def detect_features(image): """ Computer Vision 600.461/661 Assignment 2 Args: image (numpy.ndarray): The input image to detect features on. Note: this is NOT the image name or image path. Returns: pixel_coords (list of tuples): A list of (row,col) tuples of detected feature locations in the image """ pixel_coords = list() # Compute Gaussian derivatives at each pixel (m, n) = image.shape Ix = np.zeros((m, n)) Iy = np.zeros((m, n)) sigma = 3 filters.gaussian_filter(image, (sigma, sigma), (0, 1), Ix) filters.gaussian_filter(image, (sigma, sigma), (1, 0), Iy) A = Ix * Ix B = Ix * Iy C = Iy * Iy R = np.zeros((m, n)) r = 3 # Gaussian window radius k = 0.05 # Compute corner response function R for j in xrange(r, n-r-1): for i in xrange(r, m-r-1): # Make a Gaussian window around each pixel a = np.sum(A[i-r:i+r+1, j-r:j+r+1]) b = np.sum(B[i-r:i+r+1, j-r:j+r+1]) c = np.sum(C[i-r:i+r+1, j-r:j+r+1]) # Compute second moment matrix H in a # H = [[a, b],[b, c]] # Compute eigenvalues of H and calculate response # [l1, l2] = np.linalg.eigvals(H) # R[i][j] = l1 * l2 - k * (l1 + l2)**2 # Alternately, R = det(H) - k * trace(H)^2 (faster) R[i][j] = a * c - b * b - k * (a + c)**2 # Normalize R map min_R = np.min(R) R = (R - min_R) * 10.0 / (np.max(R) - min_R) # Print R map # plt.axis('off') # plt.imshow(R) # # Find local maxima of response function radius = 5 thres = np.mean(R) * 1.2 pixel_coords = nonmaxsuppts(R, radius, thres) return pixel_coords
def compute_gradmaps(binary, scale, gauss=False): """ Use gradient filtering to find baselines Args: binary (numpy.array): scale (float): gauss (bool): Use gaussian instead of uniform filtering Returns: (bottom, top, boxmap) """ # use gradient filtering to find baselines logger.debug('Computing gradient maps') boxmap = compute_boxmap(binary, scale) cleaned = boxmap*binary if gauss: grad = gaussian_filter(1.0*cleaned, (0.3*scale, 6*scale), order=(1, 0)) else: grad = gaussian_filter(1.0*cleaned, (max(4, 0.3*scale), scale), order=(1, 0)) grad = uniform_filter(grad, (1, 6*scale)) bottom = norm_max((grad < 0)*(-grad)) top = norm_max((grad > 0)*grad) return bottom, top, boxmap
def separate_words_from_image(src): ''' 从单行文本图片中切割出每一个字 :param src: :return: ''' '''figure() subplot(211) imshow(src) subplot(212) imshow(tmp) show()''' orisum = src.sum(axis=0)/255.0 sum = filters.gaussian_filter(orisum,8) sep = get_separaters_from_image(sum,filters.gaussian_filter(orisum,2)) words = [] pos = 0 h = len(src) for i in sep: #words += [[i[0],0,i[1]-i[0],h]] word = src[:,i[0]:i[1]] x,y,w,h = bounding_box(word) words.append([i[0]+x,y,w,h]) #if word is not None: # words += [word] return words
def nlbin(im, threshold=0.5, zoom=0.5, escale=1.0, border=0.1, perc=80, range=20, low=5, high=90): """ Performs binarization using non-linear processing. Args: im (PIL.Image): threshold (float): zoom (float): Zoom for background page estimation escale (float): Scale for estimating a mask over the text region border (float): Ignore this much of the border perc (int): Percentage for filters range (int): Range for filters low (int): Percentile for black estimation high (int): Percentile for white estimation Returns: PIL.Image containing the binarized image """ if im.mode == '1': return im raw = pil2array(im) # rescale image to between -1 or 0 and 1 raw = raw/np.float(np.iinfo(raw.dtype).max) if raw.ndim == 3: raw = np.mean(raw, 2) # perform image normalization if np.amax(raw) == np.amin(raw): raise KrakenInputException('Image is empty') image = raw-np.amin(raw) image /= np.amax(image) m = interpolation.zoom(image, zoom) m = filters.percentile_filter(m, perc, size=(range, 2)) m = filters.percentile_filter(m, perc, size=(2, range)) m = interpolation.zoom(m, 1.0/zoom) w, h = np.minimum(np.array(image.shape), np.array(m.shape)) flat = np.clip(image[:w, :h]-m[:w, :h]+1, 0, 1) # estimate low and high thresholds d0, d1 = flat.shape o0, o1 = int(border*d0), int(border*d1) est = flat[o0:d0-o0, o1:d1-o1] # by default, we use only regions that contain # significant variance; this makes the percentile # based low and high estimates more reliable v = est-filters.gaussian_filter(est, escale*20.0) v = filters.gaussian_filter(v**2, escale*20.0)**0.5 v = (v > 0.3*np.amax(v)) v = morphology.binary_dilation(v, structure=np.ones((escale*50, 1))) v = morphology.binary_dilation(v, structure=np.ones((1, escale*50))) est = est[v] lo = np.percentile(est.ravel(), low) hi = np.percentile(est.ravel(), high) flat -= lo flat /= (hi-lo) flat = np.clip(flat, 0, 1) bin = np.array(255*(flat > threshold), 'B') return array2pil(bin)
def get_observability_map(self, x, y, threshold=40, filter_sigma=3, max_pxval=180): """ Returns an observability map (an image of the sky) :param x: x coordinates of detected stars :param y: y coordinates of detected stars :param threshold: distance threshold in px of stars such that we have observations :param filter_sigma: sigma of the Gaussian kernel, default=2 :param max_pxval: px value above which the visibility is considered to be 0, default=170 :return: an observability map with the same dimension as the input image. """ logger.debug("Creating an observability map...") observability = copy.copy(self.im_masked) * 0. if len(x) > 0: notnans = np.where(np.isnan(self.im_masked) == False) notnans = list(zip(notnans[0], notnans[1])) pts = np.array([x,y]).T tree = cKDTree(pts) for nx, ny in notnans: obs = len(tree.query_ball_point((ny,nx), threshold)) if obs > 2 : observability[nx,ny] = 1. elif obs >= 1 : observability[nx,ny] = 0.5 observability[filters.gaussian_filter(np.nan_to_num(self.im_masked), 10) > max_pxval] = 0 observability = filters.gaussian_filter(observability, filter_sigma) self.observability_map = observability.T return observability
def gkern2(kern_shape, sigma, show_image=False): """Returns a 2D Gaussian kernel array. size is kernlen, gaussian is centered in the middle and std is 'nsig' units""" # create nxn zeros inp = np.zeros((kern_shape[0], kern_shape[0])) # set element at the middle to one, a dirac delta inp[kern_shape[0]//2, kern_shape[1]//2] = 1 # gaussian-smooth the dirac, resulting in a gaussian filter mask aux = fi.gaussian_filter(inp, sigma[0]/2) aux*=aux aux = aux/np.max(aux) aux1 = aux[:,kern_shape[0]//2] aux = fi.gaussian_filter(inp, sigma[1]/2) aux = aux/np.max(aux) aux2 = aux[kern_shape[0]//2,:] #print np.max(aux) aux = sg.convolve(aux1.reshape(1,kern_shape[0]),aux2.reshape(kern_shape[0],1)) #aux[aux<0.1]=0 print aux.shape print "Remember to always check how is the kernel!!!" if show_image: plt.imshow(aux) return aux
def toneMap(im, targetBase=100, detailAmp=3, useBila=False, maxLum = .99): lum, chrom = lumiChromi(im) h,w = im.shape[0:2] min = numpy.min(lum[lum>0]) assert min>0 and targetBase>0 lum[lum<=0] = min lum_log = numpy.log10(lum) sigmaS = getSigma(im) if useBila: sigmaR = .4 bila = bilaGrid(lum_log[:,:,0], sigmaS, sigmaR) base = bila.doit(lum_log) else: base = numpy.zeros((h,w,3)) gaussian_filter(lum_log, [sigmaS, sigmaS, 0], output=base) detail = lum_log - base large_range = numpy.max(base)-numpy.min(base) scaled_base = (log10(targetBase)/large_range)*(base - numpy.max(base)) log_lum = detail*detailAmp + scaled_base lum = numpy.power(log_lum, 10) return lum*chrom
def set_filters(self): # create filters self.filters_conv = self.get_random_filtersconv(self.n_filters) # self.fbstochastic = self.get_stochastic_filters(self.n_filters) self.filters_norm = [] self.filters_pooling = [] aux = np.zeros(self.shape_norm[0]) aux[(aux.shape[0] - 1) / 2, (aux.shape[1] - 1) / 2] = 1 gf = gaussian_filter(aux, sigma=1).astype(np.float32) # gf.shape = gf.shape+(1,1) # self.filters_norm.append(gf) for n_layer in range(len(self.n_filters)): aux = np.zeros(self.shape_norm[n_layer]) aux[(aux.shape[0] - 1) / 2, (aux.shape[1] - 1) / 2] = 1 gf = gaussian_filter(aux, sigma=1).astype(np.float32) gf.shape = gf.shape + (1,) gf = np.repeat(gf, self.n_filters[n_layer], axis=2) # gf = np.repeat(gf,self.n_filters[n_layer],axis=3) self.filters_norm.append(gf) self.filters_pooling.append(np.ones(self.shape_pool[n_layer], dtype=np.float32)) self.n_layers = len(self.n_filters)
def our_track_points(self): if self.features != []: self.step() #move to the next frame - surprising too eh! #load the images and create grayscale self.image = cv2.imread(self.imnames[self.current_frame]) self.gray = cv2.cvtColor(self.image,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) #reshape to fit input format tmp = float32(self.features).reshape(-1, 1, 2) tmpf = [] tmpf=[] ims1 = filters.gaussian_filter(self.prev_gray,self.sigma) ims2 = filters.gaussian_filter(self.gray,self.sigma) for elem in tmp: inner = [] inner =,ims2,elem[0][0],elem[0][1],winsize) tmpf.append(inner) tmp = array(tmp).reshape((-1,2)) for i,f in enumerate(tmp): self.tracks[i].append(f) for i in range(len(tmpf)): self.features[i][0] = tmp[i][0]+tmpf[i][0] self.features[i][1] = tmp[i][1]+tmpf[i][1] self.prev_gray = self.gray
def propagateBelief(self): delta_t = rospy.get_time() - self.t_last_update d_t = self.d + self.v_current*delta_t*np.sin(self.phi) phi_t = self.phi + self.w_current*delta_t p_beliefRV = np.zeros(self.beliefRV.shape) for i in range(self.beliefRV.shape[0]): for j in range(self.beliefRV.shape[1]): if self.beliefRV[i,j] > 0: if d_t[i,j] > self.d_max or d_t[i,j] < self.d_min or phi_t[i,j] < self.phi_min or phi_t[i,j] > self.phi_max: continue i_new = floor((d_t[i,j] - self.d_min)/self.delta_d) j_new = floor((phi_t[i,j] - self.phi_min)/self.delta_phi) p_beliefRV[i_new,j_new] += self.beliefRV[i,j] s_beliefRV = np.zeros(self.beliefRV.shape) gaussian_filter(100*p_beliefRV, self.cov_mask, output=s_beliefRV, mode='constant') if np.sum(s_beliefRV) == 0: return self.beliefRV = s_beliefRV/np.sum(s_beliefRV) #bridge = CvBridge() #prop_img = bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg((255*self.beliefRV).astype('uint8'), "mono8") #self.pub_prop_img.publish(prop_img) return
def gaussian_blur(infile, outfile, sigma): from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter if type(sigma) is str: sigma = ast.literal_eval(sigma) in_nii = nib.load(infile) in_arr = in_nii.get_data() out_arr = np.zeros_like(in_arr) if len(in_arr.shape) == 5: assert in_arr.shape[3] == 1 assert in_arr.shape[4] == 3 # Warp: blur x,y,z separately for i in xrange(3): gaussian_filter( in_arr[:,:,:,0,i], sigma=sigma, output=out_arr[:,:,:,0,i]) elif len(in_arr.shape) == 3: gaussian_filter( in_arr[:,:,:], sigma=sigma, output=out_arr[:,:,:]) out_nii = nib.Nifti1Image(out_arr, header=in_nii.get_header(), affine=in_nii.get_affine()) out_nii.to_filename(outfile)
def compute_colseps_conv(binary, scale=1.0, minheight=10, maxcolseps=2): """Find column separators by convolution and thresholding. Args: binary (numpy.array): scale (float): minheight (int): maxcolseps (int): Returns: Separators """ h, w = binary.shape # find vertical whitespace by thresholding smoothed = gaussian_filter(1.0*binary, (scale, scale*0.5)) smoothed = uniform_filter(smoothed, (5.0*scale, 1)) thresh = (smoothed < np.amax(smoothed)*0.1) # find column edges by filtering grad = gaussian_filter(1.0*binary, (scale, scale*0.5), order=(0, 1)) grad = uniform_filter(grad, (10.0*scale, 1)) grad = (grad > 0.5*np.amax(grad)) # combine edges and whitespace seps = np.minimum(thresh, maximum_filter(grad, (int(scale), int(5*scale)))) seps = maximum_filter(seps, (int(2*scale), 1)) # select only the biggest column separators seps = morph.select_regions(seps, sl.dim0, min=minheight*scale, nbest=maxcolseps+1) return seps
def ingaramo_deconvolve(n_iterations=100): pass print "Deconvolving noisy object..." for i in range(n_iterations): print " Iteration", i for t in range(num_timepoints): # # Take the estimated true image and apply the PSF # blurred_estimate[t, :, :] = gaussian_filter(signal_range[t] * estimate, sigma=sigma_range[t]) # # Compute correction factor # correction_factor = np.divide(measurement, blurred_estimate) print " Blurring correction ratio..." for t in range(num_timepoints): # # Update the correction factor # correction_factor[t, :, :] = gaussian_filter(signal_range[t] * correction_factor[t, :, :], sigma=sigma_range[t]) estimate = np.multiply(estimate, correction_factor.mean(axis=0)) # Save the evolution of the estimate estimate_history[i+1, :, :] = estimate print "Done deconvolving"
def detect_features(image): """ Computer Vision 600.461/661 Assignment 2 Args: image (numpy.ndarray): The input image to detect features on. Note: this is NOT the image name or image path. Returns: pixel_coords (list of tuples): A list of (row,col) tuples of detected feature locations in the image """ harris_threshold = 0.5 sobel_vertical_kernel = [[-1, 0, 1], [-2, 0, 2], [-1, 0, 1] ] sobel_horizontal_kernel = np.rot90(sobel_vertical_kernel) I_x = convolve2d(image, sobel_vertical_kernel, mode='same', boundary='symm') I_y = convolve2d(image, sobel_horizontal_kernel, mode='same', boundary='symm') I_xx = I_x * I_x I_yy = I_y * I_y I_xy = I_x * I_y I_xx = gaussian_filter(I_xx, 3) I_yy = gaussian_filter(I_yy, 3) I_xy = gaussian_filter(I_xy, 3) R = (I_xx * I_yy - I_xy**2) - K*(I_xx + I_yy)**2 corners = nonmaxsuppts(R, 5, harris_threshold) return corners
def loadImage(self, fname): self._imageFilename = fname self.templateBox((0,0,0,0)) self._boxes = [] self._currentBox = None"Load image %s" % fname) self._image = array('L'), dtype='f')/255 (h,w) = shape(self._image) self._imageSize = (w,h) im1 = filters.gaussian_filter(self._image, 2) im2 = filters.gaussian_filter(self._image, 3) im4 = filters.gaussian_filter(self._image, 4) im8 = filters.gaussian_filter(self._image, 5) features = [] features.append(im1) features.append(im2) features.append(im4) features.append(im8) features.append(filters.gaussian_laplace(self._image, 2)) features.append(filters.gaussian_laplace(self._image, 3)) features.append(filters.gaussian_laplace(self._image, 4)) features.append(filters.gaussian_laplace(self._image, 5)) features.append(filters.sobel(im4, 0)) features.append(filters.sobel(im8, 0)) features.append(filters.sobel(im4, 1)) features.append(filters.sobel(im8, 1)) self._features = dstack(features)
def elastic_distortion(ex, size=28, alpha=8, sigma=3): Xdis = np.random.uniform(-1,1,(size*size)).reshape((size,size)) Ydis = np.random.uniform(-1,1,(size*size)).reshape((size,size)) Xdis = gaussian_filter(Xdis, sigma=sigma, mode="constant") Ydis = gaussian_filter(Ydis, sigma=sigma, mode="constant") Xdis = (Xdis/ np.linalg.norm(Xdis)) * alpha Ydis = (Ydis/ np.linalg.norm(Ydis)) * alpha ex_new = np.zeros((size,size)) k=0 for i in range(size): for j in range(size): s=0 xp, scale_x = divmod(Xdis[i, j] + i, 1) yp, scale_y = divmod(Ydis[i, j] +j,1) xp, yp = int(xp), int(yp) try: ex_yp_xp=ex[yp,xp] except Exception, e: ex_yp_xp = 0 s += 1 try: ex_yp_xp1 = ex[yp, xp+ 1] except Exception, e: ex_yp_xp1 = 0 s += 1 try: ex_yp1_xp1 = ex[yp+1, xp+ 1] except Exception, e: ex_yp1_xp1 = 0 s += 1
def chi_profs(bulge_prof, disk_prof, mask, weight, resid, hrad, smoothed = False, smooth_scale = 2.0): galprof = bulge_prof + disk_prof if smoothed: resid = filters.gaussian_filter(resid**2, smooth_scale) weight = filters.gaussian_filter(weight**2, smooth_scale) else: resid = resid**2 weight = weight**2 new_mask = np.where(galprof > np.max(galprof)/100.0, 1,0) galprof = image_info(galprof, mask=new_mask) profile = image_info(resid/weight, mask = mask, x_ctr = galprof.x_ctr, y_ctr = galprof.y_ctr, ell =, pa=, zoom =-1 ) profile.profile() rads = np.array(profile.rads)*0.396/hrad profs = np.array( cum_profs = np.array(profile.aperflux)/np.array(profile.included_pix) cum_profs = np.extract(rads>0, cum_profs) profs = np.extract(rads>0, profs) rads = np.extract(rads>0, rads) x = np.arange(0.1, 4.0,0.1) s = interp.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(rads,cum_profs) ynew = s(x) return x, ynew
def plane_sweep_gauss(im_l, im_r, start, steps, wid): '''Find disparity image using normalized cross-correlation with Gaussian weighted neighborhoods.''' m, n = im_l.shape # Must match im_r.shape. mean_l = numpy.zeros(im_l.shape) mean_r = numpy.zeros(im_l.shape) s = numpy.zeros(im_l.shape) s_l = numpy.zeros(im_l.shape) s_r = numpy.zeros(im_l.shape) dmaps = numpy.zeros((m, n, steps)) filters.gaussian_filter(im_l, wid, 0, mean_l) filters.gaussian_filter(im_r, wid, 0, mean_r) norm_l = im_l - mean_l norm_r = im_r - mean_r for disp in range(steps): filters.gaussian_filter(numpy.roll(norm_l, -disp - start) * norm_r, wid, 0, s) filters.gaussian_filter(numpy.roll(norm_l, -disp - start) * numpy.roll(norm_l, -disp - start), wid, 0, s_l) filters.gaussian_filter(norm_r * norm_r, wid, 0, s_r) dmaps[:, :, disp] = s / numpy.sqrt(s_l * s_r) return numpy.argmax(dmaps, axis=2)
def change_resolution(self, resolution, sigma, order=1): """ change image's resolution Parameters ---------- resolution : int how much to magnify if resolution is 2, the shape of the image will be halved sigma : float standard deviation of gaussian filter for smoothing order : int order of interpolation Returns ------- img : ScalarImage zoomed scalar image """ if resolution != 1: blurred_data = gaussian_filter(, sigma) ratio = [1 / float(resolution)] * self.ndim data = zoom(blurred_data, ratio, order=order) elif resolution == 1: data = gaussian_filter(, sigma) img = ScalarImage(data=data) return img
