コード例 #1
def get_first_state(dt, c1_ts, c1_tfs, c2_ts, c2_tfs, hy_ts, hy_tfs):
    Return the first state (mean, covar) to initialize the kalman filter with.
    Assumes that the time-stamps start at a common zero (are on the same time-scale).
    Returns a state b/w t=[0, dt]
    Gives priority to AR-markers. If no ar-markers are found in [0,dt], it returns
    hydra's estimate but with larger covariance.
    ar1 = [c1_tfs[i] for i in xrange(len(c1_ts)) if c1_ts[i] <= dt]
    ar2 = [c2_tfs[i] for i in xrange(len(c2_ts)) if c2_ts[i] <= dt]
    hy =  [hy_tfs[i] for i in xrange(len(hy_ts)) if hy_ts[i] <= dt] 
    if ar1 != [] or ar2 != []:
        x0 =  state_from_tfms_no_velocity([avg_transform(ar1)])
        I3 = np.eye(3)
        S0 = scl.block_diag(1e-3*I3, 1e-2*I3, 1e-3*I3, 1e-3*I3)
        assert len(hy)!=0, colorize("No transforms found for KF initialization. Aborting.", "red", True)
        x0 = state_from_tfms_no_velocity([avg_transform(hy)])
        I3 = np.eye(3)
        S0 = scl.block_diag(1e-1*I3, 1e-1*I3, 1e-2*I3, 1e-2*I3)
    return (x0, S0)
コード例 #2
ファイル: mpslib.py プロジェクト: Lynn-015/NJU_DMRG
def mps_add(*args):
    Add <KMPS>.

        <MPS> instances to be added.
    if len(args)<=1:
        raise ValueError('At least 2 args is required.')
    for i in xrange(na):
        if i==0:
            ai=[concatenate([mps.AL[i][j] for mps in args],axis=1) for j in xrange(hndim)]
        elif i==nsite-1:
            ai=[concatenate([mps.AL[i][j] for mps in args],axis=0) for j in xrange(hndim)]
            ai=[block_diag(*[mps.AL[i][j] for mps in args]) for j in xrange(hndim)]
    for i in xrange(nb):
        if i+na==0:
            bi=[concatenate([mps.BL[i][j] for mps in args],axis=1) for j in xrange(hndim)]
        elif i+na==nsite-1:
            bi=[concatenate([mps.BL[i][j] for mps in args],axis=0) for j in xrange(hndim)]
            bi=[block_diag(*[mps.BL[i][j] for mps in args]) for j in xrange(hndim)]
    S=concatenate([mps.S for mps in args])
    return args[0].__class__(AL=AL,BL=BL,S=S)
コード例 #3
ファイル: uhf.py プロジェクト: CCQC/summer-program
    def compute_energy(self):

        S = np.matrix(la.block_diag(self.S, self.S))
        T = np.matrix(la.block_diag(self.T, self.T))
        V = np.matrix(la.block_diag(self.V, self.V))
        D = np.matrix(np.zeros((self.nsbf, self.nsbf)))
        X = np.matrix(la.inv(la.sqrtm(S)))
        h = T + V
        E0 = 0
        for count in range(self.maxiter):
            F = h + self.vu
            Ft = X * F * X
            e, Ct = la.eigh(Ft)
            C = X * np.matrix(Ct)
            OC = np.matrix(C[:,:self.nelec])
            D = OC*OC.T
            self.vu = np.einsum('upvq,qp->uv', self.G, D)
            E1 = np.sum((np.array(h) + 0.5 * np.array(self.vu))*np.array(D.T)) + self.V_nuc
            psi4.print_out('Iteration {:<d}   {:.10f}    {:.10f}\n'.format(count, E1, E1-E0))
            if abs(E1 - E0) < self.e_convergence:
                psi4.print_out('\nFinal HF Energy: {:<5.10f}'.format(E1))
                self.C = C
                self.epsi = e
                self.ehf = E1
                E0 = E1
            psi4.print_out('\n:(   Does not converge   :(')
コード例 #4
ファイル: complex.py プロジェクト: marckhoury/BayesGeom
    def proj_affine(self, P):
        d = P.shape[1]
        N = P.shape[0]
        V = np.array([self.vertices[i].as_np_array() for i in range(self.dim+1)]).T
        Q_i = V.T.dot(V)
        Q = linalg.block_diag(*[Q_i for i in range(N)])
        q = - np.reshape(V.T.dot(P.T).T, (N * (self.dim + 1)))
        A_i = np.ones(self.dim + 1)
        A = linalg.block_diag(*[A_i for i in range(N)])

        ## Z * [alpha; lambda].T = c
        ## lhs of KKT
        n_vars = N * (self.dim + 1)
        n_cnts = N        
        Z = np.zeros((n_vars + n_cnts, n_vars  + n_cnts))
        Z[:n_vars, :n_vars] = Q
        Z[n_vars:, :n_vars] = A
        Z[:n_vars, n_vars:] = A.T

        ## rhs of KKT
        c = np.zeros(n_vars + n_cnts)
        c[:n_vars] = -q
        c[n_vars:] = np.ones(n_cnts)

        alpha = np.linalg.solve(Z, c)
        alpha = alpha[:n_vars].reshape(N, self.dim + 1)
        P_affine = alpha.dot(V.T)
        return alpha, P_affine
コード例 #5
    def test_scalar_and_1d_args(self):
        a = block_diag(1)
        assert_equal(a.shape, (1,1))
        assert_array_equal(a, [[1]])

        a = block_diag([2,3], 4)
        assert_array_equal(a, [[2, 3, 0], [0, 0, 4]])
コード例 #6
def vRaman(x,omega=1.0,delta=0.0,epsilon=0.048,phi=4.0/3.0):
    v=sLA.block_diag(*[np.triu(v[i])+np.conjugate(np.triu(v[i],1)).transpose() for i in range(x.size)])
    return v
コード例 #7
ファイル: giwc_from_forces.py プロジェクト: haudren/pymanoid
def compute_giwc_from_forces():
    A = calculate_local_forces_to_gi_matrix()
    CFC_all = block_diag(*[dot(CFC, block_diag(contact.R.T))
                           for contact in contacts for _ in xrange(4)])
    S = span_of_face(CFC_all)
    F = face_of_span(dot(A, S))
    return F
コード例 #8
    def generate_time_of_use_periods(self):
        time of use periods will be described by NxM indicator matricies

        N = const.DAILY_UNITS
        quarters = self.generate_quarter_hours()
        peak_indicator = [1 if ( (t >= const.PEAK_TIME_RANGE[0]) & (t < const.PEAK_TIME_RANGE[1])) else 0 for t in quarters]

        part_peak_indicator = [1 if ( (t >= const.PART_PEAK_TIME_RANGE[0][0]) and (t < const.PART_PEAK_TIME_RANGE[0][1])
                                        or t >= const.PART_PEAK_TIME_RANGE[1][0]) and (t < const.PART_PEAK_TIME_RANGE[1][1]) else 0 for t in quarters]

        off_peak_indicator = [1 if ( (t >= const.OFF_PEAK_TIME_RANGE[0][0]) and (t < const.OFF_PEAK_TIME_RANGE[0][1])
                                        or t >= const.OFF_PEAK_TIME_RANGE[1][0]) and (t < const.OFF_PEAK_TIME_RANGE[1][1]) else 0 for t in quarters]

        peak_day = np.diag(peak_indicator)
        part_peak = np.diag(part_peak_indicator)
        off_peak_weekday = np.diag(off_peak_indicator) 

        off_peak_weekend_off = np.zeros([N,N]) # used for peak, part_peak
        off_peak_weekend_on  = np.diag([1]*N) # used for off_peak

        # each of these will block_diag 5 week day indicators and 2 weekend indicators
        self.peak_mat = block_diag(peak_day, peak_day, peak_day, peak_day, peak_day,
                                        off_peak_weekend_off, off_peak_weekend_off)
        self.part_peak_mat = block_diag(part_peak, part_peak, part_peak, part_peak, part_peak,
        self.off_peak_mat = block_diag(off_peak_weekday, off_peak_weekday, off_peak_weekday, off_peak_weekday, off_peak_weekday,
                                        off_peak_weekend_on, off_peak_weekend_on)
        self.all_peak_mat = np.eye(self.horizon)
コード例 #9
ファイル: mlfmsamoe.py プロジェクト: danieljtait/pydygp
    def _update_z_dist2(self, g, beta, ifx, lam, alf, mu_ivp):
        gp = self.latentforces[0]
        Cz = [gp.kernel(self.ttc[:, None])]*self.dim.K
        Lz = []
        for c in Cz:
            c[np.diag_indices_from(c)] += 1e-5

        Cz_inv = block_diag(*[cho_solve((L, True),
                              for L in Lz])

        K = self._K(g, beta, ifx)

        # parameters for the LDS update
        q = 0
        Sigma = np.eye(self.N_data[q]*self.dim.K) / alf

        y = self.y_train_[q]

        Gamma_inv = np.eye(self.dim.N*self.dim.K) * alf # + Cz_inv / lam

        A = K #Gamma.dot(K)
        C = np.zeros((self.N_data[q]*self.dim.K,

        inds = self.data_inds[q]
        inds = np.concatenate([inds + self.dim.N*k
                               for k in range(self.dim.K)])
        for i in range(C.shape[0]):
            C[i, inds[i]] += 1

        Cz = block_diag(*Cz)
        Sigma = 0.01*C.dot(Cz.dot(C.T))
        Gamma = np.eye(self.dim.N*self.dim.K) / alf
        #Gamma = 0.01*np.linalg.inv(Cz_inv) #np.linalg.inv(Gamma_inv)        

        u1 = np.kron(mu_ivp[0, 0, :], np.ones(self.dim.N))
        u1 = np.zeros(self.dim.N*self.dim.K)
        V1 = np.ones((self.dim.N*self.dim.K,self.dim.N*self.dim.K))
        V1 = 100.*np.eye(V1.shape[0])

        P1 = A.dot(V1.dot(A.T)) + Gamma
        K2 = P1.dot(C.T.dot(np.linalg.inv(C.dot(P1.dot(C.T)) + Sigma)))
        u2 = A.dot(u1) + K2.dot(y - C.dot(A.dot(u1)))
        V2 = (np.eye(K2.shape[0]) - K2.dot(C)).dot(P1)

        J1 = V1.dot(A.T.dot(np.linalg.inv(P1)))

        u1h = u1 + J1.dot(u2 - A.dot(u1))
        V1h = V1 + J1.dot(V2 - P1).dot(J1.T)

        means = (u1h, u2)
        covs = (V1h, V2)
        pwcovs = (J1.dot(V2), )
        return means, covs, pwcovs
コード例 #10
ファイル: incremental_svd.py プロジェクト: duguxy/pycoldatom
def incre_svd():
    """ Incremental SVD generator, see 
	Matthew Brand, Incremental singular value decomposition of uncertain data with missing values

    c = yield
    s = np.array([npl.norm(c.astype(float))])
    # s = npl.norm(c.astype(float), axis=1)
    U0 = c / s
    Up = 1.0
    V0 = 1.0
    Vp = 1.0
    Vpi = 1.0

    while True:
        r = len(s)
        U = np.dot(U0, Up)
        V = np.dot(V0, Vp)
        c = yield U, s, V
        if c is None:

        I = np.identity(r)
        O = np.zeros(r)

        l = np.dot(U.T, c)
        j = c - np.dot(U, l)
        k = npl.norm(j)
        j /= k

        if k < trunc:
            k = 0

        Q = block_diag(np.diag(s), k)
        Q[:r, -1:] = l
        A, s, B = npl.svd(Q, full_matrices=False)
        B = B.T

        if k < trunc:
            s = s[:-1]
            Up = np.dot(Up, A[:-1, :-1])

            W, w = np.vsplit(B[:, :-1], [r])
            Wi = (I + np.dot(w.T, w) / (1 - np.dot(w, w.T))).dot(W.T)

            Vp = np.dot(Vp, W)
            Vpi = np.dot(Wi, Vpi)
            V0 = np.vstack((V0, np.dot(w, Vpi)))

            Up = block_diag(Up, 1).dot(A)
            U0 = np.hstack((U0, j))
            V0 = block_diag(V0, 1)
            Vp = np.dot(block_diag(Vp, 1), B)
            Vpi = np.dot(B.T, block_diag(Vpi, 1))
コード例 #11
def initialize_covariances(freq, demo_dir):
    Initialize empirical estimates of covariances:
     -- Cameras and the hydra observe just the xyzrpy (no velocities).
     -- Motion covariance is for all 12 variables.
    cam_types = get_cam_types(demo_dir)
    cam_tfms = get_cam_tfms(demo_dir)
    rgbd_cam_xyz_std    = [0.005, 0.005, 0.005] # 1cm
    rgb_cam_xyz_std     = [0.2, 0.2, 0.4] # 1cm
    hydra_xyz_std       = [0.03, 0.03, 0.03] # 3cm <-- use small std after tps-correction.

    rgbd_cam_rpy_std    = np.deg2rad(30)
    rgb_cam_rpy_std     = np.deg2rad(90)
    hydra_rpy_std       = np.deg2rad(5)

