def test_recarray(): # check roundtrip of structured array dt = [('f1', 'f8'), ('f2', 'S10')] arr = np.zeros((2,), dtype=dt) arr[0]['f1'] = 0.5 arr[0]['f2'] = 'python' arr[1]['f1'] = 99 arr[1]['f2'] = 'not perl' stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {'arr': arr}) d = loadmat(stream, struct_as_record=False) a20 = d['arr'][0,0] yield assert_equal, a20.f1, 0.5 yield assert_equal, a20.f2, 'python' d = loadmat(stream, struct_as_record=True) a20 = d['arr'][0,0] yield assert_equal, a20['f1'], 0.5 yield assert_equal, a20['f2'], 'python' # structs always come back as object types yield assert_equal, a20.dtype, np.dtype([('f1', 'O'), ('f2', 'O')]) a21 = d['arr'].flat[1] yield assert_equal, a21['f1'], 99 yield assert_equal, a21['f2'], 'not perl'
def test_read_opts(): # tests if read is seeing option sets, at initialization and after # initialization arr = np.arange(6).reshape(1,6) stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {'a': arr}) rdr = MatFile5Reader(stream) back_dict = rdr.get_variables() rarr = back_dict['a'] assert_array_equal(rarr, arr) rdr = MatFile5Reader(stream, squeeze_me=True) assert_array_equal(rdr.get_variables()['a'], arr.reshape((6,))) rdr.squeeze_me = False assert_array_equal(rarr, arr) rdr = MatFile5Reader(stream, byte_order=boc.native_code) assert_array_equal(rdr.get_variables()['a'], arr) # inverted byte code leads to error on read because of swapped # header etc rdr = MatFile5Reader(stream, byte_order=boc.swapped_code) assert_raises(Exception, rdr.get_variables) rdr.byte_order = boc.native_code assert_array_equal(rdr.get_variables()['a'], arr) arr = np.array(['a string']) stream.truncate(0) savemat(stream, {'a': arr}) rdr = MatFile5Reader(stream) assert_array_equal(rdr.get_variables()['a'], arr) rdr = MatFile5Reader(stream, chars_as_strings=False) carr = np.atleast_2d(np.array(list(arr.item()), dtype='U1')) assert_array_equal(rdr.get_variables()['a'], carr) rdr.chars_as_strings = True assert_array_equal(rdr.get_variables()['a'], arr)
def save(self, path=None, full_save=False): import cPickle as pickle import os path =, path=path) for roi, scores in self.scores.items(): # Save full object! if full_save: with open(os.path.join(path, '%s_scores.pickle' %(roi)), 'wb') as output: pickle.dump(scores, output) for p, score in enumerate(scores): mat_score = self._save_score(score) # TODO: Better use of cv and attributes for leave-one-subject-out filename = "%s_perm_%04d_data.mat" %(roi, p)"Saving %s" %(filename)) savemat(os.path.join(path, filename), mat_score) return
def test_gzip_simple(): xdense = np.zeros((20,20)) xdense[2,3] = 2.3 xdense[4,5] = 4.5 x = SP.csc_matrix(xdense) name = 'gzip_test' expected = {'x':x} format = '4' tmpdir = mkdtemp() try: fname = pjoin(tmpdir,name) mat_stream =,mode='wb') savemat(mat_stream, expected, format=format) mat_stream.close() mat_stream =,mode='rb') actual = loadmat(mat_stream, struct_as_record=True) mat_stream.close() finally: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) assert_array_almost_equal(actual['x'].todense(), expected['x'].todense(), err_msg=repr(actual))
def test_empty_string(): # make sure reading empty string does not raise error estring_fname = pjoin(test_data_path, 'single_empty_string.mat') fp = open(estring_fname, 'rb') rdr = MatFile5Reader(fp) d = rdr.get_variables() fp.close() assert_array_equal(d['a'], np.array([], dtype='U1')) # empty string round trip. Matlab cannot distiguish # between a string array that is empty, and a string array # containing a single empty string, because it stores strings as # arrays of char. There is no way of having an array of char that # is not empty, but contains an empty string. stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {'a': np.array([''])}) rdr = MatFile5Reader(stream) d = rdr.get_variables() assert_array_equal(d['a'], np.array([], dtype='U1')) stream.truncate(0) savemat(stream, {'a': np.array([], dtype='U1')}) rdr = MatFile5Reader(stream) d = rdr.get_variables() assert_array_equal(d['a'], np.array([], dtype='U1')) stream.close()
def test_unicode_mat4(): # Mat4 should save unicode as latin1 bio = BytesIO() var = {'second_cat': u('Schrödinger')} savemat(bio, var, format='4') var_back = loadmat(bio) assert_equal(var_back['second_cat'], var['second_cat'])
def test_fieldnames(): # Check that field names are as expected stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {"a": {"a": 1, "b": 2}}) res = loadmat(stream) field_names = res["a"].dtype.names assert_equal(set(field_names), set(("a", "b")))
def test_unicode_mat4(): # Mat4 should save unicode as latin1 bio = BytesIO() var = {"second_cat": u("Schrödinger")} savemat(bio, var, format="4") var_back = loadmat(bio) assert_equal(var_back["second_cat"], var["second_cat"])
def test_save_dict(): # Test that dict can be saved (as recarray), loaded as matstruct d = {'a':1, 'b':2} stream = StringIO() savemat(stream, {'dict':d}) vals = loadmat(stream)
def test_fieldnames(): # Check that field names are as expected stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {'a': {'a':1, 'b':2}}) res = loadmat(stream) field_names = res['a'].dtype.names assert_equal(set(field_names), set(('a', 'b')))
def test_save_dict(): # Test that dict can be saved (as recarray), loaded as matstruct dict_types = ((dict, False),) try: from collections import OrderedDict except ImportError: pass else: dict_types += ((OrderedDict, True),) ab_exp = np.array([[(1, 2)]], dtype=[('a', object), ('b', object)]) ba_exp = np.array([[(2, 1)]], dtype=[('b', object), ('a', object)]) for dict_type, is_ordered in dict_types: # Initialize with tuples to keep order for OrderedDict d = dict_type([('a', 1), ('b', 2)]) stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {'dict': d}) vals = loadmat(stream)['dict'] assert_equal(set(vals.dtype.names), set(['a', 'b'])) if is_ordered: # Input was ordered, output in ab order assert_array_equal(vals, ab_exp) else: # Not ordered input, either order output if vals.dtype.names[0] == 'a': assert_array_equal(vals, ab_exp) else: assert_array_equal(vals, ba_exp)
