コード例 #1
def get_omegakappatau(n, m):
    """Return omega, kappa, tau integrals, required for the scattering
     cross-section evaluation"""
    dim = n - m + 1
    delta11 = identity(dim)
    if dim - 1 > 0:
        delta21 = diag(ones(dim - 1), -1)
        delta12 = diag(ones(dim - 1), 1)
        delta21 = 0
        delta12 = 0
    if dim - 2 > 0:
        delta31 = diag(ones(dim - 2), -2)
        delta13 = diag(ones(dim - 2), 2)
        delta31 = 0
        delta13 = 0
    l = arange(m, n + 1)
    ff = factorial(l + m) / factorial(l - m) * 2 / (2 * l + 1.)
    ff = transpose(repeat([ff], len(l), 0))
    l = transpose(repeat([l], len(l), 0))

    omega = ( 2 * (l * (l + 1) + m ** 2 - 1) / ((2 * l + 3) * (2 * l - 1.)) * delta11\
              - (l - m) * (l - m - 1) / ((2 * l - 1) * (2 * l - 3.)) * delta31\
              - (l + m + 1) * (l + m + 2) / ((2 * l + 3) * (2 * l + 5.)) * delta13 )\
    * ff
    kappa = ( (l + 1) * (l - m) / (2 * l - 1.) * delta21\
              - l * (l + m + 1) / (2 * l + 3.) * delta12 )\
    * ff
    tau = l * (l + 1) * ff * delta11
    return omega, kappa, transpose(kappa), tau
コード例 #2
ファイル: laboratory.py プロジェクト: ScattPy/scikits.scattpy
def get_omegakappatau(n, m):
    """Return omega, kappa, tau integrals, required for the scattering
     cross-section evaluation"""
    dim = n - m + 1
    delta11 = identity(dim)
    if dim - 1 > 0:
        delta21 = diag(ones(dim - 1), -1)
        delta12 = diag(ones(dim - 1), 1)
        delta21 = 0
        delta12 = 0
    if dim - 2 > 0:
        delta31 = diag(ones(dim - 2), -2)
        delta13 = diag(ones(dim - 2), 2)
        delta31 = 0
        delta13 = 0
    l = arange(m, n + 1)
    ff = factorial(l + m) / factorial(l - m) * 2 / (2 * l + 1.)
    ff = transpose(repeat([ff], len(l), 0))
    l = transpose(repeat([l], len(l), 0))

    omega = ( 2 * (l * (l + 1) + m ** 2 - 1) / ((2 * l + 3) * (2 * l - 1.)) * delta11\
              - (l - m) * (l - m - 1) / ((2 * l - 1) * (2 * l - 3.)) * delta31\
              - (l + m + 1) * (l + m + 2) / ((2 * l + 3) * (2 * l + 5.)) * delta13 )\
    * ff
    kappa = ( (l + 1) * (l - m) / (2 * l - 1.) * delta21\
              - l * (l + m + 1) / (2 * l + 3.) * delta12 )\
    * ff
    tau = l * (l + 1) * ff * delta11
    return omega, kappa, transpose(kappa), tau
コード例 #3
def legendre_(l, m, x):
    Legendre polynomial.
    Check equation (3) from Townsend, 2002:
    >>> ls,x = [0,1,2,3,4,5],cos(linspace(0,pi,100))
    >>> check = 0
    >>> for l in ls:
    ...     for m in range(-l,l+1,1):
    ...         Ppos = legendre_(l,m,x)
    ...         Pneg = legendre_(l,-m,x)
    ...         mycheck = Pneg,(-1)**m * factorial(l-m)/factorial(l+m) * Ppos
    ...         check += sum(abs(mycheck[0]-mycheck[1])>1e-10)
    >>> print check
    m_ = abs(m)
    legendre_poly = legendre(l)
    deriv_legpoly_ = legendre_poly.deriv(m=m_)
    deriv_legpoly = np.polyval(deriv_legpoly_, x)
    P_l_m = (-1)**m_ * (1 - x**2)**(m_ / 2.) * deriv_legpoly
    if m < 0:
        P_l_m = (-1)**m_ * factorial(l - m_) / factorial(l + m_) * P_l_m
    return P_l_m
コード例 #4
def legendre_(l,m,x):
    Legendre polynomial.
    Check equation (3) from Townsend, 2002:
    >>> ls,x = [0,1,2,3,4,5],cos(linspace(0,pi,100))
    >>> check = 0
    >>> for l in ls:
    ...     for m in range(-l,l+1,1):
    ...         Ppos = legendre_(l,m,x)
    ...         Pneg = legendre_(l,-m,x)
    ...         mycheck = Pneg,(-1)**m * factorial(l-m)/factorial(l+m) * Ppos
    ...         check += sum(abs(mycheck[0]-mycheck[1])>1e-10)
    >>> print check
    m_ = abs(m)
    legendre_poly = legendre(l)
    deriv_legpoly_ = legendre_poly.deriv(m=m_)
    deriv_legpoly = np.polyval(deriv_legpoly_,x)
    P_l_m = (-1)**m_ * (1-x**2)**(m_/2.) * deriv_legpoly
    if m<0:
        P_l_m = (-1)**m_ * factorial(l-m_)/factorial(l+m_) * P_l_m
    return P_l_m
コード例 #5
    def splitter(self, key, line):
        """The mapper for step 1. Splits the range of possible tours into
        reasonably sized chunks for the consumption of the step 2 mappers.

