コード例 #1
    def optimize_dm(self):
        Calculate more precise value of the DM by interpolating between DM values to maximise the SNR

            This function has not been fully tested.

            optimnised DM, optimised SNR
        if self.data is None:
            return None

        def dm2snr(dm):
            time_series = self.dedispersets(dm)
            return -self.get_snr(time_series)

            out = golden(
                brack=(-self.dm / 2, self.dm, 2 * self.dm),
        except (ValueError, TypeError):
            out = golden(dm2snr, full_output=True, tol=1e-3)
        self.dm_opt = out[0]
        self.snr_opt = -out[1]
        return out[0], -out[1]
コード例 #2
def main():
    with open('data.dat', 'r') as f:
        data = [tuple(map(float, line.strip().split())) for line in f]

    data = np.array(data)
    x, y = data.T

    roots = optimize.newton(f1, x0=[-1.0, 0.0, 1.0])
    minima = [
        optimize.golden(f2, brack=(-2.0, 0.0)),
        optimize.golden(f2, brack=(0.0, 1.0))
    result = fit(x, y, n=3)
    coeffs = result.x
    y_fit = model(coeffs, x)

    print('1. Roots of x^3 - x + 0.25 = 0:')
    print('\n'.join("   {:.4f}".format(x) for x in roots))
    print('\n3. Minima of (x^2 - 1)^2 + x:')
    print('\n'.join("   {:.4f}".format(x) for x in minima))
    print('\n5. Fit of data')
    print('   Params:      {}'.format(coeffs))
    print('   Iterations:  {}'.format(result.nit))

    warning = " (DEMO ONLY. PLEASE RUN `make` INSTEAD.)"
    plot(x, y, y_fit, 'plot_1.png', 'Data fit' + warning)
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_optimize.py プロジェクト: 7924102/scipy
    def test_golden(self):
        x = optimize.golden(self.fun)
        assert_allclose(x, self.solution, atol=1e-6)

        x = optimize.golden(self.fun, brack=(-3, -2))
        assert_allclose(x, self.solution, atol=1e-6)

        x = optimize.golden(self.fun, full_output=True)
        assert_allclose(x[0], self.solution, atol=1e-6)

        x = optimize.golden(self.fun, brack=(-15, -1, 15))
        assert_allclose(x, self.solution, atol=1e-6)
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_optimize.py プロジェクト: neerajbahl/scipy
    def test_golden(self):
        x = optimize.golden(self.fun)
        assert_allclose(x, self.solution, atol=1e-6)

        x = optimize.golden(self.fun, brack=(-3, -2))
        assert_allclose(x, self.solution, atol=1e-6)

        x = optimize.golden(self.fun, full_output=True)
        assert_allclose(x[0], self.solution, atol=1e-6)

        x = optimize.golden(self.fun, brack=(-15, -1, 15))
        assert_allclose(x, self.solution, atol=1e-6)
コード例 #5
def BF5(x):
    it = 0
    flag = True
    B = np.identity(x.shape[0])
    while (flag):
        p = pp(B, df5(x))
        a = sopt.golden(f5d, args=(
        xo = x
        xn = x + a * p
        s = ss(xo, xn)
        y = yy5(xo, xn)
        B = BB(B, y, s)
        x = xn
        it = it + 1
        # print('it=',it,'\n')
        # print('p=',p,'\n')
        # print('a=',a,'\n')
        # print('x=',x,'\n')
        if (con5(x) < e or it >= mi):
            flag = False
            print(it, '\n')
            return x
コード例 #6
def _inverse_analytic_encircled_energy(fno,
    def optfcn(x):
        return (_analytical_encircled_energy(fno, wavelength, x) - energy)**2

    return optimize.golden(optfcn)
コード例 #7
ファイル: Example.py プロジェクト: modeha/lsq_solver
def line_search(x1,x2,n):
    x = Symbol('x'); y = Symbol('y')
    p1 = Symbol('p1'); p2 = Symbol('p2')
    alpha = Symbol('alpha') 
    x_k = Matrix([[x1], [x2]])
    for i in range(n):

        R =  Res(x_k[0],x_k[1])
        J =  Jacob(x_k[0],x_k[1])
        p =  linear_system(J,R)
        #a = Diff(x_k[0],x_k[1],p[0],p[1])
        #pprint (a)
        #y = solve(a,alpha)
        #print y
        #total = []
        #for root in y:
            #if "I" not in str(root):
        #alpha = min(total)
        alpha = golden(lambda z: f(x_k[0],x_k[1],p[0],p[1],z))
        #alpha = basinhopping(lambda z: f(x_k[0],x_k[1],p[0],p[1],z),0)
        x = x_k + p*alpha
        f_ = R.T*R
        #print 'x_k[0],x_k[1],f[0],alpha'
        print  i,x_k[0],x_k[1],f_[0],alpha
        x_k = x
コード例 #8
def get_response_content(fs):
    # read the alignment
        alignment = Fasta.Alignment(fs.fasta.splitlines())
    except Fasta.AlignmentError as e:
        raise HandlingError('fasta alignment error: ' + str(e))
    if alignment.get_sequence_count() != 2:
        raise HandlingError('expected a sequence pair')
    # read the rate matrix
    R = fs.matrix
    # read the ordered states
    ordered_states = Util.get_stripped_lines(fs.states.splitlines())
    if len(ordered_states) != len(R):
        msg_a = 'the number of ordered states must be the same '
        msg_b = 'as the number of rows in the rate matrix'
        raise HandlingError(msg_a + msg_b)
    if len(set(ordered_states)) != len(ordered_states):
        raise HandlingError('the ordered states must be unique')
    # create the rate matrix object using the ordered states
    rate_matrix_object = RateMatrix.RateMatrix(R.tolist(), ordered_states) 
    # create the objective function
    objective = Objective(alignment.sequences, rate_matrix_object)
    # Use golden section search to find the mle distance.
    # The bracket is just a suggestion.
    bracket = (0.51, 2.01)
    mle_distance = optimize.golden(objective, brack=bracket)
    # write the response
    out = StringIO()
    print >> out, 'maximum likelihood distance:', mle_distance
    #distances = (mle_distance, 0.2, 2.0, 20.0)
    #for distance in distances:
        #print >> out, 'f(%s): %s' % (distance, objective(distance))
    return out.getvalue()
コード例 #9
def steepest_descent():
    X_0 = np.array([10.0, -3.0, 0.0])
    num_itr = 128
    X = X_0
    alpha_0 = 1e-2 * np.ones(3)
    prev_G = test_grad(X)
    prev_alpha = alpha_0
    prev_J = test_obj(X)
    eps_a, eps_r, eps_g = 1e-3, 1e-3, 1e-3

    for i in range(num_itr):

        print("Itr", i, "X", X, "obj function", test_obj(X), "gradient", test_grad(X))

