コード例 #1
def test_3():
    y = np.random.random() * np.random.randint(100)
    lower = y - np.random.random() * np.random.randint(100)
    upper = y + np.random.random() * np.random.randint(100)
        fminbound_numba(f_fminbound, lower, upper),
        fminbound(f_fminbound, lower, upper, full_output=True),
コード例 #2
ファイル: heal.py プロジェクト: jp3477/whisk
def compute_join_max_curvature(px, py):
    from scipy.optimize.optimize import fminbound
    xp = polyder(px, 1)
    xpp = polyder(px, 2)
    yp = polyder(py, 1)
    ypp = polyder(py, 2)
    pn = polyadd(polymul(xp, ypp), polymul(yp, xpp))  #numerator
    pd = polyadd(polymul(xp, xp), polymul(yp, yp))  #denominator
    kappa = lambda t: -fabs(polyval(pn, t) / (polyval(pd, t)**(0.5)))
    argmin, res, flag, num = fminbound(kappa, 0, 1, xtol=0.005, full_output=1)
    return -res[0]
コード例 #3
ファイル: heal.py プロジェクト: chexenia/whisk
def compute_join_max_curvature( px, py ):
  from scipy.optimize.optimize import fminbound
  xp  = polyder( px, 1 )
  xpp = polyder( px, 2 )
  yp  = polyder( py, 1 )
  ypp = polyder( py, 2 )
  pn = polyadd( polymul( xp, ypp ), polymul( yp, xpp )) #numerator
  pd = polyadd( polymul( xp, xp ) , polymul( yp, yp ) ) #denominator
  kappa = lambda t:  -fabs(polyval( pn, t )/( polyval( pd, t )**(0.5)) ) 
  argmin, res, flag, num = fminbound( kappa, 0, 1, xtol=0.005, full_output=1 )
  return -res[0]
コード例 #4
def calcBetaEstimate(lSolver, hts, alphaF, mu_sigma,
                      bmin= 0.2, bmax = 5):
    '''given a set of hitting times hts and known alpha, sigma - 
    calculate the other parameter beta using Max Likelihood'''
    '''NOT USED:'''
#    'F solver:'
#    dx = .05;
#    x_min  = -1.5;
    dt = .025;    
    Tf = amax(hts)+2*dt 
#    S = ForwardSolver(mu_sigma, 
#                      dx, x_min,
#                      dt, Tf)     
#    alphas_for_F = alphaF( S._ts );
    '''f Solver:'''
    alphas_for_f = alphaF(lSolver._ts);
    def beta_nllk(beta):
        ''' Тhis is the root'''
#        Fs = squeeze( S.solve(alphas_for_F,
#                              [beta]));
#        dt = S._ts[1] - S._ts[0]; 
#        gs_dt = -diff(Fs[:, -1]) / dt;
        gs_dx = lSolver.solve_hittime_distn_per_parameter(1/beta,
#        figure(); hold(True)
#        plot(S._ts[1:], gs_dt, 'b')
#        plot(lSolver._ts, gs_dx, 'r')
#        show();
#        gs_interp = interp1d( S._ts[1:], gs_dt)
        gs_interp = interp1d( lSolver._ts, gs_dx)
        nllk = -sum(log( gs_interp(hts) ) )
        sys.stdout.write('%.3f,%.0f '%(beta, nllk));
        return  nllk ; 
    beta_est, nllk_val, ierr, numfunc= fminbound(beta_nllk, bmin, bmax, xtol=1e-3,
                                                 full_output = True);
    if 1 == ierr :
        print 'WARNING: fminbound hit max fevals'
    return beta_est;
コード例 #5
    def run(self,
        parsOrig = self.testModel.query(self.parTypeStr)[self.freeParNames[0]]

        # default time mesh if none supplied (t range split into 20)
        if tmesh is None:
            tmesh = self.get_tmesh()

        full_output = 1
        results = optimize.fminbound(self._residual_fn, parConstraints[0],
                                     parConstraints[1], (tmesh, ) + extra_args,
                                     xtol, maxiter, full_output, int(verbose))
        out = rout.stop()
        err = rerr.stop()

