, Z)**2

        dR = R[1, 0] - R[0, 0]
        dZ = Z[0, 1] - Z[0, 0]
        dV = 2. * np.pi * R * dR * dZ

        # Normalised psi
        psi_norm = (self.psi() - self.psi_axis) / (self.psi_bndry -

        # Plasma pressure
        pressure = self.pressure(psi_norm)

        if self.mask is not None:  # Only include points in the core
            dV *= self.mask

        pressure_integral = romb(romb(pressure * dV))
        field_integral_pol = romb(romb(B_polvals_2 * dV))
        return 2 * mu0 * pressure_integral / field_integral_pol

        return poloidal_beta
コード例 #7
def total_variation_distance(samples1, samples2, dt):
    """ Romberg integration using samples of the density functions.
    Ensure that exactly 2 ** k + 1 evenly spaced samples are created."""
    assert samples1.shape == samples2.shape, 'different sample lengths'
    result = 0.5 * integrate.romb(np.abs(samples1 - samples2), dt)
    while type(result) == np.ndarray:
        result = integrate.romb(result, dt)
    return result
コード例 #8
    def solve(self, profiles, Jtor=None, psi=None, psi_bndry=None):
        Calculate the plasma equilibrium given new profiles
        replacing the current equilibrium.
        This performs the linear Grad-Shafranov solve
        profiles  - An object describing the plasma profiles.
                    At minimum this must have methods:
             .Jtor(R, Z, psi)   -> [nx, ny]

        Jtor : 2D array
            If supplied, specifies the toroidal current at each (R,Z) point
            If not supplied, Jtor is calculated from profiles by finding O,X-points

        psi_bndry  - Poloidal flux to use as the separatrix (plasma boundary)
                     If not given then X-point locations are used.

        self._profiles = profiles

        if Jtor is None:
            # Calculate toroidal current density

            if psi is None:
                psi = self.psi()
            Jtor = profiles.Jtor(self.R, self.Z, psi, psi_bndry=psi_bndry)

        # Set plasma boundary
        # Note that the Equilibrium is passed to the boundary function
        # since the boundary may need to run the G-S solver (von Hagenow's method)
        self._applyBoundary(self, Jtor, self.plasma_psi)

        # Right hand side of G-S equation
        rhs = -mu0 * self.R * Jtor

        # Copy boundary conditions
        rhs[0, :] = self.plasma_psi[0, :]
        rhs[:, 0] = self.plasma_psi[:, 0]
        rhs[-1, :] = self.plasma_psi[-1, :]
        rhs[:, -1] = self.plasma_psi[:, -1]

        # Call elliptic solver
        plasma_psi = self._solver(self.plasma_psi, rhs)


        # Update plasma current
        dR = self.R[1, 0] - self.R[0, 0]
        dZ = self.Z[0, 1] - self.Z[0, 0]
        self._current = romb(romb(Jtor)) * dR * dZ
コード例 #9
ファイル: skysim.py プロジェクト: HaMetBacon/cora
def clarray(aps, lmax, zarray, zromb=3, zwidth=None):
    """Calculate an array of C_l(z, z').

    aps : function
        The angular power spectrum to calculate.
    lmax : integer
        Maximum l to calculate up to.
    zarray : array_like
        Array of z's to calculate at.
    zromb : integer
        The Romberg order for integrating over frequency samples.
    zwidth : scalar, optional
        Width of frequency channel to integrate over. If None (default),
        calculate from the separation of the first two bins.

    aps : np.ndarray[lmax+1, len(zarray), len(zarray)]
        Array of the C_l(z,z') values.

    if zromb == 0:
        return aps(np.arange(lmax+1)[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis],
                   zarray[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis], zarray[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :])

        zsort = np.sort(zarray)
        zhalf = np.abs(zsort[1] - zsort[0]) / 2.0 if zwidth is None else zwidth / 2.0
        zlen = zarray.size
        zint = 2**zromb + 1
        zspace = 2.0*zhalf / 2**zromb

        za = (zarray[:, np.newaxis] + np.linspace(-zhalf, zhalf, zint)[np.newaxis, :]).flatten()

        lsections = np.array_split(np.arange(lmax+1), lmax / 50)

        cla = np.zeros((lmax+1, zlen, zlen), dtype=np.float64)

        for lsec in lsections:
            clt = aps(lsec[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis],
                      za[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis], za[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :])

            clt = clt.reshape(-1, zlen, zint, zlen, zint)

            clt = si.romb(clt, dx=zspace, axis=4)
            clt = si.romb(clt, dx=zspace, axis=2)

            cla[lsec] = clt / (2*zhalf)**2 # Normalise

        return cla
コード例 #10
def lnlike(H0,
    if ((zerr_use == False) & (cosmo_use == False)):
        distgal = (c / 1000.) * z / H0
        like_gals = pb_gal * norm(distmu, diststd).pdf(distgal)
    elif ((zerr_use == False) & (cosmo_use == True)):
        cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=H0, Om0=omegam, Tcmb0=2.725)
        distgal = cosmo.luminosity_distance(z)  #in Mpc
        like_gals = pb_gal * norm(distmu, diststd).pdf(distgal.value)
    elif ((zerr_use == True) & (cosmo_use == False)):
        ngals = z.shape[0]
        like_gals = np.zeros(ngals)
        z_s = np.arange(z_min, z_max, step=0.02)
        const = (c / 1000.) / H0
        normalization = H0**3
        for i in range(ngals):
            # Multiply the 2 Gaussians (redshift pdf and GW likelihood) with a change of variables into one Gaussian with mean Mu_new and std sigma_new
            #mu_new = (z[i]*diststd[i]*diststd[i]/(const*const)+ distmu[i]/const*zerr[i])/(diststd[i]*diststd[i]/(const*const)+zerr[i]*zerr[i])
            #sigma_new = (diststd[i]*diststd[i]*zerr[i]*zerr[i]/(const*const)/(diststd[i]*diststd[i]/(const*const)+ zerr[i]*zerr[i]))**0.5
            #like_gals[i]= pb_gal[i] * distnorm[i] * romb(gauss(mu_new, sigma_new, z_s) * z[i]*z[i], dx=0.02)
            like_gals[i] = pb_gal[i] * romb(gauss(z[i], zerr[i], z_s) * gauss(
                distmu[i], diststd[i], const * z_s),
        ngals = z.shape[0]
        cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=H0, Om0=omegam)
        like_gals = np.zeros(ngals)
        z_s = np.arange(z_min, z_max, step=0.02)
        normalization = 1.
        for i in range(ngals):
            like_gals[i] = pb_gal[i] * romb(gauss(z[i], zerr[i], z_s) * gauss(
                distmu[i], diststd[i],

