コード例 #1
def dampnewton(F, DF, x, rtol, atol, lmin=1e-3):
    lu = linalg.lu_factor(DF(x))
    s = linalg.lu_solve(lu, F(x))
    sn = linalg.norm(s)

    xn = x - s
    l = 1.0

    f = F(xn)
    st = linalg.lu_solve(lu, f)
    stn = linalg.norm(st)

    while stn > rtol * linalg.norm(xn) and stn > atol:
        while linalg.norm(st) > (1.0 - l / 2.0) * sn:
            l /= 2.0
            if l < lmin:
                raise ValueError('no convergence: lambda -> 0')
            xn = x - l * s
            f = F(xn)
            st = linalg.lu_solve(lu, f)
        x = xn
        lu = linalg.lu_factor(DF(x))
        s = linalg.lu_solve(lu, f)
        sn = linalg.norm(s)
        l = min(2.0 * l, 1.0)
        xn = x - l * s
        f = F(xn)
        st = linalg.lu_solve(lu, f)
        stn = linalg.norm(st)
    return xn
コード例 #2
ファイル: npplanning.py プロジェクト: gehring/rec-namo
def build_np_models(kernel, trans_samples, ter_samples, ter_rew_samples, lamb):
    Xa, Ra, Xpa = zip(*trans_samples)
    Xa_term, Ra_term = zip(*ter_samples)
    Xa = [ np.vstack((xa, xa_term)) if xa_term.size > 0 else xa for xa, xa_term in izip(Xa, Xa_term) ]
    Ra = [ np.hstack((ra, ra_term)) if ra_term.size > 0 else ra for ra, ra_term in izip(Ra, Ra_term) ] 
    k = len(trans_samples) 
    # build the K_a,b matrices
    Kab = dict()
    for a,b in product(xrange(k), xrange(k)):
        if Xa_term[b].size > 0:
            Kab[(a,b)] = np.hstack((kernel(Xa[a], Xpa[b]), 
                                    np.zeros((Xa[a].shape[0], Xa_term[b].shape[0]))))
            Kab[(a,b)] = kernel(Xa[a], Xpa[b])
    # build the K_a, D_a matrices
    Ka = [kernel(Xa[i], Xa[i])  for i in xrange(k)]
    Dainv = [Ka[i] + lamb*scipy.eye(*Ka[i].shape) for i in xrange(k)]
    Da = [lu_factor(Dainv[i], overwrite_a = False) for i in xrange(k)]
    # build K_ter matrix
    Kterma = [ np.hstack((kernel(ter_rew_samples[0], Xpa[i]),
                          np.zeros((ter_rew_samples[0].shape[0], Xa_term[i].shape[0])))) if Xa_term[i].size > 0
                else kernel(ter_rew_samples[0], Xpa[i]) for i in xrange(k)]
    K_ter = kernel(ter_rew_samples[0], ter_rew_samples[0])
    D_ter = lu_factor(K_ter + lamb*scipy.eye(*K_ter.shape), overwrite_a = True)
    R_ter = ter_rew_samples[1]
    return kernel, Kab, Da, Dainv, Ra, Kterma, D_ter, R_ter, Xa
コード例 #3
ファイル: la.py プロジェクト: gywukun09/spectralDNS
    def __init__(self, N, a0, alfa, beta, quad="GL", solver="scipy"):
        self.quad = quad
        self.solver = solver
        k = arange(N)
        self.S = S = SBBmat(k)
        self.B = B = BBBmat(k, self.quad)
        self.A = A = ABBmat(k)
        self.a0 = a0
        self.alfa = alfa
        self.beta = beta
        if not solver == "scipy":
            sii, siu, siuu = S.dd, S.ud[0], S.ud[1]
            ail, aii, aiu = A.ld, A.dd, A.ud
            bill, bil, bii, biu, biuu = B.lld, B.ld, B.dd, B.ud, B.uud
            M = sii[::2].shape[0]
        if hasattr(beta, "__len__"):
            Ny, Nz = beta.shape
            if solver == "scipy":
                self.Le = Le = []
                self.Lo = Lo = []
                for i in range(Ny):
                    Lej = []
                    Loj = []
                    for j in range(Nz):
                        AA = a0*S.diags().toarray() + alfa[i, j]*A.diags().toarray() + beta[i, j]*B.diags().toarray()
                        Ae = AA[::2, ::2]
                        Ao = AA[1::2, 1::2]
                self.u0 = zeros((2, M, Ny, Nz))
                self.u1 = zeros((2, M, Ny, Nz))
                self.u2 = zeros((2, M, Ny, Nz))
                self.l0 = zeros((2, M, Ny, Nz))
                self.l1 = zeros((2, M, Ny, Nz))
                self.ak = zeros((2, M, Ny, Nz))
                self.bk = zeros((2, M, Ny, Nz))
                SFTc.LU_Biharmonic_3D(a0, alfa, beta, sii, siu, siuu, ail, aii, aiu, bill, bil, bii, biu, biuu, self.u0, self.u1, self.u2, self.l0, self.l1)
                SFTc.Biharmonic_factor_pr_3D(self.ak, self.bk, self.l0, self.l1)

            if solver == "scipy":
                AA = a0*S.diags().toarray() + alfa*A.diags().toarray() + beta*B.diags().toarray()
                Ae = AA[::2, ::2]
                Ao = AA[1::2, 1::2]
                self.Le = lu_factor(Ae)
                self.Lo = lu_factor(Ao)
                self.u0 = zeros((2, M))
                self.u1 = zeros((2, M))
                self.u2 = zeros((2, M))
                self.l0 = zeros((2, M))
                self.l1 = zeros((2, M))
                self.ak = zeros((2, M))
                self.bk = zeros((2, M))
                SFTc.LU_Biharmonic_1D(a0, alfa, beta, sii, siu, siuu, ail, aii, aiu, bill, bil, bii, biu, biuu, self.u0, self.u1, self.u2, self.l0, self.l1)
                SFTc.Biharmonic_factor_pr(self.ak, self.bk, self.l0, self.l1)
コード例 #4
    def solve_nonlinear(self, inputs, outputs):
        Use numpy to solve Ax=b for x.

        inputs : Vector
            unscaled, dimensional input variables read via inputs[key]
        outputs : Vector
            unscaled, dimensional output variables read via outputs[key]
        vec_size = self.options['vec_size']
        vec_size_A = self.vec_size_A

        # lu factorization for use with solve_linear
        self._lup = []
        if vec_size > 1:
            for j in range(vec_size_A):
                lhs = inputs['A'][j] if vec_size_A > 1 else inputs['A']

            for j in range(vec_size):
                idx = j if vec_size_A > 1 else 0
                outputs['x'][j] = linalg.lu_solve(self._lup[idx], inputs['b'][j])
            self._lup = linalg.lu_factor(inputs['A'])
            outputs['x'] = linalg.lu_solve(self._lup, inputs['b'])
コード例 #5
ファイル: linalg.py プロジェクト: arunrajeie/sporco
def lu_factor(A, rho):
    Compute LU factorisation of either :math:`A^T A + \rho I` or
    :math:`A A^T + \rho I`, depending on which matrix is smaller.