    I3 = np.eye(3)
    rgbd_covar  = scl.block_diag(np.diag(np.square(rgbd_cam_xyz_std)), np.square(rgbd_cam_rpy_std)*I3)
    rgb_covar   = scl.block_diag(np.diag(np.square(rgb_cam_xyz_std)), np.square(rgb_cam_rpy_std)*I3)
    hydra_covar = scl.block_diag(np.diag(np.square(hydra_xyz_std)), np.square(hydra_rpy_std)*I3)

    cam_covars = {}
    for cam in cam_types:
        print cam
        if cam == 'camera1':
            if cam_types[cam] == 'rgb':
                cam_covars[cam] = rgb_covar
                cam_covars[cam] = rgbd_covar
            for i in xrange(len(cam_tfms)):
                tfm_info = cam_tfms[i]
                if tfm_info['parent'] == 'camera1_link' and tfm_info['child'] == '%s_link'%(cam):
                    # tfm_info is from camera link to camera link
                    tfm_rof1_rof2 = nlg.inv(tfm_link_rof).dot(tfm_info['tfm']).dot(tfm_link_rof)
                    R = scl.block_diag(tfm_rof1_rof2[:3,:3], I3)
                    #R = scl.block_diag(I3, I3)
                    if cam_types[cam] == 'rgb':
                        cam_covars[cam] = R.dot(rgb_covar).dot(R.transpose())
                        cam_covars[cam] = R.dot(rgbd_covar).dot(R.transpose())
    motion_covar = initialize_motion_covariance(freq)
    return (motion_covar, cam_covars, hydra_covar)
コード例 #12
def update_matrix_hogwild(J,partition,q):
    n = J.shape[0]
    A,Bs,Cs = split_hogwild(J,partition)

    BinvCs = [np.linalg.solve(B,C) for B,C in zip(Bs,Cs)]
    BinvCqs = [np.linalg.matrix_power(BinvC,q) for BinvC in BinvCs]

    BinvC = block_diag(*BinvCs)
    BinvCq = block_diag(*BinvCqs)
    BinvA = np.vstack([np.linalg.solve(B,A[indices,:]) for B,indices in zip(Bs,partition)])

    # TODO write this with (B-C)^{-1} A
    return BinvCq + (np.eye(n) - BinvCq).dot(np.linalg.solve(np.eye(n) - BinvC, BinvA))
コード例 #13
ファイル: kepler.py プロジェクト: demorest/PINT
def kepler_3d(params,t):
    """One-body Kepler problem in 3D.

    This function simply uses kepler_2d and rotates it into 3D.
    a = params.a
    pb = params.pb
    eps1 = params.eps1
    eps2 = params.eps2
    i = params.i
    lan = params.lan

    p2 = Kepler2DParameters(a=a, pb=pb, eps1=eps1, eps2=eps2, t0=params.t0)
    xv, jac = kepler_2d(p2,t)
    xyv = np.zeros(6)
    xyv[:2] = xv[:2]
    xyv[3:5] = xv[2:]

    jac2 = np.zeros((6,8))
    t = np.zeros((6,6))
    t[:2] = jac[:2]
    t[3:5] = jac[2:]
    jac2[:,:4] = t[:,:4]
    jac2[:,-2:] = t[:,-2:]

    r_i = np.array([[1,0,0],
                    [0,np.sin(i), np.cos(i)]])
    d_r_i = np.array([[0,0,0],
                      [0, np.cos(i),-np.sin(i)]])
    r_i_6 = block_diag(r_i,r_i)
    d_r_i_6 = block_diag(d_r_i,d_r_i)
    xyv3 = np.dot(r_i_6,xyv)
    jac3 = np.dot(r_i_6,jac2)
    jac3[:,4] += np.dot(d_r_i_6, xyv)

    r_lan = np.array([[ np.cos(lan),np.sin(lan),0],
    d_r_lan = np.array([[-np.sin(lan), np.cos(lan),0],
    r_lan_6 = block_diag(r_lan,r_lan)
    d_r_lan_6 = block_diag(d_r_lan,d_r_lan)
    xyv4 = np.dot(r_lan_6,xyv3)
    jac4 = np.dot(r_lan_6,jac3)
    jac4[:,5] += np.dot(d_r_lan_6, xyv3)

    return xyv4, jac4
コード例 #14
def compute_giwc_from_wrenches(full=True):
    Compute Gravito-Inertial Wrench Cone (GIWC) from Contact Wrench Cones
    global CWC_all
    A = calculate_local_wrench_to_gi_matrix()
    # right vector of CWC_all is the stacked vector w_all of
    # contact wrenches in the *world* frame
    CWC_all = block_diag(*[
        dot(CWC, block_diag(contact.R.T, contact.R.T))
        for contact in contacts])
    S = span_of_face(CWC_all)
    F = face_of_span(dot(A, S))
    return F
コード例 #15
ファイル: crlb.py プロジェクト: anlif/filtersim
    def process_covar(self, x_target):
        _, _, w, wT, swT, cwT = self.transition_elements_helper(x_target)
        Q_pos_vel = np.zeros((4,4))
        Q_pos_vel[self.pos_x, self.pos_x] = 2*(wT - swT)/(w**3)
        Q_pos_vel[self.pos_x, self.vel_x] = (1 - cwT)/(w**2)
        Q_pos_vel[self.pos_x, self.vel_y] = (wT - swT)/(w**2)

        Q_pos_vel[self.vel_x, self.pos_x] = Q_pos_vel[self.pos_x, self.vel_x]
        Q_pos_vel[self.vel_x, self.vel_x] = self.Ts
        Q_pos_vel[self.vel_x, self.pos_y] = -(wT-swT)/(w**2)

        Q_pos_vel[self.pos_y, self.vel_x] = Q_pos_vel[self.vel_x, self.pos_y]
        Q_pos_vel[self.pos_y, self.pos_y] = Q_pos_vel[self.pos_x, self.pos_x]
        Q_pos_vel[self.pos_y, self.vel_y] = Q_pos_vel[self.pos_x, self.vel_x]

        Q_pos_vel[self.vel_y, self.pos_x] = Q_pos_vel[self.pos_x, self.vel_y]
        Q_pos_vel[self.vel_y, self.pos_y] = Q_pos_vel[self.pos_y, self.vel_y]
        Q_pos_vel[self.vel_y, self.vel_y] = self.Ts

        Q_pos_vel *= self.sigma_a**2

        Q_w = (self.sigma_w**2)*self.Ts

        Q = sp_linalg.block_diag(Q_pos_vel, Q_w)
        return Q
コード例 #16
ファイル: test_gam.py プロジェクト: ChadFulton/statsmodels
def test_multivariate_penalty():
    alphas = [1, 2]
    weights = [1, 1]
    x, y, pol = multivariate_sample_data()

    univ_pol1 = UnivariatePolynomialSmoother(x[:, 0], degree=pol.degrees[0])
    univ_pol2 = UnivariatePolynomialSmoother(x[:, 1], degree=pol.degrees[1])

    gp1 = UnivariateGamPenalty(alpha=alphas[0], univariate_smoother=univ_pol1)
    gp2 = UnivariateGamPenalty(alpha=alphas[1], univariate_smoother=univ_pol2)
    mgp = MultivariateGamPenalty(multivariate_smoother=pol, alpha=alphas,

    for i in range(10):
        params1 = np.random.randint(-3, 3, pol.smoothers[0].dim_basis)
        params2 = np.random.randint(-3, 3, pol.smoothers[1].dim_basis)
        params = np.concatenate([params1, params2])
        c1 = gp1.func(params1)
        c2 = gp2.func(params2)
        c = mgp.func(params)
        assert_allclose(c, c1 + c2, atol=1.e-10, rtol=1.e-10)

        d1 = gp1.deriv(params1)
        d2 = gp2.deriv(params2)
        d12 = np.concatenate([d1, d2])
        d = mgp.deriv(params)
        assert_allclose(d, d12)

        h1 = gp1.deriv2(params1)
        h2 = gp2.deriv2(params2)
        h12 = block_diag(h1, h2)
        h = mgp.deriv2(params)
        assert_allclose(h, h12)
コード例 #17
    def visualize(self):
        """Visualize the data.

        There are three groups -- a set of [Ca2+] recordings, set of
        Vm recordings for the same cells, and spike times for all

        I'll display the Vm and [Ca2+] in side by side plots. At the
        same time display all the cells - organized in a grid grouped
        on the basis of depth and celltype.

        # Raster plot for the spike trains: we are skipping the animation for the time being.
        if self.spiketrain_dict:
            colorcount = 4
            colorvec = [[color % colorcount + 1.0] for color in range(self.spike_matrix.shape[0])]
            colormatrix = block_diag(*colorvec) / colorcount
            self.image = self.spike_axes.imshow(np.dot(self.spike_matrix.transpose(), colormatrix).transpose(), interpolation='nearest')
            self.colorbar = self.figure.colorbar(self.image)
        print 'finished spike plot'
        count = 0
        # for key, value in self.vm_dict.items():
        #     self.vm_axes.plot(self.timepoints, value+count*0.2, label=key)
        #     count += 1
        # count = 0
        # for key, value in self.ca_dict.items():
        #     self.ca_axes.plot(self.timepoints, value+count*0.2, label=key)
        #     count +=1
        self.figure.savefig(self.datafilename + '_.png')
コード例 #18
ファイル: attKalmanAlgs.py プロジェクト: atharris/DINO_CREx
def numericData_Karlgaard():
    dt = 0.1
    k_meas = 10
    w_omega = 1E-13 # [rad^2 / s]
    w_bias = 1E-15 # [rad^2 / s^3]
    v = 7.16*1E-5 # [rad^2]
    P0_sigma = 0.0122 * np.identity(3)
    P0_bias = (2.35*1E-9) * np.identity(3)

    W = la.block_diag(w_omega*np.identity(3), w_bias*np.identity(3))
    R = v * np.identity(3)

    P0 = la.block_diag(P0_sigma, P0_bias)
    X0 = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

    return(X0, P0, R, W, dt, k_meas)
コード例 #19
ファイル: retiming.py プロジェクト: Unalost/rss-2015
def compute_GI_face_forces(contacting_links):
    t0 = time.time()

    S0 = compute_Coulomb_span()
    print "Coulomb span shape:", S0.shape

    nb_links = len(contacting_links)
    nb_forces = 4 * nb_links
    H = block_diag(*([S0] * nb_forces))
    print "H.shape:", H.shape

    AGI = zeros((6, 3 * nb_forces))
    for i, link in enumerate(contacting_links):
        X, Y = get_link_dimensions(link)
        p, R = link.p, link.R
        a = [[+X, +Y, 0], [+X, -Y, 0], [-X, -Y, 0], [-X, +Y, 0]]
        for j in xrange(4):
            pi = p + dot(R, a[i])
            AGI[:3, 12 * i + 3 * j:12 * i + 3 * (j + 1)] = -R
            AGI[3:, 12 * i + 3 * j:12 * i + 3 * (j + 1)] = -dot(crossmat(pi), R)
    print "AGI.shape:", AGI.shape

    M = dot(AGI, H)        # span for w_GI
    CGI = face_of_span(M)  # face for w_GI
    report("Compute CGI (%d contacts): %f ms" % (
        nb_forces, 1000 * (time.time() - t0)))
    report("CGI shape: %s" % str(CGI.shape))
    return CGI
コード例 #20
ファイル: gp.py プロジェクト: POkoroafor/bayespy
    def update(self):

        # Messages from parents
        m = self.parents[0].message_to_child()
        k = self.parents[1].message_to_child()
        ## m = self.parents[0].message_to_child()[0]
        ## k = self.parents[1].message_to_child()[0]

        if self.observed:

            # Observations of this node
            self.u = gp_posterior_moment_function(m, k, self.x, self.f)


            x = np.array([])
            y = np.array([])
            # Messages from children
            for (child,index) in self.children:
                (msg, mask) = child.message_to_parent(index)

                # Ignoring masks and plates..

                # m[0] is the inputs
                x = np.concatenate((x, msg[0]), axis=-2)

                # m[1] is the observations
                y = np.concatenate((y, msg[1]))

                # m[2] is the covariance matrix
                V = linalg.block_diag(V, msg[2])

            self.u = gp_posterior_moment_function(m, k, x, y, covariance=V)
            self.x = x
            self.f = y
コード例 #21
def prob6():
    """Solve the allocation model problem in 'ForestData.npy'.
    Note that the first three rows of the data correspond to the first
    analysis area, the second group of three rows correspond to the second
    analysis area, and so on.