    #normalization = H0**3
    #lnlike_sum = np.log(np.sum(like_gals)/normalization)
    lnlike_sum = np.log(np.sum(like_gals))
    return lnlike_sum
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_solve_pi.py プロジェクト: reim2zk/cbasis
def calc_ip_numint(f, g, rs, method=0):
    f : continuum wave function
    g : L2 function which is not normalized
    fgs = np.array([f(r) * g(r) for r in rs])
    ggs = np.array([g(r) * g(r) for r in rs])
    if method == 0:
        int_fgs = integrate.simps(fgs, rs)
        int_ggs = integrate.simps(ggs, rs)
        int_fgs = integrate.romb(fgs, rs[1] - rs[0])
        int_ggs = integrate.romb(ggs, rs[1] - rs[0])
    return int_fgs / np.sqrt(int_ggs)
コード例 #12
def freeBoundary(eq, Jtor, psi):
    Apply a free boundary condition using Green's functions

    Note: This method is inefficient because it requires
    an integral over the area of the domain for each point
    on the boundary.


    eq    Equilibrium object (not used)
    Jtor  2D array of toroidal current (not used)
    psi   2D array of psi values (modified by call)



    # Get the (R,Z) coordinates from the Equilibrium object
    R = eq.R
    Z = eq.Z

    nx, ny = psi.shape

    dR = R[1, 0] - R[0, 0]
    dZ = Z[0, 1] - Z[0, 0]

    # List of indices on the boundary
    bndry_indices = concatenate(
            [(x, 0) for x in range(nx)],
            [(x, ny - 1) for x in range(nx)],
            [(0, y) for y in range(ny)],
            [(nx - 1, y) for y in range(ny)],

    for x, y in bndry_indices:
        # Calculate the response of the boundary point
        # to each cell in the plasma domain
        greenfunc = Greens(R, Z, R[x, y], Z[x, y])

        # Prevent infinity/nan by removing (x,y) point
        greenfunc[x, y] = 0.0

        # Integrate over the domain
        psi[x, y] = romb(romb(greenfunc * Jtor)) * dR * dZ
コード例 #13
ファイル: test_solve_pi.py プロジェクト: ReiMatsuzaki/l2func
def calc_ip_numint(f, g, rs, method=0):
    f : continuum wave function
    g : L2 function which is not normalized
    fgs = np.array([f(r) * g(r) for r in rs])
    ggs = np.array([g(r) * g(r) for r in rs])
    if method == 0:
	int_fgs = integrate.simps(fgs, rs)
	int_ggs = integrate.simps(ggs, rs)
	int_fgs = integrate.romb(fgs, rs[1]-rs[0])
	int_ggs = integrate.romb(ggs, rs[1]-rs[0])
    return int_fgs / np.sqrt(int_ggs) 
コード例 #14
    def plasmaVolume(self):
        """Calculate the volume of the plasma in m^3"""

        dR = self.R[1, 0] - self.R[0, 0]
        dZ = self.Z[0, 1] - self.Z[0, 0]

        # Volume element
        dV = 2. * pi * self.R * dR * dZ

        if self.mask is not None:  # Only include points in the core
            dV *= self.mask

        # Integrate volume in 2D
        return romb(romb(dV))
コード例 #15
def ricker_int_1d(p, u):
    """Equação a diferenças do tipo Ricker com difusão espacial:
    v[t+1] (x) = a * \int K(y-x) * v[t](y) * exp(-g * v[t](y)) dy

    Com K(y-x) := exp(-(y-x)^2 / s^2)

    v representa uma população de larvas.
    n = len(u) - 1
    uu = np.zeros(u.size)
    for i in range(1, u.size):
        uu[i] = p['a'] * romb(u * np.exp(- p['g'] * u) * p['K'][n-i:-i], p['dx'])
    uu[0] =  p['a'] * romb(u * np.exp(- p['g'] * u) * p['K'][n:], p['dx'])
    return [uu]
コード例 #16
ファイル: sph_bessel.py プロジェクト: kiyo-masui/FRBcosmology
def integrate_f_jnjn(f, n, mean, delta, x_max):
    """Doesn't work for n=0, because we set f=0 for the first point.

    if n == 0:
        raise NotImplementedError()

    x_max = float(x_max)
    mean = float(mean)
    delta = float(delta)

    # Reduce x_max if envelope is significant.
    if delta == 0:
        envelop_width = 1000 * x_max
        envelop_width = 5 * (2 * np.pi / delta)
    x_max = min(x_max, 5 * envelop_width)

    x, ntuple, delta_tuple = sample_jnjn(n, mean, delta, x_max)

    # Envelope of a Gaussian with width of several oscillations. This
    # controls the oscillations out to high k.
    envelope = np.exp(-0.5*(x - n / mean)**2 / envelop_width**2)

    f_eval = np.empty_like(x)
    f_eval[0] = 0
    f_eval[1:] = f(x[1:])

    lower = np.s_[:ntuple[0] + 1]
    jnjn_lower = np.empty_like(x[lower])
    jnjn_lower[0] = 0
    jnjn_lower[1:] =  jnjn(n, mean, delta, x[lower][1:])
    integral = integrate.romb(f_eval[lower] * jnjn_lower, dx=delta_tuple[0])
    if ntuple[1]:
        upper = np.s_[ntuple[0]:]
        jnjn_upper = approx_jnjn(n, mean, delta, x[upper])
        integral += integrate.romb(f_eval[upper] * jnjn_upper * envelope[upper],

    # XXX
    #print "n points:", ntuple
    #plt.plot(x[lower], jnjn_lower * f_eval[lower])
    #plt.plot(x[upper], jnjn_upper * f_eval[upper])
    #plt.plot(x[lower], jnjn_lower * f_eval[lower] * envelope[lower])
    #plt.plot(x[upper], jnjn_upper * f_eval[upper] * envelope[upper])

    return integral
コード例 #17
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: ddcr/learn-dmft
def gt_fouriertrans(g_tau, tau, w_n):
    r"""Performs a forward fourier transform for the interacting Green function
    in which only the interval :math:`[0,\beta]` is required and output given
    into positive fermionic matsubara frequencies up to the given cutoff.
    Array sizes need not match between frequencies and times

    .. math:: G(i\omega_n) = \int_0^\beta G(\tau)
       e^{i\omega_n \tau} d\tau

    g_tau : real float array
            Imaginary time interacting Green function
    tau : real float array
            Imaginary time points
    w_n : real float array
            fermionic matsubara frequencies. Only use the positive ones
    beta : float
        Inverse temperature of the system

    out : complex ndarray
            Interacting Greens function in matsubara frequencies
    beta = tau[-1]
    power = np.exp(1j * dger(1, w_n, tau))

    g_shape = g_tau.shape
    g_tau = g_tau.reshape(-1, 1, g_shape[-1]) * power

    return np.squeeze(romb(g_tau, dx=beta / (tau.size - 1)))
コード例 #18
def diff_off_diag(p, u, v):
    """Equação a diferenças tipo logística com difusão espacial:
    u[t+1] (x) = a1 * v[t] * (1 - g1 * v[t])
    v[t+1] (x) = a2 * \int K(y-x) * u[t](y) dy