        J = test_obj(X)
        G = test_grad(X)
        S = -G/(np.linalg.norm(G))

        # if np.abs(J - prev_J) > eps_a + eps_r * np.abs(prev_J) or np.linalg.norm(G) > eps_g:
        #     print("Converged!")
        #     break
        def f1d(alpha):
            return test_obj(X + alpha*S)
        alpha = sopt.golden(f1d)
        print("Alpha: ", alpha)
        # alpha = prev_alpha * (prev_G.T @ prev_G)/(G.T @ G)
        X += alpha*S
        prev_alpha = alpha
        prev_G = G
        prev_J = J

コード例 #10
def imscale(data, levels, y1):
    global n, x0, x1, x2
    x0, x1, x2 = levels
    if y1 == 0.5:
        k = (x2 - 2 * x1 + x0) / float(x1 - x0)**2
        n = 1 / y1
        k = abs(golden(da))

    r1 = np.log10(k * (x2 - x0) + 1)

    v = np.ravel(data)
    v = get_clip(v, 0, None)

    d = k * (v - x0) + 1
    d = get_clip(d, 1e-30, None)

    z = np.log10(d) / r1
    z = np.clip(z, 0, 1)
    z.shape = data.shape

    z = z * 255
    z = z.astype('uint8')

    return z
コード例 #11
ファイル: bspline.py プロジェクト: jeorme/statsmodels
    def fit_optimize_gcv(self,
                         brack=(-100, 20)):
        Fit smoothing spline trying to optimize GCV.

        Try to find a bracketing interval for scipy.optimize.golden
        based on bracket.

        It is probably best to use target_df instead, as it is
        sometimes difficult to find a bracketing interval.

           y       -- response variable
           x       -- if None, uses self.x
           df      -- target degrees of freedom
           weights -- optional array of weights
           tol     -- (relative) tolerance for convergence
           brack   -- an initial guess at the bracketing interval

        OUTPUTS: None
           The smoothing spline is determined by self.coef,
           subsequent calls of __call__ will be the smoothing spline.

        def _gcv(pen, y, x):
            self.fit(y, x=x, pen=np.exp(pen))
            a = self.gcv()
            return a

        a = golden(_gcv, args=(y, x), brack=brack, tol=tol)
コード例 #12
def get_mle_rates(tree, alignment, rate_matrix):
    @param tree: a tree with branch lengths
    @param alignment: a nucleotide alignment
    @param rate_matrix: a nucleotide rate matrix object
    @return: a list giving the maximum likelihood rate for each column
    # define the objective function
    objective_function = Objective(tree, rate_matrix)
    # create the cache so each unique column is evaluated only once
    column_to_mle_rate = {}
    # look for maximum likelihood rates
    mle_rates = []
    for column in alignment.columns:
        column_tuple = tuple(column)
        if column_tuple in column_to_mle_rate:
            mle_rate = column_to_mle_rate[column_tuple]
            if len(set(column)) == 1:
                # If the column is homogeneous
                # then we know that the mle rate is zero.
                mle_rate = 0
                # redecorate the tree with nucleotide states at the tips
                name_to_state = dict(zip(alignment.headers, column))
                for tip in tree.gen_tips():
                    tip.state = name_to_state[tip.name]
                # Get the maximum likelihood rate for the column
                # using a golden section search.
                # The bracket is just a suggestion.
                bracket = (0.51, 2.01)
                mle_rate = optimize.golden(objective_function, brack=bracket)
            column_to_mle_rate[column_tuple] = mle_rate
    return mle_rates
コード例 #13
def imscale2(data, levels, y1):
    # x0, x1, x2  YIELD  0, y1, 1,  RESPECTIVELY
    # y1 = noiselum
    global n, x0, x1, x2  # So that golden can use them
    #print 'data', data
    #print 'levels', levels
    # Normalize?  No.  Unless the data is all ~1e-40 or something...
    #data = data / levels[-1]
    #levels = array(levels) / levels[-1]
    x0, x1, x2 = levels  
    if y1 == 0.5:
        k = (x2 - 2 * x1 + x0) / float(x1 - x0) ** 2
        n = 1 / y1
        #print 'n x0 x1 x2', n, x0, x1, x2
        #k = golden(da)
        k = abs(golden(da))
        #print 'k', k
    r1 = log10( k * (x2 - x0) + 1)
    v = ravel(data)
    v = clip2(v, 0, None)
    d = k * (v - x0) + 1
    d = clip2(d, 1e-30, None)
    z = log10(d) / r1
    z = clip(z, 0, 1)
    z.shape = data.shape
    z = z * 255
    #z = z.astype(int)
    z = z.astype(uint8)
    return z
コード例 #14
def bfgs(x0, errors=None, xhistory=None):
    x = x0.copy()
    B = np.eye(2)
    C = np.eye(2)
    for k in range(100):

        s = -C @ df(x)

        def f1d(alpha):
            return f(x + alpha*s)
        alpha = sopt.golden(f1d)

        xnew = x + alpha * s
        y = df(xnew) - df(x)
        Bnew = B + (1/np.dot(y, s))*np.outer(y, y) - (1/np.dot(B@s, s))*np.outer(B@s, B@s)
        u = s - C @ y
        Cnew = C + (1/np.dot(s,y))*np.outer(u, s) + (1/np.dot(s,y))*np.outer(s, u) - (np.dot(y,u)/np.dot(s,y)**2)*np.outer(s,s)
        B = Bnew
        x = xnew
        C = Cnew

        errors.append(np.linalg.norm(x - xstar))
        if errors[-1] < 1e-12:
            return x
    return x
コード例 #15
ファイル: bspline.py プロジェクト: 0ceangypsy/statsmodels
    def fit_optimize_gcv(self, y, x=None, weights=None, tol=1.0e-03,
        Fit smoothing spline trying to optimize GCV.

        Try to find a bracketing interval for scipy.optimize.golden
        based on bracket.