        At this point the 'line' input should come directly from the first line
        of the one-line json file contains the edge cost graph and the starting
        node. The key is not relevant.
        #loading the json description of the trip to get at the size
        #of the edge costgraph
        sales_trip = json.loads(line)
        m = numpy.matrix(sales_trip['graph'])
        num_nodes = m.shape[0]
        num_tours = factorial(num_nodes - 1)

        #Here we break down the full range of possible tours into smaller
        #pieces. Each piece is passed along as a key along with the trip
        step_size = int(100 if num_tours < 100**2 else num_tours / 100)
        steps = range(0, num_tours, step_size) + [num_tours]
        ranges = zip(steps[0:-1], steps[1:])

        for range_low, range_high in ranges:
            #The key prepresents the range of tours to cost
            yield (("%d-%d" % (range_low, range_high), sales_trip))
コード例 #6
ファイル: mr_travelling_salesman.py プロジェクト: Anihc/mrjob
    def splitter(self, key, line):
        """The mapper for step 1. Splits the range of possible tours into
        reasonably sized chunks for the consumption of the step 2 mappers.

        At this point the 'line' input should come directly from the first line
        of the one-line json file contains the edge cost graph and the starting
        node. The key is not relevant.
        #loading the json description of the trip to get at the size
        #of the edge costgraph
        sales_trip = json.loads(line)
        m = numpy.matrix(sales_trip['graph'])
        num_nodes = m.shape[0]
        num_tours = factorial(num_nodes - 1)

        #Here we break down the full range of possible tours into smaller
        #pieces. Each piece is passed along as a key along with the trip
        step_size = int(100 if num_tours < 100**2 else num_tours / 100)
        steps = range(0, num_tours, step_size) + [num_tours]
        ranges = zip(steps[0:-1], steps[1:])

        for range_low, range_high in ranges:
            #The key prepresents the range of tours to cost
            yield( ("%d-%d"%(range_low,range_high), sales_trip ))
コード例 #7
def WignerD( the , l , m , n ) :
    Wigner D matrices:  d_{mn}^{l}(the)
    the -- angle in radians
    l -- degree (integer)
    m -- order  (integer)
    n -- order  (integer)
    if m >= n :
        factor = (-1)**(l-m) * np.sqrt( ( scimcm.factorial( l+m ) * scimcm.factorial( l-m ) ) /
                                           ( scimcm.factorial( l+n ) * scimcm.factorial( l-n ) ) )
        a = m + n
        b = m - n
        print a
        print b
        return factor * np.cos( the/2. )**a * ( -np.sin( the/2. ) )**b * scisp.jacobi( l-m , a , b )( -np.cos( the ) )

    else :
        return (-1)**(m-n) * WignerD( the , l , n , m )
コード例 #8
def factorial(n, method='reduce'):
    Compute the factorial n! using long integers.
    Different implementations are available
    (see source code for the methods).

