コード例 #1
    def buildSection(self, xo = None, yo = None, xm = None, ym = None,
                    pts = 100, gfilter = 5):
        Extract a slice from the 3D data set and compute the stratigraphic layers.
        variable: xo, yo
            Lower X,Y coordinates of the cross-section.
        variable: xm, ym
            Upper X,Y coordinates of the cross-section.
        variable: pts
            Number of points to discretise the cross-section.
        variable: gfilter
            Gaussian smoothing filter.

        if xm > self.x.max():
            xm = self.x.max()

        if ym > self.y.max():
            ym = self.y.max()

        if xo < self.x.min():
            xo = self.x.min()

        if yo < self.y.min():
            yo = self.y.min()

        xsec, ysec = self._cross_section(xo, yo, xm, ym, pts)
        self.dist = np.sqrt(( xsec - xo )**2 + ( ysec - yo )**2)
        self.xsec = xsec
        self.ysec = ysec
        for k in range(self.nz):
            # Thick
            rect_B_spline = RectBivariateSpline(self.yi, self.xi, self.th[:,:,k])
            data = rect_B_spline.ev(ysec, xsec)
            secTh = filters.gaussian_filter1d(data,sigma=gfilter)
            secTh[secTh < 0] = 0

            # Elev
            rect_B_spline1 = RectBivariateSpline(self.yi, self.xi, self.elev[:,:,k])
            data1 = rect_B_spline1.ev(ysec, xsec)
            secElev = filters.gaussian_filter1d(data1,sigma=gfilter)

            # Depth
            rect_B_spline2 = RectBivariateSpline(self.yi, self.xi, self.dep[:,:,k])
            data2 = rect_B_spline2.ev(ysec, xsec)
            secDep = filters.gaussian_filter1d(data2,sigma=gfilter)

        # Ensure the spline interpolation does not create underlying layers above upper ones
        topsec = self.secDep[self.nz-1]
        for k in range(self.nz-2,-1,-1):
            secDep = self.secDep[k]
            self.secDep[k] = np.minimum(secDep, topsec)
            topsec = self.secDep[k]

コード例 #2
ファイル: loth_baker_2013.py プロジェクト: ynthdhj/shakemap
    def __init__(self, periods):
        Create an instance of LB13.

            periods (numpy.array): An array of periods that will be requested
                from the function. Values must be [0.01 -> 10.0], and must me
                sorted from smallest to largest.

            An instance of :class:`LothBaker2013`.

        if np.any(periods < 0.01):
            raise ValueError('The periods must be greater or equal to 0.01s')
        if np.any(periods > 10):
            raise ValueError('The periods must be less or equal to 10s')

        rbs1 = RectBivariateSpline(Tlist, Tlist, B1, kx=1, ky=1)
        rbs2 = RectBivariateSpline(Tlist, Tlist, B2, kx=1, ky=1)
        rbs3 = RectBivariateSpline(Tlist, Tlist, B3, kx=1, ky=1)

        # Build new tables with entries at the periods we will use
        tlist = list(zip(*it.product(periods, periods)))
        nper = np.size(periods)
        self.b1 = rbs1.ev(tlist[0], tlist[1]).reshape((nper, nper))
        self.b2 = rbs2.ev(tlist[0], tlist[1]).reshape((nper, nper))
        self.b3 = rbs3.ev(tlist[0], tlist[1]).reshape((nper, nper))
コード例 #3
ファイル: DS_EffectiveArea.py プロジェクト: dspolyar/Main
def main():
    print pyfits.info( directoryEffectiveArea+filenameEffArea) 
    CTHETA_LO, CTHETA_HI, energyLow, energyHigh, EFFAREA = importEffectiveArea(directoryEffectiveArea+filenameEffArea)
    energylog, Ctheta=centeringDataAndConvertingToLog(energyHigh,energyLow,CTHETA_HI,CTHETA_LO)
    print SplineEffectiveArea.ev(1.,5.)
コード例 #4
def LucasKanadeAffine(It, It1):
    # Input:
    #   It: template image
    #   It1: Current image
    # Output:
    #   M: the Affine warp matrix [2x3 numpy array]
    # put your implementation here
    M = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])
    p = M.flatten()

    x1, y1, x2, y2 = 0, 0, It.shape[1] - 1, It.shape[0] - 1
    threshold = 1e-3
    dp = np.array([float("inf")] * 6)

    interpolated_It1 = RectBivariateSpline(
        x=np.array([i for i in range(int(It1.shape[0]))]),
        y=np.array([i for i in range(int(It1.shape[1]))]),

    while np.sum(np.square(dp)) >= threshold:
        x = np.arange(x1, x2 + .5)
        y = np.arange(y1, y2 + .5)
        X = np.array([x for i in range(len(y))])
        Y = np.array([y for i in range(len(x))]).T
        warp_X = p[0] * X + p[1] * Y + p[2]
        warp_Y = p[3] * X + p[4] * Y + p[5]
        valid_points = (warp_X >= x1) & (warp_X <= x2) & (warp_Y >=
                                                          y1) & (warp_Y <= y2)
        X, Y = X[valid_points], Y[valid_points]
        warp_X, warp_Y = warp_X[valid_points], warp_Y[valid_points]
        warp_It1x = interpolated_It1.ev(warp_Y, warp_X)

        dx = interpolated_It1.ev(warp_Y, warp_X, dx=0, dy=1).flatten()
        dy = interpolated_It1.ev(warp_Y, warp_X, dx=1, dy=0).flatten()

        A = np.array([
            dx * X.flatten(),
            dx * Y.flatten(),
            dy * X.flatten(),
            dy * Y.flatten(),
        b = (It[valid_points] - warp_It1x).flatten()

        dp = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(np.dot(A.T, A)), np.dot(A.T, b))
        p += dp.flatten()

    M = np.copy(p).reshape(2, 3)
    M = np.vstack((M, np.array([[0, 0, 1]])))
    return M
コード例 #5
def LucasKanade(It, It1, rect, threshold, num_iters, p0=np.zeros(2)):
    :param It: template image
    :param It1: Current image
    :param rect: Current position of the car (top left, bot right coordinates)
    :param threshold: if the length of dp is smaller than the threshold, terminate the optimization
    :param num_iters: number of iterations of the optimization
    :param p0: Initial movement vector [dp_x0, dp_y0]
    :return: p: movement vector [dp_x, dp_y]

    # Put your implementation here
    p = p0

    x1, y1, x2, y2 = rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3]

    It_spline = RectBivariateSpline(np.arange(It.shape[0]),
                                    np.arange(It.shape[1]), It)

    It1_spline = RectBivariateSpline(np.arange(It1.shape[0]),
                                     np.arange(It1.shape[1]), It1)

    dp = np.array([float("inf"), float("inf")])

    count = 0
    x = np.arange(x1, x2 + 1)
    y = np.arange(y1, y2 + 1)
    x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y)

    while np.linalg.norm(dp) >= threshold and count <= num_iters:
        count += 1

        Itx = It_spline.ev(y, x).flatten()
        It1x_warp = It1_spline.ev(y + p[1], x + p[0]).flatten()
        A = np.array([
            It1_spline.ev(y + p[1], x + p[0], dx=0, dy=1).flatten(),
            It1_spline.ev(y + p[1], x + p[0], dx=1, dy=0).flatten()

        # print(np.shape(A))

        b = (Itx - It1x_warp).flatten()

        # print(np.shape(b))

        dp = (np.linalg.inv(A.T @ A)) @ (A.T @ b)

        p += dp

    return p
コード例 #6
    def getEroDep(self,
        Extract a slice from the 3D data set and compute its deposition thicknesses.
        variable: xo, yo
            Lower X,Y coordinates of the cross-section
        variable: xm, ym
            Upper X,Y coordinates of the cross-section
        variable: pts
            Number of points to discretise the cross-section
        variable: gfilter
            Gaussian smoothing filter

        if xm > self.x.max():
            xm = self.x.max()

        if ym > self.y.max():
            ym = self.y.max()

        if xo < self.x.min():
            xo = self.x.min()

        if yo < self.y.min():
            yo = self.y.min()

        xsec, ysec = self._cross_section(xo, yo, xm, ym, pts)
        self.dist = np.sqrt((xsec - xo)**2 + (ysec - yo)**2)

        # Surface
        rect_B_spline = RectBivariateSpline(self.y[:, 0], self.x[0, :], self.z)
        datatop = rect_B_spline.ev(ysec, xsec)
        self.top = filters.gaussian_filter1d(datatop, sigma=gfilter)

        # Cumchange
        rect_B_spline = RectBivariateSpline(self.y[:, 0], self.x[0, :],
        cumdat = rect_B_spline.ev(ysec, xsec)
        gcum = filters.gaussian_filter1d(cumdat, sigma=gfilter)
        self.depo = gcum.clip(min=0)

コード例 #7
ファイル: surface_shape.py プロジェクト: t4qjXH8N/pyrate
class GridSag(ExplicitShape):
    Class for gridsag
    def __init__(self, lc, xxx_todo_changeme, name="", *args, **kwargs):

        (xlinspace, ylinspace, Zgrid) = xxx_todo_changeme
        kwargs_dict = kwargs
        name = kwargs_dict.pop('name', '')

        self.interpolant = RectBivariateSpline(xlinspace, ylinspace, Zgrid)

        #self.interpolant = interp2d(xlinspace, ylinspace, Zgrid, kind=kind, *args, **kwargs_dict)

        def gsf(x, y):
            res = self.interpolant.ev(x, y)

            return res

        def gradgsf(x, y,
                    z):  # gradient for implicit function z - af(x, y) = 0
            res = np.zeros((3, len(x)))

            res[0, :] = -self.interpolant.ev(x, y, dx=1)
            res[1, :] = -self.interpolant.ev(x, y, dy=1)
            res[2, :] = 1.