        # build return information
        success = results[2] == 0
        pestReturn = {
            'success': success,
            'pars_fit': {
                self.freeParNames[0]: results[0]
            'pars_orig': {
                self.freeParNames[0]: parsOrig
            'alg_results': results[3],
            'sys_fit': self.testModel

        if verbose:
            if success:
                print 'Solution of ', self.freeParNames[0], ' = ', results[0]
                print 'Original value = ', parsOrig
                print 'Number of mesh points = ', len(tmesh)
                print 'Number of fn evals = ', results[3], "(# iterations)"
                print 'Error tolerance = ', xtol
                print 'No convergence of BoundMin'
                print results
        return pestReturn
コード例 #6
def calcBetaEstimate(hts, alpha, sigma):
    '''given a set of hitting times hts and known alpha, sigma - 
    calculate the other parameter beta using Max Likelihood'''
    'Max Time for the Solver'
    #Solver details:
    dx = .05;
    x_min  = -1.5;
    dt = .025;    
    Tf = amax(hts)+2*dt
    params = [0, sigma]
    print  ' Tf=%.2f, alpha=%.2f'%( Tf,alpha)
    #INit Solver:
    S = ForwardSolver(params, 
                      dx, x_min,
                      dt, Tf) 
    alphas = alpha*ones_like(S._ts);
    def beta_nllk(beta):
        ''' Тhis is the root'''
        Fs = squeeze( S.solve(alphas,
        dt = S._ts[1] - S._ts[0]; 
        gs = -diff(Fs[:, -1]) / dt;

        gs_interp = interp1d( S._ts[1:], gs)
        nllk = -sum(log( gs_interp(hts) ) )
#        print beta, nllk
        return  nllk ; 
    beta_est, nllk_val, ierr, numfunc= fminbound(beta_nllk, .05, 20, full_output = True);
#    print beta_est, nllk_val
    if 1 == ierr :
        print 'fminbound hit max fevals'
    return beta_est;
コード例 #7
    def run(self, parConstraints, xtol=5e-5, maxiter=500,
            tmesh=None, extra_args=(), verbose=False):
        parsOrig = self.testModel.query(self.parTypeStr)[self.freeParNames[0]]

        # default time mesh if none supplied (t range split into 20)
        if tmesh is None:
            tmesh = self.get_tmesh()

        full_output = 1
        results = optimize.fminbound(self._residual_fn, parConstraints[0],
                        parConstraints[1], (tmesh,) + extra_args, xtol, maxiter,
        out = rout.stop()
        err = rerr.stop()

        # build return information
        success = results[2] == 0
        pestReturn = {'success': success,
                      'pars_fit': {self.freeParNames[0]: results[0]},
                      'pars_orig': {self.freeParNames[0]: parsOrig},
                      'alg_results': results[3],
                      'sys_fit': self.testModel

        if verbose:
            if success:
                print 'Solution of ', self.freeParNames[0], ' = ', results[0]
                print 'Original value = ', parsOrig
                print 'Number of mesh points = ', len(tmesh)
                print 'Number of fn evals = ', results[3], "(# iterations)"
                print 'Error tolerance = ', xtol
                print 'No convergence of BoundMin'
                print results
        return pestReturn
コード例 #8
def remove_saturated_pixel(ds, threshold=0.1, minimum=None, maximum=None):
    Remove saturated fixes from an array inplace.

    :param ds: a dataset as ndarray
    :param float threshold: what is the upper limit?
        all pixel > max*(1-threshold) are discareded.
    :param float minimum: minumum valid value (or True for auto-guess)
    :param float maximum: maximum valid value
    :return: the input dataset
    shape = ds.shape
    if ds.dtype == numpy.uint16:
        maxt = (1.0 - threshold) * 65535.0
    elif ds.dtype == numpy.int16:
        maxt = (1.0 - threshold) * 32767.0
    elif ds.dtype == numpy.uint8:
        maxt = (1.0 - threshold) * 255.0
    elif ds.dtype == numpy.int8:
        maxt = (1.0 - threshold) * 127.0
        if maximum is None:
            maxt = (1.0 - threshold) * ds.max()
            maxt = maximum
    if maximum is not None:
        maxt = min(maxt, maximum)
    invalid = (ds > maxt)
    if minimum:
        if minimum is True:
            # automatic guess of the best minimum TODO: use the HWHM to guess the minumum...
            data_min = ds.min()
            x, y = numpy.histogram(numpy.log(ds - data_min + 1.0), bins=100)
            f = interp1d((y[1:] + y[:-1]) / 2.0,
            max_low = fmin(f, y[1], disp=0)
            max_hi = fmin(f, y[-1], disp=0)
            if max_hi > max_low:
                f = interp1d((y[1:] + y[:-1]) / 2.0, x, bounds_error=False)
                min_center = fminbound(f, max_low, max_hi)
                min_center = max_hi
            minimum = float(numpy.exp(y[(
                (min_center / y) > 1).sum() - 1])) - 1.0 + data_min
            logger.debug("removeSaturatedPixel: best minimum guessed is %s",
        ds[ds < minimum] = minimum
        ds -= minimum  # - 1.0

