コード例 #1
 def observe(self, population):
     lweights = np.array([s.lweight for s in population])
     lweights = lweights - logsumexp(lweights) #+ 1000
     indices = np.array([self.prop2idx[s.prop_obj] for s in population])
     for i in range(len(lweights)):
         prop_idx = indices[i]
         self.num_samp[prop_idx] = self.num_samp[prop_idx] + 1
         self.sum[prop_idx] = logsumexp((self.sum[prop_idx], lweights[i]))
         self.sqr_sum[prop_idx] = logsumexp((self.sqr_sum[prop_idx], 2*lweights[i]))
     lnum_samp = log(self.num_samp)
     self.var = exp(logsumexp([self.sum, self.sqr_sum - lnum_samp], 0) - lnum_samp)
     #self.var = exp(self.var - logsumexp(self.var))
     if self.var.size > 1:
         tmp = self.var.sum()
         if tmp == 0 or np.isnan(tmp):
             prop_prob = np.array([1./self.var.size] * self.var.size)
             prop_prob = (self.var.sum() - self.var)
             prop_prob = prop_prob/prop_prob.sum()/2 + np.random.dirichlet(1 + self.num_samp)/2
         prop_prob = np.array([1./self.var.size] * self.var.size)
     self.prop_dist = categorical(prop_prob)
コード例 #2
ファイル: parallel.py プロジェクト: WilsonKong/pyhsmm
def _get_predictive_likelihoods(k):
    future_likelihoods = logsumexp(
            np.log(scaled_alphal[:-k].dot(np.linalg.matrix_power(trans_matrix,k))) \
                    + cmaxes[:-k,None] + aBl[k:], axis=1)
    past_likelihoods = logsumexp(alphal[:-k], axis=1)

    return future_likelihoods - past_likelihoods
コード例 #3
def compute_forward_messages(optimizer, preorder_node_lst, gen_per_len, subtree_data_likelihoods):
    node_likelihoods = {}
    for node in preorder_node_lst:
        # Skip root node
        if node.parent_node is None:
            root_id = node.oid

        have_data    = False
        trans_matrix = numpy.log(optimizer.get_transition_matrix(int(node.edge_length*gen_per_len))).transpose()
        if node.parent_node.oid in node_likelihoods:
            trans_matrix += node_likelihoods[node.parent_node.oid]
            have_data     = True

        if node.parent_node.oid in subtree_data_likelihoods:
            for sibling in node.parent_node.child_nodes():
                if sibling.oid == node.oid:
                if sibling.oid in subtree_data_likelihoods[node.parent_node.oid]:
                    have_data     = True  
                    trans_matrix += subtree_data_likelihoods[node.parent_node.oid][sibling.oid]

        if have_data:
            tot_probs      = logsumexp(trans_matrix, axis=1)
            norm_factor    = logsumexp(tot_probs)
            log_posteriors = tot_probs - norm_factor
            node_likelihoods[node.oid] = log_posteriors

    return node_likelihoods
コード例 #4
ファイル: bilme.py プロジェクト: f00barin/bilppattach
def magic_function(encoding, train_toks, classifier):
    V, N, M = encoding.encode(train_toks)
    Np = (np.dot(N, np.dot(classifier.weight_n(), M.transpose())))
    Vp = (np.dot(V, np.dot(classifier.weight_v(), M.transpose())))
    aclist = [(lambda x,y: 'n' if x > y else 'v')(x,y) for (x,y) in zip(np.diag(Np), np.diag(Vp))]
    total = 0
    correct = 0
    Z = np.exp(Np) + np.exp(Vp)
    nprob = sm.logsumexp(Vp)/Z
    vprob = sm.logsumexp(Vp)/Z
    ll = []
    for (tok, tag) in train_toks:
        if tag == 'n':
            ll.append(np.exp(np.log(np.exp(np.diag(Np)[total])) - np.log(np.exp(np.diag(Vp)[total]) + np.exp(np.diag(Np)[total]))))
        elif tag == 'v':
            ll.append(np.exp(np.log(np.exp(np.diag(Vp)[total])) - np.log(np.exp(np.diag(Vp)[total]) + np.exp(np.diag(Np)[total]))))
        if aclist[total] == tag:
            correct += 1
        total += 1
    acc = float(correct)/total
    empn, empv = classifier.getemp()
    nfeat = np.dot(np.exp(nprob), empn)
    vfeat = np.dot(np.exp(vprob), empv)
    grad_n = (nfeat - empn)
    grad_v = (vfeat - empv)
    return acc, -float(sum(ll))/len(ll), grad_n, grad_v
コード例 #5
ファイル: lds.py プロジェクト: HIPS/pgmult
    def predictive_log_likelihood(self, X_pred, data_index=0, M=100):
        Hacky way of computing the predictive log likelihood
        :param X_pred:
        :param data_index:
        :param M:
        Tpred = X_pred.shape[0]

        data = self.data_list[data_index]
        conditional_mean = self.emission_distn.conditional_mean(data)
        conditional_cov = self.emission_distn.conditional_cov(data, flat=True)

        lls = []
        z_preds = data["states"].predict_states(
                conditional_mean, conditional_cov, Tpred=Tpred, Npred=M)
        for m in range(M):
            ll_pred = self.emission_distn.log_likelihood(
                {"z": z_preds[...,m], "x": X_pred})

        # Compute the average
        hll = logsumexp(lls) - np.log(M)

        # Use bootstrap to compute error bars
        samples = np.random.choice(lls, size=(100, M), replace=True)
        hll_samples = logsumexp(samples, axis=1) - np.log(M)
        std_hll = hll_samples.std()

        return hll, std_hll
コード例 #6
def transitioncounts(fwdlattice, bwdlattice, framelogprob, log_transmat):
    n_observations, n_components = fwdlattice.shape
    lneta = np.zeros((n_observations-1, n_components, n_components))
    from scipy.misc import logsumexp
    logprob = logsumexp(fwdlattice[n_observations-1, :])
    print 'logprob', logprob

    for t in range(n_observations - 1):
        for i in range(n_components):
            for j in range(n_components):
                lneta[t, i, j] = fwdlattice[t, i] + log_transmat[i, j] \
                    + framelogprob[t + 1, j] + bwdlattice[t + 1, j] - logprob

    print framelogprob

    print 'fwdlattice[:, 0]'
    print fwdlattice[:, 0]
    print 'logtransmat[0,0]'
    print log_transmat[0,0]
    print 'framelogprob'
    print framelogprob[:, 0]
    print 'bwdlattice[:, 0]'
    print bwdlattice[:, 0]
    print 'lneta{0,0}'
    print lneta[:, 0, 0]
    return np.exp(logsumexp(lneta, 0))
コード例 #7
def log_weighted_ave(arrs, weights):
    arrs = np.array(arrs)
    log_weights = np.log(weights)
    log_weights -= logsumexp(log_weights)
    for _ in range(len(arrs.shape) - 1):
        log_weights = log_weights[..., np.newaxis]
    return logsumexp(arrs + log_weights, axis=0)
コード例 #8
ファイル: pmc.py プロジェクト: ingmarschuster/ModelSelection
def sample_lpost_based(num_samples, initial_particles, proposal_method, population_size = 20):
    rval = []
    anc = proposal_method.process_initial_samples(initial_particles)
    num_initial = len(rval)
    while len(rval) - num_initial < num_samples:
        ancest_dist = np.array([a.lpost for a in anc])
        ancest_dist = categorical(ancest_dist - logsumexp(ancest_dist), p_in_logspace = True)
        #choose ancestor uniformly at random from previous samples
        pop = [proposal_method.gen_proposal(anc[ancest_dist.rvs()])
                for _ in range(population_size)]

        prop_w = np.array([s.lweight for s in pop])
        prop_w = exp(prop_w - logsumexp(prop_w))
        # Importance Resampling
        while True:
                draws = np.random.multinomial(population_size, prop_w)
            except ValueError:
                prop_w /= prop_w.sum()
        for idx in range(len(draws)):
            rval.extend([pop[idx]] * draws[idx])
    return (np.array([s.sample for s in rval]), np.array([s.lpost for s in rval]))
コード例 #9
ファイル: mix_em.py プロジェクト: zoezou2015/ML_hm3
def e_step(x,N,d):
	global miu
	global p
	global sigma
	soft_p = np.zeros((N))
	labels = np.zeros(N)
	for i in range(N):
		[t, w] = Gaussian(x[i])
		#print 't',t
		#print 'w',w
		num1 = np.exp(logsumexp(t[0], b = w[0]))
		#print 'num',num1
		num2 = np.exp(logsumexp(t[1], b = w[1]))
		soft_p[i] = num1 / (num1 + num2)

		if soft_p[i] >= 0.5 :
			labels[i] = 1
			labels[i] = 0
	#print 'label',labels
	#print 'soft_p',soft_p	
	#print np.sum(soft_p)
	#return soft_p
	return labels
コード例 #10
ファイル: st_mix_lgcp.py プロジェクト: andymiller/flecks
 def basis_log_like(beta):
   beta = beta[0] + beta[1:]
   logBk = beta - logsumexp(beta) - np.log(self._dx)
   logLams = logsumexp(logW[k,:]) + logBk + np.log(self._dt) + np.log(self._dx)
   stable_ll = np.sum(logLams*Zbasis[k] - np.exp(logLams))
   #print "!!!!!!!!!! basis_log_like %2.5f, %2.5f"%(ll, stable_ll)
   return stable_ll
コード例 #11
ファイル: geom_stutter_em.py プロジェクト: mgymrek/MUTEA
def recalc_log_gt_posteriors(log_gt_priors, down, up, p_geom, read_counts_array, nalleles, allele_sizes, diploid=False, norm=False):
    stutter_dist = geom(p_geom)
    nsamples     = read_counts_array.shape[0]
    log_down, log_eq, log_up = map(numpy.log, [down, 1-down-up, up])
    if diploid:
        num_gts = nalleles**2
        LLs = numpy.zeros((nsamples, num_gts)) + log_gt_priors
        gtind = 0
        for a1 in xrange(nalleles):
            for a2 in xrange(nalleles):
                if a1 != a2 and DEBUG_HAPLOID:
                    LLs[:,gtind] = numpy.log(0)
                    gtind += 1
                step_probs1 = numpy.hstack(([log_down + stutter_dist.logpmf(abs(allele_sizes[x]-allele_sizes[a1])) for x in range(0, a1)],
                                            [log_up   + stutter_dist.logpmf(abs(allele_sizes[x]-allele_sizes[a1])) for x in range(a1+1, nalleles)]))
                step_probs2 = numpy.hstack(([log_down + stutter_dist.logpmf(abs(allele_sizes[x]-allele_sizes[a2])) for x in range(0, a2)],
                                            [log_up   + stutter_dist.logpmf(abs(allele_sizes[x]-allele_sizes[a2])) for x in range(a2+1, nalleles)]))
                step_probs = numpy.logaddexp(step_probs1+log_one_half, step_probs2+log_one_half)
                LLs[:,gtind] += numpy.sum(read_counts_array*step_probs, axis=1)
#                if a1 == a2: LLs[:,gtind]+= numpy.log(2) # account for phase
                gtind += 1
        LLs      = numpy.zeros((nsamples, nalleles)) + log_gt_priors
        for j in xrange(nalleles):
            step_probs = numpy.hstack(([log_down + stutter_dist.logpmf(abs(allele_sizes[x]-allele_sizes[j])) for x in range(0, j)],
                                       [log_up   + stutter_dist.logpmf(abs(allele_sizes[x]-allele_sizes[j])) for x in range(j+1, nalleles)]))
            LLs [:,j] += numpy.sum(read_counts_array*step_probs, axis=1)
    if norm: return numpy.sum(logsumexp(LLs, axis=1))
        log_samp_totals = logsumexp(LLs, axis=1)[numpy.newaxis].T
        return LLs - log_samp_totals
コード例 #12
ファイル: clustered_kde.py プロジェクト: drudd/kombine
 def _whitened_logpdf(self, X, pool=None):
     logpdfs = [logweight + kde(X, pool=pool)
                for logweight, kde in zip(self._logweights, self._kdes)]
     if len(X.shape) == 1:
         return logsumexp(logpdfs)
         return logsumexp(logpdfs, axis=0)
コード例 #13
ファイル: hsmm_states.py プロジェクト: WilsonKong/pyhsmm
def hsmm_messages_backwards_log(
    trans_potentials, initial_state_potential,
    cumulative_obs_potentials, dur_potentials, dur_survival_potentials,
    betal, betastarl,
    left_censoring=False, right_censoring=True):
    errs = np.seterr(invalid='ignore') # logaddexp(-inf,-inf)