            return res

        def hessgsf(x, y, z):
            res = np.zeros((3, 3, len(x)))

            res[0, 0, :] = -self.interpolant.ev(x, y, dx=2)
            res[0, 1, :] = res[1,
                               0, :] = -self.interpolant.ev(x, y, dx=1, dy=1)
            res[1, 1, :] = -self.interpolant.ev(x, y, dy=2)

            return res

        super(GridSag, self).__init__(lc,

    def setKind(self):
        self.kind = "shape_GridSag"
コード例 #8
def SubtractDominantMotion(image1, image2):
    # Input:
    #   Images at time t and t+1
    #  Output:
    #   mask: [nxm]
    #  put your implementation here

    mask = np.zeros(image1.shape, dtype=bool)

    # M = LucasKanadeAffine.LucasKanadeAffine(image1, image2)
    # use efficient method
    M = InverseCompositionAffine.InverseCompositionAffine(image1, image2)

    if M.shape[0] < 3:
        M = np.vstack((M, np.array([[0, 0, 1]])))
    M = np.linalg.inv(M)

    interp_spline_image1 = RectBivariateSpline(np.arange(image1.shape[0]),
    interp_spline_image2 = RectBivariateSpline(np.arange(image2.shape[0]),
    # project coordinates to interpolate the values
    x = np.arange(0, image2.shape[1])
    y = np.arange(0, image2.shape[0])
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    X_ = M[0, 0] * X + M[0, 1] * Y + M[0, 2]
    Y_ = M[1, 0] * X + M[1, 1] * Y + M[1, 2]
    # get the invalid positions that are not common ares in two images
    invalid = (X_ < 0) | (X_ >=
                          image1.shape[1]) | (Y_ < 0) & (Y_ >= image1.shape[0])
    interped_I1 = interp_spline_image1.ev(Y_, X_)
    interped_I2 = interp_spline_image2.ev(Y, X)
    interped_I1[invalid] = 0
    interped_I2[invalid] = 0

    # calculate the difference
    diff = abs(interped_I2 - interped_I1)
    th = 0.1
    ind = (diff > th) & (interped_I2 != 0)
    mask[ind] = 1
    ker = np.array(([0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1,
                                      0], [1, 1, 1, 1,
                                           1], [0, 1, 1, 1,
                                                0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0]))
    mask = mp.binary_dilation(mask, structure=ker).astype(mask.dtype)

    return mask
コード例 #9
def InverseCompositionAffine(It, It1, threshold, num_iters):
    :param It: template image
    :param It1: Current image
    :param threshold: if the length of dp is smaller than the threshold, terminate the optimization
    :param num_iters: number of iterations of the optimization
    :return: M: the Affine warp matrix [2x3 numpy array]

    # put your implementation here
    p = np.zeros(6)
    M = np.array([[1.0 + p[0], p[1], p[2]], [p[3], 1.0 + p[4], p[5]]])

    template_height, template_width = It.shape[0], It.shape[1]
    image_height, image_width = It1.shape[0], It1.shape[1]
    x_range = np.arange(0, template_width, 1)
    y_range = np.arange(0, template_height, 1)

    # get rectangular splines
    interpolated_template_spline = RectBivariateSpline(y_range, x_range, It)
    interpolated_current_image_spline = RectBivariateSpline(np.arange(0, image_height, 1),
                                                            np.arange(0, image_width, 1), It1)

    # get template grid
    xv, yv = np.meshgrid(x_range, y_range)
    xv, yv = xv.reshape(1, -1), yv.reshape(1, -1)
    template = np.vstack((xv, yv, np.ones((1, template_height * template_width))))
    grad_x = interpolated_current_image_spline.ev(yv, xv, dy=1).flatten()
    grad_y = interpolated_current_image_spline.ev(yv, xv, dx=1).flatten()
    jacobian_gd = np.vstack((xv * grad_x,
                             yv * grad_x,
                             xv * grad_y,
                             yv * grad_y,
    h = np.linalg.pinv(jacobian_gd)

    for i in range(num_iters):
        warped_image = np.dot(M, template)
        interpolated_template = interpolated_template_spline.ev(yv, xv).flatten()
        interpolated_current_image = interpolated_current_image_spline.ev(warped_image[1, :],
                                                                          warped_image[0, :]).flatten()
        difference = interpolated_template - interpolated_current_image
        dp = np.dot(h.T, difference)
        p += dp
        M = np.array([[1.0 + p[0], p[1], p[2]], [p[3], 1.0 + p[4], p[5]]])
        if np.linalg.norm(dp) <= threshold:
    return M
コード例 #10
ファイル: brane.py プロジェクト: achael/scatterbrane
  def setModel(self,model,dx,think_positive=False):
    Set new model for the source.

    :param model: ``(n, n)``
      Numpy image array.
    :param dx: scalar
      Pixel size in microarcseconds.
    :param think_positive: (optional) bool
        Should we enforce that the source image has no negative pixel values?
    self.nx = int(ceil(model.shape[-1] * dx / self.dx))          # number of image pixels
    self.model = model                                           # source model
    self.model_dx = dx                                           # source model resolution

    # load source image that has size and resolution compatible with the screen.
    self.isrc = np.empty(2*(self.nx,))
    self.think_positive = think_positive

    M = self.model.shape[1]       # size of original image array
    f_img = RectBivariateSpline(self.model_dx/self.dx*(np.arange(M) - 0.5*(M-1)),\
                                self.model_dx/self.dx*(np.arange(M) - 0.5*(M-1)),\

    xx_,yy_ = np.meshgrid((np.arange(self.nx) - 0.5*(self.nx-1)),\
                          (np.arange(self.nx) - 0.5*(self.nx-1)),indexing='xy')

    m  = f_img.ev(yy_.flatten(),xx_.flatten()).reshape(2*(self.nx,))
    self.isrc  = m * (self.dx/self.model_dx)**2     # rescale for change in pixel size

    if self.think_positive:
      self.isrc[self.isrc < 0] = 0

    if not self.live_dangerously: self._checkSanity()
コード例 #11
    def transform(self, sourceImage, destinationImage):
        #  - Verify that both input arguments are numpy arrays,
        if not isinstance(sourceImage, np.ndarray) or not isinstance(
                destinationImage, np.ndarray):
            raise TypeError('One or more images not np arrays')

        #  - affine transformation from the triangle in the source image to its corresponding triangle

        # 1st step: create mask
        length, width = destinationImage.shape
        img = Image.new('L', (width, length), 0)
        vertices = [(x, y) for [x, y] in self.destination]
        ImageDraw.Draw(img).polygon(vertices, outline=255, fill=255)
        mask = np.array(img)

        # 2nd step: create H inverse and get bivariate spline approximation
        H_inv = np.linalg.inv(self.matrix)
        x = np.arange(length)
        y = np.arange(width)
        approx = RectBivariateSpline(x, y, sourceImage, kx=1, ky=1)

        #get each point in mask whose value is greater than 0
        for yp, xp in np.transpose(np.nonzero(mask)):
            #H^-1 * [x' y' 1] = [x y 1]
            P = H_inv.dot([xp, yp, 1])[0:2]

            #2d interpolation to obtain a value if x y are floats
            shade = np.round(approx.ev(P[1], P[0]))

            #assign that value to x' y'
            destinationImage[yp][xp] = shade
コード例 #12
ファイル: geoExtract.py プロジェクト: piMoll/SEILAPLAN
def calcAnker(IS, inputPoints, rasterdata, gp):
    dhm = rasterdata['subraster']
    [Xa, Ya, Xe, Ye] = inputPoints
    # Letzte Koordinate in xi/yi entspricht nicht exakt den Endkoordinaten
    Xe_ = gp['xi'][-1]
    Ye_ = gp['yi'][-1]

    AnkA_dist = IS['d_Anker_A'][0]
    AnkE_dist = IS['d_Anker_E'][0]
    stueA_H = IS['HM_Anfang'][0]
    stueE_H = IS['HM_Ende_max'][0]

    # X- und Y-Koordinate der Geodaten im Projektionssystem berechnen
    dx = float(Xe - Xa)
    dy = float(Ye - Ya)
    if dx == 0:
        dx = 0.0001
    azimut = math.atan(dy/dx)
    if dx > 0:
        azimut += 2 * math.pi
        azimut += math.pi
    # X- und Y-Koordinaten der beiden Ankerpunkte am Boden
    AnkXa = Xa - AnkA_dist * math.cos(azimut)
    AnkYa = Ya - AnkA_dist * math.sin(azimut)
    AnkXe = Xe_ + AnkE_dist * math.cos(azimut)
    AnkYe = Ye_ + AnkE_dist * math.sin(azimut)

    # Linear Interpolation
    # Koordinatenarrays des DHMs
    coordX = gp['linspaces'][0]
    coordY = gp['linspaces'][1]
    # kx, ky bezeichnen grad der interpolation, 1=linear
    spline = RectBivariateSpline(-coordY, coordX, dhm, kx=1, ky=1)
    xi = np.array([AnkXa, Xa, Xe_, AnkXe])
    yi = np.array([AnkYa, Ya, Ye_, AnkYe])
    # Z-Koordinate der Anker für Anfangs- und Endpunkte
    zAnker = spline.ev(-yi, xi)     # Höhenangaben am Boden

    AnkA_z = stueA_H + 0.1*(zAnker[1] - zAnker[0])
    AnkE_z = stueE_H + 0.1*(zAnker[2] - zAnker[3])

    if AnkA_dist == 0:
        AnkA_z = 0.0
    if AnkE_dist == 0:
        AnkE_z = 0.0

    Ank = [AnkA_dist, AnkA_z, AnkE_dist, AnkE_z]

    # Ausdehnungen der Anker Felder, alles in [m]
    #Ank = [d_Anker_A, z_Anker_A * 0.1, d_Anker_E, z_Anker_E * 0.1]
    Laenge_Ankerseil = (AnkA_dist**2 + AnkA_z**2)**0.5 + \
                       (AnkE_dist**2 + AnkE_z**2)**0.5