def elastic_transform(image, alpha, sigma, alpha_affine, random_state=None): """Elastic deformation of images as described in [Simard2003]_ (with modifications). .. [Simard2003] Simard, Steinkraus and Platt, "Best Practices for Convolutional Neural Networks applied to Visual Document Analysis", in Proc. of the International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 2003. Based on """ if random_state is None: random_state = np.random.RandomState(None) shape = image.shape shape_size = shape[:2] # Random affine center_square = np.float32(shape_size) // 2 square_size = min(shape_size) // 3 pts1 = np.float32([center_square + square_size, [center_square[0]+square_size, center_square[1]-square_size], center_square - square_size]) pts2 = pts1 + random_state.uniform(-alpha_affine, alpha_affine, size=pts1.shape).astype(np.float32) M = cv2.getAffineTransform(pts1, pts2) image = cv2.warpAffine(image, M, shape_size[::-1], borderMode=cv2.BORDER_REFLECT_101) dx = gaussian_filter((random_state.rand(*shape) * 2 - 1), sigma) * alpha dy = gaussian_filter((random_state.rand(*shape) * 2 - 1), sigma) * alpha dz = np.zeros_like(dx) x, y, z = np.meshgrid(np.arange(shape[1]), np.arange(shape[0]), np.arange(shape[2])) indices = np.reshape(y+dy, (-1, 1)), np.reshape(x+dx, (-1, 1)), np.reshape(z, (-1, 1)) return map_coordinates(image, indices, order=1, mode='reflect').reshape(shape)
def elastic_transform(image, gt, alpha, sigma, random_state=None): """ :param image: image :param gt: ground truth :param alpha: deformation coefficient (high alpha -> strong deformation) :param sigma: std of the gaussian filter. (high sigma -> smooth deformation) :param random_state: :return: deformation of the pair [image,mask] """ if random_state is None: random_state = np.random.RandomState(None) shape = image.shape d = 4 sub_shape = (shape[0]/d, shape[0]/d) deformations_x = random_state.rand(*sub_shape) * 2 - 1 deformations_y = random_state.rand(*sub_shape) * 2 - 1 deformations_x = np.repeat(np.repeat(deformations_x, d, axis=1), d, axis = 0) deformations_y = np.repeat(np.repeat(deformations_y, d, axis=1), d, axis = 0) dx = gaussian_filter(deformations_x, sigma, mode="constant", cval=0) * alpha dy = gaussian_filter(deformations_y, sigma, mode="constant", cval=0) * alpha x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(shape[0]), np.arange(shape[1])) indices = np.reshape(y+dy, (-1, 1)), np.reshape(x+dx, (-1, 1)) elastic_image = map_coordinates(image, indices, order=1).reshape(shape) elastic_gt = map_coordinates(gt, indices, order=1).reshape(shape) elastic_gt = preprocessing.binarize(np.array(elastic_gt), threshold=0.5) return [elastic_image, elastic_gt]
def generateData(self): image = self.getInput(0).getData() image = image.astype(numpy.float32) # compute derivatives in x Ix = filters.gaussian_filter1d(image, self.sigmaD, 0, 0) Ix = filters.gaussian_filter1d(Ix, self.sigmaD, 1, 1) # compute derivatives in y Iy = filters.gaussian_filter1d(image, self.sigmaD, 1, 0) Iy = filters.gaussian_filter1d(Iy, self.sigmaD, 0, 1) # compute components of the structure tensor # 2nd derivative in x Ixx = filters.gaussian_filter(Ix**2, self.sigmaI, 0) # 2nd derivative in y Iyy = filters.gaussian_filter(Iy**2, self.sigmaI, 0) # IxIy Ixy = filters.gaussian_filter(Ix * Iy, self.sigmaI, 0) self.getOutput(0).setData(Ix) self.getOutput(1).setData(Iy) self.getOutput(2).setData(Ixx) self.getOutput(3).setData(Iyy) self.getOutput(4).setData(Ixy)
def svm(self): img = self.training_set[0] img.image_data = gaussian_filter(img.image_data, 15) # img_average = numpy.average(img.image_data) training_set = self.generate_feature(img) img = self.training_set[1] img.image_data = gaussian_filter(img.image_data, 15) test_set = self.generate_feature(img) pca = PCA(n_components = 20)[item[0] for item in training_set]+[item[0] for item in test_set]) pca_training = pca.transform([item[0] for item in training_set]) # for img in training_set: # print_image(img[0].reshape(2*self.MAT_SIZE[0]+1,2*self.MAT_SIZE[1]+1), '{}_fig_{}_{}.png'.format(img[1], img[2][0], img[2][1])) # training_set = x: (x[0]-img_average, x[1])) model = svm.SVC() # model = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(),numpy.array([item[1] for item in training_set])) training_result = model.predict(pca_training) hit = 0 for index, tag in enumerate(training_result): if tag == training_set[index][1]: hit += 1 print(float(hit) / float(len(training_set))) pca_test = pca.transform([item[0] for item in test_set]) # test_set = x: (x[0]-img_average, x[1])) predicted = model.predict(pca_test) hit = 0 for index, tag in enumerate(predicted): if tag == test_set[index][1]: hit += 1 print(float(hit) / float(len(test_set)))
def computeCurvature(xPos, yPos, time, sigmaVal): from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter nPts = len(xPos) # Compute first and second derivatives of x and y w.r.t. to t dxdt = np.zeros(nPts) dydt = np.zeros(nPts) # Smooth position and partial derivatives with gaussian kernel before taking numerical derivative sigma = sigmaVal x_filt = gaussian_filter(xPos, sigma, mode='reflect') y_filt = gaussian_filter(yPos, sigma, mode='reflect') dxdt[1:] = np.diff(x_filt)/np.diff(time) dydt[1:] = np.diff(y_filt)/np.diff(time) ddxdt = np.zeros(nPts) ddydt = np.zeros(nPts) sigma = sigmaVal dxdt_filt = gaussian_filter(dxdt, sigma, mode='reflect') dydt_filt = gaussian_filter(dydt, sigma, mode='reflect') ddxdt[1:] = np.diff(dxdt_filt)/np.diff(time) ddydt[1:] = np.diff(dydt_filt)/np.diff(time) # Compute and return curvature curvature = (dxdt*ddydt - dydt*ddxdt) / (dxdt*dxdt + dydt*dydt)**(3.0/2.0) return curvature
def polarCurvature(theta, objdist): from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter # unwrap theta before taking derivatives # thetaU = np.copy(theta) # thetaU[~np.isnan(theta)] = np.unwrap(theta[~np.isnan(theta)],discont=np.pi) # first derivatives of the distance and angle d_theta = np.hstack((0, np.diff(theta))) d_theta[d_theta > np.pi] -= 2*np.pi d_theta[d_theta <= -np.pi] += 2*np.pi d_theta[np.where(np.isnan(d_theta))[0]] = 0 # filter derivatives sigma = 2 d_theta_filt = gaussian_filter(d_theta, sigma, mode='reflect') d_objdist = np.hstack((0, np.diff(objdist)))/d_theta_filt d_objdist_filt = gaussian_filter(d_objdist, sigma, mode='reflect') # second derivative dd_objdist = np.hstack((0, np.diff(d_objdist_filt)))/d_theta_filt # compute curvature polarCurv = (objdist**2 + 2*(d_objdist**2) - objdist*dd_objdist)/(np.sqrt(objdist**2 + d_objdist**2)**3) return polarCurv, d_theta, d_objdist
def generateData(self): inpt = self.getInput().getData().astype(numpy.float32) gI1 = filters.gaussian_filter(inpt, 1.2, 0) gI2 = filters.gaussian_filter(inpt, 2.0, 0) output = gI2 - gI1 self.getOutput().setData(output)
def smoothGeometry(landFraction, floatingFraction, bed, draft, filterSigma): import scipy.ndimage.filters as filters # Smoothing is performed using only the topography in the portion of the grid that is ocean. # This prevents the kink in the ice draft across the grounding line or regions of bare bedrock # from influencing the smoothed topography. (Parts of the Ross ice shelf near the Trans-Antarctic # Mountains are particularly troublesome if topogrpahy is smoothed across the grounding line.) # Unlike in POP, the calving front is smoothed as well because MPAS-O does not support a # sheer calving face threshold = 0.01 # we won't normalize bed topography or ice draft where the mask is below this threshold oceanFraction = 1. - landFraction smoothedMask = filters.gaussian_filter(oceanFraction,filterSigma,mode='constant',cval=0.) mask = smoothedMask > threshold draft = filters.gaussian_filter(draft*oceanFraction,filterSigma,mode='constant',cval=0.) draft[mask] /= smoothedMask[mask] bed = filters.gaussian_filter(bed*oceanFraction,filterSigma,mode='constant',cval=0.) bed[mask] /= smoothedMask[mask] smoothedDraftMask = filters.gaussian_filter(floatingFraction,filterSigma,mode='constant',cval=0.) smoothedDraftMask[mask] /= smoothedMask[mask] return (bed,draft,smoothedDraftMask)
def smoothen_image(image_obj, sigma): image = gaussian_filter(image_obj.image, sigma=sigma, order=0) image_obj.image = image gray_image = gaussian_filter(image_obj.gray_image, sigma=sigma, order=0) image_obj.gray_image = gray_image return image_obj
def gaussian_filter(X, M=8, axis=0): """Gaussian filter along the first axis of the feature matrix X.""" for i in range(X.shape[axis]): if axis == 1: X[:, i] = filters.gaussian_filter(X[:, i], sigma=M / 2.) elif axis == 0: X[i, :] = filters.gaussian_filter(X[i, :], sigma=M / 2.) return X
def compute_curvature(input_filepath, alpha, beta, method, new_centerlines, compute_original, region_of_interest, region_points): """ Primary collection of methods for computing curvature of a centerline. Five methods are currently implemented: 1) VMTK - Factor variance (vmtkfactor) 2) VMTK - Iteration variance (vmtkit) 3) Discrete derivatives (disc) 4) B-splines (spline) Args: input_filepath (str): Path to case folder. alpha (float): Extension / Compression factor in vertical direction. beta (float): Extension / Compression factor in horizontal direction. method (str): Method used to compute angle. new_centerlines (vtkPolyData): New centerline. compute_original (bool): Computes old curvature value if True. region_of_interest (str): Method for setting the region of interest ['manual' | 'commandline' | 'landmarking'] region_points (list): If region_of_interest is 'commandline', this a flatten list of the start and endpoint Returns: new_maxcurv (float): Maximum curvature within the manipulated region of interest. Returns: old_maxcurv (float): Maximum curvature within the original region of interest. """ # Input filename base_path = get_path_names(input_filepath) # Centerline filename centerline_path = base_path + "_centerline.vtp" # Clean and capp / uncapp surface surface, capped_surface = prepare_surface(base_path, input_filepath) # Extract old centerline if not path.exists(centerline_path): # Compute centerlines inlet, outlets = get_inlet_and_outlet_centers(surface, base_path) print("-- Compute centerlines and Voronoi diagram") centerlines, _, _ = compute_centerlines(inlet, outlets, centerline_path, capped_surface, resampling=0.1, smooth=False, base_path=base_path) else: centerlines = read_polydata(centerline_path) # Get region of interest point_path = base_path + "_anterior_bend.particles" if region_of_interest == "landmarking": if not path.exists(point_path): raise RuntimeError(("The given .particles file: %s does not exist. Please run" + " landmarking with first.") % point_path) region_points = np.loadtxt(point_path) else: _, _, _, region_points, _ = get_line_to_change(capped_surface, centerlines, region_of_interest, "bend", region_points, 0) region_points = [[region_points[3 * i], region_points[3 * i + 1], region_points[3 * i + 2]] for i in range(len(region_points) // 3)] p1 = region_points[0] p2 = region_points[1] if new_centerlines is None: print("-- Maniuplating centerline manually") centerlines, new_centerlines = get_new_centerlines(centerlines, region_points, alpha, beta, p1, p2) # Extract centerline points and ids new_centerline = extract_single_line(new_centerlines, 0) centerline = extract_single_line(centerlines, 0) new_locator = get_vtk_point_locator(new_centerline) old_locator = get_vtk_point_locator(centerline) id1 = old_locator.FindClosestPoint(p1) id2 = old_locator.FindClosestPoint(p2) id1_new = new_locator.FindClosestPoint(p1) id2_new = new_locator.FindClosestPoint(p2) # 1) VMTK - Factor variance if method == "vmtkfactor": factor = 0.5 line_fac = vmtk_compute_geometric_features(new_centerline, smooth=True, iterations=100, factor=factor) curv_fac = get_point_data_array("Curvature", line_fac) new_curvature = gaussian_filter(curv_fac, 5) if compute_original: line_fac = vmtk_compute_geometric_features(centerline, smooth=True, iterations=100, factor=factor) curv_fac = get_point_data_array("Curvature", line_fac) curvature = gaussian_filter(curv_fac, 5) # 2) VMTK - Iteration variance elif method == "vmtkit": it = 150 line_it = vmtk_compute_geometric_features(new_centerline, smooth=True, iterations=it, factor=1.0) curv_it = get_point_data_array("Curvature", line_it) new_curvature = gaussian_filter(curv_it, 5) if compute_original: line_it = vmtk_compute_geometric_features(centerline, smooth=True, iterations=it, factor=1.0) curv_it = get_point_data_array("Curvature", line_it) curvature = gaussian_filter(curv_it, 5) # 3) Splines elif method == "spline": nknots = 50 _, siphon_curv = compute_splined_centerline(new_centerline, get_curv=True, isline=True, nknots=nknots) new_curvature = gaussian_filter(siphon_curv, 5) if compute_original: _, siphon_curv = compute_splined_centerline(centerline, get_curv=True, isline=True, nknots=nknots) curvature = gaussian_filter(siphon_curv, 5) # 4) Default: Discrete derivatives elif method == "disc": neigh = 20 _, curv_di = compute_discrete_derivatives(new_centerline, neigh=neigh) new_curvature = gaussian_filter(curv_di, 5) if compute_original: _, curv_di = compute_discrete_derivatives(centerline, neigh=neigh) curvature = gaussian_filter(curv_di, 5) old_maxcurv = max(curvature[id1 + 10:id2 - 10]) if compute_original else None new_maxcurv = max(new_curvature[id1_new + 10:id2_new - 10]) return new_maxcurv, old_maxcurv
ap.add_argument("-d", "--min_distance", required=True, type=int, help="min distance in peak_local_max function") args = vars(ap.parse_args()) # load the mask image_mask and perform pyramid mean shift filtering image_mask = cv2.imread(args["image_mask"]) # apply meanshif filering shifted = cv2.pyrMeanShiftFiltering(image_mask, 21, 51) shifted_gray = cv2.cvtColor(shifted, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # apply gaussican filtering to smooth the edges blurred = gaussian_filter(shifted_gray, sigma=args["sigma"]) # convert the mean shift image_mask to grayscale, then apply Otsu's thresholding mask_output = cv2.threshold(blurred, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY | cv2.THRESH_OTSU)[1] from skimage import morphology from skimage.morphology import disk #from skimage.segmentation import clear_border # remove artifacts connected to image border #cleared = mask_output.copy() #im_bw_cleared = clear_border(cleared) im_bw_cleared = morphology.remove_small_objects(mask_output, min_size=350)
def train_model(self, image_dir, nb_images=50000, nb_epochs=1): datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1. / 255) img_width = self.img_width * 4 img_height = self.img_height * 4 early_stop = False iteration = 0 prev_improvement = -1 print("Training SR ResNet network") for i in range(nb_epochs): print() print("Epoch : %d" % (i + 1)) for x in datagen.flow_from_directory(image_dir, class_mode=None, batch_size=self.batch_size, target_size=(img_width, img_height)): try: t1 = time.time() # resize images x_temp = x.copy() x_temp = x_temp.transpose((0, 2, 3, 1)) x_generator = np.empty( (self.batch_size, self.img_width, self.img_height, 3)) for j in range(self.batch_size): img = gaussian_filter(x_temp[j], sigma=0.5) img = imresize(img, (self.img_width, self.img_height)) x_generator[j, :, :, :] = img x_generator = x_generator.transpose((0, 3, 1, 2)) if iteration % 50 == 0 and iteration != 0: print("Random Validation image..") output_image_batch = self.model.predict_on_batch( x_generator) average_psnr = 0.0 for x_i in range(self.batch_size): average_psnr += psnr( x[x_i], np.clip(output_image_batch[x_i] * 255, 0, 255) / 255.) average_psnr /= self.batch_size iteration += self.batch_size t2 = time.time() print( "Time required : %0.2f. Average validation PSNR over %d samples = %0.2f" % (t2 - t1, self.batch_size, average_psnr)) for x_i in range(self.batch_size): real_path = base_val_images_path + "epoch_%d_iteration_%d_num_%d_real_.png" % \ (i + 1, iteration, x_i + 1) generated_path = base_val_images_path + \ "epoch_%d_iteration_%d_num_%d_generated.png" % (i + 1, iteration, x_i + 1) val_x = x[x_i].copy() * 255. val_x = val_x.transpose((1, 2, 0)) val_x = np.clip(val_x, 0, 255).astype('uint8') output_image = output_image_batch[x_i] * 255 output_image = output_image.transpose((1, 2, 0)) output_image = np.clip(output_image, 0, 255).astype('uint8') imsave(real_path, val_x) imsave(generated_path, output_image) ''' Don't train of validation images for now. Note that if nb_epochs > 1, there is a chance that validation images may be used for training purposes as well. In that case, this isn't strictly a validation measure, instead of just a check to see what the network has learned. ''' continue hist =, x, batch_size=self.batch_size, nb_epoch=1, verbose=0) psnr_loss_val = hist.history['PSNRLoss'][0] if prev_improvement == -1: prev_improvement = psnr_loss_val improvement = (prev_improvement - psnr_loss_val) / prev_improvement * 100 prev_improvement = psnr_loss_val iteration += self.batch_size t2 = time.time() print( "Iter : %d / %d | Improvement : %0.2f percent | Time required : %0.2f seconds | " "PSNR : %0.3f" % (iteration, nb_images, improvement, t2 - t1, psnr_loss_val)) if iteration % 1000 == 0 and iteration != 0: self.model.save_weights(self.weights_path, overwrite=True) if iteration >= nb_images: break except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Keyboard interrupt detected. Stopping early.") early_stop = True break iteration = 0 if early_stop: break print("Finished training SRGAN network. Saving model weights.")