    Com K(y-x) := exp(-(y-x)^2 / s^2)

    u representa uma população de moscas e v a quantidade de larvas.
    n = len(u) - 1
    uu = p['a1'] * v * (1 - p['g1'] * v)
    vv = np.zeros(v.size)
    for i in range(1, v.size):
        vv[i] = p['a2'] * romb(u * p['K'][n-i:-i], p['dx'])
    vv[0] =  p['a2'] * romb(u * p['K'][n:], p['dx'])
    return [uu, vv]
コード例 #19
    def _legacy_romberg_by_convotulion(self, leadfield, src, k=4):
        from _fast_reciprocal_reconstructor import ckESI_convolver
        r = max(src._nodes)
        n = 2**k + 1

        X = np.linspace(src.x - r, src.x + r, n)
        Y = np.linspace(src.y - r, src.y + r, n)
        Z = np.linspace(src.z - r, src.z + r, n)

        convolver = ckESI_convolver([X, Y, Z], [X, Y, Z])

        model_src = common.SphericalSplineSourceKCSD(0, 0, 0, src._nodes,

        LEADFIELD = np.full([n, n, n], np.nan)

        for i, x in enumerate(X):
            for j, y in enumerate(Y):
                for k, z in enumerate(Z):
                    LEADFIELD[i, j, k] = leadfield(x, y, z)

        weights = si.romb(np.identity(n), dx=r / (n // 2))
        POT_CORR = convolver.leadfield_to_base_potentials(
            LEADFIELD, model_src.csd, (weights, ) * 3)
        return POT_CORR[n // 2, n // 2, n // 2]
コード例 #20
def kernel_fi(x_list, opt_h):
    kernel = _get_uni_kde(x_list, opt_h)
    low, high = _get_array_bounds(kernel, 0.0001, 0.9999)
    x = linspace(low, high, 2**11 + 1)
    probs = kernel.pdf(x)
    p_prime2 = gradient(probs, x)**2
    return romb(p_prime2 / probs)
コード例 #21
ファイル: greens_function.py プロジェクト: pulkin/potato
def gf_fourier(interface, ps, qs, energies, sampling_factor=None, return_ncalls=False):
    """Fourier-transformed energy-dependent GF."""
    if sampling_factor is None:
        sampling_factor = 1
    energies = np.array(energies)
    omega_middle = .5 * (min(energies.real) + max(energies.real))
    de = (energies[1] - energies[0]).real
    ntimes = int(2 ** np.ceil(np.log2(sampling_factor * len(energies)))) + 1
    times = np.linspace(0, sampling_factor / de, ntimes)
    # Enforce img part positive
    energies = energies.real + 1.j * abs(energies.imag)
    weights = np.exp(1.j * times[:, np.newaxis] * (energies + omega_middle)[np.newaxis, :])
    if return_ncalls:
        tdgf, ncalls = gf_time(interface, ps, qs, times, energy_shift=omega_middle, return_ncalls=True)
        tdgf = gf_time(interface, ps, qs, times, energy_shift=omega_middle, return_ncalls=False)
    integrand = tdgf[..., np.newaxis] * weights[(np.newaxis,) * (tdgf.ndim-1) + (slice(None), slice(None))]
    result = integrate.romb(
        dx=times[1] - times[0],
    if return_ncalls:
        return result, ncalls
        return result
コード例 #22
def calc_rate_eps(eps, xs, gamma, field, z=0, cdf=False):
    Calculate the interaction rate for given tabulated cross sections against an isotropic photon background.
    The tabulated cross sections need to be of length n = 2^i + 1 and the tabulation points log-linearly spaced.

    eps   : tabulated photon energies [J] in nucleus rest frame
    xs    : tabulated cross sections [m^2]
    gamma : (array of) nucleus Lorentz factors
    field : photon background, see photonField.py
    z     : redshift
    cdf   : calculate cumulative differential rate

    Returns :
        interaction rate 1/lambda(gamma) [1/Mpc] or
        cumulative differential rate d(1/lambda)/d(s_kin) [1/Mpc/J^2]
    F = cumtrapz(x=eps, y=eps * xs, initial=0)
    n = field.getDensity(np.outer(1. / (2 * gamma), eps), z)
    if cdf:
        y = n * F / eps**2
        return cumtrapz(x=eps, y=y, initial=0) / np.expand_dims(gamma,
                                                                -1) * Mpc
        y = n * F / eps
        dx = mean_log_spacing(eps)
        return romb(y, dx=dx) / gamma * Mpc
コード例 #23
ファイル: numtools.py プロジェクト: fgoudreault/abipy
def integrator_linspace(y, dx=1, method="simps", axis=-1):
    Integrate y using samples along the given axis with spacing dx.
    method is in ['simps', 'trapz', 'romb']. Note that romb requires len(y) = 2**k + 1.

    >>> nx = 2**8+1
    >>> x = np.linspace(0, np.pi, nx)
    >>> dx = np.pi/(nx-1)
    >>> y = np.sin(x)
    >>> for method in ["simps", "trapz", "romb"]: print(integrator_linspace(y, dx=dx, method=method))
    from scipy.integrate import simps, trapz, romb

    if method == "simps":
        return simps(y, x=None, dx=dx, axis=axis, even='avg')
    elif method == "trapz":
        return trapz(y, x=None, dx=dx, axis=axis)
    elif method == "romb":
        return romb(y, dx=dx, axis=axis, show=False)
        raise ValueError("Wrong method: %s" % method)
コード例 #24
ファイル: dprofile.py プロジェクト: bayronportilla/PDS70
def verification_total_mass(m,x,y):

    # This function performs the surface integral of the density
    # profile. Inputs are: the total dust mass (the constraint) in
    # solar masses, the array of distances (in AU) and the array
    # with the surface density profile (in g/cm^2). The 
    # output is the error between the total dust mass generated
    # by the density profile and the actual value. Therefore, 
    # if the density profile reproduces exactly the value of 
    # the constraint, the returned value will be zero. 
    # IMPORTANT: the number of points of the density profile array
    # (N) can not be arbitrary. It should respect the rule: N=2^k+1
    # with k integer. Also, the values of the independent variable
    # i.e. the radial distance, must be equally spaced. 
    return error
コード例 #25
    def MassVariance(self, M):
        Finds the Mass Variance of R using the top-hat window function.
        Input: R: the radius of the top-hat function (single number).
        Output: sigma_squared: the mass variance.
        # Calculate the integrand of the function. Note that the power spectrum and k values must be
        #'un-logged' before use, and we multiply by k because our steps are in logk.
        integrand = np.exp(self.k_extended)**3 * np.exp(
            self.power_spectrum) * self.TopHat_WindowFunction(M)

        # Perform the integration using romberg integration, and multiply be the pre-factors.
        sigma_squared = (0.5 / np.pi**2) * intg.romb(integrand, dx=self.steps)