    # Eventuell nicht nötig
    #IS['z_Anker_A'][0] = z_Anker_A
    #IS['z_Anker_E'][0] = z_Anker_E
    return [Ank, Laenge_Ankerseil, zAnker]
コード例 #13
def skybg_phot(x0, y0, data, r=25, dr=5, samp=3, debug=False):

    # determine img indexes for aperture region
    xv, yv = mesh_box([x0, y0], (r + dr) + 2)

    # derive indexs on a higher resolution grid and create aperture mask
    px, py, mask = sky_annulus(x0, y0, r=r, samp=xv.shape[0] * samp)

    # interpolate original data onto higher resolution grid
    subdata = data[yv, xv]
    model = RectBivariateSpline(np.unique(xv), np.unique(yv), subdata)

    # evaluate data on highres grid
    pz = model.ev(px, py)

    # zero out pixels larger than radius
    pz[~mask] = 0
    pz[pz < 0] = 0

    # scale area back to original grid, total flux in sky annulus
    parea = pz.sum() * np.diff(px).mean() * np.diff(py[:, 0]).mean()

    if debug:
        print('mask area=',
              mask.sum() * np.diff(px).mean() * np.diff(py[:, 0]).mean())
        print('true area=', 2 * np.pi * r * dr)
        print('subdata flux=', subdata.sum())
        print('bg phot flux=', parea)
        import pdb

    # return bg value per pixel
    return pz.sum() / mask.sum()
コード例 #14
ファイル: sweeps.py プロジェクト: lsolanka/ei-attractor
    def plot(self, ax, V=None, **kwargs):
        '''Plot the contours into matplotlib axis.

        ax : matplotlib.Axes
            Axes to plot into
        V : array-like
            A list of contour values to plot. If not None, the internal contour
            values will be overriden during plotting, but not inside the
        kwargs : dict
            Keyword arguments to pass on to the ax.contour() method.
        if V is None:
            V = self.V
        d, X, Y = self.data.getData()
        # hack - add zero value to close contours
        d = np.hstack((d, np.zeros((d.shape[0], 1))))
        d = np.vstack((d, np.zeros((1, d.shape[1]))))
        dx = X[0, 1] - X[0, 0]
        dy = Y[1, 0] - Y[0, 0]
        x_longer = X[0, :].tolist()
        x_longer.append(X[0, -1] + dx)
        y_longer = Y[:, 0].tolist()
        y_longer.append(Y[-1, 0] + dy)
        x_interp, y_interp = np.meshgrid(
            np.linspace(x_longer[0], x_longer[-1],
                        len(x_longer) * self.upsample_factor),
            np.linspace(x_longer[0], y_longer[-1],
                        len(y_longer) * self.upsample_factor))
        spl = RectBivariateSpline(x_longer, y_longer, d.T)
        d_interp = spl.ev(x_interp, y_interp)
        ax.contour(x_interp, y_interp, d_interp, V, **kwargs)
コード例 #15
    def interpolate_individual(self, image):
        # unpacking
        ogridx, ogridy = self.ogrid
        ngridx, ngridy = self.ngrid

        f = RectBivariateSpline(ogridy, ogridx, image, kx=1, ky=1)
        return f.ev(ngridy.flatten(), ngridx.flatten()).reshape(ngridx.shape)
コード例 #16
def _mesh_interpolate_worker(args):
    coords, raster, crs, chunk_size = args
    raster = Raster(raster)
    results = []
    for window in raster.iter_windows(chunk_size=chunk_size, overlap=2):
        xi = raster.get_x(window)
        yi = raster.get_y(window)
        zi = raster.get_values(window=window)
        f = RectBivariateSpline(
            bbox=[np.min(xi), np.max(xi),
                  np.min(yi), np.max(yi)],
        idxs = np.where(
                    np.min(xi) < coords[:, 0],
                    np.max(xi) > coords[:, 0]),
                    np.min(yi) < coords[:, 1],
                    np.max(yi) > coords[:, 1])))[0]

        values = f.ev(coords[idxs, 0], coords[idxs, 1])
        results.append((idxs, values))
    return results
コード例 #17
    def _get_above_cloud_r_and_dr(self,
        assert (len(P_profile) == len(T_profile))
        # First, get atmospheric weight profile
        mu_profile = np.zeros(len(P_profile))

        for species_name in abundances:
            interpolator = RectBivariateSpline(self.P_grid,
            atm_abundances = interpolator.ev(P_profile, T_profile)
            mu_profile += atm_abundances * self.mass_data[species_name]

        return _hydrostatic_solver._solve(P_profile, T_profile,
                                          self.ref_pressure, mu_profile,
                                          planet_mass, planet_radius,
                                          star_radius, above_cloud_cond,
コード例 #18
def regrid_imagery(image,
    For a given image, regrid it to another projection using spline interpolation.



    if spline_kws is None:
        spline_kws = dict()
    x_regrid_image, y_regrid_image = transform(image_proj, regrid_proj,
    rbs = RectBivariateSpline(x_image, y_image, image, **spline_kws)
    regridded_image = rbs.ev(x_regrid_image,
    return regridded_image
コード例 #19
    def get_pixels(self, DU, DV, image):
        """Return pixel values for each xyz point from the image

            DU (np.ndarray): Pixel location in camera orientation and coordinate system
            DV (np.ndarray): Pixel location in cmaera orientation and coorindate system

            K (np.ndarray): Pixel intensity for each point in the image
        K = np.zeros((self.target_grid.X.shape[0], self.target_grid.X.shape[1],
        for c, _ in enumerate(['r', 'b', 'g']):
            rbs = RectBivariateSpline(
                # use this range to match matlab exactly
                np.arange(1, image.shape[0] + 1),
                np.arange(1, image.shape[1] + 1),
                image[:, :, c],
            K[:, :, c] = rbs.ev(DV, DU)

        # mask out values out of range like matlab
        # avoid runtime nan comparison warning (UV, DV already have nans)
        with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
            mask_u = np.logical_or(DU <= 1, DU >= image.shape[1])
            mask_v = np.logical_or(DV <= 1, DV >= image.shape[0])
        mask = np.logical_or(mask_u, mask_v)
        K[mask] = np.nan

        return K
コード例 #20
def get_elevations(subpaths, ufnames, flagsmissing):
    interpvalues = np.empty(0, dtype=int)
    for i in range(len(subpaths)):
        # open srtmdata filename according to subpath
        path = Path.joinpath(hgtpath, ufnames[i])
        if not flagsmissing[i]:
            with open(path, 'rb') as data:
                # data is stored in srtmdata files in big-endian format:
                # SRTM1 (1-arc sampling) is used, so each file contains 3601x3601 individual elevations
                # after reading all elevatin ins file, we reshape it into a rectangular numpy array
                elevationdata = np.fromfile(data, np.dtype('>i2'),
                                            3601**2).reshape(3601, 3601)

            # interpolate elevation values with scipy.interpolate.griddata
            f1 = RectBivariateSpline(x, x, elevationdata, kx=1, ky=1)
            latcorr = int(ufnames[i][1:3]) + 1
            loncorr = int(ufnames[i][4:7])
            interpvalues = np.hstack((interpvalues,
                                      f1.ev(latcorr - subpaths[i][0],
                                            subpaths[i][1] - loncorr)))
            interpvalues = np.hstack(
                (interpvalues, np.zeros_like(subpaths[i][0])))

    return interpvalues
コード例 #21
def put_psf_on_subarray(psf, y, frame_height=256):
    """Make a 2D SOSS trace from a sequence of psfs and trace center locations

    psf: sequence
        The 2D psf
    y: float
        The grid y value to place the center of the psf
    grid: sequence
        The [x, y] grid ranges

        The 2D frame with the interpolated psf
    # Create spline generator
    dim = psf.shape[0]
    mid = (dim - 1.0) / 2.0
    arr = np.arange(dim, dtype=np.float)
    spline = RectBivariateSpline(arr, arr, psf.T, kx=3, ky=3, s=0)

    # Create output frame, shifted as necessary
    yg, xg = np.indices((frame_height, dim), dtype=np.float64)
    yg += mid - y

    # Resample onto the subarray
    frame = spline.ev(xg, yg)

    # Fill resampled points with zeros
    extrapol = (((xg < -0.5) | (xg >= dim - 0.5)) | ((yg < -0.5) | (yg >= dim - 0.5)))
    frame[extrapol] = 0

    return frame
コード例 #22
    def Transformation(self, originalImage, targetImage, Target,
                       original):  # this is image
        # print(targetimage)
        # print(xp,yp)
        #NbyTwo[:, [0, 1]] = NbyTwo[:, [1, 0]]
        NbyTwo = Target.getPoints()
        #getCoord = np.vectorize(lambda x, y, a: self.inverseMatrix[a, 0] * y + self.inverseMatrix[a, 1] * x + self.inverseMatrix[a, 2], otypes=[np.float64])
        #NbyTwo[:, [1, 0]] = NbyTwo[:, [0, 1]]
        xp, yp = np.transpose(
        )  ## this will return the points reside in one triangle, in morpher
        x = self.calcXPoints(xp, yp)
        y = self.calcYPoints(xp, yp)
        # xdim = np.array([a for a in range(int(min(original.vertices[:, 1])), int(max(original.vertices[:, 1])))])
        # # print(len(xdim))
        # ydim = np.array([a for a in range(int(min(original.vertices[:, 0])), int(max(original.vertices[:, 0])))])
        # xyVal = originalImage[xdim[0]:xdim[len(xdim) - 1]+1, ydim[0]:ydim[len(ydim) - 1]+1]