    T, _ = betal.shape

    betal[-1] = 0.
    for t in xrange(T-1,-1,-1):
        cB, offset = cumulative_obs_potentials(t)
        dp = dur_potentials(t)
        betastarl[t] = logsumexp(
            betal[t:t+cB.shape[0]] + cB + dur_potentials(t), axis=0)
        betastarl[t] -= offset
        if right_censoring:
            np.logaddexp(betastarl[t], cB[-1] - offset + dur_survival_potentials(t),
        betal[t-1] = logsumexp(betastarl[t] + trans_potentials(t-1), axis=1)
    betal[-1] = 0. # overwritten on last iteration

    if not left_censoring:
        normalizer = logsumexp(initial_state_potential + betastarl[0])
        raise NotImplementedError

    return betal, betastarl, normalizer
コード例 #14
ファイル: deconv.py プロジェクト: NabeelSarwar/Thesis
def predictStar(clfstar, clfgalaxy, X, Xerr, index):
    if np.any(np.isnan(Xerr)):
        print index
    #numerator = PStar * np.exp(clfstar.logprob_a(X, Xerr))
    #demominator = PStar * np.exp(clfstar.logprob_a(X, Xerr)) + PGalaxy * np.exp(clfgalaxy.logprob_a(X, Xerr))
    #P(Star|X, XErr)

    logcondstar = misc.logsumexp(clfstar.logprob_a(X, Xerr))
    logcondgal = misc.logsumexp(clfgalaxy.logprob_a(X, Xerr))

    fraction = np.log(PStar) + logcondstar \
            - np.logaddexp(np.log(PStar) +  logcondstar, np.log(PGalaxy) + logcondgal)
    fraction = np.exp(fraction)

    if np.isnan(fraction):
        raise Exception('Invalid Fractions Nan')
    if fraction > 1 or fraction < 0:
        raise Exception('Invalid Fraction Range: {0}'.format(fraction))

    if fraction >= 0.5:
        return 1
        return 0
    def smoother(self, next_state, filtered_state):
        gpb_ = self._init_gpb()
        state = SwitchingKalmanState(n_models=self.n_models)

        for k in xrange(self.n_models):
            kalman = KalmanFilter(model=self.models[k])
            for j in xrange(self.n_models):
                # Smoothing step
                (gpb_[k].m[:,j], gpb_[k].P[:,:,j]) = kalman._smoother(\
                    filtered_state.model(j), next_state.model(j), self.embeds[j][k])

        # Posterior Transition
        # p(s_t=j | s_t+1=k, y_1:T) \approx \propto p(s_t+1=k | s_t=j) * p(s_t=j | y_1:t)
        U = self.log_transmat.T + filtered_state.M
        U = U.T - logsumexp(U, axis=1)
        # p(s_t=j, s_t+1=k | y_1:T) = p(s_t=j | s_t+1=k, y_1:T) * p(s_t+1=k | y_1:T)
        M = U + next_state.M
        # p(s_t=j | y1:T) = \sum_k p(s_t=j, s_t+1=k | y_1:T)
        state.M = logsumexp(M, axis=1)
        # p(s_t+1=k | s_t=j, y_1:T) = p(s_t=j, s_t+1=k | y_1:T) / p(s_t=j | y_1:T)
        W = np.exp(M.T - state.M) # WARKING: W is W.T in Murphy's paper

        # Collapse step
        for j in xrange(self.n_models):
            # (state.m[:,j], state.P[:,:,j]) = self._collapse(m_[:,:,j], P_[:,:,:,j], W[:,j])
            m, P = self._collapse(gpb_[j].m, gpb_[j].P, W[:,j], self.masks[j])
            state._states[j] = KalmanState(mean=m, covariance=P)

        return state
コード例 #16
ファイル: hsmm_states.py プロジェクト: WilsonKong/pyhsmm
def hsmm_messages_forwards_log(
    trans_potential, initial_state_potential,
    reverse_cumulative_obs_potentials, reverse_dur_potentials, reverse_dur_survival_potentials,
    alphal, alphastarl,
    left_censoring=False, right_censoring=True):

    T, _ = alphal.shape

    alphastarl[0] = initial_state_potential
    for t in xrange(T-1):
        cB = reverse_cumulative_obs_potentials(t)
        alphal[t] = logsumexp(
            alphastarl[t+1-cB.shape[0]:t+1] + cB + reverse_dur_potentials(t), axis=0)
        if left_censoring:
            raise NotImplementedError
        alphastarl[t+1] = logsumexp(
            alphal[t][:,na] + trans_potential(t), axis=0)
    t = T-1
    cB = reverse_cumulative_obs_potentials(t)
    alphal[t] = logsumexp(
        alphastarl[t+1-cB.shape[0]:t+1] + cB + reverse_dur_potentials(t), axis=0)

    if not right_censoring:
        normalizer = logsumexp(alphal[t])
        normalizer = None # TODO

    return alphal, alphastarl, normalizer
コード例 #17
ファイル: clustered_kde.py プロジェクト: BenSandeen/kombine
 def logpdf(self, pts, pool=None):
     """Evaluate the logpdf of the KDE at `pts`."""
     logpdfs = [logweight + kde(pts, pool=pool) for logweight, kde in zip(self._logweights, self._kdes)]
     if len(pts.shape) == 1:
         return logsumexp(logpdfs)
         return logsumexp(logpdfs, axis=0)
    def filter(self, prev_state, observation):
        gpb_ = self._init_gpb()
        state = SwitchingKalmanState(n_models=self.n_models)
        L = np.zeros((self.n_models, self.n_models))

        for j in xrange(self.n_models):
            kalman = KalmanFilter(model=self.models[j])
            for i in xrange(self.n_models):
                # Prediction step
                pred_state = kalman._filter_prediction(prev_state.model(i), self.embeds[i][j])
                # Update step
                (gpb_[j].m[:,i], gpb_[j].P[:,:,i], L[i,j]) = kalman._filter_update(pred_state, observation)

        # Posterior Transition
        # p(s_t-1=i, s_t=j | y_1:t) \propto L_t(i,j) * p(s_t=j | s_t-1=i) * p(s_t-1=i | y_1:t-1)
        M = L.T + self.log_transmat.T + prev_state.M
        M = M.T - logsumexp(M)
        # p(s_t=j | y_1:t) = \sum_i p(s_t-1=i, s_t=j | y_1:t)
        state.M = logsumexp(M, axis=0)
        # p(s_t-1=i | s_t=j, y_1:t) = p(s_t-1=i, s_t=j | y_1:t) / p(s_t=j | y_1:t)
        W = np.exp(M - state.M)

        # Collapse step
        for j in xrange(self.n_models):
            # (state.m[:,j], state.P[:,:,j]) = self._collapse(gpb_[j].m, gpb_[j].P, W[:,j])
            m, P = self._collapse(gpb_[j].m, gpb_[j].P, W[:,j], self.masks[j])
            state._states[j] = KalmanState(mean=m, covariance=P)

        return state
コード例 #19
ファイル: test_sgd.py プロジェクト: arranger1044/spyn
def test_mixture_weight_init():
    train_m_file = 'nltcs_2015-01-29_18-39-06/train.m.log'
    valid_m_file = 'nltcs_2015-01-29_18-39-06/valid.m.log'
    test_m_file = 'nltcs_2015-01-29_18-39-06/test.m.log'


    train = dataset.csv_2_numpy(train_m_file,
    valid = dataset.csv_2_numpy(valid_m_file,
    test = dataset.csv_2_numpy(test_m_file,

    k_components = train.shape[1]
    unif_weights = numpy.array([1 for i in range(k_components)])
    unif_weights = unif_weights / unif_weights.sum()

    rand_weights = numpy.random.rand(k_components)
    rand_weights = rand_weights / rand_weights.sum()

    unif_mixture = logsumexp(train + numpy.log(unif_weights), axis=1).mean()
    rand_mixture = logsumexp(train + numpy.log(rand_weights), axis=1).mean()

    print('UNIF W LL', unif_mixture)
    print('RAND W LL', rand_mixture)
コード例 #20
	def marginalise(self, parameter, *args, **kwargs):
		"""Marginalise over the specified dimension in parameter space."""

		mode = kwargs.get('mode', 'internal')
		# index to marginalise over
		m = np.argwhere(np.array(self.param)==parameter)[0,0]

		import scipy.misc as spm
		samp = np.unique(self.par[parameter]['samples'])
		dp = samp[1]-samp[0]
		# Sum PDF along one axis and output the result in the required manner
		if mode=='internal':
			self.posterior = spm.logsumexp(self.posterior, axis=m)
			print self.posterior.shape

			# Clean up the parameter array
			self.param= np.delete(np.array(self.param), m)
			self.par[parameter]['marginalised'] = True
			print 'Marginalised over %s.'%parameter

			return 0

		elif mode=='return':
			posterior = args[0]
			posterior = spm.logsumexp(posterior, axis=m)
			param = args[1]
			param = np.delete(np.array(param), m)
			print 'Marginalised over %s.'%parameter

			return posterior, param		
コード例 #21
 def up_tree_pass(self,X,nodes):
     Calculates prior probability of latent variables and combines 
     prior probability of children to calculate posterior for the 
     latent variable corresponding to node
     X: numpy array of size 'n x m'
         Explanatory variables
     nodes: list of size equal number of nodes in HME
          List with all nodes of HME
     children = self.get_childrens(nodes)
     # check that all children are of the same type
     if len(set([e.node_type for e in children])) != 1:
            raise ValueError("Children nodes should have the same node type")
     # prior probabilities calculation
     for i,child_node in enumerate(children):
         if child_node.node_type == "expert":
            self.responsibilities[:,i] += child_node.weights
         elif child_node.node_type == "gate":
            self.responsibilities[:,i] += logsumexp(child_node.responsibilities, axis = 1)
             raise TypeError("Unidentified node type")
     #prevent underflow
     self.normaliser         = logsumexp(self.responsibilities, axis = 1)
コード例 #22
ファイル: hippocampus.py プロジェクト: amagnosousa/pyhawkes
def plot_pred_lls(results):
    # Plot predictive log likelihoods
    homog_rates = np.zeros(K)
    for k in range(K):
        homog_rates[k] = (C_train==k).sum() / T_train

    homog_pll = 0
    for k in range(K):
        homog_pll += -T_test * homog_rates[k]
        homog_pll += (C_test==k).sum() * np.log(homog_rates[k])