    A : array_like
      Array :math:`A`
    rho : float
      Scalar :math:`\rho`

    lu : ndarray
      Matrix containing U in its upper triangle, and L in its lower triangle,
      as returned by :func:`scipy.linalg.lu_factor`
    piv : ndarray
      Pivot indices representing the permutation matrix P, as returned by

    N, M = A.shape
    # If N < M it is cheaper to factorise A*A^T + rho*I and then use the
    # matrix inversion lemma to compute the inverse of A^T*A + rho*I
    if N >= M:
        lu, piv = linalg.lu_factor(A.T.dot(A) + rho*np.identity(M,
        lu, piv = linalg.lu_factor(A.dot(A.T) + rho*np.identity(N,
    return lu, piv
コード例 #6
ファイル: S03_A1.py プロジェクト: Xelaju/NumMeth
def dampnewton(x,F,DF,q=0.5,tol=1e-10):
    cvg = []
    lup = lu_factor(DF(x))
    s = lu_solve(lup,F(x))
    xn = x-s
    lam = 1
    st = lu_solve(lup,F(xn)) # simplified Newton
    while norm(st) > tol*norm(xn):
        while norm(st) > (1-lam*0.5)*norm(s):
            lam *= 0.5
            if lam < 1e-10:
                cvg = -1
                print 'Failure of convergence'
                return x, cvg
            xn = x-lam*s
            st = lu_solve(lup,F(xn)) # simplified Newton
        cvg += [[lam, norm(xn), norm(F(xn))]]
        x = xn
        lup = lu_factor(DF(x))
        s = lu_solve(lup,F(x))
        lam = min(lam/q, 1.) # Wozu dieser Test?
        xn = x-lam*s
        st = lu_solve(lup,F(xn)) # simplified Newton
    x = xn
    return x, array(cvg)
コード例 #7
    def solve_nonlinear(self, inputs, outputs):
        Use numpy to solve Ax=b for x.

        inputs : Vector
            Unscaled, dimensional input variables read via inputs[key].
        outputs : Vector
            Unscaled, dimensional output variables read via outputs[key].
        vec_size = self.options['vec_size']
        vec_size_A = self.vec_size_A

        # lu factorization for use with solve_linear
        self._lup = []
        if vec_size > 1:
            for j in range(vec_size_A):
                lhs = inputs['A'][j] if vec_size_A > 1 else inputs['A']

            for j in range(vec_size):
                idx = j if vec_size_A > 1 else 0
                outputs['x'][j] = linalg.lu_solve(self._lup[idx],
            self._lup = linalg.lu_factor(inputs['A'])
            outputs['x'] = linalg.lu_solve(self._lup, inputs['b'])
コード例 #8
def prob4():
    """Time different scipy.linalg functions for solving square linear systems.

    For various values of n, generate a random nxn matrix A and a random
    n-vector b using np.random.random(). Time how long it takes to solve the
    system Ax = b with each of the following approaches:

        1. Invert A with la.inv() and left-multiply the inverse to b.
        2. Use la.solve().
        3. Use la.lu_factor() and la.lu_solve() to solve the system with the
            LU decomposition.
        4. Use la.lu_factor() and la.lu_solve(), but only time la.lu_solve()
            (not the time it takes to do the factorization).

    Plot the system size n versus the execution times. Use log scales if
    #set the domains
    domain = 2**np.arange(1,10)
    times1 = []
    times2 = []
    times3 = []
    times4 = []
    #record the start time and end time for each function
    for n in domain:
        A = np.random.random((n,n))
        b = np.random.random(n)
        start1 = time.time()
        A_ = la.inv(A)
        X = A_@b
        times1.append(time.time() -start1)
        start2 = time.time()
        la.solve(A, b)
        times2.append(time.time() -start2)
        start3 = time.time()
        L, P = la.lu_factor(A)
        x= la.lu_solve((L,P), b)
        times3.append(time.time() -start3)
        L, P = la.lu_factor(A)
        start4 = time.time()
        x= la.lu_solve((L,P), b)
        times4.append(time.time() -start4)
    # plot all the   
    plt.loglog(domain, times1, 'g.-', basex = 2, basey = 2, linewidth = 2, markersize = 15, label = "Invert A")
    plt.loglog(domain, times2, 'b.-', basex = 2, basey = 2, linewidth = 2, markersize = 15, label = "la.solve")
    plt.loglog(domain, times3, 'c.-', basex = 2, basey = 2, linewidth = 2, markersize = 15, label = "la.lu_factor()")
    plt.loglog(domain, times4, 'y.-', basex = 2, basey = 2, linewidth = 2, markersize = 15, label = "la.lu_solve only")
    plt.legend(loc = "upper left")
コード例 #9
def F_D_Method(Ybus, Sbus, V0, Bp, Bpp, islk, ipv, ipq, max_it=100):
    tol = 1e-8  ##收敛精度
    iter = 0
    converged = 0
    V = V0
    Va = np.angle(V)
    Vm = np.abs(V)
    npv = ipv.size
    npq = ipq.size
    mis = (V * np.conj(Ybus @ V) - Sbus ) / Vm
    P = np.real(np.vstack((mis[ipv-1], mis[ipq-1])))
    Q = np.imag(mis[ipq-1])
    normP = np.linalg.norm(P, ord=np.inf)
    normQ = np.linalg.norm(Q, ord=np.inf)
    if normP < tol and normQ < tol:
        converged = 1
    # Bp_t1 = Bp[np.hstack((ipv-1, ipq-1)).tolist(), :]
    # Bp_t2 = Bp_t1[:, np.hstack((ipv-1, ipq-1)).tolist()]
    # 删除平衡节点所在行与列
    Bp = Bp[np.ix_(np.hstack((ipv-1, ipq-1)).tolist(), np.hstack((ipv-1, ipq-1)).tolist())]
    Bpp = Bpp[np.ix_(ipq-1, ipq-1)]
    from scipy.linalg import lu_factor
    LpUp, Pp = lu_factor(Bp)
    Pp = np.eye(Pp.size)
    Lp, Up = np.tril(LpUp, k=-1) + Pp, np.triu(LpUp)
    LppUpp, Ppp = lu_factor(Bpp)
    Ppp = np.eye(Ppp.size)
    Lpp, Upp = np.tril(LppUpp, k=-1) + Ppp, np.triu(LppUpp)

    while not converged and iter < max_it:
        iter += 1
        # P迭代
        dVa = - scipy.linalg.solve(Up, scipy.linalg.solve(Lp, Pp @ P))
        Va[np.hstack((ipv-1, ipq-1)).tolist()] += dVa
        V = Vm * np.exp(1j * Va)
        mis = (V * np.conj(Ybus @ V) - Sbus) / Vm
        P = np.real(np.vstack((mis[ipv - 1], mis[ipq - 1])))
        Q = np.imag(mis[ipq - 1])
        normP = np.linalg.norm(P, ord=np.inf)
        normQ = np.linalg.norm(Q, ord=np.inf)
        if normP < tol and normQ < tol:
            converged = 1
        # Q迭代
        dVm = - scipy.linalg.solve(Upp, scipy.linalg.solve(Lpp, Ppp @ Q))
        Vm[ipq-1] += dVm
        V = Vm * np.exp(1j * Va)
        mis = (V * np.conj(Ybus @ V) - Sbus) / Vm
        P = np.real(np.vstack((mis[ipv - 1], mis[ipq - 1])))
        Q = np.imag(mis[ipq - 1])
        normP = np.linalg.norm(P, ord=np.inf)
        normQ = np.linalg.norm(Q, ord=np.inf)
        if normP < tol and normQ < tol:
            converged = 1

        return V, converged, iter
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_linalg.py プロジェクト: limix/numpy-sugar
def test_lu_slogdet():
    K = array([[2.76405235, 0.40015721], [0.97873798, 3.2408932]])
    K = dot(K, K.T)