        xdim = np.arange(np.amin(original.vertices[:, 1]),
                         np.amax(original.vertices[:, 1]), 1)
        ydim = np.arange(np.amin(original.vertices[:, 0]),
                         np.amax(original.vertices[:, 0]), 1)
        xyVal = originalImage[int(xdim[0]):int(xdim[-1] + 1),
                              int(ydim[0]):int(ydim[-1] + 1)]
        bilinear = RectBivariateSpline(xdim, ydim, xyVal, kx=1, ky=1)
        targetImage[xp, yp] = bilinear.ev(x, y)
コード例 #23
    def _get_above_cloud_profiles(self, P_profile, T_profile, abundances,
                                  planet_mass, planet_radius, star_radius,
                                  above_cloud_cond, T_star=None):
        assert(len(P_profile) == len(T_profile))
        # First, get atmospheric weight profile
        mu_profile = np.zeros(len(P_profile))
        atm_abundances = {}
        for species_name in abundances:
            interpolator = RectBivariateSpline(
                np.log10(self.P_grid), self.T_grid,
                np.log10(abundances[species_name]), kx=1, ky=1)
            abund = 10**interpolator.ev(np.log10(P_profile), T_profile)
            atm_abundances[species_name] = abund
            mu_profile += abund * self.mass_data[species_name]

        radii, dr = _hydrostatic_solver._solve(
            P_profile, T_profile, self.ref_pressure, mu_profile, planet_mass,
            planet_radius, star_radius, above_cloud_cond, T_star)
        for key in atm_abundances:
            atm_abundances[key] = atm_abundances[key][above_cloud_cond]
        return radii, dr, atm_abundances, mu_profile
コード例 #24
def get_subpixel(res):
    mgx, mgy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-1, 1.01, 0.1),
                           np.arange(-1, 1.01, 0.1),
                           indexing='xy')  # sub-pixel mesh

    minval, _, minloc, _ = cv2.minMaxLoc(res)
    rbs_halfsize = 3  # size of peak area used for spline for subpixel peak loc
    rbs_order = 4  # polynomial order for subpixel rbs interpolation of peak location

    if ((np.array([n - rbs_halfsize
                   for n in minloc]) >= np.array([0, 0])).all()
            & (np.array([(n + rbs_halfsize)
                         for n in minloc]) < np.array(list(res.shape))).all()):
        rbs_p = RBS(
            range(-rbs_halfsize, rbs_halfsize + 1),
            range(-rbs_halfsize, rbs_halfsize + 1),
            res[(minloc[1] - rbs_halfsize):(minloc[1] + rbs_halfsize + 1),
                (minloc[0] - rbs_halfsize):(minloc[0] + rbs_halfsize + 1)],

        b = rbs_p.ev(mgx.flatten(), mgy.flatten())
        mml = cv2.minMaxLoc(b.reshape(21, 21))
        # mgx,mgy: meshgrid x,y of common area
        # sp_delx,sp_dely: subpixel delx,dely
        sp_delx = mgx[mml[3][0], mml[3][1]]
        sp_dely = mgy[mml[3][0], mml[3][1]]
        sp_delx = 0.0
        sp_dely = 0.0
    return sp_delx, sp_dely
コード例 #25
def imresize2D(im0, h0, dim):

    h0 = h0[0:2]
    dim = dim[0:2]

    # Image size
    dim0 = im0.shape

    # Create a regular grid
    x0, y0, x0lin, y0lin = gengrid.centered2D(dim0, h0)

    # Require the same FOV
    fov0 = dim0 * h0

    # New voxelsize
    h = fov0 / dim

    # Create a regular grid where we want the new values
    x, y, xlin, ylin = gengrid.centered2D(dim, h)

    # Interpolation
    f = RectBivariateSpline(x0lin, y0lin, im0)
    x = x.flatten()
    y = y.flatten()

    # Must revert the order of x and y, otherwise its rotated
    im = f.ev(y, x).reshape(dim[0], dim[1])

    return im
コード例 #26
    def _p(self, K, c):
        if self.params['use_interp']:
            data_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data')
            data = np.load(os.path.join(data_path, "uKc_einasto.npz"))

            pk = data['pk']
            _k = data['K']
            _c = data['c']

            c = np.atleast_1d(c)
            if np.isscalar(K):
                K = np.atleast_2d(K)
            if K.ndim < 2:
                if len(K) != len(c):
                    K = np.atleast_2d(K).T  # should be len(rs) x len(k)
                    K = np.atleast_2d(K)
            pk[pk <= 0] = 1e-8

            spl = RectBivariateSpline(np.log(_k), np.log(_c), np.log(pk))
            cc = np.repeat(c, K.shape[0])
            return np.exp(
                    spl.ev(np.log(K.flatten()), np.log(cc)).reshape(K.shape)))
        else:  #Numerical version.
            return super(Einasto, self)._p(K, c)
コード例 #27
    def test_spline_2d_outofbounds(self):
        x = np.array([.5, 2., 3., 4., 5.5])
        y = np.array([.5, 2., 3., 4., 5.5])
        z = np.array([[1, 2, 1, 2, 1], [1, 2, 1, 2, 1], [1, 2, 3, 2, 1],
                      [1, 2, 2, 2, 1], [1, 2, 1, 2, 1]])
        lut = RectBivariateSpline(x, y, z)

        xi = np.array([[1, 2.3, 6.3, 0.5, 3.3, 1.2, 3],
                       [1, 3.3, 1.2, -4.0, 5.0, 1.0, 3]]).T
        actual = interpn((x, y),
        expected = lut.ev(xi[:, 0], xi[:, 1])
        expected[2:4] = 999.99
        assert_array_almost_equal(actual, expected)

        # no extrapolation for splinef2d
                      interpn, (x, y),
コード例 #28
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: woozey/pycrystem
def correlate(image,
    """The correlation between a diffraction pattern and a simulation.
    Calculated using
        .. math::
            \frac{\sum_{j=1}^m P(x_j, y_j) T(x_j, y_j)}{\sqrt{\sum_{j=1}^m P^2(x_j, y_j)} \sqrt{\sum_{j=1}^m T^2(x_j, y_j)}}
    image : :class:`np.ndarray`
        A single electron diffraction signal. Should be appropriately scaled
        and centered.
    pattern : :class:`DiffractionSimulation`
        The pattern to compare to.
    sim_threshold : float
        The threshold simulation intensity to consider for correlation
    interpolate : bool
        If True, perform sub-pixel interpolation of the image.
        Arguments to pass to scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline
        The correlation coefficient.
    E. F. Rauch and L. Dupuy, “Rapid Diffraction Patterns identification through
        template matching,” vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 87–99, 2005.
    shape = image.shape
    half_shape = tuple(i // 2 for i in shape)

    pixel_coordinates = pattern.calibrated_coordinates.astype(
        int)[:, :2] + half_shape
    in_bounds = np.product(
        (pixel_coordinates > 0) * (pixel_coordinates < shape[0]),
    pattern_intensities = pattern.intensities
    large_intensities = pattern_intensities > sim_threshold
    mask = np.logical_and(in_bounds, large_intensities)

    if interpolate:
        x = np.arange(shape[0], dtype='float') - half_shape[0]
        y = np.arange(shape[1], dtype='float') - half_shape[1]
        for ar, i in zip([x, y], shape):
            if not i % 2:
                ar += 0.5
        x = x * pattern.calibration[0]
        y = y * pattern.calibration[1]
        ip = RectBivariateSpline(x, y, image.T, **kwargs)
        image_intensities = ip.ev(pattern.coordinates[:, 0][mask],
                                  pattern.coordinates[:, 1][mask])
        image_intensities = image.T[pixel_coordinates[:, 0][in_bounds],
                                    pixel_coordinates[:, 1][in_bounds]]
    pattern_intensities = pattern_intensities[mask]
    return np.nan_to_num(_correlate(image_intensities, pattern_intensities))
コード例 #29
def SubtractDominantMotion(image1, image2):
    # Input:
    #	Images at time t and t+1
    # Output:
    #	mask: [nxm]
    # put your implementation here
    M = InverseCompositionAffine(image1, image2)
    tol = 0.35

    h, w = image1.shape
    x = np.arange(w)
    y = np.arange(h)
    mask = np.ones((h, w), dtype=bool)

    x_temp = np.arange(0, w)
    y_temp = np.arange(0, h)
    xi, yi = np.meshgrid(x_temp, y_temp)
    ones = np.ones(w * h)
    xy1 = np.array([yi.flatten(), xi.flatten(), ones])

    xy1_new = np.matmul(np.vstack((M, np.array([0, 0, 1]))), xy1)
    y_new = xy1_new[0, :]
    x_new = xy1_new[1, :]

    image2_spline = RectBivariateSpline(y, x, image2)
    temp = np.array(image2_spline.ev(y_new, x_new).tolist())
    image1_new = np.reshape(temp, (h, w))

    abs_diff = np.absolute(image1_new, image1)
    ind = (abs_diff >= tol)

    abs_diff[ind] = 1
    abs_diff[~ind] = 0
    mask = abs_diff
    return mask
コード例 #30
def distort(image, center, angle, lengths):
    """Takes an image and distorts the image based on an elliptical distortion

    image: array-like
        The image to apply the elliptical distortion to
    center: list
        The center of the ellipse
    angle: float
        The angle of the major axis in radians
    lengths: The lengths of the major and minor axis of the ellipse