def get_finding_chart( source_ra, source_dec, source_name, image_source='desi', output_format='pdf', imsize=3.0, tick_offset=0.02, tick_length=0.03, fallback_image_source='dss', **offset_star_kwargs, ): """Create a finder chart suitable for spectroscopic observations of the source Parameters ---------- source_ra : float Right ascension (J2000) of the source source_dec : float Declination (J2000) of the source source_name : str Name of the source image_source : {'desi', 'dss', 'ztfref'}, optional Survey where the image comes from "desi", "dss", "ztfref" (more to be added) output_format : str, optional "pdf" of "png" -- determines the format of the returned finder imsize : float, optional Requested image size (on a size) in arcmin. Should be between 2-15. tick_offset : float, optional How far off the each source should the tick mark be made? (in arcsec) tick_length : float, optional How long should the tick mark be made? (in arcsec) fallback_image_source : str, optional Where what `image_source` should we fall back to if the one requested fails **offset_star_kwargs : dict, optional Other parameters passed to `get_nearby_offset_stars` Returns ------- dict success : bool Whether the request was successful or not, returning a sensible error in 'reason' name : str suggested filename based on `source_name` and `output_format` data : str binary encoded data for the image (to be streamed) reason : str If not successful, a reason is returned. """ if (imsize < 2.0) or (imsize > 15): return { 'success': False, 'reason': 'Requested `imsize` out of range', 'data': '', 'name': '', } if image_source not in source_image_parameters: return { 'success': False, 'reason': f'image source {image_source} not in list', 'data': '', 'name': '', } matplotlib.use("Agg") fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11, 8.5), constrained_layout=False) widths = [2.6, 1] heights = [2.6, 1] spec = fig.add_gridspec( ncols=2, nrows=2, width_ratios=widths, height_ratios=heights, left=0.05, right=0.95, ) # how wide on the side will the image be? 256 as default npixels = source_image_parameters[image_source].get("npixels", 256) # set the pixelscale in arcsec (typically about 1 arcsec/pixel) pixscale = 60 * imsize / npixels hdu = fits_image(source_ra, source_dec, imsize=imsize, image_source=image_source) # skeleton WCS - this is the field that the user requested wcs = WCS(naxis=2) # set the headers of the WCS. # The center of the image is the reference point (source_ra, source_dec): wcs.wcs.crpix = [npixels / 2, npixels / 2] wcs.wcs.crval = [source_ra, source_dec] # create the pixel scale and orientation North up, East left # pixelscale is in degrees, established in the tangent plane # to the reference point = np.array([[-pixscale / 3600, 0], [0, pixscale / 3600]]) wcs.wcs.ctype = ["RA---TAN", "DEC--TAN"] if hdu is not None: im = # replace the nans with medians im[np.isnan(im)] = np.nanmedian(im) if source_image_parameters[image_source].get("reproject", False): # project image to the skeleton WCS solution log("Reprojecting image to requested position and orientation") im, _ = reproject_adaptive(hdu, wcs, shape_out=(npixels, npixels)) else: wcs = WCS(hdu.header) if source_image_parameters[image_source].get("smooth", False): im = gaussian_filter(, source_image_parameters[image_source]["smooth"] / pixscale) norm = ImageNormalize(im, interval=ZScaleInterval()) watermark = source_image_parameters[image_source]["str"] else: # if we got back a blank image, try to fallback on another survey # and return the results from that call if fallback_image_source is not None: if fallback_image_source != image_source: log(f"Falling back on image source {fallback_image_source}") return get_finding_chart( source_ra, source_dec, source_name, image_source=fallback_image_source, output_format=output_format, imsize=imsize, tick_offset=tick_offset, tick_length=tick_length, fallback_image_source=None, **offset_star_kwargs, ) # we dont have an image here, so let's create a dummy one # so we can still plot im = np.zeros((npixels, npixels)) norm = None watermark = None # add the images in the top left corner ax = fig.add_subplot(spec[0, 0], projection=wcs) ax_text = fig.add_subplot(spec[0, 1]) ax_text.axis('off') ax_starlist = fig.add_subplot(spec[1, 0:]) ax_starlist.axis('off') ax.imshow(im, origin='lower', norm=norm, cmap='gray_r') ax.set_autoscale_on(False) ax.grid(color='white', ls='dotted') ax.set_xlabel(r'$\alpha$ (J2000)', fontsize='large') ax.set_ylabel(r'$\delta$ (J2000)', fontsize='large') obstime = offset_star_kwargs.get("obstime", datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()) ax.set_title(f'{source_name} Finder ({obstime})', fontsize='large', fontweight='bold') star_list, _, _, _ = get_nearby_offset_stars(source_ra, source_dec, source_name, **offset_star_kwargs) if not isinstance(star_list, list) or len(star_list) == 0: return { 'success': False, 'reason': 'failure to get star list', 'data': '', 'name': '', } ncolors = len(star_list) colors = sns.color_palette("colorblind", ncolors) start_text = [-0.35, 0.99] starlist_str = ( "# Note: spacing in starlist many not copy/paste correctly in PDF\n" + f"# you can get starlist directly from" + f" /api/sources/{source_name}/offsets?" + f"facility={offset_star_kwargs.get('facility', 'Keck')}\n" + "\n".join([x["str"] for x in star_list])) # add the starlist ax_starlist.text( 0, 0.50, starlist_str, fontsize="x-small", family='monospace', transform=ax_starlist.transAxes, ) # add the watermark for the survey props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='gray', alpha=0.5) if watermark is not None: ax.text( 0.035, 0.035, watermark, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize='medium', fontweight='bold', color="yellow", alpha=0.5, bbox=props, ) ax.text( 0.95, 0.035, f"{imsize}\u2032 \u00D7 {imsize}\u2032", # size'x size' horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize='medium', fontweight='bold', color="yellow", alpha=0.5, bbox=props, ) # compass rose # rose_center_pixel = ax.transAxes.transform((0.04, 0.95)) rose_center = pixel_to_skycoord(int(npixels * 0.1), int(npixels * 0.9), wcs) props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='gray', alpha=0.5) for ang, label, off in [(0, "N", 0.01), (90, "E", 0.03)]: position_angle = ang * u.deg separation = (0.05 * imsize * 60) * u.arcsec # 5% p2 = rose_center.directional_offset_by(position_angle, separation) ax.plot( [rose_center.ra.value, p2.ra.value], [rose_center.dec.value, p2.dec.value], transform=ax.get_transform('world'), color="gold", linewidth=2, ) # label N and E position_angle = (ang + 15) * u.deg separation = ((0.05 + off) * imsize * 60) * u.arcsec p2 = rose_center.directional_offset_by(position_angle, separation) ax.text( p2.ra.value, p2.dec.value, label, color="gold", transform=ax.get_transform('world'), fontsize='large', fontweight='bold', ) for i, star in enumerate(star_list): c1 = SkyCoord(star["ra"] * u.deg, star["dec"] * u.deg, frame='icrs') # mark up the right side of the page with position and offset info name_title = star["name"] if star.get("mag") is not None: name_title += f", mag={star.get('mag'):.2f}" ax_text.text( start_text[0], start_text[1] - i / ncolors, name_title, ha='left', va='top', fontsize='large', fontweight='bold', transform=ax_text.transAxes, color=colors[i], ) source_text = f" {star['ra']:.5f} {star['dec']:.5f}\n" source_text += f" {c1.to_string('hmsdms')}\n" if (star.get("dras") is not None) and (star.get("ddecs") is not None): source_text += f' {star.get("dras")} {star.get("ddecs")} to {source_name}' ax_text.text( start_text[0], start_text[1] - i / ncolors - 0.06, source_text, ha='left', va='top', fontsize='large', transform=ax_text.transAxes, color=colors[i], ) # work on making marks where the stars are for ang in [0, 90]: position_angle = ang * u.deg separation = (tick_offset * imsize * 60) * u.arcsec p1 = c1.directional_offset_by(position_angle, separation) separation = (tick_offset + tick_length) * imsize * 60 * u.arcsec p2 = c1.directional_offset_by(position_angle, separation) ax.plot( [p1.ra.value, p2.ra.value], [p1.dec.value, p2.dec.value], transform=ax.get_transform('world'), color=colors[i], linewidth=3 if imsize <= 4 else 2, ) if star["name"].find("_off") != -1: # this is an offset star text = star["name"].split("_off")[-1] position_angle = 14 * u.deg separation = (tick_offset + tick_length * 1.6) * imsize * 60 * u.arcsec p1 = c1.directional_offset_by(position_angle, separation) ax.text( p1.ra.value, p1.dec.value, text, color=colors[i], transform=ax.get_transform('world'), fontsize='large', fontweight='bold', ) buf = io.BytesIO() fig.savefig(buf, format=output_format) return { "success": True, "name": f"finder_{source_name}.{output_format}", "data":, "reason": "", }
def LEstr(datafile=None): """ Plot streamlines """ nm = "LE_Stream.LEstr: " if datafile == None: try: datafile = argv[1] except IndexError: raise IOError(nm + "Need an input file!") ## Analysis options for i in range(0, len(datafile)): if datafile[i] == "b": b = float(datafile[i + 1:i + 4]) break for i in range(0, len(datafile)): if datafile[i] == "X": j = i if datafile[i] == "s" and datafile[i + 1] == "1": X = float(datafile[j + 1:i]) break ## Output options saveplot = True showplot = False outfile = os.path.split(datafile)[0] + "/stream_" + os.path.split( datafile)[1][0:-4] t0 = time.time() ## Read eta (yy), xHO (x1) points from file yy, x1 = np.loadtxt(datafile, delimiter=" ", skiprows=1)[:, 1:3].T print nm + "Reading data", round(time.time() - t0, 1), "seconds" coords = zip(x1, yy) ## Set up grid of points in x-y gridsize = 20 #x = np.linspace(-2*X,2*X, gridsize); y = np.linspace(-2*b,2*b, gridsize) x = np.linspace(-15, 15, gridsize) y = np.linspace(-1.5, 1.5, gridsize) xi, yi = np.meshgrid(x, y) #print xi;return ## Calculate speeds (1D arrays) vx1 = np.diff(x1) vx1 = np.append(np.array(vx1[0]), vx1) vyy = np.diff(yy) vyy = np.append(np.array(vyy[0]), vyy) vyy /= 100 ## HACK TO RE-SCALE ETA -- MESSY! v1 = np.sqrt(vx1**2 + vyy**2) del x1, yy t0 = time.time() ## Interpolate data onto grid gvx11 = griddata(coords, vx1, (xi, yi), method='nearest') gvyy1 = griddata(coords, vyy, (xi, yi), method='nearest') gv1 = griddata(coords, v1, (xi, yi), method='nearest') print nm + "Gridding data", round(time.time() - t0, 1), "seconds" del coords if saveplot or showplot: ## Subplots for 1 and 2 fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1) fig.suptitle(outfile) fig.set_facecolor("white") ## Smooth data smooth = 2 gvyy1 = gaussian_filter(gvyy1, smooth) gvx11 = gaussian_filter(gvx11, smooth) gv1 = gaussian_filter(gv1, smooth) ## Line widths lw1 = 3.0 * gv1 / gv1.max() t0 = time.time() ## Make plots fs = 25 ax1.contourf(xi, yi, gv1, 4, alpha=0.4) ax1.streamplot(x, y, gvx11, gvyy1, linewidth=lw1, #ax1.plot([-X,-X],[-2*b,2*b],"k--",linewidth=2);ax1.plot([X,X],[-2*b,2*b],"k--",linewidth=2) ax1.plot([-X, -X], [-1.5, 1.5], "k--", linewidth=2) ax1.plot([X, X], [-1.5, 1.5], "k--", linewidth=2) ax1.set_xlabel("$x$", fontsize=fs) ax1.set_ylabel("$\eta$", fontsize=fs) print nm + "Plotting", round(time.time() - t0, 1), "seconds" ## NEED: colorbar if saveplot: fig.savefig(outfile + "TEST.png", facecolor=fig.get_facecolor(), edgecolor="none") print nm + "Plot saved", outfile + ".png" if showplot: return
def LoadImage(fname) : img = misc.imread(fname, flatten = True) # Grayscale img = gaussian_filter(img, 1, mode='nearest') img = (img[::-1, :]) / 255. img = np.swapaxes(img, 0,1 ) return tensor( 1 - img )
xgrid = np.arange(xmin, xmax, xres) ygrid = np.arange(ymax, ymin, yres) X, Y = np.meshgrid(xgrid, ygrid) origin = [gt[0], gt[3]] ext = GetExtent(gt, cols, rows) src_srs = osr.SpatialReference() src_srs.ImportFromWkt(ds.GetProjection()) tgt_srs = src_srs.CloneGeogCS() geo_ext = ReprojectCoords(ext, src_srs, tgt_srs) npRaster = gdal.Dataset.ReadAsArray(ds) blurred = gaussian_filter(npRaster, sigma=4) rasterFinal = 'C:\\data\\GIS\\blur.tif' array2raster(rasterFinal, origin, xres, yres, blurred) ds = None # create a grid of xy coordinates in the original projection xy_source = np.mgrid[xmin:xmax + xres:xres, ymax + yres:ymin:yres] xx, yy = convertXY(xy_source, src_srs, tgt_srs) # plot the data (first layer) im1 = plt.pcolormesh(xgrid, ygrid, blurred) # annotate #plt.drawcountries()
def _apply_(self, *image): res = () n_img = 0 for img in image: shape = img.shape shape_size = shape[:2] if not hasattr(self, "M"): alpha = img.shape[1] * self.params["alpha"] alpha_affine = img.shape[1] * self.params["alpha_affine"] sigma = img.shape[1] * self.params["sigma"] # Random affine center_square = np.float32(shape_size) // 2 square_size = min(shape_size) // 3 random_state = np.random.RandomState(None) pts1 = np.float32([ center_square + square_size, [ center_square[0] + square_size, center_square[1] - square_size ], center_square - square_size ]) pts2 = pts1 + \ random_state.uniform(-alpha_affine, alpha_affine, size=pts1.shape).astype(np.float32) self.M = cv2.getAffineTransform(pts1, pts2) self.dx = gaussian_filter( (random_state.rand(*shape) * 2 - 1), sigma) * alpha self.dy = gaussian_filter( (random_state.rand(*shape) * 2 - 1), sigma) * alpha if shape[0:2] == self.dx.shape[0:2]: if len(shape) == 3: x, y, z = np.meshgrid(np.arange(shape[1]), np.arange(shape[0]), np.arange(shape[2]), indexing='ij') indices = np.reshape(x + self.dx, (-1, 1)), np.reshape( y + self.dy, (-1, 1)), np.reshape(z, (-1, 1)) elif len(shape) == 2: x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(shape[1]), np.arange(shape[0]), indexing='ij') if len(self.dx.shape) == 3: indices = np.reshape(x + np.mean(self.dx, axis=2), (-1, 1)), np.reshape( y + np.mean(self.dy, axis=2), (-1, 1)) else: indices = np.reshape(x + self.dx, (-1, 1)), np.reshape( y + self.dy, (-1, 1)) else: print "Error" elif shape[0] > self.dx.shape[0]: print "not possible" else: offset = (self.dx.shape[0] - shape[0]) / 2 if len(shape) == 3: x, y, z = np.meshgrid(np.arange(shape[1]), np.arange(shape[0]), np.arange(shape[2]), indexing='ij') indices = np.reshape( x + self.dx[offset:-offset, offset:-offset], (-1, 1)), np.reshape( y + self.dy[offset:-offset, offset:-offset], (-1, 1)), np.reshape(z, (-1, 1)) elif len(shape) == 2: x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(shape[1]), np.arange(shape[0]), indexing='ij') if len(self.dx.shape) == 3: indices = np.reshape( x + np.mean(self.dx[offset:-offset, offset:-offset], axis=2), (-1, 1)), np.reshape( y + np.mean(self.dy[offset:-offset, offset:-offset], axis=2), (-1, 1)) else: indices = np.reshape( x + self.dx[offset:-offset, offset:-offset], (-1, 1)), np.reshape( y + self.dy[offset:-offset, offset:-offset], (-1, 1)) else: print "Error" if n_img == 1: order = 0 flags = cv2.INTER_NEAREST else: order = 1 flags = cv2.INTER_LINEAR img = cv2.warpAffine(img, self.M, shape_size[::-1], flags=flags, borderMode=cv2.BORDER_REFLECT_101) sub_res = map_coordinates(img, indices, order=order, mode='reflect').reshape(shape) sub_res = self.OutputType(sub_res) res += (sub_res, ) n_img += 1 return res
def evaluate(upsampling_factor, residual_blocks, feature_size, checkpoint_dir_restore, path_volumes, nn, subpixel_NN, img_height, img_width, img_depth): # dataset & variables traindataset = Train_dataset(1) iterations = math.ceil( (len(traindataset.subject_list) * 0.2)) # 817 subjects total. De 0 a 654 training. De 654 a 817 test. print(len(traindataset.subject_list)) print(iterations) totalpsnr = 0 totalssim = 0 array_psnr = np.empty(iterations) array_ssim = np.empty(iterations) batch_size = 1 div_patches = 4 num_patches = traindataset.num_patches # define model t_input_gen = tf.placeholder('float32', [1, None, None, None, 1], name='t_image_input_to_SRGAN_generator') srgan_network = generator(input_gen=t_input_gen, kernel=3, nb=residual_blocks, upscaling_factor=upsampling_factor, feature_size=feature_size, subpixel_NN=subpixel_NN, img_height=img_height, img_width=img_width, img_depth=img_depth, nn=nn, is_train=False, reuse=False) # restore g sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False)) saver = tf.train.Saver( tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, scope="SRGAN_g")) saver.restore(sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint(checkpoint_dir_restore)) for i in range(0, iterations): # extract volumes xt_total = traindataset.data_true( 654 + i) # [[self.batch_size, 224, 224, 152]] xt_mask = traindataset.mask(654 + i) xg_generated = np.empty([1, 224, 224, 152, 1]) normfactor = (np.amax(xt_total[0])) / 2 x_generator = ((xt_total[0] - normfactor) / normfactor) res = 1 / upsampling_factor x_generator = x_generator[:, :, :, np.newaxis] x_generator = zoom(x_generator, [res, res, res, 1]) x_generator = gaussian_filter(x_generator, sigma=1) xg_generated[0] =, {t_input_gen: x_generator[np.newaxis, :]}) xg_generated[0] = ((xg_generated[0] + 1) * normfactor) volume_real = xt_total[0] volume_real = volume_real[:, :, :, np.newaxis] volume_generated = xg_generated[0] volume_mask = aggregate(xt_mask) # compute metrics max_gen = np.amax(volume_generated) max_real = np.amax(volume_real) if max_gen > max_real: val_max = max_gen else: val_max = max_real min_gen = np.amin(volume_generated) min_real = np.amin(volume_real) if min_gen < min_real: val_min = min_gen else: val_min = min_real val_psnr = psnr(np.multiply(volume_real, volume_mask), np.multiply(volume_generated, volume_mask), dynamic_range=val_max - val_min) array_psnr[i] = val_psnr totalpsnr += val_psnr val_ssim = ssim(np.multiply(volume_real, volume_mask), np.multiply(volume_generated, volume_mask), dynamic_range=val_max - val_min, multichannel=True) array_ssim[i] = val_ssim totalssim += val_ssim print(val_psnr) print(val_ssim) # save volumes filename_gen = os.path.join(path_volumes, str(i) + 'gen.nii.gz') img_volume_gen = nib.Nifti1Image(volume_generated, np.eye(4)) img_volume_gen.to_filename(filename_gen) filename_real = os.path.join(path_volumes, str(i) + 'real.nii.gz') img_volume_real = nib.Nifti1Image(volume_real, np.eye(4)) img_volume_real.to_filename(filename_real) print('{}{}'.format('Mean PSNR: ', array_psnr.mean())) print('{}{}'.format('Mean SSIM: ', array_ssim.mean())) print('{}{}'.format('Variance PSNR: ', array_psnr.var())) print('{}{}'.format('Variance SSIM: ', array_ssim.var())) print('{}{}'.format('Max PSNR: ', array_psnr.max())) print('{}{}'.format('Min PSNR: ', array_psnr.min())) print('{}{}'.format('Max SSIM: ', array_ssim.max())) print('{}{}'.format('Min SSIM: ', array_ssim.min()))