    LU = lu_factor(K)
    assert_allclose(lu_slogdet(LU), slogdet(K))

    random = RandomState(6)
    K = random.randn(3, 3)
    K = dot(K, K.T)

    LU = lu_factor(K)
    assert_allclose(lu_slogdet(LU), slogdet(K))
コード例 #11
def Q1():
    a = np.array([
        [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],  #2
        [(2**(1 / 2)) / 2, 0, 0, -1, -(2**(1 / 2)) / 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        [(2**(1 / 2)) / 2, 0, 1, 0, (2**(1 / 2)) / 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
         0],  #4
        [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],  #6
            0, 0, 0, 0, (2**(1 / 2)) / 2, 1, 0, 0, -(2**(1 / 2)) / 2, -1, 0, 0,
        [0, 0, 0, 0, (2**(1 / 2)) / 2, 0, 1, 0, (2**(1 / 2)) / 2, 0, 0, 0,
         0],  #8
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -1],
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],  #10
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, (2**(1 / 2)) / 2, 0, 0, -(2**(1 / 2)) / 2, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (2**(1 / 2)) / 2, 0, 1, (2**(1 / 2)) / 2, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (2**(1 / 2)) / 2, 1]
    b = np.array([0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 0, 20, 0, 0, 0])
    print(lg.solve(a, b))

    a = [[21.0, 67.0, 88.0, 73.0], [76.0, 63.0, 7.0, 20.0],
         [0.0, 85.0, 56.0, 54.0], [19.3, 43.0, 30.2, 29.4]]
    aFloat64 = copy.deepcopy(a)
    b = np.array([141.0, 109.0, 218.0, 93.7])
    bFloat64 = copy.deepcopy(b)
    for item in b:
        item = np.float32(item)
    for item in a:
        for it in item:
            it = np.float32(it)
    for item in bFloat64:
        item = np.float64(item)
    for item in aFloat64:
        for it in item:
            it = np.float64(it)

    lu, piv = lg.lu_factor(a)
    x = lg.lu_solve((lu, piv), b)

    lu, piv = lg.lu_factor(aFloat64)
    x = lg.lu_solve((lu, piv), bFloat64)
コード例 #12
    def __call__(self, A, shift=0):
        from scipy.linalg import lu_factor, lu_solve
        nrows = A.mshape[0]
        nblock = A.blockshape[0]  #assume a square block!

        assert A.bandwidth == 3, "Matrix bust be tridiagonal block matrix"

        #Overwrite current matrix?
        if self.overwrite:
            self.Alu = A

        #Create new internal matrix if none
        elif not hasattr(self, 'Alu'):
            logging.debug("Creating new internal LU matrix")
            self.Alu = BlockArray(A.mshape, A.blockshape, dtype=A.dtype)

        #Create new internal matrix if A is different shape
        elif (self.Alu.mshape != A.mshape) or (self.Alu.blockshape !=
                "Internal LU matrix incorrect shape; creating new one")
            del self.Alu
            self.Alu = BlockArray(A.mshape, A.blockshape, dtype=A.dtype)

        #Vector for pivots
        self.shift = shift
        self.pivots = zeros((nrows, nblock), dtype=A.dtype)
        piv = 0

        Ishift = shift * eye(nblock)
        self.Alu.set_raw_block(0, 1, A.get_raw_block(0, 1) - Ishift)
        bnew = self.Alu.get_raw_block(0, 1)
        for row in range(0, nrows - 1):
            a = A.get_raw_block(row + 1, 0)
            b = bnew
            c = A.get_raw_block(row, 2)

            b, self.pivots[row] = lu_factor(b)
            # anew = a inv(b)
            anew = lu_solve((b, self.pivots[row]), a.T, trans=1).T
            bnew = A.get_raw_block(row + 1, 1) - Ishift - dot(anew, c)

            self.Alu.set_raw_block(row, 1, b)  #blu
            self.Alu.set_raw_block(row + 1, 0, anew)  #b anew = a

            if not self.overwrite:  #Copy over block c, if not overwriting
                self.Alu.set_raw_block(row, 2, c)

        #Final LU decomp of last block
        b, self.pivots[nrows - 1] = lu_factor(bnew)
        self.Alu.set_raw_block(nrows - 1, 1, b)
コード例 #13
ファイル: blockarray.py プロジェクト: adocherty/polymode
    def __call__(self, A, shift=0):
        from scipy.linalg import lu_factor, lu_solve
        nrows = A.mshape[0]
        nblock = A.blockshape[0] #assume a square block!

        assert A.bandwidth==3, "Matrix bust be tridiagonal block matrix"

        #Overwrite current matrix?
        if self.overwrite:
            self.Alu = A
        #Create new internal matrix if none
        elif not hasattr(self, 'Alu'):
            logging.debug( "Creating new internal LU matrix" )
            self.Alu=BlockArray(A.mshape, A.blockshape, dtype=A.dtype)

        #Create new internal matrix if A is different shape
        elif (self.Alu.mshape<>A.mshape) or (self.Alu.blockshape<>A.blockshape):
            logging.debug( "Internal LU matrix incorrect shape; creating new one" )
            del self.Alu
            self.Alu = BlockArray(A.mshape, A.blockshape, dtype=A.dtype)

        #Vector for pivots
        self.shift = shift
        self.pivots = zeros((nrows, nblock), dtype=A.dtype)
        Ishift = shift*eye(nblock)
        self.Alu.set_raw_block(0,1,A.get_raw_block(0, 1) - Ishift)
        bnew = self.Alu.get_raw_block(0, 1)
        for row in range(0,nrows-1):
            a = A.get_raw_block(row+1, 0)
            b = bnew
            c = A.get_raw_block(row, 2)
            b, self.pivots[row] = lu_factor(b)
            # anew = a inv(b)
            anew = lu_solve((b,self.pivots[row]), a.T, trans=1).T
            bnew = A.get_raw_block(row+1, 1) - Ishift - dot(anew, c) 

            self.Alu.set_raw_block(row,1,b)                 #blu
            self.Alu.set_raw_block(row+1,0,anew)    #b anew = a

            if not self.overwrite:                      #Copy over block c, if not overwriting

        #Final LU decomp of last block
        b, self.pivots[nrows-1] = lu_factor(bnew)
コード例 #14
 def factored(self):
     "Caches the LU factorisation of the matrix"
         return self.lu_factored
     except AttributeError:
         self.lu_factored = la.lu_factor(self.val().simple_view())
         return self.lu_factored
コード例 #15
def fit(Y, op=otimes2_ij, **kwargs):
    Constructs a dictionary with a fixed dataset. 
    No pruning of dictionary elements is done.
    Mean centering is done with respect to the entire set of data Y. 
    import numpy as np
    from scipy import linalg as spla

    if kwargs.get('debug', False):
        import pdb
    verbosity = kwargs.get('verbosity', 0)

    global _oDD  # storage for precomputed operator (D \otimes D)
    global _oDD_lufactors  # LU factorization for dictionary
    global _mu  # current estimate for mean
    global _D  # storage for dictionary (mean-centered by _mu)

    d, n = np.shape(Y)

    _mu = np.mean(Y, axis=1)
    _mu.shape = (d, 1)

    _D = (Y.T - _mu.T).T

    _oDD = otimes(_D, _D, op=op)
    _oDD_lufactors = spla.lu_factor(_oDD)