    Returns (in order):
        The optimizer x (ndarray)
        The optimal value (sol['primal objective']*-1000)
    data = np.load("ForestData.npy")

    c = matrix(data[:, 3] * -1)

    A = la.block_diag(*[[1.0, 1.0, 1.0] for _ in xrange(7)])
    b = data[::3, 1].copy()

    G = np.vstack((-data[:, 4], -data[:, 5], -data[:, 6], -np.eye(21)))  # flip the inequality signs
    h = np.hstack(([-40000.0, -5.0, -70.0 * 788.0], np.zeros(21)))  # flip the inequality signs

    c = matrix(c)
    A = matrix(A)
    b = matrix(b)
    G = matrix(G)
    h = matrix(h)

    sol = solvers.lp(c, G, h, A, b)
    return np.ravel(sol["x"]), sol["primal objective"] * -1000.0
コード例 #22
ファイル: simplified_a_sdp.py プロジェクト: rbharath/switch
def construct_const_matrix(x_dim, Q, D):
  # --------------------------
  #| 0   0
  #| 0   I
  #|        D-Q    0
  #|         0   D^{-1}
  #|                    I
  #|                       I
  #|                         0
  # --------------------------
  # Construct B1
  B1 = zeros((2*x_dim, 2*x_dim))
  B1[x_dim:,x_dim:] = eye(x_dim)

  # Construct B2
  B2 = zeros((2*x_dim, 2*x_dim))
  B2[:x_dim, :x_dim] = D-Q
  B2[x_dim:,x_dim:] = pinv(D)

  # Construct B3
  B3 = eye(x_dim)

  # Construct B4
  B4 = eye(x_dim)

  # Construct B5
  B5 = zeros((x_dim, x_dim))

  # Construct B6
  B6 = zeros((1, 1))

  # Construct Block matrix
  h = block_diag(B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6)
  return h
コード例 #23
ファイル: core.py プロジェクト: TanDro/pyinduct
def calculate_expanded_base_transformation_matrix(src_base, dst_base, src_order, dst_order, use_eye=False):
    constructs a transformation matrix from basis given by 'src_base' to basis given by 'dst_base' that also
    transforms all temporal derivatives of the given weights.

    :param src_base: the source basis, given by an array of BaseFractions
    :param dst_base: the destination basis, given by an array of BaseFractions
    :param src_order: temporal derivative order available in src
    :param dst_order: temporal derivative order needed in dst
    :param use_eye: use identity as base transformation matrix
    :return: transformation matrix as 2d np.ndarray
    if src_order < dst_order:
        raise ValueError("higher derivative order needed than provided!")

    # build core transformation
    if use_eye:
        core_transformation = np.eye(src_base.size)
        core_transformation = calculate_base_transformation_matrix(src_base, dst_base)

    # build block matrix
    part_transformation = block_diag(*[core_transformation for i in range(dst_order + 1)])
    complete_transformation = np.hstack([part_transformation] + [np.zeros((part_transformation.shape[0], src_base.size))
                                                                 for i in range(src_order - dst_order)])
    return complete_transformation
コード例 #24
    def penalty_matrix(self, alpha=None):
        """penalty matrix for generalized additive model

        alpha : list of floats or None
            penalty weights

        penalty matrix
            block diagonal, square penalty matrix for quadratic penalization.
            The number of rows and columns are equal to the number of
            parameters in the regression model ``k_params``.

        statsmodels does not support backwards compatibility when keywords are
        used as positional arguments. The order of keywords might change.
        We might need to add a ``params`` keyword if the need arises.
        if alpha is None:
            alpha = self.alpha

        s_all = [np.zeros((self.start_idx, self.start_idx))]
        for i in range(self.k_variables):

        return block_diag(*s_all)
コード例 #25
ファイル: Line.py プロジェクト: nsapy/nsapy
    def __init__(self, *arg):
        super(Frame2D, self).__init__(*arg)
        self.n_intps = arg[3] if len(arg)>3 else 5
        self.dim = 2
        self.dof = 6

        self.local_dof = 3 # 单元局部自由度
        self.strain = np.zeros(self.local_dof)

        # 计算积分点位置及权系数
        xi,w = p_roots(self.n_intps)
        xi = xi.real
        self.loc_intps,self.wf_intps = 0.5*(xi+1.0),0.5*w
        # 积分点的局部坐标
        self.x = self.length*self.loc_intps
        # 积分点截面序列
        self.intps = []
        # 积分点截面应变-位移转换矩阵序列
        self.Bx = []
        # 积分点截面轴向应变序列
        self.epslnx = np.zeros(self.n_intps)
        # 积分点截面曲率序列
        self.kappax = np.zeros(self.n_intps)
        # 遍历所有积分点
        for i in xrange(self.n_intps):
            xi = self.loc_intps[i]
        # 计算单元刚度
コード例 #26
def propagateRLHamiltonian(t, k, omega, delta, epsilon, U, n):  
#    Energy1, V1 = LA.eig(RamanLatHamiltonian(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, U, n))
#    sort=np.argsort(Energy1)
#    V1sorted=V1[:,sort]
#    psi0=V1sorted[:,0]
   # psi0[np.divide(3*n,2)]=1.0+0.0*1j
    H = RamanLatHamiltonian(k, omega, delta ,epsilon,U,n)
    Energy, V = LA.eig(H)

    V = V + 1j*0.0
    Vinv = np.conjugate(np.transpose(V))

    # np.outer(t, Energy).flatten() creates a matrix for all t
    U = np.diag(np.exp(-1j*np.outer(t, Energy).flatten()))  

    a = np.dot(Vinv, psi0)
    # This repeats a so that the shape is consitent with U
    aa = np.outer(np.ones(t.size),a).flatten()
    # Have to add the transpose to make shapes match 
    b = np.dot(U, aa)                                     
    # Same block diagonal trick for eigenvector matrix
    VV = sLA.block_diag(*([V]*t.size))                          
    psi = np.dot(VV, b)
    # Since you want the first value, need to take every 3rd row 
    # and extract the values you want from the diagonal
    #populations in the -2k_L, 0, and +2k_L lattice sites, summed over spin sites,in time step blocks
    #populations in each spin state, summed over lattice sites, in time step blocks 
    return spinPops
コード例 #27
ファイル: track.py プロジェクト: FrenkT/LaneTracking
    def __init__(self, n_lanes, proc_noise_scale, meas_noise_scale, process_cov_parallel=0, proc_noise_type='white'):
        self.n_lanes = n_lanes
        self.meas_size = 4 * self.n_lanes
        self.state_size = self.meas_size * 2
        self.contr_size = 0

        self.kf = cv2.KalmanFilter(self.state_size, self.meas_size, self.contr_size)
        self.kf.transitionMatrix = np.eye(self.state_size, dtype=np.float32)
        self.kf.measurementMatrix = np.zeros((self.meas_size, self.state_size), np.float32)
        for i in range(self.meas_size):
            self.kf.measurementMatrix[i, i*2] = 1

        if proc_noise_type == 'white':
            block = np.matrix([[0.25, 0.5],
                               [0.5, 1.]], dtype=np.float32)
            self.kf.processNoiseCov = block_diag(*([block] * self.meas_size)) * proc_noise_scale
        if proc_noise_type == 'identity':
            self.kf.processNoiseCov = np.eye(self.state_size, dtype=np.float32) * proc_noise_scale
        for i in range(0, self.meas_size, 2):
            for j in range(1, self.n_lanes):
                self.kf.processNoiseCov[i, i+(j*8)] = process_cov_parallel
                self.kf.processNoiseCov[i+(j*8), i] = process_cov_parallel

        self.kf.measurementNoiseCov = np.eye(self.meas_size, dtype=np.float32) * meas_noise_scale

        self.kf.errorCovPre = np.eye(self.state_size)

        self.meas = np.zeros((self.meas_size, 1), np.float32)
        self.state = np.zeros((self.state_size, 1), np.float32)

        self.first_detected = False
コード例 #28
def build_correlation_matrix(params):
    params : dict of dicts:
       First set of keys - type of group interaction and strength
       Second set of keys - attributes for group
           strength : float
              strength of interaction
           func : function
              generator function
           dim : int
              number of individual per interaction
           data : np.array
              count table
           truth : np.array
              adjancency matrix
           name : str
              name of the interaction

        The truth correlation matrix
    return block_diag(*[params[k]['truth'] for k in params.keys()])
コード例 #29
ファイル: fit_res2.py プロジェクト: yuyichao/jlab2s13
def fit_res(line_fname, inames):
    line_names = load_pyfile(line_fname)
    peaks, covs = zip(*(load_data(f, line_names) for f in inames))
    peaks = [p for p in peaks if p]
    l = len(peaks)
    for i, ps in enumerate(peaks):
        ary = zeros(l - 1)
        if i != 0:
            ary[i - 1] = 1
        for p in ps:
            p['coeff'] = r_[p['coeff'], ary]
    peaks = unpack_lists(peaks)
    pos, coeff = zip(*((p['pos_i'], p['coeff']) for p in peaks))
    pos = array(pos)
    coeff = array(coeff)
    cov = block_diag(*covs)
    res = fit_lin_comb(coeff, pos, cov)
    para_a = res.a
    para_s = res.s

    # print(a_pm_s([r, r_s]))
    print(a_pm_s([para_a[:7], para_s[:7]]))
    print(a_pm_s([pos, sqrt(diag(cov))]))
    print(a_pm_s([res.b_fit, abs(res.b_e)]))
コード例 #30
def run_smoother():
    dt = 1/30.
    N = 3000
    Ts_bh, Ts_bg, T_gh, Ts_bg_gh, X_bh, X_bg_gh = load_data()
    Ts_bh = Ts_bh[10:N]
    X_bh  = X_bh[:,10:N]
    X_bg_gh = X_bg_gh[:,10:N]
    ## initialize the kalman belief:
    x_init = X_bg_gh[:,0]
    I3 = np.eye(3)
    S_init = scl.block_diag(1e-6*I3, 1e-3*I3, 1e-4*I3, 1e-1*I3)
    ## run the kalman filter:
    X_kf, S_kf = run_kalman(Ts_bh, x_init, S_init, 1./dt)
    ## load the noise covariance matrices:
    covar_mats = cPickle.load(open(hd_path + '/hd_track/data/old/pr2-hydra-kinect-covars-xyz-rpy.cpickle'))
    R    = covar_mats['process']
    A, _ = kalman().get_motion_mats(dt)
    X_s, _ = smoother(A, 4e2*np.eye(12), X_kf, S_kf)
    X_s  = np.array(X_s).T[0,:,:]
    X_kf = np.array(X_kf)
    X_kf = np.reshape(X_kf, (X_kf.shape[0], X_kf.shape[1])).T
    ## plot the results:
    print X_kf.shape, X_bh.shape, X_bg_gh.shape
    plot_smoother(X_s, X_kf[:,1:], X_bh, X_bg_gh)
コード例 #31
    def test_dtype(self):
        x = block_diag([[1.5]])
        assert_equal(x.dtype, float)

        x = block_diag([[True]])
        assert_equal(x.dtype, bool)
コード例 #32
 def test_mixed_dtypes(self):
     actual = block_diag([[1]], [[1j]])
     desired = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1j]])
     assert_array_equal(actual, desired)
コード例 #33
 def controlled(self):
     return MatrixOperation(
         np.matrix(block_diag(np.eye(self.matrix.shape[0]), self.matrix)))
コード例 #34
ファイル: LQ_CMD.py プロジェクト: jy-cds/robustRL_LQGames
    x = np.vstack((K.T, dual_l))
    y = L.T

    # Get gradients and hessians for local NE computation PRIMAL
    DK, DL, DKL = gradient(50, 250, A, B, C, Q, Ru, Rw, K, L, T)
    Dlambda = Df_lambda(Lambda, L, Q, q, Rw, nx)
    DfL = Df_L(Lambda, L, Q, q, Rw, nx)
    DflL = Df_lambda_L(Lambda, L, Q, q, Rw, nx).reshape((nx**2, nx))

    # Dx,Dy are all column vectors PRIMAL
    Dx = np.vstack((DK.reshape((nx, 1)), Dlambda))
    Dy = DL + DfL
    Dy = Dy.T
    Dxy = np.vstack((DKL, DflL))
    Dyx = Dxy.T
    hessian = LA.block_diag(np.eye(nx),
                            D2P(Lambda, nx).reshape((nx**2, nx**2)))
    hessian_inv = np.linalg.inv(hessian)

    # Local NE PRIMAL
    Jx = np.linalg.inv(1 / eta_x * hessian + eta_y * np.matmul(Dxy, Dyx))
    Jy = np.linalg.inv(1 / eta_y * np.eye(nx) +
                       eta_x * np.matmul(np.matmul(Dyx, hessian_inv), Dxy))
    del_x = -np.matmul(
        Jx, (Dx + eta_y * np.matmul(np.matmul(Dxy, np.eye(nx)), Dy)))
    del_y = np.matmul(
        Jy, (Dy - eta_x * np.matmul(np.matmul(Dyx, hessian_inv), Dx)))

    # Storing CMD iteration to lists before updating
    Dlambda_list = np.hstack((Dlambda_list, Dlambda))
    lambda_list = np.hstack((lambda_list, Lambda))
    L_list = np.hstack((L_list, L.reshape((nx, nw))))
コード例 #35
    def setup(self):

        self._var_names = {}
        num_seg = self.options['num_segments']

        rk_data = rk_methods[self.options['method']]
        self._A = block_diag(rk_data['A'])
        self._num_stages = rk_data['num_stages']

        for name, options in iteritems(self.options['state_options']):
            shape = options['shape']
            units = options['units']

            self._var_names[name] = {}
                'initial'] = 'initial_states_per_seg:{0}'.format(name)
            self._var_names[name]['k'] = 'k:{0}'.format(name)
            self._var_names[name]['predicted'] = 'predicted_states:{0}'.format(

                shape=(num_seg, ) + shape,
                'The initial value of the state at the start of the segment.')