    # Plot predictive log likelihoods relative to standard Poisson
    for i,result in enumerate(results):
        lls, plls, Weffs, Ps, Ls = result
        plls = plls[N_samples//2:]
        J = len(plls)
        avg_pll = -np.log(J) + logsumexp(plls)
        avg_pll = (avg_pll - homog_pll) / len(S_test)

        samples = np.random.choice(plls, size=(100, J), replace=True)
        pll_samples = logsumexp((samples - homog_pll)/len(S_test), axis=1) - np.log(J)
        std_hll = pll_samples.std()

        print "PLL: ", avg_pll, " +- ", std_hll
        plt.bar(i, avg_pll)
コード例 #23
ファイル: stutter_em.py プロジェクト: mgymrek/MUTEA
def compute_LL(sample_read_counts, motif_len, gt_freqs, stutter_model):
    # Determine the most common frame across all samples
    frame_counts = collections.defaultdict(int)
    tot_read_counts = collections.defaultdict(int)
    for sample,read_counts in sample_read_counts.items():
        for read,count in read_counts.items():
            frame  = read%motif_len
            frame += 0 if frame > 0 else motif_len
            frame_counts[frame] += count
            tot_read_counts[read] += count
    best_frame = sorted(frame_counts.items(), key = lambda x: x[1])[-1][0]

    # Filter any samples with out-of-frame reads
    valid_read_counts = []
    tot_read_counts   = collections.defaultdict(int)
    allele_set        = set([])
    for sample,read_counts in sample_read_counts.items():
        all_in_frame = True
        for read,count in read_counts.items():
            frame  = read%motif_len
            frame += 0 if frame > 0 else motif_len
            if frame != best_frame:
                all_in_frame = False
        if all_in_frame:
            for read,count in read_counts.items():
                tot_read_counts[read] += count

    allele_sizes   = sorted(list(allele_set)) # Size of allele for each index
    allele_indices = dict(map(reversed, enumerate(allele_sizes)))
    eff_coverage   = 0  # Effective number of reads informative for stutter inference
    read_counts    = [] # Array of dictionaries, where key = allele index and count = # such reads for a sample
    max_stutter    = 0
    for i in xrange(len(valid_read_counts)):
        sorted_sizes  = sorted(valid_read_counts[i].keys())
        max_stutter   = max(max_stutter, sorted_sizes[-1]-sorted_sizes[0])
        count_dict    = dict([(allele_indices[x[0]], x[1]) for x in valid_read_counts[i].items()])
        eff_coverage += sum(valid_read_counts[i].values())-1
    stutter_size = min(5, max_stutter)
    num_stutters = 2*stutter_size + 1

    log_stutter_probs = []
    for size in xrange(-stutter_size, stutter_size+1):
    log_stutter_probs = numpy.array(log_stutter_probs)-logsumexp(log_stutter_probs)

    log_gt_priors = []
    for i in xrange(len(allele_sizes)):
    log_gt_priors = numpy.array(log_gt_priors)-logsumexp(log_gt_priors)


    nalleles  = len(allele_sizes)
    LL        = calc_log_likelihood(log_gt_priors, log_stutter_probs, read_counts, nalleles, num_stutters, allele_sizes)
    return LL
コード例 #24
    def get_segment_quality_end(self, end_index: int, call_state: int) -> float:
        """Calculates the complement of phred-scaled posterior probability that a site marks the end of a segment.
        This is done by directly summing the probability of the following complementary paths in the log space:

            ...      [end_index]                           [end_index+1]          ...
                     call_state                        =>  call_state
                     (any state except for call_state) =>  (any state)

            end_index: right breakpoint index of a segment
            call_state: segment call state index

            a phred-scaled probability
        assert 0 <= end_index < self.num_sites

        all_other_states_list = self.leave_one_out_state_lists[call_state]

        if end_index == self.num_sites - 1:
            logp = logsumexp(self.log_posterior_prob_tc[self.num_sites - 1, all_other_states_list])
            complementary_paths_unnorm_logp = [(self.alpha_tc[end_index, end_state] +
                                                self.log_trans_tcc[end_index, end_state, next_state] +
                                                self.log_emission_tc[end_index + 1, next_state] +
                                                self.beta_tc[end_index + 1, end_state])
                                               for end_state in all_other_states_list
                                               for next_state in self.all_states_list]
            complementary_paths_unnorm_logp.append((self.alpha_tc[end_index, call_state] +
                                                    self.log_trans_tcc[end_index, call_state, call_state] +
                                                    self.log_emission_tc[end_index + 1, call_state] +
                                                    self.beta_tc[end_index + 1, call_state]))
            logp = logsumexp(np.asarray(complementary_paths_unnorm_logp)) - self.log_data_likelihood

        return logp_to_phred(logp)
コード例 #25
def reference_backward(framelogprob, startprob, transmat):
    print '\n\n'
    log_transmat = np.log(transmat)
    log_startprob = np.log(startprob)
    bwdlattice = np.zeros_like(framelogprob)
    n_observations, n_components = framelogprob.shape
    work_buffer = np.zeros(n_components)

    for i in range(n_components):
        bwdlattice[n_observations - 1, i] = 0.0

    for t in range(n_observations - 2, -1, -1):
        for i in range(n_components):
            for j in range(n_components):
                work_buffer[j] = log_transmat[i, j] + framelogprob[t + 1, j] + bwdlattice[t + 1, j]

                if (i == 0):
                    print 'log_transmat[i, %d]    '%j, log_transmat[i, j]
                    print 'framelogprob[t + 1, %d]'%j,  framelogprob[t + 1, j]
                    print 'bwdlattice[t + 1, %d]  '%j, bwdlattice[t + 1, j]
            if i == 0:
                print 'bwd[%d, %d] = logsumexp(%s) = %f' % (t, i, str(work_buffer), logsumexp(work_buffer))
            bwdlattice[t, i] = logsumexp(work_buffer)

    return bwdlattice
コード例 #26
ファイル: bayesFactors.py プロジェクト: sczesla/PyAstronomy
def bayesFactors(model1, model2):
    Computes the Bayes factor for two competing models.

    The computation is based on Newton & Raftery 1994 (Eq. 13).

    model1 : PyAstronomy.funcFit.TraceAnalysis instance
        TraceAnalysis for the first model.
    model2 : PyAstronomy.funcFit.TraceAnalysis instance
        TraceAnalysis for the second model.

    BF : float
        The Bayes factor BF (neither log10(BF) nor ln(BF)).
        Note that a small value means that the first model
        is favored, i.e., BF=p(M2)/p(M1).

    logp1 = model1["deviance"] / (-2.)
    logp2 = model2["deviance"] / (-2.)

    # Given a number of numbers x1, x2, ... whose logarithms are given by l_i=ln(x_i) etc.,
    # logsum calculates: ln(sum_i exp(l_i)) = ln(sum_i x_i)
    bf = numpy.exp(sm.logsumexp(-logp1) - numpy.log(len(logp1))
                   - (sm.logsumexp(-logp2) - numpy.log(len(logp2))))
    return bf
コード例 #27
ファイル: _ContinuousHMM.py プロジェクト: PacoSpike/hmm3
	def _calcgammamix(self,alpha,beta,observations):
		Calculates 'gamma_mix'.

		Gamma_mix is a (TxNxK) numpy array, where gamma_mix[t][i][m] = the probability of being
		in state 'i' at time 't' with mixture 'm' given the full observation sequence.
		gamma_mix = numpy.zeros((len(observations),self.n,self.m),dtype=self.precision)

		for t in xrange(len(observations)):
		    for j in xrange(self.n):
		        for m in xrange(self.m):
		            alphabeta = []
		            for jj in xrange(self.n):
		                alphabeta.append(alpha[t][jj] + beta[t][jj])
		            alphabeta = logsumexp(alphabeta)
		            comp1 = alpha[t][j] + beta[t][j] - alphabeta
		            # if alphabeta == 0:
		            # 	comp1 = 0
		            # else:
		            # 	comp1 = (alpha[t][j]*beta[t][j]) / alphabeta
		            bjk_sum = []
		            for k in xrange(self.m):
		                bjk_sum.append(self.w[j][k] + self.Bmix_map[j][k][t])
		            # if bjk_sum == 0:
		            # 	comp2 = 0
		            # else:
		            # 	comp2 = (self.w[j][m]*self.Bmix_map[j][m][t])/bjk_sum
		            bjk_sum = logsumexp(bjk_sum)
		            comp2 = self.w[j][m] + self.Bmix_map[j][m][t] - bjk_sum
		            gamma_mix[t][j][m] = comp1 + comp2

		return gamma_mix
コード例 #28
ファイル: hsmm_inb_states.py プロジェクト: chiaolun/pyhsmm
    def messages_backwards2(self):
        # this method is just for numerical testing
        # returns HSMM messages using HMM embedding. the way of the future!
        Al = np.log(self.trans_matrix)
        T, num_states = self.T, self.num_states

        betal = np.zeros((T,num_states))
        betastarl = np.zeros((T,num_states))

        starts = cumsum(self.rs,strict=True)
        ends = cumsum(self.rs,strict=False)
        foo = np.zeros((num_states,ends[-1]))
        for idx, row in enumerate(self.bwd_enter_rows):
            foo[idx,starts[idx]:ends[idx]] = row
        bar = np.zeros_like(self.hmm_bwd_trans_matrix)
        for start, end in zip(starts,ends):
            bar[start:end,start:end] = self.hmm_bwd_trans_matrix[start:end,start:end]

        pmess = np.zeros(ends[-1])

        # betal[-1] is 0
        for t in range(T-1,-1,-1):
            pmess += self.hmm_aBl[t]
            betastarl[t] = logsumexp(np.log(foo) + pmess, axis=1)
            betal[t-1] = logsumexp(Al + betastarl[t], axis=1)

            pmess = logsumexp(np.log(bar) + pmess, axis=1)
            pmess[ends-1] = np.logaddexp(pmess[ends-1],betal[t-1] + np.log(1-self.ps))
        betal[-1] = 0.

        return betal, betastarl
コード例 #29
def calculate_MI_bounded_discrete(X, Y, M_c, X_L, X_D):
    get_view_index = lambda which_column: X_L['column_partition']['assignments'][which_column]

    view_X = get_view_index(X)
    view_Y = get_view_index(Y)

    # independent
    if view_X != view_Y:
        return 0.0

    # get cluster logps
    view_state = X_L['view_state'][view_X]
    cluster_logps = su.determine_cluster_crp_logps(view_state)
    cluster_crps = numpy.exp(cluster_logps) # get exp'ed values for multinomial
    n_clusters = len(cluster_crps)