コード例 #16
def CN(w0, z, m, w, x0, T, N):
    tn = 0

    def b(tn):
        b = np.array([[0], [math.cos(w * tn) / m]])
        return b

    A = np.array([[0, 1], [-(w0)**2, -2 * z * w0]])
    dt = T / N
    xn = np.zeros((2, N + 1))
    xn[:, 0, None] = x0
    t = [dt * n for n in range(N + 1)]

    dta = 0.5 * dt * A
    lhs = np.identity(2) - dta
    lu, piv = linalg.lu_factor(lhs)

    for n in range(N):
        tn = t[n]

        rhs = np.matmul((np.identity(2) + 0.5 * dt * A),
                        xn[:, n, None]) + 0.5 * dt * (b(tn + dt) + b(tn))

        solution = linalg.lu_solve((lu, piv), rhs)
        xn[:, n + 1, None] = solution

    x = xn[0]
    return (x, t)
コード例 #17
 def __init__(self, f, a, b, tol=1e-10, n=12, mw=1e-15, verbose=False):
     f:       function to create evaluator for
     a:       lower bound of evaluation interval
     b:       upper bound of evaluation interval
     tol:     accuracy to recreate function to
     n:       degree of chebyshev polynomials to be used
     mw:      minimum width of interval (accuracy no longer guaranteed!)
     verbose: generate verbose output
     self.f = f
     r = b-a
     a1 = a + r/3
     a2 = a + 2*r/3
     self.dtype = self.f(np.array([a1, a2])).dtype
     self.a = float(a)
     self.b = float(b)
     self.tol = tol
     self.n = n
     self.mw = mw
     self.verbose = verbose
     self.lbs = []
     self.ubs = []
     self.coefs = []
     _x, _ = get_chebyshev_nodes(-1, 1, self.n)
     self.V = np.polynomial.chebyshev.chebvander(_x, self.n-1)
     self.VLU = lu_factor(self.V)
     self._fit(self.a, self.b)
     self.lbs = np.array(self.lbs)
     self.ubs = np.array(self.ubs)
     self.iscale = 2.0/(self.ubs - self.lbs)
     self.coef_mat = np.row_stack(self.coefs)
コード例 #18
def fnewton(w):
    p1 = sgm(Phi @ w)  # p1|phi # (150,)
    grad = Phi.T @ (p1 - t)  # (2,)
    print("grad=", grad)
    R = np.diag(p1 * (1 - p1))  # (150,150)
    H = Phi.T @ R @ Phi
    return la.lu_solve(la.lu_factor(H), grad)
コード例 #19
def LU_det(A):
    (lu,piv) = la.lu_factor(A)
    # determine whether an even or odd number of row swaps
    s = (piv != np.arange(A.shape[0])).sum() % 2
    return ((-1)**s) * lu.diagonal().prod()
コード例 #20
ファイル: solutions.py プロジェクト: drexmca/acme_labs
def time_LU():
    """Print the times it takes to solve a system of equations using
    LU decomposition and (A^-1)B where A is 1000x1000 and B is 1000x500."""
    A = np.random.random((1000,1000))
    b = np.random.random((1000,500))
    start = time.time()
    L = la.lu_factor(A)
    a = time.time() - start
    start = time.time()
    A_inv = la.inv(A)
    a2 = time.time() - start
    start = time.time()
    a3 = time.time() - start
    start = time.time()
    np.dot(A_inv, b)
    a4 = time.time() - start

    time_lu_factor = a  # set this to the time it takes to perform la.lu_factor(A)
    time_inv = a2 # set this to the time it takes to take the inverse of A
    time_lu_solve = a3  # set this to the time it takes to perform la.lu_solve()
    time_inv_solve = a4  # set this to the time it take to perform (A^-1)B

    print "LU solve: " + str(time_lu_factor + time_lu_solve)
    print "Inv solve: " + str(time_inv + time_inv_solve)
    # What can you conclude about the more efficient way to solve linear systems?
    print "Better to use LU decomposition than inverse, cause it is NEVER a good idea to calculate an inerse"  # print your answer here.
コード例 #21
    def SolveNextTime(self):
        Calculate the next time (factorization)
        and update the time stack grids
            self.tstep += 1
        except :
            self.tstep = 0
            # gets the m factor from the solved system
            self.mUtfactor = ln.lu_factor(self.mUt)

        # in time
        # As t is in [0, 1, 2] (2nd order)
        # time t in this case is Utime[2]
        v = self.Independent()
        result = ln.lu_solve(self.mUtfactor, v)
        # reshape the vector to became a matrix again
        self.Ufuture = result
        # make the update in the time stack
        # before [t-2, t-1,  t]
        # after  [t-1, t,  t+1]
        # so t-2 receive t-1 and etc.
        self.Uprevious = self.Ucurrent 
        self.Ucurrent = self.Ufuture
        return self.Ufuture
コード例 #22
def inversiter(eguess,wfguess,A,S):

    for L in range(Klu):
        # get the LU decompostion of A-e*S
        for K in range(Kpower):
        if (eguess-ek[0,0])/eguess<1.e-9: return ek[0,0],wk[:,0]
コード例 #23
ファイル: libhill.py プロジェクト: cswiercz/spectruw
def invpower(e,A,B=None):
	if B is None:
		B = eye(len(A))
	K = A - B*e
	G = lu_factor(K)
	x = ones([len(A),1],complex)/len(A)
	iter = 0
	error = 10
	#for i in range(8):
	while error > 1e-8 and iter < 20:
			x = lu_solve(G,x)
			print 'LU Exception'
			x = solve(K,x)
		x = x/norm(x,ord=inf)
		error = norm(dot(A,x)-e*dot(B,x))
		iter = iter +1
		print 'invpower error = ',error
	x = x*conj(x[0])
	print 'Eval = ',e
	print 'Evect Real = ',norm(real(x))
	print 'Evect Imag = ',norm(imag(x))
	return x
コード例 #24
ファイル: functions.py プロジェクト: gilbertgede/PyIntropt
def factiz(K):
    Helper function to behave the same way scipy.sparse.factorized does, but
    for dense matrices.
    luf = lu_factor(K)
    return lambda x: matrix(lu_solve(luf, x))
コード例 #25
ファイル: GP_sophie_test.py プロジェクト: tbs1980/KeplerGP
def marglike(x, y, hyper, white_noise = False): # FIXME: build optional white noise into this kernel

    # Calculate covariance matrix
    K = matrifysquare(hyper, x, 0)
    K = 0.5* ( K + K.T) # Forces K to be perfectly symmetric

    # Calculate derivatives
    # dKdsigma = matrifysquare(hyper, x, 1) # Derivative w.r.t. log(sigma)
    # dKdlambda1 = matrifysquare(hyper, x, 2) # Derivative w.r.t. log(lambda1)
    # dKdh1 = matrifysquare(hyper, x, 3) # Derivative w.r.t. log(h1)

    sign, logdetK = np.linalg.slogdet(K)
    invKy = -0.5 * y.T *  np.mat(la.lu_solve(la.lu_factor(K),y)) \
        - 0.5 * logdetK - (y.size/2.) * np.log(2*np.pi)
    U = np.linalg.cholesky(K)

    n = len(x)
    L = - sum(np.log(np.diag(U))) -0.5 * y * invKy - n*0.5*np.log(2*np.pi)
    # dLdsigma = 0.5 * sum(np.diag(invKy*invKy.T*dKdsigma - (np.linalg.solve(K, dKdsigma)) ))
    # dLdlambda1 = 0.5 * sum(np.diag(invKy*invKy.T*dKdlambda1 - (np.linalg.solve(K, dKdlambda1)) ))
    # dKdh1 = 0.5 * sum(np.diag(invKy*invKy.T*dKdh1 - (np.linalg.solve(K, dKdh1)) ))

    return -L #, [-dKdsigma, -dKdlambda1, -dKdh1]
コード例 #26
def SolveMatrixSystem(A, C):
    # Solve the matrix system AB = C for B given A and C
    # This function can compute the inverse of A if C is the identity matrix
    #   but numpy.linalg.inv is faster
    # A [in]: NxN numpy array
    # C [in]: NxN numpy array
    # B [out]: NxN numpy array