    if invalid.sum(dtype=int) == 0:
        logger.debug("No saturated area where found")
        return ds
    gi = ndimage.morphology.binary_dilation(invalid)
    lgi, nc = ndimage.label(gi)
    if nc > 100:
            "More than 100 saturated zones were found on this image !!!!")
    for zone in range(nc + 1):
        dzone = (lgi == zone)
        if dzone.sum(dtype=int) > ds.size // 2:
        min0, min1, max0, max1 = bounding_box(dzone)
        ksize = min(max0 - min0, max1 - min1)
        subset = ds[max(0, min0 - 4 * ksize):min(shape[0], max0 + 4 * ksize),
                    max(0, min1 - 4 * ksize):min(shape[1], max1 + 4 * ksize)]
        while subset.max() > maxt:
            subset = ndimage.median_filter(subset, ksize)
        ds[max(0, min0 - 4 * ksize):min(shape[0], max0 + 4 * ksize),
           max(0, min1 - 4 * ksize):min(shape[1], max1 + 4 * ksize)] = subset
    return ds
コード例 #9
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: dkarkoulis/pyFAI
def removeSaturatedPixel(ds, threshold=0.1, minimum=None, maximum=None):
    @param ds: a dataset as  ndarray

    @param threshold: what is the upper limit? all pixel > max*(1-threshold) are discareded.
    @param minimum: minumum valid value (or True for auto-guess)
    @param maximum: maximum valid value
    @return: another dataset
    shape = ds.shape
    if ds.dtype == numpy.uint16:
        maxt = (1.0 - threshold) * 65535.0
    elif ds.dtype == numpy.int16:
        maxt = (1.0 - threshold) * 32767.0
    elif ds.dtype == numpy.uint8:
        maxt = (1.0 - threshold) * 255.0
    elif ds.dtype == numpy.int8:
        maxt = (1.0 - threshold) * 127.0
        if maximum is None:
            maxt = (1.0 - threshold) * ds.max()
            maxt = maximum
    if maximum is not None:
        maxt = min(maxt, maximum)
    invalid = ds > maxt
    if minimum:
        if minimum is True:  # automatic guess of the best minimum TODO: use the HWHM to guess the minumum...
            data_min = ds.min()
            x, y = numpy.histogram(numpy.log(ds - data_min + 1.0), bins=100)
            f = interp1d((y[1:] + y[:-1]) / 2.0, -x, bounds_error=False, fill_value=-x.min())
            max_low = fmin(f, y[1], disp=0)
            max_hi = fmin(f, y[-1], disp=0)
            if max_hi > max_low:
                f = interp1d((y[1:] + y[:-1]) / 2.0, x, bounds_error=False)
                min_center = fminbound(f, max_low, max_hi)
                min_center = max_hi
            minimum = float(numpy.exp(y[((min_center / y) > 1).sum() - 1])) - 1.0 + data_min
            logger.debug("removeSaturatedPixel: best minimum guessed is %s", minimum)
        ds[ds < minimum] = minimum
        ds -= minimum  # - 1.0

    if invalid.sum(dtype=int) == 0:
        logger.debug("No saturated area where found")
        return ds
    gi = ndimage.morphology.binary_dilation(invalid)
    lgi, nc = ndimage.label(gi)
    if nc > 100:
        logger.warning("More than 100 saturated zones were found on this image !!!!")
    for zone in range(nc + 1):
        dzone = lgi == zone
        if dzone.sum(dtype=int) > ds.size // 2:
        min0, min1, max0, max1 = boundingBox(dzone)
        ksize = min(max0 - min0, max1 - min1)
        subset = ds[
            max(0, min0 - 4 * ksize) : min(shape[0], max0 + 4 * ksize),
            max(0, min1 - 4 * ksize) : min(shape[1], max1 + 4 * ksize),
        while subset.max() > maxt:
            subset = ndimage.median_filter(subset, ksize)
            max(0, min0 - 4 * ksize) : min(shape[0], max0 + 4 * ksize),
            max(0, min1 - 4 * ksize) : min(shape[1], max1 + 4 * ksize),
        ] = subset
    return ds
コード例 #10


    def E(alpha):
        #"""Error of a linear combination of measurements."""
        alpha = numpy.squeeze(alpha)
        #return alpha*E1 + (1 - alpha)*E2
        """Error of a geometric combination of measurements."""
        return exp(log(E1)*alpha +  log(E2)*(1-alpha))

    print "Combining measurements for optimal variance"
    alphaOptVar = fminbound(lambda alpha: E(alpha).var(), 0, 1, xtol = 1e-16)
    print "alpha for optimal variance = ", alphaOptVar
    dopt = E(alphaOptVar)

    print "Combining measurements for optimal Median Absolute Deviance"
    alphaOptMad = fminbound(lambda alpha: E(alpha).medianad(), 0, 1, xtol = 1e-16)
    print "alpha for optimal MAD = ", alphaOptMad
    dopt = E(alphaOptMad)

    print "Combining measurements for optimal 95% confidence interval"
    alphaOptIQrange = fminbound(lambda alpha: E(alpha).iqrange(0.025), 0, 1, xtol = 1e-16)
    print "alpha for optimal 95% c.i. = ", alphaOptIQrange
コード例 #11
        # target Dpsi = pi-2*beta, i.e. beta=delta
        cost = (beta - delta)**2
        print "cost =", cost
        print evs
        print "Found %i TD events, %i LO events" % (numTDs, numLOs)
        raise RuntimeError, "Not enough events found"
    return cost