        It is probably best to use target_df instead, as it is
        sometimes difficult to find a bracketing interval.

           y       -- response variable
           x       -- if None, uses self.x
           df      -- target degrees of freedom
           weights -- optional array of weights
           tol     -- (relative) tolerance for convergence
           brack   -- an initial guess at the bracketing interval

        OUTPUTS: None
           The smoothing spline is determined by self.coef,
           subsequent calls of __call__ will be the smoothing spline.


        def _gcv(pen, y, x):
            self.fit(y, x=x, pen=np.exp(pen))
            a = self.gcv()
            return a

        a = golden(_gcv, args=(y,x), brack=bracket, tol=tol)
コード例 #16
def minimize_lambda(a, b, f_a_b, f_grad_a, f_grad_b):
    # argmin l: F(x + l * grad F(x))
    # argmin l: F(a + l * grad_a(x), b + l * grad_b(x))

    min_func = lambda l: f_a_b(a - l * f_grad_a(a, b), b - l * f_grad_b(a, b))
    # _, _, _, argmim, _ = dm.golden_search(lambda l: f_a_b(a - l * f_grad_a(a, b), b - l * f_grad_b(a, b)), -1, 1)
    # return argmim
    return optimize.golden(min_func, brack=(-1, 1))
コード例 #17
ファイル: cstwMPC.py プロジェクト: chiomh/HARK
def sensitivityAnalysis(parameter,values,is_time_vary):
    Perform a sensitivity analysis by varying a chosen parameter over given values
    and re-estimating the model at each.  Only works for perpetual youth version.
    Saves numeric results in a file named SensitivityPARAMETER.txt.
    parameter : string
        Name of an attribute/parameter of cstwMPCagent on which to perform a
        sensitivity analysis.  The attribute should be a single float.
    values : [np.array]
        Array of values that the parameter should take on in the analysis.
    is_time_vary : boolean
        Indicator for whether the parameter of analysis is time_varying (i.e. 
        is an element of cstwMPCagent.time_vary).  While the sensitivity analysis
        should only be used for the perpetual youth model, some parameters are
        still considered "time varying" in the consumption-saving model and 
        are encapsulated in a (length=1) list.
    fit_list = []
    DiscFac_list = []
    nabla_list = []
    kappa_list = []
    for value in values:
        print('Now estimating model with ' + parameter + ' = ' + str(value))
        Params.diff_save = 1000000.0
        old_value_storage = []
        for this_type in est_type_list:
            if is_time_vary:
        output = golden(betaDistObjective,brack=bracket,tol=10**(-4),full_output=True)
        nabla = output[0]
        fit = output[1]
        DiscFac = Params.DiscFac_save
        kappa = calcKappaMean(DiscFac,nabla)
    with open('./Results/Sensitivity' + parameter + '.txt','w') as f:
        my_writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter='\t',)
        for j in range(len(DiscFac_list)):
            my_writer.writerow([values[j], kappa_list[j], DiscFac_list[j], nabla_list[j], fit_list[j]])
    j = 0
    for this_type in est_type_list:
        j += 1   
コード例 #18
def sensitivityAnalysis(parameter,values,is_time_vary):
    Perform a sensitivity analysis by varying a chosen parameter over given values
    and re-estimating the model at each.  Only works for perpetual youth version.
    Saves numeric results in a file named SensitivityPARAMETER.txt.

    parameter : string
        Name of an attribute/parameter of cstwMPCagent on which to perform a
        sensitivity analysis.  The attribute should be a single float.
    values : [np.array]
        Array of values that the parameter should take on in the analysis.
    is_time_vary : boolean
        Indicator for whether the parameter of analysis is time_varying (i.e.
        is an element of cstwMPCagent.time_vary).  While the sensitivity analysis
        should only be used for the perpetual youth model, some parameters are
        still considered "time varying" in the consumption-saving model and
        are encapsulated in a (length=1) list.

    fit_list = []
    DiscFac_list = []
    nabla_list = []
    kappa_list = []
    for value in values:
        print('Now estimating model with ' + parameter + ' = ' + str(value))
        Params.diff_save = 1000000.0
        old_value_storage = []
        for this_type in est_type_list:
            if is_time_vary:
        output = golden(betaDistObjective,brack=bracket,tol=10**(-4),full_output=True)
        nabla = output[0]
        fit = output[1]
        DiscFac = Params.DiscFac_save
        kappa = calcKappaMean(DiscFac,nabla)
    with open('./Results/Sensitivity' + parameter + '.txt','w') as f:
        my_writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter='\t',)
        for j in range(len(DiscFac_list)):
            my_writer.writerow([values[j], kappa_list[j], DiscFac_list[j], nabla_list[j], fit_list[j]])
    j = 0
    for this_type in est_type_list:
        j += 1
コード例 #19
ファイル: smoothers.py プロジェクト: mbentz80/jzigbeercp
    def fit(self, y, x=None, weights=None, tol=1.0e-03,
        def _gcv(pen, y, x):
            smoothing_spline.fit(y, x=x, pen=N.exp(pen), weights=weights)
            a = self.gcv()
            return a

        a = golden(_gcv, args=(y,x), brack=(-100,20), tol=tol)
コード例 #20
ファイル: ewens_model.py プロジェクト: fransua/ecolopy
 def optimize(self):
     Main function to optimize theta using theta likelihood function, according to Ewens
     theta_like   = lambda x: -self._ewens_theta_likelihood (x)
     self._parameters['theta'] = golden (theta_like, brack=[.01/self.community.J, self.community.J])
     self._parameters['m']     = self.theta / self.community.J / 2
     self._parameters['I']     = self.m * (self.community.J - 1) / (1 - self.m)
     self._lnL                = self.likelihood (self.theta)
コード例 #21
ファイル: registration.py プロジェクト: hojonathanho/python
def tps_rpm_zrot(x_nd, y_md, n_iter = 5, reg_init = .1, reg_final = .001, rad_init = .2, rad_final = .001, plotting = False, verbose=True):
    Do tps_rpm algorithm for each z angle rotation
    Then don't reestimate affine part in tps optimization
    n,d = x_nd.shape
    regs = loglinspace(reg_init, reg_final, n_iter)
    rads = loglinspace(rad_init, rad_final, n_iter)
    zrots = np.linspace(-np.pi/3, pi/3, 7)