    # Insert input checking here

    import numpy as np
    import scipy.linalg as la

    (N, N) = C.shape

    (LU, P) = la.lu_factor(A)

    B = np.zeros((N, N))

    for k in range(N):
        c = C[k, :]
        z = la.lu_solve((LU, P), c)
        B[k, :] = z

    return B
コード例 #27
ファイル: test_decomp.py プロジェクト: OOP-03376400/DF_GCS_W
def test_lapack_misaligned():
    M = np.eye(10, dtype=float)
    R = np.arange(100)
    R.shape = 10, 10
    S = np.arange(20000, dtype=np.uint8)
    S = np.frombuffer(S.data, offset=4, count=100, dtype=np.float)
    S.shape = 10, 10
    b = np.ones(10)
    v = np.ones(3, dtype=float)
    LU, piv = lu_factor(S)
    for (func, args, kwargs) in [
        (eig, (S, ), dict(overwrite_a=True)),  # crash
        (eigvals, (S, ), dict(overwrite_a=True)),  # no crash
        (lu, (S, ), dict(overwrite_a=True)),  # no crash
        (lu_factor, (S, ), dict(overwrite_a=True)),  # no crash
        (lu_solve, ((LU, piv), b), dict(overwrite_b=True)),
        (solve, (S, b), dict(overwrite_a=True, overwrite_b=True)),
        (svd, (M, ), dict(overwrite_a=True)),  # no crash
        (svd, (R, ), dict(overwrite_a=True)),  # no crash
        (svd, (S, ), dict(overwrite_a=True)),  # crash
        (svdvals, (S, ), dict()),  # no crash
        (svdvals, (S, ), dict(overwrite_a=True)),  #crash
        (cholesky, (M, ), dict(overwrite_a=True)),  # no crash
        (qr, (S, ), dict(overwrite_a=True)),  # crash
        (rq, (S, ), dict(overwrite_a=True)),  # crash
        (hessenberg, (S, ), dict(overwrite_a=True)),  # crash
        (schur, (S, ), dict(overwrite_a=True)),  # crash
        yield check_lapack_misaligned, func, args, kwargs
コード例 #28
    def SolveNextTime(self):
        Calculate the next time (factorization)
        and update the time stack grids

            self.tstep += 1
        except :
            self.tstep = 0
            # gets the m factor from the solved system
            self.mUtfactor = ln.lu_factor(self.mUt)

        # As t is in [0, 1, 2] (2nd order)
        # time t in this case is Utime[2]
        # the independent term of the matrix, due the pressure field
        v = self.Independent()

        result = ln.lu_solve(self.mUtfactor, v)
        # reshape the vector to become a matrix again
        self.Ufuture = np.reshape(result, (self.Nz, self.Nx))

        # make the update in the time stack
        # before [t-2, t-1,  t]
        # after  [t-1, t,  t+1]
        # so t-2 receive t-1 and etc.
        # make the update in the time stack
        self.Uprevious[:][:] = self.Ucurrent[:][:]
        self.Ucurrent[:][:] = self.Ufuture[:][:]        
        return self.Ufuture
コード例 #29
def lu_det(A):
    """Compute det(A) using the LU decomposition (via la.lu_factor())."""
    lu, piv = la.lu_factor(A)

    # Determine if there were an even or odd number of row swaps.
    s = (piv != np.arange(A.shape[0])).sum() % 2
    return ((-1)**s) * lu.diagonal().prod()
コード例 #30
ファイル: test_decomp.py プロジェクト: GaelVaroquaux/scipy
 def test_simple_known(self):
     # Ticket #1458
     for order in ['C', 'F']:
         A = np.array([[2, 1],[0, 1.]], order=order)
         LU, P = lu_factor(A)
         assert_array_almost_equal(LU, np.array([[2, 1], [0, 1]]))
         assert_array_equal(P, np.array([0, 1]))
コード例 #31
def statdist(generator):
    """Compute the stationary distribution of a Markov chain.

        generator (numpy.ndarray): The infinitesimal generator matrix of the
            Markov chain.

        dist (List[float]): The unnormalized stationary distribution of the
            Markov chain.
    n = generator.shape[0]
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        # The LU decomposition raises a warning when the generator matrix is
        # singular (which it, by construction, is!).
        lu, piv = spl.lu_factor(generator.T, check_finite=False)
    # The last row contains 0's only.
    left = lu[:-1,:-1]
    right = -lu[:-1,-1]
    # Solves system `left * x = right`. Assumes that `left` is
    # upper-triangular (ignores lower triangle).
    res = spl.solve_triangular(left, right, check_finite=False)
    res = np.append(res, 1.0)
    return (n / res.sum()) * res
コード例 #32
def test_lu_update_col():
    size = 5
    B = np.reshape(range(size**2), (size, size)) + np.eye(size)
    Bt = B.T
    aq = np.zeros(size)
    aq[0] = 1
    lu, piv = linalg.lu_factor(B)
    piv_py = conv_piv(piv)
    piv_inv = inv_piv(piv_py)
    out = 1
    B_new = np.row_stack((Bt[0:out], Bt[out + 1:], aq)).T
    ret = lu_update_col(lu, out, aq[piv_py])
    H, pivs, trns = ret
    U = np.triu(H)
    L = calc_lu_lower(lu, out, trns)
    B_upd = L.dot(U)[piv_inv]
    print "\nTEST LU UPDATE"
    print "piv_lapack\t%s" % str(piv)
    print "piv_py\t%s" % str(piv_py)
    print "H\n%s" % str(H)
    print "update piv\t%s" % str(pivs)
    print "update trans\t%s" % str(trns)
    print "L\n%s" % str(L)
    print "B_new\n%s" % str(B_new)
    print "B_upd\n%s" % str(B_upd)
    print "B_upd is close to B_new.\t%s" % np.allclose(B_new, B_upd)
コード例 #33
ファイル: impedance.py プロジェクト: DavidPowell/OpenModes
 def factored(self):
     "Caches the LU factorisation of the matrix"
         return self.lu_factored
     except AttributeError:
         self.lu_factored = la.lu_factor(self.val().simple_view())
         return self.lu_factored
コード例 #34
    def linearize(self, params, unknowns, resids):
        """ Jacobian for disp."""

        name = self.surface['name']
        jac = self.alloc_jacobian()
        if fortran_flag:
            fd_jac = self.fd_jacobian(
                fd_params=['A', 'Iy', 'Iz', 'J', 'nodes', 'loads'],
            cs_jac = self.complex_step_jacobian(
                fd_params=['A', 'Iy', 'Iz', 'J', 'nodes', 'loads'],
        jac['disp_aug', 'disp_aug'] = self.K.real

        self.lup = lu_factor(self.K.real)

        return jac
コード例 #35
ファイル: test_precon.py プロジェクト: dyao-vu/meta-core
    def linearize(self, params, unknowns, resids):
        """ Jacobian for Sellar discipline 1."""