    Here is an efficiency comparison of the methods (computing 80!):
    reduce                    |     1.00
    lambda list comprehension |     1.70
    lambda functional         |     3.08
    plain recursive           |     5.83
    lambda recursive          |    21.73
    scipy                     |   131.18
    if not isinstance(n, (int, long, float)):
        raise TypeError, 'factorial(n): n must be integer not %s' % type(n)
    n = long(n)

    if n == 0 or n == 1:
        return 1

    if method == 'plain iterative':
        f = 1
        for i in range(1, n+1):
            f *= i
        return f
    elif method == 'plain recursive':
        if n == 1:
            return 1
            return n*factorial(n-1, method)
    elif method == 'lambda recursive':
        fc = lambda n: n and fc(n-1)*long(n) or 1
        return fc(n)
    elif method == 'lambda functional':
        fc = lambda n: n<=0 or \
             reduce(lambda a,b: long(a)*long(b), xrange(1,n+1))
        return fc(n)
    elif method == 'lambda list comprehension':
        fc = lambda n: [j for j in [1] for i in range(2,n+1) \
                        for j in [j*i]] [-1]
        return fc(n)
    elif method == 'reduce':
        return reduce(operator.mul, xrange(2, n+1))
    elif method == 'scipy':
            import scipy.misc.common as sc
            return sc.factorial(n)
        except ImportError:
            print 'numpyutils.factorial: scipy is not available'
            print 'default method="reduce" is used instead'
            return reduce(operator.mul, xrange(2, n+1))
            # or return factorial(n)
        raise ValueError, 'factorial: method="%s" is not supported' % method
コード例 #9
def factorial(n, method='reduce'):
    Compute the factorial n! using long integers.
    Different implementations are available
    (see source code for the methods).

    Here is an efficiency comparison of the methods (computing 80!):
    reduce                    |     1.00
    lambda list comprehension |     1.70
    lambda functional         |     3.08
    plain recursive           |     5.83
    lambda recursive          |    21.73
    scipy                     |   131.18
    if not isinstance(n, (int, long, float)):
        raise TypeError, 'factorial(n): n must be integer not %s' % type(n)
    n = long(n)