def constant_cylinder(self, radius, dvp=-5.0, dvs=-5.0, drho=-1.0, start_depth=100.0, **kwargs): ''' generates a cylindrical anomaly with constant perturbation in Vp, Vs, and density use this *after* running 'velocity_conversion' args----------------------------------------------------------------------- # radius: radius of cylinder in km # dvp: vp perturbation in % # dvs: vs perturbation in % # rho: density perturbation in % # start_depth: starting depth of cylinder #kwargs-------------------------------------------------------------------- sigma_blur: sigma for gaussian smoothing (default = 3.0) ''' self.dvp_rel = np.zeros((self.npts_rad, self.npts_theta)) self.dvs_rel = np.zeros((self.npts_rad, self.npts_theta)) self.drho_rel = np.zeros((self.npts_rad, self.npts_theta)) self.dvp_abs = np.zeros((self.npts_rad, self.npts_theta)) self.dvs_abs = np.zeros((self.npts_rad, self.npts_theta)) self.drho_abs = np.zeros((self.npts_rad, self.npts_theta)) sigma_blur = kwargs.get('sigma_blur', 3.0) sigma_blur_vert = kwargs.get('sigma_blur_vert', 0.5) #T_ref = self.T_adiabat[::-1] #T_here = np.zeros((self.npts_rad,self.npts_theta)) for i in range(0, self.npts_rad): km_per_degree = self.rad_km[i] * 2 * np.pi / 360.0 #get 1d values vp_here = self.vp1d[::-1][i] vs_here = self.vs1d[::-1][i] rho_here = self.rho1d[::-1][i] #calculate absolute values of perturbations dvp_abs = vp_here * (dvp / 100.0) dvs_abs = vs_here * (dvs / 100.0) drho_abs = rho_here * (drho / 100000.0) for j in range(0, self.npts_theta): cyl_th_here = radius / km_per_degree th_here = self.theta[j] depth_here = 6371.0 - self.rad_km[i] if th_here <= cyl_th_here and depth_here > start_depth: self.dvp_abs[(self.npts_rad - 1) - i, j] += dvp_abs self.dvs_abs[(self.npts_rad - 1) - i, j] += dvs_abs self.drho_abs[(self.npts_rad - 1) - i, j] += drho_abs self.dvp_rel[(self.npts_rad - 1) - i, j] += dvp self.dvs_rel[(self.npts_rad - 1) - i, j] += dvs self.drho_rel[(self.npts_rad - 1) - i, j] += drho self.dvp_abs = gaussian_filter(self.dvp_abs, sigma=[sigma_blur_vert, sigma_blur]) self.dvs_abs = gaussian_filter(self.dvs_abs, sigma=[sigma_blur_vert, sigma_blur]) self.drho_abs = gaussian_filter(self.drho_abs, sigma=[sigma_blur_vert, sigma_blur]) self.dvp_rel = gaussian_filter(self.dvp_rel, sigma=[sigma_blur_vert, sigma_blur]) self.dvs_rel = gaussian_filter(self.dvs_rel, sigma=[sigma_blur_vert, sigma_blur]) self.drho_rel = gaussian_filter(self.drho_rel, sigma=[sigma_blur_vert, sigma_blur])
from PIL import Image from numpy import * from scipy.ndimage import filters im = array('for_learn.jpeg').convert('L')) im_blur_5 = filters.gaussian_filter(im, 5) im_blur_10 = filters.gaussian_filter(im, 10) # Image.fromarray(im_blur_5).save('./photo/im_blur_5.jpg') # Image.fromarray(im_blur_10).save('./photo/im_blur_10.jpg')
def __call__(self, oriImg): scale_search = [0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0] #scale_search = [0.5] boxsize = 368 stride = 8 padValue = 128 thre1 = 0.1 thre2 = 0.05 multiplier = [x * boxsize / oriImg.shape[0] for x in scale_search] heatmap_avg = np.zeros((oriImg.shape[0], oriImg.shape[1], 19)) paf_avg = np.zeros((oriImg.shape[0], oriImg.shape[1], 38)) for m in range(len(multiplier)): scale = multiplier[m] imageToTest = cv2.resize(oriImg, (0, 0), fx=scale, fy=scale, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) imageToTest_padded, pad = util.padRightDownCorner( imageToTest, stride, padValue) im = np.transpose( np.float32(imageToTest_padded[:, :, :, np.newaxis]), (3, 2, 0, 1)) / 256 - 0.5 im = np.ascontiguousarray(im) data = torch.from_numpy(im).float() if torch.cuda.is_available(): data = data.cuda() # data = data.permute([2, 0, 1]).unsqueeze(0).float() with torch.no_grad(): Mconv7_stage6_L1, Mconv7_stage6_L2 = self.model(data) Mconv7_stage6_L1 = Mconv7_stage6_L1.cpu().numpy() Mconv7_stage6_L2 = Mconv7_stage6_L2.cpu().numpy() # extract outputs, resize, and remove padding # heatmap = np.transpose(np.squeeze(net.blobs[output_blobs.keys()[1]].data), (1, 2, 0)) # output 1 is heatmaps heatmap = np.transpose(np.squeeze(Mconv7_stage6_L2), (1, 2, 0)) # output 1 is heatmaps heatmap = cv2.resize(heatmap, (0, 0), fx=stride, fy=stride, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) heatmap = heatmap[:imageToTest_padded.shape[0] - pad[2], :imageToTest_padded.shape[1] - pad[3], :] heatmap = cv2.resize(heatmap, (oriImg.shape[1], oriImg.shape[0]), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) # paf = np.transpose(np.squeeze(net.blobs[output_blobs.keys()[0]].data), (1, 2, 0)) # output 0 is PAFs paf = np.transpose(np.squeeze(Mconv7_stage6_L1), (1, 2, 0)) # output 0 is PAFs paf = cv2.resize(paf, (0, 0), fx=stride, fy=stride, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) paf = paf[:imageToTest_padded.shape[0] - pad[2], :imageToTest_padded.shape[1] - pad[3], :] paf = cv2.resize(paf, (oriImg.shape[1], oriImg.shape[0]), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) heatmap_avg += heatmap_avg + heatmap / len(multiplier) paf_avg += +paf / len(multiplier) all_peaks = [] peak_counter = 0 for part in range(18): map_ori = heatmap_avg[:, :, part] one_heatmap = gaussian_filter(map_ori, sigma=3) map_left = np.zeros(one_heatmap.shape) map_left[1:, :] = one_heatmap[:-1, :] map_right = np.zeros(one_heatmap.shape) map_right[:-1, :] = one_heatmap[1:, :] map_up = np.zeros(one_heatmap.shape) map_up[:, 1:] = one_heatmap[:, :-1] map_down = np.zeros(one_heatmap.shape) map_down[:, :-1] = one_heatmap[:, 1:] peaks_binary = np.logical_and.reduce( (one_heatmap >= map_left, one_heatmap >= map_right, one_heatmap >= map_up, one_heatmap >= map_down, one_heatmap > thre1)) peaks = list( zip(np.nonzero(peaks_binary)[1], np.nonzero(peaks_binary)[0])) # note reverse peaks_with_score = [x + (map_ori[x[1], x[0]], ) for x in peaks] peak_id = range(peak_counter, peak_counter + len(peaks)) peaks_with_score_and_id = [ peaks_with_score[i] + (peak_id[i], ) for i in range(len(peak_id)) ] all_peaks.append(peaks_with_score_and_id) peak_counter += len(peaks) # find connection in the specified sequence, center 29 is in the position 15 limbSeq = [[2, 3], [2, 6], [3, 4], [4, 5], [6, 7], [7, 8], [2, 9], [9, 10], \ [10, 11], [2, 12], [12, 13], [13, 14], [2, 1], [1, 15], [15, 17], \ [1, 16], [16, 18], [3, 17], [6, 18]] # the middle joints heatmap correpondence mapIdx = [[31, 32], [39, 40], [33, 34], [35, 36], [41, 42], [43, 44], [19, 20], [21, 22], \ [23, 24], [25, 26], [27, 28], [29, 30], [47, 48], [49, 50], [53, 54], [51, 52], \ [55, 56], [37, 38], [45, 46]] connection_all = [] special_k = [] mid_num = 10 for k in range(len(mapIdx)): score_mid = paf_avg[:, :, [x - 19 for x in mapIdx[k]]] candA = all_peaks[limbSeq[k][0] - 1] candB = all_peaks[limbSeq[k][1] - 1] nA = len(candA) nB = len(candB) indexA, indexB = limbSeq[k] if (nA != 0 and nB != 0): connection_candidate = [] for i in range(nA): for j in range(nB): vec = np.subtract(candB[j][:2], candA[i][:2]) norm = math.sqrt(vec[0] * vec[0] + vec[1] * vec[1]) vec = np.divide(vec, norm) startend = list(zip(np.linspace(candA[i][0], candB[j][0], num=mid_num), \ np.linspace(candA[i][1], candB[j][1], num=mid_num))) vec_x = np.array([score_mid[int(round(startend[I][1])), int(round(startend[I][0])), 0] \ for I in range(len(startend))]) vec_y = np.array([score_mid[int(round(startend[I][1])), int(round(startend[I][0])), 1] \ for I in range(len(startend))]) score_midpts = np.multiply( vec_x, vec[0]) + np.multiply(vec_y, vec[1]) score_with_dist_prior = sum(score_midpts) / len( score_midpts) + min( 0.5 * oriImg.shape[0] / norm - 1, 0) criterion1 = len(np.nonzero( score_midpts > thre2)[0]) > 0.8 * len(score_midpts) criterion2 = score_with_dist_prior > 0 if criterion1 and criterion2: connection_candidate.append([ i, j, score_with_dist_prior, score_with_dist_prior + candA[i][2] + candB[j][2] ]) connection_candidate = sorted(connection_candidate, key=lambda x: x[2], reverse=True) connection = np.zeros((0, 5)) for c in range(len(connection_candidate)): i, j, s = connection_candidate[c][0:3] if (i not in connection[:, 3] and j not in connection[:, 4]): connection = np.vstack( [connection, [candA[i][3], candB[j][3], s, i, j]]) if (len(connection) >= min(nA, nB)): break connection_all.append(connection) else: special_k.append(k) connection_all.append([]) # last number in each row is the total parts number of that person # the second last number in each row is the score of the overall configuration subset = -1 * np.ones((0, 20)) candidate = np.array( [item for sublist in all_peaks for item in sublist]) for k in range(len(mapIdx)): if k not in special_k: partAs = connection_all[k][:, 0] partBs = connection_all[k][:, 1] indexA, indexB = np.array(limbSeq[k]) - 1 for i in range(len(connection_all[k])): # = 1:size(temp,1) found = 0 subset_idx = [-1, -1] for j in range(len(subset)): # 1:size(subset,1): if subset[j][indexA] == partAs[i] or subset[j][ indexB] == partBs[i]: subset_idx[found] = j found += 1 if found == 1: j = subset_idx[0] if subset[j][indexB] != partBs[i]: subset[j][indexB] = partBs[i] subset[j][-1] += 1 subset[j][-2] += candidate[ partBs[i].astype(int), 2] + connection_all[k][i][2] elif found == 2: # if found 2 and disjoint, merge them j1, j2 = subset_idx membership = ((subset[j1] >= 0).astype(int) + (subset[j2] >= 0).astype(int))[:-2] if len(np.nonzero(membership == 2)[0]) == 0: # merge subset[j1][:-2] += (subset[j2][:-2] + 1) subset[j1][-2:] += subset[j2][-2:] subset[j1][-2] += connection_all[k][i][2] subset = np.delete(subset, j2, 0) else: # as like found == 1 subset[j1][indexB] = partBs[i] subset[j1][-1] += 1 subset[j1][-2] += candidate[ partBs[i].astype(int), 2] + connection_all[k][i][2] # if find no partA in the subset, create a new subset elif not found and k < 17: row = -1 * np.ones(20) row[indexA] = partAs[i] row[indexB] = partBs[i] row[-1] = 2 row[-2] = sum( candidate[connection_all[k][i, :2].astype(int), 2]) + connection_all[k][i][2] subset = np.vstack([subset, row]) # delete some rows of subset which has few parts occur deleteIdx = [] for i in range(len(subset)): if subset[i][-1] < 4 or subset[i][-2] / subset[i][-1] < 0.4: deleteIdx.append(i) subset = np.delete(subset, deleteIdx, axis=0) # subset: n*20 array, 0-17 is the index in candidate, 18 is the total score, 19 is the total parts # candidate: x, y, score, id return candidate, subset
def nonMaximumSuppression(param, heatmaps, upsampFactor=1., bool_refine_center=True, bool_gaussian_filt=False): """ NonMaximaSuppression: find peaks (local maxima) in a set of grayscale images :param heatmaps: set of grayscale images on which to find local maxima (3d np.array, with dimensions image_height x image_width x num_heatmaps) :param upsampFactor: Size ratio between CPM heatmap output and the input image size. Eg: upsampFactor=16 if original image was 480x640 and heatmaps are 30x40xN :param bool_refine_center: Flag indicating whether: - False: Simply return the low-res peak found upscaled by upsampFactor (subject to grid-snap) - True: (Recommended, very accurate) Upsample a small patch around each low-res peak and fine-tune the location of the peak at the resolution of the original input image :param bool_gaussian_filt: Flag indicating whether to apply a 1d-GaussianFilter (smoothing) to each upsampled patch before fine-tuning the location of each peak. :return: a NUM_JOINTS x 4 np.array where each row represents a joint type (0=nose, 1=neck...) and the columns indicate the {x,y} position, the score (probability) and a unique id (counter) """ # MODIFIED BY CARLOS: Instead of upsampling the heatmaps to heatmap_avg and # then performing NMS to find peaks, this step can be sped up by ~25-50x by: # (9-10ms [with GaussFilt] or 5-6ms [without GaussFilt] vs 250-280ms on RoG # 1. Perform NMS at (low-res) CPM's output resolution # 1.1. Find peaks using scipy.ndimage.filters.maximum_filter # 2. Once a peak is found, take a patch of 5x5 centered around the peak, upsample it, and # fine-tune the position of the actual maximum. # '-> That's equivalent to having found the peak on heatmap_avg, but much faster because we only # upsample and scan the 5x5 patch instead of the full (e.g.) 480x640 joint_list_per_joint_type = [] cnt_total_joints = 0 # For every peak found, win_size specifies how many pixels in each # direction from the peak we take to obtain the patch that will be # upsampled. Eg: win_size=1 -> patch is 3x3; win_size=2 -> 5x5 # (for BICUBIC interpolation to be accurate, win_size needs to be >=2!) win_size = 2 for joint in range(NUM_JOINTS): map_orig = heatmaps[:, :, joint] peak_coords = find_peaks(param, map_orig) peaks = np.zeros((len(peak_coords), 4)) for i, peak in enumerate(peak_coords): if bool_refine_center: x_min, y_min = np.maximum(0, peak - win_size) x_max, y_max = np.minimum( np.array(map_orig.T.shape) - 1, peak + win_size) # Take a small patch around each peak and only upsample that # tiny region patch = map_orig[y_min:y_max + 1, x_min:x_max + 1] map_upsamp = cv2.resize(patch, None, fx=upsampFactor, fy=upsampFactor, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) # Gaussian filtering takes an average of 0.8ms/peak (and there might be # more than one peak per joint!) -> For now, skip it (it's # accurate enough) map_upsamp = gaussian_filter( map_upsamp, sigma=3) if bool_gaussian_filt else map_upsamp # Obtain the coordinates of the maximum value in the patch location_of_max = np.unravel_index(map_upsamp.argmax(), map_upsamp.shape) # Remember that peaks indicates [x,y] -> need to reverse it for # [y,x] location_of_patch_center = compute_resized_coords( peak[::-1] - [y_min, x_min], upsampFactor) # Calculate the offset wrt to the patch center where the actual # maximum is refined_center = (location_of_max - location_of_patch_center) peak_score = map_upsamp[location_of_max] else: refined_center = [0, 0] # Flip peak coordinates since they are [x,y] instead of [y,x] peak_score = map_orig[tuple(peak[::-1])] peaks[i, :] = tuple([ int(round(x)) for x in compute_resized_coords(peak_coords[i], upsampFactor) + refined_center[::-1] ]) + (peak_score, cnt_total_joints) cnt_total_joints += 1 joint_list_per_joint_type.append(peaks) return joint_list_per_joint_type