        # Multiply by the growth factor for the redshifts involved.
        dist = Distances(camb_config.omega_lambda,
                         camb_config.omega_baryon + camb_config.omega_cdm,
        growth = dist.GrowthFactor(self.z)**2

        sigma_squared = sigma_squared * growth

        return sigma_squared
コード例 #26
    def Dplus(self, redshifts):
        Finds the factor D+(a), from Lukic et. al. 2007, eq. 8.
        Uses romberg integration with a suitable step-size. 
        Input: z: redshift.
        Output: dplus: the factor.
        if type(redshifts) is type(0.4):
            redshifts = [redshifts]

        dplus = np.zeros_like(redshifts)
        for i, z in enumerate(redshifts):
            step_size = self.StepSize(0.0000001, self.ScaleFactor(z))
            a_vector = np.arange(0.0000001, self.ScaleFactor(z), step_size)
            integrand = 1.0 / (a_vector *

            integral = intg.romb(integrand, dx=step_size)
            dplus[i] = 5.0 * self.omega_mass * self.HubbleFunction(
                z) * integral / 2.0

        return dplus
コード例 #27
    def dlnsdlnM(self, M):
        Uses a top-hat window function to calculate |dlnsigma/dlnM| at a given radius.
        Input: R: the radius of the top-hat function. 
        Output: integral: the derivatiave of log sigma with respect to log Mass.

        R = self.Radius(M)
        # define the vector g = kR
        g = np.exp(self.k_extended) * R

        # Find the mass variance.
        sigma = np.sqrt(self.MassVariance(M))

        # Define the derivative of the window function squared.
        window = (np.sin(g) - g * np.cos(g)) * (np.sin(g) *
                                                (1 - 3.0 /
                                                 (g**2)) + 3.0 * np.cos(g) / g)

        # Compile into the integrand.
        integrand = (np.exp(self.power_spectrum) /
                     np.exp(self.k_extended)) * window

        # Integrate using romberg integration and multiply by pre-factors.
        integral = (3.0 / (2.0 * sigma**2 * np.pi**2 * R**4)) * intg.romb(
            integrand, dx=self.steps)

        return integral
コード例 #28
    def dlnsdlnM(self,M):
        Uses a top-hat window function to calculate |dlnsigma/dlnM| at a given radius.
        Input: R: the radius of the top-hat function. 
        Output: integral: the derivatiave of log sigma with respect to log Mass.

        R = self.Radius(M)
        # define the vector g = kR
        g = np.exp(self.k_extended)*R
        # Find the mass variance.
        sigma = np.sqrt(self.MassVariance(M))
        # Define the derivative of the window function squared.
        window = (np.sin(g)-g*np.cos(g))*(np.sin(g)*(1-3.0/(g**2))+3.0*np.cos(g)/g)
        # Compile into the integrand.
        integrand = (np.exp(self.power_spectrum)/np.exp(self.k_extended))*window
        # Integrate using romberg integration and multiply by pre-factors.
        integral =(3.0/(2.0*sigma**2*np.pi**2*R**4))*intg.romb(integrand,dx=self.steps)
        return integral
コード例 #29
ファイル: invert_radiation.py プロジェクト: ukaea/Indica
 def residuals(
     knotvals: np.ndarray,
     unfolded_cameras: List[Dataset],
 ) -> np.ndarray:
     symmetric_emissivity, asymmetry_parameter = knotvals_to_xarray(knotvals)
     estimate = EmissivityProfile(
         symmetric_emissivity, asymmetry_parameter, flux_coords
     start = 0
     resid = np.empty(sum(c.attrs["nlos"] for c in unfolded_cameras))
     self.integral = []
     for c in unfolded_cameras:
         end = start + c.attrs["nlos"]
         rho, R = c.indica.convert_coords(rho_maj_rad)
         rho_min, x2 = c.indica.convert_coords(c.attrs["impact_parameters"])
         emissivity_vals = estimate.evaluate(rho, R, R_0=c.coords["R_0"])
         axis = emissivity_vals.dims.index(c.attrs["transform"].x2_name)
         integral = romb(emissivity_vals, c.attrs["dl"], axis)
         resid[start:end] = ((c.camera - integral) / c.weights)[
         start = end
         x1_name = c.attrs["transform"].x1_name
             DataArray(integral, coords=[(x1_name, c.coords[x1_name])])
     assert np.all(np.isfinite(resid))
     return resid
コード例 #30
ファイル: bhattacharyya.py プロジェクト: pjarnhus/dcafed
def _bhattacharyya_cont(df_1, df_2, var_list, continuous_integration_points):
    Utility functino for calculating the Bhattacharyya distance between continuous columns in two DataFrames
    :param df_1: First DataFrame
    :param df_2: Second DataFrame
    :param var_list: list - continuous variables to be included in the calculation, all variables must match a column
    in each DataFrame
    :return: Pandas Series with the distance as values and column names as indices

    assert (all([issubdtype(t, number) for t in df_1[var_list].dtypes])
            and all([issubdtype(t, number) for t in df_2[var_list].dtypes])),\
        'All continuous variables must be numerical'

    assert (log2(continuous_integration_points-1) % 1 == 0),\
        'The number of integration points must be 2**n+1 where n is a non-negative integer'
    # Compute the Gaussian KDEs for all continuous columns in both DataFrames
    kernels_1 = [gaussian_kde(df_1[v].get_values()) for v in var_list]
    kernels_2 = [gaussian_kde(df_2[v].get_values()) for v in var_list]

    # Define low and high points for each integration range, i.e. the end points of the two distributions
    low_points = [min(df_1[v].min(), df_2[v].min()) for v in var_list]
    high_points = [max(df_1[v].max(), df_2[v].max()) for v in var_list]

    # Calculate integration points
    positions = [mgrid[lp:hp:complex(0, continuous_integration_points)] for lp, hp in zip(low_points, high_points)]

    # Calculate the KDE values at each integration point
    kdes_1 = [k(p) for k, p in zip(kernels_1, positions)]
    kdes_2 = [k(p) for k, p in zip(kernels_2, positions)]

    # Return a pandas Series with the computed distances
    return Series([-log(romb(sqrt(k1*k2), dx=(p[1:]-p[:-1]).mean()))
                   for k1, k2, p in zip(kdes_1, kdes_2, positions)], index=var_list)
コード例 #31
ファイル: OpticalModel.py プロジェクト: francescorandi/optics
    def spectralWeight(self, limits=None):
        """Calculates the spectral weight of the model. If an energy
         window is give, a partial spectral weight is returned.

         limits -- A tuple indicating beginning and end where to calculate
                   the partial spectral weight of the model.

            The calculated dielectric function.