def test_scalar_squeeze(): stream = BytesIO() in_d = {"scalar": [[0.1]], "string": "my name", "st": {"one": 1, "two": 2}} savemat(stream, in_d) out_d = loadmat(stream, squeeze_me=True) assert_(isinstance(out_d["scalar"], float)) assert_(isinstance(out_d["string"], string_types)) assert_(isinstance(out_d["st"], np.ndarray))
def test_mat_struct_squeeze(): stream = BytesIO() in_d = {"st": {"one": 1, "two": 2}} savemat(stream, in_d) # no error without squeeze out_d = loadmat(stream, struct_as_record=False) # previous error was with squeeze, with mat_struct out_d = loadmat(stream, struct_as_record=False, squeeze_me=True)
def test_scalar_squeeze(): stream = BytesIO() in_d = {'scalar': [[0.1]], 'string': 'my name', 'st':{'one':1, 'two':2}} savemat(stream, in_d) out_d = loadmat(stream, squeeze_me=True) assert_(isinstance(out_d['scalar'], float)) assert_(isinstance(out_d['string'], string_types)) assert_(isinstance(out_d['st'], np.ndarray))
def test_sparse_in_struct(): # reproduces bug found by DC where Cython code was insisting on # ndarray return type, but getting sparse matrix st = {'sparsefield': SP.coo_matrix(np.eye(4))} stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {'a':st}) d = loadmat(stream, struct_as_record=True) yield assert_array_equal, d['a'][0,0]['sparsefield'].todense(), np.eye(4)
def test_long_field_names(): # Test limit for length of field names in structs lim = 63 fldname = "a" * lim st1 = np.zeros((1, 1), dtype=[(fldname, object)]) savemat(BytesIO(), {"longstruct": st1}, format="5", long_field_names=True) fldname = "a" * (lim + 1) st1 = np.zeros((1, 1), dtype=[(fldname, object)]) assert_raises(ValueError, savemat, BytesIO(), {"longstruct": st1}, format="5", long_field_names=True)
def test_save_empty_dict(): # saving empty dict also gives empty struct stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {'arr': {}}) d = loadmat(stream) a = d['arr'] assert_equal(a.shape, (1,1)) assert_equal(a.dtype, np.dtype(object)) assert_(a[0,0] is None)
def test_regression_653(): # Saving a dictionary with only invalid keys used to raise an error. Now we # save this as an empty struct in matlab space. sio = BytesIO() savemat(sio, {'d':{1:2}}, format='5') back = loadmat(sio)['d'] # Check we got an empty struct equivalent assert_equal(back.shape, (1,1)) assert_equal(back.dtype, np.dtype(object)) assert_(back[0,0] is None)
def test_structname_len(): # Test limit for length of field names in structs lim = 31 fldname = "a" * lim st1 = np.zeros((1, 1), dtype=[(fldname, object)]) mat_stream = BytesIO() savemat(BytesIO(), {"longstruct": st1}, format="5") fldname = "a" * (lim + 1) st1 = np.zeros((1, 1), dtype=[(fldname, object)]) assert_raises(ValueError, savemat, BytesIO(), {"longstruct": st1}, format="5")
def test_round_types(): # Check that saving, loading preserves dtype in most cases arr = np.arange(10) stream = BytesIO() for dts in ("f8", "f4", "i8", "i4", "i2", "i1", "u8", "u4", "u2", "u1", "c16", "c8"): stream.truncate(0) # needed for BytesIO in python 3 savemat(stream, {"arr": arr.astype(dts)}) vars = loadmat(stream) assert_equal(np.dtype(dts), vars["arr"].dtype)
def test_empty_sparse(): # Can we read empty sparse matrices? sio = BytesIO() import scipy.sparse empty_sparse = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix([[0,0],[0,0]]) savemat(sio, dict(x=empty_sparse)) res = loadmat(sio) assert_array_equal(res['x'].shape, empty_sparse.shape) assert_array_equal(res['x'].todense(), 0)
def test_structname_len(): # Test limit for length of field names in structs lim = 31 fldname = 'a' * lim st1 = np.zeros((1,1), dtype=[(fldname, object)]) savemat(BytesIO(), {'longstruct': st1}, format='5') fldname = 'a' * (lim+1) st1 = np.zeros((1,1), dtype=[(fldname, object)]) assert_raises(ValueError, savemat, BytesIO(), {'longstruct': st1}, format='5')
def test_mat4_3d(): # test behavior when writing 3D arrays to matlab 4 files stream = StringIO() arr = np.arange(24).reshape((2,3,4)) warnings.simplefilter('error') yield (assert_raises, DeprecationWarning, savemat, stream, {'a': arr}, True, '4') warnings.resetwarnings() savemat(stream, {'a': arr}, format='4') d = loadmat(stream) yield assert_array_equal, d['a'], arr.reshape((6,4))
def test_round_types(): # Check that saving, loading preserves dtype in most cases arr = np.arange(10) stream = BytesIO() for dts in ('f8','f4','i8','i4','i2','i1', 'u8','u4','u2','u1','c16','c8'): stream.truncate(0) # needed for BytesIO in python 3 savemat(stream, {'arr': arr.astype(dts)}) vars = loadmat(stream) assert_equal(np.dtype(dts), vars['arr'].dtype)
def test_long_field_names(): # Test limit for length of field names in structs lim = 63 fldname = 'a' * lim st1 = np.zeros((1,1), dtype=[(fldname, object)]) mat_stream = StringIO() savemat(StringIO(), {'longstruct': st1}, format='5',long_field_names=True) fldname = 'a' * (lim+1) st1 = np.zeros((1,1), dtype=[(fldname, object)]) assert_raises(ValueError, savemat, StringIO(), {'longstruct': st1}, format='5',long_field_names=True)
def test_mat_struct_squeeze(): stream = BytesIO() in_d = {'st':{'one':1, 'two':2}} savemat(stream, in_d) # no error without squeeze out_d = loadmat(stream, struct_as_record=False) # previous error was with squeeze, with mat_struct out_d = loadmat(stream, struct_as_record=False, squeeze_me=True, )
def test_cell_with_one_thing_in_it(): # Regression test - make a cell array that's 1 x 2 and put two # strings in it. It works. Make a cell array that's 1 x 1 and put # a string in it. It should work but, in the old days, it didn't. cells = np.ndarray((1,2),dtype=object) cells[0,0] = 'Hello' cells[0,1] = 'World' savemat(BytesIO(), {'x': cells}, format='5') cells = np.ndarray((1,1),dtype=object) cells[0,0] = 'Hello, world' savemat(BytesIO(), {'x': cells}, format='5')