                ) + shape,
                desc='RK multiplier k for each stage in the segment.')

                shape=(num_seg * self._num_stages, ) + shape,
                'The predicted values of the state at the ODE evaluation points.'

            e = np.eye(np.prod(shape))
            p = np.kron(np.ones(self._num_stages), e).T
            p = block_diag(*num_seg * [p])
            r, c = np.nonzero(p)

            size = np.prod(shape)
            p = block_diag(*num_seg * [np.kron(self._A, np.eye(size))])
            r, c = np.nonzero(p)
                                  val=p[r, c])
コード例 #36
 def block_diag(values):
     return block_diag(*AutogradBox.unbox_list(values))
コード例 #37
ファイル: discretization.py プロジェクト: zwcdp/filterpy
def Q_continuous_white_noise(dim, dt=1., spectral_density=1.,
                             block_size=1, order_by_dim=True):
    Returns the Q matrix for the Discretized Continuous White Noise
    Model. dim may be either 2, 3, 4, dt is the time step, and sigma is the
    variance in the noise.


    dim : int (2 or 3 or 4)
        dimension for Q, where the final dimension is (dim x dim)
        2 is constant velocity, 3 is constant acceleration, 4 is
        constant jerk

    dt : float, default=1.0
        time step in whatever units your filter is using for time. i.e. the
        amount of time between innovations

    spectral_density : float, default=1.0
        spectral density for the continuous process

    block_size : int >= 1
        If your state variable contains more than one dimension, such as
        a 3d constant velocity model [x x' y y' z z']^T, then Q must be
        a block diagonal matrix.

    order_by_dim : bool, default=True
        Defines ordering of variables in the state vector. `True` orders
        by keeping all derivatives of each dimensions)

        [x x' x'' y y' y'']

        whereas `False` interleaves the dimensions

        [x y z x' y' z' x'' y'' z'']


    >>> # constant velocity model in a 3D world with a 10 Hz update rate
    >>> Q_continuous_white_noise(2, dt=0.1, block_size=3)
    array([[0.00033333, 0.005     , 0.        , 0.        , 0.        , 0.        ],
           [0.005     , 0.1       , 0.        , 0.        , 0.        , 0.        ],
           [0.        , 0.        , 0.00033333, 0.005     , 0.        , 0.        ],
           [0.        , 0.        , 0.005     , 0.1       , 0.        , 0.        ],
           [0.        , 0.        , 0.        , 0.        , 0.00033333, 0.005     ],
           [0.        , 0.        , 0.        , 0.        , 0.005     , 0.1       ]])

    if not (dim == 2 or dim == 3 or dim == 4):
        raise ValueError("dim must be between 2 and 4")

    if dim == 2:
        Q = [[(dt**3)/3., (dt**2)/2.],
             [(dt**2)/2.,    dt]]
    elif dim == 3:
        Q = [[(dt**5)/20., (dt**4)/8., (dt**3)/6.],
             [ (dt**4)/8., (dt**3)/3., (dt**2)/2.],
             [ (dt**3)/6., (dt**2)/2.,        dt]]

        Q = [[(dt**7)/252., (dt**6)/72., (dt**5)/30., (dt**4)/24.],
             [(dt**6)/72.,  (dt**5)/20., (dt**4)/8.,  (dt**3)/6.],
             [(dt**5)/30.,  (dt**4)/8.,  (dt**3)/3.,  (dt**2)/2.],
             [(dt**4)/24.,  (dt**3)/6.,  (dt**2/2.),   dt]]

    if order_by_dim:
        return block_diag(*[Q]*block_size) * spectral_density

    return order_by_derivative(array(Q), dim, block_size) * spectral_density
コード例 #38
    def __set_costs(self, ocp):

        if ocp.nb_phases != 1:
            raise NotImplementedError("ACADOS with more than one phase is not implemented yet.")
        # costs handling in self.acados_ocp
        self.y_ref = []
        self.y_ref_end = []
        self.lagrange_costs = SX()
        self.mayer_costs = SX()
        self.W = np.zeros((0, 0))
        self.W_e = np.zeros((0, 0))

        if self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type == "LINEAR_LS":
            raise RuntimeError("LINEAR_LS is not interfaced yet.")

        elif self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type == "NONLINEAR_LS":
            for i in range(ocp.nb_phases):
                for j, J in enumerate(ocp.nlp[i].J):
                    if J[0]["objective"].type.get_type() == ObjectiveFunction.LagrangeFunction:
                        self.lagrange_costs = vertcat(self.lagrange_costs, J[0]["val"].reshape((-1, 1)))
                        self.W = linalg.block_diag(self.W, np.diag([J[0]["objective"].weight] * J[0]["val"].numel()))
                        if J[0]["target"] is not None:
                            self.y_ref.append([J_tp["target"].T.reshape((-1, 1)) for J_tp in J])
                            self.y_ref.append([np.zeros((J_tp["val"].numel(), 1)) for J_tp in J])

                    elif J[0]["objective"].type.get_type() == ObjectiveFunction.MayerFunction:
                        mayer_func_tp = Function(f"cas_mayer_func_{i}_{j}", [ocp.nlp[i].X[-1]], [J[0]["val"]])
                        self.W_e = linalg.block_diag(
                            self.W_e, np.diag([J[0]["objective"].weight] * J[0]["val"].numel())
                        self.mayer_costs = vertcat(self.mayer_costs, mayer_func_tp(ocp.nlp[i].X[0]))
                        if J[0]["target"] is not None:
                                [J[0]["target"]] if isinstance(J[0]["target"], (int, float)) else J[0]["target"]
                            self.y_ref_end.append([0] * (J[0]["val"].numel()))

                        raise RuntimeError("The objective function is not Lagrange nor Mayer.")

                # parameter as mayer function
                # IMPORTANT: it is considered that only parameters are stored in ocp.J, for now.
                if self.params:
                    for j, J in enumerate(ocp.J):
                        mayer_func_tp = Function(f"cas_J_mayer_func_{i}_{j}", [ocp.nlp[i].X[-1]], [J[0]["val"]])
                        self.W_e = linalg.block_diag(
                            self.W_e, np.diag(([J[0]["objective"].weight] * J[0]["val"].numel()))
                        self.mayer_costs = vertcat(self.mayer_costs, mayer_func_tp(ocp.nlp[i].X[0]))
                        if J[0]["target"] is not None:
                                [J[0]["target"]] if isinstance(J[0]["target"], (int, float)) else J[0]["target"]
                            self.y_ref_end.append([0] * (J[0]["val"].numel()))

            # Set costs
            self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr = self.lagrange_costs if self.lagrange_costs.numel() else SX(1, 1)
            self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr_e = self.mayer_costs if self.mayer_costs.numel() else SX(1, 1)

            # Set dimensions
            self.acados_ocp.dims.ny = self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr.shape[0]
            self.acados_ocp.dims.ny_e = self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr_e.shape[0]

            # Set weight
            self.acados_ocp.cost.W = np.zeros((1, 1)) if self.W.shape == (0, 0) else self.W
            self.acados_ocp.cost.W_e = np.zeros((1, 1)) if self.W_e.shape == (0, 0) else self.W_e

            # Set target shape
            self.acados_ocp.cost.yref = np.zeros((self.acados_ocp.cost.W.shape[0],))
            self.acados_ocp.cost.yref_e = np.zeros((self.acados_ocp.cost.W_e.shape[0],))

        elif self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type == "EXTERNAL":
            raise RuntimeError("External is not interfaced yet, please use NONLINEAR_LS")

            raise RuntimeError("Available acados cost type: 'LINEAR_LS', 'NONLINEAR_LS' and 'EXTERNAL'.")
コード例 #39
al_p_ = Function(Vp)
al_q_ = Function(Vq)

Hdes = 1.
h_eq_ = Function(Vq)
h_eq_.vector()[:] = Hdes

Hd = 0.5 * (1. / rho * al_q_ * dot(al_p_, al_p_) + rho * g * al_q_**2) * r * dx
Lyap = 0.5 * (1. / rho * al_q_ * dot(al_p_, al_p_) + rho * g *
              (al_q_ - Hdes)**2) * r * dx

e_p_ = derivative(Hd, al_p_)
e_q_ = derivative(Hd, al_q_)

M = la.block_diag(M_p, M_q)
J = np.zeros((n_V, n_V))
J[:n_Vp, n_Vp:n_V] = D_q
J[n_Vp:n_V, :n_Vp] = D_p

invM_q = la.inv(M_q)
invM_p = la.inv(M_p)
invM = la.inv(M)
Jtilde = invM @ J @ invM

# Jtilde = (Jtilde - Jtilde.T)/2.

# Stormer Verlet integrator
B = np.concatenate((np.zeros((n_Vp, )), B_r), axis=0).reshape((-1, 1))
z = 0.001
R = z * B @ B.T
コード例 #40
ファイル: mpcsolverWeb.py プロジェクト: KinkyDesign/PBPK
    def Solver(self):
        Bd = np.zeros((self.dsystem.A.shape[0], self.d_hat.shape[0]))

        Cd = np.array([[1.]])

        [nQ, mQ] = self.dsystem.A.shape
        [nR, mR] = self.dsystem.B.shape

        qmpc = np.eye(mQ, dtype="float") * self.qw
        #qmpc[0:1, 0:1] = 40.0
        #qmpc[9-len(self.del_list), 9-len(self.del_list)] = 1000.0
        #qmpc *= 5500.0
        rmpc = self.rw * np.eye(mR, dtype="float")  # 5.0
        (kl, ll, el) = bb_dlqr(self.dsystem.A, self.dsystem.B, qmpc, rmpc)
        q_fmpc = ll

        # Equality Constraints #
        a_til = np.zeros((self.N * mQ, self.N * (mR + mQ)), dtype="float")
        first_row = np.bmat([-self.dsystem.B, np.eye(mQ, dtype="float")])
        second_row = np.bmat(
            [-self.dsystem.A, -self.dsystem.B,
             np.eye(mQ, dtype="float")])
        a_til[0:nR, 0:(mQ + mR)] = first_row

        for k in range(1, self.N):
            a_til[k * nR:(k + 1) * nR, k * mR + (k - 1) * mQ:(k + 1) * mR +
                  (k + 1) * mQ] = second_row

        b_til = np.zeros((self.N * mQ, 1), dtype="float")
        b_til[0:mQ] = np.dot(Bd, self.d_hat) + np.dot(self.dsystem.A,
        for k in range(1, self.N):
            b_til[k * nR:(k + 1) * nR] = np.dot(Bd, self.d_hat)

        # Inequality Constraints #
        hc = np.zeros((self.N * (mQ + mR), self.N * (mQ + mR)), dtype="float")
        for k in range(0, self.N):
            hc[k * mR + k * mQ:(k + 1) * mR + k * mQ,
               k * mR + k * mQ:(k + 1) * mR + k * mQ] = rmpc
            hc[(k + 1) * mR + k * mQ:(k + 1) * mR + (k + 1) * mQ,
               (k + 1) * mR + k * mQ:(k + 1) * mR + (k + 1) * mQ] = qmpc
            if k == self.N - 1:
                hc[(k + 1) * mR + k * mQ:(k + 1) * mR + (k + 1) * mQ,
                   (k + 1) * mR + k * mQ:(k + 1) * mR + (k + 1) * mQ] = q_fmpc
        hc *= 2.
        # Construct G #
        first_col_g = np.bmat([[-np.eye(mR, dtype="float")],
                               [np.eye(mR, dtype="float")]])
        second_col_g = np.bmat([[-np.eye(mQ, dtype="float")],
                                [np.eye(mQ, dtype="float")]])
        g_block = block_diag(first_col_g, second_col_g)
        g = g_block
        for k in range(0, self.N - 1):
            g = block_diag(g_block, g)

        # Construct h #
        h = np.zeros((2 * self.N * (mQ + mR), 1), dtype="float")
        u_low = np.zeros((mR, 1), dtype="float")
        u_up = self.max_influx * np.ones((mR, 1), dtype="float")
        x_low = np.zeros((mQ, 1), dtype="float")

        x_low[3:4, :] = self.min_lung
        x_low[5:6, :] = self.min_skin
        x_low[7:8, :] = self.min_bladder
        x_low[9:10, :] = self.min_liver
        x_low[11:12, :] = self.min_residual
        x_low[13:14, :] = self.min_kidney
        x_low[25:26, :] = self.min_heart
        x_low[27:28, :] = self.min_muscle
        x_low[29:30, :] = self.min_spleen
        x_low[33:34, :] = self.min_placental
        x_up = np.ones((mQ, 1), dtype="float")
        x_up[3:4, :] = self.max_lung
        x_up[5:6, :] = self.max_skin
        x_up[7:8, :] = self.max_bladder
        x_up[9:10, :] = self.max_liver
        x_up[11:12, :] = self.max_residual
        x_up[13:14, :] = self.max_kidney
        x_up[25:26, :] = self.max_heart
        x_up[27:28, :] = self.max_muscle
        x_up[29:30, :] = self.max_spleen
        x_up[33:34, :] = self.max_placental

        for k in range(0, self.N):
            h[2 * k * mR + 2 * k * mQ:2 * k * mR + 2 * k * mQ + mR] = u_low
            h[2 * k * mR + 2 * k * mQ + mR:2 * (k + 1) * mR +
              2 * k * mQ] = u_up
            h[2 * (k + 1) * mR + 2 * k * mQ:2 * (k + 1) * mR + 2 * k * mQ +
              mQ] = x_low
            h[2 * k * mR + 2 * k * mQ + 2 * mR + mQ:2 * (k + 1) * mR + 2 *
              (k + 1) * mQ] = x_up

        plin = np.zeros((1, self.N * (mQ + mR)), dtype="float")
        a_lin = np.dot(self.x_.T, qmpc)
        b_lin = np.dot(self.u_.T, rmpc)
        lin = np.bmat([[b_lin, a_lin]])
        for i in range(0, self.N * (mQ + mR), (mQ + mR)):
            plin[0, i:i + (mQ + mR)] = lin
        f = np.dot(self.x_.T, q_fmpc)
        flin = np.concatenate((b_lin, f), axis=1)
        plin[0, (self.N - 1) * (mQ + mR)::] = flin
        plin = -2. * plin.T

        solvers.options['abstol'] = 1.e-324
        sol = solvers.qp(matrix(hc), matrix(plin), matrix(g), matrix(h),
                         matrix(a_til), matrix(b_til))

        if sol['x'][0] <= 0:
            u = 0
            u = sol['x'][0]

        return u, sol['status']
コード例 #41
ファイル: stackedaffinetransform.py プロジェクト: ominux/cmt
	def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
		return AffineTransform(
			mean_in=vstack([transform.mean_in for transform in args]),
			pre_in=block_diag(*[transform.pre_in for transform in args]),
コード例 #42
    def __simulate_for_one_metric(self, Ns_all_users,
                                  MsPk_all_users, Wk_all_users, metric_name,
        This method is only called inside the _run_simulation method.