    # get X values
    x_values = M_c['column_metadata'][X]['code_to_value'].values()
    # get Y values
    y_values = M_c['column_metadata'][Y]['code_to_value'].values()

    # get components models for each cluster for columns X and Y
    component_models_X = [0]*n_clusters
    component_models_Y = [0]*n_clusters
    for i in range(n_clusters):
        cluster_models = su.create_cluster_model_from_X_L(M_c, X_L, view_X, i)
        component_models_X[i] = cluster_models[X]
        component_models_Y[i] = cluster_models[Y]

    MI = 0.0

    for x in x_values:
        for y in y_values:
             # calculate marginal logs
            Pxy = numpy.zeros(n_clusters)   # P(x,y), Joint distribution
            Px = numpy.zeros(n_clusters)    # P(x)
            Py = numpy.zeros(n_clusters)    # P(y)

            # get logp of x and y in each cluster. add cluster logp's
            for j in range(n_clusters):

                Px[j] = component_models_X[j].calc_element_predictive_logp(x)
                Py[j] = component_models_Y[j].calc_element_predictive_logp(y)
                Pxy[j] = Px[j] + Py[j] + cluster_logps[j]   # \sum_c P(x|c)P(y|c)P(c), Joint distribution
                Px[j] += cluster_logps[j]                   # \sum_c P(x|c)P(c)
                Py[j] += cluster_logps[j]                   # \sum_c P(y|c)P(c) 

            # sum over clusters
            Px = logsumexp(Px)
            Py = logsumexp(Py)
            Pxy = logsumexp(Pxy)

            MI += numpy.exp(Pxy)*(Pxy - (Px + Py))

    # ignore MI < 0
    if MI <= 0.0:
        MI = 0.0
    return MI
コード例 #30
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: sheqi/pyglm
    def ais(self, N_samples=100, B=1000, steps_per_B=1,
            verbose=True, full_output=False, callback=None):
        Since Gibbs sampling as a function of temperature is implemented,
        we can use AIS to approximate the marginal likelihood of the model.
        # We use a linear schedule by default
        betas = np.linspace(0, 1, B)

        print "Estimating marginal likelihood with AIS"
        lw = np.zeros(N_samples)
        for m in progprint_xrange(N_samples):
            # Initialize the model with a draw from the prior

            # Keep track of the log of the m-th weight
            # It starts at zero because the prior is assumed to be normalized
            lw[m] = 0.0

            # Sample the intermediate distributions
            for b in xrange(1,B):
                if verbose:
                    sys.stdout.write("M: %d\tBeta: %.3f \r" % (m,betas[b]))

                # Compute the ratio of this sample under this distribution
                # and the previous distribution. The difference is added
                # to the log weight
                curr_lp = self.log_probability(temperature=betas[b])
                prev_lp = self.log_probability(temperature=betas[b-1])
                lw[m] += curr_lp - prev_lp

                # Sample the model at temperature betas[b]
                # Take some number of steps per beta in hopes that
                # the Markov chain will reach equilibrium.
                for s in range(steps_per_B):

                # Call the given callback
                if callback:
                    callback(self, m, b)

            if verbose:
                print ""
                print "W: %f" % lw[m]

        # Compute the mean of the weights to get an estimate of the normalization constant
        log_Z = -np.log(N_samples) + logsumexp(lw)

        # Use bootstrap to compute standard error
        subsamples = np.random.choice(lw, size=(100, N_samples), replace=True)
        log_Z_subsamples = logsumexp(subsamples, axis=1) - np.log(N_samples)
        std_log_Z = log_Z_subsamples.std()

        if full_output:
            return log_Z, std_log_Z, lw
            return log_Z, std_log_Z
コード例 #31
def ibis(actions, rewards, choices, idx_blocks, subj_idx, apply_rep_bias, apply_weber_decision_noise, curiosity_bias, show_progress, temperature, alpha_unchosen):
    assert(2 not in actions); assert(0 in actions); assert(1 in actions)

    actions    = np.asarray(actions, dtype=np.intc)
    rewards    = np.ascontiguousarray(rewards)
    choices    = np.asarray(choices, dtype = np.intc)
    idx_blocks = np.asarray(idx_blocks, dtype=np.intc)
    nb_samples = 1000
    T          = actions.shape[0]
    upp_bound_eta = 10.

    # sample initialisation
    if (apply_rep_bias or curiosity_bias) and apply_weber_decision_noise == 0:      
        samples                = np.random.rand(nb_samples, 4)

        if temperature:
            upp_bound_beta     = np.sqrt(6)/(np.pi * 5)
            upp_bound_beta     = 2.
        samples[:, 2]          = np.random.rand(nb_samples) * upp_bound_beta
        samples[:, 3]          = upp_bound_eta * (np.random.rand(nb_samples) * 2. - 1.)
    elif apply_weber_decision_noise == 0:
        samples                = np.random.rand(nb_samples, 3) 
        if temperature:
            upp_bound_beta     = np.sqrt(6)/(np.pi * 5)
            upp_bound_beta     = 2.
        samples[:, 2]          = np.random.rand(nb_samples) * upp_bound_beta        
    elif apply_weber_decision_noise ==1 :
        if apply_rep_bias:
            samples                = np.random.rand(nb_samples,5)
            if temperature:
                upp_bound_beta     = np.sqrt(6)/(np.pi * 5)
                upp_bound_beta     = 2. 

            samples[:, 4]          = upp_bound_eta * (np.random.rand(nb_samples) * 2. - 1.)     
            samples                = np.random.rand(nb_samples,4)
            if temperature:
                upp_bound_beta     = np.sqrt(6)/(np.pi * 5)
                upp_bound_beta     = 2.

        upp_bound_k        = 10 
        samples[:, 2]          = np.random.rand(nb_samples) * upp_bound_beta # bound on the beta 
        samples[:, 3]          = np.random.rand(nb_samples) * upp_bound_k

    if alpha_unchosen >= 0 and alpha_unchosen <= 1:
        samples[:,1]        = alpha_unchosen
        sample_alpha_u      = False
        sample_alpha_u      = True
    Q_samples              = np.zeros([nb_samples, 2])
    prev_action            = np.zeros(nb_samples) - 1

    # ibis param
    esslist       = np.zeros(T)
    log_weights   = np.zeros(nb_samples)
    weights_a     = np.zeros(nb_samples)
    p_loglkd      = np.zeros(nb_samples)
    loglkd        = np.zeros(nb_samples)
    marg_loglkd   = 0
    coefficient   = .5
    marg_loglkd_l = np.zeros(T)
    acceptance_l  = []

    # move step param
    if apply_rep_bias and apply_weber_decision_noise:
        move_samples     = np.zeros([nb_samples, 5])    
    elif apply_rep_bias or curiosity_bias:        
        move_samples     = np.zeros([nb_samples, 4])
    elif apply_weber_decision_noise:        
        move_samples     = np.zeros([nb_samples, 4])
        move_samples = np.zeros([nb_samples, 3])

    move_p_loglkd    = np.zeros(nb_samples)
    Q_samples_move   = np.zeros([nb_samples, 2])
    prev_action_move = np.zeros(nb_samples)
    mean_Q           = np.zeros([T, 2])
    prediction_err   = np.zeros(nb_samples)
    prediction_err[:] = -np.inf
    prediction_err_move = np.zeros(nb_samples)

    if show_progress : plt.figure(figsize=(15,9)); plt.suptitle("noiseless rl", fontsize=14); plt.ion()

    # loop
    for t_idx in range(T):

        if (t_idx+1) % 10 == 0 : sys.stdout.write(' ' + str(t_idx+1) + ' '); print 'marg_loglkd ' + str(marg_loglkd); 
        if (t_idx+1) % 100 == 0: print ('\n')
        assert(len(np.unique(prev_action)) == 1)

        # update step
        weights_a[:] = log_weights
        if idx_blocks[t_idx]:
            Q_samples[:]   = 0.5
            prev_action[:] = -1

        # loop over samples
        for n_idx in range(nb_samples):
            alpha_c                  = samples[n_idx, 0]
            alpha_u                  = samples[n_idx, 1]

            if temperature:
                beta                     = 1./samples[n_idx, 2]
                beta                     = 10**samples[n_idx, 2]

            if apply_rep_bias or curiosity_bias:              
                eta                  = samples[n_idx, -1]
            if apply_weber_decision_noise:              
                k_beta              =  samples[n_idx,3]

            # reweighting
            if choices[t_idx] == 1 and prev_action[n_idx] != -1 and (apply_rep_bias==1 or curiosity_bias) and apply_weber_decision_noise == 0:
                if apply_rep_bias:
                    value              = 1./(1. + np.exp(beta * (Q_samples[n_idx, 0] - Q_samples[n_idx, 1]) - np.sign(prev_action[n_idx] - .5) * eta))
                    loglkd[n_idx]      = np.log((value**actions[t_idx]) * (1 - value)**((1 - actions[t_idx])))
                    prev_action[n_idx] = actions[t_idx]
                elif curiosity_bias:
                        count_samples      = t_idx - 1 - np.where(actions[:t_idx] != actions[t_idx - 1])[0][-1]
                        count_samples      = t_idx     
                    assert(count_samples > 0)                   
                    value              = 1./(1. + np.exp(beta * (Q_samples[n_idx, 0] - Q_samples[n_idx, 1]) + np.sign(prev_action[n_idx] - .5) * eta * count_samples))
                    loglkd[n_idx]      = np.log((value**actions[t_idx]) * (1 - value)**((1 - actions[t_idx])))
                    prev_action[n_idx] = actions[t_idx]

            elif choices[t_idx] == 1 and apply_weber_decision_noise == 0:
                value              = 1./(1. + np.exp(beta * (Q_samples[n_idx, 0] - Q_samples[n_idx, 1])))
                loglkd[n_idx]      = np.log((value**actions[t_idx]) * (1 - value)**((1 - actions[t_idx])))
                prev_action[n_idx] = actions[t_idx]
            elif choices[t_idx] == 1 and apply_weber_decision_noise == 1 and apply_rep_bias == 0:
                beta_modified = beta / (1. + k_beta * prediction_err[n_idx])
                value              = 1./(1. + np.exp(beta_modified * (Q_samples[n_idx, 0] - Q_samples[n_idx, 1])))
                loglkd[n_idx]      = np.log((value**actions[t_idx]) * (1 - value)**((1 - actions[t_idx])))
                prev_action[n_idx] = actions[t_idx]
            elif choices[t_idx] == 1 and apply_weber_decision_noise == 1 and apply_rep_bias == 1:
                beta_modified = beta / (1. + k_beta * prediction_err[n_idx])
                value              = 1./(1. + np.exp(beta_modified * (Q_samples[n_idx, 0] - Q_samples[n_idx, 1]) - np.sign(prev_action[n_idx] - .5) * eta))
                loglkd[n_idx]      = np.log((value**actions[t_idx]) * (1 - value)**((1 - actions[t_idx])))
                prev_action[n_idx] = actions[t_idx]             
                value            = 1.
                loglkd[n_idx]    = 0.
            if np.isnan(loglkd[n_idx]):
                print t_idx
                print n_idx
                print beta
                print value
                raise Exception

            p_loglkd[n_idx]          = p_loglkd[n_idx] + loglkd[n_idx]
            log_weights[n_idx]       = log_weights[n_idx] + loglkd[n_idx]