        _sw = 0.0

        if not limits:
            for oscillator in self.__oscillators:
                _sw += oscillator.spectralWeight

            # Using Romberg: See http://young.physics.ucsc.edu/242/romberg.pdf
            interval = limits[1]-limits[0]

            # Finding minimal k for a smaller than 0.02 integration step
            k = ceil(log(interval/0.02-1)/log(2))

            # Determining final step size
            dx = interval/(2.0**k)

            # Create a 2**k+1 equally spaced sample
            x = np.linspace(limits[0], limits[1], 2**k+1)

            _sw = romb(np.imag(self.dielectricFunction(x)), dx)

        return _sw
コード例 #32
    def romberg(self, leadfield, src, k=4):
        r = max(src._nodes)
        n = 2**k + 1
        dxyz = r**3 / 2**(3 * k - 3)
        X = np.linspace(src.x - r, src.x + r, n)
        Y = np.linspace(src.y - r, src.y + r, n)
        Z = np.linspace(src.z - r, src.z + r, n)
        CSD = src.csd(X.reshape(-1, 1, 1), Y.reshape(1, -1, 1),
                      Z.reshape(1, 1, -1))

        return dxyz * si.romb([
                si.romb([leadfield(xx, yy, zz) for zz in Z] * CSD_XY)
                for yy, CSD_XY in zip(Y, CSD_X)
            ]) for xx, CSD_X in zip(X, CSD)
コード例 #33
 def computeSigma8(self, h0=1.0, verbose=False):
     dk = self.k[1] - self.k[0]
     values = self.pk(
         self.k) * (self.getFourierWindow(8.0, h0=h0) * self.k)**2
     sigma8 = romb(values, dx=dk, show=verbose) / dk
     sigma8 /= 2.0 * (Pi**2)
     return np.sqrt(sigma8)
コード例 #34
def calc_rate_s(s_kin, xs, E, field, z=0, cdf=False):
    Calculate the interaction rate for given tabulated cross sections against an isotropic photon background.
    The tabulated cross sections need to be of length n = 2^i + 1 and the tabulation points log-linearly spaced.

    s_kin : tabulated (s - m**2) for cross sections [J^2]
    xs    : tabulated cross sections [m^2]
    E     : (array of) cosmic ray energies [J]
    field : photon background, see photonField.py
    z     : redshift
    cdf   : calculate cumulative differential rate

    Returns :
        interaction rate 1/lambda(gamma) [1/Mpc] or
        cumulative differential rate d(1/lambda)/d(s_kin) [1/Mpc/J^2]
    F = cumtrapz(x=s_kin, y=s_kin * xs, initial=0)
    n = field.getDensity(np.outer(1. / (4 * E), s_kin), z)
    if cdf:
        y = n * F / s_kin**2
        return cumtrapz(x=s_kin, y=y, initial=0) / 2 / np.expand_dims(E,
                                                                      -1) * Mpc
        y = n * F / s_kin
        ds = mean_log_spacing(s_kin)
        return romb(y, dx=ds) / 2 / E * Mpc
コード例 #35
 def integral_grid_d_3_xi(self, FUN, element=1, component=None):
     if element == 'stress':
         element = self.ELEMENT_stress[:, :, :, component[0] - 1,
                                       component[1] - 1]
     if FUN.ndim == 3:
         return 8*romb(romb(romb(FUN*element, \
          dx = self.dx, axis = 0), dx = self.dy, axis = 0), dx = self.dz, axis = 0)
     elif FUN.ndim == 4:
         return 8*romb(romb(romb(FUN*element[:,:,:,None], \
          dx = self.dx, axis = 0), dx = self.dy, axis = 0), dx = self.dz, axis = 0)
     elif FUN.ndim == 5:
         return 8*romb(romb(romb(FUN*element[:,:,:,None,None], \
          dx = self.dx, axis = 0), dx = self.dy, axis = 0), dx = self.dz, axis = 0)
コード例 #36
    def _integration_weights(cls, X):
        # Regular `X` assumed
        dx = cls._d(X)
        n = len(X)
        if 2**int(np.log2(n - 1)) == n - 1:
            return romb(np.eye(n), dx=dx)

        return np.full(n, dx)
コード例 #37
ファイル: fast_bandwidth_est.py プロジェクト: maskarb/python
def kernel_fi(x_list, eps):
    opt_h = find_opt_h(x_list, eps)
    kernel = get_uni_kde(x_list, opt_h)
    low, high = get_array_bounds(kernel, 0.0001, 0.9999)
    x = np.linspace(low, high, 2 ** 11 + 1)
    probs = kernel.pdf(x)
    p_prime2 = np.gradient(probs, x) ** 2
    return romb(p_prime2 / probs)
コード例 #38
    def _compute_std_romberg(self, psi, p_sep, xmin, xmax):
        Compute the variance of the distribution function psi from xmin to xmax
        along the contours p_sep using numerical integration methods.

        x_arr = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, 257)
        dx = x_arr[1] - x_arr[0]

        Q, V = 0, 0
        for x in x_arr:
            y = np.linspace(0, p_sep(x), 257)
            dy = y[1] - y[0]
            z = psi(x, y)
            Q += romb(z, dy)
            z = x**2 * psi(x, y)
            V += romb(z, dy)
        Q *= dx
        V *= dx

        return np.sqrt(V/Q)
コード例 #39
ファイル: test_quadrature.py プロジェクト: BranYang/scipy
    def test_romb_gh_3731(self):
        # Check that romb makes maximal use of data points
        x = np.arange(2**4+1)
        y = np.cos(0.2*x)
        val = romb(y)
        val2, err = quad(lambda x: np.cos(0.2*x), x.min(), x.max())
        assert_allclose(val, val2, rtol=1e-8, atol=0)

        # should be equal to romb with 2**k+1 samples
        with suppress_warnings() as sup:
            sup.filter(AccuracyWarning, "divmax .4. exceeded")
            val3 = romberg(lambda x: np.cos(0.2*x), x.min(), x.max(), divmax=4)
        assert_allclose(val, val3, rtol=1e-12, atol=0)
コード例 #40
ファイル: test_quadrature.py プロジェクト: ProkopHapala/scipy
    def test_romb_gh_3731(self):
        # Check that romb makes maximal use of data points
        x = np.arange(2 ** 4 + 1)
        y = np.cos(0.2 * x)
        val = romb(y)
        val2, err = quad(lambda x: np.cos(0.2 * x), x.min(), x.max())
        assert_allclose(val, val2, rtol=1e-8, atol=0)

        # should be equal to romb with 2**k+1 samples
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=AccuracyWarning)
            val3 = romberg(lambda x: np.cos(0.2 * x), x.min(), x.max(), divmax=4)
        assert_allclose(val, val3, rtol=1e-12, atol=0)
コード例 #41
def Cmp_XC_Energy(Nc,MM,LL,mumesh,Ximesh,in12,index,R0,FX=1.0,FC=1.0):
    "Computes XC energy within LDA"
            #line 117 "LDA.py"
            double rho=0.0;
            for (int i=0; i<an12.extent(0); i++){
                int i1 = andex(an12(i,0));
                int i2 = andex(an12(i,1));
                rho += MM(i1,ix)*LL(i1,ir)*Nc(i)*MM(i2,ix)*LL(i2,ir);
            return_val = rho/(2*M_PI*R0*R0*R0/8);
    exc = ExchangeCorrelation()
    Exc = zeros((len(mumesh),len(Ximesh)),dtype=float)

    an12 = array(in12)
    andex = array(index)