        z1 = params['z'][0]
        z2 = params['z'][1]
        x1 = params['x']
        y1 = unknowns['y1']
        y2 = unknowns['y2']

        J = {}

        J['y1', 'y2'] = -0.2
        J['y1', 'z'] = np.array([[2.0*z1, 1.0]])
        J['y1', 'x'] = 1.0
        J['y2', 'y1'] = .5*y1**-.5
        J['y2', 'z'] = np.array([[1.0, 1.0]])
        J['y2', 'y2'] = -1.0

        dRdy = np.zeros((2, 2))
        dRdy[0, 1] = J['y1', 'y2']
        dRdy[0, 0] = 1.0
        dRdy[1, 0] = J['y2', 'y1']
        dRdy[1, 1] = J['y2', 'y2']

        # lu factorization for use with solve_linear
        self.lup = linalg.lu_factor(dRdy)

        return J
コード例 #36
 def updatedata(self, A):
     # Update b, c
         ALU = linalg.lu_factor(A)
         BC = linalg.lu_solve(ALU, c_[linalg.lu_solve(ALU, self.data.b + 1e-8*self.data.Brand[:,:1]), \
                              self.data.c + 1e-8*self.data.Crand[:,:1]], trans=1)
         C = linalg.lu_solve(ALU, BC[:,-1:])
         B = BC[:,:1]
         if self.C.verbosity >= 1:
             print 'Warning: Problem updating border vectors.  Using svd...'
         U, S, Vh = linalg.svd(A)
         B = U[:,-1:]
         C = num_transpose(Vh)[:,-1:]
     bmult = cmult = 1
     if matrixmultiply(transpose(self.data.b), B) < 0:
         bmult = -1
     if matrixmultiply(transpose(self.data.c), C) < 0:
         cmult = -1
     self.data.b = bmult*B*(linalg.norm(A,1)/linalg.norm(B))
     self.data.c = cmult*C*(linalg.norm(A,Inf)/linalg.norm(C))
     # Update
     if self.update:
         self.data.B[:,0] = self.data.b*(linalg.norm(A,1)/linalg.norm(self.data.b))
         self.data.C[:,0] = self.data.c*(linalg.norm(A,Inf)/linalg.norm(self.data.c))
         self.data.B[:,1] = self.data.w[:,2]*(linalg.norm(A,1)/linalg.norm(self.data.w,1))
         self.data.C[:,1] = self.data.v[:,2]*(linalg.norm(A,Inf)/linalg.norm(self.data.v,1))
         self.data.D[0,1] = self.data.g[0,1]
         self.data.D[1,0] = self.data.g[1,0]
コード例 #37
ファイル: Imp2DLuWave.py プロジェクト: krishna999/geonumerics
    def SolveNextTime(self):
        Calculate the next time (factorization)
        and update the time stack grids

            self.tstep += 1
            self.tstep = 0
            # gets the m factor from the solved system
            self.mUtfactor = ln.lu_factor(self.mUt)

        # As t is in [0, 1, 2] (2nd order)
        # time t in this case is Utime[2]
        # the independent term of the matrix, due the pressure field
        v = self.Independent()

        result = ln.lu_solve(self.mUtfactor, v)
        # reshape the vector to become a matrix again
        self.Ufuture = np.reshape(result, (self.Nz, self.Nx))

        # make the update in the time stack
        # before [t-2, t-1,  t]
        # after  [t-1, t,  t+1]
        # so t-2 receive t-1 and etc.
        # make the update in the time stack
        self.Uprevious[:][:] = self.Ucurrent[:][:]
        self.Ucurrent[:][:] = self.Ufuture[:][:]

        return self.Ufuture
コード例 #38
    def get_loo_influences(self):

        X_train = self.data_sets.train.x
        Y_train = self.data_sets.train.labels * 2 - 1
        theta = self.sess.run(self.params)[0]

        # Pre-calculate inverse covariance matrix
        n = X_train.shape[0]
        dim = X_train.shape[1]
        cov = np.zeros([dim, dim])

        probs = expit(np.dot(X_train, theta.T))
        weighted_X_train = np.reshape(probs * (1 - probs), (-1, 1)) * X_train

        cov = np.dot(X_train.T, weighted_X_train) / n
        cov += self.weight_decay * np.eye(dim)

        cov_lu_factor = slin.lu_factor(cov)

        assert (len(Y_train.shape) == 1)
        x_train_theta = np.reshape(X_train.dot(theta.T), [-1])
        sigma = expit(-Y_train * x_train_theta)

        d_theta = slin.lu_solve(cov_lu_factor, X_train.T).T

        quad_x = np.sum(X_train * d_theta, axis=1)

        return sigma * quad_x
コード例 #39
 def factor_wout(self):
     """ LU factorization of inverse portion of Tikhonov least squares solution.
         This avoids inverse computation in order to give a speed boost when the
         reservoir readout matrix is updated frequently. (Adaptive control)
     self.W_out_factors = lu_factor(self.Hbar +
                                    self.ridge_alpha * np.eye(self.res_sz))
コード例 #40
def LU_decomp_solve(A, b):
    lu, p = linalg.lu_factor(A)
    x = linalg.lu_solve((lu, p), b, True)
    print "Soultion using LU decomp is::"
    print x
    return x
コード例 #41
ファイル: grid.py プロジェクト: tbs1980/KeplerGP
def lnlike(h, X, y, covfunc):
    y = np.matrix(np.array(y).flatten()).T
    K = covfunc(X, X, h, wn = True)
    sign, logdetK = np.linalg.slogdet(K)
    alpha = np.mat(la.lu_solve(la.lu_factor(K),y))
    logL = -0.5*y.T * alpha - 0.5*logdetK - (y.size/2.)*np.log(2)
    return np.array(logL).flatten()
コード例 #42
ファイル: libhill.py プロジェクト: ianwilliamson/spectruw
def invpower(e,A,B=None):
	if B is None:
		B = eye(len(A))
	K = A - B*e
	G = lu_factor(K)
	x = ones([len(A),1],complex)/len(A)
	iter = 0
	error = 10
	#for i in range(8):
	while error > 1e-8 and iter < 20:
			x = lu_solve(G,x)
			print 'LU Exception'
			x = solve(K,x)
		x = x/norm(x,ord=inf)
		error = norm(dot(A,x)-e*dot(B,x))
		iter = iter +1
		print 'invpower error = ',error
	x = x*conj(x[0])
	print 'Eval = ',e
	print 'Evect Real = ',norm(real(x))
	print 'Evect Imag = ',norm(imag(x))
	return x
コード例 #43
    def linearize(self, inputs, outputs, partials):
        system_size = self.system_size
        self.lu = lu_factor(inputs['mtx'])