    displacement = np.median(y_md,axis=0) - np.median(x_nd, axis=0) 
    costs = []
    if plotting:
        plotter = FuncPlotter()
    zrot2func = {}
    def fit0(zrot):
        f = ThinPlateSplineFixedRot(np.array([[cos(zrot), sin(zrot), 0], [-sin(zrot), cos(zrot), 0], [0, 0, 1]]))        
        f.a_Dd[3, :3] = displacement
        for i in xrange(n_iter):
            if f.d==2 and i%plotting==0: 
                import matplotlib.pyplot as plt            
            xwarped_nd = f.transform_points(x_nd)
            corr_nm = calc_correspondence_matrix(xwarped_nd, y_md, r=rads[i], p=.2)
            wt_n = corr_nm.sum(axis=1)
            targ_nd = np.dot(corr_nm/wt_n[:,None], y_md)
            f.fit(x_nd, targ_nd, regs[i], wt_n = wt_n, verbose=verbose)
            if plotting and i%plotting==0:
                plot_orig_and_warped_clouds(f.transform_points, x_nd, y_md)

        print "zrot: %.3e, cost: %.3e,  meancorr: %.3e"%(zrot, f.cost, corr_nm.mean())
        cost = abs(zrot)/2 + f.cost
        if plotting: plotter.addpt(zrot, cost)
        zrot2func[zrot] = f
        return cost
    costs = [fit0(zrot) for zrot in zrots]
    i_best = np.argmin(costs)

    import scipy.optimize as so
    zspacing = zrots[1] - zrots[0]  
    print (zrots[i_best] - zspacing, zrots[i_best], zrots[i_best] + zspacing)
    zrot_best = so.golden(fit0, brack = (zrots[i_best] - zspacing, zrots[i_best], zrots[i_best] + zspacing), tol = .15)
    f_best = zrot2func[zrot_best]
    return f_best
コード例 #22
def gauss_method(iter_count, a, b, f, f_grad_a, f_grad_b):
    current_iter = 0
    points = [(a, b)]
    ls = [-1]
    while True:
        cur_a, cur_b = points[-1]
        if len(points) % 2 == 0:
            l = optimize.golden(lambda l1: f(l1, cur_b), brack=(-1, 1))
            next_a = l
            next_b = cur_b
            l = optimize.golden(lambda l1: f(cur_a, l1), brack=(-1, 1))
            next_a = cur_a
            next_b = l
        points.append((next_a, next_b))
        current_iter += 1
        if abs(f(cur_a, cur_b) - f(next_a, next_b)) < EPS or current_iter > iter_count:
    return points, ls, current_iter
コード例 #23
	def optimizeWidth(self,aperture):
		def f(width):
			aperture.width = width
			a = fractionCoupledInto(aperture)
			print 'fraction =', a
			return -fractionCoupledInto(aperture)
		return optimize.golden(f,brack = (100e-9,10e-6), tol=1e-6)		
    def best_value_indices(self, indices, key='loss', assign_at_end=False,
        """Given indices, use Golden Ratio search to compute the best model_tensor[indices]."""

        # remember the original value
        orig_value = self.get_value(indices=indices)

        # function to compute the loss
        loss_closure = self.get_closure_loss(indices=indices, key=key)

        orig_loss = loss_closure(orig_value)['loss']

        # history of metrics
        history = []

        def closure_with_history(x, give_history=give_history):
            """Given a value, compute the loss, store the value (optionally) and return by key."""
            result = loss_closure(x)

            if give_history:

            return result['loss']

        params = {x: y for x, y in self.golden_params.items()}
        if 'smartbracket' in self.golden_params:
            del params['smartbracket']
            params['brack'] = tuple([orig_value + t for t in self.golden_params['smartbracket']])

        # running optimization
        best_value, best_loss, iterations = golden(closure_with_history,
                                                   full_output=True, **params)

        # restoring the value if requested
        if not assign_at_end:
            self.set_value(indices=indices, val=orig_value)
            if best_loss < orig_loss:
                self.set_value(indices=indices, val=best_value)
                if not self.silent:
                    logging.warning(f"No improvement {indices} {key} {assign_at_end}")
                self.set_value(indices=indices, val=orig_value)
                best_value = orig_value
                best_loss = orig_loss

        return {
            'assigned': assign_at_end,
            'history': history,
            'orig_value_param': orig_value,
            'best_value': best_value,
            'best_loss': best_loss,
            'iterations': iterations
def target_to_kappa(d, alpha, beta, x):
    target, val = d
    N = x.shape[0]
    def obj(kappa):
        exp_edges = np.sum(edge_probabilities(alpha, beta, kappa, x))
        if target == 'degree':
            exp_degree = exp_edges / (1.0 * N)
            return abs(exp_degree - val)
        elif target == 'density':
            exp_density = exp_edges / (1.0 * N ** 2)
            return abs(exp_density - val)
    return opt.golden(obj)
コード例 #26
def bfgs(obj, grad, hessian, X_0, eps_a=1e-12, eps_r=1e-16, eps_g=1e-8, num_itr=500):

    X = X_0
    B_inv_prev = np.linalg.pinv(hessian(X_0))
    # H = hessian(rosen)
    # B_inv_prev = H(X)s
    # print(B_inv_prev)
    # B_prev = None
    G = grad(X)
    alpha_min = 1e-8
    for i in range(num_itr):

        print("Itr", i, "X", X, "obj function", obj(X), "gradient", G)

        if np.linalg.norm(G) < eps_g:

        p = -(B_inv_prev @ G)
        alpha = sopt.golden(lambda t: obj(X + t*p), maxiter=1000)
        # alpha = sopt.line_search(obj, grad, X, p, maxiter=1000000)
        # alpha = newtons_method(grad, hessian, X, p, 10)
        # alpha = max(alpha, alpha_min)
        # alpha = gss(obj, X, p)
        # print(alpha)
        # alpha, _, _ = strongwolfe(obj, grad, p, X, obj(X), grad(X))
        s = alpha * p
        X_next = X + s
        lhs = np.abs(room.objective_function(X) - room.objective_function(X_next))
        rhs = eps_r*room.objective_function(X)
        # print('conv check: ', lhs, rhs)
        # if lhs < rhs:
        #     print("converged")
        #     break
        # if np.linalg.norm(G) < 1e-5:
        #     print("converged")
        #     break