    if n == 0 or n == 1:
        return 1

    if method == 'plain iterative':
        f = 1
        for i in range(1, n + 1):
            f *= i
        return f
    elif method == 'plain recursive':
        if n == 1:
            return 1
            return n * factorial(n - 1, method)
    elif method == 'lambda recursive':
        fc = lambda n: n and fc(n - 1) * long(n) or 1
        return fc(n)
    elif method == 'lambda functional':
        fc = lambda n: n<=0 or \
             reduce(lambda a,b: long(a)*long(b), xrange(1,n+1))
        return fc(n)
    elif method == 'lambda list comprehension':
        fc = lambda n: [j for j in [1] for i in range(2,n+1) \
                        for j in [j*i]] [-1]
        return fc(n)
    elif method == 'reduce':
        return reduce(operator.mul, xrange(2, n + 1))
    elif method == 'scipy':
            import scipy.misc.common as sc
            return sc.factorial(n)
        except ImportError:
            print 'numpyutils.factorial: scipy is not available'
            print 'default method="reduce" is used instead'
            return reduce(operator.mul, xrange(2, n + 1))
            # or return factorial(n)
        raise ValueError, 'factorial: method="%s" is not supported' % method
コード例 #10
ファイル: vol.py プロジェクト: Sandy4321/IR-Movie-Recommender
def cmdet(d):
    # compute the CMD determinant of the euclidean distance matrix d
    # -> d should not be squared!
    D = np.ones((d.shape[0] + 1, d.shape[0] + 1))
    D[0, 0] = 0.0
    D[1:, 1:] = d**2
    j = np.float32(D.shape[0] - 2)
    f1 = (-1.0)**(j + 1) / ((2**j) * ((factorial(j))**2))
    cmd = f1 * np.linalg.det(D)
    # sometimes, for very small values "cmd" might be negative ...
    return np.sqrt(np.abs(cmd))
コード例 #11
ファイル: vol.py プロジェクト: CalculatedContent/pymf
def cmdet(d):
	# compute the CMD determinant of the euclidean distance matrix d
	# -> d should not be squared!
	D = np.ones((d.shape[0]+1,d.shape[0]+1))
	D[0,0] = 0.0
	D[1:,1:] = d**2
	j = np.float32(D.shape[0]-2)
	f1 = (-1.0)**(j+1) / ( (2**j) * ((factorial(j))**2))
	cmd = f1 * np.linalg.det(D)
	# sometimes, for very small values "cmd" might be negative ...
	return np.sqrt(np.abs(cmd))
コード例 #12
 def get_inc(self, n, m, axisymm=False):
     """Return incident field expansion coefficients"""
     #if (self.Pna is None) or (len(self.Pna)!=n):
     self.Pna, self.Pdna = lpmn(n, n, cos(self.alpha))[:]
     self.sina = sin(self.alpha)
     sina = self.sina
     Pna = self.Pna[m, m:]
     l = arange(m, n + 1)
     if axisymm:
         c_inc = 1j**l * (2 * l + 1.) / (l * (l + 1.)) * Pna
         Pdna = self.Pdna[m, m:]
         c_inc = zeros(2 * (n - m + 1), dtype=complex)
         if sina == 0. and m == 1:
             c_inc[:n - m + 1] = -1j**(l - 1) * (2 * l + 1)
             c_inc[:n - m + 1] = -1j ** (l - 1) / sina\
                                 * 2 * (2 * l + 1)\
                                 * factorial(l - m) / factorial(l + m)\
             * Pna
     return c_inc
コード例 #13
ファイル: laboratory.py プロジェクト: ScattPy/scikits.scattpy
 def get_inc(self, n, m, axisymm=False):
     """Return incident field expansion coefficients"""
     #if (self.Pna is None) or (len(self.Pna)!=n):
     self.Pna, self.Pdna = lpmn(n, n, cos(self.alpha))[:]
     self.sina = sin(self.alpha)
     sina = self.sina
     Pna = self.Pna[m, m:]
     l = arange(m, n + 1)
     if axisymm:
         c_inc = 1j ** l * (2 * l + 1.) / (l * (l + 1.)) * Pna
         Pdna = self.Pdna[m, m:]
         c_inc = zeros(2 * (n - m + 1), dtype=complex)
         if sina == 0. and m == 1:
             c_inc[:n - m + 1] = -1j ** (l - 1) * (2 * l + 1)
             c_inc[:n - m + 1] = -1j ** (l - 1) / sina\
                                 * 2 * (2 * l + 1)\
                                 * factorial(l - m) / factorial(l + m)\
             * Pna
     return c_inc
コード例 #14
def sph_harm(theta,phi,l=2,m=1):
    Spherical harmonic according to Townsend, 2002.
    This function is memoized: once a spherical harmonic is computed, the
    result is stored in memory
    >>> theta,phi = mgrid[0:pi:20j,0:2*pi:40j]
    >>> Ylm20 = sph_harm(theta,phi,2,0)
    >>> Ylm21 = sph_harm(theta,phi,2,1)
    >>> Ylm22 = sph_harm(theta,phi,2,2)
    >>> Ylm2_2 = sph_harm(theta,phi,2,-2)
    >>> p = figure()
    >>> p = gcf().canvas.set_window_title('test of function <sph_harm>')
    >>> p = subplot(411);p = title('l=2,m=0');p = imshow(Ylm20.real,cmap=cm.RdBu)
    >>> p = subplot(412);p = title('l=2,m=1');p = imshow(Ylm21.real,cmap=cm.RdBu)
    >>> p = subplot(413);p = title('l=2,m=2');p = imshow(Ylm22.real,cmap=cm.RdBu)
    >>> p = subplot(414);p = title('l=2,m=-2');p = imshow(Ylm2_2.real,cmap=cm.RdBu)
    factor = (-1)**m * sqrt( (2*l+1)/(4*pi) * factorial(l-m)/factorial(l+m))
    Plm = legendre_(l,m,cos(theta))
    return factor*Plm*exp(1j*m*phi)
コード例 #15
def sph_harm(theta, phi, l=2, m=1):
    Spherical harmonic according to Townsend, 2002.
    This function is memoized: once a spherical harmonic is computed, the
    result is stored in memory
    >>> theta,phi = mgrid[0:pi:20j,0:2*pi:40j]
    >>> Ylm20 = sph_harm(theta,phi,2,0)
    >>> Ylm21 = sph_harm(theta,phi,2,1)
    >>> Ylm22 = sph_harm(theta,phi,2,2)
    >>> Ylm2_2 = sph_harm(theta,phi,2,-2)
    >>> p = figure()
    >>> p = gcf().canvas.set_window_title('test of function <sph_harm>')
    >>> p = subplot(411);p = title('l=2,m=0');p = imshow(Ylm20.real,cmap=cm.RdBu)
    >>> p = subplot(412);p = title('l=2,m=1');p = imshow(Ylm21.real,cmap=cm.RdBu)
    >>> p = subplot(413);p = title('l=2,m=2');p = imshow(Ylm22.real,cmap=cm.RdBu)
    >>> p = subplot(414);p = title('l=2,m=-2');p = imshow(Ylm2_2.real,cmap=cm.RdBu)
    factor = (-1)**m * sqrt(
        (2 * l + 1) / (4 * pi) * factorial(l - m) / factorial(l + m))
    Plm = legendre_(l, m, cos(theta))
    return factor * Plm * exp(1j * m * phi)
コード例 #16
ファイル: classify.py プロジェクト: DerThorsten/ray
 def convex_hull_vol(self, ind, g):
     # Compute the convex hull of the region
         tri = Delaunay(ind)
         # Just triangulate bounding box
         mins = ind.min(axis=0)
         maxes = ind.max(axis=0)
         maxes[maxes==mins] += 1
         ind = array(list(itertools.product(*tuple(array([mins,maxes]).T))))
         tri = Delaunay(ind)
     vol = 0
     for simplex in tri.vertices:
         pts = tri.points[simplex].T
         pts = pts - repeat(pts[:,0][:,newaxis], pts.shape[1],axis=1)
         pts = pts[:,1:]
         vol += abs(1/float(factorial(pts.shape[0])) * det(pts))
         return vol,tri 
コード例 #17
ファイル: convex_hull.py プロジェクト: nagyist/gala
 def convex_hull_vol(self, ind, g):
     # Compute the convex hull of the region
         tri = Delaunay(ind)
         # Just triangulate bounding box
         mins = ind.min(axis=0)
         maxes = ind.max(axis=0)
         maxes[maxes == mins] += 1
         ind = np.array(list(it.product(*tuple(np.array([mins, maxes]).T))))
         tri = Delaunay(ind)
     vol = 0
     for simplex in tri.vertices:
         pts = tri.points[simplex].T
         pts = pts - np.repeat(
             pts[:, 0][:, np.newaxis], pts.shape[1], axis=1)
         pts = pts[:, 1:]
         vol += abs(1 / float(factorial(pts.shape[0])) * det(pts))
         return vol, tri
コード例 #18
ファイル: core.py プロジェクト: jpgarcia-ssec/scikits.scattpy
def norm(m, l):
    return sqrt((2 * l + 1) / 2. * factorial(l - m) / factorial(l + m))
コード例 #19
ファイル: vol.py プロジェクト: Sandy4321/IR-Movie-Recommender
def simplex(d):
    # compute the simplex volume using coordinates
    D = np.ones((d.shape[0] + 1, d.shape[1]))
    D[1:, :] = d
    vol = np.abs(np.linalg.det(D)) / factorial(d.shape[1] - 1)
    return vol
コード例 #20
ファイル: igrf11.ORIG.py プロジェクト: cano3/jropack-1
file.close()		       # close the coefficients file