def test_1d_shape(): # Current 5 behavior is 1D -> column vector arr = np.arange(5) stream = StringIO() savemat(stream, {'oned':arr}, format='5') vals = loadmat(stream) yield assert_equal, vals['oned'].shape, (5,1) # Current 4 behavior is 1D -> row vector arr = np.arange(5) stream = StringIO() savemat(stream, {'oned':arr}, format='4') vals = loadmat(stream) yield assert_equal, vals['oned'].shape, (1, 5) for format in ('4', '5'): # can be explicitly 'column' for oned_as stream = StringIO() savemat(stream, {'oned':arr}, format=format, oned_as='column') vals = loadmat(stream) yield assert_equal, vals['oned'].shape, (5,1) # but different from 'row' stream = StringIO() savemat(stream, {'oned':arr}, format=format, oned_as='row') vals = loadmat(stream) yield assert_equal, vals['oned'].shape, (1,5)
def test_1d_shape(): # Current 5 behavior is 1D -> column vector arr = np.arange(5) stream = BytesIO() warn_ctx = WarningManager() warn_ctx.__enter__() try: # silence warnings for tests warnings.simplefilter('ignore') savemat(stream, {'oned':arr}, format='5') vals = loadmat(stream) assert_equal(vals['oned'].shape, (5,1)) # Current 4 behavior is 1D -> row vector stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {'oned':arr}, format='4') vals = loadmat(stream) assert_equal(vals['oned'].shape, (1, 5)) for format in ('4', '5'): # can be explicitly 'column' for oned_as stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {'oned':arr}, format=format, oned_as='column') vals = loadmat(stream) assert_equal(vals['oned'].shape, (5,1)) # but different from 'row' stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {'oned':arr}, format=format, oned_as='row') vals = loadmat(stream) assert_equal(vals['oned'].shape, (1,5)) finally: warn_ctx.__exit__()
def test_compression(): arr = np.zeros(100).reshape((5,20)) arr[2,10] = 1 stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {'arr':arr}) raw_len = len(stream.getvalue()) vals = loadmat(stream) yield assert_array_equal, vals['arr'], arr stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {'arr':arr}, do_compression=True) compressed_len = len(stream.getvalue()) vals = loadmat(stream) yield assert_array_equal, vals['arr'], arr yield assert_, raw_len > compressed_len # Concatenate, test later arr2 = arr.copy() arr2[0,0] = 1 stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {'arr':arr, 'arr2':arr2}, do_compression=False) vals = loadmat(stream) yield assert_array_equal, vals['arr2'], arr2 stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {'arr':arr, 'arr2':arr2}, do_compression=True) vals = loadmat(stream) yield assert_array_equal, vals['arr2'], arr2
def test_write_opposite_endian(): # We don't support writing opposite endian .mat files, but we need to behave # correctly if the user supplies an other-endian NumPy array to write out. float_arr = np.array([[2., 3.], [3., 4.]]) int_arr = np.arange(6).reshape((2, 3)) uni_arr = np.array(['hello', 'world'], dtype='U') stream = BytesIO() savemat( stream, { 'floats': float_arr.byteswap().newbyteorder(), 'ints': int_arr.byteswap().newbyteorder(), 'uni_arr': uni_arr.byteswap().newbyteorder() }) rdr = MatFile5Reader(stream) d = rdr.get_variables() assert_array_equal(d['floats'], float_arr) assert_array_equal(d['ints'], int_arr) assert_array_equal(d['uni_arr'], uni_arr) stream.close()
def test_long_field_names_in_struct(): # Regression test - long_field_names was erased if you passed a struct # within a struct lim = 63 fldname = 'a' * lim cell = np.ndarray((1, 2), dtype=object) st1 = np.zeros((1, 1), dtype=[(fldname, object)]) cell[0, 0] = st1 cell[0, 1] = st1 mat_stream = BytesIO() savemat(BytesIO(), {'longstruct': cell}, format='5', long_field_names=True) # # Check to make sure it fails with long field names off # assert_raises(ValueError, savemat, BytesIO(), {'longstruct': cell}, format='5', long_field_names=False)
def test_save_dict(): # Test that dict can be saved (as recarray), loaded as matstruct dict_types = ((dict, False), (OrderedDict, True),) ab_exp = np.array([[(1, 2)]], dtype=[('a', object), ('b', object)]) ba_exp = np.array([[(2, 1)]], dtype=[('b', object), ('a', object)]) for dict_type, is_ordered in dict_types: # Initialize with tuples to keep order for OrderedDict d = dict_type([('a', 1), ('b', 2)]) stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {'dict': d}) vals = loadmat(stream)['dict'] assert_equal(set(vals.dtype.names), set(['a', 'b'])) if is_ordered: # Input was ordered, output in ab order assert_array_equal(vals, ab_exp) else: # Not ordered input, either order output if vals.dtype.names[0] == 'a': assert_array_equal(vals, ab_exp) else: assert_array_equal(vals, ba_exp)
def test_varmats_from_mat(): # Make a mat file with several variables, write it, read it back names_vars = (('arr', mlarr(np.arange(10))), ('mystr', mlarr('a string')), ('mynum', mlarr(10))) # Dict like thing to give variables in defined order class C(object): def items(self): return names_vars stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, C()) varmats = varmats_from_mat(stream) assert_equal(len(varmats), 3) for i in range(3): name, var_stream = varmats[i] exp_name, exp_res = names_vars[i] assert_equal(name, exp_name) res = loadmat(var_stream) assert_array_equal(res[name], exp_res)
def test_multiple_open(): # Ticket #1039, on Windows: check that files are not left open tmpdir = mkdtemp() try: x = dict(x=np.zeros((2, 2))) fname = pjoin(tmpdir, "a.mat") # Check that file is not left open savemat(fname, x, oned_as='row') os.unlink(fname) savemat(fname, x, oned_as='row') loadmat(fname) os.unlink(fname) # Check that stream is left open f = open(fname, 'wb') savemat(f, x, oned_as='column') f.close() f = open(fname, 'rb') loadmat(f) f.close() finally: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
def test_str_round(): # from report by Angus McMorland on mailing list 3 May 2010 stream = BytesIO() in_arr = np.array(['Hello', 'Foob']) out_arr = np.array(['Hello', 'Foob ']) savemat(stream, dict(a=in_arr)) res = loadmat(stream) # resulted in ['HloolFoa', 'elWrdobr'] assert_array_equal(res['a'], out_arr) stream.truncate(0) # Make Fortran ordered version of string in_str = in_arr.tostring(order='F') in_from_str = np.ndarray(shape=a.shape, dtype=in_arr.dtype, order='F', buffer=in_str) savemat(stream, dict(a=in_from_str)) assert_array_equal(res['a'], out_arr) # unicode save did lead to buffer too small error stream.truncate(0) in_arr_u = in_arr.astype('U') out_arr_u = out_arr.astype('U') savemat(stream, {'a': in_arr_u}) res = loadmat(stream) assert_array_equal(res['a'], out_arr_u)