            # update step
            if actions[t_idx] == 0:
                prediction_err[n_idx]            = np.abs(Q_samples[n_idx, 0] - rewards[0, t_idx])

                Q_samples[n_idx, 0]       = (1 - alpha_c) * Q_samples[n_idx, 0] + alpha_c * rewards[0, t_idx]
                if not curiosity_bias:
                    Q_samples[n_idx, 1]       = (1 - alpha_u) * Q_samples[n_idx, 1] + alpha_u * rewards[1, t_idx]
                prediction_err[n_idx]            = np.abs(Q_samples[n_idx, 1] - rewards[1, t_idx])
                if not curiosity_bias:
                    Q_samples[n_idx, 0]       = (1 - alpha_u) * Q_samples[n_idx, 0] + alpha_u * rewards[0, t_idx]
                Q_samples[n_idx, 1]       = (1 - alpha_c) * Q_samples[n_idx, 1] + alpha_c * rewards[1, t_idx]

        marg_loglkd         += logsumexp(weights_a + loglkd) - logsumexp(weights_a)
        marg_loglkd_l[t_idx] = marg_loglkd
        ess                  = np.exp(2 * logsumexp(log_weights) - logsumexp(2 * log_weights))
        esslist[t_idx]       = ess

        weights_a[:]         = uf.to_normalized_weights(log_weights)
        mean_Q[t_idx]        = np.sum((Q_samples.T * weights_a).T, axis=0)

        # move step
        if ess < coefficient * nb_samples:
            nb_acceptance   = 0.
            if not sample_alpha_u:
            	samples_tmp = np.delete(samples, 1, axis=1)
            	mu_p        = np.sum(samples_tmp.T * weights_a, axis=1)
            	Sigma_p     = np.dot((samples_tmp - mu_p).T * weights_a, (samples_tmp - mu_p))
            	mu_p        = np.sum(samples.T * weights_a, axis=1)
            	Sigma_p     = np.dot((samples - mu_p).T * weights_a, (samples - mu_p))
            idxTrajectories = uf.stratified_resampling(weights_a)
            for n_idx in range(nb_samples):
                idx_traj = idxTrajectories[n_idx]
                while True:
                    sample_cand     = np.array(samples[idx_traj])
                    sample_p        = multi_norm(mu_p, Sigma_p)
                    sample_p_copy   = np.array(sample_p)
                    if (not sample_alpha_u) and apply_rep_bias:
                    	sample_p    = np.array([sample_p[0], alpha_unchosen, sample_p[1], sample_p[2]])
                    	sample_cand = np.delete(sample_cand, 1)
                    elif not sample_alpha_u:
                    	sample_p    = np.array([sample_p[0], alpha_unchosen, sample_p[1]])
                    	sample_cand = np.delete(sample_cand, 1)
                    if not apply_rep_bias and not apply_weber_decision_noise:  
                        if sample_p[0] >= 0 and sample_p[0] <= 1 and sample_p[1] >= 0 and sample_p[1] <= 1 and sample_p[2] > 0 and sample_p[2] <= upp_bound_beta:
                    elif not apply_rep_bias and apply_weber_decision_noise:
                        if sample_p[0] >= 0 and sample_p[0] <= 1 and sample_p[1] >= 0 and sample_p[1] <= 1 \
                                and sample_p[2] > 0 and sample_p[2] <= upp_bound_beta and sample_p[3] > 0 and sample_p[3] <= upp_bound_k:
                    elif apply_rep_bias and not apply_weber_decision_noise:
                        if sample_p[0] >= 0 and sample_p[0] <= 1 and sample_p[1] >= 0 and sample_p[1] <= 1 \
                                     and sample_p[2] > 0 and sample_p[2] <= upp_bound_beta and sample_p[3] > -upp_bound_eta and sample_p[3] < upp_bound_eta:
                        if sample_p[0] >= 0 and sample_p[0] <= 1 and sample_p[1] >= 0 and sample_p[1] <= 1 \
                                     and sample_p[2] > 0 and sample_p[2] <= upp_bound_beta and sample_p[3] > 0 and sample_p[3] < upp_bound_k \
                                             and sample_p[-1] > -upp_bound_eta and sample_p[-1] < upp_bound_eta:                        
                [loglkd_prop, Q_prop, prev_action_prop, prediction_err_prop] = get_loglikelihood(sample_p, rewards, actions, choices, idx_blocks, t_idx + 1, apply_rep_bias, apply_weber_decision_noise, curiosity_bias, temperature) 
            	log_ratio                               = loglkd_prop - p_loglkd[idx_traj]  \
													         + get_logtruncnorm(sample_cand, mu_p, Sigma_p) - get_logtruncnorm(sample_p_copy, mu_p, Sigma_p)
                log_ratio = np.minimum(log_ratio, 0)
                if (np.log(np.random.rand()) < log_ratio):
                    nb_acceptance          += 1.
                    move_samples[n_idx]     = sample_p
                    move_p_loglkd[n_idx]    = loglkd_prop
                    Q_samples_move[n_idx]   = Q_prop
                    prediction_err_move[n_idx] = prediction_err_prop
                    move_samples[n_idx]     = samples[idx_traj]
                    move_p_loglkd[n_idx]    = p_loglkd[idx_traj]
                    Q_samples_move[n_idx]   = Q_samples[idx_traj]
                    prediction_err_move[n_idx] = prediction_err[idx_traj]

            print 'acceptance ratio %s'%str(nb_acceptance/nb_samples)
            assert(prev_action_prop == prev_action[0])

            # move samples
            samples[:]     = move_samples
            p_loglkd[:]    = move_p_loglkd
            log_weights[:] = 0.
            Q_samples[:]   = Q_samples_move
            prediction_err[:] = prediction_err_move

        if show_progress and t_idx%10==0 :
            weights_a[:]    = uf.to_normalized_weights(log_weights)

            plt.plot(range(t_idx), mean_Q[:t_idx], 'm', linewidth=2);
            plt.ylabel('Q values')

            if apply_rep_bias == 1:
                mean_rep = np.sum(weights_a * samples[:,3])
                std_rep  = np.sqrt(np.sum(weights_a * samples[:,3]**2) - mean_rep**2)
                x = np.linspace(-2.,2.,5000)
                plt.plot(x, norm.pdf(x, mean_rep, std_rep), 'g'); plt.hold(True)
                plt.plot([mean_rep, mean_rep], plt.gca().get_ylim(),'g', linewidth=2)
                plt.ylabel('rep param')

            if temperature:
                mean_beta = np.sum(weights_a * 1./samples[:, 2])
                std_beta  = np.sqrt(np.sum(weights_a * ((1./samples[:,2])**2)) - mean_beta**2)
                mean_beta = np.sum(weights_a * 10**samples[:, 2])
                std_beta  = np.sqrt(np.sum(weights_a * ((10**samples[:,2])**2)) - mean_beta**2)

            if apply_weber_decision_noise : 
                mean_k = np.sum(weights_a * samples[:,3])
                std_k  = np.sqrt(np.sum(weights_a * (samples[:,3]**2)) - mean_k**2)

            x = np.linspace(0.01,200.,5000)
            plt.plot(x, norm.pdf(x, mean_beta, std_beta), 'g', linewidth=2); plt.hold(True)
            plt.plot([mean_beta, mean_beta], plt.gca().get_ylim(), 'g', linewidth=2)
            plt.xlabel('beta softmax')

            mean_alpha_0 = np.sum(weights_a * samples[:, 0])
            std_alpha_0  = np.sqrt(np.sum(weights_a * (samples[:, 0]**2)) - mean_alpha_0**2)
            mean_alpha_1 = np.sum(weights_a * samples[:, 1])
            std_alpha_1  = np.sqrt(np.sum(weights_a * (samples[:, 1]**2)) - mean_alpha_1**2)
            x = np.linspace(0.,1.,5000)
            plt.plot(x, norm.pdf(x, mean_alpha_0, std_alpha_0), 'm', linewidth=2); plt.hold(True)
            plt.plot([mean_alpha_0, mean_alpha_0], plt.gca().get_ylim(), 'm', linewidth=2)
            plt.plot(x, norm.pdf(x, mean_alpha_1, std_alpha_1), 'c', linewidth=2);
            plt.plot([mean_alpha_1, mean_alpha_1], plt.gca().get_ylim(), 'c', linewidth=2)
            plt.xlabel('learning rate chosen (majenta) an unchosen (cyan)')

            plt.plot(range(t_idx), esslist[:t_idx], 'b', linewidth=2); plt.hold(True)
            plt.plot(plt.gca().get_xlim(), [nb_samples/2,  nb_samples/2],'b--', linewidth=2)
            plt.axis([0, t_idx-1, 0, nb_samples])

            # modified here add the plot for k 
            if apply_weber_decision_noise : # added by Alex
                x = np.linspace(0.01,10.,5000)
                plt.plot(x, norm.pdf(x, mean_k, std_k), 'k', linewidth=2); plt.hold(True)
                plt.plot([mean_k, mean_k], plt.gca().get_ylim(), 'k', linewidth=2)
                plt.xlabel('scaling parameter for softmax 1/[0 1]')

    return [samples, mean_Q, esslist, acceptance_l, log_weights, p_loglkd, marg_loglkd_l]
コード例 #32
ファイル: model.py プロジェクト: RuthAngus/GProtation
def lnGauss_mixture(x, mix):
    w = mix[:, 0]
    mu = mix[:, 1]
    sigma = mix[:, 2]
    return logsumexp(lnGauss(x, mu, sigma), b=w)
コード例 #33
def test_logsumexp():
    # make sure logsumexp can be imported from either scipy.misc or
    # scipy.special
    with suppress_warnings() as sup:
        sup.filter(DeprecationWarning, "`logsumexp` is deprecated")
        assert_allclose(logsumexp([0, 1]), sc_logsumexp([0, 1]), atol=1e-16)
コード例 #34
 def _do_forward_pass(self, framelogprob):
     n_samples, n_components = framelogprob.shape
     fwdlattice = np.zeros((n_samples, n_components))
     _hmmc._forward(n_samples, n_components, log_mask_zero(self.startprob_),
                    log_mask_zero(self.transmat_), framelogprob, fwdlattice)
     return logsumexp(fwdlattice[-1]), fwdlattice
コード例 #35
    all_df = pd.DataFrame()

    p = np.zeros((total_no_iters - 2, n_trial)) + 0.0  # initialize
    solution_XX = np.dstack(
        [i[lam_no][0][:total_no_iters, :].T for i in dat['solution']])
    E_true = np.array([[
        pdist(solution_XX[:, :i, j].T).min() for i in range(2, total_no_iters)
    ] for j in range(n_trial)])
    alpha = 10.0
    for it, trial in enumerate(range(n_trial)):
        for n, tr in enumerate(range(2, total_no_iters)):
            true_set = solution_XX[:, :tr, trial].T
            samples = np.random.uniform(size=(10000, dim))
            samples = samples * (bounds[:, 1] - bounds[:, 0]) + bounds[:, 0]
            E_samp = (cdist(true_set[:-1], samples).min(axis=0))
            log_prob = alpha * E_true[trial, n] - logsumexp(alpha * E_samp -
            p[n, it] = -log_prob

    for no_iters in range(5, total_no_iters + 1):
        mins_df = pd.DataFrame(index=np.arange(n_trial), columns=names)
        #         no_iters = 20
        true_lam = lam_no
        l_ego = get_Ls(names[true_lam], no_iters)
        #         ax.set_title('$\Lambda^*={}$\n'.format(names[true_lam]))