def compute_angle(input_filepath, alpha, beta, method, new_centerlines, region_of_interest, region_points, projection=False): """ Primary collection of methods for computing the angle of a vessel bend. Three main methods are currently implemented: 1) ODR methods: odrline 2) Tracing point methods: maxcurv, smooth, discrete, frac, MISR 3) Relative tracing point methods: plane, itplane, itplane_clip Args: input_filepath (str): Path to case folder. alpha (float): Extension / Compression factor in vertical direction. beta (float): Extension / Compression factor in horizontal direction. method (str): Method used to compute angle. new_centerlines (vtkPolyData): New centerline. region_of_interest (str): Method for setting the region of interest ['manual' | 'commandline' | 'landmarking'] region_points (list): If region_of_interest is 'commandline', this a flatten list of the start and endpoint projection (bool): True / False for computing 2D / 3D angle. Returns: new_deg (float): New angle of a vessel bend from a manipulated centerline. Returns: deg (float): Old angle of a vessel bend from a manipulated centerline. """ # Get base path base_path = get_path_names(input_filepath) # Centerline path centerline_path = base_path + "_centerline.vtp" # Clean and capp / uncapp surface surface, capped_surface = prepare_surface(base_path, input_filepath) # Extract old centerline if not path.exists(centerline_path): # Compute centerlines inlet, outlets = get_inlet_and_outlet_centers(surface, base_path) print("-- Compute centerlines and Voronoi diagram") centerlines, _, _ = compute_centerlines(inlet, outlets, centerline_path, capped_surface, resampling=0.1, smooth=False, base_path=base_path) else: centerlines = read_polydata(centerline_path) # Get region of interest point_path = base_path + "_anterior_bend.particles" if region_of_interest == "landmarking": if not path.exists(point_path): raise RuntimeError(("The given .particles file: %s does not exist. Please run" + " landmarking with first.") % point_path) region_points = np.loadtxt(point_path) else: _, _, _, region_points, _ = get_line_to_change(capped_surface, centerlines, region_of_interest, "bend", region_points, 0) region_points = [[region_points[3 * i], region_points[3 * i + 1], region_points[3 * i + 2]] for i in range(len(region_points) // 3)] p1 = region_points[0] p2 = region_points[1] if new_centerlines is None: centerlines, new_centerlines = get_new_centerlines(centerlines, region_points, alpha, beta, p1, p2) # Get new siphon and prepare id1, id2, moved_id1, moved_id2, moved_p1, moved_p2 = get_moved_siphon(new_centerlines, centerlines, p1, p2) # Extract region of interest siphon = extract_single_line(centerlines, 1, start_id=id1, end_id=id2) moved_siphon = extract_single_line(new_centerlines, 0, start_id=moved_id1, end_id=moved_id2) id1, id2 = 0, siphon.GetNumberOfPoints() - 1 moved_id1, moved_id2 = 0, moved_siphon.GetNumberOfPoints() - 1 if method in ["maxcurv", "odrline", "smooth", "frac"]: nknots = 11 siphon_splined, siphon_curv = compute_splined_centerline(siphon, get_curv=True, isline=True, nknots=nknots, get_misr=False) _, moved_siphon_curv = compute_splined_centerline(moved_siphon, get_curv=True, isline=True, nknots=nknots, get_misr=False) siphon_curv = resample(siphon_curv, siphon_splined.GetNumberOfPoints()) cutcurv = siphon_curv[id1:id2] newcutcurv = moved_siphon_curv[moved_id1:moved_id2] if method == "discrete": # Smooth line with discrete derivatives neigh = 30 _, curv_d = compute_discrete_derivatives(siphon, neigh=neigh) _, newcurv_d = compute_discrete_derivatives(moved_siphon, neigh=neigh) cutcurv_d = curv_d[id1:id2] newcutcurv_d = newcurv_d[moved_id1:moved_id2] if method == "MISR": # Map MISR values to old and new splined anterior bend anterior_bend = extract_single_line(centerlines, 0, start_id=id1, end_id=id2) m = anterior_bend.GetNumberOfPoints() m1 = moved_siphon.GetNumberOfPoints() misr_array = get_vtk_array(radiusArrayName, 1, m) newmisr_array = get_vtk_array(radiusArrayName, 1, m1) misr_list = [] for i in range(m): misr = anterior_bend.GetPointData().GetArray(radiusArrayName).GetTuple(i) misr_list.append(misr[0]) misr_array.SetTuple(i, misr) misr_list = resample(misr_list, m1) for i in range(m1): newmisr_array.SetTuple(i, (misr_list[i],)) siphon.GetPointData().AddArray(misr_array) moved_siphon.GetPointData().AddArray(newmisr_array) # Get direction to the point furthest away (dx) direction = "vertical" clipping_points_vtk = vtk.vtkPoints() for point in [p1, p2]: clipping_points_vtk.InsertNextPoint(point) middle_points, _, dx = get_direction_parameters(extract_single_line(centerlines, 0), 0.1, direction, clipping_points_vtk) # Find adjusted clipping points (and tracing points) if method == "plane": _, max_id = get_most_distant_point(dx, siphon) _, newmax_id = get_most_distant_point(dx, moved_siphon) elif method in ["itplane", "itplane_clip"]: _, max_id = get_most_distant_point(dx, siphon) _, newmax_id = get_most_distant_point(dx, moved_siphon) siphon = vmtk_compute_geometric_features(siphon, False) frenet_t1 = get_point_data_array("FrenetTangent", siphon, k=3) frenet_t2 = get_point_data_array("FrenetTangent", moved_siphon, k=3) p1_1, p1_id = get_closest_point(frenet_t1[-1], 0, max_id, p2, siphon) p2_2, p2_id = get_closest_point(frenet_t1[0], max_id, siphon.GetNumberOfPoints(), p1, siphon) newp1, np1_id = get_closest_point(frenet_t2[-1], 0, newmax_id, moved_p2, moved_siphon) newp2, np2_id = get_closest_point(frenet_t2[0], newmax_id, moved_siphon.GetNumberOfPoints(), moved_p1, moved_siphon) n1 = get_point_data_array("FrenetBinormal", siphon, k=3)[p1_id] n2 = get_point_data_array("FrenetBinormal", moved_siphon, k=3)[np1_id] dp = p1_1 - p2_2 dnewp = newp1 - newp2 normal = np.cross(dp, n1) newnormal = np.cross(dnewp, n2) _, max_id = get_most_distant_point(normal, siphon) _, newmax_id = get_most_distant_point(newnormal, moved_siphon) elif method == "maxcurv": max_id, _ = max(enumerate(cutcurv), key=operator.itemgetter(1)) newmax_id, _ = max(enumerate(newcutcurv), key=operator.itemgetter(1)) elif method == "smooth": allmaxcurv = argrelextrema(cutcurv, np.greater)[0] allnewmaxcurv = argrelextrema(newcutcurv, np.greater)[0] tmpcurv = cutcurv while len(allmaxcurv) > 2: tmpcurv = gaussian_filter(tmpcurv, 2) allmaxcurv = argrelextrema(tmpcurv, np.greater)[0] tmpnewcurv = newcutcurv while len(allnewmaxcurv) > 2: tmpnewcurv = gaussian_filter(tmpnewcurv, 2) allnewmaxcurv = argrelextrema(tmpnewcurv, np.greater)[0] max_id = allmaxcurv[0] newmax_id = allnewmaxcurv[0] elif method == "discrete": max_id, _ = max(enumerate(cutcurv_d), key=operator.itemgetter(1)) newmax_id, _ = max(enumerate(newcutcurv_d), key=operator.itemgetter(1)) elif method == "maxdist": norm_p1 = [la.norm(np.array(p1) - np.array(siphon.GetPoint(i))) for i in range(siphon.GetNumberOfPoints())] norm_p2 = [la.norm(np.array(p2) - np.array(siphon.GetPoint(i))) for i in range(siphon.GetNumberOfPoints() - 1, -1, -1)] max_id = 0 max_dist = 0 for i, n1 in enumerate(norm_p1): for n2 in norm_p2: dist = n1 ** 2 + n2 ** 2 if dist > max_dist: max_dist = dist max_id = i newnorm_p1 = [la.norm(np.array(moved_p1) - np.array(moved_siphon.GetPoint(i))) for i in range(moved_siphon.GetNumberOfPoints())] newnorm_p2 = [la.norm(np.array(moved_p2) - np.array(moved_siphon.GetPoint(i))) for i in range(moved_siphon.GetNumberOfPoints() - 1, -1, -1)] newmax_id = 0 new_max_dist = 0 for i, n1 in enumerate(newnorm_p1): for j, n2 in enumerate(newnorm_p2): dist = n1 ** 2 + n2 ** 2 if dist > new_max_dist: new_max_dist = dist newmax_id = i # Compute angles based on the classic formula for # angle between vectors in 3D if method == "odrline": limits = ["cumulative", "sd"] for limit in limits: d1, d2, _ = odr_line(id1, id2, siphon_splined, siphon_curv, limit) newd1, newd2, _ = odr_line(moved_id1, moved_id2, moved_siphon, moved_siphon_curv, limit) deg = find_angle_odr(d1, d2, projection) new_deg = find_angle_odr(newd1, newd2, projection) elif method == "MISR": multiplier = 1.5 n1 = siphon.GetNumberOfPoints() n2 = moved_siphon.GetNumberOfPoints() rad1 = siphon.GetPointData().GetArray(radiusArrayName).GetTuple1(0) rad2 = siphon.GetPointData().GetArray(radiusArrayName).GetTuple1(n1 - 1) newrad1 = moved_siphon.GetPointData().GetArray(radiusArrayName).GetTuple1(0) newrad2 = moved_siphon.GetPointData().GetArray(radiusArrayName).GetTuple1(n2 - 1) pa, _ = move_past_sphere(siphon, p1, rad1, 0, step=1, stop=n1 - 1, scale_factor=multiplier) pb, _ = move_past_sphere(siphon, p2, rad2, n1 - 1, step=-1, stop=0, scale_factor=multiplier) new_pa, _ = move_past_sphere(moved_siphon, moved_p1, newrad1, 0, step=1, stop=n2 - 1, scale_factor=multiplier) new_pb, _ = move_past_sphere(moved_siphon, moved_p2, newrad2, n2 - 1, step=-1, stop=0, scale_factor=multiplier) deg, l1, _ = find_angle(pa, pb, p1, p2, projection) new_deg, nl1, _ = find_angle(new_pa, new_pb, moved_p1, moved_p2, projection) else: if method == "frac": n_values = [5] left = [2] right = [3] i = 0 dx = 1. / n_values[i] ida = int(id1 + (id2 - id1) * left[i] * dx) idb = int(id1 + (id2 - id1) * right[i] * dx) pa = siphon_splined.GetPoints().GetPoint(ida) pb = siphon_splined.GetPoints().GetPoint(idb) ida = int(moved_id1 + (moved_id2 - moved_id1) * left[i] * dx) idb = int(moved_id1 + (moved_id2 - moved_id1) * right[i] * dx) new_pa = moved_siphon.GetPoints().GetPoint(ida) new_pb = moved_siphon.GetPoints().GetPoint(idb) deg, l1, l2 = find_angle(pa, pb, p1, p2, projection) new_deg, nl1, nl2 = find_angle(new_pa, new_pb, moved_p1, moved_p2, projection) elif method in ["plane", "itplane", "itplane_clip", "maxcurv", "smooth", "discrete", "maxdist"]: frac = 4. / 5. if method == "itplane_clip": id_mid = (p2_id - p1_id) / 2. new_id_mid = (np2_id - np1_id) / 2. if max_id > id_mid: ida = int((max_id - p1_id) * frac) idb = int((max_id - p1_id) * (1 + (1 - frac))) pa = siphon.GetPoints().GetPoint(ida + p1_id) pb = siphon.GetPoints().GetPoint(idb + p1_id) else: idb = int((p2_id - max_id) * (1 + (1 - frac))) ida = int((p2_id - max_id) * frac) pa = siphon.GetPoints().GetPoint(ida) pb = siphon.GetPoints().GetPoint(idb) if newmax_id > new_id_mid: ida = int((newmax_id - np1_id) * frac) idb = int((newmax_id - np1_id) * (1 + (1 - frac))) new_pa = moved_siphon.GetPoints().GetPoint(ida + np1_id) new_pb = moved_siphon.GetPoints().GetPoint(idb + np1_id) else: ida = int((np2_id - newmax_id) * frac) idb = int((np2_id - newmax_id) * (1 + (1 - frac))) new_pa = moved_siphon.GetPoints().GetPoint(ida) new_pb = moved_siphon.GetPoints().GetPoint(idb) deg, l1, l2 = find_angle(pa, pb, p1, p2, projection) new_deg, nl1, nl2 = find_angle(new_pa, new_pb, moved_p1, moved_p2, projection) else: ida = int(max_id * frac) idb = int(max_id * (1 + (1 - frac))) pa = siphon.GetPoints().GetPoint(ida) pb = siphon.GetPoints().GetPoint(idb) ida = int(newmax_id * frac) idb = int(newmax_id * (1 + (1 - frac))) new_pa = moved_siphon.GetPoints().GetPoint(ida) new_pb = moved_siphon.GetPoints().GetPoint(idb) deg, l1, l2 = find_angle(pa, pb, p1, p2, projection) new_deg, nl1, nl2 = find_angle(new_pa, new_pb, moved_p1, moved_p2, projection) return new_deg, deg
def gaussianblur(img, sigma): return filters.gaussian_filter(img,sigma)
def postprocess(mask_out, images_train, scribbles_train=None): ''' Postprocesses predictions of CNN to create ground truths for recursion :param data: Data of this recursion - e.g. if given data file for recursion n, It will set up ground truths to be random walked for recursion n :param images_train: Numpy array of training images :param scribbles_train: Numpy array of weakly annotated images :return: ''' #get labels present labels = np.unique(scribbles_train) labels = labels[labels != 0] # use full segmentation of random walker as upper bound if exp_config.rw_intersection: rw_segmentation = random_walker.segment(images_train, scribbles_train, threshold=0, beta=exp_config.rw_beta) mask = mask_out[:] mask_out = np.zeros_like(mask_out) for label in labels: indices = (rw_segmentation == label) indices &= (mask == label) mask_out[indices] = label #revert to original random walked data for 'bad' prediction if exp_config.rw_reversion: mask = mask_out[:] mask_out = np.zeros_like(mask_out) for img_id in range(exp_config.batch_size): for label in labels: if np.sum(mask[img_id, ...] == label) < np.sum( scribbles_train[img_id, ...] == label): #If the prediction has predicted less than the original scribble, revert to #the scribble mask_out[img_id, scribbles_train[img_id, ...] == label] = label else: mask_out[img_id, mask[img_id, ...] == label] = label #keep only largest cluster for output if exp_config.keep_largest_cluster: for img_id in range(exp_config.batch_size): mask_out[img_id, ...] = image_utils.keep_largest_connected_components( np.squeeze(mask_out[img_id, ...])) if exp_config.smooth_edges: labels = labels[labels != np.max(labels)] for img_id in range(exp_config.batch_size): mask = mask_out[img_id, ...] new_mask = np.zeros_like(mask) for label in labels: struct = (mask == label).astype(np.float) blurred_struct = gaussian_filter( struct, sigma=exp_config.edge_smoother_sigma) # ax = fig.add_subplot(161 + label) blurred_struct[ blurred_struct >= exp_config.edge_smoother_threshold] = 1 blurred_struct[ blurred_struct < exp_config.edge_smoother_threshold] = 0 new_mask[blurred_struct != 0] = label mask_out[img_id, ...] = new_mask return mask_out
def apply_model(oriImg, model, multiplier,numPoints,roi_str): stride = 8 roiPoint = roi_str.split('_') newImg = oriImg[int(roiPoint[0]):int(roiPoint[2]), int(roiPoint[1]):int(roiPoint[3])] height, width, _ = newImg.shape oriImg = newImg #height, width, _ = oriImg.shape #将图像转化成数组形式,类型是float32 normed_img = np.array(oriImg, dtype=np.float32) #新建一个大小一样的0矩阵(图),另外这个图的通道数就是代预测点的个数 heatmap_avg = np.zeros((oriImg.shape[0], oriImg.shape[1], numPoints), dtype=np.float32) #遍历尺度因数 for m in range(len(multiplier)): scale = multiplier[m] imageToTest = cv2.resize(normed_img, (0, 0), fx=scale, fy=scale, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) # imgToTest_padded, pad = util.padRightDownCorner(imageToTest, stride, 128) #将输入图片补全成标准大小(可能是384*384) imgToTest_padded, pad = util.padRightDownCorner(imageToTest, 32, 128) input_img = np.transpose(np.float32(imgToTest_padded[:, :, :, np.newaxis]), (3, 2, 0, 1)) / 255 - 0.5 # required shape (1, c, h, w) input_var = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.from_numpy(input_img).cuda()) # get the features # heat1, heat2, heat3, heat4, heat5, heat6 = model(input_var) #怎么看是经历了几个阶段的特诊图 heat = model(input_var) # get the heatmap heatmap = heatmap = np.transpose(np.squeeze(heatmap), (1, 2, 0)) # (h, w, c) heatmap = cv2.resize(heatmap, (0, 0), fx=stride, fy=stride, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) heatmap = heatmap[:imgToTest_padded.shape[0] - pad[2], :imgToTest_padded.shape[1] - pad[3], :] heatmap = cv2.resize(heatmap, (width, height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) heatmap_avg = heatmap_avg + heatmap / len(multiplier) all_peaks = [] # all of the possible points by classes. peak_counter = 0 thre1 = 0.1 for part in range(numPoints - 1): x_list = [] y_list = [] map_ori = heatmap_avg[:, :, part] map = gaussian_filter(map_ori, sigma=3) map_left = np.zeros(map.shape) map_left[1:, :] = map[:-1, :] map_right = np.zeros(map.shape) map_right[:-1, :] = map[1:, :] map_up = np.zeros(map.shape) map_up[:, 1:] = map[:, :-1] map_down = np.zeros(map.shape) map_down[:, :-1] = map[:, 1:] peaks_binary = np.logical_and.reduce( (map >= map_left, map >= map_right, map >= map_up, map >= map_down, map > thre1)) peaks = list(zip(np.nonzero(peaks_binary)[1], np.nonzero(peaks_binary)[0])) # note reverse peaks_with_score = [x + (map_ori[x[1], x[0]],) for x in peaks] id = range(peak_counter, peak_counter + len(peaks)) peaks_with_score_and_id = [peaks_with_score[i] + (id[i],) for i in range(len(id))] all_peaks.append(peaks_with_score_and_id) peak_counter += len(peaks) # sort by score for i in range(numPoints-1): all_peaks[i] = sorted(all_peaks[i], key=lambda ele : ele[2],reverse = True) keypoints = -1*np.ones((numPoints-1, 3)) for i in range(numPoints-1): if len(all_peaks[i]) == 0: continue else: keypoints[i,0], keypoints[i,1], keypoints[i,2] = all_peaks[i][0][0], all_peaks[i][0][1], 1 keypoints[:,0] = keypoints[:,0] + int(roiPoint[1]) keypoints[:,1] = keypoints[:,1] + int(roiPoint[0]) return keypoints
def AutoShift(Ref, Img, Delta = 50, shift=(0,0), step=5, gauss=5, mean=True, test=False, norm=False, normData=False): """Function to find the best shift between two images by using brute force It shift the two iumages and calculate a difference score between the two. The function will return the shift which gives the lowerst score (least difference) The score is the norm of the difference between the two images where all non-overlaping parts of the images due to the shifts are set to 0. The score is then normes by the effective area. In order to avoid the errors due to shot-noise, the images are gaussian blured. Delta: shifts between shift[0/1]-Delta and shift[0/1]+Delta will be tested step: The step between tested delta values gauss: For noisy image it is better to use a gaussian filter in order to improve the score accuracy. The value is the gaussian size. mean: If True, the mean value of each image are subtracted. This is prefered when the intensities of the two images does not match perfectly. Set it to False if you know that the intensities of your two images are identical Note: This function was developed as the maximum in FFT correlation does not seems to give very acurate result for images with low counts. If the shifts is expected to be big, the first guess shift can be calculated by FFT correlation. ie.: s = np.fft.fftshift( np.abs( np.fft.ifft2( np.fft.fft2(Reference) * np.conj(np.fft.fft2(Image))))) shift = [x-s.shape[i]/2 for i,x in enumerate(np.unravel_index(np.argmax(s), s.shape))] """ assert Ref.shape[0] <= Img.shape[0] assert Ref.shape[1] <= Img.shape[1] if mean: Ref = Ref - np.mean(Ref) Img = Img - np.mean(Img) if normData: assert np.std(Ref)>0 assert np.std(Img)>0 Ref /= np.std(Ref) Img /= np.std(Img) # blur the images for score calculation if gauss in [0,None,False]: im1 = Ref im2 = Img else: im1 = gaussian_filter( Ref, gauss) im2 = gaussian_filter( Img, gauss) # the following two variables save the best score best = (0,0) Dbest = Ref.shape[0]*Ref.shape[1]*max(np.max(im2),np.max(im1)) tested = np.zeros((int(2*Delta/step)+1,int(2*Delta/step)+1)) # Sweep through all possible shifts (brute force) for iy,Dy in enumerate(np.arange(shift[1]-Delta, shift[1]+Delta+1, step)): dy = int(Dy) for ix,Dx in enumerate(np.arange(shift[0]-Delta, shift[0]+Delta+1, step)): dx = int(Dx) corr2 = ApplyShift(im2, (dx,dy)) DSX = Img.shape[1] - Ref.shape[1] DSY = Img.shape[0] - Ref.shape[0] # Create a copy of the reference and erase parts which are not overlaping with img Or = np.copy(im1) if dy < 0: Or[:-dy, :] = 0 elif DSY-dy < 0: Or[DSY-dy:, :] = 0 if dx > 0: Or[:, :dx] = 0 elif DSX+dx < 0: Or[:, dx+DSX:] = 0 corr2 = corr2[:Ref.shape[0],:Ref.shape[1]] # calculate the score: absolute of the differendces normed by the overlaping area D = np.sum(np.abs( Or - corr2 )) if norm: D /= ((Ref.shape[0]-2*dy)*(Ref.shape[1]-2*dx)) if test: tested[iy,ix] = D if D < Dbest: Dbest = D best = (dx,dy) if test: return best, Dbest, tested return best, Dbest
import os import numpy as np from keras.models import load_model from scipy.misc import imread, imresize from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter model = load_model("saved_steps/weights-improvement-07-0.78.hdf5") directory = "/home/alexander/PycharmProjects/car_detection/brand_image/validation/" for path in os.listdir(directory): x = imread(directory + path) x = gaussian_filter(x, 3) x = imresize(x, (224, 224)) x = np.reshape(x, [1, 224, 224, 3]) x = x / 255 print(path) print( sorted(list(enumerate(model.predict(x)[0].tolist())), key=lambda item: item[1])[-1][0]) print(model.predict(x))