for n in range(1,11):	       # extrapolate over the next epoch
	for m in range(n+1):

# ------ declare and initialize fixed parameters for all epochs ---------
a=6371.2					# igrf earth radius
[m,n]=mgrid[0:11,0:11]				# set up 11X11 meshgrid

from scipy.misc.common import factorial

 build up the "schmidt" coefficients !!! careful with this definition
コード例 #21
ファイル: igrf.py プロジェクト: mholth2/jropack
	for item in dat[3:]:
		if coeff=="g":
file.close()			# close the coefficients file

for n in range(1,11):		# extrapolate over the next epoch
	for m in range(n+1):

# ------ declare and initialize fixed parameters for all epochs ---------
a=6371.2			 # igrf earth radius
[m,n]=mgrid[0:11,0:11]				# set up 11X11 meshgrid

from scipy.misc.common import factorial

schmidt[0,:]=1.    # build up the "schmidt" coefficients
                   #!!! careful with this definition
コード例 #22
ファイル: vol.py プロジェクト: CalculatedContent/pymf
def simplex(d):
	# compute the simplex volume using coordinates
	D = np.ones((d.shape[0]+1, d.shape[1]))
	D[1:,:] = d
	vol = np.abs(np.linalg.det(D)) / factorial(d.shape[1] - 1)
	return vol