        ## dat['solution'][true_lam, coor_or_ei, no_samples]
        solution_X = np.dstack(
            [i[true_lam][0][:no_iters, :].T for i in dat['solution']])
        solution_y = np.dstack(
            [i[true_lam][1][:no_iters] for i in dat['solution']])
コード例 #36
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: lizhangzhan/pybasicbayes
 def expected_log_likelihood(self, x):
     lognorm = logsumexp(self.weights._alpha_mf)
     return sum(
         np.exp(a - lognorm) * c.expected_log_likelihood(x)
         for a, c in zip(self.weights._alpha_mf, self.components))
コード例 #37
def compute_predictive_ll(S_test, S_train,
    Compute the predictive log likelihood
    plls = {}

    # Compute homogeneous pred ll
    T = S_train.shape[0]
    T_test = S_test.shape[0]
    lam_homog = S_train.sum(axis=0) / float(T)
    plls['homog']  = 0
    plls['homog'] += -gammaln(S_test+1).sum()
    plls['homog'] += (-lam_homog * T_test).sum()
    plls['homog'] += (S_test.sum(axis=0) * np.log(lam_homog)).sum()

    if true_model is not None:
        plls['true'] = true_model.heldout_log_likelihood(S_test)

    if bfgs_model is not None:
        assert isinstance(bfgs_model, DiscreteTimeStandardHawkesModel)
        plls['bfgs'] = bfgs_model.heldout_log_likelihood(S_test)

    if sgd_models is not None:
        assert isinstance(sgd_models, list)

        plls['sgd'] = np.zeros(len(sgd_models))
        for i,sgd_model in enumerate(sgd_models):
            plls['sgd'] = sgd_model.heldout_log_likelihood(S_test)

    if gibbs_samples is not None:
        print "Computing pred ll for Gibbs"
        # Compute log(E[pred likelihood]) on second half of samplese
        offset       = len(gibbs_samples) // 2
        # Preconvolve with the Gibbs model's basis
        F_test = gibbs_samples[0].basis.convolve_with_basis(S_test)

        plls['gibbs'] = []
        for s in gibbs_samples[offset:]:
            plls['gibbs'].append(s.heldout_log_likelihood(S_test, F=F_test))

        # Convert to numpy array
        plls['gibbs'] = np.array(plls['gibbs'])

    if vb_models is not None:
        print "Computing pred ll for VB"
        # Compute predictive likelihood over samples from VB model
        N_models  = len(vb_models)
        N_samples = 100
        # Preconvolve with the VB model's basis
        F_test = vb_models[0].basis.convolve_with_basis(S_test)

        vb_plls = np.zeros((N_models, N_samples))
        for i, vb_model in enumerate(vb_models):
            for j in xrange(N_samples):
                vb_plls[i,j] = vb_model.heldout_log_likelihood(S_test, F=F_test)

        # Compute the log of the average predicted likelihood
        plls['vb'] = -np.log(N_samples) + logsumexp(vb_plls, axis=1)

    if svi_models is not None:
        print "Computing predictive likelihood for SVI models"
        # Compute predictive likelihood over samples from VB model
        N_models  = len(svi_models)
        N_samples = 1
        # Preconvolve with the VB model's basis
        F_test = svi_models[0].basis.convolve_with_basis(S_test)

        svi_plls = np.zeros((N_models, N_samples))
        for i, svi_model in enumerate(svi_models):
            # print "Computing pred ll for SVI iteration ", i
            for j in xrange(N_samples):
                svi_plls[i,j] = svi_model.heldout_log_likelihood(S_test, F=F_test)

        plls['svi'] = -np.log(N_samples) + logsumexp(svi_plls, axis=1)

    return plls
コード例 #38
ファイル: lib_evaluation.py プロジェクト: nasoboleva/magenta
 def __call__(self, pianoroll):
     lls = [self.evaluator(pianoroll) for _ in range(self.ensemble_size)]
     return logsumexp(lls, b=1. / len(lls), axis=0)
コード例 #39
 def _get_assign_probs(self):
     return np.exp(
         self.log_assignment  #  num_sublex x num_clusters x num_symbols
         - spm.logsumexp(self.log_assignment, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis, :])
コード例 #40
 def _update_log_like(self):
     self.log_like = spm.logsumexp(self.log_assignment, axis=1)
コード例 #41
ファイル: hidden_markov.py プロジェクト: hh-0/ML_Assignment4
    if r > A[current_state][current_state]:
        current_state ^= 1

rolls = np.array(rolls) - 1
die = np.array(die)

K = 2
T = rolls.shape[0]
Alpha = np.empty((K, T))

# Forward
Alpha[:, 0] = np.log(0.5) + np.log(B[:, rolls[0]])
# Alpha[:, 0] = 0.5 * B[:,rolls[0]]
for t in range(1, T):
    for k in range(K):
        Alpha[k, t] = np.log(B[k, rolls[t]]) + logsumexp(
            [Alpha[i, t - 1] + np.log(A[i, k]) for i in range(K)])
        # Alpha[k,t] = B[k, rolls[t]] * np.sum([Alpha[i,t-1] * A[i, k] for i in range(K)])

normalized_alpha = Alpha[1, :] / np.sum(Alpha, axis=0)
x = np.arange(0, N)
plt.plot(x, normalized_alpha)
plt.plot(x, die)

# Backward
Beta = np.empty((K, T))
Beta[:, T - 1] = 1
for t in range(T - 2, 0, -1):
    for k in range(K):
        Beta[k, t] = logsumexp([
            Beta[i, t + 1] + np.log(B[k, rolls[t + 1]]) + np.log(A[i, k])
コード例 #42
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: lizhangzhan/pybasicbayes
 def log_likelihood(self):
     if not hasattr(self, '_normalizer') or self._normalizer is None:
         scores = self._compute_scores()
         self._normalizer = logsumexp(scores[~np.isnan(self.data).any(1)],
     return self._normalizer
コード例 #43
ファイル: stats.py プロジェクト: sykhan88/pymc3
def _psislw(lw, reff):
    """Pareto smoothed importance sampling (PSIS).

    lw : array
        Array of size (n_samples, n_observations)
    reff : float
        relative MCMC efficiency, `effective_n / n`

    lw_out : array
        Smoothed log weights
    kss : array
        Pareto tail indices
    n, m = lw.shape

    lw_out = np.copy(lw, order='F')
    kss = np.empty(m)

    # precalculate constants
    cutoff_ind = -int(np.ceil(min(n / 0.5, 3 * (n / reff)**0.5))) - 1
    cutoffmin = np.log(np.finfo(float).tiny)
    k_min = 1. / 3

    # loop over sets of log weights
    for i, x in enumerate(lw_out.T):
        # improve numerical accuracy
        x -= np.max(x)
        # sort the array
        x_sort_ind = np.argsort(x)
        # divide log weights into body and right tail
        xcutoff = max(x[x_sort_ind[cutoff_ind]], cutoffmin)

        expxcutoff = np.exp(xcutoff)
        tailinds, = np.where(x > xcutoff)
        x2 = x[tailinds]
        n2 = len(x2)
        if n2 <= 4:
            # not enough tail samples for gpdfit
            k = np.inf
            # order of tail samples
            x2si = np.argsort(x2)
            # fit generalized Pareto distribution to the right tail samples
            x2 = np.exp(x2) - expxcutoff
            k, sigma = _gpdfit(x2[x2si])

        if k >= k_min and not np.isinf(k):
            # no smoothing if short tail or GPD fit failed
            # compute ordered statistic for the fit
            sti = np.arange(0.5, n2) / n2
            qq = _gpinv(sti, k, sigma)
            qq = np.log(qq + expxcutoff)
            # place the smoothed tail into the output array
            x[tailinds[x2si]] = qq
            # truncate smoothed values to the largest raw weight 0
            x[x > 0] = 0
        # renormalize weights
        x -= logsumexp(x)
        # store tail index k
        kss[i] = k

    return lw_out, kss
コード例 #44
	def pmf(self, state):
		exponent = self.Q_U(state) / self.temperature
		return np.exp(exponent - logsumexp(exponent))
コード例 #45
def logadd(lp, lq):
    return logsumexp([lp, lq])
コード例 #46
ファイル: stats.py プロジェクト: sykhan88/pymc3
def loo(trace, model=None, pointwise=False, reff=None, progressbar=False):
    """Calculates leave-one-out (LOO) cross-validation for out of sample
    predictive model fit, following Vehtari et al. (2015). Cross-validation is
    computed using Pareto-smoothed importance sampling (PSIS).

    trace : result of MCMC run
    model : PyMC Model
        Optional model. Default None, taken from context.
    pointwise: bool
        if True the pointwise predictive accuracy will be returned.
        Default False
    reff : float
        relative MCMC efficiency, `effective_n / n` i.e. number of effective
        samples divided by the number of actual samples. Computed from trace by
    progressbar: bool
        Whether or not to display a progress bar in the command line. The
        bar shows the percentage of completion, the evaluation speed, and
        the estimated time to completion

    namedtuple with the following elements:
    loo: approximated Leave-one-out cross-validation
    loo_se: standard error of loo
    p_loo: effective number of parameters
    loo_i: array of pointwise predictive accuracy, only if pointwise True
    model = modelcontext(model)

    if reff is None:
        if trace.nchains == 1:
            reff = 1.
            eff = pm.effective_n(trace)
            eff_ave = pm.stats.dict2pd(eff, 'eff').mean()
            samples = len(trace) * trace.nchains
            reff = eff_ave / samples

    log_py = _log_post_trace(trace, model, progressbar=progressbar)
    if log_py.size == 0:
        raise ValueError('The model does not contain observed values.')

    lw, ks = _psislw(-log_py, reff)
    lw += log_py
    if np.any(ks > 0.7):
        warnings.warn("""Estimated shape parameter of Pareto distribution is
        greater than 0.7 for one or more samples.
        You should consider using a more robust model, this is because
        importance sampling is less likely to work well if the marginal
        posterior and LOO posterior are very different. This is more likely to
        happen with a non-robust model and highly influential observations.""")

    loo_lppd_i = -2 * logsumexp(lw, axis=0)
    loo_lppd = loo_lppd_i.sum()
    loo_lppd_se = (len(loo_lppd_i) * np.var(loo_lppd_i))**0.5
    lppd = np.sum(logsumexp(log_py, axis=0, b=1. / log_py.shape[0]))
    p_loo = lppd + (0.5 * loo_lppd)

    if pointwise:
        LOO_r = namedtuple('LOO_r', 'LOO, LOO_se, p_LOO, LOO_i')
        return LOO_r(loo_lppd, loo_lppd_se, p_loo, loo_lppd_i)
        LOO_r = namedtuple('LOO_r', 'LOO, LOO_se, p_LOO')
        return LOO_r(loo_lppd, loo_lppd_se, p_loo)
コード例 #47
def loo(trace, model=None, pointwise=False, progressbar=False):
    """Calculates leave-one-out (LOO) cross-validation for out of sample predictive
    model fit, following Vehtari et al. (2015). Cross-validation is computed using
    Pareto-smoothed importance sampling (PSIS).

    trace : result of MCMC run
    model : PyMC Model
        Optional model. Default None, taken from context.
    pointwise: bool
        if True the pointwise predictive accuracy will be returned.
        Default False
    progressbar: bool
        Whether or not to display a progress bar in the command line. The
        bar shows the percentage of completion, the evaluation speed, and
        the estimated time to completion

    namedtuple with the following elements:
    loo: approximated Leave-one-out cross-validation
    loo_se: standard error of loo
    p_loo: effective number of parameters
    loo_i: and array of the pointwise predictive accuracy, only if pointwise True
    model = modelcontext(model)

    log_py = _log_post_trace(trace, model, progressbar=progressbar)
    if log_py.size == 0:
        raise ValueError('The model does not contain observed values.')