def plot(projection, x, y, z, args): lat, lon = get_latlon_coords(projection, x, y, z) if len(lat.shape) == 1: lat, lon = np.meshgrid(lat, lon) dataset_name = args.get('dataset') config = DatasetConfig(dataset_name) variable = args.get('variable') variable = variable.split(',') depth = args.get('depth') scale = args.get('scale') scale = [float(component) for component in scale.split(',')] time = args.get('time') data = [] with open_dataset(config, variable=variable, timestamp=time) as dataset: for v in variable: data.append(dataset.get_area( np.array([lat, lon]), depth, time, v, args.get('interp'), args.get('radius'), args.get('neighbours') )) vc = config.variable[dataset.variables[variable[0]]] variable_name = variable_unit = vc.unit cmap = colormap.find_colormap(variable_name) if depth != 'bottom': depthm = dataset.depths[depth] else: depthm = 0 if len(data) == 1: data = data[0] if len(data) == 2: data = np.sqrt(data[0] ** 2 + data[1] ** 2) cmap = colormap.colormaps.get('speed') data = data.transpose() xpx = x * 256 ypx = y * 256 # Mask out any topography if we're below the vector-tile threshold if z < 8: with Dataset(current_app.config['ETOPO_FILE'] % (projection, z), 'r') as dataset: bathymetry = dataset["z"][ypx:(ypx + 256), xpx:(xpx + 256)] bathymetry = gaussian_filter(bathymetry, 0.5) data[np.where(bathymetry > -depthm)] = sm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=scale[0], vmax=scale[1]), cmap=cmap) img = sm.to_rgba( im = Image.fromarray((img * 255.0).astype(np.uint8)) buf = BytesIO(), format='PNG', optimize=True) return buf
if not (success1 and success2): continue else: image1 = cv2.cvtColor(image1, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) image2 = cv2.cvtColor(image2, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) image1 = imresize(Image.fromarray(image1)) image2 = imresize(Image.fromarray(image2)) model_start_time = time.time() seg_map_left = seg_map_left[seg_map_left > 0] = 255 floatmap = seg_map_left.astype(np.float32) / 255.0 blurmap = gaussian_filter(floatmap, sigma=3) cv2.imwrite("blurseg.png", blurmap * 255) model_ex_time = time.time() - model_start_time print(model_ex_time) resized_im_left = np.float32(image1) resized_im_right = np.float32(image2) print(resized_im_left.shape) print(resized_im_right.shape) resized_im_right = resized_im_right.copy() blurmap = blurmap[..., np.newaxis] frame = (resized_im_left * blurmap) + (resized_im_right *
def MR_other(location, mode='sos_abs', sigma_thresh=4, gauss_sigma=3, gauss_filter=False): print("\n-> Constructing master residual...") residual_list = [] masks = [] median_list = [] means = [] residuals = glob.glob("%s/residuals/*_residual_.fits" % (location)) mResidual = glob.glob("%s/residuals/*MR.fits" % (location)) #fill all masked values with zero zeros_mask(location) if len(mResidual) == 0: if len(residuals) != 0: if fits.getval(residuals[0], 'WEIGHT') == 'Y': mask_value = 1 else: mask_value = 0 for r in residuals: hdu = residual_list.append(hdu[0].data) median_list.append(np.median(hdu[0].data)) masks.append(hdu[1].data) hdu.close() master_residual = np.zeros(residual_list[0].shape) master_mask = np.zeros(residual_list[0].shape) for i in tqdm(range(residual_list[0].shape[0])): for j in range(residual_list[0].shape[1]): pixels = [] for res in range(len(residual_list)): if masks[res][i,j] == mask_value: pixels.append(residual_list[res][i,j]) if pixels != []: if mode == 'sigma_clip': MR_mask_pixel = mask_value median = np.median(pixels) stdev = np.std(pixels) if np.max(pixels) >= (median + sigma_thresh*stdev): MR_pixel = np.max(pixels) elif np.min(pixels) <= (median - sigma_thresh*stdev): MR_pixel = np.min(pixels) * -1 else: MR_pixel = np.median(pixels) elif mode == 'sos_abs': pixels = np.array(pixels) MR_pixel = np.sum(pixels*abs(pixels)) MR_mask_pixel = mask_value elif mode == 'sos': pixels = np.array(pixels) MR_pixel = np.sum(pixels*pixels) MR_mask_pixel = mask_value else: print("\n-> Error: Unrecognized mode\n-> Please use either 'sos', 'sos_abs', or 'sigma_clip'\n-> Exiting...") sys.exit() else: MR_pixel = np.median(median_list) MR_mask_pixel = (mask_value-1)*-1 master_residual[i,j] = MR_pixel master_mask[i,j] = MR_mask_pixel template = glob.glob("%s/templates/*.fits" % (location)) if len(template) == 1: temp_hdu =[0]) temp_header = temp_hdu[0].header temp_hdu.close() if gauss_filter == True: master_residual = gaussian_filter(master_residual, gauss_sigma) hduData = fits.PrimaryHDU(master_residual, header=temp_header) hduMask = fits.ImageHDU(master_mask) hduList = fits.HDUList([hduData, hduMask]) hduList.writeto("%s/residuals/MR.fits" % (location), overwrite=True) else: print("-> Error: Problem with number of template images, couldn't complete master residual construction") elif len(mResidual) == 1: print("-> Master residual already exists...") else: print("-> Error: Problem with number of master residuals") return means
def main(): ps = PlotSequence('dr3-summary') #fns = glob('/project/projectdirs/cosmo/data/legacysurvey/dr3.1/sweep/3.1/sweep-*.fits') #fns = glob('/project/projectdirs/cosmo/data/legacysurvey/dr3.1/sweep/3.1/sweep-240p005-250p010.fits') fns = ['dr3.1/sweep/3.1/sweep-240p005-250p010.fits', # '/project/projectdirs/cosmo/data/legacysurvey/dr3.1/sweep/3.1/sweep-240p010-250p015.fits', # '/project/projectdirs/cosmo/data/legacysurvey/dr3.1/sweep/3.1/sweep-230p005-240p010.fits', # '/project/projectdirs/cosmo/data/legacysurvey/dr3.1/sweep/3.1/sweep-230p010-240p015.fits' ] plt.figure(2, figsize=(6,4)) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, bottom=0.15, right=0.98, top=0.98) plt.figure(1) TT = [] for fn in fns: T = fits_table(fn) print(len(T), 'from', fn) TT.append(T) T = merge_tables(TT) del TT print('Types:', Counter(T.type)) T.flux_g = T.decam_flux[:,1] T.flux_r = T.decam_flux[:,2] T.flux_z = T.decam_flux[:,4] T.flux_ivar_g = T.decam_flux_ivar[:,1] T.flux_ivar_r = T.decam_flux_ivar[:,2] T.flux_ivar_z = T.decam_flux_ivar[:,4] T.mag_g, T.magerr_g = NanoMaggies.fluxErrorsToMagErrors(T.flux_g, T.flux_ivar_g) T.mag_r, T.magerr_r = NanoMaggies.fluxErrorsToMagErrors(T.flux_r, T.flux_ivar_r) T.mag_z, T.magerr_z = NanoMaggies.fluxErrorsToMagErrors(T.flux_z, T.flux_ivar_z) T.deflux_g = T.flux_g / T.decam_mw_transmission[:,1] T.deflux_r = T.flux_r / T.decam_mw_transmission[:,2] T.deflux_z = T.flux_z / T.decam_mw_transmission[:,4] T.deflux_ivar_g = T.flux_ivar_g * T.decam_mw_transmission[:,1]**2 T.deflux_ivar_r = T.flux_ivar_r * T.decam_mw_transmission[:,2]**2 T.deflux_ivar_z = T.flux_ivar_z * T.decam_mw_transmission[:,4]**2 T.demag_g, T.demagerr_g = NanoMaggies.fluxErrorsToMagErrors(T.deflux_g, T.deflux_ivar_g) T.demag_r, T.demagerr_r = NanoMaggies.fluxErrorsToMagErrors(T.deflux_r, T.deflux_ivar_r) T.demag_z, T.demagerr_z = NanoMaggies.fluxErrorsToMagErrors(T.deflux_z, T.deflux_ivar_z) T.typex = np.array([t[0] for t in T.type]) T.mag_w1, T.magerr_w1 = NanoMaggies.fluxErrorsToMagErrors( T.wise_flux[:,0], T.wise_flux_ivar[:,0]) T.mag_w2, T.magerr_w2 = NanoMaggies.fluxErrorsToMagErrors( T.wise_flux[:,1], T.wise_flux_ivar[:,1]) tt = 'P' I2 = np.flatnonzero((T.flux_ivar_g > 0) * (T.flux_ivar_r > 0) * (T.flux_ivar_z > 0) * (T.flux_g > 0) * (T.flux_r > 0) * (T.flux_z > 0) * (T.magerr_g < 0.05) * (T.magerr_r < 0.05) * (T.magerr_z < 0.05) * (T.typex == tt)) print(len(I2), 'with < 0.05-mag errs and type PSF') plt.clf() plt.hist(T.mag_w1[I2], bins=100, range=[12,24], histtype='step', color='b') plt.hist(T.mag_w2[I2], bins=100, range=[12,24], histtype='step', color='g') plt.xlabel('WISE mag') ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.hist(T.magerr_w1[I2], bins=100, range=[0,1], histtype='step', color='b') plt.hist(T.magerr_w2[I2], bins=100, range=[0,1], histtype='step', color='g') plt.xlabel('WISE mag errors') ps.savefig() I2 = np.flatnonzero((T.flux_ivar_g > 0) * (T.flux_ivar_r > 0) * (T.flux_ivar_z > 0) * (T.flux_g > 0) * (T.flux_r > 0) * (T.flux_z > 0) * (T.magerr_g < 0.05) * (T.magerr_r < 0.05) * (T.magerr_z < 0.05) * (T.typex == tt) * (T.magerr_w1 < 0.05)) #(T.magerr_w2 < 0.1) * print(len(I2), 'with < 0.05-mag errs and type PSF and W1 errors < 0.1') Q1 = fits_table('dr3.1/external/survey-dr3-DR12Q.fits') Q2 = fits_table('dr3.1/external/DR12Q.fits', columns=['z_pipe']) Q1.add_columns_from(Q2) I = np.flatnonzero(Q1.objid >= 0) Q1.cut(I) print(len(Q1), 'sources with DR12Q matches') Q = Q1 Q.typex = np.array([t[0] for t in Q.type]) Q.mag_w1, Q.magerr_w1 = NanoMaggies.fluxErrorsToMagErrors( Q.wise_flux[:,0], Q.wise_flux_ivar[:,0]) Q.mag_w2, Q.magerr_w2 = NanoMaggies.fluxErrorsToMagErrors( Q.wise_flux[:,1], Q.wise_flux_ivar[:,1]) Q.flux_g = Q.decam_flux[:,1] Q.flux_r = Q.decam_flux[:,2] Q.flux_z = Q.decam_flux[:,4] Q.flux_ivar_g = Q.decam_flux_ivar[:,1] Q.flux_ivar_r = Q.decam_flux_ivar[:,2] Q.flux_ivar_z = Q.decam_flux_ivar[:,4] Q.deflux_g = Q.flux_g / Q.decam_mw_transmission[:,1] Q.deflux_r = Q.flux_r / Q.decam_mw_transmission[:,2] Q.deflux_z = Q.flux_z / Q.decam_mw_transmission[:,4] Q.deflux_ivar_g = Q.flux_ivar_g * Q.decam_mw_transmission[:,1]**2 Q.deflux_ivar_r = Q.flux_ivar_r * Q.decam_mw_transmission[:,2]**2 Q.deflux_ivar_z = Q.flux_ivar_z * Q.decam_mw_transmission[:,4]**2 Q.demag_g, Q.demagerr_g = NanoMaggies.fluxErrorsToMagErrors(Q.deflux_g, Q.deflux_ivar_g) Q.demag_r, Q.demagerr_r = NanoMaggies.fluxErrorsToMagErrors(Q.deflux_r, Q.deflux_ivar_r) Q.demag_z, Q.demagerr_z = NanoMaggies.fluxErrorsToMagErrors(Q.deflux_z, Q.deflux_ivar_z) I = np.flatnonzero((Q.flux_ivar_g > 0) * (Q.flux_ivar_r > 0) * (Q.flux_ivar_z > 0) * (Q.flux_g > 0) * (Q.flux_r > 0) * (Q.flux_z > 0) * (Q.demagerr_g < 0.05) * (Q.demagerr_r < 0.05) * (Q.demagerr_z < 0.05) * (Q.typex == tt) * (Q.magerr_w1 < 0.05)) Q.cut(I) print(len(Q), 'DR12Q-matched entries of type PSF with g,r,z,W1 errs < 0.05') plt.clf() loghist(T.demag_g[I2] - T.demag_r[I2], T.demag_z[I2] - T.mag_w1[I2], nbins=200, range=((-0.5,2.0),(-3,4))) plt.xlabel('g - r (mag)') plt.ylabel('z - W1 (mag)') ps.savefig() #Q.cut(np.argsort(Q.z_pipe)) plt.clf() plt.scatter(Q.demag_g - Q.demag_r, Q.demag_z - Q.mag_w1, c=Q.z_pipe, s=5) plt.colorbar(label='QSO redshift') plt.xlabel('g - r (mag)') plt.ylabel('z - W1 (mag)') ps.savefig() plt.figure(2) from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter import xlo,xhi,ylo,yhi = [-0.25, 1.75, -2.5, 2.5] plt.clf() H,xe,ye = loghist(T.demag_g[I2] - T.demag_r[I2], T.demag_z[I2] - T.mag_w1[I2], nbins=(400,200), range=((xlo,xhi),(ylo,yhi)), imshowargs=dict(cmap='Greys'), hot=False, docolorbar=False) I = np.flatnonzero(Q.z_pipe < 10.) QH,nil,nil = np.histogram2d(Q.demag_g[I] - Q.demag_r[I], Q.demag_z[I] - Q.mag_w1[I], bins=200, range=((xlo,xhi),(ylo,yhi))) QH = gaussian_filter(QH.T, 3.) c = plt.contour(QH, 8, extent=[xe.min(), xe.max(), ye.min(), ye.max()], colors='k') plt.axis([xlo,xhi,ylo,yhi]) plt.xlabel('g - r (mag)') plt.ylabel('z - W1 (mag)') mx,my,mz = [],[],[] # I = np.argsort(Q.z_pipe) # for i in range(len(Q)/1000): # J = I[i*1000:][:1000] # mx.append(np.median(Q.demag_g[J] - Q.demag_r[J])) # my.append(np.median(Q.demag_z[J] - Q.mag_w1[J])) # mz.append(np.median(Q.z_pipe[J])) # plt.scatter(mx,my, c=mz) # plt.colorbar(label='QSO Redshift') # ps.savefig() zvals = np.arange(0, 3.61, 0.1) for zlo,zhi in zip(zvals, zvals[1:]): J = np.flatnonzero((Q.z_pipe >= zlo) * (Q.z_pipe < zhi)) mx.append(np.median(Q.demag_g[J] - Q.demag_r[J])) my.append(np.median(Q.demag_z[J] - Q.mag_w1[J])) mz.append(np.median(Q.z_pipe[J])) # plt.scatter(mx,my, c=mz, marker='o-') # plt.colorbar(label='QSO Redshift') for i in range(len(mx)-1): c = * i / (len(mx)-1)) plt.plot([mx[i], mx[i+1]], [my[i],my[i+1]], '-', color=c, lw=4) plt.savefig('qso-wise.png') plt.savefig('qso-wise.pdf') xlo,xhi,ylo,yhi = [-0.25, 1.75, -0.25, 2.5] plt.clf() H,xe,ye = loghist(T.demag_g[I2] - T.demag_r[I2], T.demag_r[I2] - T.demag_z[I2], nbins=(400,200), range=((xlo,xhi),(ylo,yhi)), imshowargs=dict(cmap='Greys'), hot=False, docolorbar=False) #I3 = np.random.permutation(I2)[:1000] #plt.plot(T.demag_g[I3] - T.demag_r[I3], T.demag_r[I3] - T.demag_z[I3], 'r.') I = np.flatnonzero(Q.z_pipe < 10.) QH,nil,nil = np.histogram2d(Q.demag_g[I] - Q.demag_r[I], Q.demag_r[I] - Q.demag_z[I], bins=200, range=((xlo,xhi),(ylo,yhi))) QH = gaussian_filter(QH.T, 3.) c = plt.contour(QH, 8, extent=[xe.min(), xe.max(), ye.min(), ye.max()], colors='k') plt.axis([xlo,xhi,ylo,yhi]) plt.xlabel('g - r (mag)') plt.ylabel('r - z (mag)') mx,my,mz = [],[],[] zvals = np.arange(0, 3.61, 0.1) for zlo,zhi in zip(zvals, zvals[1:]): J = np.flatnonzero((Q.z_pipe >= zlo) * (Q.z_pipe < zhi)) mx.append(np.median(Q.demag_g[J] - Q.demag_r[J])) my.append(np.median(Q.demag_r[J] - Q.demag_z[J])) mz.append(np.median(Q.z_pipe[J])) for i in range(len(mx)-1): c = * i / (len(mx)-1)) plt.plot([mx[i], mx[i+1]], [my[i],my[i+1]], '-', color=c, lw=4) plt.savefig('qso-optical.png') plt.savefig('qso-optical.pdf') plt.figure(1) # I = np.flatnonzero((T.flux_ivar_g > 0) * (T.flux_ivar_r > 0) * (T.flux_ivar_z > 0)) # print(len(I), 'with g,r,z fluxes') # I = np.flatnonzero((T.flux_ivar_g > 0) * (T.flux_ivar_r > 0) * (T.flux_ivar_z > 0) * # (T.flux_g > 0) * (T.flux_r > 0) * (T.flux_z > 0)) # print(len(I), 'with positive g,r,z fluxes') # I = np.flatnonzero((T.flux_ivar_g > 0) * (T.flux_ivar_r > 0) * (T.flux_ivar_z > 0) * # (T.flux_g > 0) * (T.flux_r > 0) * (T.flux_z > 0) * # (T.magerr_g < 0.2) * (T.magerr_r < 0.2) * (T.magerr_z < 0.2)) # print(len(I), 'with < 0.2-mag errs') # I = np.flatnonzero((T.flux_ivar_g > 0) * (T.flux_ivar_r > 0) * (T.flux_ivar_z > 0) * # (T.flux_g > 0) * (T.flux_r > 0) * (T.flux_z > 0) * # (T.magerr_g < 0.1) * (T.magerr_r < 0.1) * (T.magerr_z < 0.1)) # print(len(I), 'with < 0.1-mag errs') # # I2 = np.flatnonzero((T.flux_ivar_g > 0) * (T.flux_ivar_r > 0) * (T.flux_ivar_z > 0) * # (T.flux_g > 0) * (T.flux_r > 0) * (T.flux_z > 0) * # (T.magerr_g < 0.05) * (T.magerr_r < 0.05) * (T.magerr_z < 0.05)) # print(len(I2), 'with < 0.05-mag errs') #ha = dict(nbins=200, range=((-0.5, 2.5), (-0.5, 2.5))) ha = dict(nbins=400, range=((-0.5, 2.5), (-0.5, 2.5))) plt.clf() #plothist(T.mag_g[I] - T.mag_r[I], T.mag_r[I] - T.mag_z[I], 200) #loghist(T.mag_g[I] - T.mag_r[I], T.mag_r[I] - T.mag_z[I], **ha) loghist(T.demag_g[I] - T.demag_r[I], T.demag_r[I] - T.demag_z[I], **ha) plt.xlabel('g - r (mag)') plt.ylabel('r - z (mag)') ps.savefig() hists = [] hists2 = [] for tt,name in [('P', 'PSF'), ('E', 'EXP'), ('D', 'DeV')]: I = np.flatnonzero((T.flux_ivar_g > 0) * (T.flux_ivar_r > 0) * (T.flux_ivar_z > 0) * (T.flux_g > 0) * (T.flux_r > 0) * (T.flux_z > 0) * (T.magerr_g < 0.1) * (T.magerr_r < 0.1) *(T.magerr_z < 0.1) * (T.typex == tt)) print(len(I), 'with < 0.1-mag errs and type', name) # plt.clf() # H,xe,ye = loghist(T.mag_g[I] - T.mag_r[I], T.mag_r[I] - T.mag_z[I], **ha) # plt.xlabel('g - r (mag)') # plt.ylabel('r - z (mag)') # plt.title('Type = %s' % name) # ps.savefig() plt.clf() H,xe,ye = loghist(T.demag_g[I] - T.demag_r[I], T.demag_r[I] - T.demag_z[I], **ha) # Keeping the dereddened color-color histograms hists.append(H.T) plt.xlabel('g - r (mag)') plt.ylabel('r - z (mag)') plt.title('Type = %s, dereddened' % name) ps.savefig() I2 = np.flatnonzero((T.flux_ivar_g > 0) * (T.flux_ivar_r > 0) * (T.flux_ivar_z > 0) * (T.flux_g > 0) * (T.flux_r > 0) * (T.flux_z > 0) * (T.magerr_g < 0.05) * (T.magerr_r < 0.05) * (T.magerr_z < 0.05) * (T.typex == tt)) print(len(I2), 'with < 0.05-mag errs and type', name) plt.clf() H,xe,ye = loghist(T.demag_g[I2] - T.demag_r[I2], T.demag_r[I2] - T.demag_z[I2], **ha) hists2.append(H.T) plt.xlabel('g - r (mag)') plt.ylabel('r - z (mag)') plt.title('Type = %s, dereddened, 5%% errs' % name) ps.savefig() for H in hists: H /= H.max() #for H in hists2: # H /= H.max() #hists2 = [np.clip(H / np.percentile(H.ravel(), 99), 0, 1) for H in hists2] hists2 = [np.clip(H / np.percentile(H.ravel(), 99.9), 0, 1) for H in hists2] rgbmap = np.dstack((hists[2], hists[0], hists[1])) plt.clf() ((xlo,xhi),(ylo,yhi)) = ha['range'] plt.imshow(rgbmap, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', extent=[xlo,xhi,ylo,yhi]) plt.axis([0,2,0,2]) plt.xlabel('g - r (mag)') plt.ylabel('r - z (mag)') plt.title('Red: DeV, Blue: Exp, Green: PSF') ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.imshow(np.sqrt(rgbmap), interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', extent=[xlo,xhi,ylo,yhi]) plt.axis([0,2,0,2]) plt.xlabel('g - r (mag)') plt.ylabel('r - z (mag)') plt.title('Red: DeV, Blue: Exp, Green: PSF') ps.savefig() # For a white-background plot, mix colors like paint for hr,hg,hb in [(hists[2], hists[0], hists[1]), (hists2[2], hists2[0], hists2[1]),]: H,W = hr.shape for mapping in [lambda x: x]: #, lambda x: np.sqrt(x), lambda x: x**2]: red = np.ones((H,W,3)) red[:,:,1] = 1 - mapping(hr) red[:,:,2] = 1 - mapping(hr) # in matplotlib, 'green'->(0, 0.5, 0) green = np.ones((H,W,3)) green[:,:,0] = 1 - mapping(hg) green[:,:,1] = 1 - 0.5*mapping(hg) green[:,:,2] = 1 - mapping(hg) blue = np.ones((H,W,3)) blue[:,:,0] = 1 - mapping(hb) blue[:,:,1] = 1 - mapping(hb) plt.clf() plt.imshow(red * green * blue, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', extent=[xlo,xhi,ylo,yhi], aspect='auto') plt.xlabel('g - r (mag)') plt.ylabel('r - z (mag)') plt.xticks(np.arange(0, 2.1, 0.5)) plt.yticks(np.arange(0, 2.1, 0.5)) plt.axis([-0.25,2,0,2]) plt.title('Red: DeV, Blue: Exp, Green: PSF') ps.savefig() plt.figure(2) plt.clf() plt.imshow(red * green * blue, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', extent=[xlo,xhi,ylo,yhi], aspect='auto') plt.xlabel('g - r (mag)') plt.ylabel('r - z (mag)') plt.xticks(np.arange(0, 2.1, 0.5)) plt.yticks(np.arange(0, 2.1, 0.5)) plt.axis([0,2,-0.25,2]) plt.text(0.7, 0.1, 'PSF', ha='center', va='center', color='k') plt.text(0.6, 0.7, 'EXP', ha='center', va='center', color='k') plt.text(1.5, 