        # print("Itr", i, "X_next", X_next, "alpha", alpha, "p", p)

        G_next = grad(X_next)
        y = G_next - G
        sy = s.T @ y
        # print(sy)
        second = ((sy + y.T @ B_inv_prev @ y)/(sy*sy))*(s @ s.T)
        third = ((B_inv_prev @ y @ s.T) + (s @ (y.T @ B_inv_prev)))/sy
        B_inv_prev = B_inv_prev + second - third

        X = X_next
        G = G_next

    return X
コード例 #27
def steepest_descent(x, beta, gamma, theta=0.001):
    while True:
        dx = dPsi(x, beta, gamma)

        def aux(p):
            return (Psi(x - p * dx, beta, gamma))

        p_opt = sopt.golden(aux)
        if (Psi(x, beta, gamma) - Psi(x - p_opt * dx, beta, gamma) < theta):
        x = x - p_opt * dx
    return x
コード例 #28
def steepest_descent(poits: list, epsx: np.float, s: np.ndarray = np.nan, alpha_opt: np.float = np.nan,
                     counter=1) -> np.ndarray:
    def f1d(alpha):
        return fun(x + alpha*s)
    x = poits[-1]
    s = -dfun(x)
    alpha_opt = sopt.golden(f1d)
    next_guess = x + alpha_opt * s

    if(abs(next_guess - poits[-2])[0] < epsx and abs(next_guess - poits[-2])[1] < epsx):
        return poits
    return steepest_descent(poits, epsx, s, alpha_opt, counter+1)
コード例 #29
    def ee_radius(self, energy=FIRST_AIRY_ENCIRCLED):
        """Radius associated with a certain amount of enclosed energy."""
        k, v = list(self._ee.keys()), list(self._ee.values())
        if energy in v:
            idx = v.index(energy)
            return k[idx]

        def optfcn(x):
            return (self.encircled_energy(x) - energy)**2

        # golden seems to perform best in presence of shallow local minima as in
        # the encircled energy
        return optimize.golden(optfcn)
コード例 #30
def target_to_kappa(d, alpha, beta, x):
    target, val = d
    N = x.shape[0]

    def obj(kappa):
        exp_edges = np.sum(edge_probabilities(alpha, beta, kappa, x))
        if target == 'degree':
            exp_degree = exp_edges / (1.0 * N)
            return abs(exp_degree - val)
        elif target == 'density':
            exp_density = exp_edges / (1.0 * N**2)
            return abs(exp_density - val)

    return opt.golden(obj)
コード例 #31
    def fit(self, using='likelihood', bins=None, iprint=0, opt='golden'):
    >>  Fit the kernel length scale parameter
        [ epsilon ] 
    >>  Possible keyword arguments and default values:
        using : string
            Fit by either maximising the log likelihood function
            i.e. using = 'likelihood'
            by minimising the cross-validation error
            i.e. using = 'cross-validate'
        bins : integer
            Only if:
            using = 'cross-validate'
            The number of random cross-vaildation sample bins used to calculate
            the cross-validation error

        if using == 'cross-validate':
            # minimise the cross validation error
            f_obj = lambda x: self.cross_validate(
                abs(self.epsilon + x), bins, iprint=iprint)
            # maximise the log likelihood function
            f_obj = lambda x: -self.log_likelihood(abs(self.epsilon + x),

        from scipy.optimize import fmin_slsqp, golden

        if opt == 'golden':
            xopt = golden(f_obj)
            xopt = fmin_slsqp(f_obj, 0, iprint=iprint)

        self.kwdict['epsilon'] = abs(self.epsilon + xopt)

        # set the RBF functions
        # calculate the weights
コード例 #32
def get_response_content(fs):
    @param fs: a FieldStorage object containing the cgi arguments
    @return: a (response_headers, response_text) pair
    # read the alignment
        alignment = Fasta.Alignment(StringIO(fs.fasta))
    except Fasta.AlignmentError as e:
        raise HandlingError('fasta alignment error: ' + str(e))
    if alignment.get_sequence_count() < 2:
        raise HandlingError('expected at least two sequences')
    # read the rate matrix
    R = fs.matrix
    # read the ordered states
    ordered_states = Util.get_stripped_lines(StringIO(fs.states))
    if len(ordered_states) != len(R):
        msg_a = 'the number of ordered states must be the same '
        msg_b = 'as the number of rows in the rate matrix'
        raise HandlingError(msg_a + msg_b)
    if len(set(ordered_states)) != len(ordered_states):
        raise HandlingError('the ordered states must be unique')
    # create the rate matrix object using the ordered states
    rate_matrix_object = RateMatrix.RateMatrix(R.tolist(), ordered_states)
    # create the distance matrix
    n = alignment.get_sequence_count()
    row_major_distance_matrix = [[0] * n for i in range(n)]
    for i, sequence_a in enumerate(alignment.sequences):
        for j, sequence_b in enumerate(alignment.sequences):
            if i < j:
                # create the objective function using the sequence pair
                objective = Objective((sequence_a, sequence_b),
                # Use golden section search to find the mle distance.
                # The bracket is just a suggestion.
                bracket = (0.51, 2.01)
                mle_distance = optimize.golden(objective, brack=bracket)
                # fill two elements of the matrix
                row_major_distance_matrix[i][j] = mle_distance
                row_major_distance_matrix[j][i] = mle_distance
    # write the response
    out = StringIO()
    print >> out, 'maximum likelihood distance matrix:'
    print >> out, MatrixUtil.m_to_string(row_major_distance_matrix)
    return out.getvalue()
コード例 #33
ファイル: 20080709b.py プロジェクト: argriffing/xgcode
def get_response_content(fs):
    @param fs: a FieldStorage object containing the cgi arguments
    @return: a (response_headers, response_text) pair
    # read the alignment
        alignment = Fasta.Alignment(StringIO(fs.fasta))
    except Fasta.AlignmentError as e:
        raise HandlingError('fasta alignment error: ' + str(e))
    if alignment.get_sequence_count() < 2:
        raise HandlingError('expected at least two sequences')
    # read the rate matrix
    R = fs.matrix
    # read the ordered states
    ordered_states = Util.get_stripped_lines(StringIO(fs.states))
    if len(ordered_states) != len(R):
        msg_a = 'the number of ordered states must be the same '
        msg_b = 'as the number of rows in the rate matrix'
        raise HandlingError(msg_a + msg_b)
    if len(set(ordered_states)) != len(ordered_states):
        raise HandlingError('the ordered states must be unique')
    # create the rate matrix object using the ordered states
    rate_matrix_object = RateMatrix.RateMatrix(R.tolist(), ordered_states) 
    # create the distance matrix
    n = alignment.get_sequence_count()
    row_major_distance_matrix = [[0]*n for i in range(n)]
    for i, sequence_a in enumerate(alignment.sequences):
        for j, sequence_b in enumerate(alignment.sequences):
            if i < j:
                # create the objective function using the sequence pair
                objective = Objective(
                        (sequence_a, sequence_b), rate_matrix_object)
                # Use golden section search to find the mle distance.
                # The bracket is just a suggestion.
                bracket = (0.51, 2.01)
                mle_distance = optimize.golden(objective, brack=bracket)
                # fill two elements of the matrix
                row_major_distance_matrix[i][j] = mle_distance
                row_major_distance_matrix[j][i] = mle_distance
    # write the response
    out = StringIO()
    print >> out, 'maximum likelihood distance matrix:'
    print >> out, MatrixUtil.m_to_string(row_major_distance_matrix)
    return out.getvalue()
コード例 #34
def sd(x0, errors=None, xhistory=None):
    x = x0.copy()
    for k in range(1000):