def test_recarray(): # check roundtrip of structured array dt = [('f1', 'f8'), ('f2', 'S10')] arr = np.zeros((2, ), dtype=dt) arr[0]['f1'] = 0.5 arr[0]['f2'] = 'python' arr[1]['f1'] = 99 arr[1]['f2'] = 'not perl' stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {'arr': arr}) d = loadmat(stream, struct_as_record=False) a20 = d['arr'][0, 0] assert_equal(a20.f1, 0.5) assert_equal(a20.f2, 'python') d = loadmat(stream, struct_as_record=True) a20 = d['arr'][0, 0] assert_equal(a20['f1'], 0.5) assert_equal(a20['f2'], 'python') # structs always come back as object types assert_equal(a20.dtype, np.dtype([('f1', 'O'), ('f2', 'O')])) a21 = d['arr'].flat[1] assert_equal(a21['f1'], 99) assert_equal(a21['f2'], 'not perl')
def test_gzip_simple(): xdense = np.zeros((20, 20)) xdense[2, 3] = 2.3 xdense[4, 5] = 4.5 x = SP.csc_matrix(xdense) name = 'gzip_test' expected = {'x': x} format = '4' tmpdir = mkdtemp() try: fname = join(tmpdir, name) mat_stream =, mode='wb') savemat(mat_stream, expected, format=format) mat_stream.close() mat_stream =, mode='rb') actual = loadmat(mat_stream, struct_as_record=True) mat_stream.close() finally: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) assert_array_almost_equal(actual['x'].todense(), expected['x'].todense())
def test_1d_shape(): # Current 5 behavior is 1D -> column vector arr = np.arange(5) stream = StringIO() savemat(stream, {'oned': arr}, format='5') vals = loadmat(stream) yield assert_equal, vals['oned'].shape, (5, 1) # Current 4 behavior is 1D -> row vector arr = np.arange(5) stream = StringIO() savemat(stream, {'oned': arr}, format='4') vals = loadmat(stream) yield assert_equal, vals['oned'].shape, (1, 5) for format in ('4', '5'): # can be explicitly 'column' for oned_as stream = StringIO() savemat(stream, {'oned': arr}, format=format, oned_as='column') vals = loadmat(stream) yield assert_equal, vals['oned'].shape, (5, 1) # but different from 'row' stream = StringIO() savemat(stream, {'oned': arr}, format=format, oned_as='row') vals = loadmat(stream) yield assert_equal, vals['oned'].shape, (1, 5)
def test_1d_shape(): # New 5 behavior is 1D -> row vector arr = np.arange(5) for format in ('4', '5'): # Column is the default stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {'oned': arr}, format=format) vals = loadmat(stream) assert_equal(vals['oned'].shape, (1, 5)) # can be explicitly 'column' for oned_as stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {'oned': arr}, format=format, oned_as='column') vals = loadmat(stream) assert_equal(vals['oned'].shape, (5, 1)) # but different from 'row' stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {'oned': arr}, format=format, oned_as='row') vals = loadmat(stream) assert_equal(vals['oned'].shape, (1, 5))
if each in exclude_list: continue mdict[each] = input_file.variables[each][:] print each, except Exception: missing.append(each) continue print "" if len(missing) > 0: print "Warning! the following variable(s) was(were) not found in '%s':" % (input_name), missing print "Excluded variables: ", exclude_list if mdict.keys() == []: print "WARNING: No data to write. Exiting ..." print_options_and_exit(-2) print "Writing data to %s..." % (output_name) try: from import savemat except: print "ERROR! Can't import 'savemat' from Exiting ..." exit(-3) from import savemat try: savemat(output_name, mdict, appendmat=False, format='5') except: print "ERROR! Can't write to %s. Exiting ..." % (output_name) exit(-4)
def setUp(self): self.prior = np.array([1, 0, 0]) self.transmat = np.matrix([[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1]]) = np.zeros((2, 3, 2))[:, :, 0] = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]])[:, :, 1] = np.array([[4, 5, 6], [4, 5, 6]]) self.Sigma = np.zeros((2, 2, 3, 2)) for i in range(3): self.Sigma[:, :, i, 0] = np.diag(np.ones((2, )) * 0.01) self.Sigma[:, :, i, 1] = np.diag(np.ones((2, )) * 0.01) self.mixmat = np.array([[.5, .5], [.5, .5], [.5, .5]]) try: with open('MhmmEM2DTest.cache', 'rb') as f: cache = load(f) self.obs = cache['obs'] self.prior0 = cache['prior0'] self.transmat0 = cache['transmat0'] self.mu0 = cache['mu0'] self.Sigma0 = cache['Sigma0'] self.mixmat0 = cache['mixmat0'] except: self.obs, hidden = mhmm_sample(T=4, numex=100, initial_prob=self.prior, transmat=self.transmat,, Sigma=self.Sigma, mixmat=self.mixmat) self.prior0, _ = mk_stochastic(np.random.rand(3)) self.transmat0, _ = mk_stochastic(np.random.rand(3, 3)) self.mu0 = np.zeros((2, 3, 2)) self.mu0[:, :, 0] = np.array([[1.5, 2.5, 3.5], [1.5, 2.5, 3.5]]) self.mu0[:, :, 1] = np.array([[4.5, 5.5, 6.5], [4.5, 5.5, 6.5]]) self.Sigma0 = np.zeros((2, 2, 3, 2)) for i in range(3): self.Sigma0[:, :, i, 0] = np.diag(np.ones((2, )) * 1.0) self.Sigma0[:, :, i, 1] = np.diag(np.ones((2, )) * 1.0) self.mixmat0 = np.array([[.2, .8], [.2, .8], [.2, .8]]) cache = { 'obs': self.obs, 'prior0': self.prior0, 'transmat0': self.transmat0, 'mu0': self.mu0, 'Sigma0': self.Sigma0, 'mixmat0': self.mixmat0 } with open('MhmmEM2DTest.cache', 'wb') as f: dump(cache, f) savemat('MhmmEM2DTest.mat', cache)