Dpsi_tol = 5e-3
print "Finding periodic gait by varying initial y velocity,"
print "to tolerance in Dpsi of", Dpsi_tol, "\n"

# use optimizer with boundary constraints
ydot_opt = optimize.fminbound(residual_fn_ydot, 0.5, 0.75, xtol=Dpsi_tol)
#ydot_opt = 0.666463229031
print "ydot for periodic gait = ", ydot_opt

# ---- Compute periodic trajectory

icdict_pdc = copy(ics)
icdict_pdc['ydot'] = ydot_opt
icdict_pdc['incontact'] = 0

print "Computing trajectory...\n"
start = clock()
SLIP.compute(trajname='pdc', tdata=[0, 12], ics=icdict_pdc,
             verboselevel=0)  # optional
print '... finished in %.3f seconds.\n' % (clock() - start)
コード例 #12
        # target Dpsi = pi-2*beta, i.e. beta=delta
        cost = (beta - delta) ** 2
        print "cost =", cost
        print evs
        print "Found %i TD events, %i LO events" % (numTDs, numLOs)
        raise RuntimeError, "Not enough events found"
    return cost

Dpsi_tol = 5e-3
print "Finding periodic gait by varying initial y velocity,"
print "to tolerance in Dpsi of", Dpsi_tol, "\n"

# use optimizer with boundary constraints
ydot_opt = optimize.fminbound(residual_fn_ydot, 0.5, 0.75, xtol=Dpsi_tol)
# ydot_opt = 0.666463229031
print "ydot for periodic gait = ", ydot_opt

# ---- Compute periodic trajectory

icdict_pdc = copy(ics)
icdict_pdc["ydot"] = ydot_opt
icdict_pdc["incontact"] = 0

print "Computing trajectory...\n"
start = clock()
SLIP.compute(trajname="pdc", tdata=[0, 12], ics=icdict_pdc, verboselevel=0)  # optional
print "... finished in %.3f seconds.\n" % (clock() - start)
コード例 #13
def calculateOptimalControl(params, Tf,
                              J_tol = 1e-2, K_max=100,
    print 'Brent Optimizer:'
    xmin = FPSolver.calculate_xmin(alpha_bounds, params, num_std = 1.0)
    dx = FPSolver.calculate_dx(alpha_bounds, params, xmin)
    dt = FPSolver.calculate_dt(alpha_bounds, params, dx, xmin, factor = 4.)
    print 'Solver params: xmin, dx, dt', xmin,dx,dt

    #Set up solver
    #TODO: The way you pass params and the whole object-oriented approach is silly. Tf changes for each solve and atb don't, so maybe rething the architecture!!!
    S = FPSolver(dx, dt, Tf, xmin)
    ts = S._ts;

    alpha_min, alpha_max = alpha_bounds[0], alpha_bounds[1]
    def generateSwitchControl(switch_point):
        min_es = ones_like(ts); max_es = ones_like(ts)
        min_es[ts>=switch_point] = .0;
        max_es[ts<switch_point] = .0 
        return alpha_min*min_es + alpha_max * max_es
    def objective(switch_point):
        #Form the controls:
        alphas = generateSwitchControl(switch_point)
        #Find the solution
        xs, ts, fs, J =  S.solve(params,
        #The associated cost
        return J;

    #TODO: Remove
    switch_ts = linspace(-.1, Tf+.1, 12)
    Js = [objective(t) for t in switch_ts]
    plot(switch_ts, Js)
    vlines(Tf, .0, 2.0)

#    from scipy.optimize import brent
#    opt_switch, J_opt, iterations, funcals = brent(objective,
#                                             brack=[0, Tf], tol=J_tol,
#                                             full_output=True, maxiter=K_max)
    from scipy.optimize import fminbound
    opt_switch, J_opt, ierrr, numfuncals = fminbound(objective,
                                                     0, Tf, xtol=5e-2,
                                                     maxfun=K_max, full_output=True)
    opt_controls = generateSwitchControl(opt_switch)
    xs, ts, fs, J =  S.solve(params,
    opt_switch = min(Tf, max(opt_switch,.0))
    print 'Opt switch time = %.3f'%opt_switch
    return xs, ts, fs, opt_controls, J_opt, opt_switch