        The elliptically distorted image
    img_shape = np.shape(image)
    initial_y, initial_x = range(-center[1], img_shape[-2] - center[1]), range(
        -center[0], img_shape[-1] - center[0])
    spline = RectBivariateSpline(initial_x, initial_y, image, kx=1, ky=1)
    xInd, yInd = cartesian_to_ellipse(center=center,
    distorted = np.array(spline.ev(yInd, xInd))
    return distorted
コード例 #31
 def interpolate_grid(self, in_lon, in_lat):
     Interpolates MRMS data to a different grid using cubic bivariate splines
     out_data = np.zeros(
         (self.data.shape[0], in_lon.shape[0], in_lon.shape[1]))
     for d in range(self.data.shape[0]):
         print("Loading ", d, self.variable, self.start_date)
         if self.data[d].max() > -999:
             step = self.data[d]
             step[step < 0] = 0
             if self.lat[-1] < self.lat[0]:
                 spline = RectBivariateSpline(self.lat[::-1],
                 spline = RectBivariateSpline(self.lat,
             print("Evaluating", d, self.variable, self.start_date)
             flat_data = spline.ev(in_lat.ravel(), in_lon.ravel())
             out_data[d] = flat_data.reshape(in_lon.shape)
             del spline
             print(d, " is missing")
             out_data[d] = -9999
     return out_data
コード例 #32
def main():

    basis = fits.open('basis.fits')[0].data
    aperture = fits.open('aperture.fits')[0].data

    name = sys.argv[1]
    size = basis.shape[1]
    size_ = int(sys.argv[2])

    x_old_res = np.linspace(-size / 2, size / 2, size)
    y_old_res = np.linspace(-size / 2, size / 2, size)

    x_new_res = np.linspace(-size / 2, size / 2, size_)
    y_new_res = np.linspace(-size / 2, size / 2, size_)

    abscissae_lr, ordinates_lr = np.meshgrid(x_old_res, y_old_res)
    abscissae_nr, ordinates_nr = np.meshgrid(x_new_res, y_new_res)

    basis_new = np.zeros((basis.shape[0], size_, size_))
    for i in range(basis.shape[0]):
        spline_basis_functions = RectBivariateSpline(x_old_res, y_old_res,
        basis_new[i] = spline_basis_functions.ev(ordinates_nr,
                                                 abscissae_nr) * aperture

    writefits(basis_new, name)
コード例 #33
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: oxford-pcs/psf-simulator
def resample2d(i_data, i_s, i_e, i_i, o_s, o_e, o_i, kx=3, ky=3, s=0, 
               gauss_sig=0, median_boxcar_size=0, clip=True):
    Resample a square 2D input grid with extents defined by [i_s] and [i_e] with 
    increment [i_i] to a new 2D grid with extents defined by [o_s] and [o_e] 
    with increment [o_i].
    Returns a 2D resampled array, with options for smoothing (gaussian and 
    median) and clipping.
  # calculate bivariate spline, G, using input grid and data
  grid_pre_rebin = np.arange(i_s, i_e, i_i)
  G = RectBivariateSpline(grid_pre_rebin, grid_pre_rebin, i_data, kx=kx, ky=ky)

  # evaluate this spline at new points on output grid
  grid_x, grid_y = np.mgrid[o_s:o_e:o_i, o_s:o_e:o_i]

  data = G.ev(grid_x, grid_y)
  if gauss_sig != 0:
    data = gaussian_filter(data, gauss_sig)
  if median_boxcar_size != 0:
    data = median_filter(data, median_boxcar_size)
  if clip:
    input_max = np.max(i_data)
    input_min = np.min(i_data)
    data[np.where(data>input_max)] = input_max
    data[np.where(data<input_min)] = input_min

  return data
コード例 #34
    def _interpolate_array(self, target) -> np.array:
        Interpolates SLSTR data arrays based on cartesian information
        contained within the sensor product using the RectBivariateSpline

            target: the product to be interpolated

            The interpolated data
        sat_zn = self.product['geometry_tn'][target][:]

        tx_x_var = self.product['cartesian_tx']['x_tx'][0, :]
        tx_y_var = self.product['cartesian_tx']['y_tx'][:, 0]

        an_x_var = self.product['cartesian_an']['x_an'][:]
        an_y_var = self.product['cartesian_an']['y_an'][:]

        spl = RectBivariateSpline(tx_y_var, tx_x_var[::-1],
                                  sat_zn[:, ::-1].filled(0))
        interpolated = spl.ev(an_y_var.compressed(), an_x_var.compressed())
        interpolated = np.ma.masked_invalid(interpolated, copy=False)
        sat = np.ma.empty(an_y_var.shape, dtype=sat_zn.dtype)
        sat[np.logical_not(np.ma.getmaskarray(an_y_var))] = interpolated
        sat.mask = an_y_var.mask
        return sat
コード例 #35
ファイル: imagetransform.py プロジェクト: neurokernel/retina
    def interpolate_individual(self, image):
        # unpacking
        ogridx, ogridy = self.ogrid
        ngridx, ngridy = self.ngrid

        f = RectBivariateSpline(ogridy, ogridx, image, kx=1, ky=1)
        return f.ev(ngridy.flatten(), ngridx.flatten()).reshape(ngridx.shape)
コード例 #36
def LucasKanade(It, It1, rect, p0=np.zeros(2)):
    # Input:
    #	It: template image
    #	It1: Current image
    #	rect: Current position of the car
    #	(top left, bot right coordinates)
    #	p0: Initial movement vector [dp_x0, dp_y0]
    # Output:
    #	p: movement vector [dp_x, dp_y]

    # Put your implementation here
    p = p0

    x1, y1, x2, y2 = rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3]
    threshold = 1e-3
    dp = np.array([float("inf"), float("inf")])
    interpolated_It = RectBivariateSpline(
        x=np.array([i for i in range(int(It.shape[0]))]),
        y=np.array([i for i in range(int(It.shape[1]))]),
    interpolated_It1 = RectBivariateSpline(
        x=np.array([i for i in range(int(It1.shape[0]))]),
        y=np.array([i for i in range(int(It1.shape[1]))]),

    while np.sum(np.square(dp)) >= threshold:
        warp_x = np.arange(x1 + p[0], x2 + p[0] + .5)
        warp_y = np.arange(y1 + p[1], y2 + p[1] + .5)
        warp_X = np.array([warp_x for i in range(len(warp_y))])
        warp_Y = np.array([warp_y for i in range(len(warp_x))]).T
        warp_It1x = interpolated_It1.ev(warp_Y, warp_X)

        x = np.arange(x1, x2 + .5)
        y = np.arange(y1, y2 + .5)
        X = np.array([x for i in range(len(y))])
        Y = np.array([y for i in range(len(x))]).T
        Itx = interpolated_It.ev(Y, X)

        A = np.array([
            interpolated_It1.ev(warp_Y, warp_X, dx=0, dy=1).flatten(),
            interpolated_It1.ev(warp_Y, warp_X, dx=1, dy=0).flatten()
        b = (Itx - warp_It1x).flatten()

        dp = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(np.dot(A.T, A)), np.dot(A.T, b))
        p += dp
    return p
コード例 #37
def InverseCompositionAffine(It, It1, threshold, num_iters):
    :param It: template image
    :param It1: Current image
    :param threshold: if the length of dp is smaller than the threshold, terminate the optimization
    :param num_iters: number of iterations of the optimization
    :return: M: the Affine warp matrix [3x3 numpy array]

    # put your implementation here
    M = np.eye(3)
    H0, W0 = It.shape
    H1, W1 = It1.shape

    It_interpolate = RectBivariateSpline(np.arange(0, H0, 1), np.arange(0, W0, 1), It)
    It1_interpolate = RectBivariateSpline(np.arange(0, H1, 1), np.arange(0, W1, 1), It1)

    # Gradient of warpped It
    x_warp, y_warp = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, W0, 1), np.arange(0, H0, 1))
    delta_I = np.array([It_interpolate.ev(y_warp, x_warp, dx=0, dy=1).flatten(),
                        It_interpolate.ev(y_warp, x_warp, dx=1, dy=0).flatten()]).T
    A_origin = np.array([delta_I[:, 0] * x_warp.flatten(), delta_I[:, 0] * y_warp.flatten(), delta_I[:, 0], delta_I[:, 1] * x_warp.flatten(), delta_I[:, 1] * y_warp.flatten(), delta_I[:, 1]]).T

    for _ in range(int(num_iters)):
        # Warp It+1
        x1, y1 = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, W1, 1), np.arange(0, H1, 1))
        x1_warp = M[0, 0] * x1 + M[0, 1] * y1 + M[0, 2]
        y1_warp = M[1, 0] * x1 + M[1, 1] * y1 + M[1, 2]

        # Only get common region for It and warpped It+1
        overlap = (0 <= x1_warp) & (x1_warp < W1) & (0 <= y1_warp) & (y1_warp < H1)
        x1_warp = x1_warp[overlap]
        y1_warp = y1_warp[overlap]
        It1_warp = It1_interpolate.ev(y1_warp, x1_warp)