        This method has the common code that is execute for each metric
        inside the _run_simulation method.

        Ns_all_users : np.ndarray
            Number of streams for each user. This variable controls how
            many data streams will be generated for each user of the K
            users. This is a 1D numpy array of size K.
        external_int_data_all_metrics : np.ndarray
            The data of the external interference sources (2D numpy array).
        MsPk_all_users : np.ndarray
            The precoders of all users returned by the block diagonalize
            method for the given metric. This is a 1D numpy array of 2D numpy
        Wk_all_users : np.ndarray
            The receive filter for all users (1D numpy array of 2D numpy
        metric_name : string
            Metric name. This string will be appended to each result name.

        TODO: Write the rest of the docstring
        # pylint: disable=R0914
        Ns_total = np.sum(Ns_all_users)
        self.data_RS = np.random.RandomState(self.data_gen_seed)
        input_data = self.data_RS.randint(
            0, current_parameters['M'],
            [Ns_total, current_parameters['NSymbs']])
        symbols = self.modulator.modulate(input_data)

        # Prepare the transmit data. That is, the precoded_data as well as
        # the external interference sources' data.
        precoded_data = np.dot(np.hstack(MsPk_all_users), symbols)

        # external_int_data_all_metrics = (
        #     np.sqrt(self.pe)
        #     * misc.randn_c_RS(
        #         self.ext_data_RS, self.ext_int_rank, self.NSymbs))

        all_data = np.vstack([precoded_data, external_int_data_all_metrics])

        # xxxxxxxxxx Pass the precoded data through the channel xxxxxxxxxxx
        received_signal = self.multiuser_channel.corrupt_concatenated_data(

        # xxxxxxxxxx Filter the received data xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        # noinspection PyArgumentList
        Wk = block_diag(*Wk_all_users)
        received_symbols = np.dot(Wk, received_signal)

        # xxxxxxxxxx Demodulate the filtered symbols xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        decoded_symbols = self.modulator.demodulate(received_symbols)

        # xxxxxxxxxx Calculates the Symbol Error Rate xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        num_symbol_errors = np.sum(decoded_symbols != input_data, 1)
        # num_symbol_errors = sum_user_data(num_symbol_errors,
        #                                            Ns_all_users)
        num_symbols = np.ones(Ns_total) * input_data.shape[1]

        # xxxxxxxxxx Calculates the Bit Error Rate xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        num_bit_errors = misc.count_bit_errors(decoded_symbols, input_data, 1)
        # num_bit_errors = sum_user_data(num_bit_errors,
        #                                         Ns_all_users)

        num_bits = num_symbols * np.log2(current_parameters['M'])

        # xxxxxxxxxx Calculates the Package Error Rate xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        ber = num_bit_errors / num_bits
        per = 1. - ((1. - ber)**current_parameters['packet_length'])
        num_packages = num_bits / current_parameters['packet_length']
        num_package_errors = per * num_packages

        # xxxxxxxxxx Calculates the Spectral Efficiency xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        # nominal spectral Efficiency per stream
        nominal_spec_effic = self.modulator.K
        effective_spec_effic = (1 - per) * nominal_spec_effic

        # xxxxx Map the per stream metric to a global metric xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        num_bit_errors = np.sum(num_bit_errors)
        num_bits = np.sum(num_bits)
        num_symbol_errors = np.sum(num_symbol_errors)
        num_symbols = np.sum(num_symbols)
        num_package_errors = np.sum(num_package_errors)
        num_packages = np.sum(num_packages)
        effective_spec_effic = np.sum(effective_spec_effic)

        # xxxxx Calculate teh SINR xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        Uk_all_users = np.empty(Wk_all_users.size, dtype=np.ndarray)
        for ii in range(Wk_all_users.size):
            Uk_all_users[ii] = Wk_all_users[ii].conjugate().T
        SINR_all_k = self.multiuser_channel.calc_JP_SINR(
            MsPk_all_users, Uk_all_users)
        # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        # None metric
        ber_result = Result.create('ber_{0}'.format(metric_name),
                                   Result.RATIOTYPE, num_bit_errors, num_bits)
        ser_result = Result.create('ser_{0}'.format(metric_name),
                                   Result.RATIOTYPE, num_symbol_errors,

        per_result = Result.create('per_{0}'.format(metric_name),
                                   Result.RATIOTYPE, num_package_errors,

        spec_effic_result = Result.create('spec_effic_{0}'.format(metric_name),
                                          effective_spec_effic, 1)

        sinr_result = Result('sinr_{0}'.format(metric_name),

        for k in range(Wk_all_users.size):
            sinr_k = SINR_all_k[k]
            for value in sinr_k:
                sinr_result.update(value, 1)

        return (ber_result, ser_result, per_result, spec_effic_result,
コード例 #43
def test_solve_continuous_are():
    mat6 = _load_data('carex_6_data.npz')
    mat15 = _load_data('carex_15_data.npz')
    mat18 = _load_data('carex_18_data.npz')
    mat19 = _load_data('carex_19_data.npz')
    mat20 = _load_data('carex_20_data.npz')
    cases = [
        # Carex examples taken from (with default parameters):
        # [1] P.BENNER, A.J. LAUB, V. MEHRMANN: 'A Collection of Benchmark
        #     Examples for the Numerical Solution of Algebraic Riccati
        #     Equations II: Continuous-Time Case', Tech. Report SPC 95_23,
        #     Fak. f. Mathematik, TU Chemnitz-Zwickau (Germany), 1995.
        # The format of the data is (a, b, q, r, knownfailure), where
        # knownfailure is None if the test passes or a string
        # indicating the reason for failure.
        # Test Case 0: carex #1
        (np.diag([1.], 1), np.array([[0], [1]]), block_diag(1., 2.), 1, None),
        # Test Case 1: carex #2
        (np.array([[4, 3], [-4.5, -3.5]]), np.array([[1], [-1]]),
         np.array([[9, 6], [6, 4.]]), 1, None),
        # Test Case 2: carex #3
        (np.array([[0, 1, 0, 0], [0, -1.89, 0.39, -5.53],
                   [0, -0.034, -2.98, 2.43], [0.034, -0.0011, -0.99, -0.21]]),
         np.array([[0, 0], [0.36, -1.6], [-0.95, -0.032], [0.03, 0]]),
         np.array([[2.313, 2.727, 0.688, 0.023], [2.727, 4.271, 1.148, 0.323],
                   [0.688, 1.148, 0.313, 0.102], [0.023, 0.323, 0.102,
                                                  0.083]]), np.eye(2), None),
        # Test Case 3: carex #4
        (np.array([[-0.991, 0.529, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                   [0.522, -1.051, 0.596, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0.522, -1.118, 0.596, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0, 0.522, -1.548, 0.718, 0, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0, 0, 0.922, -1.64, 0.799, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0.922, -1.721, 0.901, 0],
                   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.922, -1.823, 1.021],
                   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.922, -1.943]]),
         np.array([[3.84, 4.00, 37.60, 3.08, 2.36, 2.88, 3.08, 3.00],
                   [-2.88, -3.04, -2.80, -2.32, -3.32, -3.82, -4.12, -3.96]]).T
         * 0.001,
         np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1],
                   [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                   [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0],
                   [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                   [0.5, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                   [0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0],
                   [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0],
                   [0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
                    0.1]]), np.eye(2), None),
        # Test Case 4: carex #5
            [[-4.019, 5.120, 0., 0., -2.082, 0., 0., 0., 0.870],
             [-0.346, 0.986, 0., 0., -2.340, 0., 0.,
              0., 0.970],
             [-7.909, 15.407, -4.069, 0., -6.450, 0., 0., 0., 2.680],
             [-21.816, 35.606, -0.339, -3.870, -17.800, 0., 0., 0., 7.390],
             [-60.196, 98.188, -7.907, 0.340, -53.008, 0., 0., 0., 20.400],
             [0, 0, 0, 0, 94.000, -147.200, 0., 53.200, 0.],
             [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 94.000, -147.200, 0, 0],
             [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12.800, 0.000, -31.600, 0],
             [0, 0, 0, 0, 12.800, 0.000, 0.000, 18.800, -31.600]]),
         np.array([[0.010, -0.011, -0.151], [0.003, -0.021, 0.000],
                   [0.009, -0.059, 0.000], [0.024, -0.162, 0.000],
                   [0.068, -0.445, 0.000], [0.000, 0.000, 0.000],
                   [0.000, 0.000, 0.000], [0.000, 0.000, 0.000],
                   [0.000, 0.000, 0.000]]), np.eye(9), np.eye(3), None),
        # Test Case 5: carex #6
        (mat6['A'], mat6['B'], mat6['Q'], mat6['R'], None),
        # Test Case 6: carex #7
        (np.array([[1, 0], [0, -2.]]), np.array([[1e-6], [0]]), np.ones(
            (2, 2)), 1., 'Bad residual accuracy'),
        # Test Case 7: carex #8
        (block_diag(-0.1, -0.02), np.array([[0.100, 0.000], [0.001, 0.010]]),
         np.array([[100, 1000], [1000, 10000]]), np.ones(
             (2, 2)) + block_diag(1e-6, 0), None),
        # Test Case 8: carex #9
        (np.array([[0, 1e6], [0, 0]]), np.array([[0],
                                                 [1.]]), np.eye(2), 1., None),
        # Test Case 9: carex #10
        (np.array([[1.0000001, 1],
                   [1., 1.0000001]]), np.eye(2), np.eye(2), np.eye(2), None),
        # Test Case 10: carex #11
        (np.array([[3, 1.], [4, 2]]), np.array([[1], [1]]),
         np.array([[-11, -5], [-5, -2.]]), 1., None),
        # Test Case 11: carex #12
        (np.array([[7000000., 2000000., -0.], [2000000., 6000000., -2000000.],
                   [0., -2000000., 5000000.]]) / 3, np.eye(3),
         np.array([[1., -2., -2.], [-2., 1., -2.], [-2., -2., 1.]]).dot(
             np.diag([1e-6, 1, 1e6])).dot(
                 np.array([[1., -2., -2.], [-2., 1., -2.], [-2., -2., 1.]])) /
         9, np.eye(3) * 1e6, 'Bad Residual Accuracy'),
        # Test Case 12: carex #13
        (np.array([[0, 0.4, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0.345, 0],
                   [0, -0.524e6, -0.465e6, 0.262e6], [0, 0, 0, -1e6]]),
         np.array([[0, 0, 0, 1e6]]).T, np.diag([1, 0, 1, 0]), 1., None),
        # Test Case 13: carex #14
        (np.array([[-1e-6, 1, 0, 0], [-1, -1e-6, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1e-6, 1],
                   [0, 0, -1, 1e-6]]), np.ones((4, 1)), np.ones(
                       (4, 4)), 1., None),
        # Test Case 14: carex #15
        (mat15['A'], mat15['B'], mat15['Q'], mat15['R'], None),
        # Test Case 15: carex #16
        (np.eye(64, 64, k=-1) + np.eye(64, 64) * (-2.) +
         np.rot90(block_diag(1, np.zeros((62, 62)), 1)) + np.eye(64, 64, k=1),
         np.eye(64), np.eye(64), np.eye(64), None),
        # Test Case 16: carex #17
        (np.diag(np.ones((20, )), 1), np.flipud(np.eye(21, 1)),
         np.eye(21, 1) * np.eye(21, 1).T, 1, 'Bad Residual Accuracy'),
        # Test Case 17: carex #18
        (mat18['A'], mat18['B'], mat18['Q'], mat18['R'], None),
        # Test Case 18: carex #19
        (mat19['A'], mat19['B'], mat19['Q'], mat19['R'],
         'Bad Residual Accuracy'),
        # Test Case 19: carex #20
        (mat20['A'], mat20['B'], mat20['Q'], mat20['R'],
         'Bad Residual Accuracy')
    # Makes the minimum precision requirements customized to the test.
    # Here numbers represent the number of decimals that agrees with zero
    # matrix when the solution x is plugged in to the equation.
    # res = array([[8e-3,1e-16],[1e-16,1e-20]]) --> min_decimal[k] = 2
    # If the test is failing use "None" for that entry.
    min_decimal = (14, 12, 13, 14, 11, 6, None, 5, 7, 14, 14, None, 9, 14, 13,
                   14, None, 12, None, None)

    def _test_factory(case, dec):
        """Checks if 0 = XA + A'X - XB(R)^{-1} B'X + Q is true"""
        a, b, q, r, knownfailure = case
        if knownfailure:

        x = solve_continuous_are(a, b, q, r)
        res = x.dot(a) + a.conj().T.dot(x) + q
        out_fact = x.dot(b)
        res -= out_fact.dot(solve(np.atleast_2d(r), out_fact.conj().T))
        assert_array_almost_equal(res, np.zeros_like(res), decimal=dec)
コード例 #44
# Some useful global variables