    # Importance ratios
    r = np.exp(-log_py)
    r_sorted = np.sort(r, axis=0)

    # Extract largest 20% of importance ratios and fit generalized Pareto to each
    # (returns tuple with shape, location, scale)
    q80 = int(len(log_py) * 0.8)
    pareto_fit = np.apply_along_axis(
        lambda x: pareto.fit(x, floc=0), 0, r_sorted[q80:])

    if np.any(pareto_fit[0] > 0.7):
        warnings.warn("""Estimated shape parameter of Pareto distribution is
        greater than 0.7 for one or more samples.
        You should consider using a more robust model, this is
        because importance sampling is less likely to work well if the marginal
        posterior and LOO posterior are very different. This is more likely to
        happen with a non-robust model and highly influential observations.""")

    elif np.any(pareto_fit[0] > 0.5):
        warnings.warn("""Estimated shape parameter of Pareto distribution is
        greater than 0.5 for one or more samples. This may indicate
        that the variance of the Pareto smoothed importance sampling estimate
        is very large.""")

    # Calculate expected values of the order statistics of the fitted Pareto
    S = len(r_sorted)
    M = S - q80
    z = (np.arange(M) + 0.5) / M
    expvals = map(lambda x: pareto.ppf(z, x[0], scale=x[2]), pareto_fit.T)

    # Replace importance ratios with order statistics of fitted Pareto
    r_sorted[q80:] = np.vstack(expvals).T
    # Unsort ratios (within columns) before using them as weights
    r_new = np.array([r[np.argsort(i)]
                      for r, i in zip(r_sorted.T, np.argsort(r.T, axis=1))]).T

    # Truncate weights to guarantee finite variance
    w = np.minimum(r_new, r_new.mean(axis=0) * S**0.75)

    loo_lppd_i = - 2. * logsumexp(log_py, axis=0, b=w / np.sum(w, axis=0))

    loo_lppd_se = np.sqrt(len(loo_lppd_i) * np.var(loo_lppd_i))

    loo_lppd = np.sum(loo_lppd_i)

    lppd = np.sum(logsumexp(log_py, axis=0, b=1. / log_py.shape[0]))

    p_loo = lppd + (0.5 * loo_lppd)

    if pointwise:
        LOO_r = namedtuple('LOO_r', 'LOO, LOO_se, p_LOO, LOO_i')
        return LOO_r(loo_lppd, loo_lppd_se, p_loo, loo_lppd_i)
        LOO_r = namedtuple('LOO_r', 'LOO, LOO_se, p_LOO')
        return LOO_r(loo_lppd, loo_lppd_se, p_loo)
コード例 #48
    def log_marginal_likelihood(self, X):
        """Calculate log marginal likehood.

            X (structured_array, shape = (n_samples, 1)):
                Input data where each row is a sample stored as a tuple of data entries.
            log_marginal_likelihood (float)
        total = 0.0
        # initialize my gcov matrix dict with respect to z
        my_gcovz = {}
        keys = ['age', 'hr']
        for z in range(self.n_components):
            cov = np.array([[
            my_gcovz[z] = cov

        # initialize my mu matrix dict with respect to z
        my_muz = {}
        for z in range(self.n_components):
            my_muz[z] = np.array(

        #print (my_muz)

        for x in X:
            #x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9,x10 = x[0],x[1],x[2],x[3],x[4],x[5],x[6],x[7],x[8],x[9]
            xg, xp, xb, xc = np.array([x[0], x[1]]).astype(
                np.float), x[2], [x[3], x[4]], [x[5], x[6], x[7], x[8], x[9]]
            #print (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9,x10)
            #look at page for order of terms
            fir, sec, thi, fou, fiv, six, sev, eig, nin, ten, ele, twe = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
            firz,secz,thiz,fouz,fivz,sixz,sevz,eigz,ninz,tenz,elez,twez = [],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]
            for z in range(self.n_components):
                #Gaussian exp term
                adj_xg = np.array(xg - my_muz[z])[:, np.newaxis]
                    (-1 / 2) *
                #print (np.array(firz).shape)
                #Gaussian log term
                    (-1 / 2) * np.log(np.linalg.det(2 * np.pi * my_gcovz[z])))
                #Poisson exp term
                #Poisson log term
                elez.append(xp * np.log(self.poisson['edu-num'][z]) -
                #First bernoulli dist (income) log term
                if xb[0] == '<=50K':
                #Second bernoulli dist (sex) log term
                if xb[1] == 'Female':
                #Multinoulli workclass
                #Multinoulli marital
                #Multinoulli occup
                #Multinoulli relation
                #Multinoulli country
                #theta zM

            #print (np.array(firz).squeeze(),np.array(secz).shape,np.array(thiz).shape,np.array(fouz).shape,np.array(fivz).shape,np.array(sixz).shape,np.array(sevz).shape,np.array(eigz).shape,np.array(ninz).shape,np.array(tenz).shape,np.array(elez).shape)
            myarr = np.array(firz).squeeze() + np.array(secz) + np.array(
                thiz) + np.array(fouz) + np.array(fivz) + np.array(
                    sixz) + np.array(sevz) + np.array(eigz) + np.array(
                        ninz) + np.array(tenz) + np.array(elez) + np.array(

            total = total + logsumexp(myarr)
            #print (fir,sec,thi,fou,fiv,six,sev,eig,nin,ten,ele)
            #total = total + fir+sec+thi+fou+fiv+six+sev+eig+nin+ten+ele
        #print ("Log marginal likelihood:",total)
        return total
コード例 #49
def simple_test(X,
    '''z_std = 1.0 gives the correct answer but other values might be good for
    debugging and analysis purposes.'''
    N, D = X.shape
    N_valid = X_valid.shape[0]
    assert (X_valid.shape == (N_valid, D))
    y_valid = np.zeros_like(X_valid)

    num_params = 2
    max_x = np.max(X)

    WL_init = 1.0
    layers = ign.init_ign_LU(n_layers, num_params, WL_val=WL_init)
    phi_shared = make_shared_dict(layers, '%d%s')

    ll_primary_f = lambda X, y, w: loglik_primary_f(X, y, w, max_x)
    logprior_f_corrected = lambda theta: logprior_f(theta, max_x)
    hypernet_f = lambda z, prelim: ign.network_T_and_J_LU(
        z[None, :], phi_shared, force_diag=prelim)[0][0, :]
    log_det_dtheta_dz_f = lambda z, prelim: T.sum(
        ign.network_T_and_J_LU(z[None, :], phi_shared, force_diag=prelim)[1])
    params_to_opt = phi_shared.values()
    R = ht.build_trainer(params_to_opt,
    trainer, get_err, test_loglik, _, grad_f = R

    batch_order = np.arange(int(N / n_batch))

    cost_hist = np.zeros(n_epochs)
    loglik_valid = np.zeros(n_epochs)
    for epoch in xrange(n_epochs):

        cost = 0.0
        for ii in batch_order:
            x_batch = X[ii * n_batch:(ii + 1) * n_batch]
            y_batch = np.zeros_like(x_batch)
            z_noise = z_std * np.random.randn(num_params)
            if epoch <= 200:
                current_lr = init_lr
                prelim = True
                current_lr = init_lr * 0.01
                prelim = False
            batch_cost = trainer(x_batch, y_batch, z_noise, current_lr, prelim)
            cost += batch_cost
        cost /= len(batch_order)
        print cost
        cost_hist[epoch] = cost

        loglik_valid_s = np.zeros((N_valid, n_samples))
        for ss in xrange(n_samples):
            z_noise = z_std * np.random.randn(num_params)
            loglik_valid_s[:, ss] = test_loglik(X_valid, y_valid, z_noise,
        loglik_valid_s_adj = loglik_valid_s - np.log(n_samples)
        loglik_valid[epoch] = np.mean(logsumexp(loglik_valid_s_adj, axis=1))
        print 'valid %f' % loglik_valid[epoch]

    phi = make_unshared_dict(phi_shared)
    return phi, cost_hist, loglik_valid, grad_f
コード例 #50
    def mf_update_c(self, network, stepsize=1.0):
        Update the block assignment probabilitlies one at a time.
        This one involves a number of not-so-friendly expectations.
        E_A = network.E_A
        E_notA = 1 - network.E_A
        # Sample each assignment in order
        for n1 in xrange(self.N):
            # Compute unnormalized log probs of each connection
            lp = np.zeros(self.C)

            # Prior from m
            lp += self.mf_expected_log_m()

            # Iterate over possible block assignments
            for cn1 in xrange(self.C):

                # Likelihood from each edge in the network
                for n2 in xrange(self.N):
                    for cn2 in xrange(self.C):
                        pcn2 = self.mf_m[n2, cn2]

                        p_pn1n2 = Beta(self.mf_tau1[cn1, cn2],
                                       self.mf_tau0[cn1, cn2])
                        E_ln_p_n1n2 = p_pn1n2.expected_log_p()
                        E_ln_notp_n1n2 = p_pn1n2.expected_log_notp()
                        lp[cn1] += pcn2 * Bernoulli().negentropy(
                            E_x=E_A[n1, n2],
                            E_notx=E_notA[n1, n2],

                        # Compute the expected log likelihood of the weights
                        # Compute E[ln p(W | A=1, c)]
                        lp[cn1] += E_A[
                            n1, n2] * pcn2 * self._expected_log_likelihood_W(
                                network, n1, cn1, n2, cn2)

                    # Now do the same thing for the reverse edge
                    if n2 != n1:
                        p_pn2n1 = Beta(self.mf_tau1[cn2, cn1],
                                       self.mf_tau0[cn2, cn1])
                        E_ln_p_n2n1 = p_pn2n1.expected_log_p()
                        E_ln_notp_n2n1 = p_pn2n1.expected_log_notp()
                        lp[cn1] += pcn2 * Bernoulli().negentropy(
                            E_x=E_A[n2, n1],
                            E_notx=E_notA[n2, n1],

                        lp[cn1] += E_A[
                            n2, n1] * pcn2 * self._expected_log_likelihood_W(
                                network, n2, cn2, n1, cn1)

            # Normalize the log probabilities to update mf_m
            Z = logsumexp(lp)
            mk_hat = np.exp(lp - Z)

            self.mf_m[n1, :] = (
                1.0 - stepsize) * self.mf_m[n1, :] + stepsize * mk_hat
コード例 #51
 def logavg(v):
     return logsumexp(v) - np.log(len(v))
コード例 #52
def var_dpmm_multinomial(X,
    runs variational inference on a DP mixture model where each
    mixture component is a multinomial distribution.