        A = A_origin[overlap.flatten()]
        b = It1_warp - It[overlap]
        delta_p = np.dot(np.dot(np.linalg.inv(np.dot(A.T, A)), A.T), b.flatten())
        delta_M = np.concatenate((delta_p, np.array([0, 0, 1]))).reshape((3, 3))
        delta_M[0, 0] += 1
        delta_M[1, 1] += 1
        M = np.dot(M, np.linalg.inv(delta_M))

        if np.linalg.norm(delta_p) < threshold:

    return M
コード例 #38
def getStraightenWormInt(worm_img, skeleton, half_width = -1, cnt_widths  = np.zeros(0), width_resampling = 7, ang_smooth_win = 12, length_resampling = 49):
        Code to straighten the worm worms.
        worm_image - image containing the worm
        skeleton - worm skeleton
        half_width - half width of the worm, if it is -1 it would try to calculated from cnt_widths
        cnt_widths - contour widths used in case the half width is not given
        width_resampling - number of data points used in the intensity map along the worm width
        length_resampling - number of data points used in the intensity map along the worm length
        ang_smooth_win - window used to calculate the skeleton angles. 
            A small value will introduce noise, therefore obtaining bad perpendicular segments.
            A large value will over smooth the skeleton, therefore not capturing the correct shape.
    #if np.all(np.isnan(skeleton)):
    #    buff = np.empty((skeleton.shape[0], width_resampling))
    #    buff.fill(np.nan)
    #    return buff
    assert half_width>0 or cnt_widths.size>0
    assert not np.any(np.isnan(skeleton))
    if ang_smooth_win%2 == 1:
        ang_smooth_win += 1; 
    if skeleton.shape[0] != length_resampling:
        skeleton, _ = curvspace(np.ascontiguousarray(skeleton), length_resampling)
    skelX = skeleton[:,0];
    skelY = skeleton[:,1];
    assert np.max(skelX) < worm_img.shape[0]
    assert np.max(skelY) < worm_img.shape[1]
    assert np.min(skelY) >= 0
    assert np.min(skelY) >= 0
    #calculate smoothed angles
    skel_angles = angleSmoothed(skelX, skelY, ang_smooth_win)
    #%get the perpendicular angles to define line scans (orientation doesn't
    #%matter here so subtracting pi/2 should always work)
    perp_angles = skel_angles - np.pi/2;
    #%for each skeleton point get the coordinates for two line scans: one in the
    #%positive direction along perpAngles and one in the negative direction (use
    #%two that both start on skeleton so that the intensities are the same in
    #%the line scan)
    #resample the points along the worm width
    if half_width <= 0:
        half_width = (np.median(cnt_widths[10:-10])/2.) #add half a pixel to get part of the contour
    r_ind = np.linspace(-half_width, half_width, width_resampling)
    #create the grid of points to be interpolated (make use of numpy implicit broadcasting Nx1 + 1xM = NxM)
    grid_x = skelX + r_ind[:, np.newaxis]*np.cos(perp_angles);
    grid_y = skelY + r_ind[:, np.newaxis]*np.sin(perp_angles);
    f = RectBivariateSpline(np.arange(worm_img.shape[0]), np.arange(worm_img.shape[1]), worm_img)
    return f.ev(grid_y, grid_x) #return interpolated intensity map
コード例 #39
class SplineEstimator(object):

    def fit(self, x, y):
        self.lut = RectBivariateSpline(x[1], x[0], y)
        return self

    def predict(self, X):
        return self.lut.ev(X[:, 1], X[:, 0])
コード例 #40
    def getEroDep(self, xo = None, yo = None, xm = None, ym = None,
                    pts = 100, gfilter = 5):
        Extract a slice from the 3D data set and compute its deposition thicknesses.
        variable: xo, yo
            Lower X,Y coordinates of the cross-section
        variable: xm, ym
            Upper X,Y coordinates of the cross-section
        variable: pts
            Number of points to discretise the cross-section
        variable: gfilter
            Gaussian smoothing filter

        if xm > self.x.max():
            xm = self.x.max()

        if ym > self.y.max():
            ym = self.y.max()

        if xo < self.x.min():
            xo = self.x.min()

        if yo < self.y.min():
            yo = self.y.min()

        xsec, ysec = self._cross_section(xo, yo, xm, ym, pts)
        self.dist = np.sqrt(( xsec - xo )**2 + ( ysec - yo )**2)

        # Surface
        rect_B_spline = RectBivariateSpline(self.y[:,0], self.x[0,:], self.z)
        datatop = rect_B_spline.ev(ysec, xsec)
        self.top = filters.gaussian_filter1d(datatop,sigma=gfilter)

        # Cumchange
        rect_B_spline = RectBivariateSpline(self.y[:,0], self.x[0,:], self.cumchange)
        cumdat = rect_B_spline.ev(ysec, xsec)
        gcum = filters.gaussian_filter1d(cumdat,sigma=gfilter)
        self.depo = gcum.clip(min=0)

コード例 #41
ファイル: psi_map.py プロジェクト: pyIPP/trgui
    def __init__(self, R_in, z_in, Raxis, zaxis, psi_in, R_out, z_out, psi_sep=0):

        print('2d interp')

        self.error = 0

# Check input dimensions, R_out z_out must be flat

        if len(R_out) != len(z_out):
            print('R and z must have the same dimensions')
            self.error = 1
        if np.array(R_out).ndim > 1:
            print('R_out must be flat')
            self.error = 2
        if np.array(z_out).ndim > 1:
            print('z_out must be flat')
            self.error = 3
        nz_psi, nR_psi = psi_in.shape
        if len(R_in) != nR_psi:
            print('Inconsistent R axis for psi_in')
            self.error = 5
        if len(z_in) != nz_psi:
            print('Inconsistent z axis for psi_in')
            self.error = 6

        nRz = len(R_out)
        self.psi_red = np.zeros(nRz)

# Bilinear interpolation

        bisp = RectBivariateSpline(z_in, R_in, psi_in)
        self.psi_axis = bisp.ev(zaxis, Raxis)
        for jRz, R in enumerate(R_out):
            z = z_out[jRz]
            self.psi_red[jRz] = bisp.ev(z, R)

        self.psi_norm = (self.psi_red - self.psi_axis)/(psi_sep - self.psi_axis)
        self.rho_pol = np.sqrt(self.psi_norm)
コード例 #42
ファイル: simulations.py プロジェクト: wmorning/EvilLens
def assign_phases_to_antennas(ant1,ant2,antX,antY,PhaseGrid,phase_x,phase_y,velocity,time):
    Given antenna IDs, coordinates, and the phase grid and its coordinates:  Translate
    the antennas across the grid and record the phase for each antenna.  Returns a 1D array
    of antenna phases (uncalibrated) for the 1st and 2nd antenna in each observation
    f_interp = RectBivariateSpline(phase_y,phase_x,PhaseGrid,kx=1,ky=1)
    antenna1_phase = f_interp.ev(antY[ant1],antX[ant1]+velocity*time)
    antenna2_phase = f_interp.ev(antY[ant2],antX[ant2]+velocity*time)
    # Also want to get a 2d array of the phase of each antenna with time, to ease with calibration
    Ntsteps = len(time)/(len(antX)*(len(antX)-1)/2)
    antennaphases = np.zeros([len(antX),Ntsteps],float)
    tstepsize = np.unique(time)[1]-np.unique(time[0])
    for i in range(len(antX)):
        antennaphases[i,:] = f_interp.ev(antY[i]*np.ones(Ntsteps),antX[i]+tstepsize*velocity*np.arange(Ntsteps))
    return antenna1_phase,antenna2_phase,antennaphases
コード例 #43
ファイル: brane.py プロジェクト: achael/scatterbrane
  def scatter(self,move_pix=0,scale=1):
    Generate the scattered image which is stored in the ``iss`` member.

    :param move_pix: (optional) int 
      Number of pixels to roll the screen (for time evolution).
    :param scale: (optional) scalar
      Scale factor for gradient.  To simulate the scattering effect at another 
      wavelength this is (lambda_new/lambda_old)**2

    M = self.model.shape[-1]       # size of original image array
    N = self.nx                    # size of output image array

    #if not self.live_dangerously: self._checkSanity()

    # calculate phase gradient
    dphi_x,dphi_y = self._calculate_dphi(move_pix=move_pix)

    if scale != 1:
        dphi_x *= scale/sqrt(2.)
        dphi_y *= scale/sqrt(2.)

    xx_,yy = np.meshgrid((np.arange(N) - 0.5*(N-1)),\
                         (np.arange(N) - 0.5*(N-1)),indexing='xy')

    # check whether we care about PA of scattering kernel
    if self.pa != None:
      f_model = RectBivariateSpline(self.model_dx/self.dx*(np.arange(M) - 0.5*(M-1)),\
                                    self.model_dx/self.dx*(np.arange(M) - 0.5*(M-1)),\

      # apply rotation
      theta = -(90 * pi / 180) + np.radians(self.pa)     # rotate CW 90 deg, then CCW by PA
      xx_ += dphi_x
      yy  += dphi_y
      xx = cos(theta)*xx_ - sin(theta)*yy
      yy = sin(theta)*xx_ + cos(theta)*yy
      self.iss  = f_model.ev(yy.flatten(),xx.flatten()).reshape((self.nx,self.nx))

      # rotate back and clip for positive values for I
      if self.think_positive:
          self.iss  = clip(rotate(self.iss,-1*theta/np.pi*180,reshape=False),a_min=0,a_max=1e30) * (self.dx/self.model_dx)**2
          self.iss  = rotate(self.iss,-1*theta/np.pi*180,reshape=False) * (self.dx/self.model_dx)**2

    # otherwise do a faster lookup rather than the expensive interpolation.
      yyi = np.rint((yy+dphi_y+self.nx/2)).astype(np.int) % self.nx
      xxi = np.rint((xx_+dphi_x+self.nx/2)).astype(np.int) % self.nx
      if self.think_positive:
        self.iss = clip(self.isrc[yyi,xxi],a_min=0,a_max=1e30)
        self.iss = self.isrc[yyi,xxi]
コード例 #44
 def x_sig( self, x, sigma ):
     eps_list, mu_q = self.spirrid_response
     eps_sig = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline( mu_q[0, :], eps_list[1] )
     if max( mu_q ) > sigma:
         raise ValueError( 'applied stress higher than the maximum in micromechanical evaluation of a CB' )
     eps = eps_sig( sigma )
     spline = RectBivariateSpline( eps_list[0], eps_list[1], mu_q )
     sigma_f = spline.ev( x, ones( len( x ) ) * eps ) / self.V_f
     sigma_m = ( sigma - sigma_f * self.V_f ) / self.V_m
     return sigma_m
コード例 #45
def kde_histogram(events_x, events_y, xout=None, yout=None, bins=None):
    """ Histogram-based Kernel Density Estimation

    events_x, events_y: 1D ndarray
        The input points for kernel density estimation. Input
        is flattened automatically.
    xout, yout: ndarray
        The coordinates at which the KDE should be computed.
        If set to none, input coordinates are used.
    bins: tuple (binsx, binsy)
        The number of bins to use for the histogram.

    density: ndarray, same shape as `xout`
        The KDE for the points in (xout, yout)

    See Also
    valid_combi = ((xout is None and yout is None) or
                   (xout is not None and yout is not None)
    if not valid_combi:
        raise ValueError("Both `xout` and `yout` must be (un)set.")

    if yout is None and yout is None:
        xout = events_x
        yout = events_y

    if bins is None:
        bins = (max(5, bin_num_doane(events_x)),
                max(5, bin_num_doane(events_y)))

    # Compute the histogram
    hist2d, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(x=events_x,
    xip = xedges[1:]-(xedges[1]-xedges[0])/2
    yip = yedges[1:]-(yedges[1]-yedges[0])/2

    estimator = RectBivariateSpline(x=xip, y=yip, z=hist2d)
    density = estimator.ev(xout, yout)
    density[density < 0] = 0

    return density.reshape(xout.shape)
コード例 #46
    def add_dem_2D(self, x, dem, y0=0., y1=np.infty, yref=None, kx=3, ky=1,
        Add topography by vertically stretching the domain in the region [y0,
        y1] - points below y0 are kept fixed, points above y1 are moved as
        the DEM, points in between are interpolated.

