コード例 #1
def heuristic_atmosphere(RT, instrument, x_RT, x_instrument,  meas, geom):
    '''From a given radiance, estimate atmospheric state with band ratios.
    Used to initialize gradient descent inversions.'''

    # Identify the latest instrument wavelength calibration (possibly
    # state-dependent) and identify channel numbers for the band ratio.
    wl, fwhm = instrument.calibration(x_instrument)
    b865 = s.argmin(abs(wl-865))
    b945 = s.argmin(abs(wl-945))
    b1040 = s.argmin(abs(wl-1040))
    if not (any(RT.wl > 850) and any(RT.wl < 1050)):
        return x_RT
    x_new = x_RT.copy()

    # Band ratio retrieval of H2O.  Depending on the radiative transfer
    # model we are using, this state parameter could go by several names.
    for h2oname in ['H2OSTR', 'h2o']:

        if h2oname not in RT.statevec:

        # ignore unused names
        if h2oname not in RT.lut_names:

        # find the index in the lookup table associated with water vapor
        ind_lut = RT.lut_names.index(h2oname)
        ind_sv = RT.statevec.index(h2oname)
        h2os, ratios = [], []

        # We iterate through every possible grid point in the lookup table,
        # calculating the band ratio that we would see if this were the
        # atmospheric H2O content.  It assumes that defaults for all other
        # atmospheric parameters (such as aerosol, if it is there).
        for h2o in RT.lut_grids[ind_lut]:

            # Get Atmospheric terms at high spectral resolution
            x_RT_2 = x_RT.copy()
            x_RT_2[ind_sv] = h2o
            rhoatm_hi, sphalb_hi, transm_hi, transup_hi = RT.get(x_RT_2, geom)
            rhoatm = instrument.sample(x_instrument, RT.wl, rhoatm_hi)
            transm = instrument.sample(x_instrument, RT.wl, transm_hi)
            solar_irr = instrument.sample(x_instrument, RT.wl, RT.solar_irr)

            # Assume no surface emission.  "Correct" the at-sensor radiance
            # using this presumed amount of water vapor, and measure the
            # resulting residual (as measured from linear interpolation across
            # the absorption feature)
            r = (meas*s.pi/(solar_irr*RT.coszen) - rhoatm) / (transm+1e-8)

        # Finally, interpolate to determine the actual water vapor level that
        # would optimize the continuum-relative correction
        p = interp1d(h2os, ratios)
        bounds = (h2os[0]+0.001, h2os[-1]-0.001)
        best = min1d(lambda h: abs(1-p(h)), bounds=bounds, method='bounded')
        x_new[ind_sv] = best.x
    return x_new
コード例 #2
    def heuristic_atmosphere(self, rdn, geom):
        '''From a given radiance, estimate atmospheric state using band ratio
        heuristics.  Used to initialize gradient descent inversions.'''

        x = self.init_val.copy()

        # Band ratio retrieval of H2O
        for h2oname in ['H2OSTR', 'h2o']:
            if (h2oname in self.lut_names) and \
                    any(self.wl > 850) and any(self.wl < 1050):

                ind_lut = self.lut_names.index(h2oname)
                ind_sv = self.statevec.index(h2oname)
                b865, b945, b1040 = [
                    s.argmin(abs(self.wl - t)) for t in (865, 945, 1040)
                h2os, ratios = [], [
                ]  # will be corrected for transmission, path radiance

                for h2o in self.lut_grids[ind_lut]:

                    xnew = x.copy()
                    xnew[ind_sv] = h2o
                    rhoatm, sphalb, transm, transup = self.get(xnew, geom)

                    # assume no surface emission
                    r = (rdn * s.pi / (self.solar_irr * self.coszen) -
                         rhoatm) / (transm + 1e-8)
                    ratios.append((r[b945] * 2.0) / (r[b1040] + r[b865]))

                p = interp1d(h2os, ratios)
                bounds = (h2os[0] + 0.001, h2os[-1] - 0.001)
                best = min1d(lambda h: abs(1 - p(h)),
                x[ind_sv] = best.x

        Ls_est = s.zeros(rdn.shape)
        rfl_est = self.invert_algebraic(x, rdn, Ls_est, geom)
        return x, rfl_est
コード例 #3
ファイル: inverse_simple.py プロジェクト: winstonolson/isofit
def heuristic_atmosphere(RT: RadiativeTransfer, instrument, x_RT, x_instrument,
                         meas, geom):
    """From a given radiance, estimate atmospheric state with band ratios.
    Used to initialize gradient descent inversions."""

    # Identify the latest instrument wavelength calibration (possibly
    # state-dependent) and identify channel numbers for the band ratio.
    wl, fwhm = instrument.calibration(x_instrument)
    b865 = np.argmin(abs(wl - 865))
    b945 = np.argmin(abs(wl - 945))
    b1040 = np.argmin(abs(wl - 1040))
    if not (any(RT.wl > 850) and any(RT.wl < 1050)):
        return x_RT
    x_new = x_RT.copy()

    # Figure out which RT object we are using
    # TODO: this is currently very specific to vswir-tir 2-mode, eventually generalize
    my_RT = None
    for rte in RT.rt_engines:
        if rte.treat_as_emissive is False:
            my_RT = rte
    if not my_RT:
        raise ValueError('No suiutable RT object for initialization')

    # Band ratio retrieval of H2O.  Depending on the radiative transfer
    # model we are using, this state parameter could go by several names.
    for h2oname in ['H2OSTR', 'h2o']:

        if h2oname not in RT.statevec_names:

        # ignore unused names
        if h2oname not in my_RT.lut_names:

        # find the index in the lookup table associated with water vapor
        ind_lut = my_RT.lut_names.index(h2oname)
        ind_sv = RT.statevec_names.index(h2oname)
        h2os, ratios = [], []

        # We iterate through every possible grid point in the lookup table,
        # calculating the band ratio that we would see if this were the
        # atmospheric H2O content.  It assumes that defaults for all other
        # atmospheric parameters (such as aerosol, if it is there).
        for h2o in my_RT.lut_grids[ind_lut]:

            # Get Atmospheric terms at high spectral resolution
            x_RT_2 = x_RT.copy()
            x_RT_2[ind_sv] = h2o
            rhi = RT.get_shared_rtm_quantities(x_RT_2, geom)
            rhoatm = instrument.sample(x_instrument, RT.wl, rhi['rhoatm'])
            transm = instrument.sample(x_instrument, RT.wl, rhi['transm'])
            sphalb = instrument.sample(x_instrument, RT.wl, rhi['sphalb'])
            solar_irr = instrument.sample(x_instrument, RT.wl, RT.solar_irr)

            # Assume no surface emission.  "Correct" the at-sensor radiance
            # using this presumed amount of water vapor, and measure the
            # resulting residual (as measured from linear interpolation across
            # the absorption feature)
            rho = meas * np.pi / (solar_irr * RT.coszen)
            r = 1.0 / (transm / (rho - rhoatm) + sphalb)
            ratios.append((r[b945] * 2.0) / (r[b1040] + r[b865]))

        # Finally, interpolate to determine the actual water vapor level that
        # would optimize the continuum-relative correction
        p = interp1d(h2os, ratios)
        bounds = (h2os[0] + 0.001, h2os[-1] - 0.001)
        best = min1d(lambda h: abs(1 - p(h)), bounds=bounds, method='bounded')
        x_new[ind_sv] = best.x
    return x_new