# IApos=InertialAxis # rho=1.02 AELAOPTS = AeroelasticOps(EApos, IApos, 0.08891) # AELAOPTS = AeroelasticOps(EApos,IApos,rho) Settings.OutputFileRoot = 'M' + str(M) + 'N' + str(N) + '_V' + str( U_mag) + '_alpha' + str(alpha) # solve static problem PosDefor, PsiDefor, Zeta, ZetaStar, Gamma, GammaStar, iForceStep, NumNodes_tot, NumDof, XBELEM, XBNODE, PosIni, PsiIni, Uext = Solve_Py( XBINPUT, XBOPTS, VMOPTS, VMINPUT, AELAOPTS) # save reference gamma if True: fileName = Settings.OutputDir + Settings.OutputFileRoot + '_Gamma0' savemat(fileName, {'Gamma0': Gamma}, True) ### linearized beam model A, B, C, kMat, phiSort = genSSbeam(XBINPUT, NumNodes_tot, NumDof, XBELEM, XBNODE, PosIni, PsiIni, PosDefor, PsiDefor, XBOPTS, chord, U_mag, modal=10)
'ssim': ssim, 'CoordinateChannel2D': CoordinateChannel2D }) output_path = './output_file/' if not os.path.exists(output_path): os.makedirs(output_path) testImagePath = args.test_path fileName = os.listdir(testImagePath) for i in range(len(fileName)): start_time = time.time() img = cv2.imread(testImagePath + fileName[i]) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) / 255 results = generate_output(img, model) end_time = time.time() print('predicted time', end_time - start_time) print(fileName[i].split('clean')[0][0:-1] + '.mat') savemat(output_path + fileName[i].split('clean')[0][0:-1] + '.mat', {'cube': results}) print(i) print("output files saved in " + output_path)
n_im, h, w, c = udc_mat.shape results = udc_mat.copy() for i in range(n_im): udc = np.reshape(udc_mat[i, :, :, :], (h, w, c)) restored, run_time = restoration(opt, generator, udc, i, run_time) results[i, :, :, :] = restored print(run_time) # create results directory res_dir = 'res_dir' os.makedirs(os.path.join(work_dir, res_dir), exist_ok=True) # save images in a .mat file with dictionary key "results" res_fn = os.path.join(work_dir, res_dir, 'results.mat') res_key = 'results' # Note: do not change this key, the evaluation code will look for this key savemat(res_fn, {res_key: results}) # submission indormation # TODO: update the values below; the evaluation code will parse them runtime = run_time / 30 # seconds / image cpu_or_gpu = 0 # 0: GPU, 1: CPU method = 1 # 0: traditional methods, 1: deep learning method other = '(optional) any additional description or information' # prepare and save readme file readme_fn = os.path.join(work_dir, res_dir, 'readme.txt') # Note: do not change 'readme.txt' with open(readme_fn, 'w') as readme_file: readme_file.write('Runtime (seconds / megapixel): %s\n' % str(runtime)) readme_file.write('CPU[1] / GPU[0]: %s\n' % str(cpu_or_gpu)) readme_file.write('Method: %s\n' % str(method))
def prep_Result(opt): net = set_model(opt) _, net, _ = load_model(opt, net) if opt.n_channels == 1: from skimage.external.tifffile import imsave, imread else: from import imsave, imread opt = set_gpu(opt) if opt.use_cuda: net = if opt.multi_gpu: net = nn.DataParallel(net) set_test_dir(opt) if not os.path.exists(opt.test_result_dir): os.makedirs(opt.test_result_dir) res_img_dir = os.path.join(opt.test_result_dir, 'result_img_dir') if not os.path.exists(res_img_dir): os.makedirs(res_img_dir) # create results directory res_dir = os.path.join(opt.test_result_dir, 'res_dir') os.makedirs(os.path.join(res_dir), exist_ok=True) print('\ntest_result_dir : ', opt.test_result_dir) print('\nresult_img_dir : ', res_img_dir) print('\nresult_dir : ', res_dir) # total_psnr = 0 # total_ssim = 0 loss_criterion = nn.MSELoss() total_psnr = 0.0 if opt.n_channels == 1: # load noisy images noisy_fn = 'siddplus_test_noisy_raw.mat' noisy_key = 'siddplus_test_noisy_raw' noisy_mat = loadmat(os.path.join(opt.test_dir, opt.dataset, noisy_fn))[noisy_key] # denoise n_im, h, w = noisy_mat.shape results = noisy_mat.copy() start_time = time.time() for i in range(n_im): print('\n[*]PROCESSING..{}/{}'.format(i, n_im)) noisy = np.reshape(noisy_mat[i, :, :], (h, w)) denoised = denoiser(opt, net, noisy) results[i, :, :] = denoised result_name = str(i) + '.tiff' concat_img = np.concatenate((denoised, noisy), axis=1) imsave(os.path.join(res_img_dir, result_name), concat_img) denoised = torch.Tensor(denoised) noisy = torch.Tensor(noisy) mse_loss = loss_criterion(denoised, noisy) psnr = 10 * math.log10(1 / mse_loss.item()) total_psnr += psnr print('%.5fs .. [%d/%d] psnr : %.5f, avg_psnr : %.5f' % (time.time() - start_time, i, n_im, psnr, total_psnr / (i + 1))) else: # load noisy images noisy_fn = 'siddplus_test_noisy_srgb.mat' noisy_key = 'siddplus_test_noisy_srgb' noisy_mat = loadmat(os.path.join(opt.test_dir, opt.dataset, noisy_fn))[noisy_key] # denoise n_im, h, w, c = noisy_mat.shape results = noisy_mat.copy() start_time = time.time() for i in range(n_im): print('\n[*]PROCESSING..{}/{}'.format(i, n_im)) noisy = np.reshape(noisy_mat[i, :, :, :], (h, w, c)) denoised = denoiser(opt, net, noisy) results[i, :, :, :] = denoised result_name = str(i) + '.png' concat_img = np.concatenate((denoised, noisy), axis=1) imsave(os.path.join(res_img_dir, result_name), concat_img) denoised = torch.Tensor(denoised).float() / 255.0 noisy = torch.Tensor(noisy).float() / 255.0 mse_loss = loss_criterion(noisy, denoised) psnr = 10 * math.log10(1 / mse_loss.item()) total_psnr += psnr print('%.5fs .. [%d/%d] psnr : %.5f, avg_psnr : %.5f' % (time.time() - start_time, i, n_im, psnr, total_psnr / (i + 1))) print("****total avg psnr : %.10f", total_psnr / (n_im)) # save denoised images in a .mat file with dictionary key "results" res_fn = os.path.join(res_dir, 'results.mat') res_key = 'results' # Note: do not change this key, the evaluation code will look for this key savemat(res_fn, {res_key: results}) runtime = 0.0 # seconds / megapixel cpu_or_gpu = 0 # 0: GPU, 1: CPU use_metadata = 0 # 0: no use of metadata, 1: metadata used other = '(optional) any additional description or information' # prepare and save readme file readme_fn = os.path.join(res_dir, 'readme.txt') # Note: do not change 'readme.txt' with open(readme_fn, 'w') as readme_file: readme_file.write('Runtime (seconds / megapixel): %s\n' % str(runtime)) readme_file.write('CPU[1] / GPU[0]: %s\n' % str(cpu_or_gpu)) readme_file.write('Metadata[1] / No Metadata[0]: %s\n' % str(use_metadata)) readme_file.write('Other description: %s\n' % str(other)) # compress results directory res_zip_fn = 'results_dir' shutil.make_archive(os.path.join(opt.test_result_dir, res_zip_fn), 'zip', res_dir)