        Usage: first call add_dem_2D for each boundary that is to be perturbed
            and finally call apply_dem to add the perturbation to the mesh

        :param x: x coordinates of the DEM
        :type x: numpy array
        :param dem: the DEM
        :type dem: numpy array
        :param y0: vertical coordinate, at which the stretching begins
        :type y0: float
        :param y1: vertical coordinate, at which the stretching ends, can be
        :type y1: float
        :param yref: vertical coordinate, at which the stretching ends
        :type yref: float
        :param kx: horizontal degree of the spline interpolation
        :type kx: integer
        :param ky: vertical degree of the spline interpolation
        :type ky: integer
        :param s: smoothing factor
        :type s: float

        if not self.ndim == 2:  # pragma: no cover
            raise ValueError('apply_dem_2D works on 2D meshes only')

        if yref is None:
            yref = self.points[:, 1].max()

        if y1 < np.infty:
            y = np.array([y0, yref, y1])
            d = np.c_[np.zeros(len(dem)), dem, np.zeros(len(dem))]
            y = np.array([y0, yref])
            d = np.c_[np.zeros(len(dem)), dem]

        xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y, indexing='ij')
        rbs = RectBivariateSpline(x, y, d, kx=kx, ky=ky, s=s)

        # add to topography
        if self.topography is None:
            self.topography = np.zeros_like(self.points[:, -1])

        self.points[:, 1] += rbs.ev(self.points[:, 0], self.points[:, 1])
コード例 #47
ファイル: calc_likelihood.py プロジェクト: jspilker/visilens
def fft_interpolate(visdata,immap,xmap,ymap,ug=None,scaleamp=1.,shiftphase=[0.,0.]):
      Take a dataset and a map of a field, fft the image,
      and interpolate onto the uv-coordinates of the dataset.

      interpdata: Visdata object
            A dataset which samples the given immap
      # Correct for PB attenuation            
      if visdata.PBfwhm is not None: 
            PBs = visdata.PBfwhm / (2.*np.sqrt(2.*np.log(2)))
            immap *= np.exp(-(xmap**2./(2.*PBs**2.)) - (ymap**2./(2.*PBs**2.)))
      #immap = immap[::-1,:] # Fixes issue of origin in tlc vs blc to match sky coords  
      imfft = fftshift(fft2(fftshift(immap)))
      # Calculate the uv points we need, if we don't already have them
      if ug is None:
            kmax = 0.5/((xmap[0,1]-xmap[0,0])*arcsec2rad)
            ug = np.linspace(-kmax,kmax,xmap.shape[0])

      # Interpolate the FFT'd image onto the data's uv points
      # Using RBS, much faster since ug is gridded
      spliner = RectBivariateSpline(ug,ug,imfft.real,kx=1,ky=1)
      splinei = RectBivariateSpline(ug,ug,imfft.imag,kx=1,ky=1)
      interpr = spliner.ev(visdata.v,visdata.u)
      interpi = splinei.ev(visdata.v,visdata.u)
      interpdata = Visdata(visdata.u,visdata.v,interpr,interpi,visdata.sigma,\

      # Apply scaling, phase shifts; wrap phases to +/- pi.
      interpdata.amp *= scaleamp
      interpdata.phase += 2.*np.pi*arcsec2rad*(shiftphase[0]*interpdata.u + shiftphase[1]*interpdata.v)
      interpdata.phase = (interpdata.phase + np.pi) % (2*np.pi) - np.pi

      return interpdata
コード例 #48
    def _interp(self):
        """Interpolate the cartesian coordinates.
        if np.all(self.hrow_indices == self.row_indices):
            return self._interp1d()
        xpoints, ypoints = np.meshgrid(self.hrow_indices,
        spl = RectBivariateSpline(self.row_indices,

        self.newx = spl.ev(xpoints.ravel(), ypoints.ravel())
        self.newx = self.newx.reshape(xpoints.shape).T

        spl = RectBivariateSpline(self.row_indices,

        self.newy = spl.ev(xpoints.ravel(), ypoints.ravel())
        self.newy = self.newy.reshape(xpoints.shape).T

        spl = RectBivariateSpline(self.row_indices,

        self.newz = spl.ev(xpoints.ravel(), ypoints.ravel())
        self.newz = self.newz.reshape(xpoints.shape).T
コード例 #49
ファイル: slimscat.py プロジェクト: krosenfeld/slimscat
def run_slimscat(isrc,idx,screenfile='screen.bin'):
  Scatter source image.

  :param isrc: source image
  :param idx: source pixel scale
  :param screenfile: screen file


  # read in screen parameters
  f = open(screenfile,'rb')
  hdrsize = struct.unpack('i',f.read(4))[0]
  nphi = int(np.sqrt(struct.unpack('i',f.read(4))[0]))
  dx   = struct.unpack('d',f.read(8))[0]

  # filter image

  # check fov
  iny,inx = isrc.shape
  ny = int(np.floor(iny*idx/dx))
  nx = int(np.floor(inx*idx/dx))
  assert idx*max([iny,inx]) < nphi*dx

  # read in screen
  dphi_x = np.empty((ny,nx),dtype=np.float64)
  dphi_y = np.empty((ny,nx),dtype=np.float64)
  for i in range(ny):
    f.seek(hdrsize + i*8*1*nphi,0)
    dphi_x[i,:] = struct.unpack('{0:d}d'.format(nx),f.read(nx*8))
  for i in range(ny):
    f.seek(hdrsize + 8*nphi*nphi + i*8*1*nphi,0)
    dphi_y[i,:] = struct.unpack('{0:d}d'.format(nx),f.read(nx*8))


  # construct spline fit to source image
  f_isrc = RectBivariateSpline(idx/dx*(np.arange(iny) - 0.5*(iny-1)),\
                               idx/dx*(np.arange(inx) - 0.5*(inx-1)),\

  # scatter pixel coordinates
  yy,_xx = np.meshgrid((np.arange(ny) - 0.5*(ny-1)),\
                       (np.arange(nx) - 0.5*(nx-1)),indexing='ij')
  _xx += dphi_x
  yy += dphi_y

  return f_isrc.ev(yy.flatten(),_xx.flatten()).reshape((ny,nx))
コード例 #50
def get_interpolated_pixel_color_rbspline(pts, s_im, size):
    """given pts in floats, linear interpolate pixel values nearby to get a good colour"""
    pts = clamp(pts, size)

    s_im = np.atleast_3d(s_im)
    ys,xs = size
    ycoords, xcoords = np.arange(ys), np.arange(xs)
    out = np.empty(pts.shape[1:] + (s_im.shape[-1],),dtype=s_im.dtype)
    pts_vec = pts.reshape((2,-1))
    out_vec = out.reshape((-1,s_im.shape[-1])) #flatten for easier vectorization
    for i in range(s_im.shape[-1]): #loop over color channels
        rbspline = RectBivariateSpline(ycoords, xcoords, s_im[...,i])
        out_vec[:,i] = rbspline.ev(pts_vec[0],pts_vec[1])
    return out
コード例 #51
ファイル: rebound_twoD.py プロジェクト: dpostal/giapy
def interp3d_emergence(uplift, data, out_times, verbose=False):
    """Interpolate uplift surfaces (xyz data at a specific t) to data locations 
    (non-grid) and data times (between times calculated). 
    Uses progressive linear interpolations: first the uplift at each outputted 
    time is interpolated to the data locations in data.locs, then they are
    interpolated to the data times in each location.
    uplift (array-like) - size (times, lon, lat) array of uplift surfaces
    data - data whose data.locs are the locations to interpolate to.
    out_times - the times for the first index of the uplift array (should be
            of uplift eventually, yes?)
    time_start = time.clock()
    # STUFF TO FIX HEEEEEEERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
    N = uplift[0].shape
    # TODO These should be gotten from somewhere, right? uplift.grid?? 
    X = np.linspace(0, 4900000, num=N[1], endpoint=True)
    Y = np.linspace(0, 4700000, num=N[0], endpoint=True)
    # interp_data will be an array of size (N_output_times, N_locations)
    # for use in interpolating the calculated emergence to the locations and
    # times at which there are data in data
    interp_data = []
    # Interpolate the calculated uplift at each time on the Lat-Lon grid
    # to the data locations.
    for uplift_at_a_time in uplift:
        interp_func = RectBivariateSpline(X, Y, uplift_at_a_time.T)
        interp_data.append(interp_func.ev(data.locs[:,0], data.locs[:,1]))
    interp_data = np.array(interp_data).T
    calc_vector = []
    # Interpolate the calculated uplifted at each time and data location
    # to the times of the data location.
    for interp, loc in zip(interp_data, data):
        out_times[::-1], interp[::-1]))
    # flatten the array    
    calc_vector = np.array([item for l in calc_vector for item in l])
    if verbose: print 'Interpolation time: {0}s'.format(time.clock()-time_start)