    X: observed data, (N,M) matrix, can be sparse
    alpha: concentration parameter
    base_dirichlet: base measure (Dirichlet (1,M) in this case)
    N, M = X.shape

    # variational multinomial parameters for z_n
    phi = np.matrix(np.random.uniform(size=(T, N)))
    phi = np.divide(phi, np.sum(phi, axis=0))

    # variational beta parameters for V_t
    gamma1 = np.matrix(np.zeros((T - 1, 1)))
    gamma2 = np.matrix(np.zeros((T - 1, 1)))

    # variational dirichlet parameters for \eta_t
    tau = np.matrix(np.zeros((T, M)))

    ll = []
    #held_out = []
    log_time = []
    K_trace = []
    Z_trace = []
    total_time = time.time()
    for it in range(n_iter):

        gamma1 = 1. + np.sum(phi[:T - 1, :], axis=1)
        phi_cum = np.cumsum(phi[:0:-1, :], axis=0)[::-1, :]
        gamma2 = alpha + np.sum(phi_cum, axis=1)

        tau = base_dirichlet + phi * X

        lV1 = psi(gamma1) - psi(gamma1 + gamma2)  # E_q[log V_t]
        lV1 = np.vstack((lV1, 0.))
        lV2 = psi(gamma2) - psi(gamma1 + gamma2)  # E_q[log (1-V_t)]
        lV2 = np.cumsum(np.vstack((0., lV2)),
                        axis=0)  # \sum_{i=1}^{t-1} E_q[log (1-V_i)]

        eta = psi(tau) - psi(np.sum(tau, axis=1))  # E_q[eta_t]

        S = lV1 + lV2 + eta * X.T
        S = S - logsumexp(S, axis=0)
        phi = np.exp(S)

        log_time.append(np.log(time.time() - total_time))

        Z = np.argmax(phi, axis=0).A1
        ll.append(posterior_LL(X, alpha, tau, Z))

#        if Xtest is not None:

#            predictive_sample(X,Xtest, Z, Z_count=None,alpha=alpha)
#            held_out.append(mean_log_predictive(Xtest, gamma1, gamma2, tau,
#                alpha, base_dirichlet, eta=eta))

#            held_out.append(predictive_sample(X,Xtest, Z, Z_count=None,alpha=alpha))

    return gamma1, gamma2, tau, phi, ll, log_time, K_trace, Z_trace
def normalize_over_prefix(df, log_prob='log_prob_target'):
    for trial_name, sub_df in df.groupby('trial_name'):
        log_normalizer = spm.logsumexp(sub_df[log_prob])
        df.loc[df.trial_name == trial_name, 'normalized_prob_target'] = np.exp(
            df.loc[df.trial_name == trial_name, log_prob] - log_normalizer)
コード例 #54
def logpdf_gmm(x, ws, mus, covs):
    return logsumexp(
        [np.log(w) + logpdf_gauss(x, m, c) for w, m, c in zip(ws, mus, covs)],
コード例 #55
def _ars_compute_hulls(S, fS, domain):
    # compute lower piecewise-linear hull
    # if the domain of func is unbounded to the left or right, then the lower
    # hull takes on -inf to the left or right of the end points of S
    lowerHull = []
    for li in np.arange(len(S) - 1):
        h = Hull()
        h.m = (fS[li + 1] - fS[li]) / (S[li + 1] - S[li])
        h.b = fS[li] - h.m * S[li]
        h.left = S[li]
        h.right = S[li + 1]

    # compute upper piecewise-linear hull
    upperHull = []

    if np.isinf(domain[0]):
        # first line (from -infinity)
        m = (fS[1] - fS[0]) / (S[1] - S[0])
        b = fS[0] - m * S[0]
        # pro = np.exp(b)/m * ( np.exp(m*S[0]) - 0 ) # integrating in from -infinity
        lnpr = b - np.log(m) + m * S[0]
        h = Hull()
        h.m = m
        h.b = b
        h.lnpr = lnpr
        h.left = -np.Inf
        h.right = S[0]

    # second line
    m = (fS[2] - fS[1]) / (S[2] - S[1])
    b = fS[1] - m * S[1]
    # pro = np.exp(b)/m * ( np.exp(m*S[1]) - np.exp(m*S[0]) )
    lnpr = _signed_lse(m, b, S[1], S[0])
    # Append upper hull for second line
    h = Hull()
    h.m = m
    h.b = b
    h.lnpr = lnpr
    h.left = S[0]
    h.right = S[1]

    # interior lines
    # there are two lines between each abscissa
    for li in np.arange(1, len(S) - 2):

        m1 = (fS[li] - fS[li - 1]) / (S[li] - S[li - 1])
        b1 = fS[li] - m1 * S[li]

        m2 = (fS[li + 2] - fS[li + 1]) / (S[li + 2] - S[li + 1])
        b2 = fS[li + 1] - m2 * S[li + 1]

        # compute the two lines' intersection
        # Make sure it's in the valid range
        ix = (b1 - b2) / (m2 - m1)
        if not (ix >= S[li] and ix <= S[li + 1]):
            # This seems to happen when fS goes from a reasonable to an unreasonable range
            # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
            ix = np.clip(ix, S[li] + np.spacing(1), S[li + 1] - np.spacing(1))

        # pro = np.exp(b1)/m1 * ( np.exp(m1*ix) - np.exp(m1*S[li]) )
        lnpr1 = _signed_lse(m1, b1, ix, S[li])
        h = Hull()
        h.m = m1
        h.b = b1
        h.lnpr = lnpr1
        h.left = S[li]
        h.right = ix

        # pro = np.exp(b2)/m2 * ( np.exp(m2*S[li+1]) - np.exp(m2*ix) )
        lnpr2 = _signed_lse(m2, b2, S[li + 1], ix)
        h = Hull()
        h.m = m2
        h.b = b2
        h.lnpr = lnpr2
        h.left = ix
        h.right = S[li + 1]

    # second to last line (m<0)
    m = (fS[-2] - fS[-3]) / (S[-2] - S[-3])
    b = fS[-2] - m * S[-2]
    # pro = np.exp(b)/m * ( np.exp(m*S[-1]) - np.exp(m*S[-2]) )
    lnpr = _signed_lse(m, b, S[-1], S[-2])
    h = Hull()
    h.m = m
    h.b = b
    h.lnpr = lnpr
    h.left = S[-2]
    h.right = S[-1]

    if np.isinf(domain[1]):
        # last line (to infinity)
        m = (fS[-1] - fS[-2]) / (S[-1] - S[-2])
        b = fS[-1] - m * S[-1]
        # pro = np.exp(b)/m * ( 0 - np.exp(m*S[-1]) )
        lnpr = b - np.log(np.abs(m)) + m * S[-1]
        h = Hull()
        h.m = m
        h.b = b
        h.lnpr = lnpr
        h.left = S[-1]
        h.right = np.Inf

    lnprs = np.array([h.lnpr for h in upperHull])
    lnZ = logsumexp(lnprs)
    prs = np.exp(lnprs - lnZ)
    for (i, h) in enumerate(upperHull):
        h.pr = prs[i]

    if not np.all(np.isfinite(prs)):
        raise Exception("ARS prs contains Inf or NaN")

    return lowerHull, upperHull
コード例 #56
    def _distn_form_heldout_log_likelihood(self, X, M=10):
        We can analytically integrate out z (latent states)
        given omega. To estimate the heldout log likelihood of a
        data sequence, we Monte Carlo integrate over omega,
        where omega is drawn from the prior.
        :param data:
        :param M: number of Monte Carlo samples for integrating out omega
        # assert len(self.data_list) == 1, "TODO: Support more than 1 data set"

        T, K = X.shape
        assert K == self.K
        kappa = kappa_vec(X)
        N = N_vec(X)

        # Compute the data-specific normalization constant from the
        # augmented multinomial distribution
        Z_mul = (gammaln(N + 1) - gammaln(X[:, :-1] + 1) -
                 gammaln(N - X[:, :-1] + 1)).sum()
        Z_mul += (-N * np.log(2.)).sum()

        # Monte carlo integrate wrt omega ~ PG(N, 0)
        import pypolyagamma as ppg
        hlls = np.zeros(M)
        for m in xrange(M):
            # Sample omega using the emission distributions samplers
            omega = np.zeros(N.size)
            ppg.pgdrawvpar(self.emission_distn.ppgs, N.ravel(),
                           np.zeros(N.size), omega)
            omega = omega.reshape((T, K - 1))
            # valid = omega > 0
            omega = np.clip(omega, 1e-8, np.inf)

            # Compute the normalization constant for this omega
            Z_omg = 0.5 * (kappa**2 / omega).sum()
            Z_omg += T * (K - 1) / 2. * np.log(2 * np.pi)
            Z_omg += -0.5 * np.log(omega).sum()  # 1/2 log det of Omega_t^{-1}

            # clip omega = zero for message passing
            # omega[~valid] = 1e-32

            # Exactly integrate out the latent states z using message passing
            # The "data" is the normal potential from the
            states = MultinomialLDSStates(model=self, data=X)
            conditional_mean = kappa / omega - self.emission_distn.mu[None, :]
            # conditional_mean[~np.isfinite(conditional_mean)] = 0
            conditional_cov = np.zeros((T, K - 1, K - 1))
            for t in xrange(T):
                conditional_cov[t, :, :] = np.diag(1. / omega[t, :])
            Z_lds = states.log_likelihood(conditional_mean, conditional_cov)

            # Sum them up to get the heldout log likelihood for this omega
            hlls[m] = Z_mul + Z_omg + Z_lds

        # Now take the log of the average to get the log likelihood
        hll = logsumexp(hlls) - np.log(M)

        # Use bootstrap to compute error bars
        samples = np.random.choice(hlls, size=(100, M), replace=True)
        hll_samples = logsumexp(samples, axis=1) - np.log(M)
        std_hll = hll_samples.std()

        return hll, std_hll
コード例 #57
ファイル: hmm_states.py プロジェクト: neildhir/epyhsmm
 def messages_backwards_log(self):
     betal = self._messages_backwards_log(self.trans_matrix,self.aBl)
     assert not np.isnan(betal).any()
     self._normalizer = logsumexp(np.log(self.pi_0) + betal[0] + self.aBl[0])
     return betal
コード例 #58
ファイル: hmm_states.py プロジェクト: neildhir/epyhsmm
 def messages_forwards_log(self):
     alphal = self._messages_forwards_log(self.trans_matrix,self.pi_0,self.aBl)
     assert not np.any(np.isnan(alphal))
     self._normalizer = logsumexp(alphal[-1])
     return alphal
コード例 #59
def log_expected_pll(plls):
    return -np.log(len(plls)) + logsumexp(plls)
コード例 #60
 def pmf(self, phi):
     v = self.value(phi)/self.temp
     return np.exp(v - logsumexp(v))