# non-parametrized qubit gates
I = np.identity(2)
X = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]])
Y = np.array([[0, -1j], [1j, 0]])
Z = np.array([[1, 0], [0, -1]])
H = np.array([[1, 1], [1, -1]]) / np.sqrt(2)
S = np.diag([1, 1j])
T = np.diag([1, np.exp(1j * np.pi / 4)])
SWAP = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
CNOT = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0]])
CZ = np.diag([1, 1, 1, -1])
toffoli = np.diag([1 for i in range(8)])
toffoli[6:8, 6:8] = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]])
CSWAP = block_diag(I, I, SWAP)

# parametrized qubit gates
phase_shift = lambda phi: np.array([[1, 0], [0, np.exp(1j * phi)]])
rx = lambda theta: np.cos(theta / 2) * I + 1j * np.sin(-theta / 2) * X
ry = lambda theta: np.cos(theta / 2) * I + 1j * np.sin(-theta / 2) * Y
rz = lambda theta: np.cos(theta / 2) * I + 1j * np.sin(-theta / 2) * Z
rot = lambda a, b, c: rz(c) @ (ry(b) @ rz(a))
crz = lambda theta: np.array(
        [1, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 1, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, np.exp(-1j * theta / 2), 0],
        [0, 0, 0, np.exp(1j * theta / 2)],
コード例 #45
 def test_basic(self):
     x = block_diag(eye(2), [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]], [[1, 2, 3]])
     assert_array_equal(x, [[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                            [0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0],
                            [0, 0, 5, 6, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3]])
コード例 #46
ファイル: wh_ch10.py プロジェクト: linuxster/statlib
phi_scale = np.empty((12, 12))
phi_scale[np.diag_indices(12)] = 0.0367

seasonal_comp = FullEffectsFourier(12, harmonics=[1, 3, 4], discount=0.95)
# seasonal_comp = FullEffectsFourier(12, discount=0.95)

model = (Polynomial(2, discount=0.9) + Regression(index, discount=0.98) +

# transformation matrix
H = seasonal_comp.H
seasonal_prior_mean = np.dot(H, phi_effects)
seasonal_prior_scale = zero_out(chain_dot(H, phi_scale, H.T))

prior_mean = np.array(np.concatenate(([9.5, 0., -0.7], seasonal_prior_mean)))

prior_scale = block_diag(np.diag([0.09, 0.01, 0.01]), seasonal_prior_scale)

mean_prior = (prior_mean, prior_scale)

# k = model.F.shape[1]

dlm = DLM(sales,
コード例 #47
from __future__ import division, print_function
from six.moves import xrange as range
from nose.tools import with_setup, assert_raises, assert_equal

import itertools
from scipy.linalg import block_diag
import numpy as np
where = np.flatnonzero

from lavaburst.core import algo
from lavaburst import scoring

A = 10 * block_diag(np.ones((4, 4)), np.ones((5, 5)), np.ones(
    (4, 4))).astype(float)
A[np.diag_indices_from(A)] = 0

def test_sums_by_segment():
    n = len(A)
    Zseg = np.zeros((n + 1, n + 1))
    for i in range(n + 1):
        for j in range(i, n + 1):
            Zseg[i, j] = Zseg[j, i] = np.sum(A[i:j, i:j] / 2.0)
    assert np.allclose(scoring.sums_by_segment(A), Zseg)
    assert np.allclose(scoring.sums_by_segment(A, normalized=True),
                       Zseg / Zseg[0, n])

class BruteForceEnsemble(object):
    def __init__(self, scorer):
        self.n_nodes = len(scorer) - 1
コード例 #48
ファイル: sim_data.py プロジェクト: peiyaow/two_d_graphs
#------------------------------------- Generating graphs, covariances, multivariate normal observarions -----------------------------------------
A_list = []
C_list = [] # first dim is time second dim is group
X_list = []

#ml_glassocv = cov.GraphLassoCV(assume_centered=True)
#Theta_glassocv_list = []
for class_ix in range(len_class):
    A_c = []
    C_c = []
    X_c = []
    #Theta_t = []
    for time_ix in range(len_t):
        #print class_ix
        #print block_diag(*A1_list[:(len_class - class_ix)]), np.matrix(np.eye(class_ix*5))
        A = block_diag(A0_list[time_ix], block_diag(*A1_list[:(len_class - class_ix)]), np.matrix(np.eye(class_ix*p1)))
        C = block_diag(C0_list[time_ix], block_diag(*C1_list[:(len_class - class_ix)]), np.matrix(np.eye(class_ix*p1)))
        X = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean = np.zeros(p), cov = C, size = ni)
        #Theta = ml_glassocv.get_precision()
#f = open("mydata.pkl", 'wb')
#pickle.dump(X_list, f)
コード例 #49
    def construct_polynomial_trajectory(self):
        """ function to construct the trajectory"""

        t = time.time()
        r = self.r
        N = 1 + self.N  # because number of terms in a polynomial = degree+1

        QQ = []
        AA_inv = []

        for i in range(self.no_of_segments):
            q = self.construct_Q(N, r, self.T[i], self.T[i + 1])
            a = self.construct_A(N, r, self.T[i], self.T[i + 1])
            a_inv = scipy.linalg.pinv(a)
            QQ = block_diag(QQ, q)
            AA_inv = block_diag(AA_inv, a_inv)

        order = 2 * r * self.no_of_segments
        R = np.dot(AA_inv.T, np.dot(QQ, AA_inv))
        bx = np.concatenate((self.x0, self.xT), axis=0)
        by = np.concatenate((self.y0, self.yT), axis=0)
        bz = np.concatenate((self.z0, self.zT), axis=0)

        m = Model("qp")
        order = 2 * r * self.no_of_segments

        dx = m.addVars(order,
        dy = m.addVars(order,
        dz = m.addVars(order,

        # using LinExpr for the second expression is significantly faster
        obj1 = quicksum(dx[i] * LinExpr([(R[i][j], dx[j])
                                         for j in range(order)])
                        for i in range(order))
        obj2 = quicksum(dy[i] * LinExpr([(R[i][j], dy[j])
                                         for j in range(order)])
                        for i in range(order))
        obj3 = quicksum(dz[i] * LinExpr([(R[i][j], dz[j])
                                         for j in range(order)])
                        for i in range(order))

        obj = obj1 + obj2 + obj3
        j = 0
        addconstraint = m.addConstr
        for k in range(order):
            if k < r:
                addconstraint(dx[k] == bx[k])
                addconstraint(dy[k] == by[k])
                addconstraint(dz[k] == bz[k])
            elif k >= order - r:
                addconstraint(dx[k] == bx[r + j])
                addconstraint(dy[k] == by[r + j])
                addconstraint(dz[k] == bz[r + j])
                j += 1

        c = 1  # counter
        for n in range(r, order - 2 * r, 2 * r):
            #if c ==3:
            #m.addConstr(dx[n] == self.x_wp[c])
            #m.addConstr(dy[n] == self.y_wp[c])
            #m.addConstr(dz[n] == self.z_wp[c])
            m.addConstr(dx[n] <= self.x_wp[c] + 0.25)
            m.addConstr(dy[n] <= self.y_wp[c] + 0.25)
            m.addConstr(dz[n] <= self.z_wp[c] + 0.25)
            m.addConstr(dx[n] >= self.x_wp[c] - 0.25)
            m.addConstr(dy[n] >= self.y_wp[c] - 0.25)
            m.addConstr(dz[n] >= self.z_wp[c] - 0.25)
            c = c + 1
            for q in range(r):
                addconstraint(dx[n + q] == dx[n + q + r])
                addconstraint(dy[n + q] == dy[n + q + r])
                addconstraint(dz[n + q] == dz[n + q + r])
                #addconstraint(dx[n+1] == 0)
                #addconstraint(dy[n+1] == 0)
                #addconstraint(dz[n+1] == 0)
                #addconstraint(dx[n+2] == 0)
                #addconstraint(dy[n+2] == 0)
                #addconstraint(dz[n+2] == 0)
                #addconstraint(dx[n+3] == 0)
                #addconstraint(dy[n+3] == 0)
                #addconstraint(dz[n+3] == 0)

        m.setObjective(obj, GRB.MINIMIZE)
        m.setParam('OutputFlag', 0)
        m.setParam('PSDtol', 1e5)
        m.setParam('NumericFocus', 3)

        print 'The optimality status is (2: optimal, 13: suboptimal):', m.status

        #runtime = m.Runtime
        #optimal_objective = obj.getValue()
        #print 'optimal objective is:', optimal_objective

        x_coeff = [dx[i].X for i in range(order)]
        y_coeff = [dy[i].X for i in range(order)]
        z_coeff = [dz[i].X for i in range(order)]

        Dx = np.asarray(x_coeff)[np.newaxis].T
        Dy = np.asarray(y_coeff)[np.newaxis].T
        Dz = np.asarray(z_coeff)[np.newaxis].T
        pcx = np.dot(AA_inv, Dx)
        pcy = np.dot(AA_inv, Dy)
        pcz = np.dot(AA_inv, Dz)

        poly_coeff_x = pcx.T.ravel().tolist()
        poly_coeff_y = pcy.T.ravel().tolist()
        poly_coeff_z = pcz.T.ravel().tolist()

        return self.T, poly_coeff_x, poly_coeff_y, poly_coeff_z
コード例 #50
    def configure_io(self):
        I/O creation is delayed until configure so we can determine variable shape and units.
        self._var_names = {}

        num_segs = self.options['num_segments']
        rk_data = rk_methods[self.options['method']]
        num_stages = rk_data['num_stages']

        for name, options in self.options['state_options'].items():
            shape = options['shape']
            size = np.prod(shape)
            units = options['units']

            self._var_names[name] = {}
                'initial'] = 'initial_states_per_seg:{0}'.format(name)
            self._var_names[name]['k'] = 'k:{0}'.format(name)
            self._var_names[name]['final'] = 'final_states:{0}'.format(name)
            self._var_names[name]['integral'] = 'state_integrals:{0}'.format(

                shape=(num_segs, ) + shape,
                'The initial value of the state at the start of each segment.')

                shape=(num_segs, num_stages) + shape,
                desc='RK multiplier k for each stage in each segment.')

                shape=(num_segs, ) + shape,
                desc='The change in value of the state along each segment')

                shape=(num_segs, ) + shape,
                desc='The final value of the state at the end of each segment.'

            e = np.eye(size * num_segs)
            r, c = np.nonzero(e)

            p = np.kron(rk_data['b'], np.eye(size))
            p = block_diag(*num_segs * [p])
            r, c = p.nonzero()

                                  val=np.tile(rk_data['b'], size * num_segs))

                                  val=np.tile(rk_data['b'], size * num_segs))
コード例 #51
sess = tf.Session()

N = 100
h = 1.0/(N+1)
n = N**2

# Creating matrix A #
J = 4*np.eye(N)
i,j = np.indices(J.shape)
J[j==i+1] = -1
J[j==i-1] = -1

I_upper = -1*np.diag(np.ones(N*(N-1)), N)
I_lower = -1*np.diag(np.ones(N*(N-1)), -N)
repeated_J = [J]*N
A = block_diag(*repeated_J)
A = A + I_lower + I_upper
A_mat = tf.convert_to_tensor(A, dtype=tf.float64, name='A_matrix')

# Creating vector b and Creating weights i.e boundary values #
# Approach 4, create only 4N weights and then add them to vector b using a for loop instead of reshaping
b = (h**2)*20*np.ones((N**2,1))
b_tf = tf.constant(b, dtype=tf.float64, name='b_vector')

# left_boundary_weights = tf.Variable(np.zeros(N), dtype=tf.float64, name='left_boundary')
left_boundary_weights = tf.Variable(np.zeros((N, 1)), dtype=tf.float64, name='left_boundary')
padding_vector_0 = tf.constant(np.zeros(((N-1)*N, 1)), name='padding_1')
b_mat =  b_tf + tf.concat([left_boundary_weights, padding_vector_0], 0)

# lower_boundary_weights = tf.Variable(np.zeros(N), dtype=tf.float64, name='lower_boundary')
コード例 #52
def exact_inference_with_ll(seqs, params, get_ll=True):
    Extracts latent trajectories from neural data, given GPFA model parameters.

    seqs : np.recarray
        Input data structure, whose n-th element (corresponding to the n-th
        experimental trial) has fields:
        y : np.ndarray of shape (#units, #bins)
            neural data
        T : int
            number of bins
    params : dict
        GPFA model parameters whe the following fields:
        C : np.ndarray
            FA factor loadings matrix
        d : np.ndarray
            FA mean vector
        R : np.ndarray
            FA noise covariance matrix
        gamma : np.ndarray
            GP timescale
        eps : np.ndarray
            GP noise variance
    get_ll : bool, optional
          specifies whether to compute data log likelihood (default: True)

    seqs_latent : np.recarray
        a copy of the input data structure, augmented with the new
        latent_variable :  (#latent_vars, #bins) np.ndarray
              posterior mean of latent variables at each time bin
        Vsm :  (#latent_vars, #latent_vars, #bins) np.ndarray
              posterior covariance between latent variables at each
        VsmGP :  (#bins, #bins, #latent_vars) np.ndarray
                posterior covariance over time for each latent
    ll : float
        data log likelihood, np.nan is returned when `get_ll` is set False
    y_dim, x_dim = params['C'].shape

    # copy the contents of the input data structure to output structure
    dtype_out = [(x, seqs[x].dtype) for x in seqs.dtype.names]
    dtype_out.extend([('latent_variable', np.object), ('Vsm', np.object),
                      ('VsmGP', np.object)])
    seqs_latent = np.empty(len(seqs), dtype=dtype_out)
    for dtype_name in seqs.dtype.names:
        seqs_latent[dtype_name] = seqs[dtype_name]

    # Precomputations
    if params['notes']['RforceDiagonal']:
        rinv = np.diag(1.0 / np.diag(params['R']))
        logdet_r = (np.log(np.diag(params['R']))).sum()
        rinv = linalg.inv(params['R'])
        rinv = (rinv + rinv.T) / 2  # ensure symmetry
        logdet_r = gpfa_util.logdet(params['R'])

    c_rinv = params['C'].T.dot(rinv)
    c_rinv_c = c_rinv.dot(params['C'])

    t_all = seqs_latent['T']
    t_uniq = np.unique(t_all)
    ll = 0.