    for ix,eta in enumerate(mumesh):
        for ir,xi in enumerate(Ximesh):
            rho = weave.inline(code1, ['ir', 'ix', 'Nc','an12','andex','MM','LL','R0'], type_converters=weave.converters.blitz, compiler = 'gcc')
            if rho<0.0:
                print 'WARNING: rho<0 for ', eta, xi, 'rho=', rho
                #print 'Nc=', Nc
                #for i,(i1,i2) in enumerate(in12):
                #    print i1, i2, MM[i1,ix]*LL[i1,ir]*Nc[i]*MM[i2,ix]*LL[i2,ir], dsum
                #    dsum += MM[i1,ix]*LL[i1,ir]*Nc[i]*MM[i2,ix]*LL[i2,ir]
            rs = pow(3/(4*pi*rho),1/3.)
            Exc[ix,ir] = (2*exc.Ex(rs)*rho*FX + 2*exc.Ec(rs)*rho*FC)*(xi**2-eta**2)*(2*pi*R0**3/8)
    Ene = zeros(len(mumesh),dtype=float)
    for ix,eta in enumerate(mumesh):
        Ene[ix] = integrate.romb(Exc[ix,:]*(Ximesh-1.),dhXi)

    return integrate.romb(Ene,mumesh[1]-mumesh[0])
コード例 #42
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: ndaniyar/aphot
def kpc2pix(H, Om, z0):
    ''' Converts physical distances in kiloparsec to Chandra pixels at redshift z0
        H = Hubble constant in km/sec/Mpc
        Om = total matter density
    N = 64 # Number of evaluation points
    c = 3e5 # speed of light in km/s
    z = linspace(0, z0, N+1)
    E = sqrt( Om*(1+z)**3 + 1-Om )
    dC = 1e3 * c/H * romb(1/E, 1.*z0/N) # Comoving distance in Mpc
    dA = dC / (1+z0) # Angular diameter distance
    rad2arcsec = 180*3600/pi
    px2arcsec = 0.492
    return 1/dA * rad2arcsec / px2arcsec #kpc2px
コード例 #43
def cmp_MPM(Ny, maxm,maxl, ist, ak, Modd):
    Xx = linspace(-1,1,Ny)
    MPM =  zeros((len(ist),maxl+1),dtype=float)
    MPxM = zeros((len(ist),maxl+1),dtype=float) 
    for i,(i1,i2) in enumerate(ist):
        (R1,Ene1,m1,p1,A1) = Sol[i1]
        (R2,Ene2,m2,p2,A2) = Sol[i2]
        print 'i1=', i1, 'i2=', i2, 'm1=', m1, 'm2=', m2 #, MPM,MPxM
        m = abs(m1-m2)
        Plm_all = array([special.lpmn(maxm,maxl,x)[0] for x in Xx])
        MM = array([Mm(x,m1,p1,ak[i1]) * Mm(x,m2,p2,ak[i2]) for x in Xx])
        Plm = transpose(Plm_all[:,m])
        for il in range(m,maxl+1):
            odd = (Modd[i1]+Modd[i2]+il+m)%2
            if not odd:  # If the function is odd, we do not calculate!
                MMP = MM*Plm[il,:]
                MMPx = MMP * Xx**2
                MPM [i,il] = integrate.romb(MMP, Xx[1]-Xx[0])
                MPxM[i,il] = integrate.romb(MMPx,Xx[1]-Xx[0])
    return (MPM,MPxM)
コード例 #44
def test_marginalization():
    # Integrating out one of the variables of a 2D Gaussian should
    # yield a 1D Gaussian
    mean = np.array([2.5, 3.5])
    cov = np.array([[.5, 0.2], [0.2, .6]])
    n = 2 ** 8 + 1  # Number of samples
    delta = 6 / (n - 1)  # Grid spacing

    v = np.linspace(0, 6, n)
    xv, yv = np.meshgrid(v, v)
    pos = np.empty((n, n, 2))
    pos[:, :, 0] = xv
    pos[:, :, 1] = yv
    pdf = multivariate_normal.pdf(pos, mean, cov)

    # Marginalize over x and y axis
    margin_x = romb(pdf, delta, axis=0)
    margin_y = romb(pdf, delta, axis=1)

    # Compare with standard normal distribution
    gauss_x = norm.pdf(v, loc=mean[0], scale=cov[0, 0] ** 0.5)
    gauss_y = norm.pdf(v, loc=mean[1], scale=cov[1, 1] ** 0.5)
    assert_allclose(margin_x, gauss_x, rtol=1e-2, atol=1e-2)
    assert_allclose(margin_y, gauss_y, rtol=1e-2, atol=1e-2)
コード例 #45
def calc_rate_eps(eps, xs, gamma, field, z=0):
    Calculate the interaction rate for given tabulated cross sections against an isotropic photon background.
    The tabulated cross sections need to be of length n = 2^i + 1 and the tabulation points log-linearly spaced.

    eps   : tabulated photon energies [J] in nucleus rest frame
    xs    : tabulated cross sections [m^2]
    gamma : (array of) nucleus Lorentz factors
    field : photon background, see photonField.py

    Returns : inverse mean free path [1/Mpc]
    F = integrate.cumtrapz(x=eps, y=eps*xs, initial=0)
    n = field.getDensity(np.outer(1./(2*gamma), eps), z)
    dx = np.mean(np.diff(np.log(eps)))  # value of log-spacing
    return integrate.romb(n * F / eps, dx=dx) / gamma * Mpc
コード例 #46
def local_term(ells, chi, delta, flat=False):
    out = []
    chi = float(chi)
    delta = float(delta)

    for ell in ells:
        ell = int(ell)
        p_k_interp = matter_power.p_k_interp(chi)

        if flat:
            if (ell/chi) > matter_power.K_MAX:
            # Maximum k_par.
            k_max = np.sqrt(max(matter_power.K_MAX**2 - (ell/chi)**2, 0))
            # Reduce x_max if envelope is significant.
            if delta == 0:
                envelop_width = 1000 * k_max
                envelop_width = 5 * (2 * np.pi / delta)
            k_max = min(k_max, 5 * envelop_width)

            nk = sph_bessel.pow_2_gt(k_max * delta * 5) + 1
            k = np.linspace(0, k_max, nk, endpoint=True)

            delta_k = k_max / (nk - 1)
            # Envelope of a Gaussian with width of several oscillations. This
            # controls the oscillations out to high k.
            envelope = np.exp(-0.5*k**2 / envelop_width**2)

            p_k_local = p_k_interp(np.sqrt((ell/chi)**2 + k**2))
            p_k_local *= envelope
            # Fourier factor.
            p_k_local *= np.cos(k * delta)