model.cuda() output = model(images) pred_tot.append(output.cpu().data.numpy()) brut_tot.append( true_tot.append( if save: tosave = {} name_save = 'prediction' + str(i) + '.mat' target = target.cpu().data.numpy() brut = brut.cpu().data.numpy() img = output.cpu().data.numpy() tosave['yt'] = target tosave['y'] = img tosave['x'] = brut mio.savemat(save_path + name_save, tosave) #%% plt.figure(1) img = output.cpu().detach().numpy() handle = plt.subplot(311) handle.set_title('row image') plt.imshow(brut[0, 0, :, :], cmap='hot') handle = plt.subplot(312) handle.set_title('target image') plt.imshow(target[0, 0, :, :], cmap='hot') handle = plt.subplot(313) handle.set_title('reconstructed image')
def test_roundtrip_zero_dimensions(): stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {'d':np.empty((10, 0))}) d = loadmat(stream) assert d['d'].shape == (10, 0)
def genLinearAerofoil(m, mW, writeToMat=False, e=0.25, f=0.75): """@brief Generate linear model of aerofoil. @param m Chordwise panels. @param mW Chordwise panels in wake. @param delS Non-dim time step. @param e location of pitch axis aft of LE [0,1], default 0.25. @param f location of flap hinge aft of LE [0,1], default 0.75. @param writeToMat write to file in Settings.OutputDir. """ n = 1 # number of spanwise panels # infer delS from body discretization delS = 2.0 / m # hack # factor = 4 # mW=factor*mW # delS = delS/float(factor) # initialise states and inputs gam = np.zeros((m * n)) gamW = np.zeros((mW * n)) gamPri = np.zeros((m * n)) chords = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, m + 1, True) chordsW = np.linspace(1.0, 1.0 + mW * delS / 2.0, mW + 1, True) spans = np.linspace(0.0, 2000.0, n + 1, True) zeta = np.zeros(3 * len(chords) * len(spans)) zetaW = np.zeros(3 * len(chordsW) * len(spans)) zetaPri = np.zeros((3 * len(chords) * len(spans))) #zetaPri[0::3] = -1.0 nu = np.zeros_like(zetaPri) nu[0::3] = 0.5 kk = 0 for c in chords: for s in spans: zeta[3 * kk] = c zeta[3 * kk + 1] = s kk = kk + 1 # end for s # end for c kk = 0 for c in chordsW: for s in spans: zetaW[3 * kk] = c zetaW[3 * kk + 1] = s kk = kk + 1 # end for s # end for c # generate model E, F, G, C, D = genSSuvlm(gam, gamW, gamPri, zeta, zetaW, zetaPri, nu, m, n, mW, delS, True) # convert inputs from general kinematics to aerofil DoFs T = np.zeros((9 * (m + 1) * (n + 1), 5)) for i in range(m + 1): for j in range(n + 1): q = i * (n + 1) + j # alpha, alphaPrime T[3 * (m + 1) * (n + 1) + 3 * q + 2, 0] = -(zeta[3 * q] + 0.25 / m - e) T[3 * q + 2, 1] = -(zeta[3 * q] + 0.25 / m - e) # plunge T[3 * q + 2, 2] = -1 # beta, betaPrime if zeta[3 * q] + 0.25 / m > f: T[3 * (m + 1) * (n + 1) + 3 * q + 2, 3] = -(zeta[3 * q] + 0.25 / m - f) T[3 * q + 2, 4] = -(zeta[3 * q] + 0.25 / m - f) G_s =, T) D_s =, T) # get coefficients as output T_coeff = np.zeros((3, 3 * (m + 1) * (n + 1))) T_coeff[0, 0::3] = 1.0 #drag T_coeff[1, 2::3] = 1.0 #lift for i in range(m + 1): for j in range(n + 1): q = i * (n + 1) + j # moment = r*L, +ve nose-up, at quarter chord T_coeff[2, 3 * q + 2] = -(zeta[3 * q] + 0.25 / m - 0.25) C_coeff =, C) D_coeff =, D) D_s_coeff =, D_s) if writeToMat == True: fileName = Settings.OutputDir + 'TESTaerofoil_m' + str(m) + 'mW' + str( mW) + 'delS' + str(delS) if e != 0.25: fileName += 'e' + str(e) if f != 0.75: fileName += 'f' + str(f) savemat( fileName, { 'E': E, 'F': F, 'G': G, 'C': C, 'D': D, 'm': m, 'mW': mW, 'delS': delS, 'G_s': G_s, 'D_s': D_s, 'C_coeff': C_coeff, 'D_coeff': D_coeff, 'D_s_coeff': D_s_coeff, 'T_coeff': T_coeff }, True) # end if return E, F, G, C, D, delS
def genLinearRectWing(AR, m, mW, n, e=0.25, f=0.75, writeToMat=False, imageMeth=False): """@brief Generate linear model of rectangular wing. @param AR Aspect ration @param m Chordwise panels. @param mW Chordwise panels in wake. @param n Spanwise panels. @param delS Non-dim time step. @param e location of pitch axis aft of LE [0,1], default 0.25. @param f location of flap hinge aft of LE [0,1], default 0.75. @param writeToMat write to file in Settings.OutputDir. @param imageMeth Use image method across xz-plane. """ # infer delS from body discretization delS = 2.0 / m # initialise states and inputs gam = np.zeros((m * n)) gamW = np.zeros((mW * n)) gamPri = np.zeros((m * n)) chords = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, m + 1, True) chordsW = np.linspace(1.0, 1.0 + mW * delS / 2.0, mW + 1, True) if imageMeth: spans = np.linspace(0.0, AR / 2.0, n + 1, True) else: spans = np.linspace(-AR / 2.0, AR / 2.0, n + 1, True) # end if zeta = np.zeros(3 * len(chords) * len(spans)) zetaW = np.zeros(3 * len(chordsW) * len(spans)) zetaPri = np.zeros((3 * len(chords) * len(spans))) zetaPri[0::3] = -0.5 nu = np.zeros_like(zetaPri) kk = 0 for c in chords: for s in spans: zeta[3 * kk] = c zeta[3 * kk + 1] = s kk = kk + 1 # end for s # end for c kk = 0 for c in chordsW: for s in spans: zetaW[3 * kk] = c zetaW[3 * kk + 1] = s kk = kk + 1 # end for s # end for c # generate model E, F, G, C, D = genSSuvlm(gam, gamW, gamPri, zeta, zetaW, zetaPri, nu, m, n, mW, delS, imageMeth) # convert inputs from general kinematics to aerofil DoFs T = np.zeros((9 * (m + 1) * (n + 1), 5)) for i in range(m + 1): for j in range(n + 1): q = i * (n + 1) + j # alpha, alphaPrime T[3 * (m + 1) * (n + 1) + 3 * q + 2, 0] = -(zeta[3 * q] + 0.25 / m - e) T[3 * q + 2, 1] = -(zeta[3 * q] + 0.25 / m - e) # plunge T[3 * q + 2, 2] = -1 # beta, betaPrime if zeta[3 * q] + 0.25 / m > f: T[3 * (m + 1) * (n + 1) + 3 * q + 2, 3] = -(zeta[3 * q] + 0.25 / m - f) T[3 * q + 2, 4] = -(zeta[3 * q] + 0.25 / m - f) G_s =, T) D_s =, T) # get coefficients as output T_coeff = np.zeros((3, 3 * (m + 1) * (n + 1))) T_coeff[0, 0::3] = 1.0 #drag T_coeff[1, 2::3] = 1.0 #lift for i in range(m + 1): for j in range(n + 1): q = i * (n + 1) + j # moment = r*L, +ve nose-up, at quarter chord T_coeff[2, 3 * q + 2] = -(zeta[3 * q] + 0.25 / m - 0.25) C_coeff =, C) D_coeff =, D) D_s_coeff =, D_s) # spanwise lift distribution as output T_span = np.zeros((n + 1, 3 * (m + 1) * (n + 1))) for jj in range(n + 1): T_span[jj, 3 * jj + 2::3 * (n + 1)] = 1.0 if writeToMat == True: fileName = Settings.OutputDir + 'rectWingAR' + str(AR) + '_m' + str( m) + 'mW' + str(mW) + 'n' + str(n) + 'delS' + str(delS) if e != 0.25: fileName += 'e' + str(e) if f != 0.75: fileName += 'f' + str(f) if imageMeth != False: fileName += 'half' savemat( fileName, { 'E': E, 'F': F, 'G': G, 'C': C, 'D': D, 'm': m, 'mW': mW, 'delS': delS, 'G_s': G_s, 'D_s': D_s, 'C_coeff': C_coeff, 'D_coeff': D_coeff, 'D_s_coeff': D_s_coeff, 'T_coeff': T_coeff, 'T_span': T_span, 'AR': AR, 'm': m, 'mW': mW, 'n': n, 'zeta': zeta }, True) # end if return E, F, G, C, D