    # Overview:
    # - Outer loop on each element of Tu.
    # - For each element of Tu, find all trials with that length.
    # - Do inference and LL computation for all those trials together.
    for t in t_uniq:
        k_big, k_big_inv, logdet_k_big = gpfa_util.make_k_big(params, t)
        k_big = sparse.csr_matrix(k_big)

        blah = [c_rinv_c for _ in range(t)]
        c_rinv_c_big = linalg.block_diag(*blah)  # (xDim*T) x (xDim*T)
        minv, logdet_m = gpfa_util.inv_persymm(k_big_inv + c_rinv_c_big, x_dim)

        # Note that posterior covariance does not depend on observations,
        # so can compute once for all trials with same T.
        # xDim x xDim posterior covariance for each timepoint
        vsm = np.full((x_dim, x_dim, t), np.nan)
        idx = np.arange(0, x_dim * t + 1, x_dim)
        for i in range(t):
            vsm[:, :, i] = minv[idx[i]:idx[i + 1], idx[i]:idx[i + 1]]

        # T x T posterior covariance for each GP
        vsm_gp = np.full((t, t, x_dim), np.nan)
        for i in range(x_dim):
            vsm_gp[:, :, i] = minv[i::x_dim, i::x_dim]

        # Process all trials with length T
        n_list = np.where(t_all == t)[0]
        # dif is yDim x sum(T)
        dif = np.hstack(seqs_latent[n_list]['y']) - params['d'][:, np.newaxis]
        # term1Mat is (xDim*T) x length(nList)
        term1_mat = c_rinv.dot(dif).reshape((x_dim * t, -1), order='F')

        # Compute blkProd = CRinvC_big * invM efficiently
        # blkProd is block persymmetric, so just compute top half
        t_half = np.int(np.ceil(t / 2.0))
        blk_prod = np.zeros((x_dim * t_half, x_dim * t))
        idx = range(0, x_dim * t_half + 1, x_dim)
        for i in range(t_half):
            blk_prod[idx[i]:idx[i + 1], :] = c_rinv_c.dot(
                minv[idx[i]:idx[i + 1], :])
        blk_prod = k_big[:x_dim * t_half, :].dot(
            gpfa_util.fill_persymm(np.eye(x_dim * t_half, x_dim * t) -
                                   blk_prod, x_dim, t))
        # latent_variableMat is (xDim*T) x length(nList)
        latent_variable_mat = gpfa_util.fill_persymm(
            blk_prod, x_dim, t).dot(term1_mat)

        for i, n in enumerate(n_list):
            seqs_latent[n]['latent_variable'] = \
                latent_variable_mat[:, i].reshape((x_dim, t), order='F')
            seqs_latent[n]['Vsm'] = vsm
            seqs_latent[n]['VsmGP'] = vsm_gp

        if get_ll:
            # Compute data likelihood
            val = -t * logdet_r - logdet_k_big - logdet_m \
                  - y_dim * t * np.log(2 * np.pi)
            ll = ll + len(n_list) * val - (rinv.dot(dif) * dif).sum() \
                + (term1_mat.T.dot(minv) * term1_mat.T).sum()

    if get_ll:
        ll /= 2
        ll = np.nan

    return seqs_latent, ll
コード例 #53

    # get real-space representations
    analyzer = mg.symmetry.analyzer.SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure)
    symops = analyzer.get_symmetry_operations(cartesian=False)
    symops_cart = analyzer.get_symmetry_operations(cartesian=True)
    rots = [x.rotation_matrix for x in symops]
    taus = [x.translation_vector for x in symops]

    # get corresponding represesentations in the Hamiltonian basis
    reps = []
    for n, (rot, tau) in enumerate(zip(rots, taus)):
        C = symops_cart[n].rotation_matrix
        tauc = symops_cart[n].translation_vector
        prep = C
        spinrep = spin_reps(C)
        R = np.kron(spinrep, la.block_diag(1.0, prep, prep))

    # set up the space group symmetries
    symmetries = [
            # r-space and k-space matrices are related by transposing and inverting
        ) for rot, repr_mat in zip(rots, reps)
    point_group = sr.SymmetryGroup(symmetries=symmetries, full_group=True)
    sr.io.save([time_reversal, point_group], "results/symmetries.hdf5")
コード例 #54
ファイル: discretization.py プロジェクト: zwcdp/filterpy
def Q_discrete_white_noise(dim, dt=1., var=1., block_size=1, order_by_dim=True):
    Returns the Q matrix for the Discrete Constant White Noise
    Model. dim may be either 2, 3, or 4 dt is the time step, and sigma
    is the variance in the noise.

    Q is computed as the G * G^T * variance, where G is the process noise per
    time step. In other words, G = [[.5dt^2][dt]]^T for the constant velocity


    dim : int (2, 3, or 4)
        dimension for Q, where the final dimension is (dim x dim)

    dt : float, default=1.0
        time step in whatever units your filter is using for time. i.e. the
        amount of time between innovations

    var : float, default=1.0
        variance in the noise

    block_size : int >= 1
        If your state variable contains more than one dimension, such as
        a 3d constant velocity model [x x' y y' z z']^T, then Q must be
        a block diagonal matrix.

    order_by_dim : bool, default=True
        Defines ordering of variables in the state vector. `True` orders
        by keeping all derivatives of each dimensions)

        [x x' x'' y y' y'']

        whereas `False` interleaves the dimensions

        [x y z x' y' z' x'' y'' z'']

    >>> # constant velocity model in a 3D world with a 10 Hz update rate
    >>> Q_discrete_white_noise(2, dt=0.1, var=1., block_size=3)
    array([[0.000025, 0.0005  , 0.      , 0.      , 0.      , 0.      ],
           [0.0005  , 0.01    , 0.      , 0.      , 0.      , 0.      ],
           [0.      , 0.      , 0.000025, 0.0005  , 0.      , 0.      ],
           [0.      , 0.      , 0.0005  , 0.01    , 0.      , 0.      ],
           [0.      , 0.      , 0.      , 0.      , 0.000025, 0.0005  ],
           [0.      , 0.      , 0.      , 0.      , 0.0005  , 0.01    ]])


    Bar-Shalom. "Estimation with Applications To Tracking and Navigation".
    John Wiley & Sons, 2001. Page 274.

    if not (dim == 2 or dim == 3 or dim == 4):
        raise ValueError("dim must be between 2 and 4")

    if dim == 2:
        Q = [[.25*dt**4, .5*dt**3],
             [ .5*dt**3,    dt**2]]
    elif dim == 3:
        Q = [[.25*dt**4, .5*dt**3, .5*dt**2],
             [ .5*dt**3,    dt**2,       dt],
             [ .5*dt**2,       dt,        1]]
        Q = [[(dt**6)/36, (dt**5)/12, (dt**4)/6, (dt**3)/6],
             [(dt**5)/12, (dt**4)/4,  (dt**3)/2, (dt**2)/2],
             [(dt**4)/6,  (dt**3)/2,   dt**2,     dt],
             [(dt**3)/6,  (dt**2)/2 ,  dt,        1.]]

    if order_by_dim:
        return block_diag(*[Q]*block_size) * var
    return order_by_derivative(array(Q), dim, block_size) * var
コード例 #55
ファイル: 1d_example.py プロジェクト: jgkim2020/safe_learning
Initial safe set (with plot)

lyapunov.initial_safe_set = np.abs(
    lyapunov.discretization.all_points.squeeze()) < 0.05

noisy_dynamics = lambda x, u, noise: true_dynamics(x, u)
plotting.plot_lyapunov_1d(lyapunov, noisy_dynamics, legend=True)
RL for mean dynamics

# mean_dynamics = dynamics.to_mean_function()

reward = safe_learning.QuadraticFunction(linalg.block_diag(-q, -r),

value_function = safe_learning.Triangulation(policy_disc,

rl = safe_learning.PolicyIteration(policy, dynamics, reward, value_function)
Plot the dynamics
Note that the initial policy is just all zeros!

コード例 #56
ファイル: solver.py プロジェクト: TRIQS/w2dynamics_interface
    def solve(self, **params_kw):
        """Solve impurity model 

        n_cycles : number of Monte Carlo cycles
        n_warmup_cycles : number of warmub Monte Carlo cycles
        length_cycle : number of proposed moves per cycle
        h_int : interaction Hamiltonian as a quartic triqs operator
        h_0 : quadratic part of the local Hamiltonian
              (only required if delta_interface=true has been specified during construction)

        n_cycles = params_kw.pop(
            "n_cycles")  ### what does the True or False mean?
        n_warmup_cycles = params_kw.pop("n_warmup_cycles", 5000)  ### default
        max_time = params_kw.pop("max_time", -1)
        worm = params_kw.pop("worm", False)
        percentageworminsert = params_kw.pop("PercentageWormInsert", 0.00)
        percentagewormreplace = params_kw.pop("PercentageWormReplace", 0.00)

        length_cycle = params_kw.pop("length_cycle", 50)
        h_int = params_kw.pop("h_int")
        self.last_solve_params = {
            "n_cycles": n_cycles,
            "n_warmup_cycles": n_warmup_cycles,
            "length_cycle": length_cycle,
            "h_int": h_int

        if self.delta_interface:
            h_0 = params_kw.pop("h_0")
            self.last_solve_params["h_0"] = h_0

        random_seed = params_kw.pop("random_seed", 1)
        move_double = params_kw.pop("move_double", True)
        measure_G_l = params_kw.pop("measure_G_l", True)
        measure_pert_order = params_kw.pop("measure_pert_order", False)
        statesampling = params_kw.pop("statesampling", False)
        flavourchange_moves = params_kw.pop("flavourchange_moves", False)
        move_global_prob = params_kw.pop("flavomove_global_prob", 0.005)

        if isinstance(self.gf_struct, dict):
                "WARNING: gf_struct should be a list of pairs [ [str,[int,...]], ...], not a dict"
            self.gf_struct = [[k, v] for k, v in self.gf_struct.items()]

        ### Andi: the definition in the U-Matrix in w2dyn is
        ### 1/2 \sum_{ijkl} U_{ijkl} cdag_i cdag_j c_l c_k
        ###                                         !   !
        ### a factor of 2 is needed to compensate the 1/2, and a minus for
        ### exchange of the annihilators; is this correct for any two particle interaction term?