        partials['circulations', 'circulations'] = inputs['mtx'].flatten()
        partials['circulations', 'mtx'] = \
            np.outer(np.ones(system_size), outputs['circulations']).flatten()
コード例 #44
def LUD(M, f):
    start = time.clock()
    LU = linalg.lu_factor(M)
    x = linalg.lu_solve(LU, f)
    end = time.clock()
    print('CPU time (LUD case):', end - start)
    return (x)
コード例 #45
 def phi(self, tim1, yi):
     jac = jacobian(self.f, tim1, yi)
     a = eye(self.m, self.m) - 0.5 * (1 + 1j) * self.h * jac
     b = self.f(tim1 + 0.5 * self.h, yi)
     lu = linalg.lu_factor(a)
     w = linalg.lu_solve(lu, b)
     return w.real
コード例 #46
 def updatedata(self, A):
     if self.update:
         if self.corr:
             self.data.B = self.data.w*(linalg.norm(A,1)/linalg.norm(self.data.w,1))
             self.data.C = self.data.v*(linalg.norm(A,Inf)/linalg.norm(self.data.v,1))
             # Note: Problem when singular vectors switch smallest singular value (See NewLorenz).
             #       To overcome this, I have implemented a 1e-8 random nudge.
                 ALU = linalg.lu_factor(A)
                 BC = linalg.lu_solve(ALU, c_[linalg.lu_solve(ALU, self.data.B + 1e-8*self.data.Brand), \
                                      self.data.C + 1e-8*self.data.Crand], trans=1)
                 C = linalg.lu_solve(ALU, BC[:,-1*self.data.q:])
                 B = BC[:,0:self.data.p]
                 if self.C.verbosity >= 1:
                     print 'Warning: Problem updating border vectors.  Using svd...'
                 U, S, Vh = linalg.svd(A)
                 B = U[:,-1*self.data.p:]
                 C = num_transpose(Vh)[:,-1*self.data.q:]
             bmult = cmult = 1
             if matrixmultiply(transpose(self.data.B), B) < 0:
                 bmult = -1
             if matrixmultiply(transpose(self.data.C), C) < 0:
                 cmult = -1
             self.data.B = bmult*B*(linalg.norm(A,1)/linalg.norm(B))
             self.data.C = cmult*C*(linalg.norm(A,Inf)/linalg.norm(C))
コード例 #47
def test_lapack_misaligned():
    M = np.eye(10,dtype=float)
    R = np.arange(100)
    R.shape = 10,10
    S = np.arange(20000,dtype=np.uint8)
    S = np.frombuffer(S.data, offset=4, count=100, dtype=np.float)
    S.shape = 10, 10
    b = np.ones(10)
    v = np.ones(3,dtype=float)
    LU, piv = lu_factor(S)
    for (func, args, kwargs) in [
            (eig,(S,),dict(overwrite_a=True)), # crash
            (eigvals,(S,),dict(overwrite_a=True)), # no crash
            (lu,(S,),dict(overwrite_a=True)), # no crash
            (lu_factor,(S,),dict(overwrite_a=True)), # no crash
            (svd,(M,),dict(overwrite_a=True)), # no crash
            (svd,(R,),dict(overwrite_a=True)), # no crash
            (svd,(S,),dict(overwrite_a=True)), # crash
            (svdvals,(S,),dict()), # no crash
            (svdvals,(S,),dict(overwrite_a=True)), #crash
            (cholesky,(M,),dict(overwrite_a=True)), # no crash
            (qr,(S,),dict(overwrite_a=True)), # crash
            (rq,(S,),dict(overwrite_a=True)), # crash
            (hessenberg,(S,),dict(overwrite_a=True)), # crash
            (schur,(S,),dict(overwrite_a=True)), # crash
        yield check_lapack_misaligned, func, args, kwargs
コード例 #48
 def factorise_interp_matrix(self):
     if not self.factorisation_current:
         A, self.left_scaling, self.right_scaling = self.interpolation_matrix(
         self.lu, self.piv = LA.lu_factor(A)
         self.factorisation_current = True
コード例 #49
ファイル: test_precon.py プロジェクト: mrosemeier/OpenMDAO1
    def linearize(self, params, unknowns, resids):
        """ Jacobian for Sellar discipline 1."""

        z1 = params['z'][0]
        z2 = params['z'][1]
        x1 = params['x']
        y1 = unknowns['y1']
        y2 = unknowns['y2']

        J = {}

        J['y1', 'y2'] = -0.2
        J['y1', 'z'] = np.array([[2.0 * z1, 1.0]])
        J['y1', 'x'] = 1.0
        J['y2', 'y1'] = .5 * y1**-.5
        J['y2', 'z'] = np.array([[1.0, 1.0]])
        J['y2', 'y2'] = -1.0

        dRdy = np.zeros((2, 2))
        dRdy[0, 1] = J['y1', 'y2']
        dRdy[0, 0] = 1.0
        dRdy[1, 0] = J['y2', 'y1']
        dRdy[1, 1] = J['y2', 'y2']

        # lu factorization for use with solve_linear
        self.lup = linalg.lu_factor(dRdy)

        return J
コード例 #50
def max_likelihood_estimate(G,V_singular,U_singular,Sigma_singular):
	:param G: Vector of all average values of the Greensfunction for each time step
	:param V_singular: part of the SVD of K , K = V*Sigma.T*U.T which contains only the components for non zero singular values.
	:param U_singular: part of the SVD of K , K = V*Sigma.T*U.T which contains only the components for non zero singular values.
	:param Sigma_singular: part of the SVD of K , K = V*Sigma.T*U.T which contains only the components for non zero singular values.
	:return: Maximum likelihood estimate of the Lehmann spectral function A.

	inv_Sigma_singular = np.linalg.inv(Sigma_singular)

	inv_K_singular = np.dot(U_singular,np.dot(inv_Sigma_singular,V_singular.T))

	return np.dot(inv_K_singular,G)

	max_val = np.sum(m)
	K_s = np.dot(V,np.dot(Sigma,U.T))
	diff = 1.
	count1 = 1
	max_iter = 1000

	while diff > 1e-8 and count1 <= max_iter:
		A_appr = m * np.exp(np.dot(U,u))
		inv_cov = (1. / np.diagonal(Cov)**2)
		inv_cov_mat = np.diag(inv_cov)
		dLdF = - inv_cov * (G - np.dot(K_s, A_appr))
		F_u = - alpha * u - np.dot(Sigma,np.dot(V.T,dLdF))
		M = np.dot(Sigma,np.dot(V.T,np.dot(inv_cov_mat,np.dot(V,Sigma))))
		T = np.dot(U.T,np.dot(np.diag(A_appr),U))
		J = alpha * np.diag(np.ones((s))) + np.dot(M,T)
		lu_and_piv = lu_factor(J)
		delta_u = lu_solve(lu_and_piv,F_u)
		count2 = 1
		h = np.abs(np.dot(F_u.T,F_u))/np.abs(np.dot(F_u.T,np.dot(Jac,F_u)))
		mu = 1./h
		while np.dot(delta_u.T,np.dot(T,delta_u.T)) > max_val and count2 <= max_iter:
			J = (alpha+count2*mu) * np.diag(np.ones((s))) + np.dot(M,T)
			lu_and_piv = lu_factor(J)
			delta_u = lu_solve(lu_and_piv,F_u)
			count2 +=1
		u_old = u 
		u = u + delta_u
		diff = np.abs(np.sum(u-u_old))
		count1 += 1
	return u
コード例 #51
def root_finding_newton(u, m, alpha, V, Sigma, U, G, Cov, dw):
	:param u: initial vector of u
	:param m: vector of default model for the Lehmann spectral function
	:param alpha: scalar value, controls the relative weight of maximizing entropie and minimizing kind. of least squares fit.
	:param V: part of singular SVD of K, K = V*Sigma*U.T
	:param Sigma: part of singular SVD of K, K = V*Sigma*U.T
	:param U: part of singular SVD of K, K = V*Sigma*U.T
	:param G: Vector of all average values of the Greensfunction for each time step
	:param Cov: Vector with variance of the re-binned, gaussian distributed QMC approximations for the different time-steps
	:param dw: omega step size