def test_save_unicode_field(tmpdir): filename = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'test.mat') test_dict = {u'a': {u'b': 1, u'c': 'test_str'}} savemat(filename, test_dict)
def _rt_check_case(name, expected, format): mat_stream = BytesIO() savemat(mat_stream, expected, format=format) _load_check_case(name, [mat_stream], expected)
def Solve_Py(XBINPUT, XBOPTS, VMOPTS, VMINPUT, AELAOPTS): """Nonlinear static solver using Python to solve aeroelastic equation. Assembly of structural matrices is carried out with Fortran subroutines. Aerodynamics solved using PyAero.UVLM.""" assert XBOPTS.Solution.value == 112, ('NonlinearStatic requested' + ' with wrong solution code') # Initialize beam. XBINPUT, XBOPTS, NumNodes_tot, XBELEM, PosIni, PsiIni, XBNODE, NumDof \ = BeamInit.Static(XBINPUT,XBOPTS) # Set initial conditions as undef config. PosDefor = PosIni.copy(order='F') PsiDefor = PsiIni.copy(order='F') if XBOPTS.PrintInfo.value == True: sys.stdout.write('Solve nonlinear static case in Python ... \n') # Initialise structural eqn tensors. KglobalFull = np.zeros((NumDof.value, NumDof.value), ct.c_double, 'F') ks = ct.c_int() FglobalFull = np.zeros((NumDof.value, NumDof.value), ct.c_double, 'F') fs = ct.c_int() DeltaS = np.zeros(NumDof.value, ct.c_double, 'F') Qglobal = np.zeros(NumDof.value, ct.c_double, 'F') x = np.zeros(NumDof.value, ct.c_double, 'F') dxdt = np.zeros(NumDof.value, ct.c_double, 'F') # Beam Load Step tensors Force = np.zeros((XBINPUT.NumNodesTot, 6), ct.c_double, 'F') iForceStep = np.zeros((NumNodes_tot.value, 6), ct.c_double, 'F') iForceStep_Dof = np.zeros(NumDof.value, ct.c_double, 'F') # Initialze Aero. Section = InitSection(VMOPTS, VMINPUT, AELAOPTS.ElasticAxis) # Declare memory for Aero grid and velocities. Zeta = np.zeros((Section.shape[0], PosDefor.shape[0], 3), ct.c_double, 'C') ZetaDot = np.zeros((Section.shape[0], PosDefor.shape[0], 3), ct.c_double, 'C') # Additional Aero solver variables. AeroForces = np.zeros((VMOPTS.M.value + 1, VMOPTS.N.value + 1, 3), ct.c_double, 'C') Gamma = np.zeros((VMOPTS.M.value, VMOPTS.N.value), ct.c_double, 'C') # Init external velocities. Uext = InitSteadyExternalVels(VMOPTS, VMINPUT) # Create zero triads for motion of reference frame. VelA_A = np.zeros((3)) OmegaA_A = np.zeros((3)) # Create zero vectors for structural vars not used in static analysis. PosDotDef = np.zeros_like(PosDefor, ct.c_double, 'F') PsiDotDef = np.zeros_like(PsiDefor, ct.c_double, 'F') # Define tecplot stuff. FileName = Settings.OutputDir + Settings.OutputFileRoot + 'AeroGrid.dat' Variables = ['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'Gamma'] FileObject = PostProcess.WriteAeroTecHeader(FileName, 'Default', Variables) # Start Load Loop. for iLoadStep in range(XBOPTS.MaxIterations.value): # Reset convergence parameters and loads. Iter = 0 ResLog10 = 0.0 Force[:, :] = 0.0 AeroForces[:, :, :] = 0.0 oldPos = PosDefor.copy(order='F') oldPsi = PsiDefor.copy(order='F') # Calculate aero loads. if hasattr(XBINPUT, 'ForcedVel'): CoincidentGrid(PosDefor, PsiDefor, Section, XBINPUT.ForcedVel[0, :3], XBINPUT.ForcedVel[0, 3:], PosDotDef, PsiDotDef, XBINPUT, Zeta, ZetaDot, ctrlSurf=VMINPUT.ctrlSurf) else: CoincidentGrid(PosDefor, PsiDefor, Section, VelA_A, OmegaA_A, PosDotDef, PsiDotDef, XBINPUT, Zeta, ZetaDot, ctrlSurf=VMINPUT.ctrlSurf) if hasattr(XBINPUT, 'ForcedVel'): ZetaStar, GammaStar = InitSteadyWake(VMOPTS, VMINPUT, Zeta, XBINPUT.ForcedVel[0, :3]) else: ZetaStar, GammaStar = InitSteadyWake(VMOPTS, VMINPUT, Zeta) # Define AICs here for debgugging - Rob 16/08/2016 AIC = np.zeros( (VMOPTS.M.value * VMOPTS.N.value, VMOPTS.M.value * VMOPTS.N.value), ct.c_double, 'C') BIC = np.zeros( (VMOPTS.M.value * VMOPTS.N.value, VMOPTS.M.value * VMOPTS.N.value), ct.c_double, 'C') # Solve for AeroForces. UVLMLib.Cpp_Solver_VLM(Zeta, ZetaDot, Uext, ZetaStar, VMOPTS, AeroForces, Gamma, GammaStar, AIC, BIC) AeroForces[:, :, :] = AELAOPTS.AirDensity * AeroForces[:, :, :] # Write solution to tecplot file. PostProcess.WriteUVLMtoTec(FileObject, Zeta, ZetaStar, Gamma, GammaStar, iLoadStep, XBOPTS.NumLoadSteps.value, iLoadStep * 1.0, Text=True) # Map AeroForces to beam. CoincidentGridForce(XBINPUT, PsiDefor, Section, AeroForces, Force) # Add gravity loads. AddGravityLoads(Force, XBINPUT, XBELEM, AELAOPTS, PsiDefor, VMINPUT.c) # Apply factor corresponding to force step. if iLoadStep < XBOPTS.NumLoadSteps.value: iForceStep = (Force + XBINPUT.ForceStatic)*float( (iLoadStep+1) ) / \ XBOPTS.NumLoadSteps.value else: # continue at full loading until equilibrium iForceStep = Force + XBINPUT.ForceStatic if XBOPTS.PrintInfo.value == True: sys.stdout.write(' iLoad: %-10d\n' % (iLoadStep + 1)) sys.stdout.write(' SubIter DeltaF DeltaX ResLog10\n') # Start Newton Iteration. while ((ResLog10 > np.log10(XBOPTS.MinDelta.value)) & (Iter < XBOPTS.MaxIterations.value)): Iter += 1 if XBOPTS.PrintInfo.value == True: sys.stdout.write(' %-7d ' % (Iter)) # Set structural eqn tensors to zero KglobalFull[:, :] = 0.0 ks = ct.c_int() FglobalFull[:, :] = 0.0 fs = ct.c_int() Qglobal[:] = 0.0 # Assemble matrices for static problem BeamLib.Cbeam3_Asbly_Static(XBINPUT, NumNodes_tot, XBELEM, XBNODE, PosIni, PsiIni, PosDefor, PsiDefor, iForceStep, NumDof, ks, KglobalFull, fs, FglobalFull, Qglobal, XBOPTS) # Get state vector from current deformation. PosDot = np.zeros((NumNodes_tot.value, 3), ct.c_double, 'F') PsiDot = np.zeros((XBINPUT.NumElems, Settings.MaxElNod, 3), ct.c_double, 'F') BeamLib.Cbeam_Solv_Disp2State(NumNodes_tot, NumDof, XBINPUT, XBNODE, PosDefor, PsiDefor, PosDot, PsiDot, x, dxdt) # Get