        U_ijkl = dict_to_matrix(extract_U_dict4(h_int), self.gf_struct)

        ### Make sure that the spin index is the fastest running variable
        norb = U_ijkl.shape[0] // 2
        U_ijkl = U_ijkl.reshape(2, norb, 2, norb, 2, norb, 2, norb)
        U_ijkl = U_ijkl.transpose(1, 0, 3, 2, 5, 4, 7, 6)
        U_ijkl = U_ijkl.reshape(norb * 2, norb * 2, norb * 2, norb * 2)

        if self.delta_interface:
            t_ij_matrix = dict_to_matrix(extract_h_dict(h_0), self.gf_struct)
            Delta_iw, t_ij_lst = extract_deltaiw_and_tij_from_G0(
                self.G0_iw, self.gf_struct)

            self.Delta_tau = BlockGf(mesh=self.tau_mesh,
            self.Delta_tau << Fourier(Delta_iw)

            assert len(t_ij_lst) in set([1, 2, 4]), \
                  "For now t_ij_lst must not contain more than 4 blocks; generalize it!"
            t_ij_matrix = block_diag(*t_ij_lst)

        # in w2dyn Delta is a hole propagator
        for bl, Delta_bl in self.Delta_tau:
            Delta_bl.data[:] = -Delta_bl.data[::-1, ...]

        t_ij_matrix *= -1  # W2Dynamics sign convention

        ### transform t_ij from (f,f) to (o,s,o,s) format

        norb = int(t_ij_matrix.shape[0] / 2)
        t_ij_matrix = t_ij_matrix.reshape(2, norb, 2, norb)
        t_osos_tensor = t_ij_matrix.transpose(1, 0, 3, 2)

        ftau, _, __ = triqs_gf_to_w2dyn_ndarray_g_tosos_beta_ntau(

        ### now comes w2dyn!
        # Make a temporary files with input parameters

        Parameters_in = """#asdf
Nd = %i
Hamiltonian = Kanamori
TaudiffMax = -1.0""" % norb

        cfg_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, mode="w")

        ### read w2dyn parameter file; later we will replace this by a
        ### converter of triqs-parameters to w2dyn-parameters

        key_value_args = {}
        cfg = config.get_cfg(cfg_file.name, key_value_args, err=sys.stderr)

        ### check if Delta_tau is diagonal matrix, and set w2dyn parameter
        ### offdiag accordingly
        max_blocksize = 0
        for name, d in self.Delta_tau:

            blocksize = d.data.shape[-1]
            #print "blocksize", blocksize
            if blocksize > max_blocksize:
                max_blocksize = blocksize

        if max_blocksize == 1:
            cfg["QMC"]["offdiag"] = 0
            cfg["QMC"]["offdiag"] = 1

        ### complex worms are not yet existing
        if self.complex and worm:
            print('complex and worm together not yet implemented')

        if self.complex:
            cfg["QMC"]["complex"] = 1
            cfg["QMC"]["use_phase"] = 1

            ### check if offdiag is set; complex makes no sense without offdiag
            assert cfg["QMC"]["offdiag"] != 0, \
                  "Complex does not make sense for diagonal Delta_tau!"

        if move_double:
            cfg["QMC"]["Percentage4OperatorMove"] = 0.005
            cfg["QMC"]["Percentage4OperatorMove"] = 0

        cfg["QMC"]["PercentageGlobalMove"] = move_global_prob

        if flavourchange_moves:
            cfg["QMC"]["flavourchange_moves"] = 1
            cfg["QMC"]["flavourchange_moves"] = 0

        os.remove(cfg_file.name)  # remove temp file with input parameters

        ### I now write the triqs parameters into the cfg file;
        ### we may later do this with dictionaries
        ### in a more sophisticated way

        cfg["General"]["beta"] = self.beta
        cfg["QMC"]["Niw"] = self.n_iw
            "Ntau"] = self.n_tau * 2  # use double resolution bins & down sample to Triqs l8r
        if measure_G_l:
            cfg["QMC"]["NLegMax"] = self.n_l
            cfg["QMC"]["NLegOrder"] = self.n_l
            cfg["QMC"]["NLegMax"] = 1
            cfg["QMC"]["NLegOrder"] = 1

        cfg["QMC"]["Nwarmups"] = length_cycle * n_warmup_cycles
        cfg["QMC"]["Nmeas"] = n_cycles
        cfg["QMC"]["measurement_time"] = max_time
        cfg["QMC"]["Ncorr"] = length_cycle

        if statesampling:
            cfg["QMC"]["statesampling"] = 1
            cfg["QMC"]["statesampling"] = 0

        if worm:
            cfg["QMC"]["WormMeasGiw"] = 1
            cfg["QMC"]["WormMeasGtau"] = 1
            cfg["QMC"]["WormSearchEta"] = 1

            ### set worm parameters to some default values if not set by user
            if percentageworminsert != 0.0:
                cfg["QMC"]["PercentageWormInsert"] = percentageworminsert
                cfg["QMC"]["PercentageWormInsert"] = 0.2
            if percentagewormreplace != 0.0:
                cfg["QMC"]["PercentageWormReplace"] = percentagewormreplace
                cfg["QMC"]["PercentageWormReplace"] = 0.2

        if mpi.rank == 0:
            print(' ')
            print('specifications for w2dyn:')
            print('cfg["QMC"]["offdiag"] ', cfg["QMC"]["offdiag"])
            print('cfg["QMC"]["Percentage4OperatorMove"] ',
            print('cfg["QMC"]["flavourchange_moves"] ',
            print('cfg["QMC"]["statesampling"] ', cfg["QMC"]["statesampling"])

        ### initialize the solver; it needs the config-string
        Nseed = random_seed + mpi.rank
        use_mpi = False
        mpi_comm = mpi.world
        solver = impurity.CtHybSolver(cfg, Nseed, 0, 0, 0, False, mpi_comm)

        ### generate dummy input that we don't necessarily need
        niw = 2 * cfg["QMC"]["Niw"]
        g0inviw = np.zeros(shape=(2 * self.n_iw, norb, 2, norb, 2))
        fiw = np.zeros(shape=(2 * self.n_iw, norb, 2, norb, 2))
        fmom = np.zeros(shape=(2, norb, 2, norb, 2))
        symmetry_moves = ()
        paramag = False
        atom = config.atomlist_from_cfg(cfg, norb)[0]

        ### if calculation not complex, the solver must have only
        ### real arrays as input
        if self.complex:
            muimp = t_osos_tensor
            g0inviw = np.real(g0inviw)
            fiw = np.real(fiw)
            fmom = np.real(fmom)
            ftau = np.real(ftau)
            muimp = np.real(t_osos_tensor)
            U_ijkl = np.real(U_ijkl)

        ### here the properties of the impurity will be defined
        imp_problem = impurity.ImpurityProblem(self.beta, g0inviw, fiw, fmom,
                                               ftau, muimp, atom.dd_int, None,
                                               None, symmetry_moves, paramag)

        print("\n" + "." * 40)

        ### hardcode the set of conserved quantities to number of electrons
        ### and activate the automatic minimalisation procedure of blocks
        ### ( QN "All" does this)
        #print "imp_problem.interaction.quantum_numbers ",  imp_problem.interaction.quantum_numbers
        imp_problem.interaction.quantum_numbers = ("Nt", "All")
        #imp_problem.interaction.quantum_numbers = ( "Nt", "Szt", "Qzt" )
        #imp_problem.interaction.quantum_numbers = ( "Nt", "Szt" )
        #imp_problem.interaction.quantum_numbers = ( "Nt" )

        ### feed impurity problem into solver

        ### solve impurity problem
        mccfgcontainer = []
        iter_no = 1
        if self.complex:
            solver.umatrix = U_ijkl
            result = solver.solve(mccfgcontainer)
            gtau = result.other["gtau-full"]
            if not worm:
                solver.umatrix = U_ijkl
                result = solver.solve(iter_no, mccfgcontainer)
                gtau = result.other["gtau-full"]

                gtau = np.zeros(shape=(1, norb, 2, norb, 2, 2 * self.n_tau))

                from auxiliaries.compoundIndex import index2component_general

                components = []

                for comp_ind in range(1, (2 * norb)**2 + 1):

                    tmp = index2component_general(norb, 2, int(comp_ind))

                    ### check if ftau is nonzero

                    bands = tmp[1]
                    spins = tmp[2]

                    b1 = bands[0]
                    b2 = bands[1]
                    s1 = spins[0]
                    s2 = spins[1]

                    all_zeros = not np.any(ftau[:, b1, s1, b2, s2] > 1e-5)

                    if not all_zeros:
                        components = np.append(components, comp_ind)

                if mpi.rank == 0:
                    print('worm components to measure: ', components)

                ### divide either max_time Nmeas among the nonzero components
                if max_time <= 0:
                    cfg["QMC"]["Nmeas"] = int(cfg["QMC"]["Nmeas"] /
                    cfg["QMC"]["measurement_time"] = int(
                        float(max_time) / float(len(components)))

                for comp_ind in components:

                    if mpi.rank == 0:
                        print('--> comp_ind', comp_ind)

                    solver.umatrix = U_ijkl
                    result_aux, result = solver.solve_component(
                        1, 2, comp_ind, mccfgcontainer)

                    for i in list(result.other.keys()):

                        if "gtau-worm" in i:
                            gtau_name = i

                    tmp = index2component_general(norb, 2, int(comp_ind))

                    ### check if ftau is nonzero

                    bands = tmp[1]
                    spins = tmp[2]

                    b1 = bands[0]
                    b2 = bands[1]
                    s1 = spins[0]
                    s2 = spins[1]

                    # Remove axis 0 from local samples by averaging, so
                    # no data remains unused even if there is more than
                    # one local sample (should not happen)
                    gtau[0, b1, s1, b2,
                         s2, :] = np.mean(result.other[gtau_name].local,
                gtau = stat.DistributedSample(gtau, mpi_comm, ntotal=mpi.size)

        if cfg["QMC"]["offdiag"] == 0 and worm == 0:

            def bs_diagflat(bs_array):
                """Return an array with a shape extended compared to
                that of the argument by doubling the first two axes and
                fill it such that the returned array is diagonal with
                respect to both pairs (axes 1 and 3 and axes 2 and 4).
                shape_bsonly = bs_array.shape[0:2]
                bsbs_shape = shape_bsonly + bs_array.shape
                bsbs_array = np.zeros(bsbs_shape, dtype=bs_array.dtype)
                for b in range(bs_array.shape[0]):
                    for s in range(bs_array.shape[1]):
                        bsbs_array[b, s, b, s, ...] = bs_array[b, s, ...]
                return bsbs_array

            gtau = result.other["gtau"].apply(bs_diagflat)

        ### here comes the function for conversion w2dyn --> triqs
        self.G_tau, self.G_tau_error = w2dyn_ndarray_to_triqs_BlockGF_tau_beta_ntau(
            gtau, self.beta, self.gf_struct)

        self.G_iw = BlockGf(mesh=self.iw_mesh, gf_struct=self.gf_struct)

        ### I will use the FFT from triqs here...
        for name, g in self.G_tau:
            bl_size = g.target_shape[0]
            known_moments = np.zeros((4, bl_size, bl_size), dtype=np.complex)
            for i in range(bl_size):
                known_moments[1, i, i] = 1

            self.G_iw[name].set_from_fourier(g, known_moments)

        ### add perturbation order as observable
        #print 'measure_pert_order ', measure_pert_order
        if measure_pert_order:
            hist = result.other["hist"]
            #print 'hist.shape', hist.shape

        ### GF in Legendre expansion
        if measure_G_l:
            Gl = result.other["gleg-full"]
コード例 #57
ファイル: test_ucg.py プロジェクト: taorunz/qiskit-terra
def _get_ucg_matrix(squs):
    return block_diag(*squs)
コード例 #58
 def test_no_args(self):
     a = block_diag()
     assert_equal(a.ndim, 2)
     assert_equal(a.nbytes, 0)
コード例 #59
def COV_C(A, B, VM):
    block1 = np.array([1, A, -B])
    AJLA = linalg.block_diag(*[block1 for i in range(N)])
    return np.dot(AJLA, np.dot(COVd, AJLA.transpose())) + np.eye(N) * VM
コード例 #60
def predict(_x, u, _cov):
    process model:
    x_k = f(x_{k-1},u_k)
        = x_{k-1} + u 
        = x_{k-1} + v*dt

    u dalam kerangka acuan robot:
    u = | v_x*dt  | 
        | v_y*dt  |
        | v_th*dt |
    u dalam kerangka acuan global:
    u' = Ru

    dengan R adalah matriks rotasi
    R = | cos(th) -sin(th) 0 |
        | sin(th)  cos(th) 0 |
        | 0      0         1 |

    u' = | cos(th) -sin(th) 0 | | v_x*dt  |
         | sin(ht)  cos(th) 0 | | v_y*dt  |
         | 0      0         1 | | v_th*dt |

       = | v_x*cos(th) - v_y*sin(th) |
         | v_x*sin(th) + v_y*cos(th) | * dt
         | v_th                      |
    x_k = |x_{k-1}|   | v_x*cos(t) - v_y*sin(t)  |
          |y_{k-1}| + | v_x*sin(t) + v_y*cos(t)  | * dt 
          |t_{k-1}|   | v_th                     |

    x_k = |x_{k-1} |   | 1 0   -v_x*dt*sin(theta) - v_y*dt*cos(theta) | | dx| 
          |y_{k-1} | + | 0 1    v_x*dt*cos(theta) - v_y*dt*sin(theta) | | dy|
          |th_{k-1}|   | 0 0                  1                       | |dth|
    n = int((_cov.shape[0] - 3) / 2)  # num of landmarks

    dt = 1
    [vx, vy, vth] = u
    th = _x[2]

    _Jf = np.array([[1, 0, -vx * dt * math.sin(th) - vy * dt * math.cos(th)],
                    [0, 1, vx * dt * math.cos(th) - vy * dt * math.sin(th)],
                    [0, 0, 1]])

    _Jf = np.column_stack([_Jf, np.zeros((3, n * 2))])
    Jf_last_rows = np.column_stack([np.zeros((n * 2, 3)), np.eye(n * 2)])
    Jf = np.vstack([_Jf, Jf_last_rows])

    dx = np.array([vx * dt, vy * dt, vth * dt])
    dx = np.concatenate((dx, np.zeros(n * 2)))

    noise = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(3), Q)
    noise = np.concatenate((noise, np.zeros(n * 2)))

    x = _x + np.dot(Jf, dx) + noise

    x = np.concatenate((x, _x[5:]))

    cov = np.dot(Jf, np.dot(_cov, Jf.T)) + block_diag(Q,
                                                      np.zeros((n * 2, n * 2)))

    return [x, cov]