    return calc_vector
コード例 #52
ファイル: projectimage.py プロジェクト: zouhu/astrophot
	def project_interp(self,to_file=None,sys_a8=False,bok=True,clobber=False,**kwd):
		# projected image x,y
		print('get XY in image for pixels in new WCS ...')
		# projected image ra dec
		# image XY
		if sys_a8:
		inmask=(imyy > -0.5) & (imyy < ny-0.5) & (imxx > -0.5) & (imxx < nx-0.5)
		if not inmask.any(): return None,None

		if self.mask is not None:
		print('project image to new WCS by interpolating ...')	
		if to_file is not None:
			if self.mask is not None:
		if self.mask is not None:
			return int_data,int_mask
			return int_data,None
コード例 #53
    def generate_score_map(structure):

        if structure == 'BackG':
            return None

        score_matrix = np.zeros((n_sample_x, n_sample_y))
        score_matrix[sample_location_indices[:,0], sample_location_indices[:,1]] = probs_allClasses[structure]

        spline = RectBivariateSpline(sample_locations_unique_xs/shrink_factor,

        t1 = time.time()
        dense_score_map = spline.ev(sample_locations_interpolatedArea_xs_matrix,
        sys.stderr.write('evaluate spline: %.2f seconds\n' % (time.time() - t1)) # 5s for shrink_factor=4; doubling results in quadratic time reduction

        t1 = time.time()
        dense_score_map = resize(dense_score_map, (interpolation_h, interpolation_w)) # similar speed as rescale
#             dense_score_map = rescale(dense_score_map, shrink_factor)
        sys.stderr.write('scale up: %.2f seconds\n' % (time.time() - t1)) # 10s, very high penalty when multiprocessing

#             t = time.time()
        dense_score_map[dense_score_map < 1e-1] = 0
        dense_score_map[dense_score_map > 1.] = 1.
#             sys.stderr.write('threshold: %.2f seconds\n' % (time.time() - t))

        if np.count_nonzero(dense_score_map) < 1e5:
            sys.stderr.write('No %s is detected on section %d\n' % (structure, sec))
            return None

        t1 = time.time()

        scoremap_bp_filepath, scoremap_interpBox_filepath = \
        DataManager.get_scoremap_filepath(stack=stack, fn=fn, anchor_fn=anchor_fn, structure=structure,
                                          return_bbox_fp=True, setting=actual_setting)

        save_hdf(dense_score_map.astype(np.float16), scoremap_bp_filepath, complevel=5)
               np.array((interpolation_xmin, interpolation_xmax, interpolation_ymin, interpolation_ymax))[None],

        sys.stderr.write('save: %.2f seconds\n' % (time.time() - t1)) # 4s, very high penalty when multiprocessing
コード例 #54
def getStraightenWormIntT(worm_img, skeleton, half_width = -1, cnt_widths  = np.zeros(0), width_resampling = 7, ang_smooth_win = 12, length_resampling = 49):
    #if np.all(np.isnan(skeleton)):
    #    buff = np.empty((skeleton.shape[0], width_resampling))
    #    buff.fill(np.nan)
    #    return buff
    assert half_width>0 or cnt_widths.size>0
    assert not np.any(np.isnan(skeleton))
    if ang_smooth_win%2 == 1:
        ang_smooth_win += 1; 
    if skeleton.shape[0] != length_resampling:
        skeleton, _ = curvspace(np.ascontiguousarray(skeleton), length_resampling)
    skelX = skeleton[:,0];
    skelY = skeleton[:,1];
    assert np.max(skelX) < worm_img.shape[0]
    assert np.max(skelY) < worm_img.shape[1]
    assert np.min(skelY) >= 0
    assert np.min(skelY) >= 0
    #calculate smoothed angles
    skel_angles = angleSmoothed(skelX, skelY, ang_smooth_win)
    #%get the perpendicular angles to define line scans (orientation doesn't
    #%matter here so subtracting pi/2 should always work)
    perp_angles = skel_angles - np.pi/2;
    #%for each skeleton point get the coordinates for two line scans: one in the
    #%positive direction along perpAngles and one in the negative direction (use
    #%two that both start on skeleton so that the intensities are the same in
    #%the line scan)
    #resample the points along the worm width
    if half_width <= 0:
        half_width = (np.median(cnt_widths[10:-10])/2.) #add half a pixel to get part of the contour
    r_ind = np.linspace(-half_width, half_width, width_resampling)
    #create the grid of points to be interpolated (make use of numpy implicit broadcasting Nx1 + 1xM = NxM)
    grid_x = skelX + r_ind[:, np.newaxis]*np.cos(perp_angles);
    grid_y = skelY + r_ind[:, np.newaxis]*np.sin(perp_angles);
    f = RectBivariateSpline(np.arange(worm_img.shape[0]), np.arange(worm_img.shape[1]), worm_img)
    return f.ev(grid_y, grid_x), grid_x, grid_y #return interpolated intensity map
コード例 #55
ファイル: utilities.py プロジェクト: Jothy/electronfactors
def find_stop_power(**kwargs):
    data = TRS398_table7()
    stop_power_interp = RectBivariateSpline(
        np.array(data["depth/R50"]), np.array(data["R50"]), np.array(data["contents"])

    energy = kwargs["energy"]
    depth_mm = np.array(kwargs["depth"])
    depth_cm = depth_mm / 10

    R50_mm = energy_to_R50(energy)
    R50_cm = R50_mm / 10

    depth_over_R50 = depth_cm / R50_cm
    stop_power = np.ravel(stop_power_interp.ev(depth_over_R50, R50_cm))

    return stop_power
コード例 #56
def getStraightenWormInt(worm_img, skeleton, half_width, width_resampling):
        Code to straighten the worm worms.
        worm_image - image containing the worm
        skeleton - worm skeleton
        half_width - half width of the worm, if it is -1 it would try to calculated from cnt_widths
        cnt_widths - contour widths used in case the half width is not given
        width_resampling - number of data points used in the intensity map along the worm width
        length_resampling - number of data points used in the intensity map along the worm length
        ang_smooth_win - window used to calculate the skeleton angles. 
            A small value will introduce noise, therefore obtaining bad perpendicular segments.
            A large value will over smooth the skeleton, therefore not capturing the correct shape.

    assert half_width>0 or cnt_widths.size>0
    assert not np.any(np.isnan(skeleton))
    dX = np.diff(skeleton[:,0])
    dY = np.diff(skeleton[:,1])
    skel_angles = np.arctan2(dY, dX)
    skel_angles = np.hstack((skel_angles[0], skel_angles))
    #%get the perpendicular angles to define line scans (orientation doesn't
    #%matter here so subtracting pi/2 should always work)
    perp_angles = skel_angles - np.pi/2;
    #%for each skeleton point get the coordinates for two line scans: one in the
    #%positive direction along perpAngles and one in the negative direction (use
    #%two that both start on skeleton so that the intensities are the same in
    #%the line scan)
    r_ind = np.linspace(-half_width, half_width, width_resampling)
    #create the grid of points to be interpolated (make use of numpy implicit broadcasting Nx1 + 1xM = NxM)
    grid_x = skeleton[:,0] + r_ind[:, np.newaxis]*np.cos(perp_angles);
    grid_y = skeleton[:,1] + r_ind[:, np.newaxis]*np.sin(perp_angles);
    #interpolated the intensity map
    f = RectBivariateSpline(np.arange(worm_img.shape[0]), np.arange(worm_img.shape[1]), worm_img)
    straighten_worm =  f.ev(grid_y, grid_x) 
    return straighten_worm, grid_x, grid_y 
コード例 #57
    def _interp(self):
        """Interpolate the cartesian coordinates.
        if np.all(self.hrow_indices == self.row_indices):
            return self._interp1d()

        xpoints, ypoints = np.meshgrid(self.hrow_indices,

        for num, data in enumerate(self.tie_data):
            spl = RectBivariateSpline(self.row_indices,

            self.new_data[num] = spl.ev(xpoints.ravel(), ypoints.ravel())
            self.new_data[num] = self.new_data[num].reshape(xpoints.shape).T
コード例 #58
ファイル: rebound_twoD.py プロジェクト: dpostal/giapy
def interp_tilt(uplift, data, out_times, basemap, verbose=False):
    time_start = time.clock()

    # STUFF TO FIX HEEEEEEERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
    N = uplift[0].shape
    # TODO These should be gotten from somewhere, right? uplift.grid?? 
    X = np.linspace(0, 4900000, num=N[1], endpoint=True)
    Y = np.linspace(0, 4700000, num=N[0], endpoint=True)

    Lon, Lat = basemap(*np.meshgrid(X, Y), inverse=True)

    tilt = calc_tilts(uplift[np.where(out_times==13)[0][0]], Lon, Lat)

    interp_func = RectBivariateSpline(X, Y, tilt.T)
    calc_vector = interp_func.ev(data.locs[:,0], data.locs[:,1])

    return calc_vector
コード例 #59
ファイル: OptPath.py プロジェクト: wmoebius/OptPath
def optpath_scipyode(xs, ys, tt, phi, startpoint):

    # setting up interpolation

    # initial condition
    t0 = 0.0
    y0 = startpoint 

    # trajectory
    ts = []
    ys = []

    # for trajectory and aborting condition
    def solout(t, y):
        # time of the solver is not time in the problem...
        if not signorigphi*np.asscalar(phi_interp.ev(y0[0],y0[1]))>0:
            return -1
            return 0

    # rhs of ODE
    def rhs(t, y):
        return [-gradx/auxgrad, -grady/auxgrad]

    # the actual integration
    ig = ode(rhs).set_integrator('dopri5')
    ig.set_initial_value(y0, t0)
    # throws a warning at the moment...
    ret = ig.integrate(1.0e8)
    # what an ugly hack to make a proper np array...
    return np.concatenate((npts,npys),axis=1)