        s = -df(x)

        def f1d(alpha):
            return f(x + alpha*s)
        alpha = sopt.golden(f1d)

        x = x + alpha * s

        errors.append(np.linalg.norm(x - xstar))
        if errors[-1] < 1e-12:
            return x
    return x
コード例 #35
	def findPeakTransmissionAngleAt(self,wavelength,aperture):
		print 'Ed',np.abs(self.grating.E)
		N = su.fwhm(np.abs(self.grating.E))
		deltaLambdaEff = wavelength/(self.order*N)/self.neff(wavelength)
		a = self.grating.pitch
		m = self.order
		lambdaEff = wavelength/self.neff(wavelength)
		inputAngle = self.input.angle
		startAngle = np.arcsin(m/a*(lambdaEff-deltaLambdaEff/2)+np.sin(inputAngle))
		endAngle   = np.arcsin(m/a*(lambdaEff+deltaLambdaEff/2)+np.sin(inputAngle))
		def f(angle):
			return -self.fractionCoupledInto(aperture)
		return optimize.golden(f,brack = (startAngle,endAngle), tol=1e-6,full_output=True)
コード例 #36
def main():
    # Test functions for all of the problems.
    g = lambda x: np.exp(x) - 4 * x
    a = 0
    b = 3
    domain = np.linspace(a, b, 200)
    # Plot prob1
    #plt.plot(domain, g(domain))
    print("Problem 1: ")
    print(golden_section(g, a, b, maxiters=100))
    print(opt.golden(g, brack=(0, 3), tol=1e-5))

    dfn = lambda x: 2 * x + 5 * np.cos(5 * x)
    d2fn = lambda x: 2 - 25 * np.sin(5 * x)
    print("\nProblem 2: ")
    print(newton1d(dfn, d2fn, 0, tol=1e-10, maxiters=500))
    print(opt.newton(dfn, x0=0, fprime=d2fn, tol=1e-10, maxiter=500))

    fs = lambda x: x**2 + np.sin(x) + np.sin(10 * x)
    dfs = lambda x: 2 * x + np.cos(x) + 10 * np.cos(10 * x)
    dom_s = np.linspace(-6, 0, 200)
    # Plot prob3
    plt.plot(dom_s, fs(dom_s))
    print("\nProblem 3: ")
    s = secant1d(dfs, 0, -1, tol=1e-10, maxiters=500)[0]
    n = opt.newton(dfs, x0=0, tol=1e-10, maxiter=500)
    print(fs(s), fs(n))

    fb = lambda x: x[0]**2 + x[1]**2 + x[2]**2
    Dfb = lambda x: np.array([2 * x[0], 2 * x[1], 2 * x[2]])
    x = anp.array([150., .03, 40.])
    p = anp.array([-.5, -100., -4.5])
    phi = lambda alpha: fb(x + alpha * p)
    dphi = grad(phi)
    print("\nProblem 4: ")
    alpha, _ = opt.linesearch.scalar_search_armijo(phi, phi(0.), dphi(0.))
    print(backtracking(fb, Dfb, x, p))
コード例 #37
ファイル: trilogy.py プロジェクト: james-trayford/decals
def imscale2(data, levels, y1):
    # x0, x1, x2  YIELD  0, y1, 1,  RESPECTIVELY
    global n, x0, x1, x2  # So that golden can use them
    x0, x1, x2 = levels
    if y1 == 0.5:
        k = (x2 - 2 * x1 + x0) / float(x1 - x0)**2
        n = 1 / y1
        k = abs(golden(da))
    r1 = log10(k * (x2 - x0) + 1)
    v = ravel(data)
    v = clip2(v, 0, None)
    d = k * (v - x0) + 1
    d = clip2(d, 1e-30, None)
    z = log10(d) / r1
    z = clip(z, 0, 1)
    z.shape = data.shape
    z = z * 255
    z = z.astype(uint8)
    return z
コード例 #38
def SD5(x):
    it = 0
    flag = True
    while (flag):
        p = -df5(x)
        a = sopt.golden(f5d, args=(x, ))
        x = x + a * p
        it = it + 1
        # print('it=',it,'\n')
        # print('p=',p,'\n')
        # print('a=',a,'\n')
        # print('x=',x,'\n')
        if (con5(x) < e or it >= mi):
            flag = False
            print(it, '\n')
            return x
コード例 #39
ファイル: trilogy.py プロジェクト: willettk/decals
def imscale2(data, levels, y1):
    # x0, x1, x2  YIELD  0, y1, 1,  RESPECTIVELY
    global n, x0, x1, x2  # So that golden can use them
    x0, x1, x2 = levels  
    if y1 == 0.5:
        k = (x2 - 2 * x1 + x0) / float(x1 - x0) ** 2
        n = 1 / y1
        k = abs(golden(da))
    r1 = log10( k * (x2 - x0) + 1)
    v = ravel(data)
    v = clip2(v, 0, None)
    d = k * (v - x0) + 1
    d = clip2(d, 1e-30, None)
    z = log10(d) / r1
    z = clip(z, 0, 1)
    z.shape = data.shape
    z = z * 255
    z = z.astype(uint8)
    return z
コード例 #40
def limiting_z(apparent_mag, absolute_mag, k_corr=None):
    # solve for redshift of source given its apparent & absolute mags
    # use k-correction for an f_lambda standard: k = -2.5 log10(1./(1+z))
    # see Hogg 99 eqn. 27

    if k_corr is None:
        k_corr = lambda z: -2.5 * N.log10(1. / (1. + z))

    def f(z):
        if z > 0:
            # abs to use minimization routines rather than root finding
            return N.abs(absolute_mag +
                         cp.magnitudes.distance_modulus(z, **cp.fidcosmo) + k_corr(z) -
            # don't let it pass negative values
            return N.inf