	max_val = np.sum(m)
	K_s = np.dot(V,np.dot(Sigma,U.T))
	diff = 1.
	count1 = 1
	max_iter = 1000

	while diff > 1e-8 and count1 <= max_iter:
		A_appr = m * np.exp(np.dot(U,u))
		A_old = A_appr
		inv_cov = (1. / np.diagonal(Cov)**2)
		inv_cov_mat = np.diag(inv_cov)
		dLdF = - inv_cov * (G - np.dot(K_s, A_appr))
		F_u = - alpha * u - np.dot(Sigma,np.dot(V.T,dLdF))
		M = np.dot(Sigma,np.dot(V.T,np.dot(inv_cov_mat,np.dot(V,Sigma))))
		T = np.dot(U.T,np.dot(np.diag(A_appr),U))
		J = alpha * np.diag(np.ones((s))) + np.dot(M,T)
		lu_and_piv = lu_factor(J)
		delta_u = lu_solve(lu_and_piv,F_u)
		A_appr = m * np.exp(np.dot(U,u + delta_u))
		count2 = 1
		while np.linalg.norm(A_appr - A_old) > max_val and count2 <= max_iter:
			J = (alpha+count2*1e10) * np.diag(np.ones((s))) + np.dot(M,T)
			lu_and_piv = lu_factor(J)
			delta_u = lu_solve(lu_and_piv,F_u)
			A_appr = m * np.exp(np.dot(U,u + delta_u))
			count2 +=1
		u_old = u 
		u = u + delta_u
		diff = np.abs(np.sum(u-u_old))
		count1 += 1
	return u	
コード例 #52
 def getVW(self, A):
     # V --> m, W --> n
     #print self.data
     MLU = linalg.lu_factor(c_[r_[A,transpose(self.data.C)], r_[self.data.B,self.data.D]])
     V = linalg.lu_solve(MLU,r_[zeros((self.data.n,self.data.q), Float), eye(self.data.q)])
     W = linalg.lu_solve(MLU,r_[zeros((self.data.m,self.data.p), Float), eye(self.data.p)],trans=1)
     return V, W
コード例 #53
def inversiter(eguess, wfguess, A, S, Klu=100, Kpower=1):

    vk = np.matrix(np.random.random((wfguess.size, 1)))
    olu, opi = la.lu_factor(S)

    for L in range(Klu):
        # get the LU decompostion of A-e*S
        lu, piv = la.lu_factor(A - eguess * S)

        for K in range(Kpower):
            vk = np.matrix(S) * vk
            vk = np.matrix(la.lu_solve((lu, piv), vk, overwrite_b=False))
            ek = (vk.T * A * vk).diagonal() / (vk.T * S * vk)

        if (eguess - ek[0, 0]) / eguess < 1.0e-9:
            return ek[0, 0], vk[:, 0]
        eguess = ek[0, 0]
コード例 #54
ファイル: spatialbeam.py プロジェクト: samtx/OpenAeroStruct
    def solve_nonlinear(self, params, unknowns, resids):
        """ Use np to solve Ax=b for x.

        # lu factorization for use with solve_linear
        self.lup = lu_factor(params['K'])

        unknowns['disp_aug'] = lu_solve(self.lup, params['forces'])
        resids['disp_aug'] = params['K'].dot(unknowns['disp_aug']) - params['forces']
コード例 #55
ファイル: states_comp.py プロジェクト: samtx/OpenMDAO
    def linearize(self, inputs, outputs, partials):
        num_elements = self.metadata['num_elements']
        num_nodes = num_elements + 1
        size = 2 * num_nodes + 2

        self.lu = lu_factor(inputs['K'])

        partials['d', 'K'] = np.outer(np.ones(size), outputs['d']).flatten()
        partials['d', 'd'] = inputs['K']
コード例 #56
ファイル: linear_system.py プロジェクト: Satadru-Roy/OpenMDAO
    def solve_nonlinear(self, params, unknowns, resids):
        """ Use numpy to solve Ax=b for x.

        # lu factorization for use with solve_linear
        self.lup = linalg.lu_factor(params['A'])

        unknowns['x'] = linalg.lu_solve(self.lup, params['b'])
        resids['x'] = params['A'].dot(unknowns['x']) - params['b']
コード例 #57
 def __init__(self, name, sizeDomain, meshSize, diff, bulk, dt):
     self.name = name
     self.sizeDomain = sizeDomain
     self.meshSize = meshSize
     self.xLoc = numpy.linspace(0.0,self.sizeDomain[0],num=self.meshSize[0])
     self.dx = self.xLoc[1] - self.xLoc[0]
     self.yLoc = numpy.linspace(0.0,self.sizeDomain[1],num=self.meshSize[1])
     self.dy = self.yLoc[1] - self.yLoc[0]
     self.pts = meshSize[0]*meshSize[1]
     self.conc = numpy.zeros((self.pts,),dtype=numpy.float)
     self.diff = -diff * dt
     self.bulk = bulk
     for i in range(self.meshSize[0]):  # intitial conditions on top edge
         node = self.nodeNum(i,self.meshSize[1]-1)
         self.conc[node] = self.bulk
     # Build diffusion operator
     self.opA = numpy.zeros((self.pts,self.pts),dtype=numpy.float)
     for j in range(self.meshSize[1]): # loop through y nodes
         for i in range(self.meshSize[0]): # loop through x nodes
             node = self.nodeNum(i,j)
             nodeS = self.nodeNum(i,j-1)
             nodeE = self.nodeNum(i+1,j)
             nodeN = self.nodeNum(i,j+1)
             nodeW = self.nodeNum(i-1,j)
             bcX = False
             bcY = False
             self.opA[node,node] += 1.0
             if i == 0: # west wall
                 bcX = True
                 self.opA[node,node] += -2.0*self.diff/(self.dx**2)
                 self.opA[node,nodeE] += 2.0*self.diff/(self.dx**2)
             if i == (self.meshSize[0]-1): # east wall
                 bcX = True
                 self.opA[node,node] += -2.0*self.diff/(self.dx**2)
                 self.opA[node,nodeW] += 2.0*self.diff/(self.dx**2)
             if j == 0: # south wall
                 bcY = True
                 self.opA[node,node] += -2.0*self.diff/(self.dy**2)
                 self.opA[node,nodeN] += 2.0*self.diff/(self.dy**2)
             if j == (self.meshSize[1]-1): # top surface
                 bcX = True
                 bcY = True
                 self.opA[node,node] = 1.0
                 if i == 0:
                     self.opA[node,nodeE] = 0.0
                 if i == (self.meshSize[0]-1):
                     self.opA[node,nodeW] = 0.0
             if bcX == False:
                 self.opA[node,node] += -2.0*self.diff/(self.dx**2)
                 self.opA[node,nodeW] += 1.0*self.diff/(self.dx**2)
                 self.opA[node,nodeE] += 1.0*self.diff/(self.dx**2)
             if bcY == False:
                 self.opA[node,node] += -2.0*self.diff/(self.dy**2)
                 self.opA[node,nodeS] += 1.0*self.diff/(self.dy**2)
                 self.opA[node,nodeN] += 1.0*self.diff/(self.dy**2)
     self.lu = slin.lu_factor(self.opA)