            I1 = integrate.romb(p_k_local, dx=delta_k)
            I1 /= np.pi * chi**2
            p_k = lambda k: k**2 * p_k_interp(k)
            I1 = sph_bessel.integrate_f_jnjn(p_k, ell, chi, delta,
                    matter_power.K_MAX) * (2 / np.pi)
    return out
コード例 #47
def normalize(E, V, interval):
    """ Use the Romberg method of integration from the SciPy module to
        normalize the wave function.
    min,max,steps = interval
    k = np.ceil(np.log2(steps - 1))
    int_interval = (min,max,np.exp2(k)+1)
    xpoints,ypoints = ode.solve(f_eq = schrod_eq,
                        dep_i = (0,1),
                        interval = int_interval,
                        order = 4,
                        return_points = True,
                        V = V,
                        E = E )
    ypoints = np.power(ypoints[0,:],2) # strip out phi values and square
    dx = (max-min)/(np.exp2(k))
    A2 = integrate.romb(ypoints,dx)
    return 1/np.sqrt(A2)
コード例 #48
ファイル: cosmography.py プロジェクト: duducosmos/hmf
def d_plus(z, omegam, omegak, omegav):
    Finds the factor D+(a), from Lukic et. al. 2007, eq. 8.
    Uses romberg integration with a suitable step-size. 
    Input: z: redshift.
    Output: dplus: the factor.

    stepsize = step_size(0.0000001, a_from_z(z))
    a_vector = np.arange(0.0000001, a_from_z(z), stepsize)
    integrand = 1.0 / (a_vector * hubble_z(z_from_a(a_vector), omegam, omegak, omegav)) ** 3

    integral = intg.romb(integrand, dx=stepsize)
    dplus = 5.0 * omegam * hubble_z(z, omegam, omegak, omegav) * integral / 2.0

    return dplus
コード例 #49
def invMFP_fast(eps, xs, gamma, field):
    Calculate the inverse mean free path for given tabulated
    cross sections against an isotropic photon background:
    Fully vectorized version using Romberg integration.

    The tabulated cross sections need to be of length n = 2^i + 1
    and the tabulation points log-linearly spaced
    eps   : photon energies [J] in nucleus rest frame
    xs    : cross sections [m^2]
    gamma : (array of) nucleus Lorentz factors
    field : photon background, see photonField.py

    Returns : inverse mean free path [1/Mpc]
    F = integrate.cumtrapz(x=eps, y=eps*xs, initial=0) / eps
    n = field.getDensity( np.outer(1 / (2 * gamma), eps) )
    dx = np.mean(np.diff(np.log(eps)))  # average log-spacing
    return integrate.romb(n * F, dx=dx) * Mpc / gamma
コード例 #50
def rate(s_kin, xs, E,field):
    Calculate interaction rate against an isotropic photon background
    for given tabulated cross sections.
    1/lambda = 1/(2E) * \int n((smax-m^2)/(4E)) / (smax-m^2) F(smax-m^2) dln(smax-m^2)
    F(smax-m^2) = \int_{smin-m^2}^{smax-m^2} sigma(s) (s - m^2) d(s-m^2)
    s = 2E eps (1 - cos(theta)) + m^2
    smax = 4E*eps + m^2
    smin = m^2
    field : n(eps) photon background, see photonField.py
    s_kin     : tabulated (s - m**2) for cross sections [J^2], size n=2^i+1, log-spaced
    xs    : tabulated cross sections [m^2]
    E     : (array of) cosmic ray energies [J]
    Returns : interaction rate [1/Mpc]
    F = integrate.cumtrapz(x=s_kin, y=(s_kin)*xs, initial=0)
    n = field.getDensity(np.outer(1./(4*E), s_kin))
    ds = np.mean(np.diff(np.log(s_kin)))  # value of log-spacing
    return integrate.romb(n * F / (s_kin), dx=ds) / 2 / E * Mpc
コード例 #51
ファイル: sph_bessel.py プロジェクト: kiyo-masui/FRBcosmology
def integrate_f_jnjn_brute(f, n, mean, delta, x_max):

    x_max = float(x_max)
    mean = float(mean)
    delta = float(delta)

    x_min = n / mean / 2
    npoints = 4 * mean * (x_max - x_min)
    npoints = pow_2_gt(npoints)

    delta_x = (x_max - x_min) / npoints
    x = np.arange(npoints + 1, dtype=float) * delta_x + x_min
    integrand = np.empty_like(x)
    integrand[0] = 0
    integrand[0:] = f(x[0:])
    integrand *= jnjn(n, mean, delta, x)

    # XXX
    #print "brute n points:", npoints
    #plt.plot(x, integrand)

    return integrate.romb(integrand, dx=delta_x)
コード例 #52
def calc_rate_s(s_kin, xs, E, field):
    Calculate the interaction rate for given tabulated cross sections against an isotropic photon background.
    The tabulated cross sections need to be of length n = 2^i + 1 and the tabulation points log-linearly spaced.

    1/lambda = 1/(2E) * \int n((smax-m^2)/(4E)) / (smax-m^2) F(smax-m^2) dln(smax-m^2)
    F(smax-m^2) = \int_{smin-m^2}^{smax-m^2} sigma(s) (s - m^2) d(s-m^2)
    s = 2E eps (1 - cos(theta)) + m^2
    smax = 4*E*eps + m^2
    smin = m^2

    s_kin : tabulated (s - m**2) for cross sections [J^2]
    xs    : tabulated cross sections [m^2]
    E     : (array of) cosmic ray energies [J]
    field : photon background, see photonField.py

    Returns : interaction rate [1/Mpc]
    F = integrate.cumtrapz(x=s_kin, y=s_kin*xs, initial=0)
    n = field.getDensity(np.outer(1./(4*E), s_kin))
    ds = np.mean(np.diff(np.log(s_kin)))  # value of log-spacing
    return integrate.romb(n * F / s_kin, dx=ds) / 2 / E * Mpc
コード例 #53
 def MassVariance(self,M):
     Finds the Mass Variance of R using the top-hat window function.
     Input: R: the radius of the top-hat function (single number).
     Output: sigma_squared: the mass variance.
     # Calculate the integrand of the function. Note that the power spectrum and k values must be
     #'un-logged' before use, and we multiply by k because our steps are in logk. 
     integrand = np.exp(self.k_extended)**3*np.exp(self.power_spectrum)*self.TopHat_WindowFunction(M)
     # Perform the integration using romberg integration, and multiply be the pre-factors.
     sigma_squared = (0.5/np.pi**2)*intg.romb(integrand,dx = self.steps)
     # Multiply by the growth factor for the redshifts involved.
     dist = Distances(camb_config.omega_lambda, camb_config.omega_baryon+camb_config.omega_cdm,0.0,H_0 = camb_config.hubble)
     growth = dist.GrowthFactor(self.z)**2
     sigma_squared = sigma_squared*growth
     return sigma_squared
コード例 #54
 def Dplus(self,redshifts):
     Finds the factor D+(a), from Lukic et. al. 2007, eq. 8.
     Uses romberg integration with a suitable step-size. 
     Input: z: redshift.
     Output: dplus: the factor.
     if type(redshifts) is type (0.4):
         redshifts = [redshifts]
     dplus = np.zeros_like(redshifts)
     for i,z in enumerate(redshifts):
         step_size = self.StepSize(0.0000001,self.ScaleFactor(z))
         a_vector = np.arange(0.0000001,self.ScaleFactor(z),step_size)
         integrand = 1.0/(a_vector*self.HubbleFunction(self.zofa(a_vector)))**3
         integral = intg.romb(integrand,dx=step_size)
         dplus[i] = 5.0*self.omega_mass*self.HubbleFunction(z)*integral/2.0
     return dplus
コード例 #55
ファイル: distribution.py プロジェクト: chrsbats/connorav
 def _cvar(self,upper=0.05,samples=64,lower=0.00001):
     interval = (upper - lower) / float(samples)
     ppfs = self.dist.ppf(numpy.arange(lower, upper+interval, interval))
     result = integrate.romb(ppfs, dx=interval)
     return result
コード例 #56
A2 = np.zeros(shape = (len(Ls),len(ns)))
G = np.zeros(shape = (len(Ls),len(thetas)))
Tau = np.zeros(shape = (len(Ls),len(thetas)))