    #res = brute(f, ((1e-8,10),), finish=fmin, full_output=True)
    res = golden(f)
    return res
コード例 #41
    def autofocus(self, position):
        Autofocus on cell at the clicked position
        pixel_per_um = getattr(self.camera, 'pixel_per_um', None)
        if pixel_per_um is None:
            pixel_per_um = self.calibrated_unit.stage.pixel_per_um()[0]
        size = self.config.autofocus_size * pixel_per_um
        width, height = self.camera.width, self.camera.height

        x, y, z = position
        bracket = (z - 100., z + 100.
                   )  # 200 um around the current focus position

        def image_variance(z):
            sleep(self.config.autofocus_sleep)  # more?
            image = self.camera.snap()
            frame = image[int(y + height / 2 - size / 2):int(y + height / 2 +
                                                             size / 2),
                          int(x + width / 2 -
                              size / 2):int(x + width / 2 + size /
                                            2)]  # is there a third dimension?
            variance = frame.var()
            return -variance

        z = golden(image_variance, brack=bracket, tol=0.0001)
        #z = minimize_scalar(image_variance, bounds=bracket, tol=0.01, method='bounded')
        #zlist = arange(z-100., z+100.,20)
        #variances = -array([image_variance(z0) for z0 in zlist])
        #i = variances.argmax()
        #z = zlist[i]

        relative_z = (z -
                      self.microscope.floor_Z) * self.microscope.up_direction

        self.debug('Focused at position {} above floor'.format(relative_z))
コード例 #42
    def test_golden(self):
        x = optimize.golden(self.fun)
        assert_allclose(x, self.solution, atol=1e-6)

        x = optimize.golden(self.fun, brack=(-3, -2))
        assert_allclose(x, self.solution, atol=1e-6)

        x = optimize.golden(self.fun, full_output=True)
        assert_allclose(x[0], self.solution, atol=1e-6)

        x = optimize.golden(self.fun, brack=(-15, -1, 15))
        assert_allclose(x, self.solution, atol=1e-6)

        x = optimize.golden(self.fun, tol=0)
        assert_allclose(x, self.solution)

        maxiter_test_cases = [0, 1, 5]
        for maxiter in maxiter_test_cases:
            x0 = optimize.golden(self.fun, maxiter=0, full_output=True)
            x = optimize.golden(self.fun, maxiter=maxiter, full_output=True)
            nfev0, nfev = x0[2], x[2]
            assert_equal(nfev - nfev0, maxiter)
コード例 #43
ファイル: test_optimize.py プロジェクト: yanxun827/scipy
    def test_golden(self):
        x = optimize.golden(self.fun)
        assert_allclose(x, self.solution, atol=1e-6)

        x = optimize.golden(self.fun, brack=(-3, -2))
        assert_allclose(x, self.solution, atol=1e-6)

        x = optimize.golden(self.fun, full_output=True)
        assert_allclose(x[0], self.solution, atol=1e-6)

        x = optimize.golden(self.fun, brack=(-15, -1, 15))
        assert_allclose(x, self.solution, atol=1e-6)

        x = optimize.golden(self.fun, tol=0)
        assert_allclose(x, self.solution)

        maxiter_test_cases = [0, 1, 5]
        for maxiter in maxiter_test_cases:
            x0 = optimize.golden(self.fun, maxiter=0, full_output=True)
            x = optimize.golden(self.fun, maxiter=maxiter, full_output=True)
            nfev0, nfev = x0[2], x[2]
            assert_equal(nfev - nfev0, maxiter)
コード例 #44
ファイル: 20080523a.py プロジェクト: argriffing/xgcode
def get_mle_rates(tree, alignment, rate_matrix):
    @param tree: a tree with branch lengths
    @param alignment: a nucleotide alignment
    @param rate_matrix: a nucleotide rate matrix object
    @return: a list giving the maximum likelihood rate for each column
    # define the objective function
    objective_function = Objective(tree, rate_matrix)
    # create the cache so each unique column is evaluated only once
    column_to_mle_rate = {}
    # look for maximum likelihood rates
    mle_rates = []
    for column in alignment.columns:
        column_tuple = tuple(column)
        if column_tuple in column_to_mle_rate:
            mle_rate = column_to_mle_rate[column_tuple]
            if len(set(column)) == 1:
                # If the column is homogeneous
                # then we know that the mle rate is zero.
                mle_rate = 0
                # redecorate the tree with nucleotide states at the tips
                name_to_state = dict(zip(alignment.headers, column))
                for tip in tree.gen_tips():
                    tip.state = name_to_state[tip.name]
                # Get the maximum likelihood rate for the column
                # using a golden section search.
                # The bracket is just a suggestion.
                bracket = (0.51, 2.01)
                mle_rate = optimize.golden(
                        objective_function, brack=bracket)
            column_to_mle_rate[column_tuple] = mle_rate
    return mle_rates
コード例 #45
init_path = np.array([(1.0, 1.0), (1.3, 4.5), (2.4, 3.5), (4.3, 5.1),
                      (5.2, 5.5), (5.8, 4.9), (6.8, 6.0), (7.9, 6.5),
                      (8.2, 7.5), (8.7, 9.3)],
obstacles = 10 * np.random.rand(k, 2)
r = obstacles
x = init_path
c2 = 1

print_list = [10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 400]

pt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
pt.plot(x[:, 0], x[:, 1], label="Initial")

for iter in range(400):
    c1 = 1000 / (100 + iter)

    def f(a):
        arg = x - a * dobj(x, r, c1, c2)
        return (obj(arg, r, c1, c2))

    a = sopt.golden(f)
    x = x - a * dobj(x, r, c1, c2)
    if iter + 1 in print_list:
        label = 'iter = %s' % (iter + 1)
        pt.plot(x[:, 0], x[:, 1], label=label)