0.6, 'DEV', ha='center', va='center', color='k') plt.savefig('color-type.pdf') plt.figure(1) sys.exit(0) np.random.seed(42) = T.mag_g - T.mag_r T.rz = T.mag_r - T.mag_z for tt,name in [('P', 'PSF'), ('E', 'EXP'), ('D', 'DeV')]: I = np.flatnonzero((T.flux_ivar_g > 0) * (T.flux_ivar_r > 0) * (T.flux_ivar_z > 0) * (T.flux_g > 0) * (T.flux_r > 0) * (T.flux_z > 0) * (T.magerr_g < 0.1) * (T.magerr_r < 0.1) *(T.magerr_z < 0.1) * # Bright cut (T.mag_r > 16.) * # Contamination cut (T.decam_fracflux[:,2] < 0.5) * # Mag range cut (T.mag_r > 19.) * (T.mag_r < 20.) * (T.typex == tt)) print(len(I), 'with < 0.1-mag errs and type', name) # plt.clf() # ha = dict(histtype='step', range=(16, 24), bins=100) # plt.hist(T.mag_g[I], color='g', **ha) # plt.hist(T.mag_r[I], color='r', **ha) # plt.hist(T.mag_z[I], color='m', **ha) # plt.title('Type %s' % name) # ps.savefig() J = np.random.permutation(I) if tt == 'D': J = J[T.shapedev_r[J] < 3.] J = J[:100] rzbin = np.argsort(T.rz[J]) rzblock = (rzbin / 10).astype(int) K = np.lexsort(([J], rzblock)) #print('sorted rzblock', rzblock[K]) #print('sorted rzbin', rzbin[K]) J = J[K] # plt.clf() # plt.hist(T.decam_fracflux[J,2], label='fracflux_r', histtype='step', bins=20) # plt.hist(T.decam_fracmasked[J,2], label='fracmasked_r', histtype='step', bins=20) # plt.legend() # plt.title('Type %s' % name) # ps.savefig() #print('fracflux r', T.decam_fracflux[J,2]) #print('fracmasked r', T.decam_fracmasked[J,2]) #print('anymasked r', T.decam_anymask[J,2]) imgs = [] imgrow = [] stackrows = [] for i in J: fn = 'cutouts/cutout_%.4f_%.4f.jpg' % (T.ra[i], T.dec[i]) if not os.path.exists(fn): url = '' % (T.ra[i], T.dec[i]) print('URL', url) cmd = 'wget -O %s.tmp "%s" && mv %s.tmp %s' % (fn, url, fn, fn) os.system(cmd) img = plt.imread(fn) #print('Image', img.shape) extra = '' if tt == 'D': extra = ', shapedev_r %.2f' % T.shapedev_r[i] elif tt == 'E': extra = ', shapeexp_r %.2f' % T.shapeexp_r[i] print(name, 'RA,Dec %.4f,%.4f, g/r/z %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, fracflux_r %.3f, fracmasked_r %.3f, anymasked_r %4i%s' % ( T.ra[i], T.dec[i], T.mag_g[i], T.mag_r[i], T.mag_z[i], T.decam_fracflux[i,2], T.decam_fracmasked[i,2], T.decam_anymask[i,2], extra)) imgrow.append(img) if len(imgrow) == 10: stack = np.hstack(imgrow) print('stacked row:', stack.shape) stackrows.append(stack) imgs.append(imgrow) imgrow = [] stack = np.vstack(stackrows) print('Stack', stack.shape) plt.clf() plt.imshow(stack, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.title('Type %s' % name) ps.savefig() # Wrap-around at RA=300 # rax = T.ra + (-360 * T.ra > 300.) # # rabins = np.arange(-60., 300., 0.2) # decbins = np.arange(-20, 35, 0.2) # # print('RA bins:', len(rabins)) # print('Dec bins:', len(decbins)) # # for name,cut in [(None, 'All sources'), # (T.type == 'PSF '), 'PSF'), # (T.type == 'SIMP'), 'SIMP'), # (T.type == 'DEV '), 'DEV'), # (T.type == 'EXP '), 'EXP'), # (T.type == 'COMP'), 'COMP'), # ]: # # H,xe,ye = np.histogram2d(T.ra, T.dec, bins=(rabins, decbins)) # print('H shape', H.shape) # # H = H.T # # H /= (rabins[1:] - rabins[:-1])[np.newaxis, :] # H /= ((decbins[1:] - decbins[:-1]) * np.cos(np.deg2rad((decbins[1:] + decbins[:-1]) / 2.))))[:, np.newaxis] # # plt.clf() # plt.imshow(H, extent=(rabins[0], rabins[-1], decbins[0], decbins[-1]), interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', # vmin=0) # cbar = plt.colorbar() # cbar.set_label('Source density per square degree') # plt.xlim(rabins[-1], rabins[0]) # plt.xlabel('RA (deg)') # plt.ylabel('Dec (deg)') # ps.savefig() '''
for j in range(0, col - 1): Im_n60[i, j] = Im_n60[i, j] + np.random.uniform(0, 60) # Imprimir imagen con ruido (0,60) en escala de grises plt.figure() plt.gray() plt.imshow(Im_n60) plt.title("Imagen con ruido (0,60)") # MSE entre imagen original e imagen con filtro uniforme de 3 x 3 en escala de grises Im_f1u = filters.uniform_filter(Im_n60, 3) print("MSE para uniforme 3 x 3 con ruido (0,60): " + str(fun.my_mse(Im_f1u, Im_g))) # MSE entre imagen original e imagen con filtro Gaussiano de 0.5 en escala de grises Im_f1g = filters.gaussian_filter(Im_n60, 0.5) print("MSE para gaussiano 1 con ruido (0,60): " + str(fun.my_mse(Im_f1g, Im_g))) # Imprimir imagen con filtro uniforme 3 x 3 en escala de grises plt.figure() plt.gray() plt.imshow(Im_f1u) plt.title("Imagen con filtro uniforme de 3 x 3") # Imprimir imagen con filtro Gaussiano 0.5 en escala de grises plt.figure() plt.gray() plt.imshow(Im_f1u) plt.title("Imagen con filtro Gaussiano 0.5")
def optimize_image(layer_tensor, image, num_iterations=10, step_size=3.0, tile_size=400, show_gradient=False): """ Use gradient ascent to optimize an image so it maximizes the mean value of the given layer_tensor :param layer_tensor: Reference to a tensor that will be maximized. :param image: Input image used as the starting point. :param num_iterations: Number of optimization iterations to perform. :param step_size: Scale for each step of the gradient ascent. :param tile_size: Size of the tiles when calculating the gradient. :param show_gradient: Plot the gradient in each iterations. :return: """ # Copy the image so we don't overwrite the original image. img = image.copy() print("Image before:") plot_image(img) print("Processing image:", end="") # Use TensorFlow to get the mathematical function for the # gradient of the given layer-tensor with regard to the # input image. This may cause TensorFlow to add the same # math-expressions to the graph each time this function is called. # It may use a lot of RAM and could be moved outside the function. gradient = model.get_gradient(layer_tensor) for i in range(num_iterations): # Calculate the value of the gradient. # This tells us how to change the image so as to # maximize the mean of the given layer-tensor. grad = tiled_gradient(gradient=gradient, image=img) # Blur the gradient with different amounts and add # them together. The blur amount is also increased # during the optimization. This was found to give # nice, smooth images. You can try and change the formulas. # The blur-amount is called sigma (0=no blur, 1=low blur, etc.) # We could call gaussian_filter(grad, sigma=(sigma, sigma, 0.0)) # which would not blur the colour-channel. This tends to # give psychadelic / pastel colours in the resulting images. # When the colour-channel is also blurred the colours of the # input image are mostly retained in the output image. sigma = (i * 4.0) / num_iterations + 0.5 grad_smooth1 = gaussian_filter(grad, sigma=sigma) grad_smooth2 = gaussian_filter(grad, sigma=sigma * 2) grad_smooth3 = gaussian_filter(grad, sigma=sigma * 0.5) grad = (grad_smooth1 + grad_smooth2 + grad_smooth3) # Scale the step-size according to the gradient-values. # This may not be necessary because the tiled-gradient # is already normalized step_size_scaled = step_size / (np.std(grad) + 1e-8) # Update the image by following the gradient. img += grad * step_size_scaled if show_gradient: # Print statistics for the gradient. msg = "Gradient min: {0:>9.6f}, max: {1:>9.6f}, stepsize: {2:>9.2f}" print(msg.format(grad.min(), grad.max(), step_size_scaled)) # Plot the gradient. plot_gradient(grad) else: # Otherwise show a little progress-indicator. print(". ", end="") print() print("Image after:") plot_image(img) return img
def main(args): if len(args) != 5: print("Usage: infile prior [-o/-d] [outfile/outdir]") print( "If -o is specified, then all predictions are dumped to a hickle.") print( "Else, all predictions are dumped to images in the directory specified." ) print( "If 'prior' is 'extract', then this program will instead extract an existing predictions hickle into the specified output directory." ) return infile = args[1] prior = args[2] outopt = args[3] outfile = args[4] if prior == "extract": predictions = hickle.load(infile) if not os.path.exists(outfile): os.makedirs(outfile) for p in range(predictions.shape[0]): #arr=predictions[p]-np.min(predictions[p]) #arr=np.abs(predictions[p]) #arr=np.abs(predictions[p]) # Scale the array: #print(arr.shape) #arr=arr/arr.max() #arr=arr*255.0 im = misc.imresize(predictions[p], (480, 640)).astype("float32") im = im / im.max() im = filters.gaussian_filter(im, 8).astype("float32") # We should probably now normalize the image: #im=im/np.max(im) #im=softmax(im) print(im.max()) print(im.min()) im[im < im.mean()] = 0 im = im / im.max() # Todo: consider thresholding the image to remove all noticable large regions of activation. #im=softmax(im) print(im.max()) print(im.min()) misc.imsave(os.path.join(outfile, "%d.png" % p), im) print("Done") return indata = hickle.load(infile) m = model.PredSaliencyModel( None, prior ) # Prior is passed as a filename and the first argument has yet to be defined. # Todo: figure out if "indata" is actually formatted correctly for this application. predictions = m.predict(indata) if outopt == '-o': print('predictions.shape:') print(predictions.shape) hickle.dump(predictions, outfile) else: predictions = predictions[ 0] # IIRC, there's a useless first dimension in each model output. if not os.path.exists(outfile): os.makedirs(outfile) for p in range(predictions.shape[0]): misc.imsave(os.path.join(outfile, "%d.png" % p), predictions[p])
def recursive_optimize(layer_tensor, image, num_repeats=4, rescale_facotr=0.7, blend=0.2, num_iterations=10, step_size=3.0, tile_size=400): """ Recursively blur and downscale the input image. Each downscaled image is run through the optimize_image() function to amplify the patterns that the Inception model sess. :param Input: Input image used as the starting point. :param num_repeats: Number of times to downscale the image. :param rescale_facotr: Downscaling factor for the image. :param blend: Factor for blending the original and processed images. Parameters passed to optimize_image() :param num_iterations: Number of optimization iterations to perform. :param step_size: Scale for each step of the gradient ascent. :param tile_size: Size of the tiles when calculating the gradient. :param layer_tensor: Reference to a tensor that will be maximized. :return: """ # Do a recursive step? if num_repeats > 0: # Blur the input image to prevent artifacts when downscaling. # The blur amount is controlled by sigma. Note that the # colour-channel is not blurred as it would make the image grey. sigma = 0.5 img_blur = gaussian_filter(image, sigma=(sigma, sigma, 0.0)) # Downscale the image. img_downscaled = resize_image(image=img_blur, factor=rescale_facotr) # Recursive call to this function. # Subtract one from num_repeats and use the downscaled image. img_result = recursive_optimize(layer_tensor=layer_tensor, image=img_downscaled, num_repeats=num_repeats - 1, rescale_facotr=rescale_facotr, blend=blend, num_iterations=num_iterations, step_size=step_size, tile_size=tile_size) # Up scale the resulting image back to its original size img_upscaled = resize_image(image=img_result, size=image.shape) # Blend the original and precessed images. image = blend * image + (1.0 - blend) * img_upscaled print("Recursive level:", num_repeats) img_result = optimize_image(layer_tensor=layer_tensor, image=image, num_iterations=num_iterations, step_size=step_size, tile_size=tile_size) return img_result
def train(upscaling_factor, residual_blocks, feature_size, path_prediction, checkpoint_dir, img_width, img_height, img_depth, subpixel_NN, nn, batch_size=1, div_patches=4, epochs=12): traindataset = Train_dataset(batch_size) iterations_train = math.ceil( (len(traindataset.subject_list) * 0.8) / batch_size) num_patches = traindataset.num_patches # ##========================== DEFINE MODEL ============================## t_input_gen = tf.placeholder( 'float32', [int((batch_size * num_patches) / div_patches), None, None, None, 1], name='t_image_input_to_SRGAN_generator') t_target_image = tf.placeholder('float32', [ int((batch_size * num_patches) / div_patches), img_width, img_height, img_depth, 1 ], name='t_target_image') t_input_mask = tf.placeholder('float32', [ int((batch_size * num_patches) / div_patches), img_width, img_height, img_depth, 1 ], name='t_image_input_mask') ae_real_z = tf.placeholder( 'float32', [int((batch_size * num_patches) / div_patches), 16, 16, 12, 30], name='ae_real_z') ae_fake_z = tf.placeholder( 'float32', [int((batch_size * num_patches) / div_patches), 16, 16, 12, 30], name='ae_fake_z') net_gen = generator(input_gen=t_input_gen, kernel=3, nb=residual_blocks, upscaling_factor=upscaling_factor, img_height=img_height, img_width=img_width, img_depth=img_depth, subpixel_NN=subpixel_NN, nn=nn, feature_size=feature_size, is_train=True, reuse=False) net_d, disc_out_real = discriminator(input_disc=t_target_image, kernel=3, is_train=True, reuse=False) _, disc_out_fake = discriminator(input_disc=net_gen.outputs, kernel=3, is_train=True, reuse=True) # test gen_test = generator(t_input_gen, kernel=3, nb=residual_blocks, upscaling_factor=upscaling_factor, img_height=img_height, img_width=img_width, img_depth=img_depth, subpixel_NN=subpixel_NN, nn=nn, feature_size=feature_size, is_train=True, reuse=True) # autoencoder ae_out = autoencoder(x_auto=t_target_image) # ###========================== DEFINE TRAIN OPS ==========================### # use disc_out_real in both cases because shape will be equal in disc_out_real and disc_out_fake # if not, problems for not specifying input shape for generator if np.random.uniform() > 0.1: # give correct classifications y_gan_real = tf.ones_like(disc_out_real) y_gan_fake = tf.zeros_like(disc_out_real) else: # give wrong classifications (noisy labels) y_gan_real = tf.zeros_like(disc_out_real) y_gan_fake = tf.ones_like(disc_out_real) d_loss_real = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(disc_out_real - smooth_gan_labels(y_gan_real)), name='d_loss_real') d_loss_fake = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(disc_out_fake - smooth_gan_labels(y_gan_fake)), name='d_loss_fake') d_loss = d_loss_real + d_loss_fake # use disc_out_real in both cases because shape will be equal in disc_out_real and disc_out_fake # if not, problems for not specifying input shape for generator g_gan_loss = 10e-2 * tf.reduce_mean( tf.square(disc_out_fake - smooth_gan_labels(tf.ones_like(disc_out_real))), name='g_loss_gan') mse_loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(net_gen.outputs - t_target_image), axis=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], name='g_loss_mse') dx_real = t_target_image[:, 1:, :, :, :] - t_target_image[:, :-1, :, :, :] dy_real = t_target_image[:, :, 1:, :, :] - t_target_image[:, :, :-1, :, :] dz_real = t_target_image[:, :, :, 1:, :] - t_target_image[:, :, :, :-1, :] dx_fake = net_gen.outputs[:, 1:, :, :, :] - net_gen.outputs[:, :-1, :, :, :] dy_fake = net_gen.outputs[:, :, 1:, :, :] - net_gen.outputs[:, :, :-1, :, :] dz_fake = net_gen.outputs[:, :, :, 1:, :] - net_gen.outputs[:, :, :, :-1, :] gd_loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf.abs(dx_real) - tf.abs(dx_fake))) + \ tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf.abs(dy_real) - tf.abs(dy_fake))) + \ tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf.abs(dz_real) - tf.abs(dz_fake))) g_loss_mse = mse_loss + g_gan_loss + gd_loss g_loss_ae = 10e-2 * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(ae_real_z - ae_fake_z), axis=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], name='ae_loss') + g_gan_loss g_vars = tl.layers.get_variables_with_name('SRGAN_g', True, True) d_vars = tl.layers.get_variables_with_name('SRGAN_d', True, True) with tf.variable_scope('learning_rate'): #lr_v_g = tf.Variable(1e-5, trainable=False) lr_v_g = tf.Variable(1e-4, trainable=False) lr_v_d = tf.Variable(1e-4, trainable=False) global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False) decay_rate = 0.5 decay_steps = 4920 # every 2 epochs (more or less) learning_rate_g = tf.train.inverse_time_decay(lr_v_g, global_step=global_step, decay_rate=decay_rate, decay_steps=decay_steps) learning_rate_d = tf.train.inverse_time_decay(lr_v_d, global_step=global_step, decay_rate=decay_rate, decay_steps=decay_steps) # Optimizers g_optim_mse = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate_d).minimize( g_loss_mse, var_list=g_vars) #Adagrad probado no va mejor que sin ae, si converge (5e-5, 1e-5) #Adam/RMSprop no converge (5e-5) #Adadelta probado no va mejor que sin ae, si converge (5e-5, 1e-4 va peor) va mejor sin lrdecay g_optim_ae = tf.train.AdagradOptimizer(5e-5).minimize(g_loss_ae, var_list=g_vars) d_optim = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate_d).minimize(d_loss, var_list=d_vars) session = tf.Session() tl.layers.initialize_global_variables(session) session_ae = tf.Session() var_list = list() for v in tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES): if 'SRGAN' not in and '9' not in and 'learning_rate' not in and 'beta' not in var_list.append(v) saver_ae = tf.train.Saver(var_list) saver_ae.restore(session_ae, tf.train.latest_checkpoint(AUTOENCODER_CHECPOINTS)) initialize_uninitialized_vars(session_ae) step = 0 for j in range(0, epochs): for i in range(0, iterations_train): ###====================== LOAD DATA ===========================### xt_total = traindataset.patches_true(i) xm_total = traindataset.mask(i) for k in range(0, div_patches): print('{}'.format(k)) xt = xt_total[k * int((batch_size * num_patches) / div_patches): (int((batch_size * num_patches) / div_patches) * k) + int((batch_size * num_patches) / div_patches)] xm = xm_total[k * int((batch_size * num_patches) / div_patches): (int((batch_size * num_patches) / div_patches) * k) + int((batch_size * num_patches) / div_patches)] # NORMALIZING for t in range(0, xt.shape[0]): normfactor = (np.amax(xt[t])) / 2 if normfactor != 0: xt[t] = ((xt[t] - normfactor) / normfactor) # RESIZING, don't normalize, XT already normalized x_generator = zoom(xt, [ 1, (1 / upscaling_factor), (1 / upscaling_factor), (1 / upscaling_factor), 1 ]) x_generator = gaussian_filter(x_generator, sigma=1) xgenin = x_generator ###========================= train SRGAN =========================### # update D errd, _ =[d_loss, d_optim], { t_target_image: xt, t_input_gen: xgenin }) if j < 4: errg, errmse, errgan, errgd, _ = [ g_loss_mse, mse_loss, g_gan_loss, gd_loss, g_optim_mse ], { t_input_gen: xgenin, t_target_image: xt, t_input_mask: xm }) print( "Epoch [%2d/%2d] [%4d/%4d] [%4d/%4d]: d_loss: %.8f g_loss: %.8f (mse: %.6f gdl: %.6f adv: %.6f)" % (j, epochs, i, iterations_train, k, div_patches - 1, errd, errg, errmse, errgd, errgan)) else: # loss autoencoder x_pred_ae =, {t_input_gen: xgenin}) ae_fake_z_val =['z'], {t_target_image: x_pred_ae}) ae_real_z_val =['z'], {t_target_image: xt}) # update G errg, errgan, _ = [g_loss_ae, g_gan_loss, g_optim_ae], { t_input_gen: xgenin, t_target_image: xt, t_input_mask: xm, ae_real_z: ae_real_z_val, ae_fake_z: ae_fake_z_val }) print( "Epoch [%2d/%2d] [%4d/%4d] [%4d/%4d]: d_loss: %.8f g_loss: %.8f (adv: %.6f)" % (j, epochs, i, iterations_train, k, div_patches - 1, errd, errg, errgan)) ###========================= evaluate & save model =========================### if k == 1 and i % 20 == 0: if j == 0: x_true_img = xt[0] if normfactor != 0: x_true_img = ( (x_true_img + 1) * normfactor) # denormalize img_pred = nib.Nifti1Image(x_true_img, np.eye(4)) img_pred.to_filename( os.path.join(path_prediction, str(j) + str(i) + 'true.nii.gz')) x_gen_img = xgenin[0] if normfactor != 0: x_gen_img = ( (x_gen_img + 1) * normfactor) # denormalize img_pred = nib.Nifti1Image(x_gen_img, np.eye(4)) img_pred.to_filename( os.path.join(path_prediction, str(j) + str(i) + 'gen.nii.gz')) x_pred =, {t_input_gen: xgenin}) x_pred_img = x_pred[0] if normfactor != 0: x_pred_img = ( (x_pred_img + 1) * normfactor) # denormalize img_pred = nib.Nifti1Image(x_pred_img, np.eye(4)) img_pred.to_filename( os.path.join(path_prediction, str(j) + str(i) + '.nii.gz')) # x_auto =['y'], {t_target_image: xt}) # x_auto_img = x_auto[0] # if normfactor != 0: # x_auto_img = ((x_auto_img + 1) * normfactor) # denormalize # img_pred = nib.Nifti1Image(x_auto_img, np.eye(4)) # img_pred.to_filename( # os.path.join(path_prediction, str(j) + str(i) + 'yayauto.nii.gz')) saver = tf.train.Saver(), save_path=checkpoint_dir, global_step=step) print("Saved step: [%2d]" % step) step = step + 1
def draw(self) -> None: import numpy as np from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter from pi3d.Camera import Camera from pi3d.constants import ( opengles, GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GLsizei, GLboolean, GLint, GL_FLOAT, GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, ) time_logging = False if self.should_prepare: self._prepare() if self.lights.alarm_program.factor != -1: self.alarm_factor = max(0.001, self.lights.alarm_program.factor) else: self.alarm_factor = 0 then = time.time() self.display.loop_running() now = self.display.time self.time_delta = now - self.last_loop self.last_loop = now self.time_elapsed += self.time_delta if time_logging: print(f"{time.time() - then} main loop") then = time.time() # use a sliding window to smooth the spectrum with a gauss function # truncating does not save significant time (~3% for this step) # new_frame = np.array(self.cava.current_frame, dtype="float32") new_frame = gaussian_filter(self.cava.current_frame, sigma=1.5, mode="nearest") new_frame = new_frame[self.SPECTRUM_CUT:-self.SPECTRUM_CUT] new_frame = -0.5 * new_frame**3 + 1.5 * new_frame new_frame *= 255 current_frame = new_frame if time_logging: print(f"{time.time() - then} spectrum smoothing") then = time.time() # Value used for circle shake and background color cycle # select the first few values and compute their average bass_elements = math.ceil(self.BASS_MAX * self.cava.bars) self.bass_value = sum( current_frame[0:bass_elements]) / bass_elements / 255 self.bass_value = max(self.bass_value, self.alarm_factor) self.total_bass = self.total_bass + self.bass_value # the fraction of time that there was bass self.bass_fraction = self.total_bass / self.time_elapsed / self.lights.UPS self.uniform_values = { 48: self.width / self.scale, 49: self.height / self.scale, 50: self.scale, 51: self.FFT_HIST, 52: self.NUM_PARTICLES, 53: self.PARTICLE_SPAWN_Z, 54: self.time_elapsed, 55: self.time_delta, 56: self.alarm_factor, 57: self.bass_value, 58: self.total_bass, 59: self.bass_fraction, } # start rendering to the smaller OffscreenTexture # we decrease the size of the texture so it only allocates that much memory # otherwise it would use as much as the displays size, negating its positive effect = int( / self.scale) = int( / self.scale) opengles.glViewport( GLint(0), GLint(0), GLsizei(int(self.width / self.scale)), GLsizei(int(self.height / self.scale)), ) = self.width = self.height self._set_unif(self.background, [48, 49, 54, 56, 58]) self.background.draw() if time_logging: print(f"{time.time() - then} background draw") then = time.time() # enable additive blending so the draw order of overlapping particles does not matter opengles.glBlendFunc(1, 1) self._set_unif(self.particle_sprite, [53, 54, 59]) # copied code from pi3d.Shape.draw() # we don't need modelmatrices, normals ord textures and always blend self.particle_sprite.load_opengl() camera = Camera.instance() if not camera.mtrx_made: camera.make_mtrx() self.particle_sprite.MRaw = self.particle_sprite.tr1 self.particle_sprite.M[0, :, :] = self.particle_sprite.MRaw[:, :] self.particle_sprite.M[1, :, :] =, camera.mtrx)[:, :] # Buffer.draw() buf = self.particle_sprite.buf[0] buf.load_opengl() shader = buf.shader shader.use() opengles.glUniformMatrix4fv( shader.unif_modelviewmatrix, GLsizei(2), GLboolean(0),, ) opengles.glUniform3fv(shader.unif_unif, GLsizei(20), self.particle_sprite.unif) buf._select() opengles.glVertexAttribPointer(shader.attr_vertex, GLint(3), GL_FLOAT, GLboolean(0), buf.N_BYTES, 0) opengles.glEnableVertexAttribArray(shader.attr_vertex) opengles.glVertexAttribPointer(shader.attr_texcoord, GLint(2), GL_FLOAT, GLboolean(0), buf.N_BYTES, 24) opengles.glEnableVertexAttribArray(shader.attr_texcoord) buf.disp.last_shader = shader opengles.glUniform3fv(shader.unif_unib, GLsizei(5), buf.unib) opengles.glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, self.instance_vbo) opengles.glDrawElementsInstanced( buf.draw_method, GLsizei(buf.ntris * 3), GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0, self.NUM_PARTICLES, ) # restore normal blending opengles.glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) if time_logging: print(f"{time.time() - then} particle draw") then = time.time() # roll the history one further, insert the current one. # we use a texture with four channels eventhough we only need one, refer to this post: # # basically the gpu converts it anyway, so other formats would be slower history = np.zeros( (self.FFT_HIST, self.cava.bars - 2 * self.SPECTRUM_CUT, 4), dtype="uint8") self.fft = np.roll(self.fft, 1, 0) self.fft[0] = current_frame history[:, :, 0] = self.fft if time_logging: print(f"{time.time() - then} spectrum roll") then = time.time() # change the spectrum part of the texture (the lower 256xFFT_HIST pixels) opengles.glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, self.dynamic_texture._tex) iformat = self.dynamic_texture._get_format_from_array( history, self.dynamic_texture.i_format) opengles.glTexSubImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, self.dynamic_texture.ix, history.shape[1], history.shape[0], iformat, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, history.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ubyte)), ) if time_logging: print(f"{time.time() - then} glTexImage2D") then = time.time() self._set_unif(self.spectrum, [48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58]) self.spectrum.draw() if time_logging: print(f"{time.time() - then} spectrum draw") then = time.time() self._set_unif(self.logo, [48, 49, 51, 54, 57, 58]) self.logo.draw() if time_logging: print(f"{time.time() - then} logo draw") then = time.time() self._set_unif(self.after, [48, 49, 54, 57]) self.after.draw() if time_logging: print(f"{time.time() - then} after draw") then = time.time() opengles.glViewport(GLint(0), GLint(0), GLsizei(self.width), GLsizei(self.height)) self._set_unif(self.post_sprite, [50]) self.post_sprite.draw() if time_logging: print(f"{time.time() - then} post draw") print(f"scale: {self.scale}") print("=====")
def calculate_polygonal_environment(im: PIL.Image.Image, baselines: Sequence[Tuple[int, int]] = None, suppl_obj: Sequence[Tuple[int, int]] = None, im_feats: np.array = None, scale: Tuple[int, int] = None): """ Given a list of baselines and an input image, calculates a polygonal environment around each baseline. Args: im (PIL.Image): grayscale input image (mode 'L') baselines (sequence): List of lists containing a single baseline per entry. suppl_obj (sequence): List of lists containing additional polylines that should be considered hard boundaries for polygonizaton purposes. Can be used to prevent polygonization into non-text areas such as illustrations or to compute the polygonization of a subset of the lines in an image. im_feats (numpy.array): An optional precomputed seamcarve energy map. Overrides data in `im`. The default map is `gaussian_filter(sobel(im), 2)`. scale (tuple): A 2-tuple (h, w) containing optional scale factors of the input. Values of 0 are used for aspect-preserving scaling. `None` skips input scaling. Returns: List of lists of coordinates. If no polygonization could be compute for a baseline `None` is returned instead. """ if scale is not None and (scale[0] > 0 or scale[1] > 0): w, h = im.size oh, ow = scale if oh == 0: oh = int(h * ow/w) elif ow == 0: ow = int(w * oh/h) im = im.resize((ow, oh)) scale = np.array((ow/w, oh/h)) # rescale baselines baselines = [(np.array(bl) * scale).astype('int').tolist() for bl in baselines] # rescale suppl_obj if suppl_obj is not None: suppl_obj = [(np.array(bl) * scale).astype('int').tolist() for bl in suppl_obj] bounds = np.array(im.size, dtype=np.float) im = np.array(im) if im_feats is None: # compute image gradient im_feats = gaussian_filter(sobel(im), 2) def _ray_intersect_boundaries(ray, direction, aabb): """ Simplified version of [0] for 2d and AABB anchored at (0,0). [0] """ dir_fraction = np.empty(2, dtype=ray.dtype) dir_fraction[direction == 0.0] = np.inf dir_fraction[direction != 0.0] = np.divide(1.0, direction[direction != 0.0]) t1 = (-ray[0]) * dir_fraction[0] t2 = (aabb[0] - ray[0]) * dir_fraction[0] t3 = (-ray[1]) * dir_fraction[1] t4 = (aabb[1] - ray[1]) * dir_fraction[1] tmin = max(min(t1, t2), min(t3, t4)) tmax = min(max(t1, t2), max(t3, t4)) t = min(x for x in [tmin, tmax] if x >= 0) return ray + (direction * t) def _extract_patch(env_up, env_bottom, baseline, dir_vec): """ Calculate a line image patch from a ROI and the original baseline. """ upper_polygon = np.concatenate((baseline, env_up[::-1])) bottom_polygon = np.concatenate((baseline, env_bottom[::-1])) angle = np.arctan2(dir_vec[1], dir_vec[0]) def _calc_seam(polygon, bias=100): """ Calculates seam between baseline and ROI boundary on one side. Adds a baseline-distance-weighted bias to the feature map, masks out the bounding polygon and rotates the line so it is roughly level. """ MASK_VAL = 99999 r, c = draw.polygon(polygon[:,1], polygon[:,0]) c_min, c_max = int(polygon[:,0].min()), int(polygon[:,0].max()) r_min, r_max = int(polygon[:,1].min()), int(polygon[:,1].max()) patch = im_feats[r_min:r_max+2, c_min:c_max+2].copy() # bias feature matrix by distance from baseline mask = np.ones_like(patch) for l in zip(baseline[:-1] - (c_min, r_min), baseline[1:] - (c_min, r_min)): line_locs = draw.line(l[0][1], l[0][0], l[1][1], l[1][0]) mask[line_locs] = 0 dist_bias = distance_transform_cdt(mask) # absolute mask mask = np.ones_like(patch, dtype=np.bool) mask[r-r_min, c-c_min] = False # combine weights with features patch[mask] = MASK_VAL patch += (dist_bias*(np.mean(patch[patch != MASK_VAL])/bias)) extrema = baseline[(0,-1),:] - (c_min, r_min) # scale line image to max 600 pixel width scale = min(1.0, 600/(c_max-c_min)) tform, rotated_patch = _rotate(patch, angle, center=extrema[0], scale=scale, cval=MASK_VAL) # ensure to cut off padding after rotation x_offsets = np.sort(np.around(tform.inverse(extrema)[:,0]).astype('int')) rotated_patch = rotated_patch[:,x_offsets[0]+1:x_offsets[1]] # infinity pad for seamcarve rotated_patch = np.pad(rotated_patch, ((1, 1), (0, 0)), mode='constant', constant_values=np.inf) r, c = rotated_patch.shape # fold into shape (c, r-2 3) A = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(rotated_patch, (c, r-2, 3), (rotated_patch.strides[1], rotated_patch.strides[0], rotated_patch.strides[0])) B = rotated_patch[1:-1,1:].swapaxes(0, 1) backtrack = np.zeros_like(B, dtype='int') T = np.empty((B.shape[1]), 'f') R = np.arange(-1, len(T)-1) for i in np.arange(c-1): A[i].min(1, T) backtrack[i] = A[i].argmin(1) + R B[i] += T # backtrack seam = [] j = np.argmin(rotated_patch[1:-1,-1]) for i in range(c-2, 0, -1): seam.append((i+x_offsets[0]+1, j)) j = backtrack[i, j] seam = np.array(seam)[::-1] # rotate back seam = tform(seam).astype('int') # filter out seam points in masked area of original patch/in padding seam = seam[seam.min(axis=1)>=0,:] m = (seam < mask.shape[::-1]).T seam = seam[np.logical_and(m[0], m[1]), :] seam = seam[np.invert(mask[seam.T[1], seam.T[0]])] seam += (c_min, r_min) return seam upper_seam = _calc_seam(upper_polygon).astype('int') bottom_seam = _calc_seam(bottom_polygon).astype('int')[::-1] polygon = np.concatenate(([baseline[0]], upper_seam, [baseline[-1]], bottom_seam)) return approximate_polygon(polygon, 3).tolist() polygons = [] if suppl_obj is None: suppl_obj = [] for idx, line in enumerate(baselines): try: # find intercepts with image bounds on each side of baseline line = np.array(line, dtype=np.float) # calculate magnitude-weighted average direction vector lengths = np.linalg.norm(np.diff(line.T), axis=0) p_dir = np.mean(np.diff(line.T) * lengths/lengths.sum(), axis=1) p_dir = (p_dir.T / np.sqrt(np.sum(p_dir**2,axis=-1))) # interpolate baseline ls = geom.LineString(line) ip_line = [line[0]] dist = 10 while dist < ls.length: ip_line.append(np.array(ls.interpolate(dist))) dist += 10 ip_line.append(line[-1]) ip_line = np.array(ip_line) upper_bounds_intersects = [] bottom_bounds_intersects = [] for point in ip_line: upper_bounds_intersects.append(_ray_intersect_boundaries(point, (p_dir*(-1,1))[::-1], bounds+1).astype('int')) bottom_bounds_intersects.append(_ray_intersect_boundaries(point, (p_dir*(1,-1))[::-1], bounds+1).astype('int')) # build polygon between baseline and bbox intersects upper_polygon = geom.Polygon(ip_line.tolist() + upper_bounds_intersects) bottom_polygon = geom.Polygon(ip_line.tolist() + bottom_bounds_intersects) # select baselines at least partially in each polygon side_a = [geom.LineString(upper_bounds_intersects)] side_b = [geom.LineString(bottom_bounds_intersects)] for adj_line in baselines[:idx] + baselines[idx+1:] + suppl_obj: adj_line = geom.LineString(adj_line) if upper_polygon.intersects(adj_line): side_a.append(adj_line) elif bottom_polygon.intersects(adj_line): side_b.append(adj_line) side_a = unary_union(side_a).buffer(1).boundary side_b = unary_union(side_b).buffer(1).boundary def _find_closest_point(pt, intersects): spt = geom.Point(pt) if intersects.type == 'MultiPoint': return min([p for p in intersects], key=lambda x: spt.distance(x)) elif intersects.type == 'Point': return intersects elif intersects.type == 'GeometryCollection' and len(intersects) > 0: t = min([p for p in intersects], key=lambda x: spt.distance(x)) if t == 'Point': return t else: return nearest_points(spt, t)[1] else: raise Exception('No intersection with boundaries. Shapely intersection object: {}'.format(intersects.wkt)) # interpolate baseline env_up = [] env_bottom = [] # find orthogonal (to linear regression) intersects with adjacent objects to complete roi for point, upper_bounds_intersect, bottom_bounds_intersect in zip(ip_line, upper_bounds_intersects, bottom_bounds_intersects): upper_limit = _find_closest_point(point, geom.LineString([point, upper_bounds_intersect]).intersection(side_a)) bottom_limit = _find_closest_point(point, geom.LineString([point, bottom_bounds_intersect]).intersection(side_b)) env_up.append(upper_limit.coords[0]) env_bottom.append(bottom_limit.coords[0]) env_up = np.array(env_up, dtype='uint') env_bottom = np.array(env_bottom, dtype='uint') polygons.append(_extract_patch(env_up, env_bottom, line.astype('int'), p_dir)) except Exception as e: polygons.append(None) if scale is not None: polygons = [(np.array(pol)/scale).astype('uint').tolist() if pol is not None else None for pol in polygons] return polygons
def elastic_distortion(image, alpha, sigma): s = image.shape dx = gaussian_filter(random_state.rand(*s) * 2 - 1, sigma, mode="constant", cval=0) * alpha dy = gaussian_filter(random_state.rand(*s) * 2 - 1, sigma, mode="constant", cval=0) * alpha x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(s[0]), np.arange(s[1])) indices = np.reshape(y+dy, (-1, 1)), np.reshape(x+dx, (-1, 1)) return map_coordinates(image, indices, order=1).reshape(s)