a =  Aiz(eiz_x,eiz_z,eiz_w)
delta_par = Delta_par(eiz_z,eiz_w)
delta_prp = Delta_prp(eiz_x,eiz_w)
# Integrand, A0(n=0) and A2(n=0) terms 
f0_term0 = U*U*U * np.exp(-2.* U)\
f2_term0 =  U*U*U * np.exp(-2.* U)\
Ft0_term0 = romb(f0_term0)
#Ft0_term0 = np.sum(f0_term0)
Ft2_term0 = romb(f2_term0)
#Ft2_term0 = np.sum(f2_term0)

# Calculate 1 \geq n \leq 500 terms
for i,L in enumerate(Ls):
    print 'Computing A for separation number %3.0f of %3.0f'%(i, len(Ls))
    for j,n in enumerate(ns):
        p[i,j] = Pn(eiz_w[j],zs[j],L)
        # Integrand A0
        f0 = T*np.exp(-2.*p[i,j]*np.sqrt(T*T+1.))/(T*T+1.)\
                +2.*(delta_par[j]*delta_par[j]+4.*delta_prp[j]*delta_par[j]+4.*delta_prp[j]*delta_par[j]+12.*delta_prp[j]*delta_prp[j])*T*T \
                + 2.*(delta_par[j]+2.*delta_prp[j])*(delta_par[j]+2.*delta_prp[j]))
コード例 #57
ファイル: linear.py プロジェクト: lemoncookie3/SNR
    def RSDband_covariance_PP(self, l1, l2, logscale = False):
        Calculate power spectrum covariance matrix 
        C_{l1,l2} = < P_l1 P_l2 > - < P_l1 >< P_l2 >
        l1,l2: mode 0,2,4
        from scipy.integrate import quad,simps
        from numpy import zeros, sqrt, pi, exp
        import cmath
        I = cmath.sqrt(-1)
        klist = self.klist
        kcenter = self.kcenter
        skcenter = self.skcenter
        mulist = self.mulist
        dk = self.kmax - self.kmin
        #dlnk = self.dlnk
        #sdlnk = self.sdlnk
        sdk = self.skmax - self.skmin
        matterpower = self.RealPowerBand
        s = self.s
        b = self.b
        f = self.f
        Vs = self.Vs
        nn = self.nn
        dmu = self.dmu
        # FirstTerm + SecondTerm
        matrix1, matrix2 = np.mgrid[0:len(mulist),0:self.subN]
        mumatrix = self.mulist[matrix1]
        Le_matrix1 = Ll(l1,mumatrix)
        Le_matrix2 = Ll(l2,mumatrix)
        #Vi = 4 * pi * kcenter**2 * dk + 1./3 * pi * (dk)**3
        Vi = 4./3 * pi * ( self.kmax**3 - self.kmin**3 )
        Const_alpha = (2*l1 + 1.) * (2*l2 + 1.) * (2*pi)**3 /Vs
        resultlist1 = []
        resultlist2 = []
        for i in range(len(kcenter)):
            k = skcenter[i*self.subN : i*self.subN+self.subN]
            Pm = matterpower[i*self.subN : i*self.subN+self.subN]
            kmatrix = k[matrix2]
            Dmatrix = np.exp(- kmatrix**2 * mumatrix**2 * self.s**2) #FOG matrix
            R = (self.b + self.f * mumatrix**2)**2 * Dmatrix
            Rintegral3 =  romb(  R**2 * Le_matrix1 * Le_matrix2, dx = dmu, axis=0 )
            Rintegral2 =  romb(  R * Le_matrix1 * Le_matrix2, dx = dmu, axis=0 )
            result1 = romb( 4 * pi * k**2* Pm**2 * Rintegral3, dx = self.sdk)
            result2 = romb( 4 * pi * k**2 * Pm * Rintegral2, dx = self.sdk)
        FirstTerm = Const_alpha * np.array(resultlist1) /Vi**2
        SecondTerm = Const_alpha * 2./nn * np.array(resultlist2) /Vi**2
        # LastTerm
        if l1 == l2:
            LastTerm = (2*l1 + 1.) * 2. * (2 * pi)**3/Vs/nn**2 /Vi
            LastTerm = 0.
        Total = FirstTerm + SecondTerm + LastTerm
        covariance_mutipole_PP = np.zeros((len(kcenter),len(kcenter)))

        #print 'covariance_PP {:>1.0f}{:>1.0f} is finished'.format(l1,l2)
        return covariance_mutipole_PP
コード例 #58
ファイル: test_quadrature.py プロジェクト: dyao-vu/meta-core
 def test_romb(self):
     assert_equal(romb(np.arange(17)), 128)
コード例 #59
def Pn(e,zn,l):
	return np.sqrt(e)*zn*l*(1./c)

a =  Aiz(eiz_x,eiz_z,eiz_w)
delta = Delta(eiz_z,eiz_w)

# Calculate N=0 term        
# Integrand
f_term0 = (1./(Y0*np.sqrt(1.0 - (1./Y0)))) *U*U*U*U\
        *np.exp(-2.* Y0 *U)\
        *(2.*(1. + 3.*a[0])*(1. + 3.*a[0])\
# Double Integral
Ft_term0 = romb(f_term0, axis = 1)
Fty_term0 = romb(Ft_term0, axis = 0)

# Calculate 1 < N < 500 terms
for i,L in enumerate(Ls):
    print 'Computing A for separation number %3.0f of %3.0f'%(i, len(Ls))
    for j,n in enumerate(ns):
        p[i,j] = Pn(eiz_w[j],zs[j],L)
        # Integrand
        f = (1./(Y*np.sqrt(1.0 - (1./Y))))\
                * np.exp(-2.*Y*p[i,j]*np.sqrt(T*T+1.))\
                * (T / np.sqrt(T*T + 1.))\
                * (2. * (1. + 3.*a[j]) * (1. + 3.*a[j]) * T*T*T*T\
                + 4. * (1. + 2.*a[j] + 2.*a[j] + 3.*a[j] * a[j]) *T*T\
                + 4.*(1.+a[j])*(1.+a[j])\