pt.plot(obstacles[:, 0], obstacles[:, 1], "o", markersize=5, label="Obstacles")
コード例 #46
ファイル: cstwMPCnew.py プロジェクト: mnwhite/HARK
     param_range = [0.95,0.995]
     spread_range = [0.006,0.008]
     print('Parameter range for ' + Params.param_name + ' has not been defined!')
 if Params.do_param_dist:
     # Run the param-dist estimation
     paramDistObjective = lambda spread : findLorenzDistanceAtTargetKY(
                                                     Economy = EstimationEconomy,
                                                     param_name = Params.param_name,
                                                     param_count = Params.pref_type_count,
                                                     center_range = param_range,
                                                     spread = spread,
                                                     dist_type = Params.dist_type)
     t_start = clock()
     spread_estimate = golden(paramDistObjective,brack=spread_range,tol=1e-4)
     center_estimate = EstimationEconomy.center_save
     t_end = clock()
     # Run the param-point estimation only
     paramPointObjective = lambda center : getKYratioDifference(Economy = EstimationEconomy,
                                          param_name = Params.param_name,
                                          param_count = Params.pref_type_count,
                                          center = center,
                                          spread = 0.0,
                                          dist_type = Params.dist_type)
     t_start = clock()
     center_estimate = brentq(paramPointObjective,param_range[0],param_range[1],xtol=1e-6)
     spread_estimate = 0.0
     t_end = clock()
コード例 #47
ファイル: optimization_basic.py プロジェクト: CeasarSS/books
    return -1.0 * (x[0]**alpha)*(x[1]**(1-alpha))

x0 = array([.4,.4])
optX = opt.fmin_bfgs(reparam_utility, x0, args=(p,alpha))
reparam_utility(optX, p, alpha, printX=True)

def optim_target5(x, hyperparams):
    c1,c2,c3 = hyperparams
    return c1*x**2 + c2*x + c3

hyperp = array([1.0, -2.0, 3])
opt.fminbound(optim_target5, -10, 10, args=(hyperp,))
opt.fminbound(optim_target5, -10, 0, args=(hyperp,))

hyperp = array([1.0, -2.0, 3])
opt.golden(optim_target5, args=(hyperp,))
opt.golden(optim_target5, args=(hyperp,), brack=[-10.0,10.0])

opt.brent(optim_target5, args=(hyperp,))

def nlls_objective(beta, y, X):
    b0 = beta[0]
    b1 = beta[1]
    b2 = beta[2]
    return y - b0 - b1 * (X**b2)

X = 10 *rand(1000)
e = randn(1000)
y = 10 + 2 * X**(1.5) + e
beta0 = array([10.0,2.0,1.5])
opt.leastsq(nlls_objective, beta0, args = (y, X))
コード例 #48
ファイル: cstwMPC.py プロジェクト: akaufman10/HARK
     if my_diff < Params.diff_save:
         Params.beta_save = beta_new
     return my_diff
 # =================================================================
 # ========= Estimating the model ==================================
 if Params.run_estimation:
     # Estimate the model and time it
     t_start = time()
     if Params.do_beta_dist:
         bracket = (0,0.015) # large nablas break IH version
         nabla = golden(betaDistObjective,brack=bracket,tol=10**(-4))        
         beta = Params.beta_save
         spec_name = spec_add + 'betaDist' + wealth_measure
         nabla = 0
         if Params.do_tractable:
             top = 0.991
             top = 1.0
         beta = brentq(betaPointObjective,0.90,top,xtol=10**(-8))
         spec_name = spec_add + 'betaPoint' + wealth_measure
     t_end = time()
     print('Estimate is beta=' + str(beta) + ', nabla=' + str(nabla) + ', took ' + str(t_end-t_start) + ' seconds.')
コード例 #49
ファイル: cstwMPC.py プロジェクト: chiomh/HARK
     if my_diff < Params.diff_save:
         Params.DiscFac_save = DiscFac_new
     return my_diff
 # =================================================================
 # ========= Estimating the model ==================================
 if Params.run_estimation:
     # Estimate the model and time it
     t_start = time()
     if Params.do_beta_dist:
         bracket = (0,0.015) # large nablas break IH version
         nabla = golden(betaDistObjective,brack=bracket,tol=10**(-4))        
         DiscFac = Params.DiscFac_save
         spec_name = spec_add + 'betaDist' + wealth_measure
         nabla = 0
         if Params.do_tractable:
             bot = 0.9
             top = 0.98
             bot = 0.9
             top = 1.0
         DiscFac = brentq(betaPointObjective,bot,top,xtol=10**(-8))
         spec_name = spec_add + 'betaPoint' + wealth_measure
     t_end = time()
     print('Estimate is DiscFac=' + str(DiscFac) + ', nabla=' + str(nabla) + ', took ' + str(t_end-t_start) + ' seconds.')
コード例 #50
ファイル: Newton - CG.py プロジェクト: jeromeku/numerical
iterates = [x0]
gradients = [df(x0)]
directions = [-df(x0)]

# In[183]:

# Evaluate this cell many times in-place

x = iterates[-1]
s = directions[-1]

def f1d(alpha):
    return f(x + alpha*s)

alpha_opt = sopt.golden(f1d)
next_x = x + alpha_opt*s

g = df(next_x)
last_g = gradients[-1]

beta = np.dot(g, g)/np.dot(last_g, last_g)
directions.append(-g + beta*directions[-1])

print f(next_x)


# plot function and iterates
コード例 #51
ファイル: hw5.py プロジェクト: rbroberg/uccs.edu
# ([0.99999999999999978, 2.0], 0.0)

# =======================
# problem 3
# =======================
def f1d(alpha):
    return f(x0 + alpha*s)

while (abs(f(x0))>epsilon and n<N):
    s = -df(x0)
    t_crit = sopt.golden(f1d) # Return the minimum of a function
    x1 = x0 + t_crit * s
    x0 = x1
    print(x0, f(x0))

# --------------- x ----------------, f(x)
# (array([ 1.10638298,  1.93617021]), 0.021276595744676996)
# (array([ 0.99881793,  1.99763597]), 2.5149427976600691e-05)

# =======================
# problem 4
# =======================
def f1d0(alpha):
    return f([x0[0]+alpha,x0[1]])

def f1d1(alpha):