forces on unconstrained nodes. BeamLib.f_fem_m2v( ct.byref(NumNodes_tot), ct.byref(ct.c_int(6)), iForceStep.ctypes.data_as(ct.POINTER(ct.c_double)), ct.byref(NumDof), iForceStep_Dof.ctypes.data_as(ct.POINTER(ct.c_double)), XBNODE.Vdof.ctypes.data_as(ct.POINTER(ct.c_int))) # Calculate \Delta RHS. Qglobal = Qglobal -, iForceStep_Dof) # Calculate \Delta State Vector. DeltaS =, Qglobal) if XBOPTS.PrintInfo.value == True: sys.stdout.write('%-10.4e %-10.4e ' % (max(abs(Qglobal)), max(abs(DeltaS)))) # Update Solution. BeamLib.Cbeam3_Solv_Update_Static(XBINPUT, NumNodes_tot, XBELEM, XBNODE, NumDof, DeltaS, PosIni, PsiIni, PosDefor, PsiDefor) # Record residual at first iteration. if (Iter == 1): Res0_Qglobal = max(abs(Qglobal)) + 1.e-16 Res0_DeltaX = max(abs(DeltaS)) + 1.e-16 # Update residual and compute log10 Res_Qglobal = max(abs(Qglobal)) + 1.e-16 Res_DeltaX = max(abs(DeltaS)) + 1.e-16 ResLog10 = max([ np.log10(Res_Qglobal / Res0_Qglobal), np.log10(Res_DeltaX / Res0_DeltaX) ]) if XBOPTS.PrintInfo.value == True: sys.stdout.write('%8.4f\n' % (ResLog10)) # Stop the solution. if (ResLog10 > 10.): sys.stderr.write(' STOP\n') sys.stderr.write(' The max residual is %e\n' % (ResLog10)) exit(1) elif Res_DeltaX < 1.e-14: break # END Newton iteration # After incremental loading continue until equilibrium reached if iLoadStep >= XBOPTS.NumLoadSteps.value: Pos_error = PosDefor - oldPos Psi_error = PsiDefor - oldPsi if( (np.linalg.norm(Pos_error)<=XBOPTS.MinDelta) & \ (np.linalg.norm(Psi_error)<=XBOPTS.MinDelta) ): break # END Load step loop if XBOPTS.PrintInfo.value == True: sys.stdout.write(' ... done\n') # Write deformed configuration to file. ofile = Settings.OutputDir + Settings.OutputFileRoot + '_SOL112_def.dat' if XBOPTS.PrintInfo.value == True: sys.stdout.write('Writing file %s ... ' % (ofile)) fp = open(ofile, 'w') fp.write('TITLE="Non-linear static solution: deformed geometry"\n') fp.write('VARIABLES="iElem" "iNode" "Px" "Py" "Pz" "Rx" "Ry" "Rz"\n') fp.close() if XBOPTS.PrintInfo.value == True: sys.stdout.write('done\n') WriteMode = 'a' BeamIO.OutputElems(XBINPUT.NumElems, NumNodes_tot.value, XBELEM, PosDefor, PsiDefor, ofile, WriteMode) # Print deformed configuration. if XBOPTS.PrintInfo.value == True: sys.stdout.write('--------------------------------------\n') sys.stdout.write('NONLINEAR STATIC SOLUTION\n') sys.stdout.write('%10s %10s %10s\n' % ('X', 'Y', 'Z')) for inodi in range(NumNodes_tot.value): sys.stdout.write(' ') for inodj in range(3): sys.stdout.write('%12.5e' % (PosDefor[inodi, inodj])) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.write('--------------------------------------\n') # Close Tecplot ascii FileObject. PostProcess.CloseAeroTecFile(FileObject) if True: # print and save deformed wing total force coefficients (may include gravity # and other applied static loads). Coefficients in wind-axes. cF = np.zeros((3)) for i in range(VMOPTS.M.value + 1): for j in range(VMOPTS.N.value + 1): cF += AeroForces[i, j, :] Calpha = Psi2TransMat(np.array([VMINPUT.alpha, 0.0, 0.0])) cF =, cF) cF = cF / (0.5 * AELAOPTS.AirDensity * np.linalg.norm(VMINPUT.U_infty) **2.0 * VMINPUT.c * XBINPUT.BeamLength) print("Reference condition total force coefficients: {}".format(cF)) fileName = Settings.OutputDir + Settings.OutputFileRoot + 'refCf' savemat(fileName, {'cF': cF}) # Return solution return PosDefor, PsiDefor, Zeta, ZetaStar, Gamma, GammaStar, iForceStep, NumNodes_tot, NumDof, XBELEM, XBNODE, PosIni, PsiIni, Uext # save res to mat-file savemat('turn_result.mat', { 'X': X, 'Y': Y, 'psi': psi, 'r': r, 'vx': vx, 'vy': vy, 'delta': delta, 'ddelta': ddelta, 'alphaf': alphaf, 'alphar': alphar, 'kappaf': kappaf, 'kappar': kappar, 'omegaf': omegaf, 'omegar': omegar, 'Fyf': Fyf, 'Fyr': Fyr, 'Fxf': Fxf, 'Fxr': Fxr, 'Twf': Twf, 'Twr': Twr, 'FX': FX, 'FY': FY, 'MZ': MZ, 't': t }, appendmat=False)
def test_single_object(): stream = BytesIO() savemat(stream, {'A': np.array(1, dtype=object)})
if f != 0.75: fileName += 'f' + str(f) if imageMeth != False: fileName += 'half' savemat( fileName, { 'E': E, 'F': F, 'G': G, 'C': C, 'D': D, 'm': m, 'mW': mW, 'delS': delS, 'G_s': G_s, 'D_s': D_s, 'C_coeff': C_coeff, 'D_coeff': D_coeff, 'D_s_coeff': D_s_coeff, 'T_coeff': T_coeff, 'T_span': T_span, 'AR': span / chord, 'm': m, 'mW': mW, 'n': n, 'zeta': zeta }, True) if runLinear == True: nT = 4001 # number of time steps u = np.zeros((nT, G_s.shape[1])) # inputs
def setUp(self): self.prior = np.array([1, 0, 0]) self.transmat = np.matrix([[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1]]) = np.zeros((2, 3, 2))[:, :, 0] = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]])[:, :, 1] = np.array([[4, 5, 6], [4, 5, 6]]) self.Sigma = np.zeros((2, 2, 3, 2)) for i in range(3): self.Sigma[:, :, i, 0] = np.diag(np.ones((2, )) * 0.01) self.Sigma[:, :, i, 1] = np.diag(np.ones((2, )) * 0.01) self.mixmat = np.array([[.5, .5], [.5, .5], [.5, .5]]) try: with open('MhmmEM2DTestGaussInit.cache', 'rb') as f: cache = load(f) self.obs = cache['obs'] self.prior0 = cache['prior0'] self.transmat0 = cache['transmat0'] self.mu0 = cache['mu0'] self.Sigma0 = cache['Sigma0'] self.mixmat0 = cache['mixmat0'] except: self.obs, hidden = mhmm_sample(T=4, numex=100, initial_prob=self.prior, transmat=self.transmat,, Sigma=self.Sigma, mixmat=self.mixmat) self.prior0, _ = mk_stochastic(np.random.rand(3)) self.transmat0, _ = mk_stochastic(np.random.rand(3, 3)) O = self.obs.shape[0] M = 2 Q = 3 mu0, Sigma0, weights0 = mixgauss_init(Q * M, self.obs, cov_type='diag') self.mu0 = np.transpose(np.reshape(mu0, (O, M, Q)), (0, 2, 1)) self.Sigma0 = np.transpose(np.reshape(Sigma0, (O, O, M, Q)), (0, 1, 3, 2)) self.mixmat0, _ = mk_stochastic(np.random.rand(Q, M)) cache = { 'obs': self.obs, 'prior0': self.prior0, 'transmat0': self.transmat0, 'mu0': self.mu0, 'Sigma0': self.Sigma0, 'mixmat0': self.mixmat0 } with open('MhmmEM2DTestGaussInit.cache', 'wb') as f: dump(cache, f) savemat('MhmmEM2DTestGaussInit.mat', cache)